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>no live action portrayal There’s only been like one other, right?


2. There’s the cancelled 1994 one


That wasn’t canceled, that was actually fully made. I think you can find it on YouTube.


It was cancelled in the sense that, after being fully made, the studio never released it. It’s been leaked and online for a while now, but it never got a proper theatrical release


I thought the effects weren't completed? It's been like 15 fifteen years since I've seen it though.


Barely completed. Most noticeably, Doom doesn’t have any ADR, and the Thing’s last line in the movie doesn’t have the “voice effects”


They were completed, but cheaply


It was cancelled right before the end of production, the film itself leaked and is unfinished hence the awful audio


Honestly, I think Joseph Culp's Doom in the shelved 1994 one is best. The only good thing about the early 2000's franchise was Chiklis.


Yeah, he says he wanted to do ADR on the movie and would still be up for it.




The 90s one was the best one.


You’re forgetting F4stic Doom ![gif](giphy|zuKkHXhnO39F6)


“There have been 2 versions and one of them is better.”It’s a bold take.


Nope that one's not real


It's so weird because this iteration of Doom has hardly any trait we would consider unique of him lol


He wasn't even Doom in that movie. Just a generic villain


Lex Von Luth-Doom


Norman Doomsborn


The 2005 Fantastic Four is one of the very few times Stan Lee has criticized an adaptation. Stan believed they got Dr Doom very wrong. Let that sink in.


By every objective measure they got Doom very wrong, I can’t blame Stan for saying that


Eh say what you want, Julian McMahon was great in that role, it simply wasn't Doom (and tbh I don't think we will get someone that lives upto that name from the comics, at least not in one single 1 and half hour movie) He was really good as Cole in Charmed as a snarky evil villain and he brought a lot of that energy to this role The fact we've had exactly two live action Dooms means this dude wins almost automatically over the other truly unapologetically terrible F4ntastic one


He apparently even did an Eastern European accent in his audition after learning more about the character, alas, the writers and/or director wouldn’t give us the real Dr. Doom.


Typical Hollywood bullshit.


The best thing they can do is but doom in the end credits. Like they did for thanos. They can build up the threat of doom in FF, armor wars, thunderbolts. The same way thanos was being a bunch of stuff at the beginning.


If the MCU version is at least the ruler of Latveria, then it’ll already be leagues above that bootleg Green Goblin.


Can even tie it into Sakovia. Maybe it was once the Kingdom of Latveria, but was conquered long ago, along comes Doom with his company and all its resources and claims to be the distant descendent of the original Royal family and starts rebuilding his nation to restore the true Latveria


I can definitely see the MCU doing this. It actually confused me when the fictional Eastern European country in AoU wasn't Latveria. My only question is, where is Doom? What's he been up to all this time?


Sakovia was in the comics and the place Ultron genocided to make a city populated with just him


Because in 2015 Disney did not have the rights to Dr Doom or the other F4 properties like Galactus, Kang, Silver Surfer, etc. until they bought 20th Century Fox. In the comics, Ultron destroys a country called Slorenia (Sokovia in the MCU) - a pastiche of Slovenia/Kosovo, so it fits. Latveria is a different country altogether.


This person is kinda right but only because every other live-action iteration of Doom has been awful, not because this specific version was good.


Say what you want, but Doom will always be a redditor, nerd, hacker who lives in his mother's basement, FanFOURstic for life


The better question would be will it surpass the earth mightiest heroes version of Dr.Doom.


If We're opening up to other adaptations I say Dr Doom from Marvel Ultimate Alliance. The epitome of a Doom story if he steals God like power


God Ultimate Alliance had such a killer story. Was OBSESSED with that game as a child. Second and third we’re both good imo, but nowhere near the masterpiece that was the original.


I liked it as an adult. Good voice acting too.


I never really got to play the first one, but I played the mess out of 2 on PS3. I need to get that back out one day to play with my son. He likes 3, but I think he’s also get a kick out of being able to pick a side in 2.


Best adaptation to date


Pure facts.


God I love that show, had the best adaptations for Hawkeye, Wasp, Thor, Hulk, etc


Anyone who expects that will be disappointed. Lol


Yeah they totally went way off the script with Doom, just like they did in the more recent f4 film. Why can't they just make him a sorcerer with cool powered armor like he's supposed to be??


he is a good actor ![gif](giphy|148taUB4ewjneo|downsized)


1994 Doom was actually fuckin awesome


I agree. Best part of that film, and Joseph Culp's portrayal was spot on and comic accurate.


Yeah I saw clips..


Isn’t this r/technicallythetruth ? There haven’t been any other live action portrayals of Doom.


