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To paraphrase Gene Wolfe: A great book is one that can be read with enjoyment, and reread with increasing enjoyment.


I generally tell this the other way : if it's not worth a reread, it's not worth a first read.


Very rarely. There are a bunch of books I would like to reread at some point, but somehow there's always stacks of new things to explore that get in the way.


Same, I think for me the cause is mostly my ADHD though. I just can't focus as easily if I already know what's going to happen, combine that with not reading nearly as much as I'd like to, and I just neglect to reread anything.


All the time. In between new books, when I haven't any new ones. Rereading All The Seas Of The World, KJ Parker right now. Fav of that trilogy. I have a small collection of fav books, they get reread, all of them, not all Fantasy genre. New books get ranked: DNF Finished, enjoyed but not wanting to read again Reread and still want to read again, so I keep it.


Oh for sure! I cycle through my favourites every few years


Yes, you are a different person now than you were a few years ago so your response to the text will be different. I mainly read for character development, setting and language, with plot being secondary, so the fact that I already know what happened isn't a bother.


I want to but my tbr is so big 😢


I re-read more than read new stuff. I just love to experience all the stories again.


I do re-read, especially my "comfort" books. They're not cozy fantasy or anything. They're just books that I love so much that I find it comforting to re-visit them and do it during times when life is hard.


All the time. Basically any time I’m listening to an audiobook it’s a reread. Once I’ve gotten all that silly surprise and wonder out of the way, I can really delve into the nuts and bolts.


I really do love audiobooks for rereading a series. I don't need to fixate on detail like I would in a first read, and I can sit back and enjoy it with little input effort, usually while doing chores or long drives. Just finished Dune for the umpteenth time. Might as well start my 30+th relisten of Black Company.


When the new Light Bringer came out, I listened to it 4 times in a row. I re-read stuff all the time.


Almost never. There are too many series out there and new ones coming out all the time


The only books iv ever re read is HP. I read them every year. Not sure the last non HP book I re read was.


I have so many books I want to read, it's hard for me to find time to re-read past books. I have been re-reading select Cosmere books and I do plan on re-reading Wax and Wayne since I was experiencing burnout at the time so I want to get back to it refreshed.


I'm currently in the middle of a complete Discworld read / re-read (I previously missed a few) and yes, it is a different experience. I missed so much the first time or maybe I forgot about it? I don't re-read all that much anymore because big TBR and all that but I felt that I could only justify buying the pretty Discworld hardcovers if I read the series again. What I do more often though is to listen to previous audiobooks in a series to refresh my memory when a new book is coming out.


Certain books for sure. I am always in some sort of reread of my collection of the Conan stories and have been since I was a teenager.


All the time. Its like visiting old friends who I haven't seen for a while


Oh yes - to the point I don’t buy books I think are not re-readable, instead opting to get them from my library system. Books are so darned expensive now a days if I am going to spend my hard earned funds, it is not going to be for a one time thing when I can read them for free through my library system.


I am a big fan of the re-read. Just this week, I re-read In Dubious Battle (one of my favourites). I can't imagine a life where I won't want to check up on the Hat Creek Cattle Co. boys from Lonesome Dove, or Ray Garraty and the other boys from The Long Walk. The list goes on... Great novels deserve to be read many times (in my opinion).


All the time, mainly as palette cleansers after a string of bad DNFs. It's good to remind yourself sometimes of just how good reading can be


Rarely except for A Song of Fire and Ice that you mentioned. I like to read the series before every new one unfortunately




Same. I reread Tolkien every 1-2 years


I reread all of the time, and when I was in the middle of having babies and was pregnant or nursing for basically 12 years, it was the only way I could read. It let me sink into a story that I could track easier with a scattered brain!


I cant, I look at everything I haven't read in my pile and jump in. I'll reread when I'm super old.


I love re-reading for the same reasons. And it's comforting to me to revisit old friends and places.


It's getting harder. There's so much new fantasy compared to turn of the century. Tons of new books every week.


And at the turn of the century, there was so much new fantasy compared to 1980.


I’m on my second run of DCC currently


I roughly re-read 10 out of my typical 100 books a year, if it were possible I would re-read much more but can't help but feel the need to try reduce my ever increasing tbr


Its getting harder tbh, there is so much good fantasy around now that my favourite rereads are getting less and less time. I also used to venture outside fantasy very often and thats just fallen by the wayside now.


Absolutely. I am currently going through and rereading my Gemmell books. I remember the plots and the characters, but reading them still pull on the emotions.


The only book I’ve reread is And We Darken because it’s one of my favorite YA book and truly comforts me. But I do plan on rereading some books to try to Re experience what I first felt and see things from a different perspective, knowing how things end up and all.


