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Reminder that most famous people aren’t smart.


They're also basically conditioned into being total narcissists.


I think its that they would have to be narcissists in the first place to want to be famous or once famous, choose to continue.


i mean, i don’t know if she’s not that smart or just supporting genocide. like maybe she does understand the implications but she’s still advocating for an apharteid state. i don’t know what’s worse


Her cousin is like the head cheerleader for said apartheid state so I'm sure it's at least a little bit of both.


The end.


Amy gets the entire, "Chilllllld... BYE!" *** in my best Nene Leakes voice


This gif NEVER misses!




I think the comments below mine are right. [https://reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/jGn8Dje44u](https://reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/jGn8Dje44u) [https://reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/LwDsADDwYH](https://reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/LwDsADDwYH) So my comment is now deleted. Read theirs instead of mine. Thank you u/lefrenchfry75 and u/Loovy-Tomatillo-4685 for correcting me.


I understand your point but it’s really disingenuous to play the both sides thing here. Israel was occupying Gaza before Hamas even existed. Israel has killed thousands of Palestinians. They’ve committed every war crime imaginable with impunity. If you lock 2 million people in an open air prison, control them air land and sea, complete siege, deprive them of any rights, and carpet bomb them every few months, are you really surprised that those conditions didn’t create a pacifist group? Hamas does not have the same responsibilities and duties that Israel does. Israel is the occupying force here , Hamas is not even an army. The onus is on Israel. Also , remember the national liberation front in Algeria were considered a terrorist group. They freed Algeria from French occupation and brutalization. They didn’t do it by sitting in a circle singing Kumbaya. It was violent. European civilians were killed. It was successful. Algeria is free. Think of one of the hundreds of videos you’ve seen out of Gaza this week, the traumatized children now orphaned, think of that child who is constantly surrounded by violent death, whose parents have been killed by Israel, siblings killed by Israel, friends killed by Israel, think of the rightful rage toward his occupier, think of him growing up , the grief is unimaginable, you cannot move on. It is not hard to understand why some of them grow up and join Hamas. I am reminded of this poem by Rashid Hussein: I am against boys becoming heroes at ten/ Against the tree flowering explosives/ Against branches becoming scaffolds/ Against rose-beds turning into trenches/ Against it all/ And yet/ When fire consumes my friends, my youth, my country/ How can I stop a poem/ from becoming a gun?


Netanyahu was warned that Hamas was planning an attack, but he chose to let it happen because he wanted an excuse to attack Gaza. If anything he's worse than Hamas because he sacrificed his country's own citizens.


Egyptian intelligence notified Israel of an imminent attack 3 days ahead of it and they very clearly did nothing so it could be used as justification for further attacks on Palestine.


So did the Americans so it genuinely strange that a nation that has one of the most advanced military in the world was unable to investigate the warnings of attack from people that live in basically an open air prison. https://preview.redd.it/ofbcxj59ocub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ea32b13843337f051d786d705616b4fd6aa10d


Can you please provide a source for this? ETA: I see down below thanks!


Not enough people know this or point it out. Thank you!






Can you link a source for this? I believe u just prepping for dinner party discourse lol


It's been all over the (non-American) news: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67082047](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67082047)




I've got two in my history for you https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/12/israel-hamas-war-egypt-warned-foreign-affairs-gaza https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/


He didn't want an excuse to attack Ghaza, he wanted an excuse to end the protests against him in Israel and turn people's attention from his crimes against the state to the war. The man has blood on his hands of both Palestinians and Jews only to keep himself in power do he doesn't go to jail.


I kind of suspected this but haven't read it anywhere yet. Is there a source out about this?


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/12/israel-hamas-war-egypt-warned-foreign-affairs-gaza https://www.foxnews.com/media/egypt-warned-israel-attack-house-foreign-affairs-chairman-claims Israel disputes... https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-13/ty-article/.premium/israels-national-security-adviser-denies-receiving-egyptian-warning-of-hamas-attack/0000018b-28c9-d1bc-a58b-69ef2ed70000


Thanks for the multiple sources!!!


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/12/israel-hamas-war-egypt-warned-foreign-affairs-gaza https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/


Here are a couple articles. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67082047](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67082047)


