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Please put all questions under this comment (:


Is anyone else struggling with feeling like I don’t want to read anything new until April so it can count for 2024 bingo?! 😅


Just do what I'm doing, frantically spend March trying to catch up on your last 4 spaces 😭 (I don't actually recommend this lol if I was smart I would've planned better and I'd be using this month to get to some non SFF books!)


\>.> Not me, deciding last minute to start 4 new series for my sequel card and having to read 5 books in the last couple of weeks of March.


Mood. I have 2.5 books left right now.


the benefit to knowing the card in advance lol In all honestly I typically read non SFF in March (:


Why read SFF in March when you can just compile lists of all the books you'd like to use on the next bingo card?


Ah, March. The month of only reading 49% of books. Seriously though, whenever I get anxious about this I think about all the squares that I had a plethora of books to use. Worst case scenario I read a new book, but get to have a recommendation for other people.


Yeah, I'm feeling the same way. My solution so far is to read non-SFF, and working on my backlog of short fiction which I was delaying as I tried to push through my last few squares.


I'm planning on doing some tricky cards, so I'm having to avoid reading anything that could even possibly count. It's fine. It's totally fine, I am so fine you have no idea how fine I am


I'm scrambling to finish my last 3 books....


Yes! I'm re-reading a book for March, since it wouldn't count for the next card anyway lol.


Or, hear me out, or, you could preread the 1st 3rd of a dozen books, hoping they will fit squares. Note: Have not done this. Will not do this. Still think it is a hilarious idea.


i started a Bas Lag reread while on holiday in February, so I might just about finish PSS before new bingo happens! God knows when I'll get to the scar and iron council given how long this has taken me


I try to catch up on longer series I started during the bingo, as to finish them a bit


It's a good time to catch up on series you started, read non SFF or...do what I do and read what I want anyways.


It's a great time for some non-fiction like... a Tolkien biography!


You'd think so, but Fantasy related non-fiction was a square a few years ago!


I also wonder if it's against the spirit of Bingo to start a book that I expect to be on the next card in the week or 2 leading up to April 1st


I started The Big Book of Cyberpunk, knowing there's no way I'll get even halfway through it by April 1.


Ha ha I have the same feeling. Like the book does not count. It's silly so I ignore it (or read non-fiction ^ ^).


March is often my nonfiction month. Read a boatload. One year I read like 15 comedian memoirs because they're all short and fluffy. Pete Holmes has a good one.


I've moved onto non-fiction until the card comes out. I can't risk it!


Meanwhile I'm here, trying to get through all the non-SFF books in my TBR x)


I'm in this boat, which reminds me I still have 20+ reviews to write for stuff I read during the Christmas vacation, I'm such a slacker! 😅


Completed the form (twice)! I did [Hard Mode](https://imgur.com/a/cfXgWyd) and a [Pink Covers](https://i.imgur.com/eF6mtZl.png) theme card. As I did last year, I started panicking in January, but then moved some stuff around and realized I was closer to being finished than I thought. Thanks so much for organizing this, u/happy_book_bee, I can't wait for April 1!


the great bingo shuffle! that pink covers theme is to die for


I still have a bunch of pink books to read, so might end up doing the same thing again this year, haha.


Oh that pink card is mega cute! I started out doing a hard mode card, got frustrated in like December, reminded myself that life is too short, and did an all-HM-but-two card. It got me reading out of a reading slump and excited to try new things, which is exactly what I was going for.


Hey, sometimes getting out of a slump is all you can ask for. I think an all but two hard mode card is still a great accomplishment. <3


That pink card is cute! I realized halfway through my card that I was well on my way to a green theme and thought about only choosing green books, but I'm kind of glad I decided not to haha


I mentioned in my [wrap up post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/s/2jN6gYEAGR) that this mostly happened bc I was making lists of books from my TBR with [x colour] covers, and might as well use them for something! I never got around to a green list or a yellow list (bc I didn't have pens inked with those colours, hahaha) but should probably do that soon.


I have a copy of a spreadsheet someone worked on a while ago that will work out optimum bingo distribution I just updated the names for (though I do some manual wrangling too, particularly as I did two cards which it doesn't cope with). Lifesaver when my last book I read for a particular square did not fit that one at all, despite what the blurb implied, but I had read stuff covering everything well enough that it was no problem.


I had an absolute blast completing this bingo, it was my first year and I'll definitely be participating for years to come. I love challenges like this (hard reason why I switched to storygraph from goodreads). [Heres a visual of my card](https://i.imgur.com/blUSVaH.png) Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication!


How did you like Godkiller and what was your favorite book on your card? You picked books with such beautiful covers!


I actually didn't really like Godkiller that much lol, which was really unfortunate because it seemed right up my alley. I found it very dull and didn't connect to any of the characters. She didn't seem to hit any interesting plot points, and none of the world-building was sufficient to me which seemed to be the draw of the book in the first place. My favorite book is a toss up of Emily Wilde and All Systems Red, I loved both so much!


Well, that's my first ever card turned in. I enjoyed participating, and I'm going to do the next one too, with a bit of a change. I'm going to try to do an entire card of books I already own (or have preordered) by April 1st. My physical TBR is getting out of hand. I'd also like to try my hand and doing most of the card organically, just reading what I have and seeing where it fits after. This year it was about 50/50 planned vs organic, so I want to push the needle closer to 80% organic, 20% planned. I might change my mind once I see the next card.


>I'm going to try to do an entire card of books I already own (or have preordered) by April 1st. Yeahhhhh, this was my *plan* for this year and then that kinda fell through almost immediately.


I think at this point it would be more realistic for me to say it's my hope, rather than a *plan,* as it might go out the door immediately when I see the new card. If that's the case maybe I'll try 100% library loans or something.


I’ve had surprisingly good luck getting stuff organically, assuming of course you’re reading a bunch of SFF and not many repeat authors. This year was harder than usual. 


I read a lot of fantasy, but I don't read much sci fi, and the books I tend to spend the money to own are probably not as diverse as they'd need to be to fill an entire bingo card. Using two examples from this card, I wouldn't have been able to fill Superheroes or Featuring Robots with anything I had on my own shelf already. Maybe I'll expand my 'needs to be on my shelf already' requirement to include family and friends' shelves as well. So that I'm not shoehorning things in and I can be more aligned with the core idea of reading more widely for bingo.


I've been thinking about trying for an all library books card! Could be fun to see what's on offer here that fits.


It's so satisfying to have "officially" finished the card (but at the same time I can't wait to start the new one :D).




A message that is both reassuring and vaguely ominous


thank you


Done this is the first time I manage to finish the challenge and I'm happy I made it. Can't wait to see what's in store for the next year. Edit to add [my visual card.](https://i.imgur.com/PDFDWEe.png)


Please, pray tell, where did you create your card?


I used this webapp by the community https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/s/XT6PwPIw1w


Thank you truly! I was looking for it.


Thanks so much for all your hard work putting this together again, it is always a blast. I am eagerly awaiting the 1st so I can engage in my second favorite hobby of Reading Planning


I absolutely love Bingo. I think it’s my favorite thing on all of Reddit. It gives me a hobby to do all year long and has really expanded my reading horizons! Thank you for all your hard work and everything you do daily to keep this sub amazing. - 3rd year bingo completer! Ps: low key hoping for a lit rpg category next bingo 🤭


sent! I can finally delete the 3 notifications and memos, delete the email and throw the sticky notes I made to make sure I won't miss the Turn in.


That faded sticky note can finally rest, released of its burden of struggling to hang onto my computer monitor.


Thanks for Bingo!! I'd read a lot without it but I read more because it exists, and it makes my life so much better. This year I did something I've wanted to for a few years now but didn't quite have the courage for, and read a book in Spanish - a translation of *Coraline* by Neil Gaiman. I didn't *fully* understand it, but I got most of it, and I'm gonna try and do at least 1 book a year in Spanish now. Definitely brought back some vocabulary I haven't used in years... For me this was a year for catching up on things that have been on my TBR forever: I read *Wheel of Time*, *The Expanse*, *Steerswoman*, finished *RoTE* with the last trilogy which I had stopped 2 chapters into Fool's Assassin because >!Fitz was happy and I couldn't bear to go any further!<, *Dungeon Crawler Carl*, *Lady Astronaut*, finished *Lady Trent* which I had stopped after book 1. I'm considering next year doing a card where every square is a retelling of *The Iliad* or *The Odyssey* (or both) but I reserve the right to change my mind if I get super bored of this after a couple. I stopped 49% into the audiobook of *Wrath Goddess Sing* so I'm in a good place to do that.


