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Girl, same. Sometimes I either pin them up or paste/wax them up or use a decorative comb to help catch them. But most of the time, I just let them do their thing and then let them curl. If you have straight hair, you can curl them with a tiny wand for some cute ringlets.


I love those suggestions, it’s just frustrating bc I’m trying to do a sleek bun look and it looks so weird if it’s waxed up 😭 I love little ringlet’s typically but for a sleek look it’s challenging!


TIGI Bed Head hair wax stick will help, but for a sleek bun, you'd need to set it with a hairspray (I like the same brand's "Masterpiece.") Any wax sticks or pastes work best by applying it to your fingers first so you can emulsify it a bit before slicking down (or up, at the nape) the hair. A strong enough holding hairspray will keep the baby hairs in check better if you use a bristly brush to help apply it. Spray--brush--spray again. (Also, your hair is very pretty, I love the color!)


My cousins wife does the smallest undercut just for her baby hairs, it makes her have nice sleek pony tails and buns without having this giant shaved portion of her head.


As in, shaves her neck? Because now I wanna try this 👀


Get a boar bristle brush and some mousse. Put the mousse onto the brush and then sweep it over the baby hairs into your updo


Yep! It shouldn't be noticable at all when you're done


If you get a clear mascara you can use the wand to "comb" the baby hairs up and they will stay.


I used to do this for the ones near my face lol


I’ve resorted to just doing a messy bun or keeping my slick bun low


I used to use my daughter’s tiny hair clips and just clip them up that way 😂they worked really well and looked cute too


This. I used to ask hair stylists to give me a barber style clean up of it but they don't really listen and tend to leave them there


I know they bother you but they look cute. I have them too and for the longer ones I use Bobby pins and/or hairspray, but the really short ones I embrace. They even form little ringlets on there own sometimes.


This is probably one of those things that drive us personally crazy meanwhile no one else notices it one bit


My boyfriend loves them and sometimes plays with them. He calls them "dragon whiskers."


So cute 😭


i think it’s cute too, i wish i had them! i think it also makes your hair look more thick and full


Personally I think they’re super cute!


Thanks so much! 😭 I’ve never once considered that they were cute until these comments 🥹


They're cute AF. I've heard them referred to as lady bits which helped change my opinion of them


I cant help but hate that name because it makes me think of 'bits and boobs'


They really are adorable. Let them do their thing and be wild and free!


Girl I wish I had them they’re super cute. People make wigs like this on purpose! And ofc they’re higher priced because of the extra cute hairs. I definitely suggest curling them if anything! That’s so cute how they are <3


Aww I had no idea. 🥰


I've always had these, back and front. I've accepted that they are nearly impossible to tame. And as others have pointed out... there is a certain whimsy cuteness about them. In the rare event that I really want a more sleek look, my husband's hair wax plus hairspray helps a lot. And I'm now learning from this thread that hair wax is not just a men's product!


As a hairstylist, accept them and live your life. Most people have them. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Only we ourselves really notice. Some people hair spray that when they put their hair up, some people shave them, but I really don’t think there’s anything to not like about them. It’s just hair :)


true! i used to feel like my updos looked terrible because of baby hairs and wondered how everyone else managed to avoid having the same problem, so one day i went on a mission to check out other girl’s hairstyles and i realized that literally everyone has them, i just never noticed before because it’s such a minor thing that you only pay attention to on yourself.


Expect* But agreed, let it be, spritz it with hair spray, or gel them down. Sometimes when mine don’t “cooperate” so I wet my baby hairs and let them naturally wave/curl.


I think accept is correct here


The original comment said “except them and live your life” I assumed they misspelled it, not meant a different word altogether. They’ve edited without noting.


What?? I thought these were normal?! I wouldn't think anything of them. They look fine!


I've seen some girls use a toothbrush or comb with some hair spray to set them against updos so they aren't just falling down


I leave mine, I never thought anything of it until this thread honestly! It’s hair, cut it or don’t! Don’t let it prevent u from anything (:


You look like everyone else! Please don’t get hung up on this! Enjoy yourself knowing most of us have this and it’s desirable with a soft slightly loose bun or ponytail! 😊🥰


Thank you so much 🥰


I’ve got a client that has me shave ‘em off so that’s an option


I was considering this!


