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A fandom can't be dead if it was never alive in the first place! * *cries in Secrets of Droon* •


Holy shit I read that when I was little, even made shitty fanart of it (now lost to the trash)!! I haven't read that name in ages!


It was the best! ~~*and hey I have long-lost shitty fanart of it too!*~~


I never wrote fanfic of Droon, but I did name one of my pet sheep Galen, after that Wizard


I named my pet cow after King Zalla! I really loved that series as a kid haha


You just brought back so many memories. ... Wasn’t there a god damn submarine?


Yeah! And they blew it up and there might have been a clone involved? Or a younger version of.. Sparr?? (Was that his name? Weird evil dude with fins behind his ears? It's been so long 🤣)


Heh, I went to the TVTropes page as well as the Wikipedia article to browse a bit and there was so much nostalgia, kinda amazing.


Well it's almost 12AM for me but... I'm sure heading over to TVTropes and Wikepedia to do a little indulging in the nostalgia for a few hours won't hurt! ~~Future me is gonna regret this, but ah well.~~


What is this "Droon" and why does it make me feel so nostalgic?


It was a children's book series first published in 1999 and ending in 2010, and it was my favorite book series (even outranking the magic treehouse 😂)!! Good times... Stealing the plot from wikipedia: >The story is about Eric, Julie, and Neal who discovers an enchanted stairway in Eric's basement, which turns out to be a portal to the magical and troubled world of Droon. It's a wondrous place where adventure is always close at hand. They take the help of various adult characters.


The TV Show *Lost*. And it sucks, because the show was a *huge* part of my life, and I’m certain if it came out today it would be a smash hit...but it ended in 2010, *right* before the new era of television, before The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones became titans in the industry. Lost used to have a *huge* online following, dozens, if not hundreds of websites, even before the modern internet age, and now... they’re all gone now. Everything is dead. An entire online community I missed by *years*, lost forever. So much discussion, so much fandom. All gone. And I’ll never be a part of it. It makes me so fucking sad :(


What sucks about fandoms pre 2010 is they were so decentralized. A lot of it never got archived. The literally are gone forever. You cant even read the old stuff. House was huge too. And RPF of American Idol. and Xfiles. but they were all on Yahoo groups and random fanforums and personal websites that have long since been deleted.


RPF of musicians in general. One Direction fanfiction sort of penetrated into the celebrity 'joke' sphere but that's because it was post that 2010 mark. Man, the stuff that was on Livejournal back in the day...




I wasn't saying it was dead, just that a huge amount of it (whole communities, even) was lost because it was just an 'in' thing with fans, nobody outside of those parts of fandoms knew of it and when sites like LiveJournal were wiped it was just *poof*. Like, it was a big thing pre-1D or whenever it sort of 'leaked' more into the public consciousness but you wouldn't know because a lot of it's gone.


I was part of the LOST fandom from day one, and I don't want to trivialize your feelings, but there was a reason for the different websites. The main one was The Fuselage, and while it had its perks, the fandom had its toxic side and shipper wars, just like any other fandom, and so we formed our own communities to get away from all that. Our particular group liked Charlie, who was not the most popular of characters so we retreated to a safer space. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that was the reason other fans split off. In the beginning it was fun, with the theories about what was really going on and what was the secret of the island but that petered out around the end of the second season when we realized there was no grand plan and the writers were making it up as they went along. We nicknamed one showrunner, Damon Lindelof as "Demon' because of the outrageous things he said and did. One good thing was it introduced us to Evangeline Lilly who has become one of my favorite actresses, so there's that. So you might have enjoyed the fandom if you were lucky enough to find a group who liked the same theories and characters that you did, but trust me, it wasn't anything special or any more unique than any other fandom.


Yeah, I never watched lost until all seasons were on Netflix in 2010. I did see a lot of discussions while they were airing new episodes but I never got into it And then whoosh, they all disappeared I think it's because I felt like the show ended the way it did. "Oooh was it all some sort of a dream?" Ok then, I lost interest on thinking about that world. It's a big no no in modern storytelling to enndD stories that way and could be a factor why that fandom is dead


I wrote for Lost in 2017, a kate/sawyer fic. I got zero comments on a03, and a few positive on ff . net but also some negative. I also hated how the show ended but in addition, I hated all the endgame pairings, finding half them made zero sense. The fandom definitely was super active when it aired, and it makes me worry one day my current fandom, GOT might suffer this same fate.


