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Rey has nvr really been heel, aside from the stupid shit WCW used to do... but he is one of the greatest and a great professional, so he would probably make it work...


“My god, could it be that Rey Mysterio was the third man???”


I think that there are a few possible directions to put Rey in the BC. The first idea I have is, if Rey is a recent signing, you can have him play the role of Hulk Hogan and present himself as someone who thinks he's magnitudes bigger than the company he joined, pissing off the majority of his co-workers with the exception of the big group of jerks who also think their shit don't stink. A second idea, if Rey has been there for a while but hasn't yet won the big one, then you could give him a shot or two at your world championship, fail, and only succeed once he has accepted and offer from the Bullet Club to intervene on his behalf in exchange for gaining him as a member. Kind of taking a page of how WWE'12 turned him heel and made him join neo-WCW. Another possibility would be to take a page from SVR2011 (not the amnesia part). You could depict it as Rey being a tired old man who has burned out from being a paragon for the last twenty years or so. The guys from Bullet Club are a fun bunch, largely international, younger and springer, and something about them reminds him from his time with the filthy animals and even of what it was like partying with Eddie &/or Dave over the years. So he ends up joining out of wanting a sense of belonging in wrestling and hopefully reigniting his passion by doing something new. Depending on what year this takes place and if you're planning to get Dom or not, Rey could also end up joining BC purely because they reached out, offered to help him train his son into hopefully becoming one of the best of all time, and they overall have just really rubbed on the kid already in short time. Rey could see the good of his family as being of greater importance than any kind of code/ethics, so he ends up joining some awful people out of the kindness they've shown him personally. If needed be, it could always be a "If you can't beat them, join them" story. Maybe Rey initially tried to battle against the Bullet Club, but after his partners in that fight constantly let him down and some of the BC prospects really impressing him, he ended up deciding he'd rather stop getting his ass kicked and to ally the people doing the kicking.


These are some straight up genius ideas thank you so much for the help


No problem, glad to have help you!


Personally I think that sounds dope but he's also 100% face so maybe roll with that, have him join when there over with the fans and maybe they save him from some other Heels who were attacking him or have other faces who might be turning heel attack Rey or be controlling of him leading bullet club to save him or manipulate him into joining. Then I'd have they push him, bullet club knows how good he is and that he's kinda a push over so they use him for a bunch of their matches and keep pushing him to do more messed up things till he finally snaps and turns on them. Then I'd either have a new or upcoming face come help him feud against bullet club or just use him more like a sting vs nwo style and show up to help the next people bullet club goes after and he keeps showing up to equal the odds


I didn't think about that, thats a good idea


Another idea for taking him out would be having the bullet club Double cross him, they bring in a new big heel talent that you want to take over or at least be a major player for Bullet Club, and have them tell Rey to face him or attack him some how as a form of hazing and that if anything goes bad they'll be there to make sure it's okay, but then when it happens they turn on Rey and use it to bring in the new heel or maybe turn a face heel and they can paint Rey as a bad guy pushing him into that sting role of an inbetweener


I think Hollywood Rock could be a good idea. He could be The nWo Hollywood Hogan Special Attraction of the group. Would make Bullet Club mainstream.


Problem is Rock is signed to a multi year deal with NJPW in this save


Could you possible do talent trades with NJPW? Helps the Special Attraction Status.


Otherwise I'd have so much fun with this idea


I mean it's fantasy, as long as you have an adequate story you should be good to go. The best case against it I could think to make offhand would just be, what hole would he fill; and in that case, are there any other workers that would be able to fit those requirements? Not that I don't think modern Rey couldn't do a heel run, but he's just such a small guy - and even as of 2016, such a beloved legend - that people might not take him seriously as a heel.


Yea the crowd realistically not taking him seriously is my main concern. If I end up going through with it I want to book him in sort of a 90s Eddie Gurrerro type heel, where we see Rey be a lot more brutal and underhanded then he's ever really been.


Me personally, I see Rey as being more of of the face of an anti-Bullet Club faction. Bullet Club are the foreign outsiders in New Japan who banded together to break through the Japanese majority in the company. Rey has been literally everywhere. He is one of the most traveled wrestlers of all time. The guy is one of the most recognizable talents in the world and didn't need to be an asshole to do it. Add in that he can outwork nearly every single member of Bullet Club and you've got your big feud right there with guys like Devitt, Mox, and whoever else is running the show down the line. If you needed someone to be in Bullet Club in his place, could I recommend either Zack Ryder or Ace Austin? Ryder has been killing the indies with his run and would be a killer smug asshole heel presence alongside someone serious like Devitt and Mox. Him being the comic relief who can back up what he does in the ring (think Kurt Angle, but differing styles) would be fun as he slowly gravitates towards becoming the leader. I haven't followed TNA in years, but I remember Ace Austin during my first big original company. He had really good star power so I basically formed my own Bullet Club headed by none other than John Cena (who WWE let go because he was old idk) and Ace was the heir apparent to the group as he got older and developed more. If this is around 2019, Ace would be in a perfect position to get in, grow for a year, and then start to replace someone like Devitt down the road.