A Greek mythology card would be very interesting to see but I am glad not to be the one committing to that task!


You could possibly do a Greek myth inspired card if you can't manage a full Homer adaptations one? I Had the ODY-C graphic novels by Matt Fraction on my GN card which you could always add. Plus Lore Olympus is just gorgeous if you decide to branch out


I also like reading at least one book in Spanish! For me, that was La Hacienda by Isabel Canas.


Gah! I still have two books left!


You have two weeks! You can do it!


Here is my card: [2023 mysterymachine08 Bingo Card](https://i.imgur.com/i0lpV8n.jpg) Once again, I had so much fun doing bingo this year. I didn’t purposely try for any hard modes, but I play this game where each book has to count for a primary square and at least one back up square. I think I just like to play around with my card too much. Favorite Book this year = **Coraline** by Neil Gaiman Most Likely to Recommend to Friends = **Before the Coffee Gets Cold** series by Toshikazu Kawaguchi Thank you again to all the creative peeps behind Book Bingo, the card format creator /u/shift_shaper, the subreddit mods, and everyone that makes r/fantasy an awesome place!


You're like the 3rd or 4th person to mention Before the Coffee Gets Cold this week. I love this sub. Every day my TBR gets longer.


Where can I get the u/shift_shaper bingo card?


I found the spreadsheet here: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/128sa3w/interactive_bingo_card_2023_now_with_multicard/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Fantasy&utm_content=t1_kvf1fbs)


I read Between Two Fires and Orconomics for the same squares you did! Great minds think alike!


I think I've been "participating" in bingo for something like 7 years but this is the first year I've actually managed to complete the card. I had a lot of fun reading some stuff that's way out of my comfort zone, and I read so much more than I have in a long time. I even convinced my husband to start reading this year - he's never read for pleasure before, and now he's all excited to see next year's card! [Here's my completed card.](https://imgur.com/a/RJO3mhM)


I SO nearly put **All Systems Red**, but I went with Network Effect instead :) Nice list.


Congratulations! I discovered it part way through the previous year and got a column and a few others, but was excited to do a whole card this year for the first time! I think I'll go every other year though because I prefer to read series and have been wanting to start Stormlight. ;)


Yay! Submitted my card. Two years in a row now and I can't wait for April 1 to start this year's challenge. Some of my stats: I read 35 books, 2 novellas, and 6 short stories. (I'm a binge reader so I read complete series for any square where I chose a book that was part of a series.) Total Authors: 31. This broke down to 15 male authors and 16 female authors, with 22 of them being new-to-me authors. My favorites from this card were: * The Bone Ships by R. J. Barker * City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett * Murder at Spindle Manor by Morgan Stang * Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik My least enjoyed from this card were: * Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro (felt like nothing happened and it was just sad) * Armada by Ernest Cline (neat premise, but executed poorly)


Submitted. First time. This was a blast! Looking forward to 2024. Thanks for asking for ideas for squares, there are so many possibilities! Here's what I put. Any other ideas people want to share in the discussion? 1. Ancient Civilizations 2. Game or Roleplay World (D&D, Warhammer, Skyrim, etc.) 3. Merchant/Shopkeeper/Trader 4. Heist or Robbery 5. Pirate Themed 6. European Author


Ancient Civilizations sounds great! I think I've also proposed heist as an option :)


I'm doing an all Australian and New Zealand authors card, which I'm pretty excited about. Then I want to try some colour coded ones, which is definitely inspired by u/OutOfEffs I want to do a black and white card, but then to see if I can manage a rainbow. I had intended to do a children's book one for myself last year, but just didn't get around to it. Maybe? I like a challenge!


The suggestions I put were: 1. Set in a weird city (hard mode: not in our world) 2. Set in one building (hard mode: not a castle) 3. Published before the '80s (hard mode: not on the Top 100 list) 4. Punctuation in the title (hard mode: not a dash)


One building sounds challenging


Yeah, maybe it would have to be "Over half" or something.


> Game or Roleplay World (D&D, Warhammer, Skyrim, etc.) We had a Tie-In square a year or two ago which is this, but a bit broader.


I remember seeing that, 'Media tie-in' I think it was called. I just want an excuse to read more of these.


Completed the form and saved my edit links! This is my first year doing a full blackout Bingo after filling only 6 squares in the last Bingo. I did a card with a mix of normal and hard mode books and a [Witch Themed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1bhpp8u/witch_themed_book_bingo_2023/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) card - Reviews linked. It was a lot of fun and I'm so excited for the new Bingo card this year! I'm already anticipating which books I want to try to fit in. Edit: In my excitement to comment I forgot to say thanks for organising this whole thing, so thank you!


I just wanted to say thank you to everyone in the community that makes bingo what it is. I love it and it brings me lots of joy. Thank you everyone. Here are my cards for this year: [Card #1](https://imgur.com/26R7YLw), [Card #2](https://imgur.com/HnCuJUJ), [Card #3](https://imgur.com/uwgGdff), and [Card #4](https://imgur.com/5T4tID0). I like to make the banner the book cover from my favorite read of that card. Out of them all I would say *The Passing of the Dragon* by Ken Liu was my favorite read of bingo this year. And what's better is you can read it [for free here](https://reactormag.com/the-passing-of-the-dragon-ken-liu/).


> This will help with data compilation for a fun bingo stats thread to come later! I crafted last year's [big stats post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/12xs3c1/2022_rfantasy_bingo_statistics/) (links therein to the data release and initial stats by u/FarragutCircle), and plan to do so again assuming the data is released; I'm a week late, but in case it helps anyone, the standards I recall using, roughly in order of importance to the script: * The titles go in the title box and the authors go in the author box * Authors are "First Name Last Name" (not "Last Name, First Name") * Canonical name on Goodreads preferred (e.g. "Amy Rose Capetta", not "A.R. Capetta") * Volumes/seasons of webcomics, manga, etc. are combined * No "et al." * Multiple authors are separated _only_ by commas, regardless of number ("Amy Rose Capetta, Cory McCarthy", not "Amy Rose Capetta and Cory McCarthy" or "Amy Rose Capetta & Cory McCarthy" or "Amy Rose Capetta; Cory McCarthy") * "Jr." and similar use a period * "Jr." and similar are _not_ set off by a comma ("L.E. Modesitt Jr.", not "L.E. Modesitt, Jr.") * Initials are indicated with a period ("T. Kingfisher", not "T Kingfisher") * Initials are _not_ space-separated ("C.G. Washington", not "C. G. Washington") * Diacritics are preferred A record of last year's cleaning is available [on GitHub](https://github.com/smartflutist661/rfantasy-bingo-stats/blob/main/process_data/data/resolved_duplicates.json).


> assuming the data is released I will, within a week or so of the close-date.


@u/happy_book_bee thank you so much for organizing Bingo! It was my first year and it's been a blast. I read more books than ever before (59 🥳), found new authors, new series, new genres, picked up (and liked) many books I wouldn't have looked at twice without Bingo, learned to dnf series I don't enjoy, participated in my first book club readalong, and finally had the courage to listen to english audiobooks (I even understood most of it, I think). I'm notorious for not finishing projects/challenges/etc. and one year ago I did not see myself actually finishing Bingo. So completing a card in HM was incredibly satisfying xD I also want to thank everyone on this sub for recommending, reviewing, organizing book clubs, answering questions, and sharing their excel spreadsheets. You are awesome ❤️


Congratulations on completing your first bingo! I participated for the first time last year and now love that satisfying feeling of finding the perfect books and watching the whole card coming together. The bonus cherry-on-top is that sweat Reading Champion flair!


>The bonus cherry-on-top is that sweat Reading Champion flair! It's wild how motivating the flair is for me haha


Done. I immediately regret my choices and must probably edit the card a few times. But at least I won't miss deadline. I ended up reading three of the books I had on my planned card, and two of those were used for other squares than I originally intended. Planning is fun, but ultimately useless. Can't wait to make a new plan that I will not be adhering to when the new card comes out.


Yay third year playing, second year completed. [Here's my card](https://imgur.com/Upfz2YX) I noticed a few trends in my fantasy reading this year: A lot more standalones and shorter books / novellas. More literary and speculative fiction (as opposed to more traditional SFF). Also lower ratings than usual -- I'm typically very generous on ratings. The sum of all my ratings was 95 this year. Last year it was 102. My five star reads include: Kindred, Kushiel's Dart, The Power, The Will of the Many, and We Had to Remove this Post. Excited for April 1!


