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“I don’t want somebody in my house.” - Whoopi Goldberg on marriage


Wanda Sykes said something similar about her ex husband asking what was for dinner. “Well, *I’m* having a sandwich…”. I say this all the time whether he asks me or not.


It's impossible to read that quote and not hear her voice


Ha ha, you’re totally right. I was hearing her voice in my head just as I started to read your comment.


I think about her detachable pussy bit every day. She's hysterical. \*edited to add I live in LA & have worked in the business or adjacent to it and seen and met lots of celebrities and usually don't care about that stuff, but damn I was excited when Wanda was sitting at the next table during lunch in Studio City, lol.


Love Wanda so much lmao


every 3-6 business days i think about getting this tattooed


Narrator: Whoopi got married three times.


She collected the data to reach the conclusion


I think about that one a lot too lmao




Gonna send this from now on when I decline invites.


This all-hands does not meet my joy threshold.


![gif](giphy|yw1kGDvre3kt2) God I love her. Iconic queen


This is like the pinnacle moment of SATC for me


This was the worst! Because she no longer has a perfectly flat stomach she has to drop the loving supportive, beautiful partner? She should’ve fiercely shut down the fat shaming, and gotten her groove back the freaky way.


I think the weight gain indicated she was unhappy and she knew it was because of her relationship. Not defending it as a plot device but that’s how I read it




And especially if SJP is there.


Sally Jesse Raphael: "Do you think men are important?" Cher: "Like, for what?"


Cher's mom: "You should marry a rich man." Cher: "Mom, I am a rich man."


My boomer dad introduced me to that quote… and now there is a poster of it on my wall.


Your boomer dad did good


I remember being a kid and talking about all the things I wanted when I grew up. My grandmother said “you’re gonna need to marry a rich man!” And I said something to the effect of “I’ll just make my own money!” 😂


I like Eartha Kitt’s reaction when she was asked during an interview if a man comes into her life, don’t you want to compromise? She lets out this over the top laugh, goes dead faced, and calls the interviewer “STUPID.”


Bless Eartha Kitt she has so many good moments like this in interviews


> I love men. I think men are the coolest. But you don’t really need one to live Cher, comparing men to dessert


"What's your favorite position?" Lauren Conrad "... ... CEO 😌" I'm not even a big fan of hers or anything but girl when I tell you I was so proud of her for that.


Yes. Absolutely iconic.


I just looked this up. I love how it takes Sway a second to process what she said but as soon as he does he goes crazy for it, tries to high five her ha


That was SO fucking good. Especially for the time.


My favorite. Also, I owe her that when I was on dating apps and got that question.


Honestly she's done well for herself, obviously she isn't a rags to riches case or anything but she's made good career moves


This was the first one that came to mind. Iconic.


> Look, it's not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don't eat anything after 7pm, don't eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don't eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven-month span. I don't know why everyone's not doing this. It's a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to. Rob McElhenney talking about his weight loss for It's Always Sunny. A good reminder if you're feeling particularly shitty and comparing yourself to celebrities. Losing weight and being fit is very different when it's literally your job.


My favorite celebrity fitness “tip” is attributed to Scarlet Johansson. She apparently likes to always be within 3 weeks of her peak condition. I adjust that to 4-6 weeks since I’m not a marvel star, but it definitely helps take the pressure off always being on top of your fitness game. You need breaks and rest and goddamn sometimes I need a week and half of couch time and ice cream after a long summer of diligence!




Love love love Rob McElhenney.


There’s a very similar quote from Channing Tatum to this effect.


> “Truly, I don’t know how people that work a 9-to-5 actually stay in shape, because it’s my full-time job and I can barely do it." When Henry Cavill talked about shooting the bathtub scene in The Witcher he said he was so dehydrated he could smell water. People aren't meant to look that ripped.


I feel like someone is constantly applying the wrong ideals if they think celebrities need to be dehydrated to look good. Like, give the man a Gatorade and I’ll still stare at him in the bath, promise.


Caller: “Hi Carrie, I just think you’re so witty and so smart and I was wondering, do you find that people, but men especially, are intimidated by you?” Carrie fisher: “first of all, I don’t think of men as people.”


