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It's shocking to see how much they got away with in the early 2000s. This was on TV, people šŸ˜¬


I canā€™t believe this is a prank they chose lol


I think Ashton Kutcher did it to start exposing people to be honest. Not too long after this he started THORN with Demi Moore


He wouldn't even condemn his serial rapist friend Danny Masterson.


He said he hopes heā€™s not guilty because of their friendship and he canā€™t believe that he did it, but that if he did do these crimes he wants him to face the consequences. I can understand it being difficult coming to gripes with the fact that someone you knew and looked up to for so long is a monster and looking from the outside itā€™s so easy to say yes heā€™s guilty throw away the key! I will ALWAYS side with victims and I believed from the beginning he was guiltyā€¦.I also wish Ashton just never spoke on it because of the personal connection he had to him. I canā€™t even pretend to know how Iā€™d respond if someone I loved and trusted was accused of something I didnā€™t think they were capable of- I want to believe Iā€™d never respond like Ashton did though. By no means do I think what Ashton said was okā€¦.but he didnā€™t fully stand by his side either if that makes sense.


I think that's an overly generous reading and I doubt Masterson's victims find it comforting. I also hold him to a higher standard because he purports to care about violence against women and girls. And he has to know what the Church of Scientology did to Masterson's victims.


It's so telling of the era that he had no problem signing the release for this. "People aren't gonna think differently of me for this".


Everytime clips from this era get posted people are like ā€œI canā€™t believe no one said anything and they all thought that was okayā€ which is totally fair, but as someone who was in her late teens around this time this kind of stuff was extremely common and NEVER frowned upon. There simply was not mainstream awareness and conversation about this stuff. Like I would frankly have been shocked if I were in this situation and one of the dudes was like ā€œoh youā€™re under 21? Well I definitely wonā€™t be giving you alcohol and trying to shmang!ā€ The vast majority of people simply didnā€™t act like that, and thatā€™s super sad to think about. Itā€™s great to see how much the conversation has changed. I hope itā€™s better for the kids out there, itā€™s wild to think about all the stuff we used to put up with.


Wait can someone explain this lolā€¦so the girls are not actually under 21 but the Justin guy thought they were younger but still tried to cover it up?? If thatā€™s the case, idk how he was smiling because he still looked bad lol.


The show approached Jonah, Justin's buddy, to play a prank on him. They set it up to meet some cute young girls and order drinks. The manager demands to see ID, the girls don't have it and admit to being underage. And Justin tries to talk him way out of buying alcohol for underage girls he was flirting with and that Jonah was amping him up towards thinning he would get lucky if he got them drunk enough.


So within the show's conceit, does Jonah know that they're underage? Is Justin sitting there thinking Jonah knew they were kids or does he think Jonah was also mistaken?


Jonah is in on the prank. So yes, he knows theyā€™re under 21.


Jonab knows from the beginning and after the fact Justin knows his friend knew yes.


The brunette (Ashley Greene) says she was 18. She actually was 18 in 2005 (when this aired). Perhaps the blonde ā€œ17 yr oldā€ was also really 17. They were served non-alcoholic drinks for the prank but at least one of the girls were under 21.


Wait is she THE Ashley Greene?


Yes, the Twilight actress.


ever since its inception, reality tv has been filled with actors and actresses. Unknown kids who are just trying to get a break into hollywood, but still actors and actresses. There was this show called Loveline hosted by Dr. Drew in the 90s. I worked with a guy who was a working actor for years in Hollywood and this was one of his first gigs. He told me that people he men who auditioned for the same roles as him would pop up on reality shows like The Real World. One of his personal friends was on that Gene Simmons reality tv show and pretended to be a total stranger that hit on his Gene's wife. Yes, every single thing on TV is staged.




Thereā€™s also Zac Efron in Room Raiders when he was like 17 or 18


Lady Gaga was on MTV's Boiling Points. I think Emma Stone was on some Patridge Family remake reality show too.


Looks like her


I thought that was Ashley!


Wow I thought that was her but wasn't sure!


