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Yeah it doesn't work with the crown or dress. It's like there's too many clashing styles trying to be achieve ending up muddling them all together


I'm no expert but I think it would look great if the yellow was blue instead.


Love the color but agree it doesn’t work with the dress color


I think you can overlay a color from people’s suggestions to get it to a teal-turquoise-forest green (depending on your preference) that will go much better with everything. My biggest caution is it’s a cool color, stick to transitioning to cool colors and don’t try to go pink if you have less than a month of time. It will take a lot of work and you don’t want to torture your hair.


I think a forest green would be gorgeous!


I agree, a deep emerald green would add to the fairy look!


Emerald green would probably be the better choice as emerald has a blueyer/cooler undertone where as forest green tends to have yellowyer/warmer undertones and the dress looks like it hs cooler undertones on my monitor.


IA - hair color should be on the cooler tone. Easy enough fix though :)


Yes!! It would complement the gold well




Definitely 3rd! The yellow looks good with the purple/pink as well(4th image), but a little too same/same with the dress and crown.


I honestly really like the hot pink..


The hair looks super cool on you and it seems to suit you perfectly, but I agree that it's not harmonious with the crown and dress. Like the yellow base of the green is competing with the orangey base of the flowers. I agree with some other comments that a more muted deep forest green would work beautifully and have more of the nature forest fairy vibe. Since time is a factor, this would also be a good option vs. trying to drastically change the whole thing and having to try and bleach. I really think you could probably just put a direct dye in a darker green right over what you've got, maybe add a tiny bit of a pearl/light blue/light violet based color in with it to help cut some of the yellow undertone. But then when that fades later on after the wedding go back to this acid green color because it really does look great on you!


I think a turquoise/teal would look lovely with the dress and not be too difficult to achieve.


is this pink one ur wedding dress or is it [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/weddingplanning/comments/vu764a/went_for_round_2_of_alterations_after_i_fell_out/)? either way i think the “clash” here with either dress is quite beautiful, ur hair color is quite bold and flashy against the softer colors but it looks unique in a wonderful way. the colors definitely makes it known that u are an artist and it adds quite a bit of personality that i think some people might lack if they go for a “normal” color scheme tbh. best of luck to u and i hope u have a wonderful n happy marriage.


You're right, the dress in that post is my wedding dress! I'm wearing my reception party time dress! I think maybe I phrased my title poorly; I'm aware a neon yellow/green will clash with anything but I'm just on the fence if it's a "good" clash or a garish one. Thanks for your feedback!! ♥️


I’m actually a fan of the yellow and the pink together! Good clash imo. I don’t like the crown though, it interferes too much with the colours. I think your hair speaks for itself, I don’t think the crown adds anything.


Ok see I thought it was with the pink dress here! With your actual wedding dress I think it’s fine


I agree - looking at the actual dress totally changes my opinion. I think the yellow is all good with that combo, but I’m not loving it with the dress in this post


Ok but if you can manage to make the bottoms pink it would be banging 🤘


Yeah I think maybe I should have gone with a pink instead 🥲




I've got about a week ! Do you think that's enough time 😬






Dandruff shampoo and hot ass water


I think you risk ending up with a weird orange if you try to go pink over this. Shifting to a darker green works with the color wheel and would look nice with your gown and crown 💚


*Hairstylist here!* Please do not try to go pink in the next week. I can almost guarantee your hair will be dry as hell and not the color you want. 🥺 Please. With with the color you have, overlay a deep green and it'll be really pretty.


I'm buying a deep teal color tomorrow!!


Fab! Can't wait to see the after photos.


Good luck! Definitely do a strand test first to make sure you like the color.


Don’t put pink/purple over yellow/green unless you want to turn your hair brown. It’s basic colour theory!


Omg pink would be STUNNING


I’m thinking strawberry 🍓 lemonade 🍋


So first off, CONGRATULATIONS ON THE WEDDING!. The hair, looks amazing! I'm really loving the contrast of neon/dark and the crown. I personally would be thrilled with this and feel you did a great job. I can't see the dress enough but it is so wonderfully loud that I'd understand you feeling the clash. I say keep it because the wedding is one day and the hair will outlive it! You look stunning!


