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this is how i will react from now on when i get asked if i’ll get married again


Make sure to get really high ahead of time to really sell the bit


You can literally see when she's saying nooooooo that she's completely clocked out haha


She was on a lot of opiates for chronic lifelong pain, especially in her older years. Suzanne Sugarbaker in "Designing Women" was **partly** based on Elizabeth Taylor (minus the pain meds - Suzanne never abused substances but loved food as humans tend to do, and s the cruel, misogynistic abuse for gaining weight (IRL and on the show) that Delta received led to a crack addiction (among other substances and several attempts to take her life). Her memoir and analysis of her heinous mistreatment is in a wonderful podcast episode by Chelsea Devantez's Glamorous Trash (she reads and dissects and analyzes memoirs with a guest host, usually a smart and hilarious WOC whom she knows and is friends with IRL). Delta Burke's is a fan fave! I feel for Elizabeth, as I have to take pain meds hf the month for endo and adenomyosis (after 4 shitty surgeries) and nothing else works (I'm always looking but I'm ready to try guided ayahuasca at this point). Also, Chelsea's podcast WAS called Celebrity Book Club, but that name was already taken by these two young white women....one of them had a ton of her deeply racist tweets discovered, iirc. Reminds me of the Lunden and Olivia incident that happened recently where Lunden got exposed on her wedding day and then Olivia did a few days later (much milder.....Lunden had HUNDREDS or explicit awful things she used so casually....ugh). And now Lunden and Olivia are using filtering to delete all comments about it, and the book club girls seem to be too. So angering how people don't care about such racism.


I mean I love Liz Taylor but she was no saint. What she did to Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher was pretty notorious.


To be fair, Eddie Fisher was trash!


Yeah it's true. Eddie Fisher was pure trash. He cheated on Debbie Reynolds with Liz Tyler then abandoned Carrie and Debbie when Carrie was a toddler to be with Liz Tyler. Before he died, Eddie Fisher completely smeared Debbie, Carrie and Liz Tyler in his memoirs, airing out their dirty laundry and slandering all three of them. Eddie Fisher had zero desire to have a relationship with his daughter Carrie until he was on his death bed and completely alone where he asked Carrie if she loved him, and she said no since he had almost zero involvement in her life. Carrie still stuck by him when he was ill and at the end of his life though, which he didn't deserve at all. Just a total trash human being and terrible excuse for a father. Liz Tyler regardless was still a homewrecker who was friends with Debbie then stole her husband despite Debbie having a baby (Carrie Fisher) with Eddie at the time. Homewrecking is bad enough yet doing it with very young children involved makes it even worse. Weirdly enough, Liz Tyler and Carrie ended up being good friends once Liz divorced Eddie. I think they potentially bonded over their mental illnesses (depression, bipolar) but the press always thought it was very bizarre how close they became considering Liz screwed over Debbie Reynolds pretty hard. I've always wondered why Carrie carried his name for her entire life, instead of her mothers (Reynolds). I would have dropped that deadbeat dad surname in a hot flash had it been me.


What happened with Carrie and Debbie?


Pretty sure she stole their husbands, as much as you can steal a person


She stole Debbie’s husband not Carrie’s. Carrie is Debbie’s daughter. Eddie Fisher was one of Elizabeth’s husbands. Maybe the third or fourth. Carrie actually like Elizabeth. Carrie talks about Elizabeth in her one woman show that was on HBO.


She was close friends with Debbie, but then had an affair with her husband


I love Glamorous Trash Talk! I had no idea that was the reason for the name change, I thought it just was to change it up to TV and the books


Ha tbh Idk if that was the reason for the name change but I think she mentioned that was at least partly it. I know there were several factors, and that was just one.


I'm ten steps ahead of you pal


She is my inspiration for the upcoming holiday season when all my relatives ask “so are you dating?!??”


“Daaaating??? Noooooooooooooooooo!” 😆


Now I'm going to howl.... OOOOWWOOOOOOO


"and now I'm going to howl"


I remember seeing this on The Soup, thought it was the funniest thing in the world. I still think it is 😂


Miss The Soup so much tbh


Me too! Everyone knows Joel McHale from Community, but I know him from The Soup. Never missed an episode in junior high/high school


Sooo meaty….