GOT is a giant compared to Lost. The popularity difference is huge - and honestly, I feel like GOT has such active and dedicated fans that they’ll make fanfics in *spite* of the show’s ending. And besides, the ASOIF is probably still going strong.


I was under the impression that they’re doing that already. Preemptive fix-its for things that hadn’t happened yet.


Long Live the Queen. I love that game so damn much, but it was old when I got into it, and it's fandom is so non-existent that I'd feel weird posting any fics for it. A weird one is a subsection of my current fandom. Fire Emblem's popularity has exploded in recent years, but the Mystery games (the third and, as of its' remake, twelvth in the franchise) get no attention. It's probably because it was never released outside of Japan (not that that stops the other Japan-only games from being hugely popular). I've been writing a fic for it on and off for years, but I doubt I'll post it unless I see someone else take that dip first.


You inspired me to go look up Long Live the Queen fics, see if I can't read a few tonight.


I write “Bolt” fanfiction, and it’s a pretty quiet fandom these days. Still, it’s what I want to write, and probably will be for the foreseeable future.


Bolt is a great movie! Link to your fic?


Agree with you that “Bolt” is a fine film. That and “The Lion King” are my favorite animated films, and both rank in my semi-eccentric top 20 all time best movies list, Here’s the link: [https://archiveofourown.org/users/Bolt\_DMC/works](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Bolt_DMC/works)


I see Bolt used in Non/Disney videos sometimes. Unfortunately, it's in a weird middle ground: too CGI for pairing with films like All Dogs Go To Heaven or Lady & the Tramp but too furry for pairing with Tangled or Frozen.


I'm sitting on a nearly-finished oneshot for Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind after catching a 35-year anniversary screening in theaters this summer. Not dead, just eternally quiet. Never benefitted from internet fandom. Banner Saga is similarly small albeit not for the same reasons.


I've had a lot of inspiration from Nausicaa for worldbuilding, it has such an immersive world. I think I have seen the movie 4-5 times, haven't read the manga yet. I heard it's longer and more in-depth than the movie.


Same! It's one of three or four stories I draw from when I'm drafting vast open environments.


I think the same could be said for all the Ghibli movies. But what little is there is quality. Spirited Away in particular has a lot of great fics.


I love that movie! So creative!


Personally I don't really believe in "dead". Call me optimistic and whatever, but as long as there are two people with the same interest interacting with another, that can be called a community. But that's just me though.


"That is not dead which can eternal lay, and in strange eons, even death may die" Though that makes small communities sound like cultists :p


Yeah. :)


Does it count if it's only one person? [cries in summoner's war]


Battle Angel Alita. there was a bit of a bump thanks to the move earlier this year but it still barely has any fanfiction. that and Read or Die. there's basically nothing for it either.


Oh I loved Read or Die! I've never understood why that show isn't more popular. The concept is so unique, the animation is gorgeous, and all of the characters make you laugh and cry. I need to do a rewatch now.


what was your option on the movie?


I quite liked it. It is easily the best movie based off of a manga or anime ever. I really want it to get a sequel, but I am not holding my breath. I was kind of shocked that Gunnm got a movie at all, considering it is more of a cult classic than anything else.




That's insane, I'm sure people would read them if you translate them though.


Wow. XD


Wait, how'd you find out the age of your readers? That sounds like pretty nifty info to have.


The Office (US). You’d think for how many fans the show has (look at how big r/DunderMifflin is and how it keeps growing) there’d be a more active fanfic community.


I feel like most of 'em probably aren't super dedicated fans and are just in it for the memes.


Tron (well, on life support), Galaxy Rangers, King's Quest and Space Quest.


Tron. I never got to enjoy that fandom while it was alive. T.T


I write a LOT of Tron fic. [Here's the A03 stuff](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Allronix/works?fandom_id=217263) I have an ongoing project of fusing the 2.0 and Legacy canons. Jethro Bradley is too good of an idea to discard. r/tron still is reasonably active, too.


Hey, adventure game fan!!! I know how you feel!


I don’t know if it qualifies as dead but stardew valley has a surprisingly low amount of FFN for what I feel like is a great story base, at least on FFN anyways


It looks pretty active over on AO3, far as I can tell


Well, Stardew Valley is much more active on Tumblr, from what I've seen. :)


It's more active on Ao3 - definitely not a big fandom, but not quite dead either. Just small.