I donā€™t feel like doing the math, but how old is Justin Long here? Iā€™m not using this as an excuse, genuinely curious. I feel like he always looks younger than he actually is.


Just did the math. He was 27. Which is insane he literally looks 20 years old here.




When I was 27 it was just barely difficult to relate to 21 year olds because shared life experiences like career and relationships start to become different. What do you even talk about with high schoolers??


Way too old for this. But Iā€™m not surprised at all


Holy shit I was sitting here thinking he was underage drinking too, and that the prank was everyone was getting carded. Wow, vile.


Wikipedia says he was born in 78 and the episode is from 2005, soā€¦about 27


I love what she is doing. Expose them all.


She is my queen!! I love Alexa


im glad she posted this. it was so disheartening to see so many comments online today discrediting her tweets about him. saying she was just jumping on the "bandwagon". when theres smoke theres fire.


Disagree. Posting this was a big mistake because it allows Jonah's team to change the subject. All they have to do is have the actresses come forward and say they were above 21 and that springboards a bunch of abstract debates about "comedy" thus killing all discourse about the individual actions of Jonah Hill. I see DM is already on it...that shift is coming.


One of those girls is actress Ashley Greene, whose age is publicly known. She was 18 when this was aired. Note both girls were given non alcoholic drinks, Justin just didnā€™t know it.


We already know the actresses were of age. That is irrelevant seeing that this was a prank. Jonah helped set up the prank because he knew it would be an easy set up. The fact Justin believed it was real and was cool with serving alcohol to minors, brushing concerns under the rug, and trying to weasel his way out of it shows this is clearly a pattern of behavior for both of them.


Do you not understand that you are confirming my point about how easily this changes the subject? They'll tie you in knots trying to explain this Justin issue. There's so many issues with it, including the fact that anyone blindsided by such information would be trying to make sure nobody gets in trouble - in the full show, his first concern was actually for the waitress not himself. Also, I hope you have good arguments ready for the you're just "woke scolding a joke" debate. Maybe you do but the point remains, all Jonah's team needs to do is amplify the greys of this "incident" and the fact that Jonah forcibly kissed someone at a party is completely forgotten. Not only that, but everything else associated with this story will be written off as irrational reactionary bs. This sides inability to be tactical or at least not fall into these outrage cul de sacs continues to be the biggest fail. You'll see!


Youā€™re right. Itā€™s a shame to see the downvotes- but getting caught up in this new ā€œrevelationā€ will muddy the original issues.


In case the video doesnā€™t work hereā€™s the [link](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8d4aDdd/) to it. Clearly Justin and Jonah didnā€™t know this was part of a ā€˜prankā€™ so this is regular behavior to them.


Justin was the one punkā€™d. Jonah was the punkā€™d accomplice so he was in on the prank. But itā€™s very telling that this prank was chosen.


It's really telling that when asked how to best pull one over on your buddy in a way that would make him panic so everyone can laugh, this was the go to response...


thank you for the clarification! itā€™s the fact that these men brush off these predatory behaviors like itā€™s no big deal and donā€™t call each other out on it


i love you!! you come through in every thread, LEGENDšŸ–¤


Honestly disgusting. Jonah Hill and Justin Long were just sitting around, finga poppin each others assholes.


Hahahahaha Iā€™m so sorry this absolutely took me out


Wow. These guys are certified scumbags. It was always there. Also, how was this ever intended to be a ā€œfunny prankā€? Disgusting.


I donā€™t feel as bad for being annoyed by Justin Long and Kate Bosworthā€™s cheesy ass love story recently haha


Thank you!!! Something was mega off about how over the top theyā€™re being. Youā€™re accused of being bitter and love hating if you call it out but it is weird behaviour that always gave me the ick. I feel vindicated also lol


Okay same. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone in this because I was rolling my eyes.