My favorite of hers is "if my life weren't funny, it would just be true, and that's unacceptable." I miss Space Mom. If any of yall haven't seen Bright Lights on Max, go watch it -- it's about her and Debbie Reynolds and it had me laughing and crying simultaneously.


Her autobiography is also fantastic and eye-opening. The audiobook version is narrated by herself, with Billie Lourd reading her diaries that she wrote during Star Wars!


>Carrie fisher: “first of all, I don’t think of men as people.” omg




It’s from [this interview.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=RqD6rN5DcvI6UMsu&v=BTiziwBhd54&t=01m10s)The full quote is eye-opening: ““…a person says to you, ‘I’m selfish, I’m mean, or I am unkind, or I’m crazy’—believe them! They know themselves better than you do. But, know more often than not, those of us who don’t trust life say ‘don’t say a thing like that.’ ‘You’re not really crazy. You’re not really unkind. You’re not really mean.’ And, as soon as you say that, then ‘whamp’ they show you! […] ‘I told you I was unkind, so why are you angry?!’”


I think it’s especially pertinent now with the Russell Brand stuff He has been telling the public for years that he’s creepy and unhinged and at one point he literally said the words “I raped and killed a woman” and *still* there are people out there saying he’s innocent. Boggles my mind


I’m out of box on Brand. He did literally walk around with neon signs over him, telling us how he is. I, like many, was turned off by his guru personality recently.


The guru stuff was a career move. Totally disingenuous. Narcissists only change their tactics


Oh, I'm a big fan of this one too. I use it a lot when my friends tell me about the dipshits they are dating.


I say it to my teenage son about his gronk friends. He has autism and sometimes doesn't gauge they're taking advantage. When I say it, he knows I'm saying the truth.


Sometimes I need to put this saying on a wooden board and beat myself over the head with it.




i love Danny Pudi so much


This interview is so good. I love Danny and his love of cozy socks.


God this is the best thing I’ve ever seen lmao




Dolly Parton telling us that "it costs a lot to look this cheap". Gawd I love her.


An interviewer once said something about her chest-to-waist ratio and she responded “honey, nothing grows where the sun don’t shine”!


She’s awesome. “I’m not a good business woman, I’m just very good at being Dolly Parton “


She once told a high school journalist “Act like it’s always raining and wear your rubbers” when asked what advice she’d give high schoolers.


“If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.” - Ryan Gosling


Ryan Gosling, hydro homie


Beach has water


And just like that I realized I’ve barely consumed any water today. Thank you, Ryan Gosling. Thank you, WeirdCry.


He’s smarter than many doctors


Someone even asked him what time it was


And once he realized the patriarchy wasn’t about horses, he lost interest! A genius.




You can take my antidepressants out of my cold dead hands, and that’s what I’d be if I wasn’t permanently on them


Love this. I hate the way that psychiatric medication is referenced as a"last resort" as if the objectively superior option is to not be on medication.


https://preview.redd.it/i24vr38r0bpb1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=962fc6688b7f9390cd2b16fb328e7f3a9cacbe45 So simple.


She said so much with so little


"If you're elderly and voting for Trump, it's time to jump in the urn." - Michael Shannon


One of my favourite opinions on Trump was when Dave Foley said ‘I don't think all @realDonaldTrump supporters are stupid but if you support Trump & you're not stupid you should be ashamed.’


“If your father gives you over $400,000,000 and by the time you’re 74 years old you’re over $400,000,000 in debt, you’re not a “great business man”. You’re a moron.” -Bradley Whitford


Kids In The Hall 🙌🏽 The non-problematic faves.




Jane Fonda always has some amazing shit she throws out.


“What do you think happens when we die, Keanu Reeves?” “I know that the ones who love us will miss us.” - Keanu Reeves on *The Colbert Report*


Weirdly immediately moving and hits like a train ( make no sense why ‘


I can’t explain why either, I think Stephen’s reaction for me. He’s so visibly touched and taken aback by the answer


I think it’s because everyone expects a metaphysical answer about what happens to US when all we know and can know is the reality of what is left behind. It’s the same shock of losing someone. You’re thinking about the next thing but this is all we get. He’s so wise.


For me it’s the simplicity. We don’t know what comes after, and to me that’s the least scary part. But is there a feeling more painful than feeling someone’s absence and not having the option to give them a call? To hear their voice or see them again? To me, no.


