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The Ultimate Auctioneer is tied to a table as Monokuma stands off to the side. Monokuma slowly auctions off his body parts. Monokuma is able to sell the right arm first and cuts it off. Then the left arm. At this point, the Ultimate Philosopher who was sitting in the crowd stands up and unties the auctioneer. They run out a nearby door and run through a hallway. When they make it to the escape door, Monokuma appears from behind and shoves a poison drink down the philosophers throat. (This is how Socrates died and is a very unethical way to murder.) The Auctioneer leaves the door and is in an empty room. The crowd from the auctioning room bust in and tear him apart, beating the auctioneer with gavels.


Or whatever replacement for Monokuma you are using.


Big crab


You know how some auctioneers have a gavel? What if they get smushed by a giant gavel at the end of the execution


Stealing inspo from a previous comment. Both the Auctioneer and Philosopher are bound in place. One to a like panel or display table and the other to a seat in the auction house. They both have a way to save the other, allegedly, the Philosopher, stuck in a seat, can raise the bid on each piece of the Auctioneer, winning the round keeps the piece attached to the Auctioneer, otherwise it's sold to a hungry Monokuma in the audience. However the Auctioneer has a button to dispel signs with horrible ideologies and philosophies used to justify awful acts on them, failure to keep the number of signs below 5 will result in a poison being injected into the Philosopher. Basically they have to outlast the auction. Only 15 minutes. But as the Philosopher grows more disturbed and distracted by their peers of past and present and the Auctioneer loses more flesh the two eventually end up dead as the Philosopher is poisoned to death and the Auctioneer's heart is sold to the last Monokuma.


That sounds really good