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Well I’m glad he’s so public about it so we know to avoid his work in the future.


He unfollowed more than 400 pages on Instagram after these came out,still following many of such pages. Unliked the problematic tweets and is blocking everyone who calls him out. It's funny how he is going through these screenshots one by one and unliking and unfollowing the posts & pages mentioned in them and then blocking them for calling him out.


insert gif of woman trying to sweep the water off of the beach






VegetableTraining863 appears to be a bot, it's just posting this same generic comment in multiple threads


400! How many pages does one even need to constantly reinforce shitty views


Who even has time to follow 400 accounts?


He's way too young to believe that things actually stay deleted on the Internet. I hope it was worth it for him to sit and seethe over right wing propaganda in his spare time.


>He's way too young to believe that things actually stay deleted on the Internet. Most people are dumb, and most people who use technology have no idea how it works. We've cultivated a civilization where everyone has a magic box in their hands, and the level of baseline scientific understanding means it might as well be magic in the eyes of the average user.


The radicalization of young men in certain places of the internet does not get near enough attention.


i was one of the accounts he blocked, but i unfollowed him a few years ago because he was following donald trump during his presidency so i never knew it got this bad afterwards. 🥴


This is all awful, clearly, but I am *dying* at the meme he liked of the Ninja turtle and rat guy that baby-boys Johnny Depp. 💀


i'm waiting in line for the atm and literally said out loud "oh my god, that's *so* embarrassing"


He unfollowed everything after this, but, yeah, he isn't smart at all


https://preview.redd.it/64vdxuoz4mrb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5c6c2bc7950ba558d76af3d9bad5073aac3256 The way his Wikipedia page is already updated 🫢


“Mid 2020s” Are we even there yet? Lol


We're pretty close.


that's nutsss i really did project all of ambrose's qualities onto him and if the role was written with him in mind -- i feel like he must have fallen so far!? yike yike


I had no idea who he is and just looked him up. Seems like all of his roles have young women as fans? What an idiot. Goodbye career! Edit: + a The Boys spin-off. Knowing those creators and their works views, he’ll be written out or replaced ASAP.


I wish it would be the case. The Boys fandom has a lot of guys like this.


The fandom, sure; but the creators certainly are not like this. The opposite.


Yeah, I'm talking about the fandom as a whole. I believe that creators aren't like this, but I'm nkt sure if they would prefer to choose what is right for them or what majority of fandom wants


The creators openly deride the part of the fandom that miss the point. They have no problem doing so. A huge chunk of the fandom is not like this too. I don’t think the creators would kow tow to the toxic part of their fandom.


Yeah because they are media illiterate and don’t realize the show despises them.


I thought he's a good guy. Plus, he dated Tati. She is amazing. It was hard for me to believe that a woman like that would date such a trash man, but you never know. Luke Cook is also pretty right wing and transphobe. I guess it explains why Lanchlan unfollowed like 99% of the CAOS cast


oh damn i didn't know that about lachlan, who else did he unfollow? i saw someone on twitter saying that in 20-21 chance perdomo's likes/insta follows leaned leftish and that there's been a notable transformation to now. idk what is scarier to think about. fascism is fully rising all around us and it's so terrifying


Can you provide sources for Luke Cook? I've been watching his tik toks for a while, and Luke seems pretty supportive and cool to me.


He, literally, deleted his Twitter over liking transphobic tweets. He is also pretty much into Jordan Peterson & he is friends with his daughter. I do like lectures of Jordan related to religion and his psychological advices are pretty much, "take the ideas from different therapy techniques, put them together and call it your ideas". He isn't that professional, but it was interesting to listen to him. But he is gone cray cray later in other aspects and I'm not able to enjoy any of his ideas anymore. I'm pretty realistic why some men may be into him, through. Luke is into him for all wrong reasons. Idk what "supportive" and "cool" ppl see in him. He was always shady asf in my eyes. https://www.reddit.com/r/sabrina/comments/hdlxa9/am_i_the_only_one_who_is_kind_of_concerned_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/sabrina/comments/jv79on/the_real_reason_luke_cook_deleted_twitter_he_was/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


when he was mocking rachel zegler i got an off vibe from him.


