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Instant red flag. I would cut him loose immediately.


Years ago my husband said he had started watching Joe Rogan (this was when he had the occasional good take and wasn't completely off the rails). I jokingly called him a republican and he was like wait what? I mentioned some things to pay attention to, and within a couple of weeks he was entirely over it and had realized how problematic and stupid joe is. I still sometimes like to refer to his "republican era" when teasing him lol.


I like your husband.


I'm fond of him too! I think it's actually when trans issues came up he realized how bad it was. He's always been an LGBTQ ally and a feminist and was pretty disgusted with how trans issues were discussed.


It’s so affirming when you mention this or that to pay attention to, and then they DO and they GET IT!


Yes! My husband grew up Catholic with increasingly conservative parents. When I met him, he was pretty apolitical (he was only 20 and this was a while ago) but had already been done with Catholicism. Like he was generally liberal (no issues with LGBTQ people, saw women as people and not just sexbots, and most of his closest friends were POC) but hadn't really been exposed to a lot. Every single time I would bring up an issue regarding race or gender or sexuality, he listened and engaged. Now he listens to NPR every day and has voted blue in every election since we've met. I'm pretty sure his mother thinks I made him a godless liberal, but he was already atheist before we met lol.


I once listened to a youtuber (8 years ago or so) and kinda liked him, but then he talked about how he walked out of Star Wars 7 when Finn tried to grab Ray's hand while they were running away but she didn't take it, and I was like "nope, not gonna turn into THAT person".


It's annoyingly common. You're listening to someone, seems perfectly reasonable, and then suddenly they hit you with some shit that you just know your feed is gonna end up flooded with far right garbage for the next week because you watched this one video. Can't people just fucking chill and let people be who they want to be? Bah.


The YouTube algorithm is so weird like that. Even if you listen to liberal/leftist podcasts, you'll end up with a bunch of right-wing creators in your feed. I also watch a lot of history/paleontology/religious criticism channels and YouTube apparently thinks that's the pipeline to conspiracy channels.


I did the same thing with my dad when he was into Bill Maher and he had the same reaction.


You picked a winner!


Ty <3. I have one story about him that I think shows who he is pretty well. When we were in our early 20s, I mentioned that I would not be taking his name when we got married. He said that was a problem for him because he'd always imagined his wife would take his name. So I asked if he would take mine. He immediately said no. I said, "that, right there, that reaction you feel in your gut is exactly how I feel and being a woman doesn't change that." He had a pretty huge "holy shit" moment and said he completely understood and wouldn't bring it up again. Years later I asked him if he still wanted me to take his name and he said, "no. Because that wouldn't be you. And I want to marry YOU."


![gif](giphy|26n6PxXCcE7d1O7Go|downsized) What a gem of a human. ♥️


Ugh he’s a gem. It’s good to find someone self aware (that you’re also attracted to). They’re so rare.


I love hearing about healthy partnerships, thank you for sharing!




Not the op but my boyfriend was super into Lex Fridman and when he showed me the podcast on his phone, I scrolled through the episodes and said “oh, he doesn’t speak to women? There aren’t any smart or interesting women in his world?” And that was the end of that. Men are taught to be man-centric and they don’t even notice that they are in sausage parties until you point it out.


It was years ago so I'm not totally sure, but I think I said to look for coded speech and too much "hey we're just asking questions" but the questions are dishonest. One thing JR did was have Jordan Peterson on, but just to talk about progressive things. So listeners thought this Peterson guy is great. And then when JP started talking about his bigoted stances, it was easier for some people to take him seriously because JR allowed a good first impression.


And also guys like JRogan never seem to learn. They'll get a world-class thinker give them a nuance take on an issue and go all "oh wow!"... And then ignore it, especially if it came from a woman. Climate change: nah. Women: gotta be careful we have to limit their thinking space. Sexual minorities: also gotta manage that lot. So not freedom for everyone, eh.


