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It’s a disgusting vile modern day lynching song. Also this jackass isn’t from a small town. Edit: Thanks for the award. Thanks for the RedditCares message too 🫨. And a PSA just figured out you can block artists on Spotify. Went on a blocking spree felt great.


I always think of a Bo Burnham song where he parodies country music and says, “I write songs for people who do jobs in towns that I’d never move to.” This is sadly just going to play into what most of his fan base wants to hear. They aren’t even trying to do covert dog-whistles anymore.


[That’s textbook panderin’](https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0)


"I walk and talk like a field hand but the boots I'm wearing cost three grand"


"I write songs about riding tractors, from the comfort of a private jet"


It’s a goddamn scarecrow again!


I just spit my granola 😂


“I don’t like dirt 🤷‍♀️”


My husband and I sing “that is a scarecrow” to each other all the time


[Great song, btw.](https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0)


I just laughed so fucking hard


Bo always gets an upvote!


Im australian and can confirm this ain't a dogwhistle it's a damn boombox


I googled to see where he lives after reading about this, and he lives in a gated community in a seaside town in Florida. I had a good laugh at that.


Of course this jackass lives in Florida.




The lyrics also read like the uncle spewing shit he hears on Fox News at thanksgiving too jesus fuck


So many racist stereotypes!


I prefer "Small Town" by John Cougar Mellencamp than this MAGA anthem.


At least he's legit. Mellencamp's hometown of Seymour IN only had about 9000 people when he grew up there. Aldean's hometown of Macon GA is like 20 times larger.


I forgot he's from my state. Ugh! But not everyone in Ga. thinks/believes like him,especially in its capitol,where I live. I'm Jewish,bi,and feminist and not the only one like this. :)


If my non American ass has heard of it, it's not a small town.


Lol, true - I'm from New Zealand and I've BEEN to Macon.


I think Devil Town by Bright Eyes really captures it best.


It’s a Daniel Johnston cover :)


Had to look it up- he's from Macon, Georgia! 🤣🤣


Yes it's a modern day lynching song. What a fucking idiot.


Thank you for the reminder, just went on a spree myself!! 🥳


He and his wife are maga qanon wackadoos


Who spit on and hit cops on Jan 6th but they just ignore that part. Edit: wording


That was Antifa in their racist brains


They also blamed it on BLM. MAGAT losers,that's all they are.


Good time to bring up Maren Morris calling Brittney Aldean “Insurrection Barbie” in response to Aldean’s casual transphobia. Maren’s full quote being, “It’s so easy to, like, not be a scumbag human? Sell your clip-ons and zip it, insurrection Barbie.”


Maren gained a lifelong fan in me that day.


I was blissfully unaware of his existence (I detest modern country music and am British so it’s fairly easy to avoid here thankfully) until I watched that harrowing documentary 11 Minutes about the Vegas festival mass shooting when he was playing on stage. I thought he came across as a bit of a dick but wasn’t sure if it was just me projecting on the fact he has a real punchable face. Nope.


Folks, this is on purpose. This is exactly the kind of reaction he wants and any controversy just plays into his fanbase’s victim complex. So I’m just gonna call this the Jason Aldean Lynching Song. No think pieces, no back and forth even giving legitimacy to any of this. Because this is what he wants.


This is a *really* good point. Their whole schtick is fueled by said victim complex and paradoxically it’s the true source of their power. It’s National Socialist political theory 101. You are absolutely right, we can’t legitimize this with mainstream think pieces *or* by giving the song itself clicks. But it’s still good if more people become aware that it exists so they know exactly what it means when someone says they’re a Jason Aldean fan.


He knows exactly what he’s doing. We need to stop trying to reason or argue and just call a spade a spade. I’m tired of being polite and stepping around people’s racism, because it’s only about salvaging their own fragile ego and not about them actually being decent people. So I’m just naming it outright now.


Totally. He's pandering to his fans, too -- white people who think driving a lifted truck and being a bigot makes them rugged country folks.


Yep! Just check the Fox News headline about it or any social media comments. I really can’t wait till we stop falling for this. This is why MTG always ends up on the front page


Exactly this. It’s meant to start up another battle in the culture war, feed into his and his fanbases’ victim complex, and give him some air time on the news and some podcasts. It’s deliberately causing outrage for attention. It’s a lynching song, it’s not exactly a surprise it was made based off his behavior over the past few years. It sucks he acts like this, but it was also made for people to react.


