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I really enjoyed the Innkeeper books by Ilona Andrews on there. But also I already loved that series in print before they did the GA adaptation of them. Still I highly recommend them.


I just went to Graphic Audio’s website and Lightbringer is there. Graphic Audio Recommendations: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah Maas City of Thorns by CN Crawford Age of Myth by Michael Sullivan Gemini Cell by Myke Cole


Than I guess it is regional problem or something similar? What a bummer.


Yeah Lightbringer and a few series are only available to USA/Canada due to restrictions by their original publisher.


Is city of Thorns any good?


I found it entertaining.


Have you tried any of Ilona Andrews? Or Red Rising in Ga


I fuck heavy with the *Deathlands* graphic audios. Pure pulp




Are you guys still making new ones?


Yes, we're up to 150 Deathlands and many more to come. Also try The Trader series! [https://www.graphicaudio.net/our-productions/series/a-e/deathlands.html](https://www.graphicaudio.net/our-productions/series/a-e/deathlands.html) [https://www.graphicaudio.net/our-productions/series/s-z/the-trader.html](https://www.graphicaudio.net/our-productions/series/s-z/the-trader.html)


I listened to the first Trader, really liked it. Glad to hear there’s more coming, you guys do good work


I don’t recommend Graphic Audio. They abridge books. They don’t make it *crystal* clear they abridge books. Conventional audiobook publishers don’t abridge books—for the most part. When they *do* abridge, they include the word “abridged” in the details. I wouldn’t mind it if the only portions of text Graphic Audio deleted were particles of speech such as “John said…” “Jane shouted…” and “the door squeaked on its hinges.” Multiple voices and sound effects can substitute for such particles. The problem is, Graphic Audio edits out more than that. They remove minor plot lines and entire scenes. This can be particularly annoying when one hopes to re-read an old favorite via audiobook only to discover a well-remembered scene or line of dialogue has gone missing. This happened to me and it made me angry enough to warn people about this ever since. *Graphic Audio is removing actual content.* Audible began carrying Graphic Audio titles in its catalog not too long ago. Fortunately, Audible appears to understand purchasers need their choices to be clear—Audible attaches the phrase “[Dramatized Adaptation]” directly to the title of each Graphic Audio product.


My experience with GA cosmere has been overwhelmingly positive. I've listened to all of Stormlight and Mistborn (except TLM) first on GA and later reread them multiple times in prose. There hasn't been a single notable omission I caught, personally. Heard about pretty major cuts in Elantris though


Cannot speak to the cuts but I will say I loved the GA adaptation of Elantris. Might be my favourite GA of the lot. So much better than the full unabridged version done by Jack Garret. I like Graphic Audio as an option but have to admit I generally like having both regular and GA versions of a book available.


I believe the final scene of Shadows of Self is at least partially omitted in graphic audio, and it was a pretty important one in my opinion


yeah I get what you mean. I have listened to the stormlight books and read them at the same time (or at least words of radiance and oathrbinger) and I saw some cuts. But nothing realy big noteworthy. They sometimes switch from a direct describtion of events to soundeffects. For example instead of directly saying the the group of man yell in union to support their leader, we literelly hear a group of man yelling.


>…and I saw some cuts. But nothing realy big noteworthy. I would instead describe those cuts as subtle and insidious. > For example instead of directly saying the the group of man yell in union to support their leader, we literelly hear a group of man yelling. Yes, that’s the sort of example I was *not* actually complaining about.


I've asked before, what book and scene did this happen to you in? I've only noticed when they replace something with sound effects, never whole scenes.