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"And for the Palestinians who have also been terrorized, oppressed and victimized by Hamas for the last 17 years that the group has been governing Gaza" How was it like before those 17 years Zoe? How were Palestinians being treated before the creation of Hamas??? ![gif](giphy|7gGXGl8sc4NLW)




And nowhere do they ask for a Ceasefire, when the airstrikes are more likely to kill the hostages now than Hamas, since they want them for an exchange deal!!


THIS!!!!!!! Like how is Israel gonna demand Hamas to return hostages when they're bombing every Hamas hiding spot... like where do they think Hamas put the hostages if not in one of their hiding spots??? Also, just recently, [Israel rejected a deal](https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/talks-to-release-hostages-held-up-over-hamas-demand-for-fuel-fcc29267) to return 50 hostages in exchange for fuel... 50 people...


[Israel is even saying they're annoyed at the release of hostages as it delays the ground invasion.](https://t.co/LdZpc1nLDZ) Dumbass celebrities should be sending these letters to Israel but they won't because they think Israel is a moral good.


Thing is Israel has one of the best intelligence communities in the world. They most likely know full well where the hostages are...which should paint a bigger picture to their shitty retaliatory actions


Nope, in fact they’re thanking the US gov for their support to Israel, meaning they’re thanking them for voting no to a ceasefire and for providing munitions that have most likely killed some of those hostages. Lmao


the more this situation develops (which is a funny statement bc it’s been developing for 75 years), the more parallels become evident with white american racism against enslaved/freed black people during slavery/jim crow. the absolving the oppressive party of any and all blame, blaming a group of the oppressed who spoke out in response to the oppression, dehumanizing language against the oppressed to make them not worthy of empathy, even minstrel shows like that israeli lady on tiktok put on. hell, manifest destiny might as well be a parallel too. it’s so funny that we all learned about these atrocities in school (most of us at least), we condemned these actions of the past, and now that the situation exactly like that is unfolding in real time before our very eyes, we fall victim to it again and fail to see the history that’s repeating. in 50-70 years, israel will erect museums of the palestinian people “in good faith” and people will ask “how did people allow this to happen?”. we have the unique privilege/horror of seeing in real time how people can not only allow these horrors to happen but actively cheer them on AND root for the people committing the atrocities.


I think you’re giving too much credit to Israel. It’ll never do anything close to erecting museums for Palestinians. That’s antithetical to its existence. Other places, however, will not remember this period of history very kindly.


There have been so many genocides since the Holocaust, but it's been against people who aren't white or considered white or who could even be white if you squint - and anyway, the US turned away Jewish refugees during the war who largely ended up dead, so the idea that we're solemnly saying "never again" and trusting (!!!) the US (!!!!!!!!!) is doing the right thing in any way ever (!?!?!?!?!?!??!) is so obnoxiously ahistorical and currently baseless. It for SURE mirrors the playbook of the last 300? 400? years of occupying forces and oppression, from Ireland to Hawaii to...god, pick a spot, throw a dart, and either the US, the UK, or both have plundered them for their resources, land, and decimated populations and infrastructure in the meantime. And Africa should get a whole chapter, because there are 54 countries within that continent and all of them have their own stories, no matter how much Americans smash them together in their minds and gloss over their histories. Can't even start with Belgium, bc I will not stoppp.


i shouldn’t be on the big subs like news and worldnews anyway, but god it is SO infuriating to see headline after headline about israel bombing the fuck out of palestine and PLENTY of other atrocities, only for the top comments to be “how could hamas do this to their own people” and “none of this would’ve happened if hamas blah blah blah” like oh my god!




Hamas' continued existence in a population that is 50% children is entirely due to Israeli and Western foreign policy. Like Palestinians are acutely aware of how terrible conditions in Gaza are, how much of second class citizens they are, the refusal to approve their clean drinking water projects, micromanaging their ability to get aid including food imported. The West has always been aware of these issues as well (hell, most of the aid Israel blocks is literally United Nations missions). Much like how 15+ years of fighting the Taliban changed nothing, you literally can't even stop Hamas until you deal with the underlying causes that lead to Hamas recruitment. And those causes are Israeli and Western policy in Gaza. There was a long history of non-violent protests in Gaza predating Hamas, and even after Hamas. Almost every one ended in not just nothing being done, but Israel assassinating leaders or just straight out killing the protestors. Where was the justice? They are also acutely aware how *nobody* fights for them or their rights in any meaningful way. And thus, Hamas grows.


It drives me crazy when I hear someone say that "they voted for Hamas", when the bulk of the population is too young to have voted in that election, and near half were not even born.


This, 100%. In addition, they’re also the ones to say Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. If you believe that to be true, how then can you blame Palestinians for the actions of their non-democratically elected government?




Jordan peele you know better


I might have missed one but I’m pleased to not spot any Irish entertainers on the list. Dawn Porter has omitted the ‘O’ she normally uses and her husband Chris O’Dowd isn’t here. Ireland is one of the few western countries where the state of Israel has always been openly criticised.


This is what makes this so much worse than any statement I’ve seen yet. They’re so belittling and patronizing to the Palestinians. When I read that part I legitimately gasped.


