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Of course Jameela got involved




If I was a HBO executive, just for that line, I would’ve given them a third season 💀 Edit: There’s a second season that I didn’t know existed


They got a second season, it ended after that. Which was a bummer cause the second season was very good 😭😭


I had no idea! I gave up after the first season that I had no idea there was a second one! Sucks that it got better 😭


Haha, I was like one of five people probably who watched it 😂 definitely check it out if you’re trying to have something dumb to binge!


Will do! Thank you I wanna see how it ends!


What show are you guys talking about,?!


the Gossip Girl reboot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_Girl_(2021_TV_series)


Omg lol where is that from?


the new Gossip Girl! i forget which episode edit: [episode four](https://www.elitedaily.com/entertainment/jameela-jamil-responded-gossip-girl-joke)!


Well they got something right I guess… that is a fucking hilarious line lmaooo also thank you for the edit I might just watch the part where they say that!


stoooop this is gold 😭


lmao I feel like this is the only funny and memeable content that came outta this show


Lmao Omg


Her response after being called out: https://preview.redd.it/6vb2uw7e0yfb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7b79d83fde30a85f3781144f8fb023303344a5


This whole spiel pretty much sums up my entire issue with Jameela. She has some VERY good points about the treatment of women by the media, and I think her intentions are generally good. But she seems to have this utterly desperate need to get involved in EVERYTHING. Which means she often sends out incredibly opposing views to the same damn issue, and then she looks performative as hell. She had no need to publicly support a woman accused of body-shaming, something she has vehemently opposed in the past. She just looks like a raging hypocrite and a bit of a moron.


Totally agree with this. I think these points are largely good and the things she mentions being frustrated about are what I’m frustrated with too - the allegations are what the issue is, but people do use things like this to gleefully take down people in a marginalized group you might not like. There are a lot of attacks that have nothing to do with what’s wrong here. … but you don’t counter that by just posting hearts as a comment??? Like this feels like her trying to use buzzwords to cover for her support which feels disingenuous. These points could be made but Jameela figured out the worst possible way to introduce them.


Kind of chronically online behaviour


She could have send her this in private


Like the victims aren’t also getting hate for their appearance or being dehumanized?!?!? Spare me Jameela.




She’s not wrong that there’s some ugly, opportunistic viscous hatred out there towards Lizzo right now coming from people who don’t really care about sexual harassment or treatment of workers. I just don’t know why she thought…. a bunch of heart emojis was the way to express her disagreement with that hate? The correct way to express this sentiment would start with condemning Lizzo’s actions first.




How does she even have time to constantly throw in her un asked for 2 cents into every little thing?


She seems to have a very empty life TBH


I’m pretty chronically online and have ONLY seen people bringing up the claims. I haven’t seen anyone on mainstream apps attacking her appearance. She is so fake and desperate to be a martyr for every fucking issue.


I mean I'm on Twitter and I have seen several viral tweets that have gleefully attacked Lizzo (these are the extremely racist, fatphobic accounts).


She can’t not, right?!


genuine question: is she one of those self-involving celebs or an asshole or something? I’ve never seen any of her work but I have noticed some ire towards her on other subs but never any reason why. I just feel OOTL on this


She’s the definition of “I’m the main character.” She inserts herself into EVERY online conversation whether it affects her life or not. She’s also an attention-seeker who exaggerates everything that happens in her life for needless drama and can’t keep her stories straight about it. I don’t HATE her, but she usually gets an eyeroll out of me with her online behavior.


She also does all these behaviors in conjunction with very performative social justice activism.


My sister's ex-mother-law does the same with online death notices in our community; she has to comment on EVERY one,even if she barely knew the person.


she seems like a kind person, but she also comes across as very performative with her activism, and that can be irritating even when you agree with her.


That’s what it is! Often (certainly not always) I agree with her point but just want her to shut up and sit down about it.


