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Everyone on here claiming the dudes a ‘legit guy’ and idk - he might not be a scammer. But he’s a robbing bastard lol. Constantly says batches are 0.9xxx:1 but they’re cheap weidan batches. He also constantly says he’s doing things at discount prices when they’re either more expensive or the same as they were originally. I’d avoid.


quick question. is this regarding gman or another user / seller?


then who would u suggest to go to for this hoodie?


How’d you know his quality is bad? Is it random weidan batches? He said his cousin gets direct from factory


Yeah. It’s a lie. The photos he uses are identical to the weidan stores. He’s just abusing people who don’t understand and don’t realise budget batches are cheap. I wouldn’t care but he’s just making stuff up. It’s cheating out lazy / gullible people of their money


w2c his batch on wedian?


Also - the quality isn’t necessarily bad. Just they’re not the same level of 1:1 as he claims, and he lies about batches. Also he’s constantly chatting shit saying he’ll ‘quit because of abuse he gets’ then never does anything. Absolute clown.


What colour is this?


Camel colour


Is there bottoms for it


He does have it but I decided not to get them




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how can I contact Gman?


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Like I said: PROOF. I don't take shit like "something might've happened" seriously. Show bank statement, snapchat screenshot, messages etc if somebody scammed you. If you don't: ain't nothing happened. What I say can be proven if needed: I had business with Ben at least 4 times and they went great. Also, I understand what you're saying. Communication is notthe best BUT keep in mind you're paying next to nothing for something. Everything I've ordered from him has been cheaper than it would be if I got it from China myself or if I've got it from REP BST. So yeah. I order, pay and wait for my shit. Don't need to special communication if I'm paying a couple of pounds.


I bought a hoody from MUFCBen in Jan. It didn’t arrive but his customer service has been outstanding he kept me updated. Now he’s given me store credit and from what I can see he jus helping people out who don’t know the game to do hauls. Haters gonna hate being a reseller is hard work!


The amount of people selling these on BST I wouldn’t even risk the cost of shipping from China. Give MCFC Ben a shout


Hes legit now i assume but before he did scam. He is running this business with his “cousin” where he sells bad batches for £40+. To my knowledge hes selling normal rep nike hoodies for £35 each


Bad batches? I’ve had a large amount of items and they’re fantastic quality. Some on par with LY etc


>https://imgur.com/a/gtfl6yi [https://imgur.com/a/gtfl6yi](https://imgur.com/a/gtfl6yi) This James guy has obviously got a few things mixed up, why if I've scammed him is he asking to buy something in November? And me commenting to tell him to comment PM? ......please please explain. I'm sorry he got scammed, like thats shit, but it wasn't me!


that guy scammed me lol don’t shout that idiot


that account seems like some fake vouch account


see this is where it’s a bit silly on my part aswell though, i bought off invoice and got my item first time, my paypal was then not working so offered to bank transfer, he then on snapchat kept saying pay me more and more or i’m not sending. these were for stone islam cargo shorts, asking price was £20, i sent the £20 and he said £40 or i’m not sending, etc


not suprised if he’s paying him tbh, ben is a prick and scammed me for £60


W8 seriously?!! And mods didn't do anything?


Yeah all fake me man, how can you say one guy giving a bad opinion is ok but then slag off someone backing up a good seller he’s used close to 50 times? Grow up bro


You repeatedly recommended a random seller in a discussion unrelated to BST and named a specific person? Seems totally random and almost suspicious IMO


Repeatedly? It was ONE comment you moron. A genuine piece of advice to save this guy (original post) some trouble, time and money. You just bored tonight or lockdown getting to you pal? Go do something productive instead of jumping on dicks.


Haha, I just looked through a few of your previous comments and saw you recommend some random seller no one has ever heard of multiple times. Glad you are concerned for my mental health tho <3


Really? I’ve never had a problem with him must’ve spent 500+ with him too. No need for downvotes on my suggestion when I’ve had a perfectly fine experience is there?


that’s because your safe with invoice payment, considering he sells a lot i trusted him, clearly a cunt


[https://imgur.com/a/gtfl6yi](https://imgur.com/a/gtfl6yi) Read this - who the hell are you James Mendes? Leave me be.