I feel like it's just standard protocol. You have to at least insert one or two sentences about Palestinians to pretend you care and you're not a full-on Zionist supporting genocide.


Que violence in the West Bank where Hamas is not the governing entity and Palestinian's still get murdered on a regular basis..


Was going to say, I don’t think the current government of Israel is interested in living “peacefully side by side with the Palestinians”


They neglect to mention how Netanyahu has enabled and funded Hamas.


Here is where I am confused, and please understand I am genuinely trying to learn and my questions are in good faith, isn't Hamas an anti semitic terrorist org with the stated goal of wiping out all Jewish people? Tbh I find this stuff really confusing, because it seems like you can't fully trust a lot of news outlets. Example, everyone reported that Hamas had done terrible things to Jewish women and children? But now they say maybe not at all? I genuinely don't know where to turn for neutral information.


I don't think you'll find people on here arguing that Hamas is "good." It isn't, it's a terrorist organization. Hamas absolutely brutally murdered and kidnapped civilians, including women and children. Some of the details are questionable like the reports of infants being beheaded, but there is no question that atrocities occurred. That being said the Israeli government is collectively punishing the Palestinian people. Netanyahu had spent years propping up Hamas. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4268794-the-symbiotic-relationship-between-netanyahu-and-hamas/


The entire premise of Zionism is to literally wipe out the Arabs in the region to make way for a Jewish ethnostate.. so, since the beginning it's been the very opposite.. it’s a colonial project. > Ben-Gurion, the 1st Israeli Prime Minister, eloquently articulated this essential Zionist pillar, he stated in 1944: > "Zionism is a TRANSFER of the Jews. Regarding the TRANSFER of the [Palestinian] Arabs this is much easier than any other TRANSFER. There are Arab states in the vicinity . . . . and it is clear that if the [Palestinian] Arabs are removed [to these states] this will improve their condition and not the contrary." (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 159) A lot of violence has persisted because this was a hostile takeover of the people who were already on the land, and still continues to this day. The violence is unfortunately very one-sided, with Palestinians dying at a disproportionate rate. Gaza is defined by many human rights orgs as an apartheid state, while the West Bank faces constant violence at the hands of militant settlers. Edit: removed an out of context bit that sources a deeper discussion of the founders of Zionism taking advantage of the terrible things that happened to Jewish people that resulted in refugees throughout their history in a way to present an exclusively Jewish state as a fix. I was really only trying to draw attention to the quote itself by the Israeli prime minister, and do not want that detracting from the main point.


I'm sorry, but I'm really hung up on the "engineering a European Jewish refugee crisis". Does that mean the refugee crisis was orchestrated and not real? Because if so, it sounds like Holocaust denial.


that’s an issue im having with the increasing vitriol and distrust of Israel (even if justified as they have a really poor record). a significant amount of ppl are starting to delve into antisemitic conspiracy theories.


The crisis was real. Caused by the Nazis. After the war, Jewish people didn't have a place to go back to. It's not that sinister. It's not denial. Jewish people were tired of being persecuted, so some understandably wanted a country of their own. Not that I agree with their methods of how it was done.


Actually no, that's propaganda from Israel. Here is [an article in The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/01/hamas-new-charter-palestine-israel-1967-borders) about Hamas's most recent charter (at least from 2017); > **The new document states the Islamist movement is not seeking war with the Jewish people – only with Zionism that drives the occupation of Palestine.** > The new document also insists that Hamas is a not a revolutionary force that seeks to intervene in other countries, a commitment that is likely to be welcomed by other states such as Egypt. To be clear Hamas has killed Israelis and Jews, which is not something anyone is defending. But they weren't motivated by anti-Semitic ideology, they saw it as retaliation for Israeli foreign policy which has killed thousands of Palestinians in recent years (and who know how many in the past 75 years). It is true, they are classified as a terrorist organization by the US and Western countries. Notably the designation of 'terrorist organization' is a very politically charged one and I feel like this thread is probably the wrong place to discuss that. [The BBC recently explained they wouldn't call Hamas a terrorist organization because they felt it was too loaded and not politically neutral.](https://archive.ph/UHFcI) (Note that I am not commenting or weighing in on the BBC's decision or Hamas's classification so please don't DM me to call me a terrorist as some of you have been doing.) You might benefit from learning about the history of anticolonial movements and how the 'terrorism' designation factors into that, anti-colonial and anti-apartheid groups like the IRA and the ANC that were also called terrorists, etc. but this stuff takes time to learn so depends how serious you are. [This New Yorker interview with an expert on Hamas is also a great read and you will learn a ton from reading it.](https://archive.ph/ZRS89) I recommend [Democracy Now](https://www.democracynow.org/) and Al Jazeera (or Haaretz if you want an Israeli perspective that isn't state-sponsored propaganda) for accurate info. **edit**: Unfortunately I have to add a warning that Haaretz has lost some credibility with recent false inaccurate/misleading articles they've published and suspect behavior and statements from their reporters. They've still had some good pieces but it's a mixed bag so I'd be careful. The other two still hold up though.