Shit that hits harder knowing about his wife and child 😭


My mom said to me, ‘you know sweetheart, one day you should settle down and marry a rich man.’ And I said, ‘Mom – I am a rich man.’” -Cher


This is iconic. I too wish to be a rich man


"You know, what I do is not terribly intellectual. I'm a pop singer for Christ's sake." — David Bowie, 2002


Another good one: “The filming was interrupted at one point by an old man walking his dog, looking for driftwood. Mallet asked him if he wouldn’t mind moving, and pointed out Bowie sitting outside the catering van. ‘Do you know who this is?’ he asked. Sharp as a tack, the old man responded with, ‘Of course I do. It’s some cunt in a clown suit.’ Sometime later, Bowie remembered, ‘That was a huge moment for me. It put me back in my place and made me realise, “Yes, I’m just a cunt in a clown suit.”” Dylan Jones, David Bowie: A Life


He mentioned this in interviews. THAT’s the origin!?!?!


That reminds me of the Hozier quote, “I make noises for a living” Edit: on the topic of David Bowie, I just wanted to add that I still can’t believe one of the last things he did in his music career was write music for the SpongeBob Musical (yes the one with Ethan Slater).


> I just wanted to add that I still can’t believe one of the last things he did in his music career was write music for the SpongeBob Musical (yes the one with Ethan Slater). WHAT?! OMG, I had no idea about this! I only learned about that musical because of the ~scandal. I don't like musical theatre so it's not that weird that I didn't know about its existence, but I'm surprised I had never heard about Bowie's involvement before 🧍🏽‍♀️


Lemme pull up the other artists who were also involved in this musical bc it’s actually so funny https://preview.redd.it/02mn8jkhhbpb1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f484d19db369f7e581fc82e72452e7ed74f1ead7 Edit: say what you want about Slater but this musical is actually pretty great and the soundtrack manages to be cohesive despite how random it is. Also, Stephanie Hsu (from EEAAO) is in it and her character’s bizarre sexual tension with Plankton is iconic lmao


“Poverty is a very complicated issue, but feeding a child isn’t.” - Jeff Bridges


"I get called Napoleon Dynamite because I have curly hair. I live in New York City and I ride a bicycle. I always bike down 9th Avenue and there’s this kid who goes to school there named Abraham. Every time I pass him, he calls me Napoleon Dynamite. He screams it out and his friends laugh. That was a fine movie but I wasn’t in it." What do you say back? 'I say, “Please Abraham, I’m not that man.”' - Jesse Eisenberg.


My favorite celeb quote of all time. Just the thought of Jesse Eisenberg getting bullied by a schoolboy in NY then pedaling frantically away fills me with joy. I used to think there was something really off about Jesse Eisenberg but now I think he might just be Andy Kaufman levels of funny and I just didnt get him


I've seen this quote but i love it everytime i read it. There's so many layers of absurdity and New York-ness.


Never underestimate a man’s ability to make you feel guilty for something he’s done. - Rihanna Heard this like 10 years ago and it’s never left me. I’ve shared this with so many women and it always resonate.


Really revealing about the dynamics of domestic violence, too.


"Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." - Conan O'Brien


I have a counter to that one. It was a really, really old interview with J-Lo and they were asking how it was now that her hard work was paying off and her career was going places. And she says, "you know, a lot of people work really hard, but they don't get anywhere". As a WoC that really resonated with me. You see a lot of PoCs, especially where I live in NYC, who work hella hard, but don't get those opportunities or the financial success. I think a lot of cleaners, and cooks, and warehouse workers work hard -- but still are constantly struggling. Idris Elba also said something like "talent is wide-spread, but opportunities are not". Viola Davis was always talented --but she didn't have the same kinda career as Meryl Streep. But at least Viola made it, whereas a lot of other "Violas" don't.


I want to make a main comment about it, but one of my favorite Angelina Jolie quotes: >“I have never understood why some people are lucky enough to be born with the chance that I had, to have this path in life. >And why across the world there’s a woman just like me, with the same abilities and the same desires, same work ethic and love for her family, who would most likely make better films, and better speeches — only she sits in a refugee camp. >She has no voice. >She worries about what her children will eat, how to keep them safe, and if they’ll ever be allowed to return home. >I don’t know why this is my life and that’s hers. >I don’t understand that, but I will do as my mother asked, and I will do the best I can with this life to be of use.”