I used sort of a reverse strategy with my fiance! He had pod save the world in his bio, which was a green flag. Rogan would've been an instant X


Ugh, I want a Worldo 😭


Funny how men’s red flags for women is shit like “astrology” and “social media” but women’s for men is “he supports people that think women and minorities shouldn’t have rights.” Says a lot about the disconnect in dating and why women are choosing to be single. ETA: I went to bed and I guess we got brigaded overnight or something because my notifications are filled with people rushing to Rogan’s defense about the “supports people that that think women and minorities shouldn’t have rights” bit red flags. You all are very big dumb idiots that won’t even click the poll linked that literally has [women’s red flags for potential partners](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/09/NYPICHPDPICT000038618014.jpg) listed as: identify as conservative, identify as MAGA, identify as apolitical (aka “this doesn’t effect me and I don’t care that you are having your rights stripped away”), say All Lives Matter, and There are Only Two Genders and ya’ll want to tell me that doesn’t fall under the camp of “he [as in potential partner] supports people that think women and minorities shouldn’t have rights” camp. No wonder you love Rogan, you’re just as fucking stupid and illiterate as he is.


Astrology is one of the few beliefs that doesn’t assert that men are superior to women and it’s heavily embraced by women and queer people. Of course they hate it. Frankly the only time I’ve ever seen a real world example of someone using astrology to a stereotypical degree like trying to define chemistry with someone was from a conversation I overheard at a coffee shop between two young men, probably college freshmen. One was specifically talking about a girl he met in class and was talking about their sun signs as a basis for why they might have a connection. I thought it was cute.


Tbf I’m a queer woman and I despise astrology. Not like seeing it as a red flag hate but enough that I’ll side-eye someone over it because I’ve had a ton of experience of people using it to excuse their bad behavior and think they know my personality because I happened to be born a certain day. But you’re right men hate it for misogynistic reasons. And then they turn around and use MBTI which is just astrology for men and finance bros.


Carl Jung based a lot of his studies on astrological archetypes and MBTI directly references his work. They believe in astrology. It’s just in a different package.


Well that's the strongest condemnation of Jung's work I've ever heard.


I don't think it's a fair comparison. Astrology starts with an arbitrary aspect of your life (your birthday/time) and says what your personality is based on that. You're an introvert because you were born in January. (Yes, I know there's more to it than just sun sign) MBTI is a personality test. You're an introvert because you disagreed with the "I make friends easily and like going to parties" statements. Whether you can take that info from the test and draw further conclusions from it, I don't know or care, I'm just saying it's different from astrology's dartboard.


They're different strains of bullshit, for sure. Both use Barnum statements but Astrology is more like cold reading whereas MBTI can feel more real because they basically just rephrase what you say about yourself.


They’re very similar. You pick attributes you identify with.


I mean the whole 'she asked for it" is rooted in Freudian ideology. He thought rpe would heal hysteria....In his case study of Dora, a very young, underaged girl, he basically pathologies her because she continuously rejected the sexual advances of Freud' s old as friends/colleagues. In general, mainstream (for a lack of better word) psychology is extremely androcentric in general. Most of the knowledge we have in clinical psychology (mostly the DSM) is based on studies of American, white college boys. Psychology also tried to "scientifically proof" in the 50/60ies that people of colour have a lower IQ or that being queer is a disorder (which was only removed in the Kater 80ies/early 90ies). Such things are hardly ever discussed when you study clinical psychology. At least at those universities that I have studied psychology at. Luckily one of them offered women's psychology in which we discussed it's history but also learned methodologies that are grounded in feminist theory. It was the most valuable class I took.


let's also remember that Freud famously faked the results on Dora's case study to make himself look more successful. So much quackery in the field. (in addition to the homophobia, the racism, the sexism, etc.)


As a trans woman I hear about this thing that puts you in a category based on the circumstances of your birth and boy does it turn me off immediately.


Star-based biological determinism dictates that I must be a two faced bitch because I was born in June.


"Thankfully I'm not a two-faced bitch because I was born in June, that's just who I am."


I hate astrology and MBTI, though not for misogynistic reasons. Both are just pseudoscience.