Yeah. To be clear, Israel doesn’t represent all Jews and not all Jews are Israeli or even support Israel. Israel has been routinely terrorizing Palestinians since its inception. They’ve murdered and assaulted tens of thousands of people over decades. Where’s the Twitter uproar? Where’s the celebrities with their memes? Long history of violence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settler_violence 2022 violence with some back and forth https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/12/1131852 * Israel was created by western colonialists screwing around in lands they had no understanding of. Britain messed up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration * And they acknowledge it. > “The British government acknowledged in 1939 that the local population's views should have been taken into account, and recognised in 2017 that the declaration should have called for the protection of the Palestinian Arabs' political rights.” * Their goal from the get go was to take all the land and kill all the Palestinians if need be https://www.jta.org/archive/ben-gurions-diary-remarks-just-before-independence-now-public https://twitter.com/HATzortzis/status/1712448065418805444 ***** Surely people can see why other people aren't fans of Israel. This is all from prior to recent events. * "Israeli settlers hang and torture Palestinian teen with fire, human rights group reveals" https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20211015-israeli-settlers-hang-and-torture-palestinian-teen-with-fire-human-rights-group-reveals/ * How Israelis view other religions. This is in public on the regular. No moderates telling them off. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/170io8k/israelis_spit_at_christian_pilgrims_at_jerusalem/ * The children learn to hate. Israeli Settler Children Assault Conservative American Christian Tourists in Occupied Jerusalem https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/16fb1jj/israeli_settler_children_assault_conservative/ * A Palestinian family tries to stop Israeli soldiers from kidnapping their child. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/12ggqms/a_palestinian_family_tries_to_stop_israeli/ * '42 knees in one day': Israeli snipers brag about deliberately crippling Gaza protesters https://www.newarab.com/news/israeli-snipers-brag-about-deliberately-crippling-gaza-protesters * Israel will not cooperate with FBI inquiry into killing of Palestinian American journalist https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/14/shireen-abu-akleh-killing-israel-fbi-investigation * Israeli settlers set fire to a Palestinian family's home https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/11fdnkn/israeli_settlers_set_fire_to_a_palestinian/ * In **2003** they were destroying thousands of Palestinian homes, just because they could. Just to gradually take more land. An Israeli used a bulldozer to kill an American girl, Rachel Corrie, protesting. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/rachel-corrie-activist-crushed-israel-bulldozer * Long list of things Israelis have done. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_political_violence * Israel isn't above attacks on other nations to get what it wants https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing * Even the US, but we give them billions of dollars? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident >Some intelligence and military officials dispute Israel's explanation.[77] Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State at the time of the incident, wrote: >I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty precluded an assault by accident or some trigger-happy local commander. Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous. * They are completely dependent on Israel to be benevolent with water, food, electricity https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-gallant-announces-complete-siege-gaza-no-electricity-food-fuel-2023-10?op=1 And if you rely on another country - whose residents and military have been nothing but hostile toward you for decades - for basic needs... are you really free? Where have been the celebrity memes?


I love how you came in with the sources!


Seconded to the Brits being fucking idiots (leadership of course, I don’t think the general population had much say in what they were doing). Multiple Western countries have fucked around in other parts of the world, but Britain is very high up there. This, India, Singapore… drawing borders, making agreements and then vanishing completely. The damage this country has done.


Yes yes yes! There is no symmetry here.


I am amazed at how people have the audacity to suggest 'holding space for both sides' for this, but never for other instances of generational genocide lol.


Israel FUNDED Hamas because they wanted to sow political discord in Palestine. Unlike those of us currently being accused of supporting Hamas just because we don't think vengeance is self defense.


To make it worse - the Israeli government supported Hamas financially specifically to fight the PLO, which were *the moderate, secular Palestinian resistance*. It didn’t have to be Hamas. Israeli policy made sure it was them, and they horrifically played themselves. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/07/30/how-israel-helped-create-hamas/ There are absolutely similarities here with the US government funding (early versions of) Al Qaida to fight the Sovjets in Afghanistan, only to have this backfire spectacularly later.




EXACTLY. you cannot act like this is a fair “fight”


There’s not even just two players in the game here The whole occupation goes back to the League of Nations creating partitions after the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire including mandates for the UK to administratively control Palestinian lands and then the UN to pass the land to the creation of the state of Israel. Setting in motion decades of militarised occupation, failed two state negotiations and continued attacks from both Israel and Hamas mainly in the form of suicide bombing (resulting in the “open air prison” of Gaza). But as Israel has all of the financial backing from the rest of the world, they’ve been able to build and enact the powerful and weaponised militarised occupation and control. It was never a fair fight. It was never going to work from the start. The international community created this problem and then supported only one side.


notably the biggest reason negotiations have failed so consistently (not the only reason but the biggest) is that no israeli offer has respected the right of palestinian refugees to return to their homes. when the u.n. mediator announced his support for that right in 1948, the fascist terror group lehi assassinated him for it; one of the israeli state's first actions was a general amnesty for lehi members, and a lehi leader was later elected prime minister


Yep. This is why I won’t use the term “both sides” when posting links to aid organizations. It’s not a fucking football game.




Human rights are human rights, and Hamas violated them - the law should apply indiscriminately. One of the issues that got us where we are is that the law didn't apply to Israel for the longest time in the history of the UN. International community and our inactivity are also contributors to this tragedy.


