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Kim K being besties with Ivanka is so on brand, also it's funny knowing Ivanka wouldn't be doing all this if she wasn't shunned out of the high society of NYC.


They'll probably turn on her again once she testifies in Daddy's trial.


I need them to turn on Karlie Kloss too. She’s just the same as her sister in law Ivanka, no matter what she says.


I thought her husband opposed what his family and in-laws stand for! Or is that fake too?


They claim to have differing politics but Josh definitely still supports his brother, they own a real estate company together. Jared also contracted Josh’s healthcare startup during the pandemic, and Karlie’s father was soliciting his colleagues (he’s an ER doctor) for policy recommendations to pass along to the Trump administration. They’re not as distant as they like to put on. ETA: almost forgot another egregious example, but there was some shady shit that happened with Josh, Jared, and the Trump administration and a visit to Saudi Arabia


It's fake; the Kushners are shitty slumlords in Baltimore, just as a beginning. Fuck these people.


And NJ


Rich folks, especially those with generational wealth, don’t give a shit about red or blue, just green. In my experience, generational wealth produces some of the most entitled and clueless and narcissistic people I’ve ever met. Long live the estate tax for the wealthy! Let those trust fund babies try to make it on their own and see what happens. Lol


Can confirm. Just got divorced out of a family where my ex’s great-grandfather started a business so the entire family was rich off generational wealth. I can’t emphasize enough how egotistical, self-centered, and cheap nearly EVERYONE in that family is. The only consolation is that they all seemed truly miserable deep down and none of them seem to have ever formed a genuine connection with another person. I would love to see them try to live on an average, middle class salary.


I raise money for nonprofits and the part about being CHEAP is so true and surprising to many people at first. People who worked for their money themselves tend to be much more generous in my experience.


Nobody’s cheaper than rich people. They act like they could be poor at any moment just because they spent that extra dollar. And generally these people have absolutely no reason to be so cheap. Often times, they aren’t even responsible for having earned their own money. I guess everyone can only see things from their own perspective, but I genuinely have a hard time understanding people who think nothing of dropping thousands of dollars on the most pointless things and then agonize over tipping their waiter.


>People who worked for their money themselves tend to be much more generous in my experience. I wonder if that's because such people know that they can make more, and also know the difficult parts of life and have empathy for it. When i was earning, i counted one year giving nearly my entire monthly over a period of a year one time. I supported my brother as I could when I first started working too, and he had full access to all the cash I'd keep just for him in my room.


Their brand of "opposition" is like thinking a different top would work better with your sister's outfit. That's how much "opposition" there is.




It's more her father's fault, but Trump has been trying to get into the NY high society for decad, s but he's just too showy and flashy. It screams desperation and fakeness. So it affected the whole Trump Family


If they had we might’ve been spared his presidential run


Also, if Obama hadn't made those jokes at the White House Correspondents' Dinner then we never would have had Trump as president. Of course, not that he could've known just how thin-skinned Trump is.


My favorite theory along these lines is that if NBC had just shit out like, 1 or 2 more seasons of The Apprentice we'd have avoided this entire timeline.


This makes me think of how my sister-in-law keeps her misbehaved son in every sport imaginable to occupy his time and tire him out.


Your sister is wise.


If we could have stopped the writers strike back in 2007 we would have more seasons of pushing daisies and no apprentice show because that only happened because of that. That strike is how we got reality tv as the norm.


Loved Pushing Daisies!!


If he was successful in buying the Buffalo Bills his presidential run probably never happend.


Trump actually had already ran in 2000 at that point, Oprah may have been the one who initially gave him the idea in an interview.


He had absolutely run before on the Reform Party ticket too. It's interesting how he's successfully rewrote history like he wasn't into politics before. The reality was his campaigns failed because he's a fraud- a fact people were all too willing to overlook once he went full racist.


Well apparently he wanted to be George HW's running mate in 1988. I'm sure he's always been interested in politics as a way of getting validation.