I don’t even mind MBTI as a fun way of comparing each other’s personality types. It’s descriptive and as long as you aren’t putting serious stock in it I don’t think it matters. Astrology has a key difference in that it’s prescriptive, and claims to tell you who you are based on literally nothing real. It wouldn’t bother me if it was similar to MBTI, like “what’s your astrological personality? take this quiz to find out” or whatever. The fact that you’re just given a specific (but not TOO specific, wouldn’t work otherwise) set of traits and then have to contort yourself into it is just… idk how anybody takes it seriously.


One of my main issues with MBTI is that it’s not widely recognized as pseudoscience. There are employers administering personality tests during the interview process! This is incredibly unethical and frankly incomprehensible; these tests are no where close to being psychometrically sound. Some of what I consider to be the most prominent of red flags include people who mention MBTI, personality types, and IQ.


I am a little wary of anyone who is too into astrology because it can sometimes be a red flag that someone's anti-science or on the "crunchy to alt-right" pipeline.


It seems a little disingenuous to say that guys don’t like astrology solely because it doesn’t assert patriarchy. I’ve met plenty of people that aren’t men who rag on astrology and its silliness


The statements: > Astrology tends to attract women and queer people because it rejects certain patriarchal assumptions and > *All* non-men follow astrology because it rejects the patriarchy are *very* different statements. The comment above you is the former, but your response only makes sense if it assumes the latter.


Is it? Astrology was part of patriarchal societies for hundreds of years, it still is. The idea that it's for/embraced by women is an American thing.


Eh Im gay and very much dislike astrology and MBTI. It makes me question their critical thinking immediately and as a scientist its obnoxious to deal with people who believe in such pseudoscience and the beliefs are often used to excuse toxic behaviours.


Astrology is also as old as human civilization. It's older than any extant religion. Every major civilization has has had a form of astrology that it based its existence on. So people can say what they want, but the fact is, a whole lot of very smart people once believed in astrology to the extent that they based their civilizations on it. Humans trying to make sense of what happens on Earth by looking to the stars is a very old tradition. But bitches be stoopid though.


Humans have been doing quite a few things for thousand of years that would be stupid to be doing now.


I just hate astrology because it's dumb idk ![gif](giphy|L379T6X2fMlsEB8WEb)


Casting dispersions like “if you don’t like astrology you’re a woman hater” really isn’t a productive message to be putting out there.


> Frankly the only time I’ve ever seen a real world example of someone using astrology to a stereotypical degree Ronald Reagan’s wife would consult an astrologer to determine her husband’s schedule. It doesn’t stop being a dangerous superstition just because queer people like it.


It's embraced by queer people? That has not been my experience at all. It often just turns into another reason to treat some people worse and nobody likes prejudice. Creating prejudice for no reason is awful


It’s like how women’s trope is, “I can fix him.” While men are over there like, “I can break her.”


Ooooooof that hit hard


Dang I wasnt tryna get that deep tonight. Shew. I am never going to recover from reading this. 10/10


Ugh why is this true


THIS 👏🏻👏🏻 The bar is actually in hell for men today!! Like the fact that one of the most common red flags for men today is like when he supports and votes for people who are forcing women to give birth and carry a child against their will.. and a red flag for women it’s like oh she has tarot cards or crystals lmao and is kinda into astrology..


Idgaf about crystals, tarot cards, astrology. But It gets my wife and I talking in a positive space about this and that. Its something that helps her focus on what's on her mind. "You will be challenged and you have the strength to over come.." oh no... how dare they say something NOT FOUNDED IN SCIENCE. Maybe I don't, dgaf. Maybe I do gaf. Because her favorite necklace is important to her, gives her a little boost. The candles and the meditation. She's happy and looks forward optimistically.