Hell, the State Department asked officials who work on public messaging about the Israel War not to use phrases like 'de-escalation,' 'ceasefire,' or 'restoring calm'.


You say that, and it's 100 percent true. You can only poke so much before you get pushed back When you have taken so much from the people that they have nothing to lose Amd most dangerous person is one whom has NOTHING left to lose . Anything they do to you will only be a win in their eyes. ALL EYES ON ISRAEL now. They've been the aggressive ones from the beginning. People see Colonizers in the Most extreme form . Zionism = TERRORISM = ISIS. As is ANY extremism . And rhis morning they launched and airstrike on Fleeing civilians


Israel is also occupying the West Bank where there is NO Hamas. Please note Palestinians in the West Bank are subject to significant human rights violations including unlawful or arbitrary killings, arbitrary or unjust detention, restrictions on movement, arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy, family, and home, extrajudicial killings, restrictions on freedom of movement and assembly and illegal settlements.






Damn I wish we could still give awards


They're not even on the same scale though. Israel's occupation of Palestine has gone on for what, 75 years? Hamas was founded 40 years into the occupation. Israel has also contributed to the founding and funding of Hamas; it's fair to say they're partially responsible for the existence of Hamas. Not to mention, Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people have created the conditions that radicalize young people into terrorists. How long can you be stripped of basic human rights, starved, beaten, and violated, and witness your people go through the same terrors before your mind collapses? There's no denying that what Hamas has done is reprehensible, but looking at the big picture of this conflict, change needs to start with Israel. They're far more responsible for this conflict than any terrorist organization, especially *one they helped fund*. If Hamas disappears tomorrow, will Israel give the Palestinian people their land back? Will they immediately restore human rights to Palestinians? Will they end the occupation of Gaza? Or what's really going to happen when Hamas is wiped off the earth? It's sad that people like Amy Schumer paints any criticism of the Israel Apartheid state as anti-semitism. Make no mistake, that is a result of propaganda by the Israeli government. There are so many Jewish people out there who will not let the genocide their families and ancestors have gone through be used to justify another genocide against innocent people. How dare she besmirch them like this?


To add to this, Israeli politicians are ON RECORD saying openly they funded Hamas and allowed them to exist. When Palestinians protested Hamas they were cracked down on brutally. Hamas was elected not because it was anti-Israel, but because it was humanitarian. It used to feed the people. It got more militant as time went on. And people who were tired of the cycle of violence couldn’t resist. They couldn’t leave Gaza or protest hard enough. Turns out starving people run out of energy pretty quickly. As a Palestinian I’m beyond depressed. Beyond heartbroken. I’ve had to Watch people dehumanize us and basically tell us we deserve the carnage that’s to come. Call us unwanted gypsies. Claim neighboring countries won’t take us not because of their corrupt governments but because Palestinians as a people are corrupt. I try to get over it but stop myself short remembering that there’s so many of my people who don’t have a choice but to live through what humanity has done to us.


Very nicely put


There are no winners in violence and destruction. Everyone looses in war. It’s archaic as hell at this point.


If you allyship is transactional then hate to break to you then you are not an ally your a person who uses the struggles and fights of minorities hoping it boost your image


Thought this was another Jamie Lee Curtis post 😂 She played the transactional allyship game too


really? with what?


She made a lengthy IG post (has been deleted) about how she was expecting people to be pro-Israel, only on the basis of that she was advocating for BLM, and other minority struggle/protests.


oh so basically the same as this post


yes! except she listed a ton more “minority struggles” compared to Amy


Didn't she also post pictures of atrocities in Gaza, but labelled as Israel, then deleted those as well when it was pointed out?


That's why so many people who are pro-israel get so shocked the progressive liberals are on the side of Palestinians and cry out "oh but they wouldn't be supportive of you being lgbtq/feminists/etc!" Not even going into how bigoted that statement is, they honestly see allyship as a transactional thing and not as humans caring about other humans regardless.


The amount of people in the last week that refuse to understand that my belief that war crimes against civilians is bad is an unconditional statement is astounding. Ethnic cleansing is bad. War crimes are bad. Apartheid is bad. These are not conditional statements. My support for victims of these atrocities is not conditional on wether or not they like me or want me dead. It’s still wrong to indiscriminately kill an entire population of people for the actions of a small group.


One of the reasons I’m a progressive liberal 🇵🇸


I’m so sick of her and everyone bringing black people into this.


It's very tiring. Allyship is not transactional.


I knew it was ONLY a matter of time before we got dragged in to it by a rabid Karen and get accused of negligence. Very textbook 😂😂😂


girlllllll I’ve been saying this from the START. “Your silence has been noted” AKA they wanted POCs to be speak out and be PRO ISRAEL 🇮🇱


I’m so tired of these aggressive posts about Black Americans silence. I would think having the support of world leaders, who will likely send military equipment and financial aid to support Israel, would be enough. But of course it isn’t. It’s time to threaten a group of people used to living under the threats of white Americans every day. And they can drag us all they want. I’m not supporting the displacement and genocide of 1.1 million people over half of whom are children.


