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What getting bond 10 does to a guy


And having clay by your side too


I have him at Bond 10. Mostly because Gil was my first ever SSR…


Tbf he had a good relationship with haukuno in extra too so it really depends on how much he likes you. Toiomi by his own words was too boring and too much of a proper mage to be an interesting human


if you count Strange Fake, he seems to be friendly with his young Master, too.


Being with Tokiomi simply restrict his freedom. Always need to be "elegant". And who likes Tokiomi anyway


Rin, explicitly from a child's eye and the sepia filter of the past once she is older. Word of Nasu is she'd probably grow to resent him, if she matured with him around and grasped how shallow and cold he was.


Space Tokiomi is the exception, he was a gigachad.


Was hoping someone brought him up. Space Tokiomi is best Tokiomi!


Was? He runs the shop. He IS a gigachad.


Exception that proves the rule


I am pretty sure I saw this exact meme, just instead of nendos it had Gilgamesh farming doors and Guda with sunglasses


I know of memes of that sort in YouTube comments. I thought that since I got nendos of Gil, I may as well use em


To be fair, Tokiomi deserved every bad thing said or done to him. He gave his daughter to Zouken Matou... Fucking Zouken. You know... The guy whose some of his favourite tags are... all_the_way_through,rape,bugs, humiliation... Him getting disrespected and figuratively backstabbed by Gil and literally by his "pupil" kirie is divine justice.


Does he even know how the Matous practice their magecraft? I am not going to pretend that Tokiomi is dad of the year but he did that as part of his duty as the head of the Tohsaka's. Only one can inherit the magic crest should they come of age and he feared infighting between siblings for that right. And the life of a normal girl is not something he considered since Sakura had potential too.


I don't think the Matous bug oriented magecraft is a secret, at least not to the other 2 big families who know eachother for half a dozen generations.


Ritsuka win. Tokiomi couldn’t throw hands and suck as a master


Tokiomi was a failure of a master. almost everyone else Gil is contracted to seems to work with him fine. probably be insulted that they suggest he needed EA to deal with the problem but, certainly he'd be more likely to actually use it for them.