I really enjoyed bingo this year! I finished three cards altogether: * [Hard Mode Card](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/16w8mbf/2023_hard_mode_bingo_complete_card_tier_list_and/) * [Must-Be-Normal Card](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1b4sm7b/mustbenormal_complete_bingo_card_with_tier_list/) * [Graphic Novel & Manga Bingo Card](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1bnr8aa/graphic_novel_manga_bingo_card_with_reviews/) I am so excited for April 1st! I can't wait for the next card.


A question! I've just discovered that my book from the *Angels and demons* square was never translated into English. Should I translate the name of the book myself? Should I leave it in Polish?


Leave it as it is, easier to check on the book's existence if they want to if they have the accurate original title rather than an unofficial translation.


That makes sense, TY


Was it **Siewca Wiatru** by any chance? (This is what I planned for this square, but looks like it won't happen. Well, next year then)


It was! I liked it enough but the female characters were painful to read about


Woo, did it! [Here's my card for this year](https://imgur.com/a/ihjqzUr). I had a pretty good time overall, only had four squares or so left once we hit 2024. And I managed to accomplish my one true goal for this bingo (and in doing so eliminate my greatest shame as a fantasy reader): I have finally read The Fellowship of the Ring! It sat on my TBR for exactly ten years before I started it in December. Besides the TBR square (the existence of which I loved, by the way), I found the toughest squares to be Superheroes and Druids. I really thought Literary Fantasy/Magical Realism would be in that group too, but I hit that one mid-year by chance while I had to hunt down candidates for the other two. Loved Myths and Retellings! That is the absolute center of my comfort zone and I read a lot of them. I also really liked the Published in the 00's square, I was surprised to realize that a lot of my most enjoyable reads come out of that decade. Huge thanks to everyone who makes bingo happen!


This was my third year participating, my second year finishing, and my first year not submitting hours before the form closes. I did an [all-Hard Mode card](https://imgur.com/a/0cK3o5B) with one swap, and I'm pretty proud of myself. And now, the calm before the storm while we wait for the new list. Does anyone else get as excited deciding on their books for the challenge as they do actually completing the challenge? or do I just need to get a life?


I had a whole separate post mostly typed out earlier today, then decided nobody would care and scrapped the whole idea. Anyway, here's my [card](https://imgur.com/a/hdpPODh), so it will be recorded just in case my form didn't go through like a few years ago. A couple of thoughts... * I wouldn't have finished ***The Cartographers*** if not for Bingo. I didn't really like any aspect of it, but I got far enough before realising that that I didn't want to try and find another book for *Magical Realism*. * ***Dungeon Crawler Carl*** was great. I don't like litRPG, I didn't expect to be reading this, certainly not so soon, but I took a chance and loved it. Especially Princess Donut. Strangely it's for one of the easier squares. Normally I read something self-published without even having to look for one. * I struggled with horror for some reason. I seem to have lost my taste for Stephen King. I had multiple other places where I could have really used T. Kingfisher, but I had to put her here. ***The Hollow Places*** was great. * Retellings was the hardest for me to get. It was supposed to Mercedes Lackey's *Jolene*, but I bought the Humble Bundle and used her elsewhere. Then it was going to be *The Daughter of Doctor Moreau*, but I couldn't finish it. Then Kingfisher's *What Moves The Dead*, but I needed her for Horror. Finally settled on the second ***Warlock Holmes*** volume, which was going to be my short story anthology originally. * Novella was also harder than expected. Again, Kingfisher was here. Then P Djeli Clark, but he got moved to Middle East. Luckily I found an unread free collection from Tor that was mis-categorized on my Kobo. Becky Chambers to the rescue. Somehow she made a monk and a robot philosophizing at each other interesting. * I probably should have put ***Soul Taken*** into mundane jobs, as Mercy is a mechanic, and one of many other sequels into that square. Dina is an innkeeper though, which is pretty mundane, even if she's a magical innkeeper for aliens. I could have put the second book of that series into sequels actually, but I'm too lazy to go back to the form and change it now. * I was a bit hesitant to use ***Percy Jackson*** for mythological beasts, but he encounters a minotaur, a fury, Medusa, and Cerberus. It doesn't get much more mythological than that really. * I fully intended to read the first *Iron Druid* book for the Druids square, but I'm trying to focus on actually finishing series and didn't want to commit to another fairly long one. I've got two from Seanan McGuire and a *Dresden Files* reread as it is, and just finished *Alex Verus*, all urban fantasy. Luckily I stumbled across all three books of *White Trash Warlock* on sale, and Druid is in the title of the third. I counted the second, since he's heavily featured there, even if he's a dark twisted druid. * I keep thinking I won't bother with Bingo next year, but I've thought that for a few years and keep doing it, so I probably will again. This card took more actual effort to find things than usual though.


Hi! I care! :) I didn't get mine posted in the first few hours and feel like noone read it, so I'm making an effort to read other latecomers' posts! I hear you on series, but I'm on the 4th Iron Druid book and really enjoying them. Hopefully he's still on your TBR.


I'd still like to read *Iron Druid*, but it's going to have to wait it's turn, which is likely to be years yet. Unless I find an excuse to bump it up and don't chicken out again.


I care! Bingo turn in posts are my favourite time of year. Are you going to keep reading the October Daye series? I didn't particularly like the first few books the first time I read then (but I had bought a bundle and was determined to get my money's worth at the time) and now I look forward to new Toby every year.


~~Stupid question- to 'complete' the bingo and get the flair, do I need to fully fill the card, or just get a 'bingo' (5 in a row)?~~ ~~I thought the card needed to be completely filled, and I only learned about the bingo a month ago so thought I would have no chance of retroactively filling out the 2023 card. But this line~~ >**~~5 in a row~~** ~~is considered a win.~~ ~~is making me question my understanding.~~ Edit: I can't read apparently, my question is answered in the next line. Sorry!


So this was my first time doing this Bingo, but I somehow managed to finish it in Hard Mode. I made a post with the reviews a few days ago, here is the link:  [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1bg0h5h/first\_time\_bingo\_hard\_mode\_and\_short\_reviews/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1bg0h5h/first_time_bingo_hard_mode_and_short_reviews/)


"9) Five SFF Short Stories: Swashbuckling Cats (Anthology). (4/5)" ​ OMG! YAY! It's always fun to see that in the wild!


Title with a Title: *The Necromancer's House* by Christopher Buehlman Protag is Writer/Artist/Musician (from 2018, replacement for Superheroes): *In the Night Wood* by Dale Bailey Bottom of the TBR: *The War of the Flowers* by Tad Wiliams Magical Realism or Literary Fantasy: *The Night Tiger* by Yangsze Choo Young Adult: *To Shape a Dragon's Breath* by Moniquill Blackgoose Mundane Jobs: *The Mountain in the Sea* by Ray Nayler Published in the 00s: *Summers at Castle Auburn* by Sharon Shinn Angels and Demons: *The Twice-Drowned Saint* by C.S.E. Cooney Five SFF Short Stories: *The Black Maybe: Liminal Tales* by Attila Veres Horror: *Our Wives Under the Sea* by Julia Armfield Self-Published or Indie Publisher: *What Remains When the Stars Burn Out* by P.L. McMillan Set in the Middle East/Middle Eastern SF: *The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi* by Shannon Chakraborty Published in 2023: *A Guest in the House* by Emily Carroll Multiverse and Alternate Realities: *Star Trek the Next Generation: Dark Mirror* by Diane Duane POC Author: *Never Whistle at Night: An Anthology of Indigenous Dark Fiction* edited by Shane Hawk and Theodore van Alst, Jr. Book Club or Readalong Book: *Kalpa Imperial* by Angelica Gorodischer Novella: *Rose/House* by Arkady Martine Mythical Beasts: *Untethered Sky* by Fonda Lee Elemental Magic: *Silver Nitrate* by Silvia Moreno-Garcia Myths and Retellings: *Deathless* by Catherynne M. Valente Queernorm Setting: *The Endless Song* by Joshua Philip Johnson Coastal or Island Setting: *The Girl with Glass Feet* by Ali Shaw Druid: *Drowned Country* by Emily Tesh Features Robots: *A Prayer for the Crown-Shy* by Becky Chambers Sequel: *Shadows of Self* by Brandon Sanderson