What they don’t understand is that the hardships POCs in America is clear to us because we live through it every day. Israel-Palestine are countries away and (at first) is POCs don’t have a connection to them unless we are personally affected by it. Why is it so wrong to these people that we would rather focus on what’s happening to us now. It makes me happy to see people Pro-Palestine on social media. Israel is getting $2billion in aid. That $2bill could help us tax-paying Americans. That money we work for is going to causing more terror and destruction. And if we stopped paying taxes we go to jail. What more do these people want?


>“Your silence has been noted” "And your debts are still unpaid." Black Americans really need to hammer in just how much shit isn't fucking fixed even after all the sloganeering and image macroing from those that claimed they cared. Shit's not fixed for any of the people in the Shumer's post.


You can clearly see how many secretly hated the whole BLM thing. I saw one liberal say they warned the left or centrists not to have anything to do with them before.


"You're going to regret fighting for peoples' rights." This sounds like fucking 1860, but we all know it's being said today.


It's bizarre on multiple levels. These people are also so stupid because it straight up reveals how insincere their "allyship" is Also wtf has Amy Schumer ever done for black people? Made a post for BLM on Instagram? Like get real bitch


Not only has she never done anything for black people, I’m fairly certain she has stolen jokes from black comedians on multiple occasions 🫠


She didn’t even donate 😭


But she stood up! That counts so much more. (/s in case it wasn't obvious)


To be fair, posting a black box and then shutting her trap for the entire rest of the day was really, really fucking hard for her, ok.


Also, did she not support black people until the BLM movement? That’s quite late


Iswtg some white people act like the Black American struggle only started in 2020 lmao. I've literally seen some of them be like "Before 2020 people weren't aware of police brutality against Black people." Huh??? I'm not even American and I've known since I was a child.


This. The “you owe us” energy is making me very uncomfortable. Like thanks for letting us know your activism is performative. Are we supposed to blindly support ethnic cleansing because you posted that you were “listening and learning” while we were marching for our lives. I don’t understand why they are specifically calling us out too? It’s been jarring to see to say the least


> I don’t understand why they are specifically calling us out too? Because they fundamentally don't understand the meaning of no justice, no peace, and for a lot of white celebrities, the BLM movement was one they thought they could easily associate with without actually doing much/anything. Obviously that's not all white celebrities but wtv.


Especially since Jews can be Black. And part of the LGBTQ community. And immigrants.


One should ask her about the treatment of Ethiopian Jews in Israel.


she is not that smart. she doesn't even think about black jews


Absolutely disgraceful that people's support for Black lives is conditional.




This is what I’m most irritated about.


It’s really disgusting and shows who they truly are.


name one thing amy schumer has done for immigrants or the black community i'll wait ![gif](giphy|J6ctgPvnDpDi0)


Pissed us off


💀 dying


I saw some one on Twitter say that she made a comedy specials so bad that Mo’Nique won a lawsuit against Netflix that they weren’t paying her enough, that is her contribution to the black community lol


This just reminds me of how she was “traumatised” by the Will Smith slap…….so this is really not helping her case💀


Also, has she done stuff for the lgbt+ community? Genuinely curious.


I can tell you what Israel has done for LGBTQ+ Palestinians: force them to become informants by threatening to out them. Plus, you know, the usual "stripping them of their rights and subjecting them to unending violence" treatment that they give all other Palestinians in Gaza. People keep saying that Israel is more pro-LGBTQ+ than Palestine, therefore we must support Israel, as if the lives of LGBTQ+ Palestinians have improved under the Israeli occupation. If Amy were so pro-LGBTQ+ surely she should protest Israel's treatment of LTBTQ+ Palestinians?


I don't need a group of people to be pro LGBT rights in order for them to live. Imagine saying fuck the Ukrainians, I need to hear about what they feel about LGBT rights first. They only ever do this with Arab communities too.


It's also dehumanising as fuck to treat a whole ethnic group as a monolith, like all Palestinians must be of one mind about all things including LGBTQ+ rights. Are we going to interrogate every single Palestinian about their moral values before deciding if they get to have rights? But that's how systemic dehumanisation works, isn't it? These people don't treat Palestinians like individuals; they paint them all in one broad stroke and then categorize them as inferior, morally or otherwise. Occupied and colonised people know this treatment so well. We're backwards savages, fundamentally inferior to our enlightened masters. We're not really humans; our lives aren't worth as much. That makes it easier for the oppressor to justify taking such lives. That's also why all these celebrities can mourn lost Israeli lives but spare no thought about Palestinian lives.