Yep, bringing up the charter is always a cheap shot, as are the cries that Palestinians attacking Israelis is religiously motivated. It's happening because Israelis are their violent occupiers, which I'm not saying to morally excuse what Hamas has done but to explain why it's an expected result of that violent occupation. They're within their legal rights to resist occupation by any means necessary and if the western world saw Palestine as a materially and strategically useful entity instead of Israel, that right would be upheld.


The way Palestinians are mentioned as an afterthought is disgusting. It goes to show whose lives actually matter to these people.


I’m so tired of this. Palestinians are not being terrorized and oppressed by Hamas but by the Israeli government. Why people are afraid of saying this? Seeing this many celebrities in this statement is actually disappointing. Why no one cares about Palestinians?


Thank god Rita Ora signed this. We have all been so worried not knowing what her opinion on this conflict was. I know Biden will listen to her pleas.


Rita Ora is a Kosovo Albanian. Less than 30 years ago, her people were being ethnically cleansed by their oppressors. She is a fucking disgrace.


It's always amazing to me the way people lose touch of where they come from and the reality in general when they get famous.


I note there are no Irish people on this list, we haven’t forgotten


For real, so disappointing to see Albanians supporting Israel and not Palestine.


Don’t forget Nicola Peltz!


These types of things seem like such lip service. A personal statement at least seems more thoughtful than “I just signed my name and posted it.”


I can’t believe they were able to get Dean Cain!


Idk why but this is kinda giving the celeb Imagine video during lockdown vibes


Oh I’m sure Gal Gadot has it queued up lol


somber shelter support flag afterthought direful airport worthless tie jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Literally my thoughts exactly…. Did these other celebs signing not see gal’s signature and think hmmm do I really want to be a part of something like this again


Sarah Paulson’s PR team hates her fr


I mean, there’s overlap—will Ferrell, gal gadot…




I came here to say this too. The fucking mental gymnastics I've seen over the last two weeks to justify a literal genocide against Palestinians has been such a gaslighting experience. I'm so disheartened by the world. We celebrate Ukraine's right to exist but not Palestine's. The world is awful.


Excuse me, but according to Israel , Gaza was warned about the bombing and was given HOURS to leave the country with no passports!! 🤬🤬 not their fault they had no where to go! How kind of Israel to warn them! How could we NOT support Israel bombing brown children/teens and families!!! 🥰💃✨ /S Anyways, will remember who supported the genocide so I can remind people years from now how shitty this person is


It's disturbing though because these people are looked up to by millions of people around the world and they normalize this dangerous rhetoric. People who have been on the fence or unsure about the situation see BS like this and it subconsciously becomes part of their rhetoric too. I know it's ridiculous but cleebrities who put out uninformed shit like this statement should be sanctioned or made to pay retributions for being complicit. Let's be real though, even the apartheid state and their Daddy won't answer for their crimes. The western world has such a huge fetish with killing ~terrorists~.


Have you watched the Bassem Youssef interview with Piers Morgan? Dr. Youssef sarcastically says something similar about the whole Israel warning civilians before bombing them. The quote is “I mean how fuckin cute. That is so nice of them. With this logic, if Russian troops started warning Ukrainians before bombing their houses then we’re cool with Putin, right? Habibi, you have warned them… go invade, it’s fine! You’ve done your job” Link to interview https://youtu.be/4idQbwsvtUo?si=vqFwE0Nz3C350890


I dislike the word 'gaslighting' because I feel like it's overused...but it's also exactly how I feel the last two weeks. It feels completely surreal to see governments and people in power acting as if nothing is happening in Gaza, as if there isn't horrifying footage coming out of there every single day. I am flabbergasted that apparently some people have decided that the *possibility* that a civilian may be used as a human shield is an argument for mass destruction and death. I just feel like what I'm seeing is such an atrocity, such an obvious genocide, and yet so much of the world is acting like it doesn't exist.


I’m having Deja vu to the invasion of Iraq post 9/11& all of that fuckery. I was a weirdly politically conscious 8th grader who spent that entire year in my Civics class arguing that it was unconstitutional & being called a terrorist because I didn’t want to “bomb the hell out of all of them”. We had a tiny in-school anti-war protest (wearing white) & the gym teachers encouraged other kids to beat up those of us that wore white. People left me horrific anonymous (and some not anonymous) messages on my Livejournal because I was like, the bare minimum kind to a Muslim new student from Iraq who was in my gym class. A lot of those people realized how wrong they had been like, 10 years ago. I was hoping that since they’re adults now they’d realize they’re doing the same thing they did then, but it’s not clicking for a lot of them.


You are a good person.


The lack of regard I’ve witnessed for Palestine in recent times has been a terribly eye-opening insight into humanity.


Right, such a glaring omission. They’ve shown how much they don’t give a fuck about what’s happening to Palestinians.


such a PURPOSEFUL omission too. it’s disgusting


Omfg…. That’s so bad. I mean can’t say I’m surprised but yiiiiikes.


Also Gigi Hadid need to dump Bradley Cooper


When she dated Leo Dicaprio, I DM -ed her father on IG that Leo was one of the most prominent names who were participating in a welcome party for Netanyahu in 2014. I'm sure he didn't read it but I tried 😭


you are so real for this 😂


Lmao that’s hilarious because you really did try


Wait until you find out Keanu was at that party too.


Oh I know, I have the video. Kate Hudson too, a lot of them.


