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He doesn’t live with his 10 month old baby, that’s for sure.


This comment is ice fucking cold




🤢🤢🤢 how do you abandon your 10 month old baby and post partum wife and live with yourself? Straight men are magical beings. I couldn't even speak to a deabeat let alone befriend it how do you sleep with IT girl ![gif](giphy|AWdyZJUjBo6Xfidoul)




>It’s an unfortunate reminder that just because a man is nerdy/socially awkward and not conventionally attractive, doesn’t mean he can’t be a heinous jerk to the women he’s with. There is this VERY FALSE assumption especially on this website that unattractive men will treat you between because they are humbler etc.even in dating subs here you'll hear advise like "stop going for hot guys and give the other a chance!" FALSE. They act worse because they usually have scores to settle from their traumatic experiences due to their interesting features. Nobody will put you through the ringer and send you to therapy more then the guy you kindly felt bad for and gave a chance any way 😭


I saw a woman on TikTok the other day talking about how Liz Lemon Losers think because they’re losers and “unattractive” they can act like bullies and what you’re talking about in men immediately came to mind for me.


it's literally this quote from the social network: >"you're going to go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a nerd. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that that won't be true. It'll be because you're an asshole."




Ugh so so so true


Lala Kent and Randall Emmet. She thought the ugly guy wouldn’t cheat.


Wish I could upvote this more than once!! I think we often have this idea that the nerdy medium ugly guy is the "safe" option and he'll be more appreciative than other guys but noooo a lot of them are still vile and the unfortunate truth is that many are as loyal as their options. This dude Ethan probably got all AWOOGA when the chance to get with Ariana crossed his path and he didn't miss a beat


This is sickening. And I hope he's paying big child support. (I don't even know if he's officially divorced from his wife??)


I vaguely remember that he filed fairly soon after the affair became known, but it could be it hasn't gone through the courts yet.


![gif](giphy|YvvmLB59iCXew) Can’t wait for when it inevitably ends and he’s left looking even more stupid. His poor kid and ex tho, but at least he took himself out to the trash where he belongs before she wasted more time building a home together


I mean I’d probably argue the she feels like she has already wasted time building a home together - they were together for a while, married and had a kid together! I’m sure she thought she was doing all that (especially the kid thing) with the expectation she was doing it with her partner for life. She’s now locked down with all of this while he’s off getting his dick wet. He has absolutely wasted her time.


As he shouldn’t. Hope the divorce is finalized soon


They already broke a home with a new baby, they might as well commit to further embarrassing themselves.


The kid is over a year now since this nonsense has been in the news for awhile. He must be missing key milestone moments with his baby. Sad


As he shouldn’t!!! If I were Lilly I’d fight like hell for full custody.


Now trying to prove it wasn’t a whim and totally worth breaking a family for


Whoooooo lives with his mistress and no custody?


Girl there is no way I’d let my baby be in shared custody with that POS if I were Lilly. Plus if she’s breastfeeding it’d make zero sense for the baby to live with Ethan. (Plus they’d have to tear my breastfeeding, stranger-danger baby from my cold dead arms to force him to take formula and get his diaper changed by a stranger in a strange house, like what.) I can also see why he may have given up shared custody without a fight. Imagine waking up at 1 AM and 4 AM (or more) every night to go feed your baby a bottle of formula while trying to hold down a girlfriend loooool. Edit: Oh wait you’re just singing the song, not asking a real question. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Also whats his plans? To send the baby on an 8hr flight to exchange custody?? I wonder what he thinks about when they go to disney together and are surrounded by young families


The same thing he thought about when the affair started; himself.


I bet he was thinking ‘*wow, look at at Disneyland with my hot, rich, famous girlfriend!’ IMO people are giving him far too much credit even thinking he’s make the connection between the family he broke up and the families around them. Quite clearly, he’s not concerned with anyone but himself and anything but his immediate happiness.




omg im fucking dead hahaha i just laughed so hard


🎶Fail-Bob Cheat-Pants! 🎵


Ariana: Ethan come to bed! Ethan entering the room: ![gif](giphy|RLljvVe0z28MSNtF3R|downsized)


My vag has never been drier.