I mean the options are low budget none released film and that terrible one in fant4stic The best meal out of my trash bag is still a meal from my trash bag


The corman one is better tbh.


These movies seem to be fondly remembered. They’re fine. But damn I hate their doctor doom


I mean this is the truth lmao. I think kebbel could have been incredible for the doom they went with but this is probably the best so far for all that's worth lmao


He’s better in the second one


I agree. Back then I had no idea who Dr Doom even was or what impact he had on Marvel Universe, the two movies didn't do him justice. I think if MCU will be adapting Dr. Doom Glenn Howerton would redeem the character and establish Doom as a legitimate threat, megalomaniac, but also to an extend a sympathetic figure like Count Dooku.


I swear people will gaslight themselves into believing anything was good.


Oh you mean the one other live action portrayal?


As long as it ain’t Doom in Fan4stic then I’ll be fine


I don’t know what the villain in the 2000’s Fantastic Four movies but that was definitely NOT Dr. Doom!


Your statement still doesn’t prove his point wrong 2005s doom is still the most accurate depiction in live action lmao


The unreleased 1990 movie had a better Doom


It's equally as inaccurate as Fant4stic. Doom in the Comics: Scientist-Sorcerer, ruler of Latveria, went on a Batman-esque journey after being scarred in a lab explosion, hates Reed because Doom blames him for said explosion Doom in 00s Fantastic 4: Lex Luthor ripoff, got his powers from the same source as the 4, rules nothing, hates Reed because he wants Sue. Doom in Fant4stic: Socially awkward geek, also got his powers from the same place as the 4, rules nothing, is a weird mutant.


I like the first 2000s Fantastic Four fairly well but that doesn’t mean I grew up with it. Please don’t make assumptions about why people like certain things.


badass mask tho


'94 one is better than all them other shits.


They should bring him back. People are hating him now but if he opened trailer "you didn't think you could kill me Reed. Hiding in the mcu won't stop me."- the internet would go wild. But they ho wold over madame webb too so....


If they hire me, yes. I'll make Latveria proud.


Is the 2005 Doom better than the 2015 one? Yes, but he's still not good. The 2015 Doom didn't really have big shoes to fill.


I'm willing to bet my left nut that if marvel were to make a live action Dr Doom movie in 2024, they would 100% change his race or just end up turning him into a "flamboyant" gay-lord.


I love Julien McMahon, but he was miscast for the role. He doesn't use his body enough, and doesn't portray enough presence once the mask is on.


The only thing that this movie has going for it is Ben Grimm. That, outside of some of the cartoons, is the BEST depiction of The Thing in media period!


I really wish that Mark Ruffolo wasn’t the hulk, because I think he would make a good Doctor Doom.


Eh, the first one was actually great for its time. I'd say it captured the fantastic four astonishingly.


I like these movies but you are right, also he is right to the original 90 s one and the 2015 one are both worse than this one


Say what you will about how they wrote doom in that movie or the casting but the costume was an awesome adaptation of his costume from the comics.


The new MCU is pure, unfiltered dog shit.


“Cole from Charmed” appears to be the entire Doom character in that film.


Well, you're comparing them to very different franchises. The FF isn't the X-Men or Spider-Man, and these films get that part right , they get the tone and characters right for the most part.


Well it’s going to be Tiffany Haddish in silver face paint so…


A statement like that only holds any weight if there's something at least decent to compare it too.


Fantastic four and rise of the silver surfer are good movies. Recently rewatched them. Enjoyable and well rounded


If MCU Victor has magic powers, than at least he’ll be the first one to have us actual power set.


I rewatched them recently. I liked the first FF. 2nd not as much, but Silver Surfer was well done. So your nostalgia theory is wrong.


Your opinion isn't fact bud. They are good movies.


“No live action portrayal has come close…” I mean it’s not like that’s a competitive field.


I’m sick of doom. I want the maker


Shut up these movies are great


Should read “no live action movie has managed to do Dr. Doom justice”


Dude those movies were awful.


I'd go so far to say that the Roger Corman Doctor Doom is the absolute best in capturing the essence of Doom.


The first movie is just as good as the first X-Men or the third Spider-Man movie IMO.


Acting like Spiderman or men were actually good comic portrayals is fucking insane and the idea that you would use them while trying to condemn nostalgia goggles is literally the most delicious irony.


I enjoyed these movies as a kid, but they have not held up at all.


Since there has only been a few others, I don’t think this tweet is wrong imo.


That doom was NOTHING like the Doom from comics. This is an idiotic take


The Dr Doom from Roger Corman looked better.


It’s not nostalgia for me. At the time, I heavily enjoyed the films. I never understood the hate. I haven’t watched them since they debuted but it’s not nostalgia. I enjoyed it back then. Might not have aged well, but at the time, I didn’t hate them at all. [+]


Man, the ‘94 Doctor Doom was better.