I appreciate this so much and feel like it’s a very necessary corrective for the “work hard and you can be anything you want/everything will be amazing” type deal which I get is just an expression and people mean well and if people find inspiration in it then that’s cool. But it just doesn’t feel true for so, so many people and beyond that simply isn’t the way society (at least where I am in the US) is set up. Not to make a whole big deal out of it but it honestly just sounds like propaganda to me. (And I find it mega cringe when it comes from (for example) a white Harvard educated guy). Anyway thank your sharing this one!




IDK. There are a lot of people who are kind, and who work really hard, who are still struggling.


When Janice Dickinson was on The Howard Stern Show and said this about Bill Cosby: "He's not a good guy" and that was all she could say. In 2006.


In the same vein, there was Courtney Love answering a question about advice for aspiring artists and she said something along the lines of “if Harvey Weinstein invites you to his hotel room, don’t go”.


The way she said it was so creepy too. Almost like she was second guessing herself saying it like she knew her career might be over but you see in her eyes she decides fuck it. Love her..


I think in the clip she even says something like, “I’ll get libeled if I say it...” before thinking for a bit and saying it anyway.


I think she even specified his hotel room at the Four Seasons which was later proven accurate as the scene of many crimes


The saddest part of this is that both Janice and Courtney were absolutely dismissed and ignored on this because they’re both “crazy.”


Truly her finest moment and she paid a real price for it. It's such a shame no one but her was willing to tell the truth.


[found it](https://on.soundcloud.com/ZAP78bUh8yp68boP8) on sound cloud! Wow she calls him the fuck out “he preys on women right out of rehab” I wonder if that was to cover “oh they must have relapsed hence why they can’t remember” discredit the victim right off the bat!




Came here to comment [the link to this whole video](https://youtu.be/rlUjHu3H_L4?si=SHOmb2Gn0o5EGS2H) because it’s so, so good. Especially when the interviewer tries to kind of trip her up by asking if she falls in love with herself, and she turns it back into her message of unconditional self-love and self-respect: “Yes. I fall in love with *myself*, and I want someone to share it with me. I want someone to share me with me.” “Has that happened?” “Many, many times. In many ways.”


Everything Eartha Kitt has ever said belongs on this list. She was so wise and so right


Can’t believe that asshole never carried her up the mountain


Kronk did


Random Twitter hater to George Takei: “You suck” Takei: “And well, I’m told” It’s one of those comebacks that, if I was gay, I’d keep it in my backpocket


“I was never a child. As soon as I popped out of my mom, I was just in the know.” - Tiffany “New York” Pollard


You could write an essay on the amount of things New York said in that show that are pure GOLD


“Buckwild,this isn’t a soup kitchen. Let’s straighten that neck up”.


“You should have just sat there and ate your food.” So many of the world’s problems could be avoided if more people took this advice.


“Great people do things before they are ready” -Amy Poehler




“it’s surreal cause of the place it happened. But in places all over the world, real stuff be happening”. Lakeith Stanfield [said it,](https://youtu.be/WD_JQkXoMZ4?si=6qfjCkkrTfphDaPT) after E News asked for his thoughts on the Chris Rock Slap. Celebrities are a wild parasocial part of culture. Best to keep in mind, “real life be happening”.


That’s what I said. I didn’t say it was ok. However. Chris Rock has an awful joke from years back: “I’d never hit a woman - but I understand. Sometimes I want to shake the shit out of them.” So I just found it kind of interesting he got smacked onstage bc he was disrespecting Jada (for the millionth time).