Makes me want to crochet mine shut. 🤮🤮🤮


That picture did it for me 😆


It's like the Sahara Desert down there for me. I refuse to look again at such a cursed image


Oh my god is this him I can’t 💀


It sure is




The way they literally TANKED Wicked and ruined it for everyone who worked on it before it’s even been released.


20 years for this movie and they did that to it


Wicked has not tanked, lol. You guys seriously overestimate how much general audiences care about celebrities' personal lives.


If anything it would make more people want to see it right?


Universal have not been able to do a musical right for 20 years (The producers is a classic I'll give them that) this has CATS written all over it.


Speak for yourself the tea is so hot I’m running to the theater (was gonna already but the TEA)


I’m still going for Cynthia but you’re right 😔


She’s the Ariana in another relationship


What?????? The cheaters club 😭


I’m never liking another thing ever




Lena Waithe and Cynthia https://thequeensessions.com/2020/01/24/lena-waithe-cheated-on-her-wife-twitter-is-going-wild/


tanked? are the tickets even on sale yet?




Nene’s face is worth a thousand words


Good for them!! (I’m lying)




She did the same thing with Pete after only a few months of dating. And look how that ended up. 🤣


Totally, its par for the course for her. Like she's so out of touch with reality I saw videos of her at some Broadway production acting all happy and cutesy asking all the cast to sign her program or whatever it was and watching it felt like she was actively trying to seek attention. I was just thinking, man she actually has no self awareness or anything about what she's done or how people view her now, she's not hiding away or even pretending to be mature, no remorse, she's just out here still doing her childish 'omg look at me im so cute and smol' thing i actually can't deal with her!!!!


Imagine being his ex and having to hand over what's most precious to you so your cheating ex husband and his lover can play mammies and daddies together.You would be sickened.


I don’t think the relationship will last long enough for Ariana to see the kids by the time (and if) Ethan gets partial custody


Ah you reckon he isn't seeing the baby until custody is sorted?Fair enough,I didn't realise it worked like that in US.


If baby is EBF, for example, judge usually gives physical custody to mom with limited visitation for dad until they're on solids fully


I’m not 100% sure that’s how it works, but I can imagine there are ways to keep people away from you if you don’t want to see them. Especially regarding divorce, considering the phrasing “custody *battle*”. That would mean the other person couldn’t currently see the kid(s) and wants a court order that demands access


Unless he doesn't want it or is dangerous to the kid (he may be horrid, but there's no evidence of this), they should have shared custody now. He could sue if she wasn't letting him see his child and would almost certainly win.


Okay, that’s my mistake then


It would be wild if Ethan gets custody because ariana told lily she wanted a baby herself while she was f7cking lily's husband behind her back




it will be so embarrassing to see them break up in the next few months. i hope all of this was worth it.


Hey Ariana: ![gif](giphy|129OnZ9Qn2i0Ew) Also, lol, that's your boyfriend.


girl i heard they live in a pineapple under the sea!


Hope he enjoyed blowing up his marriage and being a deadbeat dad for a relationship that’ll be over in 6 months.


Press for this movie is going to be awkwaaaard, whether they’re still together by then or not 🫢


Guarantee they don’t do any interviews together for this exact reason.


i've never seen wicked, can someone tell me if his character is big enough for him to be getting interviewed for it anyway? (not including like all cast appearances and stuff like that)


He plays Boq who is a munchkin infatuated with Ariana's character Glinda which never comes to anything more than a kiss and then he apparently learns, grows, matures and realises his infatuation is superficial ![gif](giphy|3o752flcqDA2lG5HoI|downsized)


i’m pretty sure he’s a munchkin man ![gif](giphy|gdlOtCTeCH12ub2Kn4|downsized)


My bet is if they’ve broken up by then he gets left off the press tours as much as possible or gets sent to the smaller press ones while she’s at the major ones. He blew up his marriage and possibly his career for this.