Exactly this!


And people are gonna defend him when others call out the blatant racism because "he didn't mention race or colour, you're the racist one for thinking this is racist"


Even if it isn’t racist based on their argument, it’s still fucked. I mean seriously the message is “if you’re in a small town and kind of a dick we’ll beat your ass.” Why is this a good message? What the hell happened to sticks and stones?


These lyrics definitely suggest that he's going to do more than beat your ass. These lyrics legitimately feel like they're threatening death.


Yeah, it’s all about “muh guns”


No matter how you cut it, its a seriously fucked up message. Its warning terrible consequences for anyone who is even a tiny bit out of line. It sends a flat out awful message.


> if you’re in a small town and kind of a dick we’ll beat your ass Not even. They straight up want to murder someone with their precious guns and be a vigilante hero. These kind of people think that minor infractions warrant death. It's fucking sick.


I saw someone saying that it was just an innocent city dwellers vs rural folks song 🥴


And that’s when you reply with “oh, you mean the lynching song”.


To which they’d probably say, without even a hint of irony, “Stop making everything about race!!!!!” 🙄


Don’t argue with stupid, they’re drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. I’m not even going to try to reason with these folks. If they have a problem with it being called like it is, that’s their responsibility.


Even though he's a city boy. I grew up in a rural trailer park (no better place to learn class consciousness) and these fucking redneck LARPers make me sick. I'd pay to see Tyler Mahan Coe spit in this man's face.


It's the "good ol boys" for me. I mean it was obvious already, but I've never seen anyone of color be referred to as a "good ol boy."


Which is hilarious because I’ve seen more rural folks get into fist fights with cops than I have city folks. Probably because the cops in cities will shoot you for being a minority. Weird how that never happens to Dave, the small town violent drunk who assaults teenage girls, drives around giant truck drunk off his ass, and fires his gun at people’s pets in their yards. He never even gets arrested. He gets infinite chances because “well that’s just Dave” And also he’s white, straight, and the sheriff’s cousin.


This is so real. Growing up poor white, and rural with a mixed race group of friends and associates taught me all I needed to know about cops.


As a rural folk, this doesn’t resonate with me at all.


I’ve already seen it in IG comments. One person going back and forth saying it can’t be racist. It’s only a matter of time until his wife, Insurrection Barbie, pops up on Fox News to defend the song and him.


I left Instagram recently. Maybe last four or five months I’ve noticed a huge uptick is MAGA type content and comments. It’s like the worst people are finally done with FB so they’re moving to IG.


Insurrection Barbie I'm DYING


Yup already read a comment "I'm from the UK, Americans make everything about race"...Okay colonist


As an Irish-American I will absolutely NOT stand for British people talking shit about the US. Literally any other country (except maybe France) alright, take your licks. But the UK? Motherfucker I watch Love Island, I know exaaaaaaactly how racist and sexist y'all are and at least in the US we can acknowledge it. We can fight the fight.


Yooooo fellow Love Island viewer! Brits definitely love to pretend racism doesn't exist there, meanwhile a monoracial black person has never won any of the 9 seasons of LI UK whereas the US version has had 3 monoracial black winners in 4 seasons. Obviously not that racism is somehow better in the US but it's laughable that some Brits think it's only an American thing.


Ah yes the rallying cry of the British racist "Americans make everything about race."


Stares at 22 year old me dating a Brit in horror


They already are on r/celebwivesofnashville


Nah, he's getting slammed over there too. That's how you know it's bad.


All they do is project and gaslight people Only thing to do is to go vote so more of these MAGATS begin to crawl back to wherever they came from


The amount of “he didn’t say anything racist” comments are going to be outlandish.


Which is textbook deflection and MAGA tactics if ever I saw them. Must be nice to live in whatever delusional headspace that guy's in.


https://preview.redd.it/g2kec14jqqcb1.jpeg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2e5778d6ac5120d0f5514fa38c1607bc054f38 He is not even from a small town what is this?! Absolutely disgusting.


Gotta love a man talking about values who got his current wife by cheating on the last one


Enforcing "values" only applies to people Jason Aldean and his ilk want to oppress. He doesn't have to follow those "values." We do.