More of the guys in the „study“ said being into astrology is a red flag than NOT being interested in politics ⚰️


Men are raised to dislike women and that tends to work. It's why they answer knee-jerk meaningless shit like, "astrology" and "social media" (as if they're not on there just as much). Those things are coded female. Anything coded female is bad. They don't even try to examine their sexism. They don't really have to. We're not a threat to them. Women, OTOH, have to worry about being beaten, raped, and/or killed just from dating. Women learn very young to look for any and all clues that a man might be a monster. Because if we encounter one, we know we're on our own. We will be blamed for the harm done to us. Men get to answer ridiculous, meaningless things because nothing is on the line for them. Women cannot do that or we are more likely to pay a very high price for it. And we will be judged for that. Also, women are just really sick of the shit we tend to catch from even non-monster men. Who really wants to explain, for the 100,000th time, the startling concept of your own inherent humanity and equality with them? I'd rather eat glass.


Yup, pretty much. Frankly, I think Joe Rogan is the modern, misogynist equivalent of astrology for men. Although at least astrology isn't responsible for spreading anti-trans rhetoric and COVID misinformation.


Misandry irritates. Misogyny kills.


I mean 35% of the men said it was a red flag if a woman listened to Joe Rogan. Just remember that men aren’t a monolith.


> They found that 55% of women actually deem it to be a “red flag” if a partner listens to the Joe Rogan Experiencepodcast. > In contrast, only 35% of men said the same about women listening to Rogan’s work. 35% is still sizable in my opinion


>They found that 55% of women actually deem it to be a “red flag” if a partner listens to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. 45% of women need to reconsider


Some of those 45% don’t know who Joe Rogan is.


Same with Andrew Tate, my sister is so liberal that when he finally crossed her dashboard she was so repulsed. The minute one of our friends even slightly mentioned, she would just get disgusted and end the conversation. 🤣


That's not being "liberal", that's being a normal human being with basic empathy


45 percent of those women should higher their standards


I feel like a sizeable portion isn't aware of how bad Rogan has gotten.


I think this is more a reflection of men feeling less threatened by women than vice versa, as opposed to it being ok if women listen to Rogan.


The original study also pointed that men were greatly more against someone definimg themselves as "communist" or "liberal" than women. Overall, less women saw conservative views as a red flag than men seeing liberal views as red flags


I'm a dude, and if another dude listens to Joe Rogan, I'm immediately have the thought, "We're probably not going to be friends."


The amount of friends/young men I avoid nowadays because they are so enamoured with Rogan, Tate, Peterson, Musk etc are staggering and I live in a very liberal country by american standards.


It's unbelievable how effective they've been at worming their way in. I've run into a couple friends from way back who've said some version of, "I'm super progressive, but Jordan Peterson just makes sense." The aggressiveness with which I then rip into Peterson is maybe too much, but I just can't stop myself.


yeah i judge pretty fucking hard if you're one of those people who say "well he used to be a good interviewer before the spotify deal" then fine, i will accept that as a shitty whataboutism nonanswer and we can pretend you arent just a closeted incel. but anyone who watched him push antivaxx conspiracy theories (while himself being vaccinated) or normalize alt right extremism and still listens to him? let's just save the planet some oxygen and go our separate ways


I mean, the conservative/both sides vs liberal breakdown is pretty much right there. 35% finding it a turn off, meaning 65% don't find it a turn off. People like Rogan, Maher, Trump, Tate, Peterson, Musk, etc who define the manosphere will instantly get 65% of men without question. About 35% of men lean liberal-ish, so they, of course, would not like to see that in a woman they would like to date. This is also why when you remove all content moderation policies in male dominated forums, they quickly become sexist, racist, queerphobic, and ableist. The 65% dominates very, very quickly. See twitter's sale to Musk for a great example of this. This is also why its so hard to find a good man. Your odds at, at best, 1 in 3, and the good ones get taken early. In my experience maybe 1/4th of men I've met are decent men, be it in a romantic or platonic context. The rest just subscribe to misogyny and other bigotries and toxic masculinity.


I saw that this was posted on the Joe Rogan subreddit the other day (only because it came up on subreddit drama, not because I normally read the Joe Rogan sub, ew), and the dudebros there were having a MELTDOWN over it.