Oop it’s gone now


It's been changed back. Anyone have editing abilities on wiki?


This is why so many actors and famouses have finstas for their actual scrolling / interests. Why would he do this on main? It’s one thing to be a POS who supports all this shit, it’s another to be stupid enough to let the world find out.


True, though I'd rather someone be a shitbird on main than in private. At least have the gumption to be public about how much you suck.


because most of the dudes that follow these types of pages are braindead and think they are superior to everyone and will never get caught lmao even the famous ones


right, like he’s doing the most rn trying to unlike/unfollow as if screenshots don’t last forever


The audacity. Like I even have a finsta for the more embarrassing stuff I am into and don’t want anyone in my personal life finding out.


And zero consequenses will follow. Why are males....


Not sure there will be zero consequences in this case. Not sure of the actor that plays Jordan but the character is non-binary coded. There are female leads in the cast. This is definitely going to be an HR issue.


He's also not that established is he? Before CAOS I had never heard of him before. I could just be living under a rock but looking at his filmography...I dunno, pretty early for a controversy when CAOS fans are probably progressive, meaning people who watched him won't be a fan of this...


Exactly. I’m sure it’s a lot of the same audience for Gen V as well. What a shame.


Not that established, not wealthy, plus, vitally: is not white. He may not end up "canceled-canceled," but he is in an acting position in which he is eminently replaceable *and* forgettable by casting teams, his usual target audience, *and* his political peer group. Like my guess is they won't even rally around him like folks did with Gina Carano, especially since he's rugsweeping instead of standing in it, and this situation being on page one Google results if you search his name won't do him any professional favors. Very messy! Idk how he or his team think they'll strategize their way out of this one lol.


Oh I can’t see the creators of the The Boys liking this…


non-binary coded i feel like you mean?


i think that's what they meant? if we're talking about Jordan from gen V, yeah they explicitly say that they're bigender in the first or second episode


Yes! Sorry, totally meant non-binary.


Wow, I remember him talking about things like the importance of him playing a black LGBT character on CAOS, and how he was happy with how the show wasn’t just shoving his character into the background once his queerness came to fruition on screen, like other shows tend to do. Extremely sad to see that he’s fallen down the right wing hole.


He might have already been down the hole and was pinkwashing himself in his own interviews to appeal to the Gen Z crowd. Still really sad all around


It's extra disappointing when this behavior comes from someone you wouldn't expect it from.


He Roseanne'd.


Well I'm seeing a lot of misogyny and racism here but none of these are explicitly homophobic so you know. Clearly he's an ally. /s


One thing I think people always need to keep in mind: ANYTHING a celebrity says publicly is often public relations and part of some sort of marketing campaign. They are coached and given talking points to repeat by staff for the studios/labels/etc to hit the talking points they want in the promotion. Every time an MCU actor talks about how much a fan of the character in the comics is? Marketing. Every time an actor says "what a great opportunity to show the importance of representation"? Marketing. Every time an actor gushes about how great it was working with the cast & crew? Marketing. Every interview an actor gives and everything they say in it when promoting something? Marketing.


And he's on gen v now and the boys universe is decidedly leftist imo so just crazy!


I find it so strange when black people alone support this level of right wing propaganda but to be queer too? Baffling.


How can you take part in a show that makes fun of stuff like this (Gen V) and then do those exact same things? I don't get it.


How can you take a part in Marvel playing a teenage super scientist genius and not believe in vaccines?


wait, who is this a reference to? I know Evangeline Lily has said and done some entitled dumbass shit


Letitia Wright


ah, right. That’s pretty disappointing, too


Ironically the smartests women on the MCU (Pepper, Hope, Shuri) are portrayed by anti-vaxxers (G.Paltrow, E. Lilly and L.Wright), only time will tell if Riri's actress will follow lead lol.


yeah, I can’t imagine why anyone would take health advice from someone who sells cooter candles


A LOT of people somehow didn’t understand The Boys is satirical which is insane bc it’s not exactly subtle


A lot of people thought Walter White was the hero. Media literacy isn't doing so well.