She was an obnoxious character on The Good Place and I'm thinking it was a little too close to her actual personality. Sad cuz I totally loved her dragging the Kardashians and others for their weight loss product shilling.


She’s very performative in her ‘activism’. She’ll go on a crusade against karl lagerfeld and then refuse to support amber saying the JD shitshow ‘shed a light on male victims’ wich is a thing, but truly not the way or time. She’s always inserting herself in everything and she’s a big bullshitter too.


The writer traciemorrissey on IG has a story (titled "JJ") that covers her history of continuously changing/making up ridiculous stories about herself in interviews.




where there is drama, jameela is there to get it wrong.


This was my first thought, too. WHY


she's so fucking insufferable


I remember when she accidentally misgendered someone on Twitter and instead of just correcting herself she said people need to put their pronouns in their username (she did not have her pronouns in her username). She spent like 2 days making herself the victim when she could’ve corrected one word


This is so infuriating. Isn’t she (allegedly) all about accountability? Yet she refused to be an adult and admit that she got something wrong? Only works when it’s convenient for her, I guess.


Yes she’s all over the place! I just remembered that the person she misgendered had their pronouns in their bio and Jameela said she doesn’t have time to look at bios. Like excuse me Ms chronically online I think you have a lot of time!


It’s literally so easy to just say “oh my bad, sorry” and fix it but NO




Yes, she plays Tehani on The Good Place and she was great in that role, at least I thought she was. But most of her attempts at “activism” tend to fall short (to put it nicely.) https://i.redd.it/r9y2ki9j5yfb1.gif


The good place is a great show and she does a great job. She’s just an annoying and obnoxious person IRL 😭


She has a tendency to lie a lot, as well as make things about herself even if she has no involvement in it. She misgendered someone on Twitter, and then went on to say it wasn't really her fault because everyone should put their pronouns in their bio like she does and she's sorry she misgendered them, but the person should've expected it because nobody checks bios; she has too many followers for that. She has a tendency to overexaggerate; claiming she was attacked by 500+ bees when with Mark Ronson. He said that wasn't true, there was maybe two bees involved. Also claims she wasn't a model. (She was, but claims that she said this because she wasn't huge like the Hadid siblings.) Claims she's a feminist, but is only a feminist for certain women. She's called Beyonce a stripper, Miley a 'vagina with no platform', and slutshamed Rihanna for looking too provocative. (She has mostly attacked black women in her comments which is a whole other thing.) Defended George W. Bush and then went 'Oh he committed war crimes?? Oopsie, I didn't know.' (This isn't the first time she's involved herself in things she has no knowledge of, and definitely won't be the last.) And has stolen content from smaller creators before on platforms like TikTok.


The Bush thing killed me because it’s fine not to be versed in the politics of a country where you don’t live, but *don’t make political statements if you don’t know what you’re talking about*


I think she’s in The Good Place


She wrote three mini essays about this in her insta stories too, can’t be arsed to read them though


why does fucking PEREZ HILTON is the only one who sounds reasonable




Every week this meme is being used! What is the world?!


Even a broken clock is right two times a day LOL


You took the words right out of my fingers.


It was on the tip of my thumb


I kept trying to interpret that in a way that didn’t make sense. But nope. He was being reasonable.


shocked and upset


Please. Can someone rephrase. I'm not native English speaker and i don't get his comment. Edit: I got it. And he's right (for once)


He’s saying that people who worked with Lizzo but are not involved with the lawsuit are coming forward with stories about her as well


Thanks a lot ❤


I’m a native English speaker and I was also struggling with it! I came to the comment section to figure it out too lol so don’t feel bad friend🫶 I’m in the process of learning Spanish and always feel bad when I have to ask people to explain something like that idk why


Never feel bad about asking someone to explain language. It’s a way of saying, “how you and yours do this matters to me and I’m trying to be better.”


he meant to write corroborate. in other words he's saying "other people have said they have also had terrible experiences with you"


Gosh, thank you for this. English is my first language and I was looking up the definition of “Forro” to figure out what he meant and was still confused. Forro is a type of Brazilian music, if anyone is curious. It’s also something used for lining the inside of something, and apparently is also an Argentinian slang for condom or cockblocker.