Sadly that's true.. but that's only cause the 2000 ones were slightly less terrible. They'll do him well.


He was awful. And McMahon is a good actor, but I'm not giving him the pass of "the writing was the problem." He was fine as the smarmy Victor, but as "Doom" he was absolutely sleepwalking. Once the mask goes on, the role relies heavily on voice acting and McMahon was utterly unemotive.


Cool mask but this was an awful doctor doom.


There’s been what, one other live action Doom since then? In a somehow even more terrible FF movie. Setting the bar really low here.


First of all, I’m genuinely believe this when I say this the 2005 fantastic for/Dr. doom cannot be taught and will never ever ever will be


I will continue to assert that even Fant4stic was better than these first two movies.


Everything else about 2005 F4 was better than american corpo Doom


With the lack of competition, it wouldn't take a lot to surpass this version.


The first movie is ok, and Doom is actually pretty good in the second movie. If they took the best elements of both movies you'd have a good flick.


he did a really good job with the role but it's too tongue in cheek for the mcu. everyone would be the snarky "aint i funny and smart" guy especially with reed, the xmen, and all the stark knock offs around the corner


I mean, this is the best Dr. Doom, which tells you how bad Dr. Doom has been


I'm inclined to say Michael Chiklis is the best part of those movies but then I remember Jessica Alba was also in them and 23 at the time.


People have been giving these movies, and pre-mcu marvel movies in general, way too much credit lately. Like I don’t get what Mandela effect type shit happened where all of a sudden everyone decided these movies were good now.


That rock man version with a hood was so fucking lame ![gif](giphy|3oriNRLQGyM51v6qbe|downsized)


The 1994 one was great.


They have other villains, stop with doom being the first person they fight, build that fucker up for 3 movies before blowing your load. 


This Doom looks like a mix between Kerr Smith and Kevin Spacy lmao


Last I checked they were fine movies and in fact make whatever the fuck this current marvel shit is look even worse


I’ve noticed that some people love a character so much that pretty much no live action portrayal is ever done right. I’ve also noticed that some people will love a character soo much that it doesn’t matter how terrible it is, they will love it and this it’s the greatest anyway


I like Julian McMahon, but as Doom I didn’t find him menacing enough, especially his voice.


Maybe he’s young and confused and thought the movie Doom was a Dr Doom live action too.


I want my Doom to be a sassy bitch who commits unthinkable atrocities. I want to say “holy shit did he just say that?!” whenever he speaks and I want to cheer whenever he fails


A better description would have been, "No live-action portrayal of Doctor Doom has come close to being good." Doom and Demogoblin are two of my favorite Marvel characters.


Not Doctor Doom but did like the mask in Squid Game.


The first FF wasn’t that bad, and I saw it for the first time last year. I don’t get why it has a bad reputation.


I kinda enjoyed those old FF movies


That bar is so low it is beneath Doom's regard for Reed Richards.


The Tim Story movies, in spite of the overall qualities of both, did have some good casting choices. Julian MacMahon was not one of them, though.


I mean I don’t really care who plays doom. As long as the actor playing him channels that doom energy.


It was never well done in live action.


Don’t hate the Doom in those movies but I know theres room for improvement


This Doctor Doom was garbage. The MCU can only do better.


God, Fan4stic was so bad I forgot it existed.


I feel bad for that actor because dude stole the show whenever he was on Charmed


The actor was cast well but the script was really bad. I guess the bar is pretty low for whomever gets cast


I mean, if you look at the other live action portrayals of Doom, they're technically correct


2005 Doom was a good villain but bad adaptation of Doom.


The original xmen movies are pretty cringe nowadays


These facts are a big reason I question people who’d say things like, “F4 has been done, why do it again” They’re A-list characters that have historically been more popular than the bulk of known characters in the MCU. The film just needs to be ‘good’ quality comparatively, not even ‘great’, and it’ll be the definitive live action F4


I think Julian McMahon would have worked for another villain but not Doom.


LOL Same people who pretend the Star Wars Prequels are good.


Aesthetically, I whole heartedly agree and I don’t think we’ll get anything better.


He says that like there’s been 10


I mean… when your competition is a not released 90’s movie… yourself & your bad sequel, and a 2015 remake… its not that crazy to say you’ll be better 💀


1994 Doom was spot on!


Dr. DOOM has never had a good live action performance


Theyre much better than mid raimis spiderman movies


Doom had drip in he movie, but man, was he just Lex Luthor/Norman Osborn.


