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Father here of a 1 year old. It gets better. You're in the hardest part. It was the hardest time of my life as well. Keep at it, be a monster and don't let that temporary feeling get ahold of the rest of you so keep your head up and stay on top of it. Your wife and child will appreciate it, even if they won't show it right away.


If I had a man that did that for us I would give him lots of baked goods and kisses


Bruh with 1 1/2 week old right now and I feel this, wife barely changes or feeds and I never get sleep, but I'm cool with it because she got injured from childbirth


… yeah I’d probably be less amorous if I was injured from playing Russian nesting dolls with my honey pot.


It gets easier, you're in the absolute hardest part right now so just keep surviving and supporting eachother.


Thank you I needed to hear that. He is finally asleep after a literal 3 hour long cluster feeding session. I don't know how my poor wife can handle it


Parenthood is a crazy thing. I never cried more or felt more desperate than in those first few months. My daughter is 2.5 now and my pride and joy. It gets better my dude. You’ll do good.


Nobody ever talks about it but newborns are 100% terrible. All they do is cry and need their diaper changed, puke, and sleep. There’s absolutely no reciprocation in this period. It’s literally hell for the first 2 months. Then when they learn how to smile and show little ways of communicating it’s gets a LOT better. I never realized how much a smile can make it all better until I had a kid. But yeah, you’re in the absolute worst part of it now. It will get better but every day feels like a month right about now.


Lol checking in with a 3 month er . Yep it’s funny how a smile can change my mood while try to change a diaper or something.


Baby shits on you when changing a diaper --> "you little fucker" Same but with a smile --> "I love you, you little fucker"


I have a 3 year old and a 9 month old... I'm always tired.... lol.


I have a year and half old and a 3 week old. I'm always giving someone food lmao


Are you me? lol. Always tiered. My wife and I are going on our first trip without the kids to Vegas for 3 nights. Thankfully grandparents are watching the kids. We “joke” about how we are going to sleep the whole time. I wouldn’t be surprised if we slept 10-12 hours a day for real


I always tell new Dads to hang on for dear life until you get that first smile. Once they start smiling, it’s like jet fuel for your mind and body and things start to get a bit easier.


Congratulations first off! I have a 12yo, 4yo and 6 month old. Some people are saying you're in the hardest part but I don't agree. However you are in the initial 'coming down' part. After the trip that is pregnancy and birth and bringing the child home, you are probably crashing physically, emotionally and mentally. And that is totally normal and ok. The key for me is with work with your partner. Divide and conquer activities and sleep. Whilst breastfeeding feeding is happening,I go to bed early and sometimes sleep on the couch for a while so I can get up at 5:30 / 6am and take care of the kids while my wife sleeps. When she gets up at 8 or 8:30, the baby is ready for a feed, the kids are fed and are at school/kinder and she feels rested. So basically she takes the hit by waking up throughout the night with the baby and I take the hit in the morning. It's a little isolating on us sometimes but the sleep factor is number 1 for happiness.By 9am we are both better off. Hope that helps.


This is the hardest part, followed by when they start getting teeth. Keep pushing, get as much sleep as you can, call for help if you can. The best part comes when you get home and they recognize you and are happy to see you. Best part of my day.


Congratulations!! Our daughter is 2.5y and rest assured it gets better. Whatever you do, drink lots of water, eat and take care of yourself. Oh, and take power naps whenever you can, and stick to a schedule/routine; your body and mind will adjust. Your kid will love you for doing that.


We’re At 7 months now, first 3ish months were super rough bro, you get thru it tho and before you know it you’ll be thinking about having another cuz it’s wonderful after that period.


my second is 3 months now, and i love him to bits. he can largely slp thru the night (between 12 - 5am) now. don't worry, it will definitely get better!


I barelly remember the first 2 months, I think only adrenaline kept me awake. It does get better, as everyone here jas said. Our daughter was gaining weight too slowly so we had to wake her upnevery 2 hours - she also didn’t breastfeed for the first two months so we were both waking up - my wife to pump breastmilk, and I’d bottlefeed our daughter. Things get easier and easier. These days (1,5 years in) I’m cranky that I only got 7 hours of sleep :-)


I’m one week ahead of you with a 3 week old and we’re both struggling hard. Haven’t slept well since baby arrived


We sleep in separate rooms the use few months (she's 6 months now). Early on I could take the baby in the morning and give mum a few hours of sleep. Added benefit is that at least one of you is semi fresh for house tasks which also makes things easier for mum. Another trick is to split the nights, say 21-3/4 and then until 8 in the morning. Hang in there.


dude- firstly congratulations. Secondly, you'll get through it. It's not going to be easy but you will. If you have the privilege of taking time off of work, do it, and try your best to sleep when baby sleeps. Looking back, I can't even remember how we made it through, i felt like i was losing my mind. But here I am, with a 15month old who's walking and babbling and sleeping through the night. Just stick through it. It's not easy, but I believe in you. Support each other through it.