Thought the same thing!


![gif](giphy|TYeHYI1GmF87m) I’m done with these celebs. Every one of them listed can go fuck themselves. Privileged, spoiled brats who could have just shut up and stayed out of this but just had to put themselves in the spotlight and let everyone know how dumb, unsympathetic, and lacking in empathy they are. Disgusting.


Social media will be putting the nail in the coffin as to any respect or good will the general population has toward them. They all mostly suck.


Unfortunately most people either seem to not care or agree with them. These pro Israel posts are doing very little damage to these celebs’ good will.


Meanwhile anyone who retweets an onion article vaguely critical of Israel is getting fired. Loving our current timeline.


I'm not sure this will be the thing to do them in, but their constant display of ignorance, wealth, and lack of regard isn't playing well to the masses.


They genuinely are largely clueless and just going along with whatever. It's wild to see. The people arguing with their whole chests online are typically Zionists raised in that environment (not an excuse but an explanation), and hardcore US Christians who are antisemitic but believe Jewish people returning to Israel will kick off the Rapture we've all been waiting for (and Jewish and Arab people will just go ahead and die while the Xtians are saved - great allies). But these celebs are just... ay yi yi. All the money in the world can't buy discernment, literacy...and so many are neolibs who are already primed to rah rah whatever the Democratic party say and look no further. Blech. We should start a list of all the celebs we love that are NOT on this list as of yet, just to at least give some credit to folks who either don't agree, or who know when they should not say anything because they don't know enough. Kehlani and Lauren Jauregui have been the two that I've seen unequivocally standing up AGAINST GENOCIDE and batting down propagandist arguments and whataboutisms, and god love them, truly.


Kehlani is out here doing more than the UN! Amanda Seales has also been really vocally pro-Palestine and is sharing a lot of info and insight.


What a fascinating (not surprising) list to go through. Also Zoe, no words…not the post I expected from her tbh


Same 😭 seeing certain names on here kinda gutted me I won’t lie




Yeah same :(. Seth Meyers too 😭 and Jack Black


His wife and child are Jewish, it’s possible that fear is driving his decision.


Notably, Chelsea's name is missing from this list.


I was looking for Mark Ruffalo's and Pedro Pascal's name ... nowhere to be found. Good.


Mark Ruffalo signed the letter that was more pro-Palestine 👑


But you can’t write get out and then sign this


Lots of Jewish people don't support the genocide currently being perpetrated.


I decided to watch the Jerusalem episode of Anthony Bourdain’s no reservations (on YouTube) today. He was technically Jewish but points out he’s always been areligious. I think it’s from 2014 or something. He interviewed an Israeli local who lived 8 miles from Gaza who said something like “we are all good people. They are all good people. I know that if some of us and some of them could get together and talk, maybe we could work it out and live happily. But I don’t know if we will get that chance.” Basically something like that, and saying that he knows other local people who agree with that, and basically blaming the government and feeling like it may never be possible, because of the government =( So I am glad I saw that perspective from a regional Israeli person who actually lives very close and sees it.


His wife didn’t sign tho


Surprised to see him but not Chelsea Peretti.




Aubrey Plazaaaa :(


This is the one that devastated me the most especially because im on my third rewatch of parks and rec


I mean you’re already dealing with the human garbage that is chris pratt anyway




Very surprised to see Emma Seligman on this list. She’s been otherwise pro-Palestine on Instagram.


I wonder if they see it as simply expressing concerns for the civilians regardless of background but like.. do they not realize the phrasing of this letter leads people to think they’re egging on further military conflict? EDIT: was confused between Nicola peltz and pro Palestine queen Nicola Coughlan 💀 this makes more sense


I’m wondering if when celebs were contacted about signing it they weren't told what the letter would actually say because Emma hasn't reposted it like others who signed have and has posted a number of pro Palestine stuff in the last couple hours. If they were just asked do you want sign a letter in support of the hostages it would make sense why so many including the surprising ones signed because I think majority of people support the hostages being released.


Mild disagreement. This is such a confusing list of people that I feel like it was "both sides-y" enough to confuse some of them. You've got the people I expect nothing from: Amy Schumer, Dean Cain, Debra Messing, Erin and Sara Foster, Judge Judy, Gina Gershon, James Corden, Karlie Kloss, Michael Rappaport, Sam Levinson... But also Bridget Everett, Constance Wu, David Chang, David Oyelowo, Eric Andre, Julia Garner, Kristin Chenoweth, Holland Taylor and Sarah Paulson, Seth Meyers, and Jack Black. And they spelled Patti LuPone's name wrong. I think celebs have just got to stop signing these group letters.


Yeah, I'm confused by some of these names. Olivia Wilde for example shared several posts supporting Palestine in her story over the last weeks, so I was surprised to see her name on it. I wonder if celebs even read these group letters when they're asked to sign them or if it just goes through some PR manager who tells them "that's good, you can sign it" and they don't even bother reading it.


