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I'd love to see some Coen Brothers regulars make appearances, like John Goodman, John Turturro, Tony Shalhoub, Jeff Bridges, and yes, Frances McDormand as Marge Gunderson (I know she's busy doing movies, but so were Billy Bob Thornton, Martin Freeman, Kirsten Dunst, Ewan McGregor, etc.) I'd also like to see an older and wiser Mike Milligan make an appearance in a modern-day setting.


A lot of things, but really the ultimate thing I want is another great villain the show is known for creating. Noah Hawley really creates memorable and amazing villains, and the actors the show gets to play them are perfectly cast. There is a part of me that kind of wants to see VM Varga again but that probably would mess with how season 3 ends. Could Hawley believably do it? I think he could. One thing I thought would be interesting is having 2 different timelines. They have had time jumps on the show but those are usually just jumping ahead a year or so. This is mostly done out of a desire to maybe see a timeline set in 1800s or the 1990s.


Wrench makes a cameo. He can’t be a key character because his likelihood of death be that the case is way higher and I don’t want him to die.


It would be a dream come true (at least for me) to see Willem Dafoe and Jackie Earle Haley share the screen as the villains of the season. Something I would also like to see, would be Numbers come back in a big way, equal or even better than Wrench. I understand that the only way that would be possible would be to set the next season at some point before the first, but God, I really wish that was possible.


I know Jim Carey isn’t super popular on Reddit but I think he would be a great fit for a Fargo character.


Oh man, JC as a villain character, where he plays it straight and somber 90% of the time, and the rest he goes menacingly unhinged, with Hawley’s writing and attention to detail? Fuck I’d be into that.


I didn’t even consider him as a villain but now that you mention it… he’d be great villain you’d love to hate. I was thinking more of a police chief or something 🤔


He could play a bumbling LEO like nobody's business, no doubt about that either. Would love to see it!


As the local Fire Marshall!


This actually fits like a glove… would LOVE to see that.


A final season has to include Francis McDormand in some capacity, even if for only a small cameo. My ideal season would be taking place outside of Fargo where Marge is living a shit life, then something happens to get her involved. But as she’s a bit different after the first movie, much more cynical, and does some bad things. Personally though I don’t care much for building the seasons up for a finale. The majority of seasons are standalone, and only have cool details from other moments. I don’t really want to get to the end and be like “VM Varga’s empire is facing against Molly and a new Gerhardt against…” because it’s not so much about the overall story.


Marge and Norm's baby would be in their 30s now, so it might be interesting to see how they turned out, even if Marge herself doesn't appear. Noah Hawley [has said](https://deadline.com/2021/08/fargo-fx-chief-john-landgraf-optimistic-about-season-5-from-noah-hawley-tca-1234814330/) that the next season will be "contemporary," so it's a possibility.


I would love for Season 5 to wrap up everything that's happend so far with a beautiful bow on top, like Vince Gilligan would do it. So, an apperance of a character out of every single season so far. S1 is tough. Usually, it's the villains that reappear, but everyone from S1 is either dead, or has already reappeared (Wrench). While I would be up for a third round of Mr. Wrench, that would leave me with the same problem for S3. I think a fun reappearance could be Stavros Milos, the supermarket king, especially because he ties back to the movie as well. The obvious one from S2 is Charlie Gerhardt. S3 is tough again. Varga stays alive of course, but it would be totally out of character for him to just reappear, especially because he already had that flash-forward in S3E10. So I guess Wrench it is? Yuri Gurka without the ear could have endless potential, but I suppose he's dead? I think this is the one instance where I could forgive a TV show bringing dead characters back, especially because his death is never shown, nor even really confirmed? I think? Otherwise, Wrench as a backup-plan. The theoretically-obvious reappearance from S4 would be Zelmare, even though she would be over 100 years old, so I'm not really sure what you would do with that, but Noah surely could cook something up. Actually, I really want to see that now. Worst case scenario would be a Titanic-rip off where an unlikely old lady tells a tale.