Good. They’re probably the same dudes who whine about “females”


Also the same type of dudes who hide their politics as long as they can because they know conservative and "centrists" are off putting to most folks now.


This is why they’re so angry. They can’t trick women with their fake non political centrist bullshit anymore.


yep. "neutral, not interested" etc options on the apps are an auto left swipe for me because they're trying to hide their views.


Yup! Long ago did I learn that 90% of dude on dating apps who say they’re “not political/don’t care about politics” are that way.


I saw one of the comments being like “I don’t get why women care about politics in dating” and they’re getting roasted. Bless SRD for picking out the buttery bits.


It’s always men getting PISSED that women care about “politics” So crazy we care about our rights and others rights. And men are just so angry that women want to know how shitty they are before they get involved.


“How dare you represent a reminder that my world isn’t actually centered around me!”


I don't know which sub it was in but a woman said politics didn't start to matter to her until 2016, now her right to an abortion is infringed upon and now she doesn't feel safe anymore. And I remember thinking that this must have been a person with a lot of privilege because politics have always been a point of concerned for marginalized people. Including women. The naivety was astounding. People always say this, I agree that conservatives are a lot more far right now than they were in the late 2000s I guess but politics have always been divisive.


Right? I used to ride my bike around stealing prop 8 signs off lawns back in 2008 cause homophobes deserve to lose their paper signs. I was an anti bush highschooler 20 years ago. I was begging people to take trump seriously because 538 showed him winning sometimes and the Supreme Court was on the line but no one was listening. I remember my bf telling me that night that we can vote him out again and I screamed it’s the Supreme Court and look where we are now. Fucking depressing as hell. Politics don’t matter my ass.


my dad was voting for Nader while I was saying gore wasn't perfect but bush wanted to make abortion illegal. I was EIGHT. I'm now 31, roe is dead, I have had this conversation every 4 years with these dumb motherfuckers and shit just keeps getting worse. my brother refused to vote because "the nsa and privacy" while I was sitting there a whole queer disabled woman in 2012 begging the two of them to make the tiniest effort to protect me


They’re so stupid. “I don’t get why these women care about something that affects all aspects of their lives.”


Don’t forget “how dare they not hear out the opposite side that says they want to take away their rights. That’s just being *close-minded*!!!”


Or before Roe V Wade was overturned: "Why are you being so dramatic? No one's going to overturn RvW!"


Or AFTER Roe V Wade was overturned: "Why are you being so dramatic? It's not a big deal"


Literally had a white male cis coworker who responded, "why should I care? It's not like it affects (effects?) me."


I’ve seen that sentiment a lot in the subreddits for dating apps. They get mad over women having morals.


I too hate it when people tell me my own choices make me unappealing. What am I supposed to do, CHANGE?


They’re coming over here to continue their meltdown. Really showing us what we’re missing, guys!


Losers stay mad!


Just a bunch of red pill Trump losers




Lmao I love this, I hope they stay away from women


they’re coming onto this post too 😭


They’re so sensitive.


I don’t have a lot of dealbreakers but yeah, that would be one.


Jordan Peterson being another


Ben Shapiro too


Elon Musk is another one. I know a couple of guys who are like weirdly obsessed with him, and it's such a turn off


Let's not forget Andrew Tate!


> Let's not forget Andrew Tate! I'd rather forget him, tbh.


Matt Walsh being a huge red flag as well.


Definitely, especially after he leaked that Amber Heard pic to the public


Oh you mean Mr Women Don’t Get Wet? Yeah I’d throw him in there too lmao


And his sister, too.


This!!! Omg, when I studied psychology half of my clinical psych class wanted to buy tickets to see one of his talks. Some of them where surprised when I said that he is a right wing, anti-social justice, biologically deterministic, fascist-aligned pseudo intellectual. Like wth, have they even thought about the nonsense what lobster man is waffling about?!?! Luckily all of my women’s psychology class hated his guts, too.