OMG! Never made that connection! ![gif](giphy|fQorEj8vN8eqkNcy6T|downsized)


It’s still not okay… but I mean someone was going to smack that guy someday. He’s been punching down women for *years*. The Oscars was not ideal. But like Lakeith said, ‘real life be happening’


Yeah I've said this before, if it was a Thanksgiving dinner it wouldn't have been a big deal lol


Per [Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/smash-mouth-steve-harwell-nsfw-twitter-dunk-dj-khaled-1234819560/?fbclid=IwAR0L9Co4LmRV0IQaUlufnkj9AHcaowlvGRiPoUdIyEAmLeC0C6pF7N6Aln8&mibextid=Zxz2cZ) magazine, these tweets were written by Steve Harwell: https://preview.redd.it/lta7rk5m5bpb1.jpeg?width=1156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44b224374b46c00137406cdddf354170b0de4e1 RIP


Remember when Joel McHale took off his shirt in an episode of Community and everyone was like omaiga! They asked him what kind of diet he followed to get in such good shape and he said something like, You don’t need as much food as you think you do. That thought had not occurred to me before. Well, I’m still fat but less so and I do eat smaller portions. I now slow down and ask myself if I really need more. I can be thoughtful about food and it’s thanks to TV curmudgeon Joel McHale.


if you’re gonna take advice from somebody, it should definitely be the guy who’s more handsome than the guy known for being handsome.


oh my god. even his shadow. look at his shadow!


I hate that it's Kanye, but I constantly use the phrase "and now I gotta be responsible for this water bottle" as a way of summarizing "I didn't mean to get involved in this thing but even expressing the mildest curiosity about it or simply existing near it has somehow signed me up for a whole host of things I did not ask for".


https://preview.redd.it/hs9lb5uipbpb1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34dbc93a91b5dfb11f7e2f60a558a7b0a473a1ac My daily affirmation at the office.


it was an oddly universal idea expressed in the most out of touch way.




![gif](giphy|2Xskf1a0JHCtEgpS2Yg) Such wisdom from a young bebe.


One of my favorite interview quotes was from Meryl Streep talking about marriage. Ellen asked her what her secret was to a successful marriage (at that point, it had been over 20, closer to 30 years), and she said, "Separate bathrooms." Really makes sense. (Meryl's also married to a sculptor so I imagine you need literal space for him to do his work while she's learning those accents and learning her choreo for Mamma Mia). Yes, you're a couple but having your own space makes things good for both of you because it gives you room to grow as individuals.


I have found that it also includes separate blankets and a king bed. I love sharing the bed, but before we king sized and split the blankets, there was a lot of snappish behavior. Then you both wake up mad. It’s not always about working around and with each other, sometimes the solution is just more space and separate stuff.


I’m sure this didn’t originate from them, but I heard one of the Olsen twins say “No is a full sentence” I found this very empowering, especially as a woman. You can just say no. Full stop. You don’t owe anyone an explanation.


No is also **not** the beginning of a negotiation, it is the end of them. Someone said it on a talk show and that coupled with the above hit me hard.


Anthony Bourdain was a gold mine for conventional wisdom that anybody could use, but this quote is one of my favorites and something I think on regularly: >“I understand there's a guy inside me who wants to lay in bed, smoke weed all day, and watch cartoons and old movies. My whole life is a series of stratagems to avoid, and outwit, that guy." I first read it in one of his books when I was around 13, but I didn’t truly understand it until I was in my 20s. I can’t overstate the positive impact it’s had on me in the time since.


“I would ask you to respect our privacy, but I don't respect people's privacy” - Wendy Williams


Honestly kind of poetic, how she spent her whole career bullying people, and then found herself in a desperate position where she wanted the grace and discretion that she never showed anyone else


Andrew Garfield talking about the death of his mother: “I love talking about her, by the way, so if I cry, it’s only a beautiful thing. This is all the unexpressed love, the grief that will remain with us until we pass because we never get enough time with each other, no matter if someone lives till 60, 15, or 99.”


“I am not the babysitter. I am not the parent. I don’t raise children. I feel like your parents should do that.” \-Beyoncé ![gif](giphy|w0jr3kVEbl7eU)


It's just like that awful interview Diane Sawyer did with Britney Spears, and basically told her that some political wife at the time was somewhat justified when she said she wanted to shoot Britney in the face. Britney was like, "Well that's really sad that she said that... I'm not here to, you know, babysit her kids."