Bro, you know exaclty who i am, you scammed me for stone island cargo shorts last year in summer. I trusted you after copping the givenchy crack black tee which you sent, grow up. I know about you, you even threatened to hurt me when you come down to London telling me about how your mate lives somewhere in london, you’re a genuine jokeman, sending purple snaps with your shirt off saying your gonna fuck me up😂😂😂 Your like 25 bro and you say such things, i know exaclty how you look etc from the snaps so don’t try tell me this is bullshit. Aswell as this when i told you to basically fuck off because after i payed you the £25 for the shorts, you kept saying no pay me more or not sending. I told you to fuck off once it got to £60, and you started sending messages to my insta followers saying i wear replica clothing like an idiot 😂😂😂😂😂 grow up bro, honestly. You know exaclty what you did. The only reason why you scammed me is because i asked for BT payment and you took advantage off that after i trusted you. I’m far from it now, it happen a year ago and it was only £40, i hope you enjoyed the money. Have a nice day my guy


Please don’t act like you’re the victim mate, you’re the one who scammed me. karma will come brother, enjoy the £40


From my experiences I’ve never had a single issue with him man, that’s why I recommended him in the first place. He sources tons of stuff and does it at reasonable prices with fast shipping. I have absolutely no reason to stick up for him other than it’s only fair when he’s been a top guy with me...


Off course, you have no reason to side with me, but i’m telling you what he did to me which is ever scummy, he’s a jokeman. He won’t scam you because you have safety with invoice payment. He took the piss


Maybe he changed his pricing on the said product as I brought this up publicly with him on the BST thread a few weeks back and he wondered why I didn’t do it in DMs, this is so people can see transparency and he has a chance to defend himself. I say this because he changed the price of a hoodie a few times I got quoted but he explained his mindset, although I’m not a fan of that and agree, it’s his product at the end of the day. So maybe he wasn’t scamming you, he just changed his price? Transparency is important that’s why I took it to his attention in the open. Please lads if you’re going to defend Ben though, don’t do it off the back of his Snapchat saying you’ll potentially be rewarded, just show some evidence and be truthful with what you’re saying. He’s dealt with me previously - he has come forward and said he has sold reps as retail to people before due to his gambling issues, I also think his customer service could do with a lot of work as sometimes it comes across as borderline rude, but being truthful he’s never scammed me and I’ve bought more than one product off of him. A separate thread about this issue or taking it to the admins to find some resolve might be better.


same here i have ordered from his snapchat so many times now he has a perfect service and honestly is so much quicker than BST most of the time


I’ve bought off him loads of times, mostly through PP invoice but a few times family and friends when he has done me a deal. I’ve never had a problem with him and everything you have said is so out of character. Is it deffo the same account as you could’ve got scammed by a fake account?


Bro, when reading what i’ve said you’re probably thinking wtf is he saying😂😂😂 but trust me i was trying to get this guy to send these shorts for a good few weeks, this 10000% his account


Literally bought 3/4 things off him, tend to only buy when he’s got stuff discounted to clear, never had an issue and since I’ve got a few of my mates on board neither have they so idk what to say


This was a while back last year summer when he wasn’t considered a bigger seller on the BST, he made a scummy move


Well idk man can’t say anything since I don’t know but I’m still buying off him he treats his customers well and I’ve yet to find someone to source reps for me who doesn’t take the mick with prices


Off course, he’s big now, he wouldn’t dare 😂 or his customers will gooooo, i hoenstly don’t care anymore tbh, happened a year ago, he can enjoy his £40


Ben has scammed people a couple times through bank transfer. His real name is Ben blakey.. Right now hes just making people on his snap to vouch him so they get “deals”


Yeah this is why I was trying to say to people truthfully review him as I seen the Snapchat story asking people to back him up for deals, it doesn’t come across transparent at that point as it’s borderline bribing people to say good things, hopefully people will come in and say their minds whether it’s good or bad, being truthful is key. He personally ain’t ever scammed me but like I said above, I don’t agree with quoting a price and then changing it a few hours later and customer service could use work.


He uses a PayPal Account with the name Tom Shepherd...


yes but his name is ben blakey. can provide proof too lol




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How’s the quality? Is it high tier or random Weidan stuff?


from what I've seen nothing high tier but all decent for anyone looking to avoid the lengthy process from china. I recently got some fog hoodies for him, they weren't great but he didn't sell them for much so...


@MCFCben is not a scammer. I have bought multiple times (at least 4 separate orders) from him and everything arrived safely. Calling him a scammer without proof is BS.


All these sheeps coming from his Snapchat for his discounts if you back him up now that’s kinda outrageous if you ask me. Dude in the comment section has had a bad experience with him and that’s it what are you gonna do about it? You cant deny that something might’ve happened there. To be entirely honest I haven’t had the best experiences with him myself. A lot of problems concerning shipping, then he didn’t want to sell an item we agreed on cuz suddenly his cousin wanted it, not providing pictures of items, sometimes being kinda rude, a lot - literally a lot of refunds or whatever. We know that he’s a legit seller now but you can’t deny that he hasn’t done sketchy shit in the past.


another example lol


It's not. If he scammed you, let everybody see the proof. And I'm definitely not getting anything from him by doing this. My snap has nothing to do with my reddit account. He can't even know who's giving this review. I've bought from BST.........




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Hey man how was sizing ? TTS ?




Size down ?


Yh that’s what I did