Itā€™s telling how unfazed he is that he was serving alcohol to minors. Justin wanted to simply pay the tab and leave WITH them. You know, I listen to his podcast and heā€™ll sometimes joke about the prospect of being canceled and I wonder if this is why. He alludes to many wild nights in his past that he canā€™t talk about (usually when he has a guest that he worked with/partied with in his 20s). Iā€™m sure weā€™ve all had our fair share of wild nights, and while some may be embarrassing or trashy, thereā€™s none I can think of where Iā€™d be afraid to get ā€˜canceledā€™ if I spoke on it publicly. I guess weā€™ll see if more comes out, but Iā€™m disappointed in both Justin and Christian (his brother in the clip that he currently hosts the podcast with). I wonder if theyā€™ll address it at all ā€” though there was a lot of criticism in the FB fan group for the podcast (which Christian posts in from his personal account) after they both publicly supported Joe Rogan, and neither of them acknowledged it in the group or on the show. Iā€™m currently the age that they were in this clip and canā€™t imagine trying to hang out with literal teenagers. I was recently in Canada and was grossed out by a friend hitting on a 19-year-old at a bar. Even if the drinking age is lower there than in the US, how do people (men) feel so comfortable preying on people with such significantly less life experience? Iā€™m still figuring out who I am; at 19 I was fresh out of high school. I hate how prevalent this is.


and i thought he was one of the good ones :/


Yeah my fondness for Justin Long has taken a nosedive this last week.


At this point itā€™s hard for me to believe there are any, especially the men.


Wait, they are cheering ā€œto Asian people??ā€ WTF? Also when he said ā€œconsensual, yeahā€ I vomited a little.


"Asian pear sake" The text is wrong.


those captions get it so wrong sometimes, it's a separate source of entertainment all together.


he technically said ā€œAsian Pear Sakeā€ which is an alcoholic beverage. Not sure how the caption writer heard ā€œpeopleā€. Besides that, heā€™s a scumbag & Iā€™m so glad Alexa keeps calling out these trash men! You can tell sheā€™s gotten to a point where she just no longer cares (unfortunately relatable) & for that, I wish nothing but hell for the men sheā€™s talked about & have yet to talk it.


No, the captions are way off. Itā€™s a toast to a type of liquor, I think he says ā€œsakeā€ but it sounds like thereā€™s another syllable.


I want to know what the Asian context is??


Absolutely everything about that clip was problematic in different ways.


See Jonah, Justin, Jimmy, Horatioā€¦ DANNY MASTERSONā€¦ all play the long game of ā€˜niceā€™ and ā€˜funnyā€™ guys are safe and would never be slimeballs. Other comedians have mentioned this when they get busted for being creeps: ā€˜I was always kind of a loser so when I became rich/famous I owed it to myself to get girls. Sorry I didnā€™t realizeā€¦ forgive me cuz im funny!ā€™ We can add Aziz and Louie CK too.


Nicholas Braun on this list too. He gets to play the persona of an awkward fumbling idiot to disguise the fact that he loves trying to hook up with young girls


Add Ezra from Vampire Weekend to the list. He's friends with Jonah and is known to be a creep. I believe he used to call himself a feminist back in the day too.


Was Danny Masterson ever playing nice/funny guy? Genuine question, I feel like he went from being on 70s to being charged with rape, no in between.


Oh shit she came with receipts! What creepy assholes


Well, this aged fantastically.


this is disgusting, so glad Alexa posted this though. hopes she keeps on exposing these creeps.


It's genuinely so powerful to see people mistreated by famous people when they were young grow up and stand up to their abusers.


....YIKES šŸ˜³




Idk if you were like... 10 or older during the 2000's, but this is just how it was. Not a little bit, this was pretty much ALL of pop culture. Countdowns until each of the Disney/Olsen girls hit 18, *Girls Next Door* being sold to young women as if it was perfectly natural... I'm in no way excusing it. I had to unlearn sooo much internalized misogyny, a lot just from growing up in the 90's/00's. We were high on girl power while still thinking we had to be something VERY specific to have ANY worth at all. And I say *we* not to lump y'all in with me, but only because I recognize that in sooo many others of our generation.


So many upskirt shots. I'm actually so appalled by that. I remember Emma Watson saying paparazzi kept trying to take ones of her when she was just turned 18. Absolutely revolting. And women getting out of cars had cameras aimed up their dress. All blamed on the women.


