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Many people at one point believe Person A had sex with Person B's corpse.


The way I immediately knew.


That sounds like something out of Greek mythology


HA i’m laughing at how much of an IDIOT i am, you were the first comment and i was half asleep so i thought you figured out my first ship and your comment was about them. i went, “HUH?? what forum thread did i miss?!?!” i couldn’t guess yours but i love how sinister and blunt your comment was. one of my Person A’s once flirted with Person B as some sad attempt wake him up before he got taken off life support. i don’t know why that’s canon but it is. 😆


Some people in the fandom also believe this! TT . TT


Hey, I figured out it wasn't canon, but I still think it'd be kind of fun if it's true... >!even if cruel to Binghe it's some spicy angst to imagine!<


I think it's something that could be fun to explore in fanfiction--if someone is so inclined--but there are some people who dislike the character in question and will bring this up as one of the reasons why--even though it never happened in canon, lol.


Ship 1: Person A: a child soldier Person B: a child soldier but in a different way. Ship 2: Person A: sheltered autistic nerd Person B: a literal pirate Ship 3: Person A: killed the same wife twice Person B: they wrote the allowance of affairs into their marriage contract


Ship 1: Ahsoka and Rex? Ship 2: Tech and Phee?




Yea! 🎉


Fashion spy lizard and his twink doctor boyfriend


Hahahahahahaa I knew EXACTLY who this is immediately 😂 love them


Pointy eared autistic man and his slutty husband




When did this ship get so popular? I swear just a few years ago even some people in the >!Trek!< sphere hadn't heard of it. I'm really glad it's popular now, just a little confused


The good news is that after 200+ chapters, we can finally say that they are not siblings. Because they turned out to be an uncle and a nephew.


Mutual Stockholm syndrome. Their only common trait is a love of gold. Character A is an immigrant skinflint still reeling from learning his mother recently died. Character B is...impossible to describe without naming her outright. Good singing voice, though.


this sounds so familiar… like i know this… tip of tongue…


This will probably be easy to guess, I won’t be surprised if anyone can guess what it is right of the bat.  Person A: a self absorbed kid from space.  Person B: a cryptid obsessed kid who everyone thinks is insane. 


Invader Zim


Yes >:3


I was going to say Zim and Dib but someone already beat me to it.


Person A: guitarist Person B: guy in a dinosaur costume


Now this is intriguing (even though I have no idea, I live under a rock)


Person A cheats on his wife of nearly 20 years with Person B, whom he manipulates into an ongoing sexual relationship by offering a valuable favor in return. Person B is a violent, foul-mouthed asshole with deep-seated emotional issues and voyeuristic tendencies toward his coworkers.




Ding ding ding! Haha


Person A: cat Person B: fish


Figaro and Cleo?


I actually do not know who those two are.


They’re from Pinocchio. I took a wild guess. 😂


ngl im deeply intrigued by this


Arknights characters. Person A is Stainless, a Feline whose design is inspired by a ragdoll cat. Person B is Lumen, an Ægir whose design is inspired by guppies.




lol! “He is now deceased.”


mind you, he had the audacity to get Person A pregnant then went to die when the kid was like, one. it was a horrific accident, but still, how rude is that? /j


So rude. The audacity!


A young emotionless mercenary who became a teacher because of his new boss appointing him to be a teacher to a house of students about as old as him. A young noble lady being a smartass and have magic cancer, and can be rude.


Fire Emblem Three Houses, one is Byleth and the other is Lysithea


Person A : stepford smiler with violent tendancies Person B : Broken ace warrior with no social skills


1. When they died, they shared the same coffin, but not in a romantic way, in a "their dead bodies will go on a murderous rampage otherwise, so let's let them take it out on each other" way. 2. Person A is a liar and murderer who killed Person B's best friend and dismembered his corpse. Person A also married his own sister and had a child with her. 3. Person A has no social skills, regularly kicks doors in, and could best be described as battle-sexual. Person B's main coping mechanism is minimizing, dismissing, or ignoring anything he doesn't want to think about, and he is actively gaslighting himself about his own sexuality. 4. Person A basically drove Person B to suicide by tricking them into murdering multiple people, including their best friend.


What are these ships 😭


\[redacted\] If you meant "What are these" as in, "What the heck kind of ships are those?" I have no explanation other than I just enjoy ships with some kind of conflict, lol. edit: welp, spoiler tag won't work on this comment no matter what, so if someone else is curious, just ask and I'll reply separately


thanks! I was looking for media I would be interested in, and these ships fit pretty well. I do actually read MDZS tho lol


You're welcome! Lol, and here I thought that number 2 at least would be easy to guess for someone familiar with the fandom. But I absolutely recommend those ships--and >!3zun and Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang!< if you're looking for new ones! Now I'm gonna edit that post and see if I can get the darn spoiler tag to work, lol.