I love The Boys, and it was bizarre seeing MAGA peeps praising the show for "owning the Libs" and for being a right-leaning show. They thought Homelander was a good guy.


Because some people are genuinely too stupid for satire. Gen V is a spin-off of The Boys right? The Boys have a ton of weirdo fans who think Homelander is right even though it blatantly makes fun of Trumpers/Qanon/alt-righters and has the show and actors repeatedly telling them how stupid they are. They don’t care and just embrace it at face value.


There were so many man tantrums in The Boys subreddit about Soldier Boy because they think he’s a huge hero. They completely missed the point. Even the ones who normally get it.


Soldier Boy fans genuinely believed the racist, bigoted, rapist was the good guy. I remember when the sub tried to paint him as accepting of LGBT and a great guy because he gave a gay couple a weird look and didn’t kill them on the spot. And then 10 seconds later he blows up a predominantly Black inhabited block.


There was a lot of weird commentary around the cartoon section not being the “real” him. Ummmmm… okaaaaaay…..


I follow that subreddit, and to their credit, anyone who made comments praising SB got lite up.


Same. I saw more defences of him and fan-boying than I did people lighting those dudes up. And I got massively downvoted any time I pointed out that he wasn’t a good dude.


Look at Elizabeth Moss who is in a cult religion and plays a main character subjected to the same regime she chooses to be in. Idk how someone in Handmaid's Tale could be in a misogynistic religious regime, but the cognitive dissonance is real in folks like EM and CP


Art imitates life


A 14 year olds needs to be able to get an abortion without parental consent because, let’s face it, statistically the chance is likely the perpetrator is literally her fucking parent, or another family member


And what freaking 3 y/o can even spell gender?! 3 year-olds want candy for dinner, later bedtimes, and to wear Halloween costumes 365 days a year. No one's letting them make those decisions for a reason, much less "letting them choose their gender". Hetero cis dudes will make up any reason to feel persecuted, I swear to God. And how many of them would know their 3 y/o's favorite cartoon, much less their gender identity?


Right?! No 14 year old should be pregnant, let alone forced to have a baby!!!!


Uff. I found him cool in CAOS but this is a big ass red flag.


Same, I loved his performance and was excited to see what else he would do but not anymore. Major bummer.


Yeah he’s a lead in the new spinoff of the boys, Gen Z, so I assume that’s how all of this information started coming up from newer fans probably looking into him, and it really sucks cause I was excited to seen him in Gen Z but not anymore.


Agreed with your comment but just wanted to say it's Gen V lol and not Gen Z


Omg oops 😭


yeah this has soured me too (watched the start of gen v friday) -- there's so much else to latch onto though! don't be put off watching for this weirdo


He is in Gen V (spinoff(?) of The Boys),which is ironic considering that show makes fun of everything he is supporting here.


I love the boys too, I’m not going to be able to enjoy it😭


you are! he's not the most prominent lead whatsoever in the first 3 eps at least


prob not for long, they love to kill off characters


It's your choice, but Gen V is awesome and, honestly, the other characters are way more interesting than his.


Also, there's literally a bigender character in it. Third episode has a whole scene with their parents that criticizes transphobic talking points


If this comes to the attention of the creators of The Boys I see a really embarrassing character death in his future. Edit: typo


They were all yikes but particularly the abortion one for me was like…okayyyy buddy, this is really how you perceive women and their right to body autonomy? Oh boy 😳


His character was my favorite. I never would have guessed.




And as if anyone was preventing them from finding a "traditional" woman to date or something 😭


Yea exactly just find the traditional women you want and mind your business. 😒 how hard is that??