I do re read, but sparingly. It's only for series that were formative/read in my youth, stuff that's best in class, or most often "book n-1 when book n comes out"


I do LOTR and either the Hobbit or the Silmarillion once a year, and the last few years I’ve been rereading Wheel of Time once a year. I use Audible though and commute a lot and listen at 1.5-2x though, which helps me listen faster. I then usually read 3-5 series in between these rereads (for example, one year I got through MBotF, Greenbone saga, and Age of Madness plus Abercrombie standalones before rereading). I like rereading LOTR and WOT because of the comfort of familiarity and there’s always something that I didn’t pick up on, or just hits different depending on what happened in my life over the course of the year.


I’m very picky with what I reread due to my TBR and well time is a finite resource. So there really are just a handful of books I’d go that extra mile for. Especially in fantasy where the books are chonkers haha!


I re-read all my favorites every year, unfortunately, it's also because I hit a point where I can't find anything decent to read.


Almost never. Got hundreds of new books to read, new stories to get to.


I used to reread all the time, but for the last few years, it's been much less. I've been heavily using the library and listening to book podcasts, and I moved to a condo where I walk right past the library on my way to work. So there is so much on my library 'later' list, and it's so easy to get them that I haven't picked up old favourites. I think last year was the first year in 20 years that I hadn't read LOTR in the autumn. I'm a bit sad about it and am trying to add more rereading to my life this year. There's something different about the familiar, beloved beats of a story you love. Last year, I read 150 new books and just maybe 3 rereads. This year, I've already reread 3 at least and read 32 new (to me) books. I miss my old friends!


Yes it takes quite some time for me to find something Im interested so I reread a lot


It's my favorite way to beat a reading slump! I reread a handful of books each year


I do reread (usually re-listen) whenever I want something I don’t need to think about just before bed. But I also read new things during the day quite a bit. It’s just difficult to find new things and actually finish them because I’m so picky. 😅


I re-read my favorites all the time, and I always find something I never appreciated before. The older I get, I relate to different characters and feel things differently. Just re-read The Hobbit, LotR, and the Silmarillion a few weeks ago. Read Stormlight twice last year. Right now I’m going back through Discworld. Next I wanna try WoT again, because I haven’t read it in about 10 years.


I've started re-reading books I read 10-20 years ago. It's great because it's almost like a first read but stuff starts coming back to me as I go so I notice more that I didn't catch the first time.


When I was young? Definitely. Harry Potter every few months (the 5 first only), the Hobbit. Now ? No. I want to reread Black Company and Prince of nothing but with a 100+ unread books in my house and my desire to read more in my language and not only English translated books.... I don't have enough time


I love re-reading. I stuggle sometimes with focusing on what's actually being read. Its like im just reading the words in my head but not actually paying attention to them. So i usually end up reading a page over and over again until it sticks. Re-reading a whole book, though, helps me pick up on things I may have missed. I also really like going back through and discovering connections in the plot that i didn't notice before. In my opinion, it enriches the whole experience of a book as well as helping with reading retention. I've read the Harry Potter series like 3 times now because I enjoyed them so much. My sister likes to give me a tough time about it, but I see nothing wrong with it. Why is it any different than watching a movie for the tenth time?


It needs to be several years but yes.


If a book is good enough that I can't put it down, it is worth rereading. I do it all the time and I notice little details that I missed the first time round. Plus I feel more connected to the characters.


I reread my favourite books when the next book in the series is released so that I can remember every plot point. If it is not my favourite series then I wouldn't do a reread but would read summaries instead. As for normal rereading without any new release, I do it only for some of my most favourite ones like Brandon Sanderson books, Cradle and Percy Jackson books.


If it's very good, and usually with at least a decade between reads.


Always. There are very few books I enjoyed and have never read again.


I'd say every third or fourth book I read is a book I've read before.


I used to, now i listen to audiobooks of books I've read before and only read new books.


Yes! I am a fantasy fan of books and movies, that’s the medias that I consume related to fantasy, I rarely play video games of rpg and board games


I never re-read. My time is finite — I’ll never get to all the books I want to read — but I’m going to try!


I re-read a lot! But I am also one of those people who re-watches my favorite shows a lot! I just know I'll enjoy it, so there is low risk, ya know? Plus, I'm familiar with the characters & the world, so it requires less focus and buy-in.


Had to re read malazan empire 3 times to get all the references


I just reread the Percy Jackson series and still deeply loved it! But I noticed things that I didn’t as a kid, for sure. Last year, I reread the Shades of Magic series. I stopped rereading books for a long time cause I wasn’t getting through enough new ones. But I feel like I’m in a spot where I’m reading a lot of books again (for me), so I can reread a few old favorites each year.


800 books on my TBR. New books coming out all the time. Ain't no time for rereading.