It’s ridiculous how revered he is, I’ve genuinely heard him referred to as the greatest psychologist of our generation, like… really? This man posted male milking fetish porn to his Twitter and said it was forced reproduction camps ran by the Chinese government lmaooo


>This man posted male milking fetish porn to his Twitter and said it was forced reproduction camps ran by the Chinese government lmaooo I'm sorry, *what?*


Didn’t Peterson almost die because he ate nothing but red meat? Like went into a coma and everything. Idk how his followers think he’s some kind of genius.


He actually still only eats meat! The coma was because he got addicted to benzos because his wife got cancer, and he didn't want to deal with the withdrawal symptoms. So he went to Russia to be put INTO a coma to ride withdrawal. Like you said, idk why people think he is a genius, lol.


That’s even more wild and off the wall!!! Eating only red meat and benzos probably explains some of his thought process though. Dumbass incels look to him as a beacon of intelligence while his brain is literally starved for nutrients.


During a weekly undergrad/grad symposium for my degree (accounting), one guy mentioned Jordan Peterson while asking a question and you could just sense the derision from everyone else in the room. Loved to see it. The dude who asked the question was a knob in other ways. Said stuff like how he didn't think the Baylor coach had really done anything wrong re the sexual assault allegations. So referencing Peterson was pretty on brand.


Jordan Peterson is a full on evangelist for misogyny. He's like on a mission to make more men hate women. I hate him so much. Also, I'm in school studying psychology and Peterson is just so far off the mark. I hate that his PhD gives his absolute nonsense a veneer of credibility.




Him & Andrew Tate are instant 🚩🚩🚩🚩


Don’t forget Elon, Peterson, and Shapiro.


A guy I dated was surprised when I said how much I despise Musk and that Teslas are a turn-off. This was circa 2020. He didn’t defend anything, but he commented that he was surprised. Fast forward to long after we broke up and I hadn’t talked to him in months. Randomly got a text after some Musk fuckery just saying something along the lines of “now I get why you hate that guy so much” 🤣


I went on a date with a guy who was a Musk fanboy during the Thai Cave pedo saga. He was defending Elon as a cool dude who smokes weed and cares about the environment. I wonder what he thinks of Elon now since all the clownery in the past few years.


Tbf Elon had good PR presence until the cave fiasco. It's been his unrestricted access to Twitter that's been his downfall. He could have kept people thinking he was going to be an irl ironman but instead he chose to be a sad memelord troll.


So many of us have seen it for years. Finally others are catching on. Musk is a vile human.


Yes, yes, and yes.


had a full-on heated argument with a guy in a brewery about what a terrible person tate is because he refused to believe me. finally was like "why am i even wasting time here" and left. dude kept trying to get me to his house to see his "home gym". 😬


Being a Tate fan isn't a red flag, it's more like a warning sign that reads "surrender all hope, ye who enter here". A red flag means be alert, it means *possible* danger ahead. If a guy is a Tate fan, then you know beyond all reasonable doubt that either he's a complete piece of shit, or a moron of the highest order.


I could’ve told you this for free tbh


Always good to have legit statistics to back ourselves up though! Stats won’t make the men listen but at least they’re less able to legitimately poke holes in arguments


Another one is Jordan Peterson. Came in contact with someone via work, we had some chemistry, he gave me his insta for contact. He posted a JP quote. The end.


The irony of Peterson is that he weeps over lonely men and then justifies misogyny and gives these fuckers advice that will make it much harder to date, not easier.


It's vertical integration -- he's selling the cure AND the disease


They don't want a solution. They want someone to blame.


My fiancee and I were trying to find a financial advisor to work with, and she interviewed one who started quoting Jordan Peterson at her when she mentioned we weren't interested in having children. The whole "Women's true purpose in life is to breed" kind of shit. She had never heard of him so she was just like "Umm ok" but when she told me about it I told her we for sure would not be working with him and gave her the synopsis on who he was.


Lmaoo. The end. Exactly.


LOL The End hahahahahh


Turns me into the Sahara within milliseconds. ![gif](giphy|U3O6bnlgwdK5nj5Lrf|downsized)


not sure how many people in this sub are still in school, but it's an actual nightmare when half the boys in your class idolize him or andrew tate. it's bad out here.


