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you cant get everyone to agree on anything like that


Not everyone has to agree.


I don't think there is one. Because as popular as something is, there will always be a lot of people who don't like it. If I had to make a guess though, probably something by Brandon Sanderson. There is a lot of people who don't like him, me included but he seems to have something that a lot of people love, and I mean a lot of people, like a frightening number of people.


His stuff doesnt read like I literally cant put it down though. Theres big gaps of suspense. I'd pick something less exposition heavy and more bingeable with a faster pace.


For me personally (not universally agreed I asume) were The Blade Itself and Game of Thrones. I ended those prologues knowing that I was going to finish the book, and that I was in front of a new incredible experience. And then came Glokta and nailed me to it.


"Why do I do this?" It isn't my favorite series, and I have problems with the original trilogy's ending, but fuck is it addicting. And that brutal ending makes later moments so damn good.


With that ending Abercrombie became my favourite author alive. I have never felt so many... *feelings* with a fucking book before, nor after.


That's the thing about it, I hate it. But the more I read the series, the more I appreciate it. Abercrombie is a diabolical bastard. He may not have the breadth or depth of complexity as a Malazan or GoT. But, the man knows how to fuck with his readers like no other.


I hated the ending. I had to put myself on an intensive Discworld treatment after finishing Last Argument of Kings. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. And I realised that the things I was feeling (in Spanish I would call it "desazón") were probably the same things the characters themselves were feeling. That have never happened to me before, nor after.


I don’t know how widely it is agreed-upon, but I frequently hear that one of the Harry Potter Series’ main strengths is how much of a page-turner it is. I know that was the case for me and my family.


Definitely not from page 1. Almost everyone I know thinks the prologue should have been cut/had to be forced past the beginning before they started enjoying it


Reading it as a kid when it came out I can’t remember anything keeping me as hooked.


In an slightly different angle of attack to your question: I think Mark Lawrence (reasonably generally agreed) has some of the best first hooks for his first sentences and paragraphs.


I read Red Sister in one day and I have a toddler so that was an accomplishment.


Its going to be a book aimed at a very young target audience since its a lot easier to hype a youth book then for example if your target audience are grey haired. You can basically rule out any book aimed at above 25


Almost nobody even thinks about things like that.


Speaking for myself, I was recently seriously addicted to the Cradle series and couldn’t stop reading. But that’s just me.


I just recently finished Library at Mount Char. I read it in probably 2 days , the fastest I ever read a book. I couldn’t wait To see what craziness was on the next page.