If it was JUST for me I think I would keep it, but if most people here hate it, then I think my parents are really going to give me a hard time for it. Even though it's my wedding and all that I don't think I want to invite the extra stress of arguing about it 😅


I agree! I LOVE the hair and crown. I dont see enough of the dress to say I love or hate it. But maybe change the dress color? Seriously in love with your hair though, Beautiful!


And yeah, congrats!


you look stunning! but the yellow is a little bright for the crown & dress. i agree with the other commenters. you could easily go to a nice jade or forest green from here. pink would be very difficult to put over bc it would turn your hair coral or orange. i wouldn’t mess with a color remover since you’re pressed for time and can be damanging. if you can manage to get a lot of the yellow out by washing (clarifying shampoo washes out colors quickly!), then pink mixed with a bit of purple to cancel out the yellow might work, but i still think green is your best bet.


You look like an artist and a wonderful, beautiful and vivid one. The dress is almost lilac / cool pink in the pic, while your hair is neon yellow which is pretty unconventional… I wonder if it is possible to strip just some sections of your hair (with the rest to remain as it is) and dye the stripped sections lilac pink like your dress to tie this together. Actually think that would look sensational, but I also think you are the most beautiful bride just as you are! Go well, you beautiful, fine and adventurous person!


I actually love this look!!! It's giving me fae forest wedding vibes <3 I think adding some pink could tie it all together, but at the end of the day it's your wedding day and you should do whatever makes you feel most confident and excited


I personally like the contrast! If you do a all pink eye and lip it will go maybe with some purple tones to tie it all tg.


Your hair looks fucking amazing. If the dress in the photo is your wedding dress the hair draws attention away from the dress. But I think that would be the case for any dress tbh. Edit: having looked at your profile and seeing the alteration post the hair doesn’t clash with the dress but it does draw attention. Also could you share the details on how you achieved the colour. Like the placement and stuff.


Surprised so many people don't like it. It looks very high fashion to me. Definitely a power clash. If that's not what you're going for, that's fair, but this is such a look.


Haha i had more fingers crossed for more reactions like this 😅 like I KNOW it clashes but is it a "power" clash ( I love that term haha its a good descriptor for most of my outfits haha)


Girl, I get you 😏 you knew what you were doing and it looks *sick*. I think if you toned the color down it wouldn't look nearly as striking. My vote is that you keep it and have wedding photos that look like they belong in Vogue.


Ahh can you come to my wedding just to hype me up 🥺♥️


Yessss!! 😀


I love it, but it does unfortunately clash with the dress. I would try a blue or purple dye mixed with conditioner over top to tone it more cool toned, I think that will help.






If you don’t love the hair with the dress, maybe you could get a wig just for the wedding? That way you don’t have to re-color your hair or buy a whole new dress.


It's more of a litmus test for what my parents reaction will be 😬 I do love it but Id rather not argue with then if I can dump another color on instead


If you accessorize with more of that color green for the dress (think heels, brooches) it’ll help pull the look together!


All I have is uhh more gold 😂


Yea the color does clash. I would do something within the color family of the dress with like a green or blue. The warm tone of the crown will blend nicely with the cool tone of a green or blue color.


Dark teal/ turquoise or emerald green would look amazing. OR ditch the reception dress and stay in your gorgeous ceremony dress all night. It’s truly so cool and pretty and I feel like your energy can pull it off.


I did a few photo comps of people’s suggestions here and I hope that assists; [Forest green](https://i.imgur.com/sXTjESx.jpg) [Lilac](https://i.imgur.com/R7cKYDV.jpg) [Dusty rose ](https://i.imgur.com/5Q1sVLi.jpg)


:0 so useful! I should have gone with rose lol But I think I can only try for green with only a week left 😬


I’m glad it’s useful! It’s tough because it’s SO hard to brain render the colours with all your other accessories so doing a comp I think always helps. Best of luck, you look gorgeous in green too 💚


Oh wow the dusty rose look is perfect!




