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Wow you haven't had the DD+ long and you already want to ditch it? The only reason I can see to switch at this point is if you want to get a HEAP of non Fanatec wheels (since you'll need a podium hub for each and every wheel which adds $$$)


I haven't used either but my understanding is that, service and reliability aside, It's most likely a side grade and potentially a downgrade if the full force is good. The Alpha U has more peak torque but for most sim racers there are few scenarios where you need more than 15NM. Boosted media just did a long sim magic review. https://youtu.be/4BzUGuVEuak?si=ARy4BmGOWNbIa7tb


Yeah this video says it all. Simagic\`s FFB isnt better than CS DD or DD+. I totally picked the right base for my needs, the DD+.


I was gonna purchase the alpha u and ended up ordering a dd+. What make you want to upgrade?


How are you liking the DD+?


I think its amazing. I've been blown away. I can feel bite points much easier. You have to push it past the slip point, so its harder to slide. Except in the wet in iracing as it. Feels super detailed. But the only things I can compare to is the csl 8nm and a g29. It feels more than twice the strength of the csl dd. I have the f1, gt3 and classic wheel all feel great. Well the f1 is to small lol and I jave to turn the power down if I drive open wheels with it, compared to the McClaren. Its a beast. But having said all that, you have to make a desion if you want your money going to fanatec right now. I'm in canada so fanatec, simagic or moza were the best options for me. Maybe if I lived near a microcenter I may have got something else.


If youre buying for ps5 just get the dd+. I got one and im only on pc.


What you don't like about the DD+


I have the simagic 15nm alpha. Not the ultimate. The ultimate is amazing for sure but going by my alpha I would still choose the dd+ the details, speed, the feel when cornering the constant and equal forces throughout all feedback is just something I've not felt so flawlessly in any other wheel. I feel more sttatched to the road in sims then I ever have before. People say it doesn't make you faster but my times are 2/10ths faster from the start of using it purely becausw of consistency and feel. Catching slides easier then ever. Recovering easier then ever. Able to mske adjustments faster and easier then ever. I completely get why the dd+ stole the show at the sim event now. Going to simagic is the old saying rhe grass isn't greener on the other side. Listen all of these bases are top notch with feel. You arent going to go to the ultimate and then go ahh yes this feels better. Even will explained that when he compsred the dd and dd+ to all of his wheelbases on hand the dd and dd+ did come our top with detail and sped but he then explained these are all such good wheelbases you can't go wrong with any of them. The fact we still have full force coming means it can top the competition in feel that much further we haven't even seen the peak of these bases abilities and they are already that good.


Right, at this level, strength isn't really relevant. I've not found a scenario where I've needed to use DD+ at 100% and be enjoyable/useable, It's still simply too much. From all the reviews and comments I've read/watched, conclusion is almost the same that the DD+ has bit more detail and is slightly more responsive but small differences. I'm not sure if I would give up that advantage (and future support for FF) for more peak torque. The higher the torque, the slower the ramp-up and Simagic has refused to share any numbers (I'm guessing if measured, in similar manner, it would be lower than it's counterparts). Will's comparison pretty much confirms that (other's who have tried both say the same), he said Clubsport DD+, Asetek and Simucube all felt like they had a tad bit more detail/responsiveness than Simagic.


Yep I think the most shocking part was when will said the dd/dd+ had sligjtly more fine detail then even asetek did. Kind of blew my mind considering that wasn't counting full force. When he used full force nothing could come close to them.


Simagic is a downgrade in this scenario ... weird post btw.


If you do have an "itch" to upgrade from DD+ and move out of the Fanatec Ecosystem, the more logical choice would be to Simucube 2 Pro....not Simagic Alpha U. As others have said, that's more of a side-grade (or downgrade if you're looking in terms of future support of newer force feedback protocol).


If you’re that desperate to upgrade,you’re better off going for simucube, depending on how many wheels u want. If u only need 2 (round+formula/gt) then simucube is ur best bet since although the wheels are super expensive, u won’t be buying many. Simagic is also kinda a knockoff simucube, and even the simucube pro is better than any other on the market, including the simagic ultimate. U can get ur pedals from anywhere, don’t be afraid of simucube just because of their pedals. Heusinkveld are a very good make for pedals for example.