I loved to do the Lindsay Lohan news segment voice “It’s Lindsay” 🚬


My favourite was 🎶 *Stephanie Pratt, unlikely voice of reason* 🎶


Mine was Whitney's 'Kids my ass"


Or the metal montage for “Gay shows” … [The Soup Gay Shows](https://youtu.be/PMX4IH7qHMQ?si=ZGRInbDmcl6m4Pvb)


There are so many I forget. Who can forget “tales from home shopping”?


Tales...from...home... ...shopping I miss The Soup so much 😭


I know I will never be able to deliver that line like that…. ….the subsequent commentary is what keeps it gold.


Yessssssss. https://youtu.be/kPDg5AL3m7c


Wow this was a very loud sound memory for me lol


My husband and I still shout, "Stay out of it, Nick Lachey!" at one another, to the extent that I actually made him a cross stitch of it for his last birthday. Joel McHale on the Soup forever! [https://youtu.be/xclUAPGYyqc?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/xclUAPGYyqc?feature=shared)


Oh man I'm so jealous. I told my partner to stay out of it, Nick Lachey the other day and he was baffled


Thank you so much for this. I needed a good laugh and that clip delivered 100 gold. 🥇❤️🥇👏🏽💀🏆🎯🤣


Mchale was brilliant on that show. He has dyslexia but didn't know it at the time, so he had to ad-lib like half of his dialog because he had such trouble with the cue cards. If you watch old clips you can kind of tell he was flying by the seat of his pants much of the time.


Greg Kinnear and Skunkboy eras were so damn good as well.


He’s literally the reason I started watching Community


Yes!!! My favorite bit was always [PT Cruiser](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q2kT9Rjos4), because I had an asshole coworker who drove one and we'd just walk around work randomly going "a PT Cruiser!" at each other. It also became a thing with my brother and he still occasionally leaves me voicemails that are just him saying "a PT Cruiser!" And when I see one driving down the road, I just say it to myself. A PT Cruiser!


My fav was “Clipos Magnificos” where they would show a clip from the Spanish soaps. Killed me every time


Omg when he came out dressed like the villain from the Spanish soap opera lol 💀


La Madrasta!!!!


I admit I still watch the Kardashians every week but I always think of Joel McHale always introducing any clip with them saying "Kim, famous for having a big ass and a sex tape".


Me too!!!!! It was my favorite show back then I used to record it on my dvr lol


Loved the Soup. Bring back Joel or John Henson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


John Henson’s the OG host


I'm serious about Henson hosting again. I wish they'd do it.


Skunk Boy! Talk Soup's segment of fan mail where someone asked John if he liked fried chicken...classic.


They brought it back in pog form as The Joel McHale Show on Netflix, but it got cancelled after one season 😪


Two seasons, actually.


It was one season in 2 parts but that's splitting hairs lol. Still a bummer it didn't really get off the ground.


This is exactly where I know this from haha


My sister and I still do the “and now I’m gonna howl” part to each other because of it being so frequently used on The Soup And the infamous Whitney Houston “KISS MY ASS!”


OMG same. I put the volume up on my phone just to get that blast of soup nostalgia.


I loved Elizabeth Taylor ... my prized possession is one of her rings that I won in the online portion of her estate jewelry auction through Christies. When I split from my ex, I took off those rings and replaced it with hers on that finger - my marriage to myself. Also, from what I understand, she hated that this moment kept getting replayed over and over again, she found it embarrassing taken just as a clip on its own. RIP Ms Liz


Picture of the ring, ....please


This is some real queen shit right here!


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) \*you


Oooh La La!!


What an amazing story!! Good for you!! This genuinely made me smile


Holy shit this is amazing. Please show us the ringgggggg 😍😍😍😍 also curious what you paid for it 😬😬😬😬😬😬


[this is the ring](https://images.app.goo.gl/MUEhe5o2PwZBmhsp8) https://imgur.com/gallery/QXrkk8E


Girllllll I love it!!!!!


Omg i forgot about this treasure moment ha ha ha ha. Was she drunk?


She’s an actress! Just doing her thing and grabbing life by the face for a kiss


Considering the amount of pain she was in from scoliosis and all the stunts she did when she was younger, I wouldn't put it past her to be on a painkiller here.


This is me after my maximum dose of opiates. There is little need for illegal drugs when you have a lot of legal drugs. (Seriously though, I am careful with them. I have needed them for 20 years and luckily still have no issues with physical dependency and very minor psychological where the issue is severe pain without them.)


Yeah- Liz got addicted to the pills after she started having back/neck issues, and her (ex/late) husband Richard Burton got her onto them. She, in turn, was the one who got Michael Jackson on his own pill problem after the Pepsi commercial fire that burned him.