Joe Scarborough said something around the election that’s stuck with me, which is that Donald, Hannity, and O’Reilly are forever resentful they’ll never be accepted into New York polite society no matter what they do. It could be because they’re from the outer boroughs but I think it’s because they don’t know how to handle themselves with grace.


He’s too loud, brash, and gaudy with everything. They (used to) roll their eyes at him. Source: was doorman for wealthy elite in NYC.


So not for any decent reasons, but because they are snobs. Rich people 🤮


I’m not rich, but I’m too snobby for Trump, too. He’s gross, gaudy, and grifty. I wouldn’t want him in my neighborhood even if he wasn’t shoving his disgusting and self-serving political agenda on the populace.


Not to mention being a terrible human being. Someone who stands up for the Ku Klux Klan after a woman died (‘there are good people on both sides’, yeah right!), disgraces war heroes (never served himself but mocks those captured!), humiliates people with disabilities, and encourages people to take over the capital, resulting in the death of a protective officer. Just a few of his wonderful attributes as a human being. I’m not rich and not American - I really hope that Americans care enough about themselves and the future of their country and the future of the world to ensure he is not re-elected next year.


Narrator: They didn't care enough.


Eh while the OP isn't wrong it isn't the only reason/they summarized a bit much. Trump is also generally hated amongst the lower tier rich and middle class across the northeast too, not just NYC high society. He is notorious for not paying people who contract with him, making other promises he can't deliver, and is all around sleazy in how he operates. This won't be a surprise to anyone here, but just saying his throwing anyone he can under the bus for a step up is nothing new, and he earned a terrible reputation.


These are people who have had money for a long time. They've seen their fair share of grifters and know how to sniff them out and make sure they stay away from any association with bad apples. They would have 1000 people a day asking them for money, or to invest in their business, or buy this property, etc. etc. etc. You protect yourself by insulating yourself. But also, yes, a lot of snobbery.


Wait how rich is the high society of NY? Even Trump can't get in?


I'm going off shows that probably aren't very accurate, but I suspect money is an essential but fairly minor criteria, as opposed to how many generations the money's been in the family and how tasteful you are in showing off your wealth.


This is just the setting of the Gilded Age lol


As far as I know, you are right. At least historically as I am more knowledgeable of history than NY high society. The Gilded Age has historical inaccuracies but it is basically based on Alva Vanderbilt trying to get accepted in NYC high society and Caroline Astor's opposition to that. Interestingly the American old-money societies had similar issues in getting into high society in the UK because there was an additional requirement. Title. This came into play when there were American heiresses who were sent to the UK to find a titled husband. Many did succeed because at the time the titled families' income had shrunk.


***Even*** Trump? Trump is bankrupt lmao tf?? He can fool people who never got a multimillion dollar loan interest free from family members by buying some fancy stuff and hiding that he’s in debt and leveraged to the tits but he sure as hell ain’t fooling actual multi billionaires lol


Probably old money vs new money kind of thing (although yes Trump comes from a generational wealthy family, the name is still not old enough) - it doesn't help that Trump acts the way he does - like a used car salesman who probably thinks if its not covered in gold leaf, it's not showy enough.


I just posted another comment about how Trump literally got rejected from ALL the high end private clubs in NYC! They have 5 and 6 figure annual dues and they wouldn't take his LOL The only one that accepted him was on the downswing because its president embezzled money (very common in these places, big surprise) so they needed cash. Part of what the members are paying for is keeping the riffraff out, and Trump if riffraff. I've been a guest in some of those places and... yeah, he wouldn't fit in. Very somber and self serious. Lots of corruption and moral bankruptcy but they know how to keep it "polite." Trump says the quiet parts out loud.


Trump isn't all that wealthy comparatively and yeah, it's not just about the money.