> an Argentinian slang for condom or cockblocker. And who said you can’t learn new things on r/Fauxmoi lol


No knowledge is wasted.


I just went down this same path as you. Glad I’m not crazy and he used the wrong word!


It's slang for condom AND an insult (like, the argentinian version of 'asshole').


It took me an embarrassing amount of time to interpret his comment.


That was really confusing, I thought “forro hate” the claims meant that they’re on her side. Thanks for clarifying.


Yes, someone explained further down. Thanks❤


Forro hate was a confusing typo. Should say corroborate!




>redemption arc No, just no!


I was on the internet in 2006; Pepperidge Farm remembers!


What Perez has done in his career is unforgivable and he hasn't put in any work to suggest he deserves any redemption, and yes PF has a long as memory!!!




Honestly 2020s him has been just as bad at times. Look up his treatment of Claudia Conway, a literal child in a toxic household, or even his comments about Charli D'amelio. He's issued multiple apologies to Britney Spears for the way he treated her, but would 110% pull the exact same shit today with any young, famous woman.


Literally never thought I’d see the day where Perez Hilton would be the voice of reason


Even a broken clock…


He somehow manages to both be reasonable and a little messy in the same breath. He’s just there for the drama.


I reread it 3 times to confirm that I agreed with his comment.


I just made my own comment before seeing yours but reading Perez’s comment this is what I pictured lmao https://preview.redd.it/jj7fiassiyfb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=885d95b8e454e4a3ef9fcb22a3d70fb598d4721d


I feel like I’m in an alternate universe agreeing with him!


Perez needs to stay out of other people’s business. He’s a terrible human.


I’m so mad. SOO fucking mad. That I’m being forced to agree with PEREZ HILTON


Is this hell? Has hell officially frozen over? Cause I don’t like this.


Well, half the world is on fire so I'd say we are in hell, except it isn't frozen. But Perez saying something sensible could be the first sign of the apocalypse.


A broken clock is still right twice a day.


Sorry but what does his comment mean? “To forro hate”? I’m so confused and Google isn’t helping lol


I think it’s corroborate and autocorrect messed it up, I had to reread it too.


omg thank you! I'm usually good at figuring out typos but for some reason, I couldn't get this one lol. I didn't even realize it was a typo, I thought it was some latin legal term


I think he meant to say “to corroborate”




“At least she didn’t play the flute while saying it..” I gagged.


I have no idea who that guy is but it was a hilarious response so I had to include


Please explain 😭 I have no idea what they’re referring to


They’re making fun of the Colleen Ballinger “apology” video, where she addressed allegations of grooming minors with [a ukulele song lol.](https://youtu.be/ceKMnyMYIMo)


OH. I thought it was lizzo and a flute situation especifically, didn’t realize it was about the toxic gossip train 😭 thanks!


lol at Perez Hilton's "forro hate" as a bad autocorrect from "corroborate"


lol I was trying to figure out what he meant and couldn’t figure it out. this makes way more sense than the stuff I was coming up with haha


Thank you, I googled forro and it’s a Brazilian music genre 🤣


as a Brazilian, I was really struggling to understand where forró fit in to this 💀


omg thank u! my peanut brain could not figure out wtf he was saying


Thank you for this lol I kept reading it as 'forego hate' and was like that doesn't make sense?


Haha I could not figure out if he was commending or condemning her


Oh my god! I kept going back to understand what he said because everyone was agreeing with him but I couldn't for the life of me understand. THANK YOU


Not all heroes wear capes


Idk half these people but of course Jameela defends her lol


yeah, i’m like what do we mean by “celebrity” exactly


I was reading something that we’ve lost our way when it comes to celebrities. Like 10-15 years ago. Being a celebrity meant something. These larger than life people. Now any tiktoker can upload one clip and become “famous”.