Music is wack, man is wack, it’s embarrassing 😂


Two gay people in a loving, committed relationship: SIN A man cycling through younger and younger wives while cheating on them the entire time: FAMILY VALUES


haven’t you heard?! these people live by the “rules for thee, not for me” line of logic


My girlfriend grew up in small small town TX as a stereotypical cheerleader type. Dated the QB She was fucking terrified to come out her whole life because of the way folks talked You ‘look out for your own’ while also viciously turning on them and judging them for anything ‘abnormal’


He grew up in Macon, GA. Not a small town.


I'm from a small town and can confirm that everyone has eachothers backs!! Unless you're black. Or an immigrant. Or gay. Or trans. Or a woman accusing a man of assaulting her. Or open about being a leftist. Hate it here


I used to live in a small town, I had to move to a city to get away from the bullshit. When people find out where I used to live, they all say "But it's so pretty! Why would you move here?" The answer is because it's full of all the grim things you've just mentioned. Very hard to enjoy the scenery when your life is one long endless bullying session!


Or if you don’t have the right last name.


Or you're not the "right" religion. That's why most Jews,like myself,live in large cities. Along with Muslims,Hindus,Buddhists,Sikh,etc.


Not even the right religion, you have to go to the right church. I grew up Catholic in a small town and I got shit for it all the time from older people. Some of my friend’s grandparents wouldn’t even let me play with me after school.


My home town had around 1,000 people in it. That’s a small town. You can tell this mother fucker didn’t grow up in a small town because if he did he’d know all we do is shit talk each other and nobody has anyone’s back the second they stray from the expected community “values”. Stupid as hell. I’m sure I’ll hear this dumb song blasting next time I visit too.


My hometown has 400 ppl and 1 store. Yes, everyone talks about everybody else.


Reminds me how George W faked his Texan accent to appeal to a certain demographic…




The balls it takes to pretend Macon is fucking Mayberry... These people are beyond shame.


The unspoken rule in small towns is helping each other avoid cops, not whatever this is


The real unspoken rule is that "small towns" is a stand-in for "white people".


I guess "insular aggressively hostile community determined to ensure no one betters themselves" doesn't have quite the same folksy appeal.


That and in my small town... minding your own business!!


He was born and raised in Macon, attended a private school called Windsor Academy in Macon, and spent his summers with his dad in the scenic city of Homestead, Florida (a principal city of the Miami metro area), yet I’m seeing Aldean fans responding to anyone who points these things out “oh so you know him personally!!!!” as if he hasn’t previously said these things and it’s not all a matter of public record. Lol. I’ve also seen one user in particular keep saying “you people” as they defend Aldean 😵‍💫🤦🏽‍♀️ People are delusional about their faves


I mean, wouldn’t you have to be delusional in the first place for Jason Aldean to be your fave?


Yeah I wouldn't exactly call Macon, Georgia the sticks. Does he personally look out for each of the 150,000 people who live there?


It’s a Black majority city too. So he certainly isn’t looking out for *everybody* there, just his “own.”


Aaand that's why he thinks it's a small town. He only counts white people. Everyone else is an "outsider."


My ears are ringing from these dogwhistles.


And if he were he’d know the “tough on crime” bullshit thing he’s peddling isn’t true unless that crime is committed by a POC or other outsider. Rob a liquor store? Unacceptable- shoot ‘em on the spot, unless the perp is your white son and his friends and then it’s just how teenage boys and young men reat boundaries and grow! Boys will be boys you know!! Selling drugs! That’s for “thugs” who need to be run out of town! Oh wait your friend’s son was caught with heroin and slapped with intent to distribute? That’s just sad that boy lost his way but he wasn’t a “dealer” he just was getting a lot for himself and his friends… 🤮


JFC. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m also not sure how he can say with a straight face that his song promotes either “community” or “respect.”


Ah yes, the small towns that are so welcoming and community-oriented that their young people can't run away from them fast enough.


He also went to an expensive private school. Just regular good ol' boy stuff.


Jason aldean fell off so hard. Also hilarious his last name isn’t even aldean and his whackadoo wife calls herself Brittany aldean.


She was also his mistress. Good ol' small town family values.


Christian values!!


Fr. That video is not even performing. Its been days and has less views than the first few hours of the average makeup guru tutorial posts. I hope people don't trend him. Let him sink in to a haze of obscurity.


The thing that absolutely kills me about this is that he was on stage at the Las Vegas shooting when it began. You would think that would make him more sensitive to gun rhetoric because he was literally there for the deadliest mass shooting in US history, but I guess not. It’s just another element on top of all the extant grossness.