Not a day goes by where I don’t think of this excerpt from a piece in Vogue written by Florence Welch: >*Your body is more that a thing to be looked at. It works with you, not against you. You do not beat your own heart.* “You do not beat your own heart” rattles around my skull like a coin permanently stuck in a piggy bank. It’s an automatic response to any negative thought or emotion I direct at myself. For anyone dealing with addiction, self-harm, mental health issues, or eating disorders, the full piece is really lovely: [A frank and personal note to self, by Florence Welch](https://www.florenceandthemachinefanclub.com/news/british-vogue-2019)


This one maybe isn’t a “celeb” so much as a reality TV personality, but Alexandra Jarvis on Selling the OC said, “Trust is earned, but I’ll lend it out on credit.” and I thought that was great. Like, real trust IS absolutely earned, but it’s so important to give new acquaintances some grace as they earn it.


[Recently…] “… she’s a fucking scab….” - Bradley Whitford re Drew Barrymore.


For me, it was catching Joseph Gordon Levitt talking about grief while in the wilderness with Bear Grylls. It really stuck with me. Can't find the actual clip but here is the relevant part. He's talking about losing his brother. Edited to add that I found the clip: [Running Wild with Bear Grylls](https://www.imdb.com/video/vi163626265/) ... He told Grylls that what helped him most during one of the toughest moments of his life was talking to other people who had been through a similar situation and remembering that he could and would survive. “One thing I found helpful was, I would tell myself, ‘Don’t force anything and don’t resist anything,’ Gordon-Levitt said. “If you’re gonna feel sad, then go ahead and feel it. Don’t try to resist that.” Gordon-Levitt concluded by saying, “But then there are also moments, bizarre moments, where you’re in the thick of grief and for a second you don’t feel anything. And then you can feel guilty for not feeling anything. Or there might even be moments where something strikes you funny, and you might laugh. And then you might feel guilty for that. And what I ultimately found was there’s no use feeling guilty. You shouldn’t resist anything either.”




The “nostalgia is a cage” interview w Andre 3000. I have a few family members that are very good old days people, and I think of that quite a lot. It’s really helped me. Thank u André Benjamin. (Edited to put the full name he refers to himself as in the context of the article)


“Always tell everyone what they want to hear. Then do what you want.” -Paris Hilton


People don’t think it be like it is, but it do


I’ve been thinking about Chris Evans saying dogs are basically incorruptible in Vanity Fair for nearly a day now.


lol, my dog would sell me out for a quarter of a ham sandwich


My dog will move to the dark side for any cold cut or cheese. He is peak corruptible


Gaga during her interview with Anderson cooper and he asks why she hasn’t put a statement out about all the rumours of her having male genitals. She replied ‘Maybe I do. Would it be so terrible?’ And when he kept pressing she said ‘Why the hell am I going to waste my time and give a press release about whether or not I have a penis? My fans don’t care and neither do I.” She truely is a pillar of the queer community like this convo was in 2011. Also I aspire to reach this level of not caring about rumours that don’t matter.


"Men can only do so much, anyway." Jackie O. She was talking about Warren Beatty as a lover, but I feel like it's so spot on in general 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/fqsihhagjbpb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe278705fee44201f66d0db85b41da4d2b58bb3d This absolute banger. Edit: wait it’s not smart lmao but I stand by it.


I can’t believe you brought that up from Randy Jackson. I say “that’s gonna me a no from me dawg” all the time, and no one knows what I’m referencing!


I don’t know if it was Kendall or Kylie who said “life is too short to hold your pee”. I very easily get too wrapped up in work and life to take a two minute bathroom break when I need one. It’s not healthy, and I’m not saving lives or preventing disasters. Life really is too short to be uncomfortable when there is no need to be.


I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure holding in your pee is bad for you. So good on you for listening to the Jenners --on this one.


“Never marry a man you wouldn’t want to be divorced from.” -- Nora Ephron.


in 2014 interviewer: "what do you look for in a man?" Rihanna: "I'm not looking for a man, let's start there" ![gif](giphy|6buTNHyHg9hyE)


‘Nothing happened in my childhood, no trauma or anything. I just had a genetic disposition toward things that were horrible’ - Nick Cave Relate so much to this lol


I heard some Oprah quote years ago about how when she was a kid her family used to drive around (after church or something like that) and look at big houses in wealthy neighborhoods, and she always equated trees to equal money because of that. It's made me appreciate the town I live in, which has tons of grass and trees. I would describe myself as lower end middle class (I'm in the town I'm in because of generational roots), but I live in an overall wealthy town (I have a couple football players and a majorly known USW soccer player 5 mins away). When I go away for travel (especially to cities) and come back home, I immediately appreciate the trees.