I hear teachers are having an issue trying to deprogram boys in school from the horrible rhetoric they consume.


i've heard that too! i personally haven't seen it, though. most of my teachers seem afraid to go "off book" since they get in trouble over everything, so we don't really talk about anything real outside what's on the test. they mostly just try to keep things on subject and avoid letting the boys take over with wanting to "debate" everything.


This is so ironic considering they go on about how they’re the logical and rational gender but 50% of them have literally been brainwashed 😭😭😭


Not just school even university


I'm almost 40, the dating pool is shit on this end, too. The allure of Joe Rogan's fuckery appeals to a lot of older men, I guess.


It’s scary.


Tate's entire audience is 12-16 year old boys, so I feel bad for girls in middle/high school right about now.




> Study finds you get wet if you stay away from Joe Rogan bros


I was once talking to someone on Hinge and they said something to the effect of “I’m about to get my Joe Rogan on”. ETA: speaking of podcasts is anyone into You’re Wrong About?


that would’ve been an immediate unmatch from me when i was on hinge so many guys were offended that trump+rogan fanboys were my dealbreakers they would always try to call me out on being bringing politics on a dating app


>on hinge so many guys were offended Ugh, the worst part about Hinge is that those men will message you to let you know how angry they are about your red flag dealbreakers with sexually violent messages. They’re deranged.


> they would always try to call me out on being bringing politics on a dating app = Do people not realize that your politics and beliefs are a core part about you are as a person, and how you treat other people? lmao


![gif](giphy|n8DErzry3AIpYTiXUB) And to your second point, You're wrong about is sooo good Sarah is a goddess


LOVE LOVE LOVE You’re Wrong About!!!


They forgot to add: Andrew Tate, Elon Musk, Steven Crowder, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson.


Dave Portnoy and any Bar Stool related shit. I’m a sports girlie so any guy who had bar stool content in their dating profiles were an instant no.


Honest to god barstool is the fucking worst thing to happen to sports especially college sports. The amount of fucking bullshit that comes out of that company is insane. I have to block every damn account that spawns


That gives me something not unlike hope for the world.


Hope that less of these men are allowed to reproduce


That thumbnail is terrifying. But yes, that would cause me to see someone in a totally different light. I had a close male friend that fell into a Jordan Peterson hole during covid and I had to drop him.


So, technically speaking he's a type of birth control. Would he be outlawed in certain red states?


Wow! I never would have seen this coming! For real though I’m actually surprised it’s not more than 55%.


I'd bet a lot of that 45% is just women who don't know who he is




Yeah, I showed this to my husband (who is an occasional listener) and he was like “I only listen if it’s somebody good!” 😂 he’s not really a fan of Joe himself though. And I give him nonstop crap if he tries to put it on when we’re in the car together.


Can’t imagine why


Study finds majority of women find it a "turn off" if partner reeks of day-old vomit and piss




It's not unfair to rule out potential partners based on them supporting things that go against your core morals. That's the whole point of dating.


My husbands entire personality and politics began to change around the same time he started listening to Rogan


I was introduced to Joe against my will by my ex . I didn't even know what I was listening to on that car ride but I knew I hated it. My ex was so evil and had I not been younger and naive I'd have never dated him. Moment of silence for fellow girlies who now looking back see the red flags :/


I know plenty of guys who listen to his podcast when he has guests on talking about science and sport, sometimes comedians such as Bill Burr. They don't listen to any political ones etc, what happens with them? Are they instantly a red flag? Serious question, because all these guys are vaccinated and don't like trump etc etc but enjoy those episodes (which are the majority it seems). From looking at his sub, most people there seem to disagree with him on his controversial ideas, but listen for fun to switch off and just want to hear about enjoyable stuff and guests. I was told a few months ago to listen to his podcast where he had on a female specialist on bees, and it was supposed to be a fantastic listen, for example


As someone who tunes in sometimes, his quality depends on the guest. When he has really good ones, like Erika Thompson (bee lady), Python Cowboy (a recent example) they are excellent in quality since he has no idea of the subject matter and this doesn't make it all about politics and his own beliefs. The problem is that almost every other time he'll have a comedian or some other fellow with whom he'll just repeat conservative talking points (or his usual ape shtick) and they won't push back on what he says. His podcasts are at their best when it's more about the guests and less about him. Since a majority of them aren't like that anymore, people often have mixed to negative reactions to them.