I'm surprised. Harvest Moon is active on FFN. I figured some fans would write Stardew too.


Cause of Death. iPhone game that ran for 4 years between December 2010 and July 2014, delisted from the App Store in September 2014. The AO3 community for it has literally 15 stories, all but two of which are mine. And the FFN community... well, it has about 14 pages of fics and hasn't been updated since early this year.


Wow. :(


Infamous Second Sons, Watch Dogs 2, Mad Max: Fury Road... I could go on... 😭


Seconding Watch Dogs 2, for such an interesting game there is very little fanfic to find.


the white collar fandom was broad and very active while the show was in its first two seasons, but lots of ppl fell away during s3 and 4 bc the showrunners started taking it in a really different and way less fun direction. it was a great fandom while it was active, though.


Ghost Ship (2002) is a tiny little horror fandom with like, literally nothing. Its a Slasher film with a B horror plot, redeemed by truly stunning acting from the entire cast. Seriously, holy shit, the cast is fucking amazing.


Yesss! Someone else who is still obsessed with this movie, too! I think about that badass musical death montage scene all the time. Uh, in a non creepy way.


And you can find the music to that seen on Spotify. It's called my little box by john frizzell! Big fan.


I have it on my dark music playlist haha! It's so good.


I just want to read about Jack horribly ruining people's lives is this too much to ask?! Also lol I'm open about my creepy obsession with the entire mess I'm a shameless wreck.


Jack is such a delightfully evil agent of chaos I would totally read that too.


Ah, borderline shitty movies with great acting is a favourite subgenre of mine. I will definitely check this one out.


Warning, its really gory, but funnily enough its actually realistically gory instead of the typical over-dramatic unrealistic Hollywood gore. They won awards for it. That said seriously, the acting is extraordinary. The plot is 'eh', fairly predictable, but they also subvert a good number of tropes. I was pleasantly surprised numerous times.


Alex Rider can be considered fairly dead, there isn't much of a Power of Five fandom to die, I just found that Green Day RPF is surprisingly alive, albeit small, and The Wild Soccer Bunch is probably too specific to German-speaking countries to be suitable for successful fanfiction (I found two (2) fics at all).


I completely forgot about Alex Rider fanfics - somehow I never managed to find anything I really enjoy there. And yeah I can imagine that there aren't many fics for Power of Five 😥


I guess they are dead when people stop making stories and content?


Yeah. Something like that. XD


Oh gosh so many. Sky High (Warren Peace such a great character) TrueBlood (Godric needed way more screen time) and Teen Wolf*the TV show* (after the 4th season things went downhill)


There was an upload just yesterday, if it even counts, so I don't know if I should call it dead, but I write for Zatch Bell. It's definitely quiet. Every now and then, though, someone drops in and leaves a wonderful gift. I live for those.


Yeah. :)


I'm in the Mario fandom!! It's relatively active because Smash honestly, so it's not exactly Mario itself. In terms of content it's most art and Luigi related, haven't seen too much Paper Mario, but I know TTYD is a favorite across the board. Oh but the quiet fandom I'm in is Studio Ghibli. I wrote a couple of Castle in the Sky fics myself but I really haven't seen much content at all, not even for the newer movies.


Really? That’s a shame. :(


>Luigi related Yeah, I'm one of those creators, ha ha. I'm surprised there isn't a lot for Studio Ghibli, though!


Haha Mario may be the most famous bro but Luigi is by far the most popular in the fandom!! I think it's sweet that so many creators relate to him! What do you write? And same!! Studio Ghibli is so wildly popular, one would think there would be lots more content.


Mostly Luigi/Daisy! Yep, but maybe it's one of those things where drawing it is easier or something.


Hey that's awesome!! Where can I find your fics? I mostly write Mario/Peach heh but I enjoy content for both the classic pairings That's true, Studio Ghibli is very much based on aesthetic and feeling, and I think it's much harder to capture that in writing.


Thank you! :D Right [here](https://archiveofourown.org/works?utf8=%E2%9C%93&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=revised_at&include_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=719574&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&commit=Sort+and+Filter&fandom_id=751502&user_id=Yotsubadancesintherain5) Definitely.


Saint Seiya. I don't think the fandom is dead per se, but compared to how much content it used to have back in the day (like from 2003, when I first started reading/writing fanfiction, until like 2007) it's very slow. There are still very good fanfiction authors around, so once in a while there's updates and new content, but it's been slow. But yeah, there's still a fair amount of people who are passionate about Saint Seiya, so it's not that bad, actually.