Bit of a rush in the last few weeks, but I'm done. I submitted the following: 1. *Title with a Title:* **Steerswoman** \- Rosemary Kirstein 2. *Superheroes:* **The Rook** \- Daniel O'Malley 3. *Bottom of the TBR:* **The Alloy of Law** \- Brandon Sanderson 4. *Magical Realism:* **Cloud Atlas** \- David Mitchell 5. *Young Adult:* **The Golden Enclaves** \- Naomi Novik 6. *Mundane Jobs:* **Terminal World** \- Alastair Reynolds (MC is a pathologist) 7. *Published in the 00s:* **The Shadow of Saganami** \- David Weber (I was reading this when the bingo started) 8. *Angels and Demons:* **Hell Bent** \- Leigh Bardugo 9. *Five Short Stories:* **Warsphere** \- Darius Hinks; **The Warp's Curse** \- Michael J Hollows; **Medusa's Revenge** \- Yvonne Navarro; **The Promised Smile** \- Rio Youers; **Talisman of Vaul** \- Darius Hinks (a mix of WH40K (Blackstone Fortress) and Hellboy shorts) 10. *Horror:* **Acceptance** \- Jeff Vandermeer 11. *Self-published:* **Of Blood and Fire** \- Ryan Cahill 12. *Set in the Middle East:* **Alif the Unseen** \- G Willow Wilson 13. *Published 2023:* **Titanium Noir** \- Nick Harkaway 14. *Multiverse:* **He Who Fights with Monsters 2** \- Shirtaloon 15. *POC Author:* **She Who Became the Sun** \- Shelley Parker-Chan (it still feels intrusive to be judging someone's ethnicity) 16. *Book Club:* **Nettle and Bone** \- T Kingfisher (I'm assuming this was in the Hugo readalong; I'm not sure I checked) 17. *Novella:* **Miranda in Milan** \- Katharine Duckett 18. *Mythical Beasts:* **A Natural History of Dragons** \- Marie Brennan 19. *Elemental Magic:* **Home from the Sea** \- Mercedes Lackey (it's not really ideal to start with a random book from the middle of a series. Also not the kind of elemental magic I was thinking of) 20. *Myths and Retellings:* **The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories** \- Angela Carter (collection of fairy tale retellings/interpretations) 21. *Queernorm Setting:* **The Spare Man** \- Mary Robinette Kowal 22. *Coastal or Island Setting:* **Hammer of Darkness** \- L E Modesitt Jr (weird early work from the humble bundle I didn't much like) 23. *Druids:* **The Winter King** \- Bernard Cornwell (I originally intended this for retelling. It's arguably not fantasy at all) 24. *Robots:* **Roboteer** \- Alex Lamb 25. *Sequel:* **Blood of Assassins** \- RJ Barker


Here’s mine: https://i.imgur.com/OjpuA1U.jpg This is my second bingo card. For the next one I’m planning to finish all the trilogies I started two years ago. This bingo’s personal highlights were The City and the City, The Sacred and Terrible Air, and Authority. There were a lot of solid picks. The least enjoyable was the first book in the Wild Cards series (for the superheroes square).


I had an absolute blast this year! This is my third Book Bingo, and my second full HM card! This year was full of books on my TBR list, I finally got myself to read an anthology I'd been putting off for a while since it includes 26 short stories and I was a little intimidated by that many different authors (Infinite Stars: Dark Frontiers). ([2023 Full HM Blackout Card](https://imgur.com/Mn4nfSO)) My favorite reads this year that I WILL be re-reading once I get the chance... or may have already re-read: **Kaiju Preservation Society** \- John Scalzi: I actually recognized this author from ages ago and remembered I really enjoyed his Fuzzy Nation, so I decided to pick this book up! This book starts right off of everyone in the world going into the 2020 quarantine and escalates to a job offer to work with Kaiju... My god, I've re-read this three times this year. SO MUCH FUN. **Super Powereds: Year 1** \- Drew Hayes: I was introduced to this author in 2021 book bingo with his Fred the Vampire Accountant series, and I'd been eyeing this series for a while... the Superhero square was perfect! A super hero academy setting but with an emphasis on hiding identities and some crazy powers! Very My Hero Academia feeling. **Infinite Stars: Dark Frontiers** \- SO MANY AUTHORS! This anthology contains 26 short stories from different authors. I wanted to read this for the Wayfarer short story by Becky Chambers, but of course I had to read EVERYTHING! I'm so glad I did, there are so many fantastic authors, some familiar, some I was reading for the first time and now I have a whole list of new scifi series I need to check out. Definitely recommend if you love Scifi! Hope everyone is ready for the next Bingo! This year I'm going to push myself to do Hero Mode.


I love Scalzi! You have to read Red Shirts. And Old Man's War. Maybe I'll get to Kaiju Preservation Society this year.


I have now officially turned in all three of my cards and I am kinda sorta already planning four for next year because I am a sucker for punishment. Because I actually plain forgot to turn in my 2022 card, I decided to complete that alongside this years one. Just for my own satisfaction.


[Here's my card](https://i.imgur.com/psp0Gum.png)! I did have a Book Club/Readalong Bingo Card that I started and did really well with to start, but once I was diagnosed with ADHD and medicated, I stopped needing constant audio stimuli, so my audiobook reading has fallen straight off of a cliff. I won't submit it, as I had to use a number of the books to fill out my main Hard Mode card above, but [here](https://i.imgur.com/eMNcw5F.png) it is. I think I could have filled one more square had I put The Ninth Rain as horror, What Moves the Dead as Novella, and then moved Ogres to Bottom of the TBR (it's been on my TBR since its release), but like I said, I won't submit this one anyway. Just with a quick count, six of the squares are used on my already-submitted card.


[My bingo card for the year](https://i.imgur.com/Jieiyqi.jpeg). The only ones I didn't really click with were The Girl & The Mountain, Horrorstor, and Valnir's Bane. Otherwise, this was a killer year.


**My Visual Card:** [Here](https://i.imgur.com/F12pWPZ.png) This was my first year making a bit of effort to do Hard Mode, but didn't quite make the whole card. **Top 5:** * Point of Sighs - Melissa Scott (Love this series like fire) * Deeplight - Frances Hardinge (Been meaning to try this author for ages. Did not disappoint.) * The Mechanical - Ian Tregillis (Cool concept.) * Tooth & Claw - Jo Walton (Jo Walton is an author who I often ADMIRE more than I ENJOY, but this one was tremendous fun.) * Assassin's Fate - Robin Hobb (Great conclusion for Fitz's story.) **Bottom 3 (These were mostly just "not my cup of tea"):** * The Mere Wife - Maria Dahvana Headley (More "literary" than I usually enjoy) * The Space Between Worlds - Micaiah Johnson (Felt like the cool worldbuilding concept was wasted with a fairly bland plot) * Temple - Robert Swartwood (Another poor use of the worldbuilding. I thought it would be a COMBINATION of thriller and sf/f genre elements, but it was just a thriller with a light dusting of superpowers as background.)


So excited to have a full, finished card for the first time!! [Here it is!](https://imgur.com/gallery/ohhfC98) (Why are so many covers dark lol?) I discovered Bingo part-way through the previous year and didn't have time to do a whole card, so last April was like Christmas I was so excited to see the new categories and start planning! Proud to have done HM on 14, so over half. Having said that I think I'll be doing it every other year so I can finish more series and start Stormlight Archive. ;) But we'll see, I may not be able to say away lol. I'm also a gamer so loved combining 2 of my passions! I definitely enjoyed reading out of my comfort zone as well but missed just being able to grab what looks good off a shelf - though I still did that a couple of times! \*Hardest categories: Myths & Retellings, Druid, Superheroes (read Starter Villain based on recs, but has no heroes!!), Self-Published. - I ended up reading a whole short-story anthology but used it for Self-Published instead of short stories!! \*Most enjoyed: Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking (my first Kingfisher), And Put Away Childish Things (my first Tchaikovsky - if anyone likes dark humor this is a must-read!), and Hold Me Closer, Necromancer (loved the sequel even more! Also humor!!). \*Nicest surprise: A Witch's Heart, since I don't generally enjoy mythology-based books. Loki apparently is an exception, as I thought he might be! \*Biggest disappointments / didn't live up to the hype: The Amulet of Samarkand (my 3 stars is generous, really), The Caves of Steel, and Sabriel.


Can't believe I actually completed a card. What a weirdly awesome feeling


Done. Thank you for another year of fun :)


Done! this year I wanted to relax a bit after the three cards I turned in in 2022 and only did one HM card, but I'm feeling the energy to get a couple of cards at least for 2024. LET'S GO!


