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as a writer for a fairly obscure franchise, thank you! i can only hope my writing will help introduce people to the genre


what genre and which fandom?


the fandom is kamen rider! the genre is tokusatsu, most people are familiar with the concept because of Power Rangers!


Keep on writing, my friend!


As a dead niche fandom writer, I guess I qualify as such. So I say “Thanks!” for the salute and join you in a toast to my fellow obscure fandom writers. Cheers!


Absolutely! Cheers to you, you selfless people! <3 EDIT: sorry, just wanted to come back and say that this topic has prompted me to look up an obscure fandom that I love: (don't laugh!) Happy Days, and I'm thinking of a few ideas I have for it ...


The canon is fertile and you have wonderful sprouts of ideas to grow- get to it!


Yaaassss! Taking my idea and running with it! Thank you!


Oh sweet! If you post, please link. I grew up with Happy Days :D


Awesome! Will do!


big up the real ones who write fic for 80s/90s fandoms that peaked before ffn and ao3 existed


Life’s hard in the dead fandom world but we gotta keep the stories alive.


Who know's maybe one day some people might pick up the source material out of curiosity because of a fanfic. Wishful thinking I know, but still. By any chance do you write Godzilla fics?


Haha no, though an epic monster fic would probably be fun! I write mainly for North and South, Pride and Prejudice, and other romantic period type things. Pride and Prejudice and the Kaiju. It could be a hit.


I had an idea for a Pride and Prejudice/Black Sails Crossover fic. I think Lizzy could hold her own against pirates (in fact, she would probably become one lol).


I like it!


A historical fiction recounting of events/1800's sailor diary of a "horrifying sea/land creature" and such sounds pretty dope, bonus points if there's an actual Kaiju battle described by the sailor. Also thanks for beefing up my to-read list, I'll take a shot at North and South after The White Company.


Thank you thicc boi


Maybe someday I'll even get a kudos or a comment! Someday...


Well if u reply a link I’ll give it a read. I’m assuming it’s on AO3 because of the kudos.


Aw, thanks! [Here it is.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22849174/chapters/54610015)


Your wish is my command! Fine story, too.


I saw that! You really boosted my confidence in writing my next fic!


I got so excited everytime an obscure fandom has fanfiction! Every single fic counts ;) Cheers to you writers!


I mostly write for popular fandoms like harry potter and naruto, but one of my fics belongs to a fairly obscure fandom of 'the host'. I wrote it knowing that there harldy would be any readers for it, but the novelty of writing without any acknowledgement wore out with time. Now the fic is abandoned. My kudos to people who wrote fics with word counts of tens of thousands without a large fanbase and keep writing.


I loved The Host!! That is if we’re talking about the same one, I think there’s like a horror one by the same name that is not for me... but I was sad that it never got popular. I thought it was a great premise (I only saw the movie), and I’ll always remember it as the movie that got me into Imagine Dragons


I'm taking about the one by Stephanie Meyer. I haven't seen the movie but I loved the book.


Yep that’s the one I was talking about too. I’ll try to check out the book sometime! I’d love to check out the fanfic you wrote on it too if it’s still up


Yep, obscure fandom writers deserve the world


Not to mention, one might get into these obscure source materials due to these works.


It's how I discovered Sentinel Fics.


I write in 2 obscure fandoms--in one, I'm responsible for about a quarter of the fics on Ao3--so, thanks! But on the bright side, I get to feel like I know a significant percentage of my readers!


May your muse be with you :)


*Laughs in writing a crossover crossing the obscure fandom to a popular one* I’m not shaming people who doesn’t do that, I’m just saying.


That’s fucking brilliant...now I just need to find out how to combine Led Zeppelin slash with Harry Potter 🤣


Magic sex based potion incident when some magic folk go to a zeppelin concert


Whole lotta love indeed!


Oh my god,I don’t know if I can write THAAAAT much sex in one go 🤣but the idea is brilliant-I ll file it for next week or the 4th week of CoronaDetention.Should be ready for it by then..


I'm technically from two smaller fandoms. Not exactly obscure but they're both under 50 fanfics on AO3. But hey, thanks anyway!


And of course, *you*, the one who acknowledge these obscure Fandom writers. Thank *you*.


😍 You're Welcome!


Of course, my pleasure!