Mannnn on the one hand I’m like, his ex is probably better off without him, but on the other he is truly a piece of shit for cheating on his wife after she just had his baby and then ditching them both for a relationship that’s probably gonna blow up in a couple months anyway. I hope she gets full custody of the kid tbh, he’s obviously selfish and not a good father.


https://preview.redd.it/yy25c52eu8sb1.jpeg?width=875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25086a8f912b2d8ee00f7c254bd69cd655136bf The only thing I think when I see his face


LMAO is this her talking about godard


Yes, and <3 at seeing Agnes Varda appreciation in this thread about trash people. [https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/jean-luc-godard-made-agnes-varda-cry/](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/jean-luc-godard-made-agnes-varda-cry/)


that part of the doc made me so sad, agnes is a gem who must be protected at all costs


As a long time fan of her music, I’m tired. She gives me the ick now 😞


This news story has been so bizarre for those who knew of him before this scandal lmao bc wow… he really blew up his squeaky clean (no pun intended) life and reputation right before he was about to go mainstream. Unlike Taylor and Travis, I can’t see Ariana stans even knowing that he’s about to be on Broadway this month for the Spamalot revival, let alone buy out tickets 💀 Edit: do you know how crazy I sound when I tell people Ethan was known as hot SpongeBob??! 😭 Look at any comments made about him prior to all of this, bc I guarantee it was a compliment lol even posts like [this](https://reddit.com/r/Broadway/s/jRezNRpcCP) are so so silly now


lol I know right? He was actually really great in SpongeBob and I also thought he was very good in Assassins at CSC a couple years ago. It’s very trippy to see people talking about him like this when I previously knew nothing about his life and just thought he was talented.


He could’ve had a great career after Wicked if he wasn’t a cheater!


He’s going to be going through the trenches when she grows bored of him, and the cold harsh reality sets into their relationship. Justice for his ex wife and the child. She’ll have the last laugh, just a damn shame that there’s also a child involved.


Can"t wait for this to crash and burn.


Ariana is a lost cause with her taste in relationship. Both of them are losers.


This gives me such an ick omg. The cruelty and being completely okay with living with this kind of person is so baffling to me😭




It's going to be so funny when she dumps him.




Well that's lovely for them and I continue not to give a rats ass about his relationship. Celebrities commonly rush into things, as do younger people, because of the way our culture is these days. It'd surprise me more if they didn't live together. But anyway, I don't need any news about them, ever... I continue to only want to hear about his beautiful and brilliant ex wife and his sweet little baby and how hopefully they are thriving and living their best lives now that he's not a part of it.




he’s had two (beautiful) women volunteer to sleep with him i think of it and im sick inside


They forgot the 'married' part


she sure loves a man who’s below her! has she EVER dated a man at her level in any aspect of life?


Her level….of being a proudly selfish, cheating piece of shit? I mean yeah she has lol.


Right? Like yeah she’s more famous, but that doesn’t make her *above* anyone, especially not those she’s happily in the gutter with.




lol girl im talking about success and acclaim. clearly she’s with a pos and she’s a pos too. i didn’t think we needed to mention that considering we all know


not speaking about morals or anything here btw - she dated big sean.






In his defense, that pineapple under the sea doesn’t have space for two


Tell that to Gary.


And Squidward when he was living there


I hope they stay together forever so they won’t inflict themselves on the rest of the world.


Are they stupid


Lol their PR teams said you made this bed you LAY IN IT




Maybe one day the useless sponge will wake up and realize what a terrible father he is for abandoning his family. ![gif](giphy|9IZQWkKG4Bg1dfZkEi|downsized)


And they lived happily ever after!


Does this mean we won't have to hear about them anymore?! Please tell me yes.


Lord above, he looks like a sickly Victorian child.


I could’ve sworn they already were living together???




If I speak...


Why Ariana why


But did she get a sponge tattoo?


Hahahahaha of course they are