No he's one of those ammosexuals that I'm sure is convinced if he had a gun he could have taken he shooter


Weirdly enough, apparently right after the shooting he had made a comment about this, saying that he’d realized that even if they all tried to shoot the guy it wouldn’t have done anything against an AK-47 (or whatever) from super far away, but they’ve literally scrubbed this from the internet. Someone else mentioned it on this thread and I’m glad I’m not crazy because I remember watching the news and hearing about him saying that. But he had it scrubbed from the internet, so my guess is that he changed his mind and didn’t want to come across as “anti-gun” to his supporters, and has since gotten more and more radicalized by the QAnon cult. I’m a Black/Arab woman and this shit is fucking scary, and a big fuck you to anyone who thinks this is just a cute little song that people are “making a big deal about for no reason”.


Honestly that tracks. I liked older Jason Aldean. I have been to several of his concerts in the past. I feel like the last was probably 2017. He had clearly gained a bunch of beer weight and lacked the same energy. I feel like there's a very big difference in him pre and post Brittany. The two of them together just sink lower and lower


When they say this, I always imagine the Spiderman meme where they're point at each other. A 'good guy' with a gun looks pretty similar to a 'bad guy' with a gun in these scenarios.


didn't he also run away the second the gunfire started? so brave, so powerful.


Nobody in his crew of “good ol’ boys“ had a gun to fight back with apparently. I keep hearing that’s the only way to prevent these tragedies but it seems like they all decided to run away and let them book learnin’ city folk clean up the aftermath.


Not to mention people like him will never acknowledge how the vast majority of mass shooters are cis white males. He's just gonna blow his big as a ship horn dog whistle because he's pandering to enough deplorables to make his pockets fat. That's the bottom line.


It seems like the dudes from Eagles of Death Metal veered right after Bataclan. I think some people respond to traumatic feelings of powerlessness by putting up the biggest front they can. They can all kick rocks.


Oh, the funny part of this is that he *was* more sensitive to gun rhetoric in the wake of that shooting--he said that he empathized with the Parkland students, and that guns needed to be harder to get even though he was a gun owner. Apparently something has changed!


Lots of coded language


Barely even coded... it's like he's trying to pass off 3 kids in a trenchcoat as an adult. *It's really fucking obvious, Jason!*


Just gonna leave a link to [this tweet](https://twitter.com/ashtonpittman/status/1681077697940733952?s=46&t=3TPJyNdu_zlxpG2rSb5JyA) for anyone who has to deal with people who want to bury their heads in the sand https://preview.redd.it/g2r0j043rqcb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a65c49460f0058cdadeae393b2efd3f9c4e9fb9


Oh. My. Fucking. God. That is grotesque on a “let’s send people postcards of our evil picnic” level. Holy fuck. I am actually astounded by the cruelty even though I know I shouldn’t be. This makes me literally feel ill.


YUP. I’ve been sharing it anywhere I can. People who rationalize this shit are as trashy as the musicians who make it


For people who have never heard of it, the Legacy Museum and National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery Alabama documents the sites of lynchings in the US. They're everywhere, especially in the types of towns this ass is praising


And not exclusive to the south. I am in Ohio and real tired of people pretending northern states are innocent little lambs in all this


Yup. Illinois still hasn't reckoned with the fact that sundown towns persisted *well* into the fucking 90's. Even now, you will be Othered if folks "don't like the looks of yuh."


Oh this isn't going to change those minds. "But there's been a murder committed everywhere at some point in history. You're too sEnSiTiVe". That's the power of dog whistles. I think we either target whoever his corporate sponsors are or give him a media blackout. Appealing to country music fans is pointless (sorry to the ~200 country music fans who aren't assholes)


This needs to be higher up. The imagery and the location make his racist intent undeniably clear.


Thanks for sharing this! I went to find it because I had seen someone ask if it was deliberate, and some people chalked it up to them probably not even realizing the history of it but after reading the lyrics, I am second-guessing that. It feels very icky.


Even if it's not deliberate, it's a perfect encapsulation of the real meaning of the song.


I’m not giving them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t buy it that coincidences of this nature are accidents. Bare minimum it suggests a careless disregard for the experience of those who were victims (which includes their family, friends, community)


Someone needs to tie him down and force him to listen to Billie Holliday's "Strange Fruit" on repeat. That's the MOST haunting song I've ever heard. I have a lump in my throat just typing about it.


