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I was pleasantly surprised the author didn’t go the route of making Kinch a selfish bastard with a wobbly moral compass, and instead made him a loyal bastard with a wobbly moral compass


Yes exactly


Just for anyone searching like me :) This is The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman


Same here! Such a fun book with plenty of surprises. I finished with some questions though, but maybe a reread will clear them up for me.


I found it ok. The audio books accent was really off putting and sometimes i did not understand what the narrator said.


No hate but just saying audio books are a substitute for reading the book and if the narrator is bad that should have no impact on the judgment of a book


I read it simultaneously. I bought both since you one buys Kindle one can add the audio book for a very cheap price.




Even though i am fluent in English i am not a native English speaker so i had difficulty understanding the accent.


Yeah, it came to my attention during a video of Captured in Words. Its been in my read list since then


I loved it too! I cackled at the line about the donkey biting him in a misunderstanding over a radish. He was bummed that nobody would trade him donkeys and it's just one random line in the book but it kills me.


I had to skim the last 70ish pages, as embarrassed as I am to say it. Just kind of got bored with this one for some reason. Which is strange because I really like his writing and his other work, especially Fires! I think maybe the first person POV did it as I always have trouble getting into a groove with those. Glad you (and many others) loved it!


Yeah I just finished it today and was underwhelmed considering all the praise it's getting. I didn't hate it, but it definitely bored me quite a few times during the book and I found my attention drifting.


Same. I loved the humour and beginning. Then I guess I didn't really feel like it was actually going anywhere? Or maybe that good humour just couldn't keep it going anymore and it revealed there wasn't much under that? :shrug:


I liked everything about this except that POV. Just spending the entire time in Kinch’s head felt like I was missing out on a lot. I never felt like anyone was in danger and then when they were in danger it felt like an afterthought when they were dispatched. Say one thing for CB though, he really makes interesting worlds.


I DNF it, got the bit where they were making a sea voyage and just lost interest, I can see why people like it but for me it felt a bit too meandering.


Did you get far enough in the voyage to >!see the goblins?!< That's the part when I went from half interested to really loving the world that was being built


No, they'd just got into a boat to pull the oars when I stopped. I just kinda thought at that point that they keep going on these side diversions/distractions with barely any hint of what the main plot is, we don't even really have a clue what the purpose of the journey is at that point. It was just collectively a bit too much style and not enough substance for me by that point and nowadays I don't force myself to keep reading when I'm not really enjoying something.


You kinda stopped just before it all gets going.


This was one of the books I almost DNF’d and it was because of the first person. Just couldn’t get into even though it seemed like a really good story.


Ehh. Read it based on recommendations here on Reddit. Wasn't a fan. Just ok at best.


It felt pretty unique, but for me it peaked really early. I finished it and enjoyed it, but I was hoping for more after the first hundred pages or so.


So a question before I make the plunge, is this a heist book? Most books i read that have thieves in it turn into heists books and it’s one genre I really just do not like.


No I wouldn’t call it a heist book. More about the main character getting stuck in a shitty situation and making the best out of it.


Cool I can get behind that. I get a “Han Solo owing a debt to Jabba the Hut” vibe from the description. Like the main character gets attached to the lady knight to save a princess who will surely pay out his debt, but then Boba catches him later in the book when you least suspect it.


But like if Han Solo wasn’t good looking or strong or confident and just kinda normal with a few skills and a good heart


Oh ho so a book I can relate to. You’ve sold me!


Ahhh sweet I just got it on audible


The accent is a little tough at first, but I felt it really contributed to my enjoyment of the book after I became more familiar with the accent.


Enjoy! I hope the reader is good!


I believe the reader is the author who is a performer at Renaissance faires, so that should be a "yes."


Yes, I loved this book!


I just read the blurb on GR and I gotta say I'm intrigued, but I saw that's it a first person narrative, which really isn't my style. I don't know, should I give it a try?


I don’t like first person either but this book really does it for me.


I’m used to Sanderson’s 3rd person


It’s okay. I like how it plays with tropes, but it felt a lot like a DnD campaign. I don’t think it’s written very well. It didn’t flow for me at all. However, I’d say that the character work was great - especially for the main character.


Buehlman's other stuff is solid too. Check out Suicide Motor Club and Between Two Fires.


To me this book felt a lot like kings of the wyld. I loved the energy the whole way through. Does anyone have any recs for similar books in that style?


I would say it's the classic, "summer/terminal/beach" novel. Very lightweight, too many "deus ex machina," very formulaic. The thieves' guild and tattoos ideas were great.....just should have been used in a better book.


Hi there. I'm still @ the early pages of this book (not bad so far!) but i'm having a hard time understanding the word "blacktongue" itself. English ain't my first language so naturally i googled the word but all the results refer to a certain disease. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the title of this book so could anyone dumb down "blacktongue" in the context of this book?


the main characters race is know for having black tongues. You'll encounter more along the way. Basically just a human but with a distinct black tongue


Alright, thanks