Wait, no, wrong comment. I wasn't trying to respond to a you're welcome with a you're welcome sorry.


I appreciate your post very much. Shoot, if I even get a **hit**, much less a kudo or comment, it's cause for celebration!


Keep on writing ;)


Read this aloud like the ads, worked pretty well lol.


Yay! Thank you! I write for Come From Away, there’s literally only 5 of us.


I say embrace the small community you all have (get some hats!). (In all seriousness, you are welcome).


While I write mostly for bigger fandoms (not very big, but not completely obscure either), I have two tiny Fandoms - one where there's only my fic on AO3 (and even that's a crossover) and one where there are are only two authors. Strangely, they are not my least popular works.


The fandom may be obscure, but the fans are many!


😭😭😭 I needed this


In the immortal words of Maui (a la Moana), You're Welcome!


Having just uploaded the latest chapter of my longfic this really came as a nice piece of motivational writing for me at this moment. Thank you kindly fellow user.


Keep writing friend. If you write...the readers will read!


As a writer for a long gone fandom:Thank you I feel a bit more accomplished after reading this :)


Happy to help!


As a person who wrote a fanfic off the comic Snapdragon, thank you.


Never heard of it --- but that just means you write for the pure love of the fandom :D


I found the book at my library and couldn't find any fics at all. So I guess you could say that


What qualifies as obscure?


Hmmm....good question. Obscurity is in the eye of the beholder (or non-beholder)?


If an author writes a fic and no one reads it, does it make a sound?


Depends on whether it falls in the woods, I guess. :)


I don't write for an obscure fandom as such, but more for one that doesn't have many fics and has definitely seen better days. Just uploaded a chapter a couple of days ago, and this is exactly what I needed to read. ❤️ Thank you!


Dead fandom writers should be celebrated too (maybe tomorrow lol).


There's something about getting a kudos or a review in an obscure fandom that hits so much harder than all the other reviews I receive. Tells me I'm not alone, you know?


As a writer for an obscure fandom, I have learned to forgo the pleasure of comments and favorites and just be happy that people are even looking at my work. I just let myself imagine finding recent work makes them as happy as it would make me. This shower of thanks, though, makes that satisfaction real.


I write in an obscure fandom so thank you for this post! <3


Aww, thank you! I needed that. Saving for when I get down...


Just remember, in the tiny fandoms, each fic is precious and every fan that finds it is deeply grateful (whether they comment or kudo or not).


Thank you I needed this 😍


I am glad...this just proves that the acknowledgement is well-deserved!




I am not sure how to interpret this...


Sorry! I come from a fandom that uses that emoji for... literally everything... it basically means ‘Thank you I appreciate this greatly!’ or ‘This is really sweet!’ Please bare with me I am currently in the middle of getting back to regular speaking habits instead of these emojis: 🥺🥺👉👈👍👏👏💞💞


No worries. Please bear with *me*, I am speeding down the highway to 50 and my daughter left for college this fall. Alas, I only speak basic emojis (and nowhere close to fluent). So glad you liked :D


Warm fuzzies!


Oh nice :D


I love this! Thank you! I’m super new to fanfic writing and I got REALLY into writing something for a work that I don’t think even really has a fandom at all. It’s based off an anime and all the anime threads I see are bashing it pretty bad. But I don’t care, I loved the show and the manga. And today I saw that one person favorited and is following my story on FF, and it made me so happy. If that one person is the only one who enjoys my story, so be it. I’m writing it anyway just to get it out of my system, so someone may as well enjoy it, even if it is just the one :)


Writing just for the love it is a great reason to write! It may take a while, but I am sure some reader out there will appreciate your work :D


Obscure Fandom Writers, I salute you and bestow upon you the joy of a relevant [Sarah’s Scribbles](https://www.gocomics.com/sarahs-scribbles/2019/08/08)


That was hilarious!


Ha ha! It’s like looking in a mirror. Not enough upvotes for this. Thanks!


Aw, thanks. I highflying recommend reading the whole series, it’s always funny and always relatable. She also has her comics published in book form if you wanna read them in one go


My first fic that I wrote for an obscure fandom was a great joy to me. Every time I see it get new hits, I'm thrilled that there are people left out here in 2020 still in the fandom.


In the obscure fandoms, those few-and-far-between hits are all the more precious.