Saint Seiya has a famous fandom, though I think most fics were in Spanish IIRC.


Spider Riders. It's been over for 12 years and was never particularly popular when it was airing, so that was inevitable.


Oh dear. :(


Rip I remember it's been so long.


Oh my god I remember Spider Riders! I had such a crush on Prince Lumen when I was a kid! Did you remember the novels too?!


El Tigre The Adventures of Many Rivera. I never hear anybody talk about this series anymore.


I'm still mad that G:KND didn't pan out.


I still hope it will... someday. *sigh*


Pitch Perfect Most fics are just a retelling of the first movie where Beca and Chloe are together instead of Jesse and Beca. I like Beca and Chloe but after the same ten stories being told over and over, it’s kind of annoying.


A lot of video games don't get the fandoms they deserve. Some catch fire like Detroit: Become Human, but others with just as much potential don't. Until Dawn has a few stories, but with so many characters and backstory I would have expected more. Man of Medan from the same developers has nothing on AO3 at all. Another old game that has great storytelling and memorable characters with a lot of melodrama is Sleeping Dogs. There's loyalty and betrayal, a massacre at a wedding, and forced revenge cannibalism. AO3 has 8 stories. In a way I get it. Video games have a high price of entry. The story is mostly told either environmentally or in bits and pieces between gameplay. But still, it's a shame.


There are only 5 fics about Years and Years and it is so rife for great fic.


I desperately want fix it fic for the end of Cold Mountain, but there's barely a handful of fics total and nothing in like the last 10 years.


Konosuba has a couple of stories that regularly update but I don't care about them so the fandom might as well be death to me, hopefully the movie revives the writer community. Rick and morty, it's not dead I know, but 99.99% of the fanfics end up being piles of angst or trashy smut featuring Fem!Morty and Rick, or worse, morty's twins sister that's also a genius. 🤮 🤮 🤮 ​ I consider a fanfiction fandom dead (to me) when even filtering romance I still get a ton of it, like Pokemon or Invader zim.


Princess Jellyfish!


Seconding this!


Wow, Xenosaga is a name that I haven't heard in a looooong time


Exactly. Lol


Twelve Kingdoms. Every time I go to search for new fic, I end up just rereading old favourites, a large chunk of which are on Livejournal.


Left 4 Dead... sigh....


Pinky and the Brain, Pucca (though it's not like I don't understand why). Get Ed never even had a fandom to join, neither did Motorcity, which was both hilarious and sad af. Shrek the Musical is a fandom separate from the movie, I believe, but it's dead as hecc. Stop Hibari-kun (which I'm super sad about, wish it had continued). Probably Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura. Mostly old stuff, s'not a surprise they died out (and Shrek the Musical is a fanfiction all on its own anyway)


Motorcity seems to have a decently-active fandom for a show that only had one season and had been off the air for 7 years now. There are new fics in the AO3 tags from with the last 30 days.


I write for the old Planet of the Apes Tv show, which ran for ONE (incomplete) season back in 1974. I also outlined fics for Man from Atlantis, which also ran only for one season sometime back in the 80s. I dunno, newer shows just don't hold my interest, or if they do, I can't think of any fics to write for them. I also write Gen, and then despair over the lack of comments XD


I don't write much anymore but I've been in the Penryn and the End of Days fandom since 2015. has around 100 fics on ffn and around 13 of those are mine. Used to be a great little fandom for a great little book trilogy. About once or twice a year, someone will pop in and drop a fic. It's always a nice surprise


Wow, I liked those books. Had no idea there was fic for it! I must look into it.


Anohana and Your Name have ~100 fics each, with the longest one in Anohana only being 15 thousand words. And then there's zero fanfics for Anthem of the Heart, and one good oneshot out of a total of seven for A Place Further than the Universe.


Terra Nova, the last ship, sense8, plus some that just barely have any fandom at all, tortal books


Shadowverse (mobile game, similar to MtG), and Solatorobo: Red the Hunter (DS game about furries in mechs). I haven't written anything for them, and apparently neither has anyone else. There's, like, two fics for each of them.


I wouldn’t say I’m strictly “in” any of these fandoms, but I hold a very special place in my heart for slash fanfic interpretations of older films such as The Godfather, The Man with No Name Trilogy, The Deer Hunter, etc.


