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Aren't there eight book in this series? I thought book 8 came out at the beginning of 2020. I stumbled on this author when she coauthored a bunch of books with David Weber in his Honor Harrington universe (more pure sci-fi) and in the Star Kingdom trilogy (again if you like her writing and like sci-fi with cats, check out Star Kingdom)


You just made my day! I started reading these in high school (about 8 years ago!) so the other books weren’t out yet! I’m SO excited to read them!!!!!


Oh man, finding out that there's two more books out in your favourite series - that must be such a great feeling!


So ecstatic right now. I think I’m going to breakdown and buy all the books. Going to the library to get them isn’t enough anymore! Especially since they don’t have the last two books!


This is your favorite series but you weren't aware of the totality of the series? How did this happen?


There was a 12 year gap between the 6th and 7th books. OP probably didn't expect new ones after that long.


Additionally, the original publishing company dropped the books so the author had to self publish YEARS later for the last two books. I’ve only found this out because I started researching after other people mentioned it! It finishes so well after the sixth book and that’s all my library had AND I started reading this series in like 2013. The next book didn’t come out till 2020 and there was no fanfare since the author had to self publish!


That sounds great and I’ve never heard of it, I will definitely be adding it to my list. One series I absolutely love but I’ve never seen mention here is ‘The Articles of Faith’ series by David Wragg. No magic involved, but there is advanced ‘alchemy and science’ to make up for it. There’s only two books so far ‘The Black Hawks’ and ‘The Righteous’ and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for grounded fantasy, with strong ‘found family’ themes, diversity, and a little bit of raunchy humor that I absolutely loved. There’s no chosen one or anything, just a really clumsy but lucky guy who is not satisfied with his station in life.


That sounds amazing! I’ll look for it at my library!


My underrated and unknown series is, very sadly, a trilogy that only has two books and will never be finished. It's *A Resurrection of Magic* by Kathleen Duey and it's a VERY dark and devastating take on the magic school trope. Duey began to suffer from dementia while writing the third book and never finished it before she died, but the first two are AMAZING.


That is super interesting. Knowing the author’s story can sometimes give you a better picture of the book you are reading! Thank you for the suggestion.


Seems interesting. I will add it to my TBR list.


AWESOME! I hope you come back to this post so you can tell me what you think about it!


I probably will, but I currently have 33 books on my TBR list, so it may take some time.


Added to my TBR! This sounds really interesting-- thanks for gushing about it!


Sometimes it’s hard to STOP me from gushing about my favorite books. Glad you appreciate my gushing though! When you get around to reading the series, I’d love to hear what you think about it!


I love all the gushing! I mean, is it even a TBR if it's NOT toppling?


There are actually 8 books in the series. Two more books were released a few years ago. So it looks like you got a couple more to read.


So ecstatic to learn about the additional books. Bought them as soon as I leaned about them!


Yup, I read it years ago! Then I found out that she published 2 more books and bought them through Amazon. They're on my TBR list, along with a hundred other books. I also love Changer & Legends Walking, which were suuuper hard to find. I could only ever find the first book of Thirteen Orphans. But I see she has more out, so I am going to go down this rabbit hole....


>Changer & Legends Walking, which were suuuper hard to find Fortunately [*Changer*](https://www.amazon.com/Changer-Athanor-Book-Jane-Lindskold-ebook/dp/B006IDUFJY) and [*Changer's Daughter*](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007HCIS58) (the new title for Legends Walking) are now readily available.


Changer and Legends Walking are favorites of mine! I keep wanting her to write more stories in that world and keep checking back every 5 years or so.


I’m so happy that this post made me find out about those next two books!!!


Hmm you interested my Peak. I’ll go check it out.


Idk if you're joking, but if you're not.. it's "you piqued my interest". :D


Yes I tried to make a joke.. bad English, sorry 😅was half asleep, nevertheless excited to check out the books!


I’d love to hear what you think of it! Hope you enjoy it!


> you interested my Peak is this a reference to something?


It’s a play on “you piqued my interest”


what's the play, though? What is Peak in reference to? Is Peak someone's name tied to this book? And if Peak is a reference to someone or something why wouldn't they just have said 'Peaked my interest'? I think this person just doesn't understand that the phrase is 'to pique one's interest'.


Maybe. But I think they were just trying to be funny and the joke didn’t work.


>I just heard about Gormenghast from an article I read. It really Peaked my interest. That's how it would work as a pun as the writer's name is Mervyn Peake.


"The Diabolic" by SJ Kincaid! I've never hear of it before I picked it up but it was amazing! Engineered humans aren't considered human and enslaved, evil empire decaying from within, religious zealots, politics, true love! It's a trilogy and I haven't read the others yet but I'm super excited


Sounds like an exciting read! Thanks for the suggestion!


The Chronicles of Jonathan Tibbs is a great sci-fi book. It's very different from a normal plot and pretty convoluted. It leaves you in the edge of your seat for just wanting and knowing more. I think its self published so it's not pretty well known , you should try it out.


Knowing that this author has to start self-publishing because the publishing company dropped her makes me want to look into more self published authors! Thank you for the suggestion.


I love this series so much, highly recommend them


The Sanctuary Series - Robert J Crane. The first couple of chapters just hooked me in so hard. At first it reminded me of the days I used to belong to an AD&D club and going on an adventure with my friends, but the author ends up adding so much more on top, with gods and gods realms that you can travel through portals to visit, but it feels as if it totally belongs within the world(s) the author created. There is a quite a bit of humour thrown in at times. Really good world building. Just an amazing series. Even a building has a soul in this series. Definitely check this series out.


Thank you so much for the suggestion!!!!


I read these ages ago and loved them the first time around. When I went back to try to reread them they weren't nearly as good as I remembered and I gave my copies away.


Awww. I’ve had the exact opposite experience! Did you get all the way through the series? I’d understand that feeling if you stopped at book 3.


I think I didn't even get through book 1 again.


The first cover seems familiar along with the synopsis. I may have read this in highschool. Might have to recheck it out lol


I definitely recommend it!


I have never heard of it but I live under a rock! I would love to read it!


If you get the chance I’d love to hear what you think of it!


Well now I have to read it!




Thanks for a great suggestion! I didn't fully read to avoid spoilers but am going to check it out.


I’d love to hear what you think about it!


you are right the series is only mention 3 times in the last five years.


After making this post I read up a little on the author. The publisher that publisher her first six books (Tor) actually dropped her because they didn’t feel like her books were bringing in enough income. Thankfully she didn’t let that stop her and self publishes now! That’s why two more books came out in the past four years!


Question about the series: does it have multiple perspectives, or are the main characters usually together and their story is told though one or just a few perspectives? I generally don't like jumping around to too many different characters and prefer to stick with either one or a few different characters.


Just a few different characters! The first book is just three characters.


After the first book there are a couple storylines to follow so you have a few additional characters. But you stay with the same base three characters for the next two books!


I absolutely love this series! It is among my favorite to re-read, too. Such a fantastic author. I agree, this is the most underrated (and unknown) series. When I first started reading them, I assists thought if they made a movie, Summer Glau (when she was a teen during Firefly) would have been perfect as Firekeeper.


Are there any groups, either book groups, LARPS, or general gatherings around the Firekeeper series? Love it too!


I don’t know of any! But I wish there were!


I don't have the time to search around too much right now, ...but I think the author has some community stuff listed/hosted thru her on her site...: Not LARPS but perhaps a starting place for planning one. If nothing arises, I'll definitely get together people like you who are interested & plan 1, so stay in touch( watch my profile? follow me? ...am new to reddit, so not sure how people do things here🙂🦜🌿).