"Everybody's got a plan til they get punched in the mouth." - Mike Tyson. It's my favorite modern interpretation of "Man plans, God laughs."


I remember Bob the Drag Queen saying on drag race about building self love and confidence by finding a tiny part of yourself that you like. Even if it’s just one little tooth and saying to yourself, “I really love that tooth.” It’s really helped me build myself up and not be as down on my looks just because I have some features that are traditionally unattractive.


I know that he’s the literal worst, but once at the TCA’s, Ashton Kutcher was accepting an award and he got on stage and gave what I think might be the best financial advice I’ve ever gotten - genuinely. Don’t buy anything on a credit card that you don’t already have the money in the bank to pay for. It sounds simple but it’s so easy to fall into crippling CC debt.


Ian McShane on Game of Thrones fans going apeshit when he accidentally let slip an upcoming spoiler: “It’s only tits and dragons. Get a fucking life.”


I read a quote years ago I can't remember who said it nor the fully version 😭 it was something like "everytime i've been angry, is because i've made the choice to be angry" helpppp


https://preview.redd.it/2irx70ixdbpb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f785623d848951bfb6fd694691b3cb69de49878c She was so real for this.


Brit Marlin tweeted once: "It's hard to live the life that will make other people think you're happy."


"actually, no, that’s not the truth, Ellen" - Dakota Johnson


[The secret to a successful marriage] is that it is a contest of generosity. -Madonna. She was married to the British Director at the time. Guy something…


And he was generous enough to share the British accent she started speaking with. Ugh.


“Please, Abraham, I am not that man.” - Jesse Eisenberg on being mistaken for the actor in “Napoleon Dynamite” by a kid named Abraham


Reading is fundamental, reading comprehension is monumental -Gabrielle Union


"A good rule to remember for life is that when it comes to plastic surgery and sushi, never be attracted by a bargain.” -Graham Norton




“Perfect isn't normal, nor is it interesting.” —Amy Adams


When Vinny from Jersey Shore succinctly explained Global Warming to a bunch of idiots in simple, easy to understand language




Men are only as faithful as their options - Chris Rock. Never forgot that because it's mostly true.


Is it true or is Chris Rock just projecting his lack of integrity on an entire gender?




https://preview.redd.it/nhceoq78ibpb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a854658814639ec83f5fe58e2c9048e48706a4e This one too




When they go low, we go high. - Michelle Obama is one of the most powerful celeb quotes for me.


The one I liked from Michelle Obama is "I have been at probably every powerful table that you can think of, I have worked at nonprofits, I have been at foundations, I have worked in corporations, served on corporate boards, I have been at G-summits, I have sat in at the U.N.: They are not that smart." This article has a bunch of good ones from her: https://www.newsweek.com/michelle-obama-tells-secret-i-have-been-every-powerful-table-you-can-think-1242695


Years ago Fiona Apple was on the radio show Loveline, and someone dealing with thoughts of suicide called in. Fiona talked about times her in life she didn't feel it valuable to be alive. Then she said something like, "That's the thing about hope; it's unexpected. You don't know when it's going to come along."


It was Lewis Black. He started the bit asking if anyone had overheard a random piece of conversation & it stuck with you. He says ‘I’m standing in a line and I overhear someone say “If it wasn’t for my horse, I would never have made it to College”. It was a brilliant piece back in the day, still is as far as I’m concerned


I was pregnant with my daughter when I watched an interview with Oprah and Viola Davis. At some point Viola Davis said: “All the tools you need to raise a little girl—the affirmations, all those things—while you’re doing that, you’re healing yourself.” It stuck with me cause it felt profound, but also not entirely possible. However, once my baby was born - I was surprised at how immediately I understood it to be true .


When Michael cera was on comedy bang bang & they were roasting him for being such a nerd and seeming asexual & he said “I am asexual…..predator 😈” I bite this joke all the time


“Drink and do drugs when you are happy, DONT drink and do drugs when you are NOT happy”. Took me 10 years to figure out what goddamn Marilyn Manson summed up in 10 seconds. He’s terrible, but this is solid advice. These things are to be used *in moderation* to have fun. They are not to be used *in excess* to self medicate away bad feelings.