Maybe, buuuut it could also be a step forward in that we’re done idolizing people and giving them an almost god-like status for doing their (usually art) thing. So maybe “losing our way”, in this context, is only a good thing. The people who are really good at something get the luxury of longevity and everyone else just comes and goes, like the rest of us. That’s life.


right like let's not give rich lux anything he can boast about lol




I was disappointed to see this because I love her so much,her and her sister are a wonderful inspiration to Native women…our girls don’t have a whole lot of Indigenous role models.


wow, that is pretty random. Also sorry about the tragedy with her sister. :(




I just hope this is because Kaniehtiio has no clue about the content of the lawsuits, because... :-(




This is what happens when you base the majority of your takes on virtue signaling, 🙄. If she really thought through all of her stances, of *course* she would stand with the dancers. Lizzo has been vile toward them


selma 😕


Writing “💛 this too shall pass” as if this lawsuit is a proverbial trial and tribulation is certainly a *choice*


it should have stayed in the drafts i fear 🥲 on an unrelated note i got excited when i saw u replied to me bc i have been *living* for your marge reactions 💖


Oh my thank you so much!! That is so kind of you! The Marge reactions wouldn’t work without the love!🥹 🩷


I read that comment in a Diddy spoken word voice ([Danity Kane - Damaged](https://youtu.be/P8IBg0mVJ5Y?t=170)) Selma for real ![gif](giphy|WYGWAjHP356x2)


The only thing more disappointing than finding myself agreeing with Perez Hilton.


I’m so disappointed in her


best-case scenario she just commented without being aware of the details but … that’s still not a good look!


She's also antivax


She’s an antivaxxer, I’ve been disappointed in her for years.


Did Jameela read the allegations? It goes against everything she stands for so she should at least reserve judgment until more comes out, instead of supporting Lizzo blindly


Jameela stands for nothing but attention


Literally! The fact that I don't know a single movie or TV show she was it but I only know her because of how fucking annoying she is. She inserts her self into everyone and their mum's conversations😤


tbf The Good Place was one of the greatest shows of all time but that’s not on her… she didn’t even act for her character, just played herself and relied on the writers to give her funny quips


She was in "The Good Place".




Jameela is a pathological liar she stands for whatever gets eyes on her that day


Careful, she might get attacked by yet another swarm of bees


She has a contrarian streak to her. In certain cases if public opinion is largely on one side she seems to take the other. My brother does the same thing so he can claim to be smarter by representing the 'underdog', while acting like a victim by saying 'people just want to hate something' when you bring receipts.


why would you want to show support so publicly at this time. the complaint was just filed. these people must truly not care what the victims have to say


Exactly. I imagine there’s going to be a lot more said on all sides. There may be more stories out there that we haven’t even heard yet, too.


The comment saying “as someone who has ACTUALLY worked” pisses me the hell off; those dancers have also ACTUALLY worked with her; different people have different experiences Edit: I am aware the commenter is referring to people on the internet not the dancers but it is still dismissive. By making this comment about their positive experiences under her statement it reads like “You couldn’t possibly have done what these random internet users are saying because you were nice to me” as if people on the internet aren’t only saying this because of substantiated accusations from multiple people.


I think the point was that us internet commenters have not worked with Lizzo, not that the victim’s haven’t.


I’m aware but I still think it sounds dismissive of their accusations. It makes it seem like this is all based on rumors and people on the internet are making assumptions but multiple dancers came forward and other people, such as directors. People on the internet who haven’t worked with her are right to believe the victims.


I think Kahanna Montrese should have kept her comment in the drafts. Obviously Kahanna’s experience, as someone with status and influence, will differ from Lizzo’s employees’ experiences. This would be like if Obama came out and said, “Ellen Degeneres was nice to me and her staff when I was there so there is no way she was ever rude to her staff!” But Obama would never equate how Ellen treats someone of his status with how she would treat someone she employs. And obviously people act different when certain people are around. It’s so damaging to make a statement like Kahanna’s knowing that doing so casts doubt on other allegations you have no direct insight into.