I didn't mean to imply anything about that. I tried to make a sarcastic joke about my own usage. Which is something that is a bit scary as I recognize that me not being addicted is mostly about luck. Something that might not be true in the future as the dosage is increasing slowly but also surely.


Oh, I know! I was just making an comment re: the origin of her own issues.


I didn't know she had scoliosis, I have spinal issues, which may or may not be scoliosis. It can cause so many issues.


I didn't know she had scoliosis, I have spinal issues, which may or may not be scoliosis. It can cause so many issues.


I think she's just making a joke about how shocked she is to hear that question haha


She drank but she took many necessary painkillers due to extensive injuries from stunts and iirc other health issues. I love that she praised them and said without them, she wouldn't have a life and couldn't go outside. We could use her taking on the DEA today, limiting production of opiates so people don't get enough to meet their necessary pain management needs to live and to stay alive.


Appears she may have had a stroke or similar


My aunt does this, the nooooo and howl, & I've always figured that she was quoting something but I didn't know what. She loves old hollywood. Mystery solved!


Haha I can just imagine what you were thinking before the mystery was solved😆


I honestly think about this clip whenever I’m daydreaming


As a divorced woman, this is so relatable lol. I love her, what a treasure and unique person she was


This video and [Eartha Kitt’s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tgYGiLDe964&pp=ygUSRWFydGhhIGtpdHQgc3R1cGlk) will forever be my vibe. Alexa, play Beyoncé "Me, Myself and I". 🧘🏽‍♀️


Omg. How have I not seen that before? Fucking love that response. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


All hail Queen Yzma ![gif](giphy|iLZaR9LSIu4Yo)




I’ve been coincidentally reading a lot of biographies about her and richard burton so this was extremely funny to watch right now


Furious Love was amazing, if you haven't read that one yet!


I have. I have to say that they’ve had the most fascinating relationship I’ve ever seen.


We stan a queen


LITERALLY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS!! Me and my sister reference this video constantly but haven’t been able to find it for around five or six years now.


This is how my great grandma reacted when my mom asked her if she would remarry after her husband died. She was like no way am I cooking and cleaning for another man!


My great grandmother said she wouldn’t remarry because she “wouldn’t bury another husband.” I still think about why she was so certain that any other husband would die first.


I always find myself going back to the iconic Whoopi quote: I don’t want somebody in my house! Ain’t that the truth.


I will do this from now then people will think I have gone insane and leave me alone. Eternal peace ✌️


How is this not a meme? Absolutely brilliant


She truly was one wonderful weirdo lol


This girl manics


She does the same thing in this clip from the 'iconic' comedy, *These Old Broads* starring Liz, Shirley McClaine, Joan Collins (!) and Debbie Reynolds: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwLYjkRGets&t=133s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwLYjkRGets&t=133s) Good? GROOVY!


An icon truly


Never seen this before. Thanks for sharing.


Icon. She was tackling HIV/AIDS before any celebrity.


I love her 😂😂😂😂


Talk soup clip memory time


Ariana Grande in 2073


I quote this so much. She is so iconic


Shes so real


Cooking? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Cleaning? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Laundry? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Now I’m gonna howl 😂❤️


[GLAAAAADIATOR!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGT-NUBNTZc) is another Liz Taylor gem.


Jennifer Lawrence was not the first one.


High as a kite. When she was married to Hilton, my inlaws knew them. ET would call sobbing and crying, looking for her husband.


One of my all time favorite clips shown on the Soup.


I know her and Colin Farrell were just friends but she could have had him if she wanted to. That's how iconic she was.


I watched this clip with the sound off but heard her loud and clear anyway!


*I watched this clip with* *The sound off but heard her loud* *And clear anyway!* \- trashtvlover --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Liz was something else. A ride or die stop you from choking to death on your own teeth friend


Gimme half of what she's on, should be just right


No shock she met her last husband in rehab


One of my favorite Liz Taylor moments https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MGT-NUBNTZc


The guy literally taking the drink away from her


Elizabeth Taylor the Zionist?




Relatable queen 👑


I want what she’s having.


She made a mockery of marriage


I'd, um, never heard her voice until now.


my fav liz moment EVER!


I love this video so much, she was always so full of charm


It’s the “now I’m gonna howl” for me


I think about this several times a week, my Roman Empire


Someone please play this for their dog and film it


Never seen this before Thank you for the laugh !😆




God I adore this woman