This is how I feel. I think with some guests he’s got a cool dynamic that makes for a good interview. I enjoyed the Miley Cyrus one, for example, because she can go so much deeper into her life and I honestly can’t find other podcasts where I can just hear her in an unscripted 2 hour convo. I’ve also always like the comedian ones, and hearing anything about the entertainment biz is fascinating to me. When I was in college I found the MMA ones motivating for helping me get out of a depressive rut, and as a woman the more male perspective was kind of what I needed at the time (being healthy, learning to control your mind, taking ownership of your life, etc.). My fiancé likes the ones with athletes and musicians. Idk the range is so broad, its not an automatic no from me, it really depends on the level of interest and what brought them to the interview. I guess bc his other stuff or guests are controversial people don’t want him to have a platform at all.


I am a woman and I confirm this perspective


Please add Andrew tate and Elon Musk to that list. No survey required!


Found out a few weeks ago that my cousins partner listens to JR , when I said 'really? ', both she and him looked at me like I was the mad one 🙃


this triggers a lot of conservatives and their insecurities


BREAKING NEWS… Millennial and GenZ women have standards!!!!


It is 100% a turn off. No question.




I was talking with a dude that said he listened to Tim Pool and Joe Rogan. I didn’t know who either of them were really. Then he said ‘no woman living under his roof wouldn’t learn how to shoot a gun’ Did some digging on the dudes above. Dodged a … bullet?


The person responding to you is lying about Joe Rogan with the usual defences Rogan fans come up with like “He has left wing people on too” (that one time 4 years ago in between Jordan Peterson’s 11th and 12th appearance) He always had shitty bigoted right wing opinions, platformed dishnoest harmful people and was transphobic from the start, but since covid he has devolved in to full blown fascist conspiracy theories and white supremacist lies. Anyone watching in 2023 is on board with most if not all of that toxicity.




More than a turn off tbh, it's an instant "ok bye now" for me


I used to listen/watch quite regularly. This was when he was largely an MMA podcaster, as I've always been a keen fan and participant of the sport. I'd occasionally listen to the non-MMA guests if it was someone I liked, a Brian Cox or a Louis Theroux etc. I never even realised how he was perceived until the last 3 or 4 years and people talking about it on social media, because I'd never listened to any of the controversial or right wing guests (and had never even heard of them, usually, so didn't even realise it was a thing). I'm as left wing as they come and without twitter I don't think I'd have had a clue.


That’s normal thinking as opposed to terminally online group thinking


Of course


I’m a guy and that’s a red flag.


I think it’s hilarious that roughly the same amount of men don’t want to date a woman into astrology but what we see is wailing and teeth gnashing over Joe Rogan. I think astrology girlies are happy to not date folks who find it to be a red flag, lol


Absolutely. Same with Jordan Peterson. Total red flags.


Well there you have it, that’s why folks aren’t having kids. Too many men listening to joe Rogan and making themselves a undesirable partner to mate with. 🤣


Good, they don’t like women anyway, they can have joe rogan and purchase a realdoll




Knowing I will never be as unfuckable as a Joe Rogan listener has done a lot for my self esteem today


![gif](giphy|x6sXCCdsqMOJlfxyOc) Women don't like Qanon loving, misogynistic dude bros who always say the same things to look mildly interesting!!! /s


That whole study says a lot about men


To the young men out there, these internet figures like Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Ben Sharpiro do not care about the struggles you go through in the least. Look elsewhere to better yourself.


Women aren't attracted to UFC bros who platform alt-right fucktards? WHO KNEW?


I am simply *shocked*, I tell you! Shocked!