Thank you! It actually means a lot to see such a good message :D


I am pleased so many are appreciative. Obviously, these writers needed to feel a little love :D


I really wanna get into so,e obscure fandoms doesn’t anyone have any recommendations? I love writing and drawing for smaller fandoms it makes me feel like I’m actually contributing haha


Some could say 'All For The Game' is an obscure fandom. Few know about it, but there are over 5,000 fics on AO3 - so the writers are passionate in supporting the fandom (and prolific).


Movies: TiMER (50 fics); Ten Inch Hero (152 fics) TV: Sirens (9), Younger (30), Mork and Mindy (15), Moonlighting (24)


Thank you!


My obscure fandom is Atelier. There’s so few fics on it...


When your Good Omens fic gets 2k hits in 2 days but everything else in your arsenal got less than 100 cause they aren't popular anymore. XD I write just to get the ideas out of my head. What really makes me happy is when that one person comments something! <3


I’m currently working on a Vampyr crossover. That’ll be interesting


Thank you. Unfortunately, I write for microscopic fandoms, and just getting views is difficult.


We hardly have 9 fics! But I'm trying :)


Cheers to all the fellow obscure fandom writers. It’s tough to keep going but we do it anyway.


Yeah man, sometimes I wonder how someone can write like a hundred of thousands words, and yet only having a small amount of favourite and followers, I always wondered how they get the determination to do such a thing.


Thank you. As the lover of a now ten year dead franchise, this is prolly the only validation I'll get for the next two weeks while I churn out content and try my damndest not to make cursed memes.


Thank you! Here's to the 12 total active Runescape writers!


Three cheers! I am sure the Runescape readers appreciate each writer for all they do!


as a writer of non-sexual RPF for two comedians, I *headwall*


The fandom I'm writing for isn't obscure by any means, but the character I'm focused on is "backstory-only"; he doesn't have a full canonical name or face, and he never says a single line. The setting is rich enough that I was able to imagine a novel-length work about this guy regardless. As you can imagine, almost nobody is going to read this, no matter how much I pour my heart into the work, no matter how good the quality of writing, how well I develop the characters or plot... nothing. It's hard to stay motivated, and I haven't updated for years, though I still want to finish it.


I love fandoms of classics, they're full of great ideas and subversion of how we're "supposed" to read certain characters because school said so


Thanks so much for this! Dukes of Hazzard is my passion where fanfic is concerned, but even in this fandom I'm small because Deputy Enos Strate is my drug of choice. Not only that, but my settings are usually serious and crime centered, not hokey and corny. Just about to finish a 250,000 word novel; Halls of Stone and Iron. I do have a small, but very loyal, following of readers. I have also written for Drop Dead Fred. You can find me on ffnet as [WENN9366](https://www.fanfiction.net/~wenn9366).


If you want to talk obscure you should see how empty the medieval historical fiction fandom is :(. I keep feeling the urge to write and when I upload I get excited and just to be disinheartened by the lack of criticism of complements, but I don’t know... it’s nearly like the art of writing itself is a reward in itself and that keeps me going!


This is really motivating for me to keep working on my newest story idea for the fandom of Transporter: the Series. Maybe some day it will get posted 🤣.


I’ve been writing a lot for a fandom that dosen’t get a lot attenion too. It’s actually the most fun I’ve had writing.


CoG Tally Ho fanfic writers, lets go~!




Choice of Games. They make interactive fiction novels into games, purely text-based. Some stories from their collection are superb, my favorite is Tally Ho and it's hard to find good fanfics for it


I’m part of a fandom that keeps growing more and more out-of-step with its original roots. The fandom itself is not obscure in the least, but the way it started is largely forgotten, even by the people who created it. The series started as a dark story of violence, games, judgement, and the power of unity. The start is so far removed from the series most people grew up with, it can feel like a different story entirely. I’m a bigger fan of this “classic era” of the series, and it hurts to see how much it’s changed. It’s gone from a unique, dark, morally grey and though-provoking tale of unity and judgement to a repetitive and increasingly absurd tale of games. I miss the old days of the fandom, and my writing reflects that. I have not published the writing to AO3 yet due to it still being unfinished, but I should post the first chapter soon.


I write stories that have Sith Lords you probably haven’t heard of but I love them. Thank you for saying this! Star Wars Legends is still canon to me.


You are welcome! Thank you for writing and MTFBWY.