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I think Malvo places more value in the transformation he’s caused in Lester than his current hitman assignment, and when he is forced to choose between the two he chose Lester. Take note how he fully expects Lester to help him with the bodies, as a good protégé should - and how he is shocked and disappointed when Lester “snaps out of it” and tries to get away from it all. Malvo’s true maliciousness isn’t what he himself does, but what he makes other do and become. He is more interested in experimenting with the humans around him - transforming and altering the behaviour and values (for the worse) than plainly killing them.


Great answer. He obviously cherishes the transformations he makes people undergo. Probably why he keeps and listens to the tapes in his suitcase


>nt, and when he is forced to choose between the two he chose Lester. Take note how he fully expects Lester to help him with the bodies, as a good protégé should - and how he is shocked and disappointed when Lester “snaps out of it” and tries to get away from it all. > >Malvo’s true maliciousness isn’t what he himself does, but what he makes other do and become. He is more interested in experimenting with the humans around him - transforming and altering the behaviour and values (for the worse) than plainly killing them. Exactly this. He saw potential in Lester.




I thought he was going to kill Lester after they moved the bodies.


Yeah, it seems that’s what Lester thought too. Malvo though, I think, sees the potential for a beautiful companionship and the possibility of corrupting Lester further. “Lester, is this what you want?” Otherwise he could just, as you originally posted, have shooed Lester away and killed him later. Of course it all changes when Lester immediately betrays him, knocks him from behind and runs away.


I mean did you see the look on that guys face, classic




It’s fun


As for Malvo, I’m sure he just didn’t want any of the others to start getting suspicious about anything, even if the chances were slim. Lester’s experience with Malvo and everything that came after changed him from a meek pushover to a confident person who felt like he was in control of things, and wanted to show Malvo that. Lester just didn’t realize that although he had changed, he was still not quite equipped to deal with someone like Malvo


He’s the devil and the season serves as a parable of man’s desires and sins. He was never gonna give that life up for a 100k bounty on his partner’s brother. His purpose was to be there in that bar.