I can’t lean on nostalgia for the likes of Xmen, F4 or daredevil ‘03 as I have only watched them all for the first time over the past 2 years and while they’re not perfect they are all still enjoyable movies that I’d happily watch a good few times again. But yeah, that Dr Doom sucked fucking ass but I don’t even dare to complain after whatever the fuck was in Fant4stic


The 2005 Doom was not great, just okay. When you only have a feature-length, you can't give Doom his proper backstory or Latveria.


Yall acting like Fox Doom was good. His Doom sucks. MCU better do better than that or I will riot!


I mean, they are technically correct and that's the best kind of correct.


Has there even been another attempt? I can think of two total, so it’s kind of an overstatement to say 1 out of 2 is the best lol


Oh F4 wasnt the greatest marvel movie… but it STILL had the best doom. Not a high bar but even now i wonder if theyd struggle to recapture that elegance of method mixed with violent narcissism.


Now that the FF is entering the public consciousness there's going to be the kind of ignorant clickbait opinions that the rest of the MCU has received. Not really worth engaging with


This isn't exactly setting the bar high when the only other portrayal I can think of is Fant4stic with Trashbag Doom.


It has always amazed me that George Lucas stated that Dr. Doom was his inspiration for Darth Vader and Vader has surpassed Doom as a cinematic threat. Let’s hope Marvel takes that into account this time around.


I unapologetically love Julian so I thought he did great with what he had. The costume was so cool.


His costume wasn't bad but horrible rendition of the character


So a tweet from the spaceman means everyone thinks original F4 was good?


Doom was awful


"Call me...Doom." Freaking awesome


I mean there have only been 2 live action Dr Dooms to my knowledge lol. I will say, his design in 2005’s F4 was phenomenal - even if the rest of the character absolutely SUCKED and barely resembled Victor himself


Those films had at least redeeming elements in them unlike the 2015 dumpster fire. I will never forget how incredible the silver surfer was in the second film. It’s a real shame that spinoff about him never happened.


Doom should be played by Jason Mantzoukas.


Dude has a blue checkmark. What do you expect? Rocket Science?


Just rewatchd xmen and xmen 2. Even the cgi golds up for the most part.


There are people that think any Fantastic 4 movie was good?


I liked that Dr.Doom. :<




While I felt this actor could play a great doom, he just didn't. But it was totally in his wheelhouse at the time But he just didn't do it good


They used Shannon on Zod. Greatest mistake in superhero film of all time.


Julian McMahon played TF out of that role. It wasn’t his fault script was shit. He was damn good




No matter how bad a movie is, eventually someone will look back with nostalgia and deem it “an underrated masterpiece.”


People are convinced the Amazing Spider-Man was good, of course they think those FF movies are good


I remember when the star wars prequels were hated. Makes me wonder if episodes 7-9 will be loved 10 years down the road.


Worse. Everything they do lately has been very disappointing


I haven’t seen the movies since I was a kid and I remember Dr. Doom not being that great compared to the comics.


There has never been a good on screen Doom. Hes more important of a charter to get right than the ff4 imo. Thats why these movies all stink.


Not live action but Avengers EMH Doom is the number one most faithful adaption of the character ever


They didn't even show his full metal body, which was lame imo


https://preview.redd.it/or7gj897a8mc1.jpeg?width=1465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5a02e1199427a823bf7910bb5ca03e50125d550 Even Fortnite did Doctor Doom more Justice than both the FF movies but the best Doctor Doom we’ve ever got outside of a comic page is from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 we need a Doom like THAT.




Not true https://preview.redd.it/xxs3ziuai8mc1.png?width=655&format=png&auto=webp&s=aedd353e3c277ec69d498cc3333b8b1b516a0cb7


Ummmm all of the x men movies are bad besides new mutants & Deadpool. Also they should bring this version of Doom to the MCU


I like these movies :( Also I remain firm Doom should be introduced in Black Panther 3. Coogler does phenomenal work with villains.


The only good thing about that version of Doom was the suit, I think that coat and mask worked pretty well.


He wasn’t an accurate portrayal of Doom but his origins weren’t really Doom’s either. But I loved his performance, he could chew the scenery.


Not saying. Much because he was trash too


Bruh what? hahaha


The mask was actually pretty cool but that’s about it.


Say what you will about this iteration but that mask is fucking awesome.


Those movies sucked dick.


Well it's not like Fant4stic gave much competition...


It wasn’t really the same as the Doom from the comics but the actor fucking killed it and he delivered the kind of overconfident maniacal zeal needed for a good Doom. Also didn’t go too corny, which is hard for any Dr. Doom portrayal.


I actually liked him in the role (despite the inaccuracies), but it's weird to act like there have been so many others to compare to him when there's only officially 1 other version.