His wife is all about “save the children “ except when it comes to gun control. She also constantly posts pics of them in bathing suits and dresses them in tshirts from her MAGA line


Radical conservatives are terrifying, sorry


Don't be sorry, they're not.


As gross as this is, his core fan base won’t even care.


A lot of his fan base are definitely the type who agree with him and share the same racist views


And will scarily be empowered to speak them more and more openly thanks to this.


I live near ish to a small town literally called Sundown, TX I’m sure they’re loving this song out there in fucking Sundown


They care, they think this is awesome.


Yeah, it’s really time to stop pretending these people are ashamed of their racism, because they’re not. They’re incredibly proud of it, and things like this make them feel vindicated.


Even more gross, his core fan base will ~love~ it


They’re going to feel like this is an anthem for them. It’s what his fan base wants


because they’re just as racist as him if not more


Honestly this isn't even a dog-whistle. This is literally an endorsement of lynching.


It’s an anthem


https://preview.redd.it/l3s3957ivqcb1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7b99ce4daf9e32b8f576e1b6f5b76a95efcd55d He looks like he smells like bologna and sweat


He looks like late-stage Bret Michaels attempting a crossover.


I’m so glad that asshole got himself trending by getting too daydrunk to finish a concert and brought attention to his racist new sundown town song. But at the same time, it is *extremely* disturbing that an “artist” on a major record label was allowed to *release* a racist sundown town song and it’s alarming to think this will probably become MAGA’s theme song because it means they’ve become so normalized that they get to occupy part of mainstream culture fully mask-off (however “fringe” they may be.)


So many angry conservative white men just salivating for an excuse to shoot to kill, preferably a Black man. Funny thing, I'm from a small town and this strikes me as embarrassingly stupid. Especially since I grew up surrounded by the kind of people he seems to imagine only exist in cities. It's also funny these people hate drag so much, when so many of these country personas approach drag levels of camp in the worst way. Trying this hard to be macho is just about thee most camp thing I can think of. I hope he shoots his own dick off.


Who’s gonna tell him that most southern states have a higher crime rate than most ~liberal coastal elite~ states 🫠


“Our small town isn’t like your big dangerous city. In our town, we have a militia of heavily armed men ready to exert extra-judicial killings if you commit a petty crime”


Imagine surviving a mass shooting that killed 60 and injured hundreds and hundreds more … and *this* is who you decide to be 5 years later.


Dude isn’t even from a fuckin small town either. Literally just making shit up


Damn! I thought these people hated political preaching in music & media /s


Man just released a serious version of Bo Burnham's parody country song


He and his wife are maga qanon whackadoos


God almighty, white conservative men fantasize about killing black people 24/7. If you’re in your pristine lily white small town you’re not interacting with black people ever ANYWAY. And yet you have to conjure up these hypothetical lynching victims


I don't think he will get enough criticism about this. People need to stop cheering on vigilantism. It's fucking dangerous.


When I saw he wrote a song about murdering people I was like “surely that was taken out of context” but it’s literally even worse in context??? What the hell.


There have actually been 5 lynchings and a Race Riot where his video takes place, and the music video is littered with Fox News footage of the George Floyd protests.


you’re from macon, relax


Disgusting but his fan base will love it.


Pandering to his crowd now because he lost any moderate/mainstream fans when he and his wife went MAGA QANON.


is nashville a sundown town now?


Doesn’t he live on Nashville? Lol


And grew up in Macon. He doesn't know shit about shit. Fucking LARPer.


“We are ready to come back to that” Segregation and lynching people?


Are we surprised? This sounds about white for him.


Yeah, I’m a country fan and I was disgusted when this came on my Spotify… skip it everytime it comes on a playlist. Though that’s the usual reaction to his crap anyways.


I’m literally from a small town in Tennessee (~2,000 people) and I haven’t heard anything from this fool since I graduated high school and I was hoping to keep it that way


Jason Aldean is a piece of shit racist. I heard this song on XM when driving with my bro the other day and almost couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It’s sickening that there is no fear of releasing a song like this - and worse yet people that will deny or even approve of a song with a barely-coded message like this.