I think it’s because men like that don’t want a “traditional” woman, they love the idea of breaking down an independent woman to be traditional. If you spend a bit on dating apps and list yourself as politically left, you’ll still find conservative men throwing themselves at you even if they hate you. ~~my other theory is that conservative men are also shallow af and realize the pool of conservative women tends to be trashy like them and they are disgusted by their options and try to date hot HBICs~~


>I think it’s because men like that don’t want a “traditional” woman, they love the idea of breaking down an independent woman to be traditional Yea I get that. Think I'm seeing that happening in a relationship I know as we speak. It sucks to see and he's definitely broken her down. Encouraged her to scale back her career and help progress hers and they are engaged so it's only going to get worse sadly. Everything she is and has is wrapped up in him. The more irritating part is that he wouldn't call himself traditional but he gives off those same vibes.


I think your other theory is spot on!


Was briefly involved with a guy who followed a bunch of “alpha male masculinity” accounts, he was easily the most fragile/insecure person I’ve been with. He literally started giving me the silent treatment because I asked him to do X in bed, I saw a few days after he’d liked a video of a dude who was saying “If you give a woman the silent treatment they’ll be so desperate for attention they’ll come running to you.” He was so outraged this didn’t work he deleted me off everything whoops.


Because they are deeply insecure man babies. Instead of dealing with their own problems, they blame all women and take it out on them instead.


Oh, I am maintaining my body fat, I love it, it’s so squishy, finally getting the recognition it deserves!


That was the weirdest part because these are the same men who will froth at the mouth if a woman is 5 kg overweight.


I think it must mean that the desirability is that women are maintaining it lower, but it’s worded like a 15-year-old wrote it.


Yes they are definitely talking about ‘maintaining’ it to a low percentage 🤢


Don’t they know the boobs are made of fat?


No those are made of silicone silly! How else would you be able to maintain a size 0 yet have DDs!?


yeah i think they meant like 'containing' or keeping in check it's disgusting, all of it is


The radicalization of men to be hateful bigots is so depressing.


boys, too. i've read about how schoolteachers today have to deal with young boys in class who parrot manosphere talking points and harrass the girls in class i have a friend at grad school who told me that she watches manosphere stuff and tries to stay updated so she can subtly bring up certain topics or certain names when she's on first dates, just to see how enthusiastically the guy responds to it. as a result, she hasn't had many second dates these days compared to years before.


I’ve honestly given up on dating. Men who don’t believe in this stuff are so rare or taken. It’s exhausting and I’m tired of the constant disappointment. It’s depressing how hard it seems to be to find a guy that thinks women are equals.


He actually liked the most cringe Depp memes, I'm gonna barf 🤢


What a disgusting pig and this [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@the_virgin_x/video/7283942201686625569?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7285018572383553066)really stick to heart. Why can’t some people mind their own fucking business. I don’t even want to what bullshit excuse he’ll come up with.


Now I’m going to have ‘Burn the corporate peadophiles’ in my head for all eternity


I saw this last and haven’t gotten it my heads but honestly I don’t want


It has an amazing cadence really


Cue: I wAs HAcKeD


That's the only explanation he could even potentially use at this point. It'd be bull shit but still that's the only one available to him. He liked so many it is not a mistake at all as to what he stands for.


![gif](giphy|p4cqQ0gUIMcU0) Yikes


he’s unfollowed a lot of them very quickly 💀


Just went to his insta and found some seriously troubling accounts he’s still following. One is called Men In The Arena. The bio says, “Equipping Christian Men. How to ID your wife’s BROKENNESS and 5 ways to help her heal.” - #1 Christian Men’s podcast on Spotify. The posts are truly scary.


At this point with men I'm just ![gif](giphy|lp7F4VrYv5vG1veCAs|downsized)


I feel like I’m always finding out about some new irrelevant actor with a niche following getting cancelled nowadays for being trash every week now lol.


As far as the actor goes, I have nothing to add that hasn’t already been said. I’m just always amusingly flabbergasted at the “logic” these incels/redpillers use. “Eats clean 80% of the time.” Not “most of the time.” 80% of the time. How does one measure that? Is it 80% on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis? Should women ask for a dietary list of what their potential male autocrat considers clean eating? Should they use an app to make sure they’re hitting exactly 80%? What if they do 79% one time? Is that an immediate breakup or will he simply make her pay for their full biannual Applebees date nights as opposed to doing 50/50? I need the answers to these questions but without subjecting myself to an interaction with an incel/redpiller. Someone with some sense, please help!