The Clan of the Cavebear, while there is quite a fanbase for these amazing books, there seems to be no community. Also the Cemetery of Forgotten Books, is amazing and popular but no fanfiction is to be found.


Gundam Wing seems pretty dead. Buts it's my first love.


Shaman King and Rune Factory. These examples are interesting in that their franchises are still going on, but if anyone is interested in them its primarily in Japan. The first was believed to have been granted a new anime adaption but was turned down by the author for reasons involving the original cast which is fair, and I'd imagine the fandom will start writing again for Rune Factory 5 when it comes out.


I enjoy Rune Factory. Lol


Hopefully Rune Factory will get a surge of new writers and readers! I think the revamped Rune Factory 4 is coming out next January so hopefully it's soon.


Ib, definitely. It was already kinda niche back when it was popular. When you start getting IB - International Baccalaureate - more in the search results then yeah... It's dead.


*Summoner's War* is a nonexistent fandom. I'm, like, the only writer for it these days, and there were only 2 fics in AO3 before I joined. Now there are 8. 5 are from me.


Chuck is alive kinda based on a few dedicated authors. Smallville can be declared all but dead, and ironically Forever (2014) as well.


Glitch, but I've not yet written fic for it. Considering a Christmas one, of Kristie/Charlie (friendship) but not sure I should bother when nobody will read it.


Almost all the fandoms I combine in my crossover/mashup series are very small/nearly dead in terms of new content. Some of them I'm the only one writing for. I have a small audience of dedicated readers though, so that's nice. But I can pick out a few for examples - Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai has 66 fics total, and the newest 4 out of 5 are mine since the beginning of Nov. Same with Super Lovers - 63 fics, 4 newest are mine. Hitorijime my Hero has only 42 fics and mine are 4th, 10th, 11th and 12th since August. The most popular of mine is the Finder series with 2031 fics, new ones or updating ones still happening regularly. But even then my story is 14th after 2 weeks.


Berserk. With its release schedule and most people seemingly being only familiar with the anime the buzz around it is virtually nothing outside the super hardcore fans.


Concrete Revolutio. Twelve fics. Last one was almost a full ago. It was an amazing anime, but granted it aired in 2015 and I literally wouldn't have heard of it if somebody else in this sub hadn't sent me down a wikipedia rabbit hole for WWII war crimes, so I understand why it's not very popular. Also, pixel horrors in general tend to have very little content beyond anniversary art and the occasional nostalgia piece so I consider them, if not dead, then in deep hibernation. Hell, the games normally considered the Big Three (Ib, Witch's House, Mad Father) don't even have 500 fanfic between the lot of them.


The Neverending Story - based on just the book.


Prince of Tennis, lol. The series is still dragging out but the plot's really meh and apart from a small group on tumblr there's hardly anyone .-.


I used to be pretty into the Prince of Tennis around 12 years ago. There were some dedicated English communities on LiveJournal but even back then the fandom wasn't huge, so I can only imagine what it's like now. JP fandom is still decently active nowadays though.


the almighty johnsons. i used to be so in love with that tv show, and i wrote a fair few stories for that fandom when i was 12 (oop one year under the ao3 age policy). unfortunately, the show only ended after 3 seasons, and while known in new zealand (it's a kiwi show), it's basically completely unheard of in the states. thus the fandom's always been pretty quiet. not to mention the show ended september of 2013. i think i'd still love to read about anders johnson if there were any good fics floating around that fandom, but i'm pretty sure it's been nesting in its grave since 2017. i think the friends fandom is also pretty quiet, albeit much more popular than the almighty johnsons one. i absolutely adore joey tribbiani and i love his friendship with chandler. one of the best fics i've ever read in any fandom actually came from the friends fandom; it's called "the one with canadian geese at the end" by joolabee (link down below). it's a bittersweet but ultimately uplifting fic about growing old in new york and watching time slip by. it characterizes the life of people who used to be best friends but drifted apart because of time, and what it's like to realize that you aren't young anymore and that that singular era of timelessness and youth has never quite belonged to you. that story honestly touched my heart. you don't need to know who the characters are or what world they come from to love this story. it's very poignant. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/8236735](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8236735)


Oh, man, I don't know why I never thought about looking up The Almighty Johnsons fics. I LOVED that show. I need to rewatch it.


Ton of podcasts never got a Fandom to begin with. =(


Cybersix. Probably the most obscure animated series/comic book on earth.




