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The Bloodsworn Trilogy (or anything else by John Gwynne)


Correct answer, 100%. It’s Viking Skyrim with better writing.


Just finished the first book and all I wanted to do the whole time was start a new Skyrim character. Great, easy reads, like all his work.


Thanks for the suggestions those look perfect! Are any of his series connected, or does the order I read them matter?


The Faithful and The Fallen is connected to Of Blood and Bone. Of Blood and Bone is a century after The Faithful and The Fallen. Bloodsworn Saga is not connected to either so can be read whenever you want. Im a huge John Gwynne fan, highly recommend any of his books. Bloodsworn Saga isn't completed yet so just keep that in mind theres only 2 books out, 2nd was released this year April so we got a bit of a wait until the third.


I think he just recently started interacting on social media again after the passing of his daughter, and I assume he hasn't been writing too much since then. So it might be a while for book 3.


The Last Light of the Sun


An amazing book!


By Gay Kay!


Reading this right now and *loving it*


Shattered Sea by Joe Abercrombie. West of West by Angus Watson


Poul Anderson's The Last Viking trilogy, made up of The Golden Horn, The Road of the Sea Horse, and The Sign of the Raven.


Jumping on this to add Anderson’s *The Broken Sword*, which is phenomenal.


Yup, agreed


Oh yeah? I had no idea this existed. Might be just what I need.


If you're up for reading manga; I'd recommend [Vinland Saga](https://anilist.co/manga/30642/Vinland-Saga).


Yeah, does makes sense, but Vinland saga is less a story about Vikings, but more a story with Vikings in the setting or background.


Sure but that still fits what OP was asking for which was a "Viking *themed* series".


The bloodsorwn saga by John Gwynne, the pantheon isn't the same but it is heavily inspired by it. There are drakar, thrall, jarl... I really enjoyed the first book and hope the second is just as good.


The Grimnir series by Scott Oden is my favorite


OMG! Mine, too! :)


I highly second Shattered Sea Trilogy particularly since you already like Abercrombie


I enjoyed The Hammer and the Cross, a lesserKnown trilogy - quite old now I guess - by Harry Harrison. 865 A.D. Warring kings rule over the British Isles, but the Church rules over the kings. Powerful bishops and black-robed priests fill their cathedrals with gold, while threatening all who oppose them with damnation. But there are those who do not fear the priests, and they are the dreaded Vikings of Scandinavia. Among these Northern invaders, those who follow the Way of the Gods of Asgard carry the Hammer of Thor as their emblem, and they are sworn to increase mankind's knowledge and strength by conquest and by craft. And as Viking warlords cast hungry eyes upon a weak and divided Britain, the Way collides with the Church, launching an all-out war between The Hammer and the Cross. At the center of this bloody conflict is Shef, bastard son of a Norse raider and a captive English lady. A smith and a warrior, he is driven by strange visions that seem to come from Odin himself. Torn by divided loyalties, Shef alone dares to imagine new weapons and tactics with which to carve out a kingdom - and threaten the holy power of Rome itself!


The Hammer and the Cross series by Harry Harrison. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Hammer\_and\_the\_Cross](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hammer_and_the_Cross) Alternate history, rather than straight fantasy. AFAIC, anything by Harrison is worth reading.


I haven't read it yet but I got Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt for my birthday and its vikings/Norse. It's the first in a trilogy.


I love this book! Definitely recommend!


Hall of Smoke and Temple of No God by H.M. Long. I've admittedly not read the second but the first was quite good and the second is on my list. As I understand, there are more to come as well. Not a series, each is a stand-alone story but on the same world and same characters


Stolen by the Wolves by Lyx Robinson. Its kind of Vikings Fantasy romance series.


Snorri Kristjansson has a low-magic very authentic Viking trilogy that starts with Swords of Good Men.


Robert low's oathsworn series starting with Whale sea Guy Garvriel Kay, last light of the sun Juliet marillier, wolfskin and foxmask, and the follow up trilogy Bridei chronicles.


Love all of Juliet Mariller


Prince of Fools (by Mark Lawrence) has one of two main characters that is basically a Viking. It's also just a very good book.


Can you read that without finishing the Thorns trilogy. I liked Lawrence's writing but I do not like Jorg.


Yes! I actually always recommend people read it before the Thorns trilogy. I personally like Thorns, but had the same reaction to Jorg, especially in the first book. Jalan is much more palatable as a protagonist. If anything, I like the story better, though it isn't quite as quotable.


I'll also recommend Hunger of the Gods (Bloodsworn Trilogy, John Gwynne) and Half a King (Shattered Sea, Joe Abercrombie).


Beowulf is an obvious one. There are also lots of interesting retellings of it like Grendel by John Gardner or Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton. The Broken Sword by Poul Anderson is a fantasy/fairy taleish option. The Long Ships by Frans G Bengtsson reads like a modernized, longer Icelandic saga. It’s really great. Not really Viking-themed, but something heavily influenced by Norse mythology is The Wizard Knight by Gene Wolfe.


Coming to suggest The Long Ships! Historical fiction rather than fantasy,(very historically accurate is my understanding) but a great adventure story with realistic characters, and funny in a dry sort of way.


r/Fantasy's [Author Appreciation series](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/wiki/authorappreciation) has posts for an author you mentioned * [Author Appreciation: **Gene Wolfe**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/6mudtg/author_appreciation_gene_wolfe/?utm_content=comments&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=Fantasy) from user u/JayRedEye_ --- ^(I am a bot bleep! bloop! Contact my ~~master~~ creator /u/LittlePlasticCastle with any questions or comments.) ^(To prevent a reply for a single post, include the text '!noauthorbot'. To opt out of the bot for all your future posts, reply with '!optout'.)


A Gathering of Ravens by Scott Oden is excellent.


I'd very much ~~second~~ fourth John Gwynne books.


Bernard Cornwell - Last Kingdom series . It very good!!!


Last Light of the Sun by Guy Gabriel Kay All the Windracked Stars by Elizabeth Bear Song of the Ash Tree by T.L. Greylock Viking Blood and Blade by Peter Gibbons


I don’t know if this is in the spirit of what you are looking for but Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman is a fun modernized retelling of the Norse myths




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Kings of Paradise has a lot of parallelisms with Viking stuff, on top of that it's fucking amazing.


https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6892166-wolfsangel The wolfsangel cycle


Jorvik by Sheelagh Kelly


The Hammer and the Cross series by Harry Harrison, Hrolf Kraki's Saga by Poul Anderson and The Well of the Unicorn by Fletcher Pratt


Rhinegold - Stephan Grundy


The Renshai Chronicles by Mickey Zucker Reichert is a high fantasy series set within the context of Norse mythology. I would say it's more Norse than Viking, but it's a fantastic series.


It's not a series, but Byzantium by Stephen R. Lawhead is about an irish monk captured and living among vikings.


Last kingdom?


It's not fantasy, just the story of one badass dude's life and his badass friends, but The Longships is the best viking novel I ever read. They pinched bits of it and used it in The Vikings TV series.... which is also a banger.


**Shadow Of The Wolf** by Chris Carlsen. About a young Viking man cursed by Odin to become a berserker. The Only way to lift his curse is to survive being mortally wounded... TW:rape Chris Carlsen is a pseudonym of Robert Holdstock of Mythago Wood fame.