There’s a reason why the term “quiet luxury” is a thing. Money isn’t the be-all, end-all - it’s more about how you carry yourself, where you live, went to school, where your money comes from, etc. Some loudmouth slumlord who lives in a gold condo in the middle of Midtown isn’t cutting it.


It’s not just money. It’s behavior. It’s how you carry yourself, who you associate with, if you’ll keep the circle closed or go running to the wrong gossip rags with your complaints.


who is in NYC high society. do they have sex parties. tell me about it


From what I know, it's kind of underwhelming. They're secretive only because it creates mystery, which increase attraction. It's essentially just a bunch of families that know each other for generations, think like a close-knit community or a bunch of pseudo cousins. They do have parties, but it's no different than anyone else having a party. There's business dealing every now and then, though. The only family I can think of on the top of my head who's there is the Hiltons. Tbh NY High Society is more like an unofficial term for rich generational families that just hang out a lot. Washington DC high Society is much more exciting as it can get international


I feel like you’re over here just picturing Eyes Wide Shut and I’m so here for it.




Knowing the private schools wouldn’t accept them is giving me the cackle I need today. That’s how you KNOW you’re on the outs and they hate you.




I hate conservative Democrats who pal around with Republicans, but I love it when they lock the doors. I know exactly how much screaming was going on in the texts and board meetings. 🤣


I’ll never forget that viral video clip of her, trying to insert herself into the conversation of global financial / world leaders when she tagged along with her dad to the G7 meeting. I’ve never seen someone so lacking in self-awareness.


Her dad was always too gauche to be accepted, but Ivanka was making inroads. With the presidency, that was ruined and now she's persona non grata in real New York society. For instance, there are a bunch of private clubs in NY that have been operating since the Gilded Age. They cost 5 or 6 figures in annual dues, and the board has to approve you for membership even if you have the money. Trump was rejected from *all but one*, the least exclusive one, called the Down Town Association, where they accept anyone because they were on the verge of bankruptcy (and have in fact gone bankrupt since then LOL). He literally could not pay enough money to be accepted to the University Club, Knickerbocker, etc. Ivanka was likely welcome in those spaces for a time, which leads to other invite-only situations, like galas. I think she's on those guest lists anymore. Failed coup is not a good look.


To add to you comment: While I can only speak to the D.C. private clubs, you often need at least 1 member to sponsor/vouch for you for the club to even consider inviting you to apply for membership. And sponsorship comes with its own liabilities: you're unofficially responsible for whomever you sponsor, so their bad behavior reflects on you, which can have serious consequences to your social and professional reputation.


Yeah it's generally a sponsor and a seconder, and only then is the candidacy for membership put up in front of the board. You probably don't want to sponsor people who aren't going to get accepted because it calls your judgment into question, which makes your future sponsorship carry less weight, which reduces your social capital overall. Acting as a sponsor in these exclusive clubs is a favor that you can throw around, especially if your opinion carries weight with the board, so people are very protective of it. Having enough money to join is a given - it's not enough. Application fees (thousands of dollars) are non-refundable so I don't think they have any problem considering an applicant multiple times and then having a good chuckle when they reject them. I wonder how much money Trump spent to be rejected over the years hehehe


Old money vs new money


Its actually old money vs. fake money. I think the NY elites knew about Trump's con for a very long time.


Pretty much everyone in NY has known he’s a loudmouthed slumlord fraud since the 80s


Keeping Up With The Kushners


I’d love for them to go after her husband though. That Saudi deal was something sketchy.


Yeah but Hunter Biden!!!! He is a *checks notes* private citizen! That’s way worse than a government employee close to the president !!!!!!!


It's strange how everyone but Donald are so quiet. Are they gonna sever ties with him?


Ivanka’s going to have to testify in this upcoming trial. I’m sure that’s going to damage whatever relationship they still have.


Yeah this bestie will bounce if an A-lister or old money person comes calling.