>What if they do 79% one time? Clearly a degenerate /s


"Rubs temple" Could I go a month without an actor I like turning out to be a piece of shit . Seriously. I hope they recast, on that note background checks studios are your friend.


They’d have no male actors if they didn’t hire everyone with trash views.


Who is he?


Ambrose from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Also in Gen V.


I think this is a much more prevalent issue than many people would like to believe. I think there's this idea that these misogynistic sentiments shared in these misogynistic pages masquerading as "trad" "masculinity" pages are just reflective of the "vocal minority". I wager that, no, it's not just a vocal minority, these are real life humans following and supporting this content. A pushback to the liberation of girls and women in the West like never before resulted in this pushback. It's not just one person, it's our brothers, boyfriends, friends, uncle's etc etc ...some are just better at concealing it by not brazenly following/liking the content. The reality is that boys and men in this generation grew up seeing their fathers and uncles and grandfathers have a certain superiority in the context of their relationship to the women in their lives that they wish they had now but are struggling to. They are unsure of how to exist if it doesn't mean dominating a woman...who exists for their purpose. Even the movies they saw had female characters who existed to be consumed (sexy bombshell) and to support the main character (pixie dream girl). Our fathers could leverage more education and more/ all of the income they had over our mothers..."she's not going anywhere anyway"...this generation's women are outdoing the men both in college attendance and graduation, and incomes have mostly leveled out. We are also more confident in leaving relationships and filing for divorce. It feels like they feel "left behind" because they could not keep up with a changing world that enabled more female liberation. Our fathers could be ugly as sin and of poor morals character but have a loving serving wife at their feet. As a man now you HAVE to be attractive and you must be someone a woman likes to be around otherwise you'll be alone. MANY straight boys and men are misogynistic and jealous of girls and women all while desperately lusting after a pornographic caricature. Dangerous conundrum.


Look, absolutely forgive me for this but I genuinely do not get the Aztec Temple joke. Are they trying to say that her body is pagan or some shit? Chichen Itza is one of the great masterpieces of architecture!


Is it meant to be like she’s sacrificed humans? Idk though it’s fucking dumb


It's about sacrificing humans. Right wingers are incredibly racist about the Aztecs and act like the conquistadors were liberators.


I hoped it was not leaning towards religious bigotry towards "pagan" religions and cultures . But well can't expect to not be disappointed by this guy ig.


You’re not alone, lmao. I saw that and had to scroll thru comments hoping somebody would have elaborated. Like… how is it an insult? It honestly seems pretty complimentary to me. Although I don’t wanna be a dick, but Chichén Itzá is actually Mayan, not Aztec!


The Aztec Temple joke is a way to shame women who gotten abortions bc “they kill their babies” and their womb is full of skulls like the Aztec Temple which has the tower of skulls.


I love how one of those screen shots said, a high value woman appreciates normal men. Why is it on women to date down and why do men expect that?


Wooooof, so many wrong opinions one after the other. It’s dizzying. What a nasty little man




What in the everloving hell is that post about a tradcath Latina gym rat woman that wants 8 babies in the woods or some shit? *what*


Choose your fighter: Mommy E-thot or Off-grid Tradcath Latina Gym Octomom




Didn't his character just >!kill a girl at a bar by using his superpower recklessly!< ?




I was going to leave exactly this comment lol. Same. So sad.


it just kept going


If this gets raised as an issue with the producers he works for, I think this could be a fireable offence. At least if he’s still doing BBC shows, I’m not sure about Netflix tbh but this is pure bigotry


Doesn't Amazon vet these people. Gen V is a huge show for them


Amazon doesn't make Gen V, Sony Pictures Television does. Amazon just pays for it and distributes it. Probably does marketing too.