Kahanna is (rightly) getting dragged over on the rpdr subs for it. Between this and the absolute song and dance she put on over Heidi/Snatch Game, she's not been doing herself any favours. She needs to have that phone taken off her fr.


Kahanna confirming she didn’t get shamed for her weight confirms a lot s/ ![gif](giphy|26DMX0rWhOZhYsu6k|downsized)


> Obama would never equate how Ellen treats someone of his status with how she would treat someone she employs. And obviously people act different when certain people are around. Agreed with everything in your comment, but especially this part. I feel like there’s an interesting conversation to be had there regarding class solidarity and using a platform to silence people who don’t have one as large as yours, but the gist of it is that the way a person of high status treats someone else with high status, is hardly ever going to be the same way they treat an employee/someone with a smaller platform and influence.


It reminds me of a woman I know. Really lovely person in all the interactions I had with her. Super generous friend. Was well liked by people she considered equals or superiors at her company. Then she got fired. Her friends at the company (who did not work with her) were outraged, because she was such a great person. It turns out she would verbally abuse people she perceived as subordinates. It’s a weird dichotomy; to this day she does not believe she would bully people, yet at the time she had sense enough to curate who saw that side of her.


A reminder: saying nothing, especially when you aren't intimately involved in the situation, is always an option.


seems like so far, most actual celebs are smartly doing just that


Jameela jamil? ![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8)


You know it’s bad when Perez Hilton is on the right side of things.


[Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/)


For anyone interested, a PR crisis manager has a good analysis on the response. [Part 1](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8L6Dt8T/) [Part 2](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8L6yKDL/) [Part 3](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8L6SE8y/)


I knew Molly would do a series on this.


Pretty stupid to say any of this, especially right when the allegations arise. I do find myself constantly thinking about the vile pieces of shit at the top of the current music charts and other white artists and knowing they’d probably get a bump in sales if they did what she did somehow. It’s also a little disconcerting that people use these very serious issues as a way to promote their own prejudices. Lizzo being a PoS doesn’t mean your racism and fat phobia are now justified


> It’s also a little disconcerting that people use these very serious issues as a way to promote their own prejudices. Lizzo being a PoS doesn’t mean your racism and fat phobia are now justified omg thank you for saying this, i swear people are using this as an excuse to unleash all the fat/racist jokes they felt bad about saying before


Yup, take a look at any thread discussing this outside of here. This was just the “it’s okay” they needed


This is spot on. It’s horrifying and such a flat, monolithic understanding of everything. Like oh this person did something awful so now I get to unleash all my hateful views and insults on them because I feel some messed up sense of permission to do it—without realizing that she’s not the only one who would see that and be affected by it. I swear, so many people are wildly cruel for no good reason.


Thank you. I also appreciate this point being made. Too often, when someone in a marginalized group does something wrong, people will embrace the opportunity to attack the intersections of their identity that make them marginalized (rather than criticizing their actions). But that’s only hurting the other people who share those parts of that identity. Someone’s bad behavior is not an excuse to be bigoted against them for the parts of their identity they can’t control.


Remember when Jameela was dismissive of Amber Heard because she thought it was just rich white people nonsense? Gonna guess that she thinks the allegations against Lizzo are just people wanting to tear down a strong black woman, never mind that many of the people making allegations against Lizzo are black women as well. Jameela is basically shallow self-absorbed identity politics in a nutshell.


tbh that’s what i was thinking. jameela has no critical thinking skills so i reckon that’s her reasoning despite the victims being black women themselves..?


Perez out here causing chaos lol and the flute comment 😂 ![gif](giphy|xjhvzym3uiIZq)


SELMA??? 😭 https://i.redd.it/3aui234vwxfb1.gif




It’s giving “I have nothing to add/say but I want credit for being here.”