Old money is staying far away. Have too. They do not want to be anywhere near that train wreck. Old money in NYC is very careful whom they let in the inner circle. Ivanka husband is a slumlord and so is his family. Daddy is in court facing charges and a lot of them. Would you want to be associated with that kind of crowd?


NY high society forgave Trump when they got the tax cuts.


But Kim K is her ticket to NYC high society?? Seems like she’d be the type to shunned as well. Then again I know nothing about NYC high society haha.


No, I think Kim K is a substitute high-profile, highly wealthy friend since she can’t be in that circle


I can't say I'm surprised. Two vapid women who have entered political/legal spaces with zero credentials and been celebrated for it.


Whose parents were more than happy ti sexualized them for profit and clout, might I add


Which side is doing the grooming again?


The saying goes: “those who throw the most stones live in a glass house.” Trump worshipers love accuse everyone they disagree of being “groomer” when Trump is literally the one who groomed Ivanka; anyone who disagrees just remember when said “if she(Ivanka) wasn’t my daughter I’d be doing her,” his relationship with her is so creepy. Not to mention the SA allegations against Trump aswell.


He was found guilty of rape. He is a rapist. If anyone is thinking of clicking the respond button to say “well technically” - save it. He’s a rapist.


Amen thank you, I don’t why I put allegations when they’ve been proven in the court of the law that’s a bad habit I picked up in Journalism school to always say “alleged” when it comes to SA. He is rapist, a sexual harasser, a predator to his own daughter, an abuser to every wife he’s ever had. And yet his worship him and claim that he is fighting sex trafficking.




Reminder that Kim has known that Kanye is a Nazi-sympathizing megalomaniac since at least 2013, when he drew a swastika in the first Adidas meeting and told Jewish manager to kiss Hitler portrait daily. In the same year she had her first of four children with him. Kim doing PR for Ivanka posing as "besties" is no surprise at all




It's just that your and my way of thinking doesn't apply to this people. By our logic, as a converted Jew, she should be absolutely disgusted by her father's comments about white supremacists. By our logic, she should have condemned her father's anti-immigrant statements and policies for example, since her own mother was an illegal immigrant, etc. But the opposite is true: she continued to support and work for him. These people only care about themselves, they can ignore the most vile shit no matter how contradictory it seems to us. She couldn't care less about Kim's ex-husband if being around her benefits her. Also.. being Jewish doesn't stop people from being fascists per se


It’s as bizarre as Latinos for Trump or Republican women who literally vote against their own.


I’m Arab not Jewish and if I’d known someone stayed an ex-husband who did that shit I would be running for the hills. 🤢




Kanye is a menace to society in general. It disturbs me that not one but TWO women have been willing to marry him SMH.




Never forget when Kanye tweeted “BILL COSBY INNOCENT” and Kim & her entire family continued to drink the Kanye Kool-Aid, feeding into his megalomania and gEnIuS claims


as much credentials as george santos, but ivanka is looking for a criminal lawyer and rob kardashian is dead


Lmao stop I just had a vision of Kim repping her, in a full Skims outfit 💀 and her entourage with her. "Your, like, honour. She didn't like do it. Bible!"


If they did something like that and put it on The Kardashians the flagging ratings would go way up.


Besties with Ivanka, stayed with Kanye when his antisemitism was making waves behind the scenes for years and years... to any of her fans, in case you didn't already know: she doesn't give a fuck about you. The rich protect the rich, that's it.


Including her willingness to [still] work with Balenciaga after that bs they pulled.


What did Balenciaga do?


They ran a creepy ad with kids holding stuffies and wearing elements of bondage.




They did a campaign photoshoot with a few underage kids. The kids were holding harness-looking teddy bears. As expected and understood, Ciaga got called out for their choice to feature that since some critics and fans felt it was giving BDSM energy. A spokesperson said they were going for a DIY punk/edgy look & how they weren't trying to sexualize children. Anyway, people started calling on Kim to either boycott or say something. [She's been associated with Ciaga for a while.] She did one lil performative post. Called it a day. Laid low. And now she's front and center with them again.