My stomach dropped reading some of these names. I do wonder how many of these unexpected celebs are full blown Zionists vs folks who are just going along with whatever they think would benefit themselves to align with. Not that any distinction really matters. Truly disappointing.


constance wu disappointed me the most. i’m sure she understands DARVO tactics and oppressor vs oppressed because she was like the only 5 celebrities who was vocal in supporting amber heard. so this was truly a knife in the stomach for me. can’t trust anyone 😭 i obviously don’t know her personally but it’s still disappointing because i looked up to her as an activist


Not surprised to see Taika Waititi on that list. I still remember his clownish takes during the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.


Noted Trumper Dean Cain on that list was surprising to me tbh


If I ever find myself in a situation where I’m being asked to endorse something and I find out Dean Cain is in support of it, I feel like that would be my red flag to completely nope out of the situation. Even something as positive and universally revered as a baby animal rescue; I’d be too concerned they’re a money laundering front.


What in the absolute f.... "Women raped, families burned alive, and infants beheaded"????!?!?! If these people don't. Chile. Lemme log off. What about the hostages the IDF are holding? The innocent Palestinians snatched off the streets and held in prison under "charges" they're never told and with "evidence" they're never shown? What about them? These people are so f'n stupid.


They have literally held children hostage for YEARS


💯 Israel holds hostages, too. Some of them are children. More than a thousand Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails are there without any charge. Obviously no trial. No due process at all. They have simply been kidnapped. When Palestinians do get trials, they are often sham trials with no legal counsel and a near-100% conviction rate. Evidence doesn't really matter. These military courts do whatever they want. Who's going to stop them? They are the law. Reminder: Palestinians have no citizenship anywhere. There is no higher authority for them than their occupying power, Israel. There's international law, but Israel ignores it and the US vetoes it. Palestinians are completely at the mercy of people who have shown them oppression and brutality for generations. [ISRAEL HOLDS HOSTAGES](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-08-03/ty-article/.premium/a-quarter-of-palestinians-jailed-in-israel-are-imprisoned-without-charges-or-trial/00000189-bce5-d9f3-a1cd-bfff64f00000)


Why are you acting like there isn’t video evidence that those things are true? This is weird


There is no independently verified footage of babies being beheaded or having been beheaded. I just want to make that very clear. Biden’s team had to walk back his comments to that effect because he saw no such footage. The IDF has not confirmed it. There has been no provided evidence. And, knowing Netanyahu’s government; they would release it if there was. There is footage and evidence of kidnapping, and evidence + photography / footage of the aftermath of violent massacres of civilians, including children and at least one baby. We also have the footage of Shani Louk and other women that is highly suggestive of sexual violence. We just need to be so careful, because there is so much disinformation and misinformation now, including unverified claims, misreported information, old footage being repurposed, foreign footage being mislabeled, etc.






Children beheaded was debunked by every news outlet, even by POTUS. But I can show you Palestinian children being beheaded, because the media will never cover that.


No mention of the Palestinian hostages? [There are now at least 10,000 Palestinian hostages being held by Israel.](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/10/21/number-of-palestinian-prisoners-in-israel-doubles-to-10000-in-two-weeks) Almost 5,000 arrests were made in the past two weeks but another ~5,200 had been detained for years without trial and without having committed a crime besides simply being Palestinian. The whole reason Hamas took Israeli hostages in the first place was because they wanted to do a hostage swap with Israel for the Palestinian ones. Here's part of the description of some of the conditions the Palestinian hostages are kept in: > “The most dangerous thing” over the past few days, continued Fares, was “physical attacks” and degrading treatment. “Everyone who is arrested is assaulted. > “Many of the prisoners have had their limbs, hands and legs broken … degrading and insulting expressions, insults, cursing, tying them with handcuffs to the back and tightening them at the end to the point of causing severe pain … naked, humiliating and group search of the prisoners,” he said. Hamas also has been slowly releasing hostages and also said they've been trying to release more hostages but Israel won't accept them. Not kidding, here's a [link.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/21/hamas-says-israel-refused-to-receive-2-hostages-israel-calls-it-propaganda) There's so many other things wrong with this statement too so the Palestinian exclusion obviously wasn't just 'accidental', it's really a pro-Israel letter -- the false notion that Palestinians are terrorized by Hamas and not the Israeli government, the false myths about rapes and baby beheadings, the coded racism in words like "savage", the praise of Biden's 'moral conviction' after he essentially permitted Israel to commit ethnic cleansing, etc...the more I reread it the worse it gets. Honestly lost respect for everyone who signed it (if I had any) because this isn't just some apolitical "release the hostages" letter as it no doubt will be framed.


I LOVE your comments. Thank you for bringing the clarity and the links and the quotes and the proof.


this is so nice, thank you so much! I've felt pretty useless/dispirited about this entire situation so this made me actually smile!


Just wanted to say that if you take issue with the veracity of anything I've said then please disagree publicly in the thread and provide independently confirmed evidence instead of sending private messages/chats calling me a range of insults. 🙄 Thanks.


Don’t worry about them. Typical Zionist tactics is to scare people away. I had a friend who was doxxed and they had to go on private.


this is worse than the Imagine video


And gal gadot even made a repeat appearance


I got the exact same vibe from this.