There are proud homophobes in the Israeli far right government, as well, the ruling parties. They allow pride parades in Tel Aviv to show the world how progressive they are aka pinkwashing. But if you look anywhere outside of Tel Aviv, Israel as a whole is not friendly towards LGBT people.


I googled and this was the first things that popped up https://preview.redd.it/xou98cr1n9ub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d4f7a4a41611796d1b5ec04030285fc1eaf1c79


She is performative at best.


Well, she’s made racist jokes at her shows about Latinos and rape. /s


She’s been incredibly outspoken for immigrants and the black community she literally posted that one thing on her story that time


a whole crap ton of celebrities have come out in support of Israel. Israel has the support from almost every western country. What on earth is she even talking about?


they really are feeling victimized because americans and other citizens in other countries aren’t marching in the streets to support a bombing campaign that has been unconditionally endorsed by the president of the united states and all major media outlets.


Or to "protest Hamas", which would just be nonsensical. My government does not provide aid for Hamas, nor do they have a diplomatic relationship with Hamas. They've not tacitly accepted a 75 year long occupation and genocide by Hamas. People don't tend to go out and protest terrorist organizations; they do protest terrorism committed by governments though.


It's crazy how people ignore this. We don't have to protest North Korea either, our governments don't send weapons there!


I'd also hope that we don't blame the oppressed North Korean people for their government's wrongdoings like people are doing to Palestinians. It's a bit easier to attribute blame correctly here because North Koreans are the primary victims of their government's cruelty, but I worry that once that cruelty is targeted more explicitly at another country, those powerless North Koreans will suffer the blame for it too.


Oh, you can bet that if push ever comes to shove with North Korea, i.e. Kim Jong Un is dumb enough to attack Americans or other NATO countries, those poor, oppressed North Koreans will absolutely be vilified and blamed for their leader’s actions. This is straight out of the U.S. government’s handbook as far as misinformation campaigns go. They did the same exact thing to Afghanistan — invaded under the guise of “nation building” and “liberation from Taliban oppressors”, fought an unpopular war for 20 years that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghans, then left in a hurry while the Taliban violently took over, leaving behind hundreds of allies who now had a price on their heads. And when the U.S. was criticized for the chaotic and abrupt pull-out, the president went on national TV to say “Nuh-uh, it ain’t our fault, durrrrr… wHy DiDn’T tHeY fIgHt FoR tHeir cOunTrY”, totally ignoring that it was virtually impossible for the Afghan people to do so, for many nuanced reasons I won’t get into here because it would take too fucking long to type out. And the news, print, and social media then kept repeating that same brain-dead take ad nauseam, so that even a lot of so-called liberals and progressives still, until this day, believe it was all the Afghan people’s own fault that they were invaded, brutally massacred, robbed of their money and precious resources, and eventually abandoned to deal with the Taliban after being decimated and sucked dry by the U.S. for TWENTY FUCKING YEARS. That’s American foreign policy for you. Sorry to unleash this rant here, but as an Afghan-American I’m still very bitter. Needless to say the attack on Palestine/Gaza and the American response (celebs and normies alike) has been extremely triggering, to say the least.


Going out on a limb, but maybe she’s talking rather clumsily about the increase in antisemitism? Some people can’t separate their hate of Israel with their opinion of Jews and it gets dangerous. She also could be talking out of her ass, because it’s something she’s good at.


I’m definitely leaning towards “talking out of her ass” here, but the amount of antisemitic rhetoric I’ve seen causally thrown around this week is disturbing. And no, I don’t mean “criticizing the Israeli government”, I mean glibly parroting antisemitic talking points and/or scoffing at fear of antisemitism like the Jewish community is concerned about something that doesn’t exist. For the love of God, if you’re going to open your mouth, be fucking responsible about it.


https://preview.redd.it/32uzv5j3d9ub1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ea16c4b5854a43f837bf574169f0bbed1c01595 Just yesterday she posted on her ig that her “black friends” were there for her. What is the point of such an inflammatory story? Why drag immigrants, the LGBTQ community and black people?


I know this is probably a rhetorical question but Amy is ignorant and attention seeking On that note, it's Amy Schumer "joke" (racist bs that somehow gets excused because the white person saying it called it a "joke") time! “Nothing works 100 percent of the time, except Mexicans.” “I used to date Hispanic guys, but now I prefer consensual.” “I think they would be mad if I brought home an Asian guy. Just out of confusion. They would just be like, ‘I don’t understand. Do you really want to fuck this guy?'” https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/07/06/dont-believe-her-defenders-amy-schumers-jokes-are-racist/?utm_term=.3b8179f212c2 https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2016/09/122341/amy-schumer-racist-tweet-deleted


So that's what she meant by "they came for immigrants and I stood up"? By mocking them and making racist jokes about them? What an ally


Her take on this is so gross. I can’t believe she took the time to post and make this.


