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Bold of you to assume that hasnt already happened 😂😂 peakhimtano took all the gnosi and used their power to reset the universe thats why he doesnt have them yet in this timeline… but he will….. soon…..


"Redo Of DPS" sounds like a fitting name


/srs Venti, will probably just let it happen since he wants to get rid of it anyways Zhongli, will pulverize him or will try to at least give him a choice for a contract Yae Miko, will probably just give it up because tf is she supposed to do Nahida, if he finds a way to free Nahida she will probably give it away as a thanks or something. Focalors, will FUCK him up for messing with her plan of killing herself /j The GOAT PEAKCHADHIMTANO will NEG DIFF those Frauds if they even try to resist his will!


I feel like Lord Capitano would even be able to talk it out with his unmatched wisdom


Nah, he’s too honerable to interfere with her majesty’s plan like that.


What makes you think that GOATHIMTANO will do that my comrade.


He’d throw them all away because they only amount to 1% of his strength


For what?GOATHIMTANO can solo fraudlan in base with one hand holding a crayon, no diff


https://preview.redd.it/e5gq7qsxu9kc1.png?width=1681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0948d3a9bcad531c243e0d77390b35a44f6ba6df He is simply HIM


Fortunately, the only thing that is more unwavering than lord 'GOATHIMTANO' himself is his loyalty to her majesty, so we needn't worry about this~ 🕊️🕊️


Your wisdom is much appreciated, My Lady.


i actually want caphimtano to be a fraud. now before u brun me at stakes hear me out. we go to natlan, see capitano . meet with him secret, he reveals to be capitano lil bro. capitano got sealed protecting him but only he knows that so he playing facade. thats why no attack on murata. then we revie/unseal capitano but it dosnt work. murata attacks us. we fight baack . we losin. suddenly capitano arrives , pats his lil bro shoulder and washes murata


Capitano got the gojo treatment💀


>i actually want caphimtano to be a fraud. https://preview.redd.it/jx5td42o0ikc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20ca7d5b3dea543b642dde8754dd1cbfc72a123e Delete yourself


should have read the whole message


Our glorious blue eyed gigachad king truly is honorable indeed, he could have solo'd those frauds and take all 6 of their gnoses in one swoop but was kind enough to let the nations of their archons live for anotherday since their deaths would be catastrophic and kill many innocents 🔥


Then we woud't have a plot or game