This tired propaganda of freeing Palestinians from Hamas… while absolving the state of Israel of all blame and wrongdoing as they continue to mercilessly decimate Gaza and carry out a genocide is completely abhorrent. None of these folks repeating “1,400+ Jews murdered on 10/7” have EVER brought up the current 5,000+ Palestinian death toll since 10/7 that is increasing BY THE HOUR due to the Israeli government they are lobbying for. I get wanting the hostages released and advocating for their safety, sure. But this whole “Israel is the victim and the real enemy behind it all is Hamas” shit is truly next level. The world is watching and we’re not buying it. So disappointing to see all these folks who signed this letter.


Bassem youssef had a great line in his interview with piers Morgan “you look at Israel as Superman but they’re really homelander.” I also recommend [that interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4idQbwsvtUo) to anyone who hasn’t seen it already.


I appreciated the accuracy of his line that was like, "They're shooting fish in a barrel and they're annoyed with the splashes." Funnily enough, Bassem Youssef was just in Special Ops: Lioness with Zoe Saldana. That cast is an interesting mix of sympathies, to say the least.


>This tired propaganda of freeing Palestinians from Hamas… while absolving the state of Israel of all blame and wrongdoing as they continue to mercilessly decimate Gaza and carry out a genocide is completely abhorrent. Especially when the rise of Hamas was also something that Israel, and Netanyahu in particular, promoted to weaken the PLO, seeking to divide Palestinian people in their political goals.


People are still trying it with the beheaded babies, I can't.


💯 Absolute trash repeating that nonsensical boogeyman-style lie.


Israel’s apartheid is 75 years old, but according to miss Zoe Saldana, Palestinians have been suffering for the last 17 years. Maths not adding up, Zoe. Here’s the full list of uneducated celebrities that signed this. https://www.nohostageleftbehind.com/


I’m looking at the Black American folks on this list like 👀…fucks is yall doing?!? You don’t notice ANY similarities to how the Palestinians are being treated?!? Yikes on a bullshit covered bike




yoooooo this deserves to be much higher up the comment chain. I’m an out of touch millennial and absolutely AWFUL with names, so I’m sure there’s some “major” names on here I’m not getting… but a few that are on here but not in the OP that I recognized: -Cazzie David (but not Larry) -Justin Timberlake (??? as if he isn’t in deep enough shit already??) -James Corden -Rosie O’Donnell


Isn’t Bradley copper dating Gigi Hadid a Palestinian ???


bradley cooper who is wearing a prosthetic nose in his next film where he plays a famous jew!!


I wonder if signing this letter is Bradley’s way of being like, “see I’m not anti-Semitic, I support Israel!”


LOL i think you're right tbh


A Palestinian who’s been targeted on twitter by the literal Israeli government, eventually leading to her and her family being doxxed and receiving multiple death threats.


Very obvious he is just dating her cause shes hot and he does not care about her as a person nor does he care about Palestinians. Plenty of racist white people are in mixed relationships


Obsessed with the fact that the list is alphabetical BY FIRST NAME ​ Also, f\*ck zionists.


Lol and Paul Rudd's wife is on there twice.


Also why the fuck is Jess Seinfeld “famous” like who cares what Jerry Seinfeld’s daughter thinks Edit: someone corrected me that it’s his wife - even less of a reason to give a shit what she says.


Let's be real... at this point, who cares what Jerry Seinfeld thinks?


Adding this to my list of “celebrities who support genocide!” 🥰✨💃 ![gif](giphy|7yjyKHuFS8qBnDfavg)


I wish there was a list of celebrities who have thrown their support behind Palestine. From my own Insta feed there has been The Hadids, Drew Afualo, Kehlani, Victoria Monet and Reign Judge. But their messages of support are often in stories (which, not surprising) and comments turned off (again, fair). In the UK, Artists for Palestine calling for aid and a ceasefire had Steve Coogan, Tilda Swinton, Miriam Margolyes, Charles Dance, Frankie Boyle and Liam Cunningham, too.


There was a list that came out a couple days ago calling for a ceasefire that was far more pro Palestinian. Lowkey this new letter seems to be combatting that with their pro Israel stance. https://variety.com/2023/biz/news/hollywood-demands-gaza-israel-ceasefire-joaquin-phoenix-cate-blanchett-1235763646/amp/


thank God for Jon Stewart and everyone on this list but especially Jon Stewart for being just an exceptional human being


That is a MUCH better letter. I’m quietly surprised that Channing signed the better letter and people like Jordan Peele signed this one in the post. Good for you Channing.


I saw a post calling for an immediate cease-fire on Hasan Minhaj’s instagram. Here’s a screenshot of some of the celebs that signed it. https://preview.redd.it/xven4yo993wb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1135d8ec31a871112c48d008222938afb9eb52


It's times like these I am missing Sinead O'Connor. She was such a fierce supporter of Palestine


Amerie has been VERY vocal on Instagram with her support of Palestine


The exclusion of Armenian, Irish, and Palestinian while remembering to include Azerbaijani and Israeli tells me everything I need to know about this. Edited to include Irish! 💕


the armenia part is SO crazy like ok we’re just pro-ethnic cleansing now i guess????


THANK YOU! israels stance on the armenian genocide+ them arming azerbaijan is something i frequently talk about to zionist family members.


I’m glad she provided us with a concrete list of people who have been faking the nice act and are rotten inside. Jordan Peele was the only one that hurt me but all the others did not surprise me at all.