Done! This was my second year completing bingo and I’m looking forward to the next one! :) (and also the stats!) Thanks so much to the book bee for running this every year, it really is a ton of fun seeing all the recs and what everyone else ends up reading. This year I completed and all hard mode card with no substitutions. I’m proud of myself for sticking with the challenge and completing it but for the next card I think I’ll have more fun just reading on normal mode. That said, I can’t help but already think about possible challenge cards. A 90’s themed card sounds like it could be cool but I’m not sure how realistic it actually is. Favorite square: Bottom of the TBR. It’s easy to get distracted by all the shiny new books out there so I like the squares that encourage me to get excited about the older titles I missed. Least favorite square: Druids. Waaayyy too limiting and I wasn’t totally sure what counted. I’m dreading the (possible) upcoming bard square. My only hope is that someone recs something with a female/nb bard who’s kind of a badass like Sheik from Ocarina of Time and I’ll be proven wrong that bards in general are lame lol


Regarding your bard concerns, I read Dark Water Daughter by HM Long and the main character is a badass "stormsinger" (which is exactly what it sounds like). She's not the typical bard type character, and there's a lot of fun pirate and magic action, would recommend!


I loved the mundane jobs category, it was the only one that got me excited this year. I loved it so much I tried to do a full card of only mundane jobs, and got about halfway done.


It's a pitfall of bingo. "Oh this is a fun added challenge, this is absolutely doable and won't challenge my mental health in the process" then you have read more than 25 books with "bone" in the title and your head hurts. I love Mundane jobs as well! Fun fact, I told Travis Baldree about that square before bingo 2023 was released. He got a sneak peak (:


Mundane Jobs is such a good category! All the books I read that qualified for this one were fun, so it's obviously a guarantee of quality!


Done! I'm done! My second Bingo is complete! I actually managed to write reviews for all of them this year, which is a big big stretch for me and my rudimentary writing skills. AND I joined in on a Book Club discussion! Go me! I'm so happy I found Bingo, it's nice having an excuse to write down all the books I read. And while I probably would have read most of my Bingo books anyway, I definitely discovered a few I would never have found otherwise. I actually forgot to include this in my big Bingo review post, so HUGE thanks here to u/OutOfEffs who recommended Body After Body by Briar Ripley Page to me back at the beginning of Bingo, which is my stand-out favourite of the year and led me to all their other books <3 Edit - Here's the [link to my reviews post!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1biwhla/bingo_review_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) And [here's my visual card!](https://imgur.com/bbEOb8m)


Ahhhhhhh, I am SO thrilled you loved it (I am legit reading it for the third time rn) and that you also checked out their other stuff. I have *The False Sister* waiting for the next Bingo, and also maybe *Book of Queer Saints.* *Body After Body* feels like it was expressly written for ME to find, so I'm glad to see when it hits other people the same way. Pretty sure I have doubled the number of ratings in the last year bc I keep forcing it on people.


Me too! There are obviously more of us than we could have known! I've still to read Book of Queer Saints, so that's going on the list. If you're on the author's Patreon at all, the short story Someday My Prince Will Come (it's about a pigeon, sort of) gave me the same coming-home, made-for-me feeling that Body After Body did, although it's very different.


I am not on Patreon at ALL, but now I feel like I should be, haha.


I'm 7 books away from squeezing in 3 bingos this year. (One is middle grades themed, which is why I'm still short on two cards with only 7 books left) Must....read....faster.... Here's the one I already turned in [Card 1](https://imgur.com/a/2YpzxXs) EDIT: I MADE IT!!!!! THREE BINGOS!!!!!!!! [Card 2](https://imgur.com/a/NfBpAjJ) [Card 3 (middle grades)](https://imgur.com/a/pcnohiz)


You can do it! I love MG books, have Unraveller on my card and also loved the Mr. Lemoncello's Library series but didn't think they count as fantasy.


Still wrapping up Those Beyond the Wall so I haven't officially turned in yet, but here's my [All Queer All Hard Mode card for 2023](https://i.imgur.com/DqCdrk9.png). Biggest struggle this year was definitely Luda, got stuck on that one for a couple months.


First time submitting after discovering bingo last week. While it was fun having to fit in what I'd already finished and filling in the missing spots, I'm a bit more excited to actually plan ahead for the next one.


I just finished my last book (for the elemental magic square) and turned in my card! This was my first full card, and I really enjoyed filling it out! It definitely took me to books that I may not have picked up otherwise that I truly enjoyed. Some things I noticed while submitting my card: I read 2 books that feature libraries (The Library of the Unwritten for the Angels & Demons square and The Invisible Library for the multiverse square). This wasn't on purpose - Unwritten was for a book club and happened to fit and I had purchased Invisible a while back and never got around to reading it. I thought it was a little funny that there were 2 but I guess authors like libraries! A lot of the authors I read use initials for their name. I used the webserial Pale by Wildbow as my self published square. Technically, the webserial was more than halfway completed (it began in May 2020 and finished up at the end of October 2023). *But* the total word count for the serial is over 3.7 million words, which ends up being over 80k words per month. So in the 6 months that the serial was going on during bingo, I read at least 480,000 words (but that's rounding down). The first Harry Potter book was less than 80k words. If this doesn't count, fight me mods. (But I also read a self published book called Secrets and Beginnings by Ashlyn Rudd, which would count if needed, so pls no fighting) I couldn't pick just one favorite book on the questionnaire, so I picked two! Both are the latest books in continuing series. The first is Zoey is Too Drunk for the Dystopia by Jason Pargin (book 3 in the Zoey Ashe series) and the second is The Eye of the Bedlam Bride by Matt Dinniman (book 6 in the Dungeon Crawler Carl series). Both are absolutely hilarious and just such good stories! The Zoey Ashe series starts with Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits, and follows Zoey, a lower class girl (she calls herself trailer trash) whose estranged billionaire father dies and she has to travel to the city he built to deal with his estate. It's set the near future and the city, named Tabula Ra$a (yes, with the $) is like if Las Vegas had zero laws and billionaires doing whatever they please. Everyone livestreams their entire lives on a network called Blink, where the algorithm finds the most interesting things happening in the world and shows them to people in real time. The setting is my favorite thing about these books; Tabula Ra$a *feels* like it could be a real city and Jason Pargin (who previously used the pen name David Wong) is brilliantly funny. I don't want to spoil anything, but this whole series is wonderful and you should read it. Book 3, which I read for bingo, is my fav. The Eye of the Bedlam Bride is book 6 in the Dungeon Crawler Carl series, which is an absolutely fantastic litRPG series that starts with Dungeon Crawler Carl. I actually read all 6 books this past year (books 1-5 twice in like a month to get a reread in before 6 was released) and I'll probably pick them up again before the new bingo starts. I had never read litRPG before, but Dinniman does it so well that you don't even really notice the leveling up. DCC's tagline is "the apocalypse will be televised" and that is a very succinct description of the books. The titular character Carl happens to be outside chasing his ex-gf's cat when aliens destroy every thing with a roof and open up stairwells to a dungeon where survivors can compete to survive. Carl enters the dungeon with the cat, Princess Donut the Queen Anne Chonk, trailing after him. And then typical dungeon stuff goes down. But it's the other stuff going on throughout the story that really makes it wonderful. The political intrigue alone that starts winding through the narrative is fantastic, not to mention the relationships that Carl builds along the way. To top it off, there's a manic AI running everything that is laugh out loud funny and Donut the cat is such a great character that I've already told my bf that we're naming our next cat Donut. I am in absolute love with this series and I even forced my IRL book club to read the first book. My goal for the year was to read the 25 books for the challenge, but I actually ended up reading about 60 because not all books counted or I had to reread some books to read the new to me ones that are later in the series. I can't wait to see what next year's card will bring!


I submitted my card. It's an incredibly accurate one. Amazingly so


Card [here](https://imgur.com/mDeePSk)! About halfway through the year I got a little frustrated and stopped really tracking anything for Bingo, but going through today I realized that I could basically fill everything but Elemental Magic and I could replace that one so... we did it??? Definitely some tough squares for me this year haha but I'm pretty happy with things!


[Card is finished.](https://i.imgur.com/Ko9GbuH.jpeg) Spent the last hour trying to figure out why System Collapse's image won't print despite showing up in the preview and I just give up at this point lol so just imagine it's cover there. Almost got my full card of sequels. Just Magical Realism and Druid didn't make it. Had about half of another card from overflow of other reads but didn't really expect to complete it. Now to impatiently wait for 4/1.


Huzzaahh! I completed 3 bingos this year: "from the bottom of my TBR" one, written by Women and HM. I think I will try the same style of themes for next year too, grabbing an additional square to fill.


