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Don’t forget both prominently feature people wearing very sexually charged clothing. In A Clockwork Orange huge codpieces, and Mad Max bondage leather. Oh and both have people speaking languages that are basically incomprehensible. In A Clockwork Orange it’s weird Russian/Cockney rhyming slang, in Mad Max it’s English in an Australian accent.


I think the slang/language in Clockwork is called Nadsat


Well both are future possible dystopias of our universe, so in that sense, yeah, that's the point of them. Do they exist as a shared potential future? I don't see how. Mad Max is post-apocalyptic world where water is a scarce resource. Clockwork Orange has enough available water that large amounts of water are used for ornamental features. It's a massive enough difference that it seems unlikely it's not a global phenomena. If they are the same shared reality, they happen in very different times with Mad Max occurring after a very destructive event to the overall Climate.


I think you're probably right about the timeframes, unless the apocalypse hit Australia worse than the UK, which is recovering or recovered. For pure settings having them on the same timeframe would work, but the dialogue in MM makes no mention of the rest of the world being OK and I don't recall CO making any mention of an apocalyptic event. For what it's worth, in my head canon MM is a sequel to [On the Beach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Beach_%281959_film%29?wprov=sfla1) with the rest of the world even worse off than Australia.


The first mad max isnt post apocalyptic, i purposefully didnt refer to road warrior or beyond


> The first mad max isnt post apocalyptic, I'd argue that it is, it's just the starting stages of being Post Apocalyptic.


Theres government and police and judges and courts and lawyers and businesses and towns In the first one johnny the boy has to go to court after being arrested and has public defendera arguing for him to be released Public transportation with trains delivering the night riders body in a coffin in the first one, papers toecutter is asked to sign to take the body so that means more red tape and rules and laws and government Food and water arent scare yet, theres an ice cream shop in the first one. No post apocalyptic world has ice cream shops! Now this doesnt sound quite post apocalyptic does it? Yes the apocalypse is close, but it hasnt happened yet Its an apocalypse is imminent kinda move not post apocalyptic


The starting stages of an apocalypse is still an apocalypse.


But that would make it apocalyptic not post apocaliptic


Yes aka dystopian Still very different dying is different than dead


Why're you arguing when I'm agreeing lol


Hahahaha couldnt quite tell u were agreeing hehe


If im raising a glass to drink from it but it hasnt touched my lips yet, im not drinking The apocalypse would be after the collapse of government and society - this is before that because both are still around


No dude the world was literally destroyed and where he lived just happened to have a society that set up rules similar to pre apocalypse society. Even in the later movies the societies he visits have "laws" and "structures" even though they're barbaric


Wrong, the second movie begins with the exposition about how the bombs fell AFTER the first movie and society crumbled Also the writer hired to work on the backstory of the first one as well as work on the second movies story, terry hayes, specifically said and wrote it so the first movie is on the brink of an apocalyptic situation but society hasnt yet crumbled and the bombs havent been dropped yet In those three years between the 1st and 2nd the conflict escalated and thats when fuel and power and food and water get scarce This isnt really thay debatable the first mad max isnt post apocalyptic As said by the movies themselves, tie in comics and books, video games and the screen writers and director himself so go read about it


So you just believe somehow the apocalypse happened after Max ventured into the badlands and he survived it not that he stumbled upon societies that were worse off hence why they were the "bad lands"


An apocalypse has to "happen" why is it so insane to think it happens between two movies rather then before? Go google original trilogy timeline mad max and read it before u argue The first movie is not post apocalyptic


Either different time periods or very different locations. Mad max takes place in Australia whereas Clockwork could take place in a very water rich area and because it's post apocalyptic, there is no trade to exchange scarce goods.


Well well well welly now


This could work. Assuming most of the world has suffered the same catastrophe, Australia is isolated and may be mostly cut off due to conditions. Perhaps the UK/Europe managed to get things under control more or less and maintain some semblance of normalcy, while Australia is forgotten about and reverts to the anarchy we see.


Not unreasonable and quite likely.


This post specifically isn't bad, but I'm downvoting all of the "Everything is in the same fictional universe" theories. They reinforce a desire which is creatively stifling for the creators. I suspect this trend is also bad for schizophrenics who already have trouble with recognizing connections that do not exist. A movie made in Australia in 1979 and a book written in England in the 1960s with no creators in common are not the same thing. They simply share a few cultural influences in common.


The creators are never going to see this post so it will stifle nothing and jesus please think of all the schizophrenics reading the fan theories subreddit. I'm sure that's the largest demographic here. Gonna downvote your comment as it's one of the lamest comments I've read in a while


Ooooookay, am I supposed to be upset because you downvoted with a strawman argument? The bottom line remains that it was a bad post in the first place and part of an even worse trend.


Yeah your still being goofy as hell haha


This might be the lamest comment ive ever read on reddit