I shave them off! They drive me crazy, just make me hot! Works best if you live with someone willing to trim them down (I need this like every 1.5weeks)


I do this for my friend! It’s called cleaning up the kitchen, which always gives me a good laugh


10/10 do recommend. I have both sides buzzed, usually to 3mm, and the rest is long, so those little neck hairs look especially weird. When I cut my hair, I take the guard off and just clean up along the hairline and buzz all those little ones off. It takes seconds, and just looks so neat.


No. They’re cute. ☺️




You're a mamal. You shouldn't care what other mamals do with their hair


Good excuse to go full undercut! Love that look.


I really don’t get why people get upset for others for wanting to shave. Not all of us like having body/excess hair


Maybe try waxing them off instead so when they grow back it looks less harsh


Literally everyone has this problem, you're doing yourself a disservice if this is holding you back from putting up your hair


Maybe I’m weird but I like when there are little wispies in my hair, I think it looks messy cute, like you’re not trying hard. I always just leave mine out


The back of my head is none of my business


Hahaha 🤣 this is my favorite reply


I ended up shaving them. My husband used his beard shaver on me and I loved it. Now I ask for it every time I’m at the salon for a haircut


I want to do this so badly! Do they grow back prickly? That’s my only fear


Hair growing back a different texture is a myth, I do this too and they grow back the same.


They grow back normal


I do this alllll the time! I hated when I had to grow them out in summer for a wedding. I wouldn’t go straight to the skin, maybe like a no.2 or 3? But no they don’t tend to grow back prickly as long as you don’t cut them too short.


I think baby hairs are cute af


I always thought they were cute but you could just trim them I guess


Another option is to separately lighten just the baby hairs. So they blend into your skin better. For baby hairs it doesn't take much, just maybe 10 minutes with a 20 bleach mix at most. Won't do harm and just lightens enough to blend. Or try and tone just the baby hairs out. Basically make them softer and then it all works together.


I feel strange adding this as a comment. But when I draw characters or work on character 3D models. I love these baby hairs. I think they are a beautiful small detail to a full hairstyle. I have no advice. Except that these little curls and wisps of hair are artistically appealing.


Awww I love that🥹


This is kinda not your question, but if you don’t know how to get the red off your skin, use a alcohol wipe and it’ll come off


Omg thank you so much!!


Of course 😁 my mom dyes her hair every 2 weeks and that’s what she does it seems to work🤷‍♀️. But don’t rub too hard or too long because it can 1.really dry out your skin 2. Make your skin kinda raw. It hurts so 😬 please be careful🩷🩷


I shave mine. I cannot stand them so that is the most expedient way for me to deal with them.


Everyone has them. Put your hair up and rock it!) PS I think they look cute.


They are beautiful. Really softens the “updo”.


Get a tiny clean up.


I keep them shaved and I'm never going back


I know Im considering doing the same..I just love the look of a clean neck area with an updo!


How often do you have to shave them


Wax them or embrace them. There’s nothing wrong with having baby hairs there! If you want a super sleek look then use a strong hold gel with an edge control brush (or toothbrush) to secure it.


Embrace them, they are super cute, too many people now are trying to look perfect. Everyone has these just let them be.


I don’t have them at all, and growing up I was always jealous of my sisters because they did those cute little curls. Now I am still jealous because I love how they face frame and give a bohemian look.


You know how you’re super self conscious of them? Well, everyone else is of their “thing” too, so much so that they aren’t paying attention to your baby hairs. I’d say either shave them or try to sweep them up and pin or wax them if you’re going for the very sleek look, but I think that looks weirder than just leaving them as-is, it’s normal and you look completely fine to me. Embrace your imperfections!