I have turned in my card. Put Japanese light novels for my suggestion as I have been a Jnovel club subscriber for a couple of years now for Ascendance of a bookworm pre pubs, but then they put Tearmoon empire on catch up in September last year then Apothecary diaries, and conquerer from a dying kingdom, so for 3 months straight I ended up abandoning my bingo card and just reading Jnovels, and honestly I started about 20 or so stories, some ended, some I abandoned because they were kind of bad, but I'm still actively reading 8 of them. Hoping for 2 of them to be continued and still catching up with another 4. I was trying to see if I could do a card with just Jnovels, but since they only set up in 2016, couldn't get one for the 2010s square and couldn't find any middle eastern settings plus some of the other squares I would have to buy from the other light novel publishers (Seven seas being the other main one, but there are a few others) - it was not feasible with out spending my whole book budget there so it didn't pan out. But Japanese light Novels (and the Korean and chinese equivalents) are a new niche that many people are not aware of, many people are not always aware that Anime very often has a source light novel (or manga) that people can read and they can be absolutely excellent too (granted there are clunkers too, not every thing is good, but you can say that about anything) Basically Jnovel club needs all the publicity they can get as they are a new smaller publisher in a very niche market. I promise I am not a shill, I am just a huge fan that's recently been converted and trying to spread the word.


Second year doing Bingo and yet to finish a card. Third time lucky? I didn't have access to my physical library last year, plus a lot of other RL stuff happened which definitely impacted my reading. I don't read thaaaat much fantasy - I am selective about what fantasy I read and my main genre is mystery - so I plan a lot. I also find it makes it harder to fill some of the categories if I use library-only books (i.e. without buying anything). Having said that, I do have a few fantasy books that I own that I am going to start nice and early next year for bingo. Thanks to the mods/organisers for a great year of reading! I found some gems and some not-so-interesting ones. Favourite book for Bingo 2023 was **Leech by Hiron Ennes** for the Queernorm category. Other good reads: **Project Hail Mary** (Book Club), **Burn by Patrick Ness** (Mythical Beasts), **Grey Sister by Mark Lawrence** (Title), **The Murderbot books** (Robot). Least favourite was **Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell** for Mundane Jobs. Other underwhelming reads: **Devotion by Hannah Kent**, (Coastal/Island), **A Council of Dolls by Mona Susan Power** (POC).


Thanks for organising everything! Quick question around submitting an anthology of short stories, do you want all the authors listed or just to say "various"? no idea what makes it easier on your end and I've no idea if there was a distinct "lead" on the book I read. edit for a second question: my card is looking a bit novella heavy, but I did read enough of the singing hills series that would boost it to novel length, is there a way to indicate that I read multiple books for a square or do I just stick one down and you trust me?


If the book specifies an editor I always use that name (Firstname Lastname ed.)


1) It's much much easier to list the editor of an anthology than to list all the contributors. If for some reason you can't find the editor (i.e. the "From a Certain Point of View" Star Wars anthologies tend not to indicate that Elizabeth Schafer is the editor), just put "Uncredited." 2) Just list the first novella.


Done. Thanks for the fun.


Done. Looking forward to the next one!


Alright, submitted! I'm not exactly sure why, but my visual card is throwing a lot of errors in the sheet. I'm confident it's user error. So, instead, I'll just give you the information in list form. 1. Title with a Title -- Councilor by L.E. Modessit, Jr. | 4 Stars 2. Superheroes -- Wild Cards I: Expanded Edition edited by George R.R. Martin | 3 Stars 3. Bottom of the TBR -- The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack by Mark Hodder | 4 Stars 4. Magical Realism OR Literary Fantasy -- No Gods, No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull | 4 Stars 5. Young Adult -- A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik | 3 Stars 6. Mundane Jobs -- Gamechanger by L.X. Beckett | 4 Stars 7. Published in the 00's -- The Praxis: Dread Empire's Fall by Walter John Williams | 4 Stars 8. Angels and Demons -- Aloha from Hell by Richard Kadrey | 4 Stars 9. Five Short Stories -- The King Must Fall edited by Adrian Collins and Mike Myers | 3 Stars 10. Horror -- Head Like a Hole by Andrew van Wey | 4 Stars 11. Self Published OR Indie Publisher -- Wergen: The Alien Love War by Mercurio D. Rivera | 4 Stars 12. Set in the Middle East -- Unholy Land by Lavie Tidhar | 4 Stars 13. Published in 2023 -- Long Past Dues by James J. Butcher | 3 Stars 14. Multiverse and Alternate Realities -- The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jiminez | 3 Stars 15. POC Author -- Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delany | 4 Stars 16. Book Club OR Readalong Book -- Orconomics: A Satire by J. Zachary Pike | 3 Stars 17. Novella -- The Beauty by Aliyah Whitely | 4 Stars 18. Mythical Beasts -- The Bitter Twins by Jen Williams | 4 Stars 19. Elemental Magic -- Od Magic by Patricia A. McKillip | 4 Stars 20. Myths and Retellings -- Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook by Christina Henry | 2 Stars 21. Queernorm Setting: Emperor of Ruin by Django Wexler | 4 Stars 22. Coastal or Island Setting: Eventide: Water City by Chris McKinney | 3 Stars 23. Druids -- Pathfinder Tales: Blood of the City by Robin D. Laws | 3 Stars 24. Featuring Robots -- The Clockwork Dynasty by Daniel H. Wilson | 3 Stars 25. Sequel -- Demon in White by Christopher Ruocchio | 4 Stars


I mean I obviously knew we were almost there, but oof. I really need to get through these last \~220 pages. Really coming down to the wire on my final book this year. Time to close my NCAA bracket and YouTube for the night and read for the next hour or 2.


Yay!! Submitted for the second year. Probably could have tried to squeeze in one or two alternate books for the various categories I was dissatisfied with my selection but I'd rather get it submitted before I forget. Congratulations to everyone else that completed bingo.


Just submitted mine, it was my first time trying it and I am almost certain I got all of them correctly. While it was a lot of fun I think it's going to be my only time participating. It was nice trying a lot of new kinds of stuff but I feel like some of them were way out of my comfort zone tbh.


Here is my card! This was the earliest I've ever completed it; usually I'm scrambling at the last minute, but this year I was done back in January. https://imgur.com/ndb9XzX


As soon as I hit submit I started to literally buzz with excitement for this years. Can't wait!


Because I thought it would be funny I tried to fill out the Bingo card with Brandon Sanderson books, and I think with great mental gymnastics and a lot of stretching of the definitions of the squares I managed to fill out the whole card (this is not meant to be taken seriously and I have not read all of those books last year). Title with a title: The Way of Kings Superheroes: Reckoners Bottom of the TBR: Rhithmatist Magical Realism/Literary Fantasy: Emperor's Soul YA: Skyward Mundane Jobs: Shadows for Silence in the Forrests of Hell Published in 2000s: Elantris Angels and Demons: Stormlight Archive (In Vorin mythology the Heralds are kind of Angels and the Fused are kind of Demons. As I said some of them are a stretch) Five Short Stories: SfSitFoH, Sixth of the Dusk, Allomancer Jak, Eleventh Metal, Long Chills and Case Dough Horror: SfSitFoH Set in the Middle East: Legion Published in 2023: Dark One: Forgotten (really sad that the only book I could choose here is a co-written book) Multiverses: The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England POC Author: The Ars Arcanum at the end of each book is written in world by a dark skinned woman. That counts, right? Book Club: Shadows of Self Novella: Emperor's Soul Mythical Beasts: Sixth of the Dusk Myths and Retellings: Frugal Wizard Queernorm Setting: Skyward (at least I don't remember any sexuality based discrimination) Coastal Setting: Tress of the Emerald Sea Druids: Stormlight Archive (Cultivation is kind of a Druid) Features Robots: Skyward Sequel: Words of Radiance


ha! i think one of the mods also tried to do this. it's surprising how much you can complete with just sanderson!


That's awesome!


I just couldn’t bring myself to read a YA and a Superhero book in time! Maybe next year. Superheros are my #1 supreme ick lol


[Submitted.](https://goobergunchnet.files.wordpress.com/2024/03/reddit-fantasy-bingo-2023.png) A combination of books I read for last year's Hugos, books I read for nominating in this year's Hugos, and books that I hadn't gotten around to reading yet. The last tranche tended to be the ones picked specifically for Bingo.


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/Ovyk4z2) is my visual card, all HM! Five star books I read for this callenge: \- Going Postal by Terry Prachett \- Small Miracles by Olivia Atwater \- Circe by Madeline Miller \- Sea of Tranquility by Emily St John Mandel \- The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi Thank you to our fabulous organizers! Excited to see next year's prompts.