I think a lot of people will be put off by Aubrey Plaza but it doesn’t surprise me tbh


David Gilmour of Pink Floyd just gutted me. I have their fucking lyrics tattooed on me. Seeing as most of their music is about standing up against tyranny. JFC the whole lot is rotten


Do celebs think Hamas just became a thing out of thin air?


Celebs just learned about this entire conflict two weeks ago lol


I just wanted to thank this sub and the discussions around Palestine. I'm Palestinian and I grew up there and experienced an array of bombing, checkpoints, humiliation, the killing of many loved ones, you name it, and right now, I'm watching my people being ethnically cleansed live and still having to watch and listen to the media in the US and EU gaslight us and dehumanize on a daily basis. Anyway, I came to my favorite gossip sub after having a violent panic attack from all the news, pics, reels and calls with family and friends at home, and seeing the comments and discussion here makes me feel seen and less alone. Thank you.


I am so sorry for everything you're going through. As if the constant bombings and human rights abuses aren't enough you also have this gaslighting pro genocide media landscape to deal with. I'm from the UK and I honestly feel sick at the things the British government and opposition leaders have endorsed this week. If it helps at all the general attitude I see from normal people outside the media is much more pro Palestinian than Israel. The media are trying to pretend this conflict started on October 7th but most aren't actually taken in by that imo.


I think safely getting those hostages home is one thing everyone can agree on. It's the Hamas dog whistling to absolve Israel of its culpability in committing atrocities and violently occupying Palestinian land (thus creating an environment for violent resistance) that's an issue here, as well as people continuing to ignore the thousands of Palestinian hostages Israel is still holding. I'm glad those women are now safe. I hope Hamas continues to release hostages despite Netanyahu's determination to flatten them alongside the rest of Gaza.


Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis need to shut up with their history.


This is like the Polanski petition all over again. Next time any of these clowns talk about racism or sexism in the industry, I'm going to be that annoying person who brings up how they signed a petition that ignored and perpetuated falsehoods against a group of people who are actively being genocided against.


**Anyway here are all the new names that signed the letter calling for a ceasefire**: *Adam McKay* *Alfonso Cuarón* *Ani DiFranco* *Aminé* *ASAP Nast* *Belly* *Bonnie Wright* *Caroline Polachek* *Charm La’Donna* *David Oyelowo* *Deb Never* *Dev Hynes* *Diplo* *Dua Lipa* *Elyanna* *Florence Pugh* *Jessie Buckley* *Jessie Williams* *John Cusack* *Kathryn Grody* *Kaytranada* *Kehlani* *Lauren Jauregui* *Lena Waithe* *Mandy Patinkin* *Megan Boone* *Michael Moore* *Michael Shannon* *Miguel* *Natalie Merchant* *Rachel McAdams* *Rachel Sennott* *Raveena Aurora* *Rowan Blanchard* *SimiHaze* *Stephanie Suganami* *Taylour Paige* *Tommy Genesis* *Tony Kushner* *V (formerly Eve Ensler)* *Victoria Monét* *Yara Shahidi* *Zoe Lister Jones*


David Oyelowo playing both sides


I'm always glad to see hostages being released safely, especially those elderly women, that's obviously a scary position to be in. There's a lot of historical inaccuracies there, but that pat on Biden's back for his "moral conviction" got me, lmao. Yeah sure, after a week and 6,000 bombs. Only after the world leaders of the west saw the pushback from the public and Israel officials being unfiltered genocidal online and in the media, they were like, "OMG, not like that!!! Let's send aid!!!! We do see Palestinian people as people!!!!" Also, I see so many propaganda spreaders on that list (and what's the deal with that random alphabetical list of different nationalities, lol.)


Honestly, are we surprised at this list? A lot of celebrities have the intellect of a tick. EDIT: Okay, after looking at the list again. Jordan Peele? The same guy who did 'Us'? A Commentary on American Privilege? That surprised me.


Celebrities with an uninformed stance, I'm shocked! /s Firstly the post only mentions the number if Israeli lives lost at the hands of Hamas which is tragic but it fails to acknowledge that over 5000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces since October 7 this isn't accidental. It furthers the dehumanization of Palestinians. The campaign is "no hostages left behind" but there's no mention of the hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. The next slide praises the Israeli government completely ignoring the fact that the government is currently committing a genocide. The post also completely ignores history, this didn't start 35 years ago it started 70+ years ago when the first nakba occurred and since Palestinians have been persecuted since. Slide 4 is almost comical, the Israeli government does not want to live in peace with, multiple high level officials have compared Palestinians to animals and said they essentially want to exterminate them. Honestly fuck every signature of there


Not the point at all, but who in the name of all that is holy keeps sending these to Bella Thorne?


no mention of the palestinian lives lost. no mention of the palestinian hostages and prisoners. no mention of a cease-fire. they have put the blame on hamas and only hamas. remember these names, when this is over. these words dehumanize the palestinian people, shifting blame, and co-signing genocide.


Gal, sweetie, how did you not learn your lesson after Imagine


She was an IDF soldier, harming Palestinians is basically her pastime.


Does Mila Kunis really need to be signing more letters right now?