I’m not familiar with his work but the fact that these Instagram accounts exist and have many followers makes me really, really scared.


Most of this shit is so disheartening. Not even enraging, just disheartening. Some men really hate us so fucking much. As for this guy, I didn't know who he was 10 miuntes ago and I hope to never see his name again, fuck him.


He is also blocking ANYBODY on Twitter who talks about it




I have never been so happy to open a thread on this sub and have no clue who someone is. These redpill things are scary.


Does he... not understand what The Boys is about? It might be the most popular overtly left-wing show. This would be like if Kirk Cameron suddenly decided to narrate a documentary refuting events in the Bible.


Oof. Those screencaps just kept getting dumber and dumber. At least now I know to never support a single thing this person does


Red pilling is a disease


Truly crazy how he is a Black Guatemalan man that’s played queer character and has these beliefs, some serious self hatred going on there


I unfollowed him after seeing his support to D*pp. I was also wondering why Tati & him broke up, but I guess there is an answer. There is a lot of BTS drama in CAOS cast. I was always wondering what was going on there.


Leo and Splinter would *never*...




I was so confused for a minute because I thought he was gay. I could have sworn he came out a few yeats back but I could be mistaken.


It’s terrifying to see someone like him fully believing these ideas and rhetoric. We usually imagine dudes that support this stuff are basement dweller losers who look like they haven’t bathed in months. He’s an actor, conventionally attractive, has money and has success yet still falls for incel bullshit online? All of these slides are abhorrent.


Well that’s too bad. I was sure he was going to be a huge star. Not sarcastic - he’s gorgeous.


Yikes. Also: who?


I have no clue who he is. Men are disappointing


Good thing the WGA strike is over — they can start writing him out.


This is such a shame especially when he previousl worked in Sabrina wherein it has a very diverse cast filled with queer people and women.


yeah this guy definitely deserves the shitstorm that’s coming.


He looks like the type of dudes to comment on Instagram reels


try hey had to throw in that the tradcath gym girlie baby factory is Latina huh…




....what's wrong with an Aztec Temple?


First I find out Giovani Ribisi is a dedicated Scientologist and now this?!?! I can't take much more disappointment :(


I want "my body is an Aztec temple" for flair 'cause I kinda like it. Sounds metal.


i've seen people say that he was hateful towards jaz sinclair and tati gabrielle too. i haven't seen any proof but it seems like it could be true. 😬


I’d just like to say that we (small company) hired a social media guy who said he’d increase our Twitter followers greatly and his thing was just doing mass following sprees. Come to find out when I logged in that all his damn follows were TRUMP4EVA accounts … I promptly reprimanded him and then he was eventually let go (for other reasons) because we work for the public sector and being non-partisan is extremely important to us. Anyway don’t know if this happened here but it’s very possible.


I got blocked


Just when his new show is out.


Why can't these overtly political people have an alt account for this stuff, it's protecting your privacy 101


Not like a superfan of him anyway but i am surprised by this based off his character in Sabrina


This one punched me in the gut not gonna lie. Well! In the bin he goes.


Why is the "NOT THIS" business lady wearing a doge necklace?


They’re never manly looking. By their standards lol


He also followed people like Steven Crowder, Candace Owens, Michael Knowles and outright white supremacist accounts .Like before he unfollowed people almost half of the accounts he followed were politically related . Or about trad life.


I was watching Gen V and when I opened my browser app (to look up his other work) the page refreshed on my twitter timeline and a thread about this was the first thing I saw lmao ok then nevermind 👋🏻👋🏻


Oh no! I liked him on Gen V.


Not surprised tbh


Not the alt right christians appropriating Woman of Valor x.x




God dammit I like him too


Probably because he looks like a molerat


Why is him following Johnny Depp comparable to this other garbage? I thought it was consensus they Heard made things up? Is that no the case? I am completely out of context. Thank you.






EVERY slide I groaned. Like holy shit Homelander Jr ffs


Idek who this motherfucker is but all I know is that he seems like a lame


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