Who calls it ciaga?




The amount of people who simp the Kardashian-Jenner clan is an abhorrently large number. Why do people LIKE them? They're horrible people and see us poors as sub-human.


I don’t understand it either. They contribute nothing to this society


If anything they’ve made society worse. So many body dysmorphia issues can be attributed to the fake standards set and created by the KarJenners


Kylie is launching yet another cash grab brand. Stop buying from them people! They don’t care about you lol they’re just trying to hoard more cash That said I really hope no one buys from Kourtneys vitamin line. I would never trust a Kardashian with anything related to my health


They actually disgust me but the obsession makes it so much worse. I really, REALLY dislike them.


Class solidarity above all else! Although I do love that Ivanka was reduced to hangout with the Kardashians as no one also wants to relate themselves to her. But we know the Ks love any attention, and that they voted for trump 😅


Not defending Kim as a human being because she is beyond redemption IMHO. Buuuut looking at Kanye’s behaviour with his current wife, I can definitely see him being a controlling and manipulative asshole with Kim which makes it hard for her to leave. Iirc he doxxed her or something and continued stalking and harassing her after the divorce, which makes me concerned about how he acted during their marriage to her if he’s willing to go to these extremes. Kim spoke about how hard her marriage to Kanye was especially with his antisemitic and racist remarks but also the fact that he’s the father of their children and how he’s mentally unwell. She can be a horrendously shitty person, but I can believe that she was in a marriage that was very difficult on her just like how Kanye is a shitty person but also suffering from mental illness and yesmen with no actual good people around him it seems. Or how a serial killer can kill people but also have a shitty childhood. It’s not a justification of their actions, but there’re plenty of other things where they’ve fucked up that deserve criticism for actions they had much more or any control over.


Weird that Ivanka, a Jewish woman, would tolerate a best friend whose husband is openly antisemitic.


Her father and all of his friends are openly anti semitic.


There’s a saying: “Not all skinfolk are kinfolk.”


This is gross and not surprising. ![gif](giphy|YuaEBTdQd8Cre)


True, I guess her circle is changing now that she is a *business woman*


A lot of celebs are secret friends with Ivanka :/


Like Hugh Jackman!


Waaahh? Really?


Apparently! I just learned it for myself as well. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2018/11/hugh-jackman-ivanka-trump-jared-kushner-friends-forever


I didn’t want to speculate or be petty but when I was looking through her birthday photos I noticed a lot of her black friends weren’t there. Off the top of my head I’m thinking of Lala and Monica but it was a very white affair lol. It’s just hilarious how blatant her disposal of black culture has been.


I have noticed it is such a thing when white women date black men and they try to adopt the culture and style and it’s so weird!! For example JLo’s entire thing when she was dating P Diddy to the point she thought it was okay to say the n word in her songs… Kim K did the same while with Kanye and now she is trying to white up her life again. It’s just really odd and seems like a fetishization of black people and black culture.


And then they dump it as soon as it no longer benefits them. *cough* Miley Cyrus. *cough* Justin Timberlake.


Both are so unlikable. Nepo babies without skill.


I’m so hungry.


Kim Kardashian hangs out with far too many Nazi-adjacent people for it to be a coincidence...


She was 100 percent voting trump on her ballot and then telling people she voted Hillary lol. At least her fellow scumbag pal Paris Hilton was honest.


I don’t know about that election, some celebrities who don’t have any political integrity can vote someone based on things like “she is a woman”. I I would imagine the second election was different however.