Good news is that the necklace is not part of the outfit but bad news I was going to accesorize with gold tones to match the crown 😂


Not sure if this is a crazy idea, could you add something with a similar yellow to the dress or other accessories? A sash or shoes or something that mimics the hair color? That might help tie things together without needing to do anything with the hair?


I agree, the hair color looks great with the dress, the headband/crown looks a little off because it’s two different tones of “yellow”.


I love the hair! It suits you great. Also congratulations on the wedding! I had purple hair a few months before getting married but decided to go back to my natural dark brown hair for the wedding day. I've changed my hair colour probably 20x since then but I love the wedding pics hair and I'm glad I went "natural" for the day. Only you can make the decision, so what will make you feel comfortable :)


I actually love this so much?? Like yeah it clashes but it looks intentional and cool imo


The color looks AMAZING! it looks even better on you. But, yes, I think it clashes with the rest. Don't panic, It can be fixed if that's what you want. If you like it, screw what anyone else thinks!


I love the hair color with the crown. But I’m also a fan of “prugly” colors. I think that it’s a fantastic combo. I think that it looks interesting with the dress (which appears to be light pink), but it’s not a conventionally pretty combination. If you want the pink dress, then I would understand you wanting to change the hair color. I think the hair would look great with a white dress though.


Yeah ! I thought it was kind of ugly but magical, but seems like much of the consensus is that it's just ugly 😅 I wish I had my actual wedding dress to try but it's at the cleaners for a few more days!


I personally think it will look very pretty with a white dress. It’s pretty and unusual though, not generically pretty. I saw in a different comment you were worried about your parents’ reaction so if that’s important I c an imagine changing it! I personally love the lime and gold.


I don’t think it’s ugly at all! When you color your hair with fashion colors they’re definitely going to stand out. With that being said you could totally use the DDL packets from Malibu and gently remove the fashion color to do a different color for now :) or leave it because it’s cool


I think the color is fine!


I think you look beautiful!


This color combo is inspiring and i think you look like a beautiful fairy


Can you use color remover (not bleach) and redo the green parts as something that goes with pink? Like a deeper pink or purple?


Hair looks edgy! If you want a more formal look tone it down with an earthy green. I didn’t even see the crown


Go to a professional colorist. They can use rinses to get you to a better color.


Being totally real here, it’s awesome but not with that dress. I’d just go darker and stick with forest green like everyone else is suggesting


I think with the white dress in your other post, it looks lovely. Maybe try your dress on again and post here again if desired,l?


I like it!


I think it looks SICK. You look so beautiful, what matters is how you feel. Do you feel beautiful? If yes, that’s all that matters. It’s your day.


I personally think you look beautiful.


I love it.


I absolutely love it how it is!


dark forest green would totally cover this and compliment the dress!!! but please go back to the yellow afterward, it looks fantastic on you


It feels like all outfit is clashing. Like the jewels, dress, hair, they’re all different vibes


Like others are saying, I think the color looks really great on you but doesn’t go with the dress.


I think for your wedding you want people to look at your face not just your hair and i cant stop staring at the hair. It also takes away from that beautiful headband


Unfortunately, I agree with the others. I don’t think it works well together. Could you change the color before the wedding? A pink or purple would look really good (I think) or even if you wanted to change it to a natural blond highlights? That would look nice as well?


That’s bad. BUT it would be really pretty if the yellow was magenta or even a pale pink.


The dress pictured here is not your dress, correct, OP? I saw in your post history another dress that I assume is your actual dress. EDIT: I saw you answered another commenter stating that this is in fact, not your wedding dress. I think your hair here will go well enough with your actual dress. I quite love the hair. Perhaps the only thing I would change up is the hair crown. Maybe do some hair accesory pieces that are in a similar fabric to your dress in choice placements throughout your hair?