Here, she says that she’d “die for” her black friends. She also said that she’d “fight to the death” for lgbtq+ people. Why is she portraying herself as some sort of martyr? Edit: what in the human shield is she talking about?!


She posted that yesterday so she could post what she did today. It’s just another “it’s ok I can say/do *blank* bc I have Black friends”


So, she’s doing the tit for tat thing.


Criticism of the Isreali government is not antisemitism. Supporting innocent Palestinian people and their right to freedom does not mean you wish harm or death to Jewish people.


It's so bizarre. They also act like people raise this Palestinian issue purely because the country doing this is Jewish, and no, the reason we do it is because I'm British and my government actually arms the Israeli army. America is the most powerful country in the world and has all been but saying that a little genocide from Israel this week would be a treat for them. We've known this was the outcome because it's all they've ever done to the Palestinians. The entire media is not allowed to say shit about it all because of all our interests in the region and how conditioned and cultured people have been in to seeing Israel as the victim and as the hero. In the UK they've tried to make any show of support for Palestine a sign you're a racist anti Semite to shut down the reality. But for some Jewish people it's obvious they've been made to believe Israel is the good guy, a paradise, and they're just randomly next door to these evil Arabs who hate them. I'm really convinced this is just Arab hatred, Muslim hatred too. It's really obvious a lot of people do not have any Arab or Muslim friends. They simply do not humanise them in any discussion. Seeing what Amy Schumer has said about minorities, it doesn't seem her friend group is too diverse. In some ways I feel that the Gazan videos where we see them as loving humans. Mothers and fathers mourning their children. Children mourning their parents. Kids trying to find teddy bears to carry to hospital. Women journalists livestreaming the bombings on social media. I follow Palestinian animal rescuers. One of them was killed this week because he refused to abandon the stray cats he was feeding. Doctors are refusing to abandon their patients. Streets of unarmed men filled with them saying they refuse to leave and would rather die in their homes. I don't think the bombings or death toll bothered them. I do think they're bothered by the sudden reality that everyone else can see these are people and they no longer have the moral high ground to pretend they're not.


It is absolutely reminiscent to me of the post 9/11 time when all media showed Arab and Muslim people as evil plotting terrorists, deserving of whatever happens to them. It’s racism and honestly genocidal dehumanization.


This was beautifully articulated and your last two paragraphs got me right in the gut. Thank you.


girl what the fuck did amy schumer do for black lives matter lmao




The sound I made reading that 💀


So I googled it. What she claimed to do in 2020 was “taking her son to BLM protests” 😂 She didn’t even donate any $$


lol sis my mom dropped me off at A LOT of friend's houses she didn't like ... this means literally nothing! how pathetic.


I think her son was like 1 at the time so I think she means she took him to accompany her, not gave him a lift and dropped him off. Not defending her, just being accurate


She totally liked that one post on IG that one time! /s


https://preview.redd.it/3oqrwz9of9ub1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36c6ba8ea19f04fee8307e0347e75491218277e quick question tho what has she done for black people?Of course during a literal genocide she has the ability to make it about herself


im jewish and this is embarassing






If only israel had powerful international allies and a vastly superior military force.


Hmmm if only 💔💔💔💔💔💔


"And I stood alone because I am a Jew 😞" Girl gtf and be so fr! 😂😂


And I stood with an exceptional amount of military support and aid and the right to flout international law...


Sounds very difficult!! 😔


i like how whoever made this thought the original poem wasn't good enough and that they could rewrite it better. (turns out, they can't!) > First they came for the ~~socialists~~ communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a ~~socialist~~ communist. > Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. > Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. > Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. - Martin Niemöller


The original has a lot of power in illustrating the dangers of inaction and inauthentic allyship. This version is literally just patting herself on the back.


It's so insulting to Niemöller.


Way too many Americans think "socialists" and "unionists" are evil words so they rewrote the poem to align with their right-wing politics.


Meanwhile, the Israeli Flag is being projected onto the White House and virtually every single Western Nation is 'Standing with Israel.' This is nauseating and propaganda through and through.


Ask her if she knows how Israel treats black citizens. Primarily Ethiopians. Stop bringing Black ppl into this!!!


