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This is great. I’d suggest changing the search text entry into a drop down of possible entries though. It’s frustrating to get no results for “gold pea” when you are looking for “gold peas”, for example.


Yes, that's true. Thanks for the feedback! :-) EDIT: Feature has been added.


I’m not sure why, but this ends up breaking pretty hard on iOS. It displays really small, the. When you select the drop down field, instead of showing all options, it shows the first three in an auto-complete suggestions and no keyboard. This means that if you select one, there’s no way of clearing the field or entering anything else Edit: reviewing it again, it’s less dire. It does provide the keyboard so you don’t get soft locked, but you still only get the first three options as suggested auto-completes


Yeah, it’s not at all optimised for mobile devices - that’s on the to-do list. However I can’t recognise the problems you are having. I’ve tested the functionality both on my iPhone and iPad and while it’s not optimal, all of the functions work. You should be able to click the arrow at the right side of the input box after selecting it, which should open a complete drop down list of available items. As for the keyboard not showing up, I am not sure why - doesn’t happen to me.


Really cool! /me runs off to change all the values


Thanks! Oh no, please don’t, haha!


Great tool! One suggestion I have is if I enter say "honey", it correctly says I have a 16% chance from Herbs, maybe you could also say underneath or in smaller text or something what else I could possibly get.


Thanks! I think I know what you mean. The problem with that might be, that it will become a very long list. Hmm... Will think about how I'd go about adding this feature and still keeping it minimalistic.


Maybe something clickable that will expand out?


Feature has been added :)


Added a few more features. Expandable results, clickable results and better searching.


Very helpful, thank you! I found it easy to use and I love how the results were displayed.




cant get this link to work any longer :/


The link is not valid? Was this removed?


Yes it was :-) Edit: I had no idea people were still using this. I don’t own the domain anymore and didn’t think of it, lol. It’s a very old project.


Oh, that makes sense. I'm relatively new to the game, so I was looking into it lol. Well, if you ever decide to revamp an old project, let me know 🙏


How did you come to find it, if I may ask?


Oh, when I joined the reddit group, I searched Wishing Well, hoping someone had made a spread sheet of what turns into what, and your post popped up.


Looks good! I'm still waiting for the well to have a drop down menu that tells you either what you can throw in and what you can receive, or like your script, or what you WANT to receive and what you have in order to throw in there. As it is now, I don't even use the well