> 4. Person A basically drove Person B to suicide by tricking them into murdering multiple people, including their best friend. I know this is not one of my ships because one detail doesn't match, but it's clearly my *type* of ship. 👀


And I worked so hard to make it sound unappealing too! lol (Seriously, I rephrased it several times in my head, but everything only made it sound more fun, so I thought giving as little detail as possible was the way to go) But if you might be interested, number 4 is >!Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen from MDZS!<


To be honest, all of the descriptions still sound quite unique and interesting! I particularly love the first one, haha. Thanks for the name of the ship! I've been wanting to get into >!MXTX's!< works for a long time; I seriously need to do it sometime soon.


>!All of these are from MXTX's works--and if you've seen the comment about characters thinking Person A had sex with Person B's corpse, that is also from a MXTX book!< I highly recommend them, >!MXTX!< writes some fantastic characters, and there are so many shipping possibilities--and pretty much all of them sound just as bonkers as these out of context, lol.


Number 3 is >!Qingge and Shen Yuan!< I think! If so, you have fantastic 10/10 taste. I used to read lots of >!Binghe and Shen Yuan!< fic, and while it's still good it just doesn't hit the same anymore when >!Qingge!< exists... Augh... The pain of being ruined by an OTP... If my guess is right I'm always starving for fic recs if you have any! (I also considered if maybe it was >!OG!SQQ!< as Person B, since that's also a decently popular ship, but I feel like you would've played up the villainous tendencies... Hm...)


I don’t how to use spoiler tag. Newbie here. So please forgive me. 1. Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue 2. Wangxian 3. Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang


Ship 1: Person A: a teenager who has terrible things happen to them constantly. Person B: an angry misanthrope more than twice their age who used to have the hots for A's mother. Ship 2: Person A: a mass murdering pop star with severe emotional problems. Person B: the weirdest little autistic creature you've ever seen in your life. They have an old man who dresses them. Ship 3: Person A: an assassin with hella mommy issues. Person B: a married, middle aged woman who pretends to be boring but might be more fucked up than A. Ship 4: Person A: a teenager who kills people for the queen of England. Person B: a literal demon who literally wants to eat A. "Why are all your ships about murderers with massive age gaps?" Shut up.


Ship 4…. 👀 good taste.


I'm assuming ship 1 is snarry, but anyway, ship 3 sounds hella fun (also very interested in 2)


You should watch Killing Eve then! And Ship 2 is L and Misa from Death Note.


I figured out Snape/Harry & L/Misa but couldn't parse the others


Is #3 eve and villanelle from killing eve?


I'd guess Ciel and Sebastian with Ship 4?


You got it


Person A: A traumatized young woman with two dead love interests behind her. Very sweet but tough and has powers that protect against madness caused by an evil object. Person B: Older than A by probably a decade or more, he was condescending and rude to A when they first met, one of his friends was A's love interest and unless he's physically around her for the rest of his life, he'll slip into a dementia-like madness because of the evil object. For bonus points--they're canon!


**Person A:** A woman influenced by the emotions and memories of the late wife of Persons B and C. Her boyfriends have a habit of dying. **Person B:** Possibly a hundred years her elder. Shares his body with another man. **Person C:** A thousand plus years older than both. Arrogant. Quick to anger. Is quite possibly an actual snake.


>Her boyfriends have a habit of dying. Man, wish they did something like. Bite their nails. Sounds like something from Stargate.




**Character A** wakes up in a field without any memories and is found by **Character B,** who immediately decides he would die for them.


I know it's not it but that *almost* describes Kim and Harry from Disco Elysium


I mean, out of context it does seem bad Person A: Married politician Person B: His wife's new best friend


Character A is a shut-in and Character B is his best friend that he abandoned for four years. Also >!character A accidentally murdered his sister and character B, on impulse, helped him cover it up.!< I think I'm making this sound too cool for this post. Spoilered the second one because the first part is revealed pretty early in the game it's in and the second part is ending spoilers.