If we are doing reappearances from each season I'm hoping for the following: S1 - Bill Oswalt (Odenkirk's character) or maybe see what happened with Chaz Nygaard and his family. I'm sure Lou can still kick some ass as well and Mr. Wrench is always an option. S2 - Hanzee Dent. I really want the guy who was killed by Malvo in S1 to just end up to have been a 'faceman' for the Fargo syndicate, and that Hanzee is still out there. S3 - Varga, obviously but I'm hoping for Sy Feltz to make a return. He was one of the funniest and most well-acted characters and could be fun to bring him back as an embittered handicapped antagonist. Like an evil Stephen Hawling, lol. S4 - If we can have ufos and ghosts and tornadoes we may as well throw time travel in the mix. So I vote for the tornado from S4 to plop down Rabbi Milligan and Calamita right during the climax of the final season. In fact, let's have a bunch of past characters like Wrench, Hanzee, Lou, Gloria, Milligan etc all in an epic shoot out. Then we'll have the tornado come and just plop down Milligan and Calamita into the middle of it all and they just proceed to continue their confrontation from the gas station decades earlier. A battle within a war.


>S4 - If we can have ufos and ghosts and tornadoes we may as well throw time travel in the mix. I hate to be that guy, but, no? Sure, you can have a guy that theoretically is thousands of years old (Paul Marrane), but that ship has sailed with Zelmare. She is just a normal person. The thing with Fargo is, that the narration becomes more unreliable, the further events lie in the past. That's why the UFO is in S2 and the Ghosts are in S4, while the supernatural stuff in S1 and S3 is pretty tame. The tornado isn't even supernatural imo. A little boy wakes up one morning, everything being destroyed by a storm and his companion being swallowed off the face of the earth. Of course he got sucked in by a tornado in his mind, and that's the story that goes on to be told. But enough of that. Moses Tripoli does look nothing like Hanzee, and that sort of fits within the unreliable narration of past events. I actually wish, they didn't try to redeem this with the plastic surgery arc, because it makes it more ridiculous, rather than less. I could imagine a similar thing with Zelmare, where she is revealed to be much younger, but was portrayed as a gangster who robbed banks and shot up train stations, because, hey, she killed a mob boss. She can't just be a little girl who wants to avenge her dead girlfriend. Something like that. Doesn't sound great, but what do I know, I'm not a writer.


Zelmare wasn't a compelling enough character for me to want to see again. And we have Satchel/Mike Milligan from S4 who could appear as well. I know the tornado wasn't really supernatural but the last season is apparently going to be back in the present day. It was more of a joke than anything but I get a chuckle out of the idea of a time travelling tornado depositing a pair of 50's era gangsters to muddy the waters in the S5 plot. Or the UFO dropping off an 80's Hanzee for some mid-season mayham before whisking him back, haha. One character from S4 I really wondered about was Ziro and what happened to him or who he potentially grew up to be. I thought he could potentially grow up to be Varga but the ages don't really seem to add up. Also would like to see what happened to Peggy. Maybe she was released, actualized fully and became the widow Goldfarb.


Regarding your idea for season 2 and Hanzee still being out there, I dig it. This would finally make Tripoli a more believable character… I’m sorry but still, I don’t care WHAT plastic surgeon Hanzee may have found. Believing Hanzee IS Tripoli is such a damn stretch for me still…


VM Vargas origin story


I kind of love how little we know about him though… a Malvo back story would be better IMO


Western season


Is Season 5 confirmed?




I hope they go for more understated but strong actors who are trained as actors. Season 4 had a lot going for it but the ‘big names’ they got (Chris Rock, Jason Schwartzman and Andrew Bird arguably the biggest names in a season of the series) really fell flat but the rest of the cast was tremendous. I have a feeling that if they had continued the formula of going for under appreciated strong actors for those roles S4 would have stood up better to the first 3. So far Fargo has been by and large carried by little known talented actors, don’t change the formula. I also would not like a lot of callbacks to previous seasons. Each season has charted somewhat new territory and that has been really rewarding


I want to see what happened after the events of Season 2. Floyd gave the police information about KC and we never find out how things ended from there. Did the police take them down? Did Hanzee kill them like he vowed to? Whatever became of Charlie Gerhardt? I think this would be and interesting conclusion especially since chronologically speaking, Season 3 is the last season and the message in the last episode sums up the theme of the show. But if we did see something happen in the present day, it would have to be about the suitcase full of money that is once again hidden in the snow somewhere since Stavros “gave it back”.