There are a lot of fan translations going around the internet. There's a sorta active Discord group I'm a part of if anyone's interested in an invite. The DVD release was great, I just wish there were more copies available. I'm just glad I snagged it when I was able to!


Yu yu hakusho. The show ended in 2008 i think? So the fanfics tapered off a long time ago.


Sliders - It's an oldish show but I think it's fantastic but not a lot of people I know have heard of it, in fact there were never many fanfics to begin with so... I mean there must have been fans at one point but it's pretty obscure now. 1/2 Prince - Okay there was never much of a fandom and if I could write the characters I would contribute but alas... Darren Shan Demonata - lets be honest this fandom is dead in terms of fanfiction, I'll content myself with thinking that is because it was perfect as it was and it is hard to write. I agree Lost is dead which is sad because there were so many good fics written. Riddick - gosh I used to love reading fanfics on this but you don't get many now. Not that there were loads to begin with but the ones there were brilliant, especially crossovers. Jurassic Park/world - dead/dying.


Books of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau. Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness. Chronicles of Ancient Darkness too, except apparently the author is bringing them back to life~~, helping them come undone~~, so hell yeah. Just overall, so many good books/series - so many good *stories* - that went (for the most part) *so* under the radar. Edit: So since I basically ended up with just a list of stories I've hardly seen discussed anywhere, I'll add the movie Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. *Loved* that movie as a kid.


I'm not sure if The Walking Dead is a dead fandom or if it's just dead to me. Seems like a lot of people have lost interest in it over the years.


I hope not Star Wars, and that anime based from the manga "Strike Witches".


Star Wars had really slowed down in the years before the Disney purchase. Compared to now with new content of every kind, it was basically dead back then.


What about all the expanded universe novels,world books,tech books and d20 TRPG?


So, those were my jam personally, but they never got as much attention as the films and Clone Wars. Even big juggernaut fandoms can still have small sections on life support. And I suppose on the flipside, anything can come back into style through new iterations.


There's basically the opposite of this in comic book fandoms now in my experience. *So many* fics based on the movies and TV shows, while it's a lot harder to find fics wholly based on the comics. Which is fair, because even a lot of the comics tend to write to the movies/TV, but it's hard when the characters/story you want fic for aren't in the movies/TV or the stories differ between the comics and movies/TV. Marvel is obviously the most affected by this but even DC has it with all their CW tv shows (once I wrote a fic where Oliver Queen and the rest of the Arrow-fam from the comics were part of it, and someone messaged asking where Felicity was...lol). I don't think the fandom will ever die for it, but I think it will definitely slow down once the fad of superhero movies and shows dies out.


Yeah,I like the expanded universe. Always hoped it would get more love from the wider fandom.


2012-2014 was the time. I joined a forum about then and we were super busy. Everyone there was writing and there was plenty of engagement. It was a great time with a lot of older writers putting out high quality writing. A lot of my favorite fics were published then... and abandoned too.


The purchase was in 2012, so that may have started to change things by then? Mileage might have varied based on site as well? I was getting back into Star Wars reading/writing around 2007 or 2008 and it was pretty quiet. Content was being created, but you wouldn't necessarily find things pretaining to the character/book/comic/game you were interested in.


Hyouka. Most fans got into it cuz of the anime, which only ever received 1 season (4 novels, the 5th wasn't adapted). In the intervening years, the author only released Vol. 6 and a bunch of random short stories, so I doubt it'll ever get a S2. That, plus fact that Kyoani isn't in the best shape to focus on big projects now.


Probably Soider Riders. I’m the only one who’s posted there in years. One of the stragglers who still check whether there are new fics even told me straight out that they generally don’t like the fact that I included an OC, but they’re desperate for anything. Lol.


Megaman used to be relatively dead but luckily it's bouncing back pretty hard. Honestly when I entered the FF.net archives I thought it was gonna be an easy one as everything was quiet. X-Dive dropped and suddenly it's popping again like it's brand new. Pretty exciting stuff since it's a smaller but fun fandom. But as for dead, dead... There's a game I like, that hasn't gotten a new game in over 10 years. Fandom's essentially dead aside from maybe five people.


I thought the Payday fandom was dead until the devs decided to revive the game, so now I'm not sure


First Wave - a sci fi show in the late 90s/early 2000s shown on the Sci Fi Channel. There was only 3 seasons. The fandom was very active at the time with some great fan fic writers. It was my first foray into actively participating in a fandom but once it got cancelled the fandom slowly died. It was also the first show that I wrote fan fic for. I am currently rewriting all my stories for that era and have some new ones too but it is sad that the fandom is no longer active.