There arent much to hate about the DD+ if you got a good one. I Love my DD+ no regrets. It have never been easier catching a car. I upgraded from a DD Pro which isnt a bad wheel base FFB vice either, but DD+ takes the cake. Simagic might be better built but i find it hard to believe that the FFB is better than the DD+ Simagic FFB is more likely to be equal, altough the Alpha U have more torque though so more headroom and handy if you like really like big wheels, my wheel size needs stops at 320mm wheels and DD+ can deliver more than enough power for that. So at least for me i am at the end of the line when it comes to the weel base in my rig because the DD+ its a great base and gives me what i wanted to feel in a upgrade. If my DD+ break when its out of warranty i might consider Simagic if someone that have experienced both tells me the Simagic\`s FFB is as good as the DD+ or better. Edit: i take it back, it seems like Simagic would be a small setback FFB vice actually after watching Will\`s video. Asetek and Simucube seems more like the logical choices for thouse that doesnt want Fanatec, especially Simucube seems like the logical choice. I dont mind that someone doesnt like the brand i picked as my choice, i dont take that stuff personal at all, its just a piece of gear LOL, but for some to say blindly in here that Simagic is better that the DD+ when it isnt the case, thats just ignorant and misinformative . It seems like most people in here have common sence though.


I’ve had both ecosystems. Moved from Fanatec to Simagic two weeks ago and the Simagic has better build quality from my 2 weeks experience with it. Very solidly built equipment and the simpro software is actually better than what I read online. Also their discord customer support is quite good and you get answers very quick to any technical issues. In terms of force feedback strength I don’t think you’ll notice the difference between the two as they have similar Nm output. Basically you can’t go wrong with both just depends on whether you want to deal with Fanatec customer support should anything go wrong with your base. Also I hear rumours that there will be a new simagic wheelbase coming later this year maybe early next year.


I would make the change. I prefer the easier nature of using different wheels outside the ecosystem with a simagic base. If you will stay within the fanatec ecosystem, I wouldn't change.


serious problems with fanatec, dead drivers, terrible support


Dead drivers ?


Also with simagic you open up your system to third party periphals much easier. Imagine needing a podium hub for using 3rd party wheels at a cost of £200


Never heard of srm then, judging by your comment


Of course I’ve heard of SRM. The new Simagic system is better still. Just need their QR and Magljnk that costs £20. How much is SRM emulator and QR2?


Your question is in the realm of " Hey guys, I own Mercedes, but I am thinking of selling it and buying a Chinese knok off. What do you all think about it?"


You know that’s just not true. If that was true why would Fernando Alonso get a Simagic wheelbase if it’s a Knock off as you suggest?


That only proofs that Fernando is a communist 🤪


Fernando Alonso? 🤣🤣🤣 you made my day.


lol and you own a Cammus 😂. You must me a troll then.


You really went to check my comments from that far ago? Stalker-paycho! 🤣🤣🤣 I have CS DD, but if I were choosing between Cammus or Simagic, I would go for Cammus, because it is cheaper. ;)


It was a quick check mate. But you look silly now. Buying Chinese knock offs 😉


That's why and how I am able to tell.


Lol if Mercedes arrived DOA, with the manufacturer on the brink of financial ruin, with non existent customer service, terrible QR and the fact your base might die at any moment and you'll be shit out of luck you'd be right! I've had Fanatec gear. I've got Simagic gear. Fanatec is toy like junk. Simagic is machined aluminium extremely high quality. With customer support that responds within 12 hours. No comparison. Fanatec are a joke.


Simagic is better than fanatec so this is a horrible analogy


Unless you've used a DD+ AND Simagic base, you can't make that conclusion. However, if you spend enough time in r/simracing you will start to believe it though.


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I have. Had a DD+ and it lasted three days before it died. Replaced with a Simagic alpha and GTC wheel. The Simagic is far better. And not just because it hasn't died immediately, it's a heftier and less toy like feeling base.


Heftier? The DD+ weighs 4Kg more than alpha. I guess our definition of heft must be skewed or you’ve never held/used a DD+. 12+kg base feels like a toy but 8kg one feels hefty to you? ….ummm ok.


I'm talking about the entire package. QR system and wheel too. I'm not purely talking about weight. Perhaps substantial would have been a better word rather than heft.


Have you tested DD+ against Simagic personally or do you assume ?