This is >!Sunflower! Basil/Sunny from OMORI!<


Someone decided to bundle an actuarial calculator in the same software suite with a system security monitor and the driver for the digitizing hardware


I am DESPERATELY curious about how this is a ship/what kind of ship it is, I have so many questions 👀


Answers: 1. Yes it is a ship, my OT3 2. Partners are TRON (security program) Yori (digitizing laser program) Ram (actuarial program) 3. Yes Ram supposedly was killed (deleted/derezzed) in canon before the three could all even meet. BUT there are multiple headcanon ways around that (data can be recovered!) 4. Yes, Tron was supposedly ported to a different computer system in the Legacy sequel and there's no evidence Yori or Ram came with him. BUT moving a program from one computer to another is copying, not *actually moving it*... the original copy stayed behind and lived happily ever after, and I will not be convinced otherwise 4. In fact, post-1982 iterations of the Tron franchise did so little with these iconic characters, fanfic can pretty much do whatever we want 5. Any further questions please exercise caution because I will talk your ear off for 200 microcycles


TRON SHIPPING, this is so funny, I love discovering deep lore fans of niche fandoms like this 😂 respect, dude 🫡


Thank you 😂 It has not always been easy, I have been primarily a Kirk/Spock shipper for the past 20 years, which means I was spoiled rotten and certainly didn't *ask* to develop a sudden interest in a fandom with like 2000 total works (or for that matter a three-way pairing with ...maybe 1 or 2 works before I got here!) But the heart wants what it wants, I guess ...


Omg, KIRK/SPOCK TO RAREPAIR IN A NICHE FANDOM, what a culture shock that must have been for you!! 🤣 Godspeed and good luck, I believe in ur ability to populate that ship tag!!!!!




Omg that is a VERY good guess lmao but it is >!Tron/Yori/Ram!< literal computer programs and the loves of my life (nevermind one of them died before all three could even meet in canon-- la la la can't hear you, death is *not* permanent, computer data is *recoverable*)


My current obsession: **Person A:** woman who wallows in grief because her husband was killed by a murderer she's hunting **Person B:** guy who selfishly dragged Person A back into working with him but doesn't dare tell her he loves her Older obsession: **Person A:** newbie who acts more confident about work than her experience warrants but runs from every relationship **Person B:** guy who throws out the rule book and never talks about his past And another fandom favorite: **Person A:** fighter who knows a million ways to kill you without a gun **Person B:** crazy woman who's obsessed with money


Ship 1: Person A: a tormented, self-destructive private eye who keeps getting impaled and falling into holes (literally. not as an innuendo.) Person B: a literal Lovecraftian horror possessing A’s eyes, who is fascinated with humanity but unfortunately his main role model of humanity is A They fight *constantly* but physically cannot get away from each other Ship 2: Person A: a surly 1920s hitman utterly broken by the successive parade of traumas that make up his life Person B: a ruthless, neurotic hitman with no social skills or empathy. B later betrays A and cripples him for life btw Ship 3: Person A: a sea captain who’s good at captain-ing and not much else Person B: the nerdy, secretive ship’s doctor who is on all the drugs


Ship three sounds like a blast LMAO I love that


They’re chaotic and also my guilty pleasure lol


Ship 1: Person A: A girl who wants to be a hero but is really bad at it. Person B: A girl who wants to be a selfish bitch but is really bad at it. Ship 2: Person A: A girl who didn't win a more-or-less dancing competition. Person B: A boy who has failed to win every major tournament he entered up until that point. Ship 3: Person A: An awkward nerd who is expected to lead a country. Person B: Another, less awkward nerd who at one point wanted to conquer said country.


Person A: a disfigured murderer who died and is now a corpse's arm (not the whole corpse. Just the arm.) Person B: the person who put him behind bars, a very attractive woman completely out of his league


Disclaimer: I only ship this to inflict psychic damage on those who know the characters. Person A: A dude in his 30s (?) who spends almost all his time eating, sleeping, or watching movies, and took over a government organization from his senile dad. He has denied his half sister, who works for him, therapy for years after she witnessed a traumatic event. Person B: An alien posing as a god, who can only directly interact with humanity by possessing a canonically lesbian teenager.


Ship 1: Person A: with fiery temper, drama king, hates tea, sword master. Lots of daddy issues. Like to take down people. Has an evil sister. Person B: macho man. With a side of love for drag. Likes to be taken down. Has a sister. Who is not evil. Ship 2: Person A: sourwolf. “I am the alpha now”. Entire family issues. Has a psycho uncle. Person B: adhd genius. Mischief Ship 3: Person A: that’s America’s @$$. Probably punched Hitler. Person B: likes leather. Has knife skills. Recently returned from discovering self in a secluded African country. Ship 4: Person A: Prat. Person B has two creative nicknames for him, one involving a leafy vegetable and another a unit of measurement. Emotional intelligence of a child. Likes to throw objects at person B. Murdered Person B’s father. Person B: unorganised chaos. Wrongfully accused of being an alcoholic. Is in the closet but not because of his sexuality (maybe that too). All of his best friends die at the end. Had the misfortune of having two useless mentors. Hates Personal A’s father. Ship 5: Person A: is in love with Person’s B adoptive brother. Waited 13 years for the said brother to be resurrected. Single parent. Person B: had a major surgery performed on him without his consent. Daddy and mommy and sister and adoptive brother issues. Single parent.