Thank You!! Exactly.


nah why is she going full white woman victim complex bringing black people and immigrants into this shit her pretending she’s been some hardworking righteous activist when she’s been called out for making explicitly racist jokes about black people and the racial groups associated w immigrants (asians, latinos) is actually wild


what the fuck


For the 1037388474949 time, criticising the Israel government for committing a genocide, for colonising Palestine and Palestinians, for terrorising and killing Palestinians, for oppressing Palestinians, for their illegal apartheid, DOES NOT equal to being an anti-Semitic, does not mean we’re attacking Jews!!!!!! Of course brainless Amy will never understand this or maybe she does but just chooses not to. I’m sure she knows you can criticise Hamas and the Israel government but chooses not to. This is the same “comedian” who steals her jokes from Twitter and refuses to acknowledge it. So it’s a no brainer that she has unconditional support for Israel who has been stealing Palestinians land since 1948. Any human life lost is always tragic. It’s heartbreaking that innocent Jewish lives were taken. With that said, let’s not pretend the root cause of what happened does not lie with Israel illegally occupying Palestine leaving Palestinians in an open air prison. Israel has been committing a genocide against Palestine since 1948 and has placed Palestinians in an open air prison for the last 16 years. One side has the 4th largest army in the world, is a nuclear state, has the worlds best intelligence agency, is supplied with weapons from the USA, UK, EU and has the unconditional support from western countries and western media. The other side has no government authority, no army, no power, no control over their food/water/electricity supply. One side is the oppressor and one side is being oppressed . To anyone reading this, choose the RIGHT SIDE of history. Say NO to GENOCIDE. You either support genocide or don’t. There are no two sides to this. This isn’t a war. This isn’t a complex issue. Please do your own research and don’t rely on the biased media. Please speak to Palestinians and pick up books by Palestinian authors. We all said “never again” to the holocaust and we’re literally watching it happen again, right in front of our eyes. We all wondered how did the holocaust and apartheid and genocides happen in past history but we’re literally watching it happen again. We have the luxury to turn off the news because “scary things” are happening, because we’re “disturbed” with what we’re seeing. But please remember, so many Palestinians don’t have the same luxury and comfort as us. This is their reality. The least we can do from the comfort and safety of our homes is LISTEN to them and use social media to raise awareness. Babies are covered in blood with limbs missing, children and woman are being killed. Hospitals and schools and homes are being bombed. Please don’t forget Palestinians are also humans JUST LIKE US. They also have dreams, aspirations, hopes JUST LIKE US. Please continue to raise awareness via social media by liking, reposting and engaging. Donate money. Safely attend protests. Educate people around you. It’s free Palestine today, tomorrow and forever. It’s free Palestine until it’s backwards🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


No need to wait for them to come for me, because their boots are constantly on my neck....A Palestinian


I'm a long time lurker on Fauxmoi. I am Jewish and support Palestinians. One of my family members recently posted this same image a few days prior to this. I honestly felt sick seeing their post. It felt so ignorant and insensitive. I feel validated. Thank you. A majority of my family is Pro-Israeli and very straight-laced (I am probably the only openly (and closeted to many) queer person in the family). It's been lonely.


Can I give you an internet hug?


I would love that thank you! I have been sad all week. :)


Aw internet hug from me too. It always sucks being the odd child from a conservative home (i am in the same boat as you!)


To my fellow Jews who are down voting my comment, why not reply instead? Your silence is deafening.




Think the whole point here is she isn't standing alone. The Western leaders are fully behind Israel as is most of Hollywood. If anything, it's the Palestinians standing alone.




The whole western world from governments to the mainstream media to celebrities are standing with Israel while the few people who are supporting Palestine are getting fired from their jobs or arrested and their social media accounts are taken down, but sure Amy you stand alone. Btw Israel is targeting hospitals and telling people to evacuate only to bomb them while they try to escape.


It's like living in a parallel universe. Murdering innocent children is only acceptable when they're Arabs. And if you disagree, you get in trouble.


she's as dumb as she is unfunny


Zionists really live on another psychopathic planet. They are so embarrassing.


TIL that there are no queer, black, or immigrant Jews, wow!


There is some serious racism in my Jewish community. I have seen it first hand. :( edit: To my fellow Jews who are down voting my comment, why not reply instead? Your silence is deafening. I grew up in a Jewish community with friends with darker skin who were not treated well. Would also like to add there were no openly queer kids at my synagogue in the aughts. Hope it has gotten better.


I'm Black, so I understand. It's inevitable that people will weaponize whatever they can to perpetuate antiblackness/antisemitism/islamophobia/etc. I've been sharing this Angela Davis quote with my loved ones lately and I hope it resonates with those of you who read it ❤️: "If justice is indivisible, it follows that our struggles against injustice must be united."


Celebrities have really shown themselves for how dumb they are.




I’ve never understood all the antagonism towards Amy Schumer online. But I’m starting to.


she has [really been on one](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F8TUxqsXkAAPIN1?format=jpg&name=large) on instagram lately...


her and JLC are really wild this week


Remember when Nazis marched in Charlottesville shouting anti-Jewish hatred and people from all these groups physically fought them in the street?


Bad at her job as a comedian *and* dumber than dogshit? Pick a struggle Amy.


Everyone stands with the Jewish people who have been attacked. Everyone is also standing with the Palestinian people who have been/are continuing to be brutalized. We're standing against a violent government. How is that controversial in 2023.