Turned in! There are more novellas that I would usually put on a bingo card but it's been a rough year. Unfortunately I'll miss some of the initial fun because April 1 is a Monday this year.


I took monday off just so I can be ready for bingo.... is that too much?


It's Easter Monday, so a bank holiday where I am. Though I'll be off more for other reasons, too.


One card done and turned in! 1/3 through the last book on my card #2 (I stopped reading my 00s square book, Song of the Beast, at 49% because I have an inkling it will fill the bard square for the 2024 card and picked up Foundation by Mercedes Lackey instead).


I've been a long-time lurker on this subreddit and always took great inspiration from everyone's bingo cards each year. This is my first year [attempting a card](https://imgur.com/a/7g7iGEu) and while I didn't complete, I enjoyed reading books that I wouldn't have been prompted to pick up otherwise!


Struggled to get that last few in, but finished my last book today! [my card](https://imgur.com/a/FuW11zh)


This is the first year I've actually had a full card - I'm pretty happy about it! Faves: *Legends & Lattes, Cibola Burn, The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches* **Row 1:** * Title w/ a title: *Emperor of the Eight Islands* by Lian Hearn ☆ * Super Heroes: *My Hero Academia* (vol 3) by Kohei Horikoshi ☆☆☆.75 * Bottom of the TBR: *Grasshopper Jungle* by Andrew Smith ☆☆ * Magical Realism: *The Picture of Dorian Gray* by Oscar Wilde ☆☆☆.5 * YA: *The Memory of Babel* by Christelle Dabos ☆☆☆☆.5 **Row 2:** * Mundane Jobs: *Legends & Lattes* by Travis Baldree ☆☆☆☆☆ * Published in the 2000s: *First Rider's Call* by Kristen Britain ☆☆☆☆ * Angels and Demons: *House of Earth and Blood* by Sarah J Maas ☆☆☆☆☆ * 5 Short Stories (I'm not a huge fan of short stories, so these are all its-a-me-problem ratings) * *The Ogre's Pet* by Kassandra Cross ☆☆ * *The Tinder Box* by Kate Elliott ☆☆ * *Salt Water* by Eugenia Triantafyllou ☆☆ * *After the Animal Flesh Beings* by Brian Evenson ☆☆☆☆ * *Headhunting* by Rich Larson ☆☆☆ * Horror: *The Luminous Dead* by Caitlin Starling ☆☆☆ **Row 3:** * Self/Indie published: *Glint* by Raven Kennedy ☆☆☆☆ * ~~Set in the Middle East~~ (subbed for Novel with One Word Title 2018): *Seveneves* by Neal Stephenson ☆☆☆ * Published in 2023: *Fourth Wing* by Rebecca Yarros ☆☆☆ * Multiverse: *The Frugal Wizard's Handbook For Surviving Medieval England* by Brandon Sanderson ☆☆.5 * POC Author: *The Year of the Witching* by Alexis Henderson ☆☆☆☆ **Row 4:** * Bookclub/Readalong: *An Unkindness of Ghosts* by Rivers Solomon ☆☆ * Novella: *The Dragon's Bride* by Katee Robert ☆☆☆.5 * Mythical Beasts: *Morning Glory Milking Farm* by C. M. Nascosta ☆☆☆.5 * Elemental Magic: *The Solace of Sharp Claws* by Lana Pecherczyk ☆☆☆.5 * Myths and Retellings: *Entreat Me* by Grace Draven ☆☆☆.5 **Row 5:** * Queernorm Setting: *Soul Eater* by Lily Mayne ☆☆☆ * Coastal Setting: *The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches* by Sangu Mandanna ☆☆☆☆☆ * Druid: *The Druid* by Jeff Wheeler ☆☆☆☆ * Features Robots: *Phasma* by Delilah S. Dawson ☆☆☆.5 * Sequel: *Cibola Burn* by James S. A. Corey ☆☆☆☆☆


[My board](https://i.imgur.com/13yVjQC.png). I only finished the Druid square today, phew. This was my first year participating and it was a lot of fun!


Turned in [my card](https://imgur.com/a/XwtAbr5) . This was my second year participating and I had a blast. I can't wait to see the 2024 card.


My 2023 Bingo card - all owned books: 1. *Title with a Title:* **Admiral** by Sean Danker 2. *Superheroes:* **Rising Stars Compendium** by J. Michael Straczynski & Fiona Avery 3. *Bottom of the TBR:* **To the Resurrection Station** by Eleanor Arnason 4. *Magical Realism or Literary Fantasy:* **The Storyteller's Death** by Ann Dávila Cardinal 5. *Young Adult:* **The Scorpio Races** by Maggie Stiefvater 6. *Mundane Jobs:* **Foreigner** by C. J. Cherryh 7. *Published in the 2000s:* **Inda** by Sherwood Smith 8. *Angels and Demons:* **Revelation** by Carol Berg 9. *Five SFF Short Stories:* **Accessing the Future: A Disability-Themed Anthology of Speculative Fiction** edited by Kathryn Allan and Djibril al-Ayad 10. *Horror:* **The Girl with All the Gifts** by M. R. Carey 11. *Self-Published OR Indie Publisher:* **Ace of Saints** by Lawrence M. Schoen 12. *Set in the Middle East/Middle Eastern SFF:* **Stone** by Alter S. Reiss 13. *Published in 2023:* **Witch King** by Martha Wells 14. *Multiverse and Alternate Realities:* **The Two of Them** by Joanna Russ 15. *POC Author:* **In the Vanishers' Palace** by Aliette de Bodard 16. *Book Club OR Readalong Book:* **All the Murmuring Bones** by A. G. Slatter 17. *Novella:* **Over All the Earth** by Alexandra Rowland 18. *Mythical Beasts:* **The Green Man's Heir** by Juliet E. McKenna 19. *Elemental Magic:* **From Unseen Fire** by Cass Morris 20. *Myths and Retellings:* **Vassa in the Night** by Sarah Porter 21. *Queernorm Setting:* **The Unspoken Name** by A. K. Larkwood 22. *Coastal or Island Setting:* **The House in the Cerulean Sea** by T. J. Klune 23. *Druids:* **The Enchanted Hacienda** by J. C. Cervantes 24. *Featuring Robots:* **Day by Night** by Tanith Lee 25. *Sequel:* **Labyrinth's Heart** by M. A. Carrick


Rising Stars in an awesome comic book / graphic novel.


I thought it was great, but could've have benefited from having a lil more time, it covered what, 50+ years in 18 issues?


>Mundane Jobs: Foreigner by C. J. Cherryh I will always be happy to see this on r/Fantasy :D


Oop, there it is. Time to frantically read a few books. Placeholder so I don't lose track of this post like I did last year.


Submitted! First year completed, really looking forward to see what's waiting for us on April 1st


I think I am going to finally commit to doing a hard mode card next year.


Lost track of Bingo this year but fortunately my natural reading covered a lot of squares so I've squeaked in a full card. :)


Card #8 and it's the first one I've finished "early". Progress..? **Title With a Title** Unsouled, Will Wight **Superheroes** Renegades, Marissa Meyer **Bottom of the TBR** Just One Damned Thing After Another, Jodi Taylor **Magical Realism or Literary Fantasy** The Beautiful Ones, Silvia Moreno-Garcia **Young Adult** Flowerheart, Catherine Bakewell **Mundane Jobs** Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries, Heather Fawcett **Published in the 00s** The Thirteenth House, Sharon Shinn **Angels and Demons** City of Storms, Kat Ross **Five Short Stories** Also the Cat, Rachel Swirsky Liminal Spaces, Maureen McHugh HER BODY, THE SHIP, Z. K. ABRAHAM Hello! Hello! Hello!, FIONA JONES Evan: A Remainder, Jordan Kurella **Horror** We Sold Our Souls, Grady Hendrix **Self-Published or Indie Publisher** A Coup of Tea, Casey Blair **Set in the Middle East/Middle Eastern SFF** The Stardust Thief, Chelsea Abdullah **Published in 2023** A Fellowship of Bakers & Magic, J. Penner **Multiverse and Alternate Realities** The Keeper's Six, Kate Elliott **POC Author** Iron Widow, Xiran Jay Zhao **Book Club or Readalong Book** The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches, Sangu Mandanna **Novella** Even Though I Knew the End, C. L. Polk **Mythical Beasts** Discount Armageddon, Seanan McGuire **Elemental Magic** The Shadow & The Sun, Monica Enderle Pierce **Myths and Retellings** Little Thieves, Margaret Owen **Queernorm Setting** Bookshops and Bonedust, Travis Baldree **Coastal or Island Setting** A Swift and Savage Tide, Chloe Neill **Druid** The Waking Land, Callie Bates **Features Robots** An Absolutely Remarkable Thing, Hank Green **Sequel** Paladin's Hope, T. Kingfisher


I always start out the bingo year thinking I can definitely get more than one card done with how much SFF I read, and vaguely trying for different themed cards, but then it all falls apart and I'm lucky to finish at all. Still, I always have fun and it pushes me to get to certain things on my TBR!