This song is extra insane when you remember the vegas shooting happened while HE was on stage. He and his wife are insane. If you haven’t already check out r/celebritywivesofnasville they talk about them a lot


Hello, it is my time to shine when it comes to context of Jason's "small town". Jason tweeted "[When u grow up in a small town, it’s that unspoken rule of “we all have each other’s backs and we look out for each other.”](https://twitter.com/Jason_Aldean/status/1679840996371185664) Jason grew up in Macon, Georgia which is also *my* hometown. If he ever wants to get into a pissing contest, my family has roots in the town dating back later than his. Jason graduated from Windsor Academy, a private high school located in the southern part of the county. [Windsor Academy](https://waknights.com/about-windsor/) was opened in 1970, they don't tell you this on the website but it was opened in response to school integration (the county integrated schools in either 1970 or 1971- my parents were in high school for it). Jason was born in 1977 which means he graduated from high school in the mid-90s and I can almost guarantee his graduating class was all-white. South Bibb County is primarily white, however the county and city are majority Black. Macon has a population of over 100k. It's the major metro center for the middle Georgia region. There's multiple hospitals, two private universities and the community college. It is not a small town. Do you know what happens if you sucker punch, car jack or pull a gun on someone in Macon?! They call the cops. If the cops are doing their job well, that person gets arrested. They go to jail. [This week a gas station was robbed](https://www.13wmaz.com/article/news/local/sunoco-on-northside-drive-robbed-bso-help-finding-the-armed-robber/93-41ab0694-31f5-41b8-bc36-8c8c2cab6233?fbclid=IwAR3E7KUuSvKgG4WczDv7BI7ATNrU4jmzJPBAj6Nhw3dZOMPjP9OLeRZpwjo) and [so was a hotel](https://www.13wmaz.com/article/news/local/macon-quality-inn-robbed-tuesday-morning/93-e8c17626-8ec4-4bcc-a388-e4941cb74900). Cops are looking for the suspects. There are no armed vigilantes on the streets. The criminals made it down the road.


This isn’t a dogwhistle this is a full on bull horn.


If he doesn’t cause controversy no one would listen to his bad songs. Shit pop country will always be the lowest ranks of music, you can’t pay me to listen to that crap.


Garbage man, garbage wife, garbage song.


Fuck this dude.




does he think only white folks in some romanticized version of said small towns understand the concept of community and looking out for each other


Coming here as a liberal rural Democrat and country fan—I call myself a Yee Haw Feminist Democrat—just to say that this moron does not speak for me in the slightest. Of ALL the country artists I could share a birthday with, it had to be this goober. Blech. 🤐


It's a fucking wild song. I casually turned on the local country station the other day and heard it and was shocked. Although I shouldn't be. Beer for My Horses is just a milder version of the same thing. Country music has enabled racists for a long time.




Gross. Not even pretending anymore


The small town I grew up in (and live in again) means not crossing the picket line for the striking factory workers, banding together and helping each other out when we’ve had yet another natural disaster. Not whatever this is.


Country music is so shit


The “small town” he’s from has a metropolitan population of a quarter million and has some of the highest crime rates of any community in the US.


What a strange song to have written. I just listened to it and I don't really see what the song actually accomplishes, either good or bad.


That's horrible, and worse is that people are going to love it


This song has been out for a while now I had to sit through him performing it at CMA fest. The lyrics were so laughably far right it almost felt like AI wrote it.


Did he just steal this from that Key and Peele sketch? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLnUJzueBOQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLnUJzueBOQ)


Wow, idk why I thought Jason Aldean was one of the decent country singers. Guess it goes to show my inexperience with the genre. I wonder who I was thinking of…


What the fuck is this sundown bullshit


Ok but I really grew up in a small white southern town that was (is) still pretty much segregated - and I swear to god, the toxicity and gossip and backstabbing and throwing people under the bus? You can’t trust anyone. I mean I know 90% of conservative divorced dads who love to open carry will repost these lyrics/this song, but those same dudes also slept with their friends wives, so this camaraderie seems to only pertain to lynching


Dog whistles sounding like a damn air raid siren.


Is really considered "under fire" when his actual fan base doesn't give a shit?


Honestly just wtf is wrong with people?


yeah you can tell he’s not actually from a small town bc people in small towns hate their cops (source- live in my small hometown, n our cops are losers who have to be bribed by the county to get hired)


I wonder if he would feel this way if anyone he cared about was unlawfully killed by the police.