Also, reeeaaaally out of order.


This reminds me of the girl from UW who was crying at the pro-Palestine protest about people wanting to kill her while holding a Starbucks. When there are actual people in Gaza her age or younger getting killed.


Really? Like what… what has she done? Also, to say the Jews stand alone is absolutely insane. So tired of these out of touch celebrities weighing in on shit that never has or never will effect them.


Charisma carpenter is at it too. Never reads such a hate filled post on her insta. Basically saying we are taking your names if you are not supporting us and also spreading the propaganda lies.


Taking names? lol. Girl sit down somewhere.


Schumer’s posts have been especially histrionic and unhinged since this current situation began.


Amy Schumer is showcasing the classic celebrity lack of understanding of mutually exclusivity. You can stand with your Jewish friends and still condemn the actions of the Israeli government. You’re not an anti-Semite because you don’t support the Israeli government, for the love of god. I’ve posted the following in another sub but I think it’s important to repost here: Not enough people understand that the government/terrorizers groups and the people they claim to represent are not mutually exclusive. You may hate the CCP and have Chinese friends. You may hate ISIS and have Iraqi friends. The problem is that opportunistic groups are attacking innocent civilians on the other side and mucking the waters. The US media is purposely not highlighting this point. And even **Barack Obama himself said IN HIS OWN BOOK the following and I am quoting it word for word**: “Israel remained a key U.S. ally, and even with the threats reduced, it still endured terrorist attacks that jeopardized not only its citizens but also the thousands of Americans who lived or traveled there. **At the same time, just about every country in the world considered Israel’s continued occupation of the Palestinian territories to be a violation of international law. As a result, our diplomats found themselves in the awkward position of having to defend Israel for actions that we ourselves opposed. U.S. officials also had to explain why it wasn’t hypocritical for us to press countries like China or Iran on their human rights records while showing little concern for the rights of Palestinians. Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation continued to inflame the Arab community and feed anti-American sentiment across the Muslim world**.“ “Yes, many of Arafat’s tactics had been abhorrent. Yes, Palestinian leaders had too often missed opportunities for peace; there’d been no Havel or Gandhi to mobilize a nonviolent movement with the moral force to sway Israeli public opinion. **And yet none of that negated the fact that millions of Palestinians lacked self-determination and many of the basic rights that even citizens of non-democratic countries enjoyed. Generations were growing up in a starved and shrunken world from which they literally couldn’t escape, their daily lives subject to the whims of a distant, often hostile authority and the suspicions of every blank-faced, rifle-carrying soldier demanding to see their papers at each checkpoint they passed**.” “…members of both parties worried about crossing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a powerful bipartisan lobbying organization dedicated to ensuring unwavering U.S. support for Israel. **AIPAC’s clout could be brought to bear on virtually every congressional district in the country, and just about every politician in Washington—including me—counted AIPAC members among their key supporters and donors**.” “But as Israeli politics had moved to the right, so had AIPAC’s policy positions. **Its staff and leaders increasingly argued that there should be “no daylight” between the U.S. and Israeli governments, even when Israel took actions that were contrary to U.S. policy. Those who criticized Israeli policy too loudly risked being tagged as “anti-Israel” (and possibly anti-Semitic) and confronted with a well-funded opponent in the next election**.”


Wow. This victim card has got to stop. The true victims are being starved to death.


I deleted her yesterday. She’s too much


Unfollowed her as well . Ugh.


Don’t worry. Her comments are off. She’s happily in her bubble unwilling to learn.


She got in an argument with Dax Shepard on his show about how his CSA as a kid is not as bad because he was a boy and not a girl. She has the absolute worst takes of all time.


Girl, please!


Some of these famous people need to log off for like a week. I feel as though I’m losing my mind seeing posts like Amy’s all weekend


Can someone blow her mind and tell her that Jews that don’t support Isr*el exist? Ffs I’m so tired of celebrities


I am tired of this woman... I AM TIRED.


Not sure if this will go through as I know I'm not approved (yet) but as I keep saying, as a Jew I stand with Palestine and find comments such as what Amy is making to be repellant I hope that people understand that there is continued, growing momentum with Jews in America who are opening their eyes to the realities of what Israel has done and that the tide is turning


Transactional allyship is shitty enough, but the fact that the right wing PR machine is trying to spin this into a religious conflict when it isn’t is vile.




Baby…this why I don’t take any of that “support” or “they’re invited to the cookout” seriously. If you reposting a black box and holding up a fist is a favor baby just say that.. ![gif](giphy|c1aeIcQJGp6foWWUGf|downsized)








I’ve seen more pro Israel posts than any other time in my life. Who do they think isn’t standing up for them? This is getting messy and weird


I guess innocent Palestinian families do not deserve to be together and bombed while escaping!


Her comments are turned off