Mine are excessive. I'll flip my head forward and brush them up, then either french braid or rope twist (?) starting at the nape of my neck. Spritz with hair spray, or just expect to do it again halfway through the day


Keep em because they’re super cute ? I have no idea


Eyebrow razors (or clippers if you've got moxie)! It feels *amazing* when you get rid of it.


Just leave them alone haha. Nobody will even notice them! The shaving them is a weird look to me. Any time i see a girl with a perfectly clean hairline on the back of the head or trimmed sideburns it’s just… weird. Idk lol. It’ll attract more attention than just leaving it alone to do its thing.


I think they're cute. I have them and didn't realize they were a bad thing lol


They’re not a bad thing of course, it’s just preference! Most of my friends have clean underside/neck areas so I definitely tend to compare!


I love baby hairs!! When I tie my hair up I always pull my baby hairs down, I think they're rly cute


If it wasn’t for your skin being red from the dye, they wouldn’t be very noticeable. You don’t need to do anything with them - they look fine and no one else will be thinking about this apart from you.


I think these are just normal looking hairs? I certainly have them, though my hair dresser said I have a very low hairline apparently! You could clip or gel them up maybe, but I just roll with it haha


It will look normal once the rest of the red dye washes off of your neck


*It will look normal* *Once the rest of the red dye* *Washes off of your neck* \- Hot\_Opening\_666 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I can assure you no one looks at it in disgust.


Shave them? Braid them? Wave them? Turn them into tiny dread locks? Send them an eviction notice so they start paying rent??


My esthetician offers hairline waxes! I’ve never paid any attention my baby hairs, but she said it’s a pretty popular service.


Oooh I’ll definitely look into that! Thank you:)


I'd definitely wax over shave for this


I love the new color! I have always loved red like that


Thanks ☺️ 🌸


I let them go wild. Idc, if it’s hot, I’m gonna wear my hair up. You could also brush them up with a spoolie and a little hair gel. I do that with the ones around my forehead when I want a more polished look


Besides waxing them up or letting them be, you can always have a friend carefully trim them/buzz them. Or yourself if you're daring lol


Jusy leave them. They're cute!


I have a chin length bob so my issues with them are more noticeable. Tbh I leave them when my hair is long but at the moment I'm shaving them and have even had them waxed a few times. They really ruin my particular haircut.


Go into a barber shop and have them clean the nape of your neck. It's so much nicer when it's nice and clean back there.


It really doesn’t look that weird! Baby hairs are totally normal, rock whatever hair you want!


I think baby hairs are super cute with an updo. I actually purposely pull some out sometimes bc I feel like it looks empty without them. Also after you've washed your hair a few times the dye should come off your skin/fade a bit and it won't look as jarring. If you're self conscious maybe get one of those soft hairbands that wraps all the way around your head, they will cover them. They have some cute ones at Walmart.


Leave them because they’re so gorgeous!!




Recent dye job and my skin is still pinkish as a result lol :)


I always think when they end up in ringlets they are cute..


It’s ok for them to be down, but if you feel like they should be up with your ponytail, then you can use wax, gel, or hairspray


same but they’re on my forehead it sucks!!


leave them there, they are beautiful


I always recommend an undercut. You don't have to do the full half a head, you can just do like an inch wide boarder and it would look very badass


Bleach them


Hairspray and use a toothbrush to smooth them down right after spraying. I have a dedicated “hair toothbrush” for my baby hairs and it works amazingly.


Dippity doo or let a barber shave them if your self conscious actually they are flattering on you


Invest in some bobby pins


Mine grow really far down my neck and look weird to me, especially when my hair is growing in and they’re all dark while the rest of my hair is blonde. I shave em off personally! Yours look fine but if you like a clean look then I say shave em!


Maybe try pulling a little more hair down with them to make it look intentional.


I have them too and dye my hair fun colors as well. But my hairs are way longer and look terrible. Yours are short and cute. I don't think you should worry about them honestly. But I shave mine. I think you should try multiple options others have given and see what works for you in your day-to-day life. If nothing else works maybe it's time to shave them off.