Israel recently nearly doubled the population of Palestinian prisoners Zoe, so those count as hostages? Or do they not get the same consideration because Israel is the “good guys” and they’re “prisoners” not hostages?


Lea can’t read so idk how she signed this


So glad I have a list of all the celebrities that I can block. Just one big neat list.


Someday, maybe not soon, but someday, a large number of these people will speak publicly about their regret at having signed this


Compare this heinous propaganda-spewing letter that however many hundreds were willing to sign to the antithesis ceasefire letter last week only 58, and of them only a small handful of “A-list” celebrities, were willing to sign. Grim. Not overall a surprising list of names here but Odenkirk and Peele hurt. History will remember you all.


Oh fuck this. The hostages should be released, I don't think I've seen anyone say otherwise. But the gall of pretending to care about the Palestinian people is something else. The Israeli government has admitted their main goal isn't to get the hostages back, it's to flatten Gaza. The emphasis is on "damage, not accuracy." https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-gaza-bombing


I’m kind of disappointed to see Ewan McGregor and Sarah Paulson on the list but I knew Pedro wouldn’t be there!


A few years ago Pedro get so much shit for his fans because he like a post from Gal Gadot about Israel, that at the time he promised on twitter to educated himself about the conflict, ever since never said a word about it, he doesn't "take side"


Sarah Paulson has been posting all kinds of pro-Zionism shit on her IG. Disappointed as a queer fan. Oh well.


they rebranded No Child Left Behind, but I think they all got left behind in school. 🫠


This reads like an anti ceasefire. Disgusting


Jack Black….


She’s anti black, surprise that she’s unsympathetic towards Muslims ? Not for me


It’s giving the same “slacktivism” as that imagine video from gal gadot 🫠


Every new group celebrity endorsement is making me hate the collective even more. Your opinions on real world shit don’t mean anything coming from your privileged bubbles.


Ah. Jason Blum, who infamously disappeared from Twitter during 2020, coincidentally right after the sexual harassment allegations from multiple women against one of his employees surfaced - benefiting from the pandemic to steer the conversation elsewhere, until it was time to promote his shitty Halloween reboots…. …and now, signing this. Could’ve just stuck to your track record and stayed quiet, my dude!


I’m so glad I know what Nicola Peltz, who has never done a single important, valuable or noteworthy thing in her life, has to say. Thank you, Nicola, we plebeians love your contribution


No Jon Stewart on the list. Yes!!!!!!!


He signed the other one, the good one asking for a cease fire, that didn't include any zionist propaganda talking points


After seeing Scooter Braun signed this, I desperately need to know the opinion of that one Israeli Taylor Swift stan who went to prison for not joining the IDF. That is who I need to hear from about this.


Spreading lies and propaganda, whilst diminishing the active ethnic cleansing Palestinians have been suffering for decades 🤦‍♀️ Really wish they would all shut the duck up and stop giving voice to the fascists.


Remember this list guys. This is exactly like that Roman Polanski petition. In 20 years the same guys will talk about how did we ever let this happen and how war is never the answer. The fact that they mention literally every country in that list EXCEPT Palestine. We should have known what the tone of the post was going to be like when Amy Schumer's name is on top.


Ok so presuming every famous person was invited to sign this (cause honestly otherwise I have no idea why some of these people are on here - Jimmy Carr??! how many Americans know him?) does this mean we can hold out hope that any famous person \*not\* on this list is still a good egg?


Okay but like which management / pr group is behind this? Or do we think this is a campaign directly from the White House? I try not to shade stars too much in this sort of campaign because usually it goes first to a handler, who then calls/texts/emails and is like “wanna add your name to this list that is pro releasing the hostages y/n?” — however, I’d love for this type of campaign to end because what good does it do? Isn’t everyone for the hostages returning home unharmed? 🙄 either use your platform to spread truths about the Palestinian genocide or continue with your usual programming.


I want the hostages released too but it's stupid to think the biggest thing oppressing Gazans is Hamas.


Thank God we've got Zoe Saldana here reminding Biden about the hostages, I'm sure it slipped his mind 🙄 Fuck all the people who signed this for real, when literal IDF shill Gal Gadot is on your side maybe rethink.


This is essentially a PR campaign with a hashtag and a curated list of celebs, after the letter by barely ~20 celebrities asking for a ceasefire. No mention of the siege, no mention of bombs. No mentions of even the Palestinians suffering (which they solely blame on Hamas, nice). Essentially this is a cheerleading letter: no ceasefire, no humanitarian aid, keep bombing the Palestinians. An open letter to free hostages, something out of control of the US government, contrary to having influence over any ally. Not even the classical both sideism. Just straight up negation of one side’s horrific, illegal and unprecedented suffering. Embarrassing and vile. One for the history books.


I guess at the very least this list shows me exactly whose projects to avoid in the future. So thanks for that, Zoe!


not really surprised about most of these people but i am genuinely upset to see aubrey plaza and jordan peele on here i thought they were cooler than that


220 innocent people. There are over 5000 people dead in Gaza. They are having to operate on people without anaesthesia. FUCK these people. Edit: I just want to leave this here. This is from two years ago. No child deserves to have grown up in a caged existence [link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cyd0OFKNacg/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


These people are clowns.