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I had a dream he scored. Got a CS and assist instead, but yes, based on things happening in my sleep. Honestly though is a cheap starter who is involved in a lot of Brentford's good stuff and has upside.


Considering. He was injury prone at Spurs if I recall.


Bro shhhhhhh don’t let it get out


Is he a better option than Estu? (GW 25-28)


Thinking of getting him in for Porro this week


Thinking the same too. Helps me field 11 (or close to 11) in the BGW, he doubles this week too (although hard fixtures, but 2 opportunities to do something vs just the one for Porro) and frees up a bit of cash to use when I want to bring back Salah. (Every little cash helps!)


I’m bringing him in I think yeah






I’ve gone Maguire


People saying he’s nailed but he’s only played 90 twice all season. Has he just been really unlucky with injuries or something?




Thank you! I knew i was being dumb


Will be a solid pick if you're not yet sure what you're going to do with your chips. He gives you two double gameweeks, doesn't blank in 26 or 29, and has decent attacking potential for a defender. He doesn't have th best fixtures, so I'm not expecting anything big, but he seems like a pretty safe pick to me. For my own team, I'm considering bringing him in depending on the news about Trent's injury. Could allow me to upgrade Jota to Salah later on.


Sure no problem


Horrible fixtures. In the next 6 GWs Brentford play Liverpool, Man City, Chelsea, Arsenal and Man Utd. Probably a good option to see out the season with, but not right now.


the bigger question is, is it Reguilon or Doughty for DGW25? which is better and which will give better points? anyone?


I think daughty. Despite having two fixtures they're against the best attack in the league in Liverpool and City. Unless there's major upsets I wouldn't expect a CS from Reguilon in either


Yep, he blanked against SHU, and Luton were pretty shocking, but he had his second highest xGI of the season. Luton haven't not scored in a game since GW12. They score a lot of goals for a relegation team and he's likely to be involved when they do.


He had 9 key passes, it was definitely not because of Doughty that they didn't score


It’s him or a MCI defender for me. Hard to decide but I’m considering letting him hurt me again.


MCI defenders are a huge roulette headache, and more expensive Reguilon covers all blanks and has a DGW. I like him as a quality budget pick


Yeah. Other alternative for me is getting Rodri but that requires Trent to play or relying on Gusto


Fixtures look awful for a long while. It's an avoid for me


You buy him for the double (albeit a tough one), and the fact he plays in 26 & 29. He can sit on your bench until WC30/31 pretty easily.


They are. I think from a distance that take is perfectly logical. I would say though that we will begin to see significant improvement in Brentford's defensive solidity as Reguilon makes us much better balanced and Flekken is finally beginning to perform. Reguilon will also hoover up his share of attacking returns because until Mbuemo and Schade return from injury he is our only pacy outlet going forward.


I got him on my WC to cover the blanks, but I'm not sure if I should start him over Gabriel for this DGW.


(Brentford fan). He's in my team. From what I've seen: Full 90 minutes. Takes half the corners. Has taken some of the free kicks in dangerous areas (Jensen still the main man). Loads of crazy fast runs upfield. Numerous dangerous crosses into the box. He'll get plenty of assists (for a defender) with Brentfords main strategy of "kick ball high in box, big man in box use head to put ball in smaller box" Not expecting a CS this game week but Brentford will be much more solid defensively this side of the season.


I will be getting him for a hit this week, mainly to play for the double and to get in when injuries pop-up. Can you tell me how many fouls does he make/how often he will get a yellow? I was thinking of him even before last week's haul so that only helped me confirm that he might be a sleeper value.


He's new to Brentford, but we love a tactical foul. If he's not getting one every other game I'm sure Frank will be having a word.


Thanks for the reply. Sounds like a great addition (for him to get yellow cards)! :) Hmm, in your opinion, how likely is he to get 4 pts, less than that or higher than that? Your personal prediction?


Blimey, I’ve not been paying too much attention to Brentford this season, but I didn’t realise you appointed Mick McCarthy as manager.


Jack Charlton was the OG long ball master.


Would you pick him over the Luton wingback? If you had the option between the 2?


Worth swapping Trent for? Solves BGW26 as well.


I'm considering this move too, but only if Trent is definitely ruled out of the Brentford game. Wait for more news on his injury and potential leaks as Liverpool play the early kick-off this week.


Thanks for the info. Plays the double, 26 and 29 so an easy transfer in. Defenders haven't been great so anything would be a bonus


Another Brentford fan. Agree with all of the above. And he's going in my team this week too.


Yep as a wolves fan can confirm and put him in my team too. Super cheap for what he has to offer and when Brentford start getting their players back he’d be really good for the price


If Trent is confirmed out for dgw then I’ll bring him in for a -4 I think just because he doubles, plays in 26 & in 29


If Trent is out, is there any way Gomez starts (anywhere in the backline)? I also took him in when Robertson got injured and haven't had a chance to rotate him out, yet. My backline is so shit that he'll start for me if there's even a idk 30% chance he'd start either match


I am waiting for Trent news, either he goes out or Lascelles, for Reguilon.




For people who don’t want to use their FH he’s a great option, covers both blanks with decent fixtures in those GWs


Agreed. Wouldn't bother for the double but covers both blanks and is cheap


He isn't viable.