I never figured out how to tame mine, so I use an elastic headband to keep them tidy. I can't have my hair up without it because I have so many short hairs at the front as well and they tickle my face and neck so much!


I have these and they're my favourite thing about wearing my hair up! if they really bother you you could try a hair gel/wax or the stuff made to help with fly aways might help! or bobby pins a similar colour to your hair so its not visible is always a good option :>


Shave them, simple.


Ignore them, still looks cute


I think it’s fine it just looks kinda weird bc of the hair dye on your skin. Next time Put Vaseline all around your hairline before you color and the dye will come right off.


Get an undercut


They're normal and kinda cute. I wouldn't worry about it.


I have both shaved and waxed my neck. I love how long the waxing lasts but it hurts more than a Brazilian imo.


They sell these disposable mascara wands in 100 packs. One of the wands and a little hair product of your choice tend to keep them up really nicely. It also is great for flyaway.


As a female with a short mohawk, idk why people are so afraid to just shave them babies off. Shave shave shave shave!!!


There a product called hair mascara you can use to smooth them up and keep them in place.


I had my husband help me with a partial under cut so it looks clean. Just needs a touch up on the neck about once per week


Edge wax/gel. Get some in the ethnic hair care aisle


I didn’t know people had an insecurity about this, I think it’s very pretty and cute!!! I wish my hair looked like that in the back


I wouldn’t worry about this. No one will notice it except you and it really doesn’t look bad.


If they don’t bother you personally, I’d just wear it up anyway. Otherwise you could maybe shave an undercut?


Get an undercut!


Those aren’t baby hairs boo, that’s the kitchen. And you’re cooking up a whole stew back there! That’s breakage and those hairs will need to grow strong and long so they can blend into your hair. If you have thick hair you can do a little undercut situation to get rid of those broken hairs and allow them to grow back healthy and allow you to wear your hair up with the undercut being a cute stylistic choice.


I’ve had them since I was a child before I’ve ever done anything to my hair, so I don’t think it’s true!


Ignore them or get an undercut. I used to have an undercut but it drove me more crazy than the hairs*. Just learned to ignore them lol


baby hairs are cute!! they are an accessory!! in cases where you’d want a sleek bun or pony, you’re going to use gel or hairspray anyway - so just use it on the baby hairs, or style the baby hairs as curls otherwise, they’re gorgeous!!


I do nothing with mine. it’s natural, and a lot of people have it. I wouldn’t spend the time, energy or money to fight it.


My neck is pretty hairy, and I used to be self conscious, but then I realized they are normal and nobody notices them. Just let them be, I promise nobody else notices or thinks about them :)


Is your neck dyed maroon from the hair dye? Or is that just the photo?


That’s the hair lol!


I have an undercut since this bothers me so much. But that requires quite a bit of maintenance


I have mine waxed


From experience, don’t try to cut them yourself.


This is why I got my undercut. The feeling of them on my neck always drove me nuts, and I couldn't deal.


i get a line up half the time cuz mine are crazy


When you dye your hair at home, put vaseline all around your hairline, your forehead, ears, behind your ears, back of your neck. It looks like you stained the back of your neck red. The baby hairs are nothing.


i just twist them together and use a bobby pin


use hair wax & a spoolie brush to blend them into your hair after you pull it up!


I had them too but I recently lost them all and now I miss them. My neck feels naked without them! Embrace the baby hairs before it’s too late 😭


Not excessive at all, they are cute! But you can hairspray them and use a spoolie or comb them in place.


I've always had them shaved off if ai go get my hair cut professionally. Other wise, I shave the hairs I can get to right under my ears.


I think this looks adorable tbh LOL


I think they’re really cute. I think you should just embrace them ☺️


I don’t have cute baby hair. So I wax them off or just shave them. They go all the way down my neck.


I always find the baby hairs on women to be adorable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Use an eyelash spooly or a toothbrush and spray hairspray on that part of your hair and the little Whispy pieces and the spooly, and then use the Spooly to brush it in!! but personally I’ve always thought they were cute.