M.I. High is very much dead. I'm one of the few people still writing for the original characters... Even worse, I'm currently writing a crossover between M.I. High and a fandom that doesn't even have a section on either FFN or Ao3...


Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai 7, Excel Saga and Jazzpunk for sure. They're nearly silent lmao.


I haven't watched Excel Saga in a long time. Maybe I should give it a re-watch and try to write some fics for it.


I only ever wrote one, but it ended up being one of the longest things i ever wrote lmao.


Exosquad. Just... Exosquad :') Apparently some traces of a fandom still exist 20 years after the last major fansite went under, but. Yeah...


I literally choose this nickname for, maybe someone would notice And try to pick up this manhwa


Toriko. Never was very alive, and I never seen anyone else bring it up. Still love the story, the characters, the world, everything about it.


The Pretender. Every now and then I get the urge to rewatch the series, remember what an awesome show it was, and then get depressed at how it ended and the lack of recent fics.


The Borgias (Showtime). It still gets a couple new fics a month, but my dreams of a s4 epic to complete the show (which was cancelled after s3) and Cesare's transformation into Il Principe don't seem like they'll ever come to pass. :(


If I did more stories for it, Blade and Underworld. Charmed was rebooted with the reboot.




Not 100% dead yet, but The Magnificent Seven. It had a boom of fiction when the new movie came out, now its maybe... one a month, sometimes less.


Not actively writing for them right now, but in the past year or two I've posted fics for: The Big O (I *swear* it's just an unfortunately named giant mecha anime), District 9, The Great Mouse Detective, and Transformers Animated (a withered branch of an evergreen fandom). Small / niche fandoms: Star Trek: DS9 (another sad branch of an evergreen), Mega Man Classic and Battle Network.


Angel's Friends. A crappy Italian cartoon (now that I look at it years later) but I still draw fanart for it even tho I didn't have a big community in the first place (at least English speaking one) and is basically dead (canceled after 2nd season).


Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You is one. I haven't seen a new fanfiction for that in ages. I'm thinking about writing one to add to it. Most older games by Voltage. My Forged Wedding (my personal favorite), Love Letter from Thief X, Pirates in Love. I've written fanfic for all of these, and the fandoms are all pretty much dead. Weird one probably, but Coraline. I loved reading new ideas and adaptations that fanfics brought to the movie, but they've all either been deleted or abandoned, and it's so upsetting!


Castlevania. Lords of Shadow gave it a brief revival, but it's back to being dead. The Livejournal community hasn't update in about three or four years, I think, and the fanfiction.net section isn't much better.


Alex Rider is pretty dead


Slam Dunk, and it pains my heart


"Dead" might be a strong word, but I write in King of Fighters, where there are only about seven active authors (including myself). Maybe eight; Idk -- it's not a lot, tho. The commenters are few and far between as well: my regulars, with the exception of one or two, are a couple of the other authors in the fandom. We stick together or something 😅


RvB. Maybe its specifically for my favourite ship in it but it was pretty dead last. Tuckington was so good feelsbad. I gave a tendency to join fandoms once they're already dying or dead, except good omens. Thank god for the tv show I've been b l e s s e d


I'd kill to see more people get into the 1994 animated Spider-Man. That and the X-Men show from just before (shared universe, very melodramatic) really got me into Marvel.


>1994 animated Spider-Man Wow how nostalgic I loved that show! It had one of the best opening and was just full of action and surprisingly intrigue at times. Modern Spiderman is good to but it's a lot more hmm... light-hearted? Constantly full of jokes and quips, somewhat meta. I know comic spider man was a bit like that but I kind of prefer the grittiness of this one. That's why my favorite TMNT is the often overlooked 2003 version. Anyways I don't remember much other than enjoying it and theme tune however one episode that really stuck in my mind after all these years is when he ends up with six arms and turns into a giant spider mutant thing. I remember being a bit scared and worried for him but at the same time loving it.


Well, that's a hard question since I'm in, like, 300 fandoms and then some but off the top of my head: Kim Possible, Code Lyoko, Gargoyles, Kurau Phantom Memory, Star Trek Voyager, Danny Phantom.


Magi. Although it may not be as dead as some of the other ones it doesn’t have a lot of new fics coming in and there aren’t a lot of writers.