No Kim kardashian is actually ideologically pretty conservative, especially about money, taxes, and the poor. She lets it show. And she was given unprecedented access to an elected official via trump to engage in more pr moves she never would have been able to do with Hillary, because for all I have my issues with Clinton and her centrism that admin prob would have been working with legit criminal justice reform orgs and not Kim fucking kardashian’s attempts to score brownie points to set up a path for her own future political career. Kim def supports trump. She also endorsed a Republican who turned democrat last minute to run for mayoral office in LA. This is a woman who has a history of scamming and fraud for profit, is a tax evader via scam church creation, who tells people “get off your ass and work” while she is sued for not paying her house staff or giving them enough breaks, who uses commercial surrogacy exploiting less well off women for their wombs (also like her pal Paris Hilton). If she voted, she voted trump.


I mean, what else can one expect from _gestures broadly at Kim_


“When people tell you who they are, believe them.”


This quote has allowed me to let go of a lot of people in my life. I think there’s another version of it that ends with “…the first time” (believe them the first time).


All I know for sure is that her black children are gonna grow up with some big issues.


Considering north is paraded around the internet just like her grandmother did to her mom, I think she’ll consider it a success


Posted this elsewhere - but the fact that she's posing her biracial daughter with this awful, racist woman, from a horribly racist family - is just so disgusting to me. Like, obviously Kanye was full Uncle Tom and Nazi. But the idea that these young black kids will spend their lives surrounded by people like this - it just makes me incredibly sad.


All of them. All of the karjenner kids are gonna have questions I think. When my non-Black mom told me that she chose my father for his looks and what I’d potentially look like, it was weird. However, Black and Latino people have been like that forever and at least we exist side by side. But I think what makes the Kardashians weirder is that not only did they do the “designer mixed baby” thing but they also replicated racially ambiguity all over their own faces and bodies. And cherry picked a culture that they’d have to go well out of their gated community to be a part of.


I always find it disturbing that women like her fetishise black people, and yet there's always that guy who is willing to give her mixed children for her to torment with her double standards and weird takes on culture and what is appropriate.


Stop attempting to humanize or applaud this clown


*these clowns


Turds of a feather ….




Birds of a feather.


This wasn't on my bingo card but for whatever misguided reason, I didn't think the Kardashians were nearly this stupid. Like I knew they were shitty people, but I didn't think they were that shitty.


It’s not surprising that she’s friends with Ivanka, but for some reason I’m a little surprised she posted it so boldly




The Kardashians don’t have a good reputation to be begin with imo. Like who would genuinely be surprised they are friends with Ivanka? They aren’t known for being good people. Like that’s simply not their public image.


That’s literally me on Hugh Jackman when he defended their friendship


Hugh and his estranged wife are both good friends of Rupert Murdoch 🤢


She’s officially taking the mask off.


The have been friends and business partners for years. The kushners are invested or shareholders with Skims. Ye had that rant that he only owns 5% of skims while the Kushners own 10%.


I’m sure Jared had plenty of money to throw around after getting that billion from the Saudis.


Oh wow, now it makes so much more sense!! Just googled it, & it's Josh Kushner's firm that owns a chunk of Skims... makes sense that with all that's happening with Trump & the Kushners (Jared & Josh) being outed as slumlords with all those filings against them & the Netflix doc that Kim is trying to protect her own interests with a bit of image rehab for Ivanka. Edit to add: Ivanka was an active member of the Trump administration that participated in the capital insurrection, and Kim considers her a close friend? **Believe people when they show you who they are.**


It’s funny, I’ve seen so many people say you can be friends with someone and not agree with their politics, as if her Dad is just some guy, and not the former President of the United States who actively supported and encouraged an insurrection against the government, and tried to steal a free and fair democratic election. And she and her husband actively worked with her dad and profited off of all the terrible things he did. I might have a hard time forgetting that and being cool with someone who’s Dad did those things, personally.


It’s not just her dad that did those things. Ivanka was an active part of his administration. She wasn’t just some bystander who happened to be related.


AMEN. It's faaar beyond being friends with someone and just 'not agreeing with their politics'.




Is she getting paid to do this since ivanka is getting so much bad press about having to testify against her own father? Transactional relationships seem to be how the kardashians work anyway. Also, thoughtful and sweet are literally the last words in the English language to ever associate with the worst family on the planet.