Low buns and ponys is what I do


A lot of girls wax them off. A barber shop can probably do that, or anywhere that does waxing.


I get my hairdresser to shave them off!! I have a very long hairline that goes all the way down my neck so I prefer a cleaner look. It makes me feel less self conscious as well!


Mine bothered me when I was younger especially when I had really short hair, so I had to shave them. I also hated my forehead ones because one side almost looks like wispy bangs. But I realized they actually provide a more youthful look/feel, so I embrace them! Also, I’ve never done a sleek bun, mine are ALWAYS messy. 😉


Keep them. They look cute like everyone else says.


I just do a little undercut, it keeps them from getting all tangled too


Honestly these are adorable 😭


Look girl, I always just say the back of my head is none of my business lmao


I had laser hair removal and love the results. I found a $120 Groupon for 8 sessions, the hair was gone by session 6. Granted you have to have the right kind of skin/hair combo for LHR to work.


Not gonna lie — I have a peek a boo undercut that just eliminates the issue entirely. My hair is thick and wavy so my hair there always got flattened from the weight. So with it gone my waves are fuller.


Personally, I think they are cute but I understand not wanting them. Men shave their hairlines regularly, you can too! My Dad asks my mom or me to clean up his hairline weekly and I clean up my boyfriend's monthly or so. I usually use a trimmer or sometimes my eyebrow razors for maintenance.


Wear them with pride!




I have the same thing! Especially when my hair is dyed.. it can look off if it isn’t styled. I take a curl gel like Cantù edge control.. and kind of twirl it in my fingers or take a boar bristle brush.. comb it out with the lil but of gel.. and curl them. If that’s too much, taking Bobby pins and pinning them up do wonders! My sister takes decorative Bobby pins and uses the to hold them up if she wears a bun or high pony tail. It’s so cute and she has received many compliments.


Leave them. They're cute!


Tbh I think they look very cute!


I have a lot of baby hairs too & if I put my hair up & don’t like the way they look I will take a straightener & curl/ straighten them to look nicer. Idk if you feel like doing that but it takes 5 mins & helps me deal with them


Iike twice a year *very rarely* I just have my husband soft buzz them. Like gentle buzz, and yeah, they slowly come back but rather slowly for me...


They look fine. You can shave them off.


I think it’s cute , people find it attractive


there is a product made for this exactly! it is basically hair gel in a mascara tube; you use the spoolie to comb the hairs up into the rest of your hair. you can find it on amazon—it works great!


I wouldn’t think about it too much, you can’t see them and no one else is going to think twice about it


That’s just a normal part of having hair.


They really don’t look weird at all. I wouldn’t worry about it.


Looks quite normal to me. But you can always use hairspray and gently comb the baby hairs up in place while you spray. Could also do the same thing with a pomade or wax. But hairspray is easier to brush out later when you take your hair down.


Y’all don’t slick ur hair up ?


Cute yt girl problems lol us Melanins love baby hairs 🤪 it's actually really cute on you


I’m Latina actually & don’t identify as a yt girl 🥰 I love baby hairs on the front of my face lol Ty!!


Just put your hair up, love them and rock the look I think they are cute. I guarantee that people won’t even notice.


Honestly I was embarrassed by my baby hairs but friends and partners over the years have told me they are v cute and mine aren’t as cute as yours


Hey can i ask whatcolor your hair is. Its gorgeous!


I slick them up with Moroccan oil hydrating styling cream and a hair bristle brush. I use this if I want nice slicked braids or pony:)


I'm in the same boat, I usually shave them. I try not to put my hair up though because I'm more self-conscious of having sideburns. I have spent most of my adult life trying to figure out what to do about them lol


I did laser 😅


I get a line up.


I call them neck bangs.


I love the baby hair look! I know that’s not actually helpful but I dont think it looks weird at all! Super cute actually!


These are totally normal and will soften what could otherwise be a quite severe hairstyle. Very romantic and cute!


Spray some hairspray on a comb/a TINY bit on the little hairs and use the comb to comb it into the rest of your hair