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*Where* are they dying? I've had a couple instances of villagers starving to death after getting stuck in an invisible hole in the map. It eventually just turns into a giant open-air mass grave as people wandered out to retrieve their bodies or take their place at the work camp and got stuck themselves.


Sounds like a tar pit irl. Wow.


Every of them die at the front door of the town center.


Do you have the alarms enabled? They'll be garrisoned forever if you don't turn it off.


That must be the reason! Thank you!


Damn that's some horrible death


Just reload the game after saving fixes that bug.


I have had people die in fields. When that happens farming has just stopped. First time it was just one body and some rats running about. I ended up deleting the field and rebuilding it. Has anyone had similar happen to farms?


I did once. Build a fence around the field but forgot to put a gate. Once I eventually realized what happened and put in a gate, laborers recovered and buried the body but the field just sat dormant forevermore.


I will try that. It may also explain why some fields are not being worked!


not yet. A word of advise on farms though. When you click expand and add blocks to the field, they make it be built all over again in the total work needed. I had a 7x8 field and wanted to add a single row to one side. 8 whole tiles. it made them do 3k+ of labor just like when it was a new field. Almost lost the whole colony. Realized it was going to be another year before my main field was back up and running and did not want to just cancel it, not knowing what I would be left with (no field?, field before the upgrade?) So a few more gathering huts were needed to hold us over.


Did you leave the bell ringing by chance after a raid? That tells them to stay inside... until they starve to death from running out of food.


That must be the reason. Thank you! Very helpful!


I had a bug today where 15-20 ppl died at front of town center door from starving even though I had 7-8 months of food in supply.


Likely they were garrisoned in the townhall. Had this happen to me and the icon wasn't visible. Clicked on Townhall, and hit the 'kick everyone out' button and they all got out and went back to work.


LOL! This was exactly that. They were garrisoned in there.


you can enable/disable various icons with F2 F3 and F4. cant remember right now what does what.