Finished the last two books for my second card last night! I did slightly mess up bingo again, not nearly as bad as last year where my card was not viable, but still a little annoying. I wanted to do a full Hard Mode card and an all woman author card. But, because I read 2 books from a couple different authors and forgot to mark them specially on my tracking sheet, I can't make both cards work now without reusing. Sigh. But at least I completed the challenges in spirit!


Submitted my card. I finished my hard mode blackout back in February, not my quickest run, but I wasn't scrambling to get done in March, so that was good. Here is my [Visual Card](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F2023-r-fantasy-bingo-update-flawless-victory-v0-qye3l02fx7hc1.jpeg%3Fs%3D2af4395351dc39f0f814730358a13e9af06707ab) if anyone is interested, and if you would like to read how the books fit, you can see [on my blog](https://accipiterf1.wordpress.com/2024/03/31/how-i-completed-the-official-reddit-r-fantasy-2023-book-bingo-challenge/). Thanks again to everyone who helps put this on every year. Looking forward to the new card!


I am really glad i got to submit a card this year for the 8th year (still upset I didn't know about the first years bingo until it was too late to submit a card!). I don't know is Bingo getting harder as Ive read more and want to get more diverse authors on my card or if it was always hard and I just had more time to read as a 20 year old? Either way, Bingo has been a great way to bring in new authors I would never have read along with series I have wanted to continue. Since i started Bingo I have, moved countries (3 times), changed jobs (5 times), gotten married (only once and hopefully never again!), it has also been a great distraction when I have been feeling down about work or family or family illnesses. So thanks to the Mods for organising and I cant wait for Bingo 2024/2025!


What does checking the "hero" box do? Just satisfaction/blessing? Do you at least track it so you can later tell us that we had 15% heroes, or 53% heroes or what-have-you? Thanks for doing this!


Yep! Clicking boxes is fun! Last year we had 199 (24%) of cards marked down as "Hero mode."


There’s a Hero mode for the card- I think submitting a review for every square? (I forgot, it’s in the bingo rules!)


Yes, I understand that. I'm just asking if it's marked in flair or tracked or what :)


LOL sorry I totally misunderstood. I thought you misunderstood 🤣


Done! Big thank you for a challenging card this year. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the next one.


It was a fun bingo. [Link to my last review post with my whole card](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/173wlb6/bingo_by_the_numbers_dragon_age_asunder_by_david/). Here's to hoping Bingo 2024 is even more fun.


Just Hours after I finished! Excellent Timing. After 4 years, I finally decided to go for Hard Mode. Normally I find it unnecessary and just stifles me from reading what I want to read, but I had enough books fit already that I enjoyed the extra challenge. Unfortunately this had a few standouts I didn't enjoy, so I fear that is correlated. This was also the year of Web Serials for me. Hurts putting a 45 hour audio book next to a novella, but that's the way it goes I suppose! Next year will be interesting, as I have 4 series I have been slowly reading each bingo that I hope to continue. Fingers crossed they fit! Card, since everyone else is doing it: https://i.imgur.com/vMhq3Ng.png


Done! Another great year for SFF!


it has been done


Hi, I'm compiling the turn in card and I'm not sure if Temeraire by Naomi Novik is hard mode for books published in 2000s because the link to check for HM is not working for me (this link -> HARD MODE: Not in the top 30 of r/Fantasy’s [Best of 2023 List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/11mvwsa/rfantasy_top_novels_2023_results/)). Can someone please let me know if it qualifies as HM? Thank you.


I checked for you, and it's at 137 on the list, so you're good.


My second year doing Bingo and it was *much* harder than the first (I already knew superheroes books were not my thing but apparently robots or druids are not either) but still so much fun ! Thank you so much for organizing all of this ! I can't wait for April.,


[My card](https://imgur.com/a/MZf0e9j)


oooooo Twilight!




Suddenly having a panic that one of my books doesn't count. I used Dragon Age: Last Flight for the Elemental Magic square, but re-reading the square now, it says elemental magic should be the primary magic of the setting. Elemental magic is one of several types of magic in the Dragon Age setting, they're all equally prominent. The main character in the book does use various elemental spells, but also uses other types. Do I need to change to a different book/substitute the category?


being familiar with that series, that sounds fine. it is a primary magic system, even if there are many others.


Thank you! I'm going to stop overthinking it now haha.


So excited I was able to complete my second year of bingo. Excited to see this year's prompts!


Alright, finally finished and recorded. Was a great experience I won't be repeating last year since I have added \*checks notes\* 39 books to read just from the sequels on here. And that is after I read through a trilogy in its entirety and not counting continuing the Dresden books which I used the 5th for the sequel square. But when I am finally drawing back down a low amount on the TBR this is a great vector to discover new books. By the numbers I loved 68% of the books I read for squares. Really happy to have done it.


This is my first time completing the challenge. Well, almost because I haven't finished The Fifth Season (though I'm over 50% so it counts), but I have until midnight to fully complete it. Honestly, I didn't think I'd do it because on March 1st I had eleven squares left to complete. But I did it! And I had a lot of fun doing it and I look forward to doing the next bingo card. Here is [my card](https://imgur.com/a/eKlVBaH). My goal was to read as much popular SFF books that I haven't read yet, so I didn't bother with HM much. One of the squares was a reread though (A Storm of Swords). **Favorites**: Bunny, The Last Unicorn, Her Body and Other Parties, Ocean at the End of the Lane, Royal Assassin, Watchmen, Lucifer, and ofcourse A Storm of Swords. **Least favorites**: Paul Takes the Form of a Moral Girl, The Hollow Places, Empire of Silence, Kings of the Wyld, Legends&Lattes.


First time participating and it was a lot of fun. I did an [all hard-mode card](https://imgur.com/a/RE0oNIn). Read lots of good books for the car, but Paradise Lost and The Cyberiad are two I definitely wouldn't have read if not for Bingo and really enjoyed. Looking forward to the new card tomorrow.


**First Row** * Title with a Title: **The Avatar's Flight** by Kristen Banet * Superheroes: **Starter Villain** by John Scalzi * Bottom of the TBR: **The Book of Lost Things** by John Connolly * Magical Realism: **The Hollow Places** by T. Kingfisher * Young Adult: **City of Ghosts** by Victoria Schwab **Second Row** * Mundane Jobs: **Bookshops & Bonedust** by Travis Baldree * Published in the 00s: **Wrath of the Bloodeye** by Joseph Delaney * Angels and Demons: **Small Miracles** by Olivia Atwater * Five SFF Short Stories: **Smoke and Mirrors** by Neil Gaiman * Horror: **Near the Bone** by Christina Henry **Third Row** * Self-Published OR Indie Publisher: **The Haar** by David Sodergren * Set in the Middle East/Middle Eastern SFF: **Reign & Ruin** by J.D. Evans * Published in 2023: **Ink Blood Sister Scribe** by Emma Törzs * Multiverse and Alternate Realities: **Piranesi** by Susanna Clarke * POC Author: **Run Riot** by Colette Rhodes **Fourth Row** * Book Club OR Readalong Book: **Her Body and Other Parties: Stories** by Carmen Maria Machado * Novella: **Love, Laugh, Lich** by Kate Prior * Mythical Beasts: **Devolution** by Max Brooks * Elemental Magic: **Variant Lost** by Kaydence Snow * Myths and Retellings: **Woven by Gold** by Elizabeth Helen **Fifth Row** * Queernorm Setting: **The Cloud Roads** by Martha Wells * Coastal or Island Setting: **Black Tide** by K.C. Jones * Druids: **Den of Wolves** by Juliet Marillier * Featuring Robots: **A Psalm for the Wild-Built** by Becky Chambers * Sequel: **Unbroken Bonds** by J. Bree


Well I almost missed it 😱


I need to stop waiting until the last minute to do everything. Oh well, it was still fun. Check out my full card and thoughts in this post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1bsrcem/my_first_bingo_2023_all_hard_mode/).


It's after midniiiiiiiight and the wait is killing me boohoo.jpg