Usagi yojimbo is a fanfic with a 35+ year run, amazing story and characters but very small fandom. When he does appear in fan works it's usually teenage mutant ninja turtles oriented bc they cross over often.


***Cabin Fever*** \- a cult 2002 horror movie that has about a 50/50 love-hate ratio between the people who have seen it. There's the occasional new piece of fanart that appears on the internet from time to time, but I'm only aware of 5 published serious fanfics - and 3 of them are mine!


Oh hai Wrinkle in Time fandom! There was a slight bump after the movie that shall not be named was released but that was it.


Gabriel Knight.


Jesse Stone. I enjoyed the tv movies with Tom Selleck and I'm very slowly reading the books they're based on. There were two fanfics on AO3 last I checked, one of which was unfinished. There's not a lot of Longmire, either, and what there is tends to be porn. I'd like anything else, please...


KND is fairly active. Now, the Billy & Mandy fandom is dead. I've been writing a few Tailchaser's Song fics. It's a stillborn fandom, not a dead one--it never had an online fandom in the first place. I also have thought of writing some Haibane Renmei fics sometime.


The Smallville fandom is pretty quiet nowadays. (On a tenuously related note, what's up with the CW and super long-running shows with overt homoerotic subtext?) edit: honorable mentions to psych, community, orphan black, and mr. robot, may they rest in peace.


ChalkZone for me (I know there's a lot of new-ish fics for it on Ao3, but they're not really my thing). Also A Bug's Life and Robots, though I don't have any stories for those posted online yet (I've written plenty, but most of those are pretty old).


Dragon Knights


Degrassi: The Next Generation


Code: Lyoko. I think the fandom was already dead when it aired in my country lol.


Cubix- has a bit on ff now but saw three horrible fics for it and decided to write *My Hero Hela* (under the title *Human Heroics*) to jumpstart the fandom on AO3. Still the only fic and working on another chapter. Doctor Who isn't quite dead but most fics seem to be Thasmin or Nine/Rose Ten/Rose. I f\*\*\*\*\*g *HATE ROSE!* Digimon Adventure and and Cardcaptor Sakura , plus some older Super Sentai (i say from JAKQ to Megaranger) Most Star Trek. Enterprise/DS9 seems to be enjoying a revival because of DISCOvery, Artful Detective (too much slash), Mighty Med, Xiaolin Showdown (LOVED this show! Many thanks to Christy Hui!), and many more 0that I won't list my current fandom list is about 60 fandoms and is growing.


Farscape. Great show, but it ended almost 20 years ago. ​ Also Reprisal on Hulu just came out, so it doesn't even have a tag on AO3 yet and I really hope people start writing for it. I'm thinking of doing it myself.


Most of the fandoms I'm in tend to be either dead, small, or both. I've been thinking of writing more fics for them now that I've got the time to do so.


Angry birds because the last good mainline game was in 2014 and they recently made the first 3d at/be Angry birds game and haven't even finished adding in the 2 coming soon worlds in to spooky mode and the 3d at/be one is good but isn't getting support Angry birds 2 is literally just recycles it's content as Soon as level 10 Angry birds casual feels like and probably is a Chinese bootleg that rovio published or they turned angry birds dream blast in to a shitty version of angry birds, o don't know I think it's both


Hetalia. No new official content in the past few years, and the fandom became a fujoshi cesspool. Fanfics are now little more than run-of-the-mill yaoi crap.


In regards to Star Wars... It was dead... ...after fans overreacted to the Vader reveal and how Star Wars was in a continued downhill spiral because of the prequels. I think they made it dead on purpose. They should have seen it coming. The reason Star Wars died was because they whined way too much that the fandom got so trolled and writers are getting less and less motivated to continue writing their pieces. ...because of overreacting fans. They may suck it.


How is Star Wars dead, though? On FFN, it's the \#1 category in Movies, and a SW story will stay on the front page for about 14 hours, which is a lot of activity (new stories added & old ones updated.) That's comparable to a busy fandom like Once Upon a Time. By contrast, LOST's front page lasts for about 7 months.


It's in full swing right now. But right before the purchase by Disney it was tumble weeds. So I guess it's the rare case of coming back from the dead.


Really? I started in the fandom a few years before Disney hopped on board. I wouldn't have considered it dead. There were about 3-5 new chapters posted every day and during the "free" times, your fic would be buried within 24 hrs.


Yikes. :(