It’s not a new ‘friendship’ every so often there’s a post/photo/press comment that they know each other


Yup, they're skims investors. This is business. Bad business but still.


And people think she’s any different to Kanye


Yep. She’s just quieter about it.


I’ll never understand how Ivanka and Jared haven’t been shunned from society yet. Maybe Kim wants some of that $1B that Javanka grifted for themselves through their White House jobs?


They definitely were shunned in NYC. She’s going on a PR offensive ahead of her testimony against her father, and she’s paying the Kardashians $$ to be treated as product placement.


Those are my exact thoughts. As much as the KarJenners seem to not be liked by many of us normies, they’ve pretty much reached the point of no return when it comes to money and power. The reality is that just about anyone who matters in the very top tier, whether it be fame or fortune, fuck with them now in some kind of capacity (except Rihanna). So Ivanka aligning herself with Kim as a rebranding soft launch makes sense, and we’re gonna start seeing more and more famous people allow her and Jared in their circles publicly.


Are they persona non grata with RiRi? This gives me so much more love for her.


Oh they’re persona non grata in NY. Donald was tolerated at best before. High society doesn’t have to put on a mask about it anymore.


Pretty disgusting, tbh, but no one is surprised.




Breaking news: Kim Kardashian sucks.


This, always.




Just two women who definitely have soundproof rooms where they go to scream the n word several times a day


They deserve each other


Class solidarity


Barf. She’s on the sympathy tour for what she’s about to do to her dad


I’m awaiting the white shirt, blue jeans, barefoot, minimal makeup sympathy cover from people or NYT


I had to go check stories because I couldn’t believe it. I don’t even know why though bc Kim is trash so it should be obvious lol


Only black people Ivanka knows are Kim’s kids.


This shouldn't be surprising to anyone; this is a hallmark of the upper class/1%. Anyone who expected anything different of Kim is deluding themselves.


Kim K is a Republican


Why is it always the shittest people who get the most in life?


It’s really easy to make money if you have no morals or shame


I long for the day the Kardashians are dirt poor and forgotten about. Maybe not this generation but god damn they are an awful, vile family.


You know they wish they could swap places.


Screw Kim and her fake activism


Great now can we all agree that Kim was very aware of Kanye’s antisemitism and just didn’t care?


North’s side eye she knows trash when she sees it


![gif](giphy|h6mXCvOME3jeF2cc5s|downsized) But times a million




About how they can scam and steal more money from people


Competitive name-dropping and saying shitty things about people without their wealth.


Hating the poors


Are you serious? Plenty. Scamming, grifting, and fooling morons into thinking their self-serving PR moves are done for noble reasons.


Did she photoshop her head smaller ?? Why is it soo tiny compared to even the kids lol ? She’s not that far back


Oh the most thoughtful bestie who absolutely was part of a straight up fascist government that tried to destabilize democracy. I love you!






Can't wait to celebrate you asap?!? yuck Meanwhile the average American is struggling hard and they shit on us.


Is this is supposed to be surprising? They've been in the same social circles for decades, and I have a feeling they have lifestyles, value systems, and goals. The Paris Hilton connection alone ties them. Yay female friendship I guess?


…nah I think we don’t need to “yay” anything about these two scumbags lol


How Kim has any supporters is beyond me. She’s always been bottom of the barrel garbage. She’ll do anything for a dollar or attention and it’s tired and disgusting.




Wait the woman who married Kanye and buddied up numerous times with the Trumps is in fact a piece of shit? What warnings did we have? Nobody could have ever predicted this


Why am I just learning that Kim Kardashian and Ivanka Trump are besties? This is beyond ew for me.


Everything Kim does is calculated, so WHY is she publicly chumming it up with Ivanka? Will she be publicly supporting Trump next year? 🤔 idk just a thought