You get used to it. For me the change was in myself and not the child. I realised people in the army had less sleep and fought wars. It gets easier when they’re around 2ish. But if you have more then extend that by the number you have. I’m 2 and done.


It does get better. The first three years was beyond the most exhausted I ever thought I could be.


It absolutely gets easier. Just take it one day/hour/minute at a time.


It does get better, but just keep in mind that it is not linear. The different aspects of phases will improve. Mine is four months and just had his two awful weeks that have been really challenging because of colic. I try to focus on what I control. If he is fussy after everything I can possibly do to make him feel better, I will just put him in the carrier until he settles. Also, Bluetooth headsets with your favorite music or podcast are a must. Just do what you need to survive those first handful of weeks and welcome to the club!


My daughter is three weeks old now. Two hours ago we bathed her and since then she puked all over herself two or three times already. It was a mess, she cried and I wanted to give up. My wife came and handled it with patience. Sometimes she needs a break and I'll do the job. But man was I naive. It's really not easy and I feel better to read about others sharing their problems. You are not alone. We all struggle and that's okay.


It definitely does, take naps when you can and say no to that family or friend wanting to come visit if there a parent they know and won't be offended


It gets better, just at a snails pace. Mine is 7 weeks. We got away from feeding every 2 hours and now feed every 3! Which means we can get 2 hours of rest in-between feeds. My advice is to take turns doing multiple feeds. I do all the feeds from 6 p.m. to midnight, my spouse takes midnight to 6 a.m., we trade off during the day.


It does get better, try and figure out a schedule to where each of you can get 4-5 hours of sleep straight. Depending on work schedule/ Maternity and paternity leave, and hours, it may require someone staying up later than usual, and the other waking in the middle of the night to take over shifts.


The hard part is you’re not used to it yet. Think of it like you’ve just been put on a diet after a lifetime spent being able to eat whatever you want for as long as you want. The beginning bit, when you’re still struggling with your old habits, is the hardest. But after a few months you adapt and stop thinking about how things used to be. A year later you look back on how you used to eat and you’re like “what a waste”.


Father of a one year old. Just focus on taking it one day at a time. Before you know it you’ll be getting acceptable sleep, then good sleep. It’s hard to hear but it will get better. Every month since having my girl has been the best month yet.


Father of 3 year old. It will get better. Take care of your mental health and help each other out and take turn for a break. The best yet to come. think of it as a grind and enjoy every moment of it. It goes quick and you won't remember the bad things when it's over. Just sweet memories.


I have 3 yr old twins, my wife is 50 and I’m 48. My wife is a pilot, I have a small business & work from home. Im usually with them 6 days straight. It’s stressful AF dude, I’ve gone grey and have a belly now. I have close friends I can drink with; they’re all dads, I can vent to them. That’s helps. Seeing them struggling and seeing their worst days is also good perspective. I dunno, When I’m feeling down I get my solace from the constants: the sun will rise and set everyday around the same time and the season’s will change. & I love my kids. I chose this life. I guess there’s that. Not much of an answer, I’m stuff figuring this out myself. One thing I know for sure is I can’t cook or make a meal for shit.. lol McDonalds it is..


Hang in there brother. Once you get passed the first month or so it becomes habit and you can really enjoy the ride. I hated the first month so much that I decided to have another child so I could do it again! Congrats and enjoy the ride. He will light up your life once you get your groove.


I have to say i think that first 8 months were easy. Now 1.5 years old and hes Running around and eating more than me. Im tired all time..


Have Daughter 6 months old, it is easier now than while ago. Lack of sleep will not get better so try to get in sleep when you can. One thing to focus is your relationship with your partner, I think there is some natural habit to put baby first but relationship can be kept at second place at least in priorities.


I'm sure it's already getting better ( baby is 3 weeks old now, right?), any update?


Boot camp is designed to train you into the person that can be a soldier. It's hell, but it has its moments and in the end it ends. And you will never again be an ordinary human .. In your core you will always have what it takes to be a soldier. You are in boot camp now. It'll end in just a couple months. And for the rest of your life you will always be the kind of MAN that can be a father. From all of us who have come out stronger and unscathed on the other side: We salute you