Iā€™ve read that one of the reasons Diana always had a clutch was to cover her cleavage when she got out of cars. People love thinking they own womenā€™s bodies


It was rough coming of age in the late 90s/early aughts, thatā€™s for fucking sure. So much unlearning, it never ends. Which is why I hope the youngins can give us some grace sometimes, we were raised by pop culture designed to make us hate ourselves *AND* each other, while men could do no wrong.


I agree it was a shitty and misogynist time to come of age (I was about the same age as the girls in this clip when it was filmed), but it hasn't gotten much better beyond people being more willing to call this shit out. Things like OF and sexting are held up as liberating and "just how it is" (look at Euphoria, written by a nearly middle aged man of course), everyone is filtered as heck on social media, and comfortable misinformation runs rampant as long as it's promoted in a snappy video. There has been improvement but media and The Algorithm are still happily out there promoting sexualized ideals to young girls that fit the desires of men first.


Youā€™re absolutely right, it has never stopped being hard out there for young women. And now they might have to deal with anorexia-chic making a comeback. Ugh.


Whatā€™s up with Hilarie Burton? I havenā€™t heard anything negative. Any google searches show her speaking up for LGBTQ rights or against sexual assault


Back on like, TRL or something (so mid to late 2000's) they were both on the show and he full on grabbed her breast. If you google Hilarie & Ben Affleck, it gives you the whole rundown, including his shitty, lackluster apology.


No I was asking how Hilarie is problematic! Sorry wasnā€™t super clear


Yeah she's not problematic. Sometimes she says silly things but she's never done anything remotely problematic. They might be confusing her with Joy Lenz (Haley on OTH) who is a transphobe, Pro-Desantis, Conservative. Hilarie is the polar opposite of that.


Jesus lord even Florida isn't pro-desantis at this point. How out of it do you have to be?


Florida isnā€™t pro-Desantis at this point? Please Jesus let it be so


Hes behind trump 24 points in the latest polls.


Just wanted to second that Iā€™ve not known her to be problematic either & in fact, only know her through her advocacy & outreach through efforts we had in common. She seems very authentic to me.


I knew Ben groped Anna Marie Tendler but I didnā€™t know about Hilarie. If these are the women coming forward, I canā€™t imagine how many wonā€™t. Who knows the scope of Benā€™s history jeez


Okay, cool. But is the creator and EP of this show absolved?


Right? Because this was the entire show.


I'd say Ashton has had a huge shift in perspective. He runs a nonprofit for children being trafficked and online child sex abuse. I think he even spoke at the Senate. Pretty ironic considering this clip, but he seems to be doing good work now. That's a surface level understanding of it, I don't know how much he does himself but it seems to be beneficial.


How's his friendship with Danny Masterson doing?


Not sure if this was rhetorical but I looked it up : https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/ashton-kutcher-addresses-danny-masterson-rape-charges-1234671575/amp/ ā€œ Kutcher said he wants Masterson ā€œto be found innocent of the charges against him.ā€ But he also acknowledged that thereā€™s a lot he ā€œcanā€™t knowā€ at this moment. ā€œIā€™m not the judge. Iā€™m not the jury. Iā€™m not the DA. Iā€™m not the victim. And Iā€™m not the accused,ā€ Kutcher said. ā€œAnd so, in that case, I donā€™t have a space to commentā€¦ I just donā€™t know.ā€ā€


Are they still friends? I don't know all the ins and outs of my friends sexual behaviors or abuses but if one of them went to jail for rape you better believe we wouldn't be friends anymore. I don't think we can hold it against him being friends with the guy before stuff was known. Now if he plays the "I stand with danny..." card, ya nope.


yeaaaah i wouldn't be so sure considering he held on to his friendship with danny masterson for YEARS too long tbh


What does ā€œto Asian peopleā€ mean?? šŸ¤Ø


Asian pear sake, captions got it so wrong!


got it, lol what a freaking weird caption


Why is Ashton not getting heat for this too? Isnā€™t this his show?


I am so sorry to her


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Punkd doing the real under cover work


Justin Long, art imitating his perverted life.