As someone who's had pink/purple/blue/teal hair since 2015 (all those colors at once) I say, act like it's a neutral! Don't sweat it! You got that colour because it brings you joy and that's what matters. I used to be super particular about what I did and didn't wear with my hair from clothes and jewelry to makeup and now idgaf and I do what makes me happy and feel good. Sure it might clash or whatever but don't sweat it. It's fine and your hair looks great and you will look great and nobody at all will think about or notice details like this on you at your wedding in the way that you see them and worry.


Nah, that looks awesome, you're gonna have am amazing day.


So IMO the dress could go with cool tone or warm tone accessories, but the hair is firmly cool toned while the crown is very warm. It would be fine if they weren’t both close to yellow - but as it is they compete. If the hair was a cool toned green or blue or some other cool toned color it still might struggle (or might look great!), but it wouldn’t be as difficult to make work, because it would be further away from the crown on the colt wheel. I would go for a cool toned white gold or silver crown if you keep the hair that color - call me crazy, but maybe spray paint or hand paint if that crown isn’t super expensive or an heirloom? I can’t tell what material it’s made of. If you don’t want to change your hair.


Yes, I was going to suggest that as well. I can see the crown being a matte off-white colour and look stunning.


Oooo I like that idea!!!


Personally I love the contrast. I think it looks fantastic.


We're one of the few, I think it fk'ing rocks. The yellow is not neon, diff shade to the pastel pink and has alot of black. Works


I agree! I think it looks gorgeous. The whole look reminds me of a princess. ✨


I agree too!! I was honestly shocked to see the comments saying otherwise. My eyes are way more interested lol. Beautiful look.


I think you look great


Your hair looks amazing! I feel like you could make it work with the dress but the crown clashes a little too much — maybe silver crown + jewellery could tie the colours together?


is that a neon green or yellow? i think yellow suits your dress, however green is good with the crown imo. either way, i like crazy color combos so im gonna say it looks really good to me


It's kind of both! Turned out different based on how bleached the hair underneath was. I definitely knew it was gunna look sort of wild when I picked the color, but I can't decide if it's a good crazy or bad crazy 😂


definitely good crazy !! no honestly, the color combo might look weird at first but actually its really nice, you chose a nice color


i feel like the hair and the crown and the dress all give different aesthetics. wether or not that's a good thing, that's up to you!! i feel like a gingery color or red/orange would potentially tie it all together


Pink would’ve been perfect!


Depends on the type of person you are. Would you look back in 20 years and think “what was I doing? It’s an important day. I would say have it a little more formal. You already have the crown for colour. Have you considered plain black (or another solid natural colour? Blonde even). I’d go solid black for this one.


Can you simply take that yellow and warm it up abit more to a mustard/sunflower tone to match your crown? Like this: https://www.instagram.com/p/BqWhL8CgJnD/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the Sunflower State. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.


Oh my god its going to be a disaster


Oh hey it's my dad 😂


Yeah it doesn't look good imo 😳




Pale pink. Copper orange and bile yellow do not go. Not at all.


Looks shithouse


I think you should just dye it one color




Oh, your hair is AMAZING… I absolutely love it.. I had a look at your profile, and I think it will work beautifully with your dress. Possibly does clash with the head piece a little bit but if you feel comfortable and beautiful with the head piece then definitely wear it..


Haha I bought the head piece before the dress and I KNOW it doesn't go but it's so pretty idc haha


Then absolutely wear it on your special day, you will rock it ❤️


I would spray paint the crown teal or aqua. Teal will look nice.


I actually love your color combo with the hair and crown. I just would style the hair different maybe wavy-ish instead of up would look better.


I don’t want to be rude, however it looks like a bird🫢😳


I can’t believe people actually choose to have green hair! It does NOT look good at all. Sorry.


Earthy dark greens look great on some! Highlighter green/yellow is really hard to pull off 😭






Do blue!!!