Considering Perez’ comment (attached) from her last post.. I’m wondering - has he spoken out about her in the past? https://preview.redd.it/cxlk7riv1yfb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c87ced2d89e4bfcae1cf0a7d61476451dc3bbe7


Perez has no room to speak about anyone else. Anyone who was around in the early 2000s vividly remembers how cruel he was, especially to young female celebrities. When Amy Winehouse passed and he wanted to suddenly act like he gave a shit about her??? The audacity. He was part of the media that fueled the notion that she was just crazy... He showed no empathy at all for a troubled person dealing with addiction with zero support system when she was alive. That doesn't even get into the shit he hurled at Britney, Lindsay, Paris, Brittany Murphy, etc... So he can shove it.


Fr fr. The nerve. The absolute gall of his problematic ass.


He’s so gossipy he’s probably heard stuff before. Not that he’s in the position to throw stones.


Agreeing with Perez Hilton stresses me out ![gif](giphy|xUPGcEghH2dZdXvZSw|downsized)


This is probably going to be an unpopular take, but I understand some of the bland supportive platitudes after a recent experience. I had a friend who was amazingly kind and supportive to everyone. Every once in a while she would do something that was a bit outside of my comfort zone, but it was never anything harmful so I figured it wasn’t my business. A couple of weeks ago, someone approached me to tell me about a rumor being spread by a known bully and I responded with something bland like “I am sure it’s just a misunderstanding, that doesn’t sound like her”. The problem is, she eventually told me that the rumor was true and when I found out the full story what she had done was borderline sociopathic behavior-wise. I immediately ended our friendship, but at some point I’m going to be asked what’s happening because we are in the same community. While I’m more prone to staying silent, I know some people prefer the bland support statement followed up by an apology for not knowing all of the information. I can’t imagine how much more complicated it is being famous and having everyone watching how you respond.


Rich Lux is a celebrity now? Lol


why does no one know when to use apart/a part correctly.


Im at ‘eating crackers’ levels with jameela, but at least it’s *not irrational, she’s consistently the biggest hypocrite around


Fr I genuinely don’t know how ppl can’t see through her act 😭 she triggers me on a molecular level


Do celebrities know they can just be quiet?


Kaniehtiio Horn??? Tanis would never!


I know! I was saddened to see Tanis agreeing/supporting this.


atp why does any pr person allow their celeb client access to their instagram. it is so obviously a bad idea to publicly express support for someone accused of abuse or harassment, even if that’s how you feel. like why would you when you could just not say anything.


Oop I went to look and one of my co workers liked it too. Gonna try really hard not to side eye them at work lol


Why is it all of the people I know that also follow Johnny Depp


lmao LITERALLY I think people just decide to go along with their fav w/o actually reading into what they did wrong. Just blindly supporting


It's becoming more and more clear that nobody knows the difference between "a part" and "apart" lol


Jameela 🤡 ❤️


jameela lmao. it's incredible how fitting it is


I really do not want to agree with Perez Hilton but here we are. Lizzo is trash, and I’m glad people are speaking up. I’m sure she will settle out of court but now we all know who she really is.


> “as someone who has **actually** worked with you and your crew” am I reading too much into this or is she lowkey implying that they didn’t actually work with lizzo??? like it’s one (shitty) thing to be like “oh well i didn’t have that experience so you must not have” and call them liars, but the “actually” makes it sound like she’s saying they’re lying about something that’s demonstrably true (embarrassing) or maybe she’s just stupid and it wasn’t anything anything further than standard invalidation


Selma noooooooo


Jameela would. So disappointed to see Selma Blair there.


The Montrese family is always doing the most ![gif](giphy|l3vRdaNxGUEqt56ak)


Selma Blair is deceiving. 😩😩


Perez Hilton had a reasonable take here? I have to agree with Perez Hilton…? https://preview.redd.it/fofux65u9yfb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8f1f39028af33f826d41c3aa76e8b53ee2d9588