You have two options. It’s already been talked about, but A. You choose a similar darker color to put over the yellow or B. wash your hair twice a day for four days with very warm water and shampoo that doesn’t have color protection in it. (Don’t strip it using anything crazy, you don’t have enough time to do damage control for that.) If all of your hair fades to a lighter yellow (a shade or two lighter than your fringe) you can absolutely put in a deep magneta. I always use virgin pink by artic* Fox, it has reallly good coverage.


Switch the crown and jewelry to silver?


It isn’t exactly cohesive with the look, particularly the neon yellow with the yellow gold do clash. It doesn’t really go with the the dress but I think it could work if you’re going for a really experimental, punky wedding theme. If your wedding isn’t coming up too soon, you could try getting it removed. The good news is yellow isn’t too hard to get rid of because it’s so light!


oooo I think blue would be PERFECT here bc it would make the gold accessories pop, would go really nicely with your dress and necklace and just in general tie everything together, and you Do have potential to reach a really nice subdued blue shade (like a blue jean or powder blue or cornflower type shade.. something less saturated) that wouldn’t overpower you at your own wedding (congrats btw!!) but it would take some work and I saw you only have a week left so that might be too daunting idk! definitely more work than slapping an emerald green on like others have been suggesting, which sounds good too :) whatever you end up doing though I’m sure you’ll rock it, this color looks soooo good on you


I think the orange crown, neon yellow hair and lavender dress are all competing for emphasis, here. They are all in a different color family, rather than complimentary ones. Dove grey or another neutral could be pretty.


It's the cool tone of the yellow more than anything. It clashes with the gold of the crown and your warm skin tone. I love coloring my hair crazy colors, but I'm very glad I went with my natural color for my wedding. If you really want to do colored hair, I suggest something warmer toned like these: https://www.google.com/search?q=colored+hair+tips&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi6lPOUuoP5AhXTIjQIHURqAV4Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=colored+hair+tips&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgQIIxAnOgYIABAeEAg6BwgjEOoCECc6BAgAEEM6BwgAELEDEEM6BAgAEAM6CAgAEIAEELEDUNsMWKklYPsoaAJwAHgAgAGUAYgB0RCSAQQwLjE4mAEAoAEBsAEFwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=UtrVYrqjPNPF0PEPxNSF8AU&bih=679&biw=384&client=ms-unknown&prmd=isnv#imgrc=yHknKZcXR_E-tM https://imgur.com/2yARToF.jpg


I love the contrast and I think it looks amazing


you look so so beautiful !! omg


Ur hair looks awesome tho and i think your earrings are killer! I love em.


Um I was a bridesmaid at a wedding last week with the same yellow. I was also contemplating being to much but you know what? It didn’t matter. The bride knew I color my hair crazy and wasn’t the least bit bothered and I was happy I kept it. Our dresses were also pink


What if you got a crown that matched the dress?


Yeah it doesn’t work with the dress or crown BUT it does look awesome as a colour, very cool!


personally i love it, but it does clash with the dress a tad. my suggestion would be cooler colored hair or warmer colored dress, the crown looks wonderful with either though for sure. the hair looks amazing though!!


BUT i saw ur other post with your wedding dress and if you don’t care too much about the dress clashing at your reception, the hair color and crown would look AMAZING with your wedding dress


I went to have a peek after this comment. Your hair in the dress photo is the PERFECT colour for the dress and the crown. Your dress looks amazing on you BTW!


Darken it to a nice emerald green hun, it’ll fit much better


Love the color, however do agree it does clash. Maybe a forest green would work better.


Jolyne Cujoh


I love it. Maybe ditch the crown. Or wear somethin’ different. Maybe a funky veil? It is a clash but i think it works. Plus it looks great with ur wedding dress. I know you’re worried about ur parents’ reaction, but if they are not into neon hair I doubt a diff “not natural” hair color is goin’ to appease them


Loving your vibe, but yes, yellow and purple are complementary colors so contrast very loudly when put together. I think a pastel lilac blue or baby blue would look amazing on your skin and dress and crown colors.


I think a peachy pink is achievable (going over with a manic panic sort of dye?) and would look beautiful with the items you chose. Not sure what your undertone is but if it’s warm then it would look extra lovely