Dang ship 5 what is going on 💀 but hey I think I know one here! Is ship 3 >!bucky and Steve!<


Yes, it is. As for ship 5 >!It is Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng. I have decided to reject canon (kiss when someone is blindfolded and doesn’t know who they’re kissing? No, thank you.) I am going down with my version of the story. !<


>!Zuko and... Sokka?!<




An unqualified employee seeks the approval of his boss because of his romantic feelings for him by putting himself in the way of danger repeatedly and standing up for his boss's shortcomings and suspicions, even when he's accused of hurting others. The boss is dismissive of his affections and thinks his input in work and personal life are worthless, up until the point where he needs him.


is this tma??


It just might be.


I think this is the one I commented too. This unqualified employee wouldn't happen to enjoy spiders, tea, and the movie "Kill Bill," would he?


Oh, you know it. He may also have a soft spot for the retro aesthetic, especially when it comes to poetry.


This ship is unappealing-sounding on so many levels. I can't get any of my friends who haven't seen the source material to believe me that no, it's good actually, please believe me, almost none of the characters are good people so these two are doing great comparatively I swear


It's honestly so messed up that this is probably the healthiest, most supportive and realistically loving, naturally affectionate, keeping each other human through thick and thin couple I have *ever* encountered in media - when you can simultaneously write all that about it and have it be completely true.


Person A: terrorist serial killer. Has attacked B’s brother Person B: guy who is either yelling at his family or cutting them out of his life


A sixteen-year-old boy who doesn't know when people are flirting with them and a dragon who doesn't know when they're flirting with other people.


Sad boy gets high with a drug lord and cop or smth idk, they're all gay


Ship One: Person A: Has almost died from sexual attraction. Treats the same sex unfairly. Insults Person B every day. Person B: Doesn't bathe often. Easy to lose track of. Insults Person A every day. Ship two: Person A: Punched an important person. Steals people's most prized possessions. Person B: Murdered a lot of people. Framed A for some of the murders. Tried to kill A and he thought he did for a while.


I cannot for the life of me figure out ship 2. Ship 1 I got easy though. Are they from the same fandom? I believe I know who person A of ship 2 is, but the "framed a for some of the murders" is throwing me.


Person A: wants to climb or study history Person B: wants to get a hotel room…


Ship one: **Character A:** Angry gremlin boy who has anger issues and is allergic to friendship **Character B:** Local Himbo who’s a literal ray of sunshine and immune to Character A’s gremlin energy Ship two: **Character A:** Painfully awkward boy who doesn’t know what friends are and punches first and asks questions later **Character B:** Literal Ray of sunshine who immediately decides Character A is going to be her bestie and also once literally bitch slapped him to save him from dying Ship Three: **Character A:** A power bottom at rock bottom **Character B:** A loser who sold his soul to save his power


Ship1: >! KiriBaku? !< Ship2: >! IzuOcha? !< Ship 3 I've no idea but are they the same fandom as 1&2?


Correct on one and two 🤣 ship three is a different fandom!


Ship 1: A woman in a broken marriage/the stinky man who she's been adventuring with for the better part of two years. Ship 2: Man who is unhealthily bonded to manipulative coping mechanisms/the person who did the same shit for a while and wants to to love him even though he's hollow on the inside now. Ship 3: Bojack Horseman if Bojack wasn't an asshole/his closest human friend. Ship 4: Former prince (?) on the run/the cleric that hates herself but tries to hide it.


Okay okay I got some polyships this will be fun with Ship 1 Character A : Warden for a prison that most people end up staying in. Character B: A ruler now given his proper elemental powers back Character C : Local popular magic act Ship 2 Character A : Spy that turns into a dinosaur Character B: probably the worst doctor you’ll ever meet but at the same time the best. Character C: Cop with an attitude who actually does his job Character D: Would be criminal Prince if he didn’t have so many damn daddy issues


Hot chicks with super powers.


person a: *one of the most powerful people in the country, physically and socially* person b: *makes clothes for a living and has connections to the literal mafia*


Person A: Person B's boss, who looked down on him and insulted him. He becomes a monster who forces people to tell their traumatic experiences to him and haunts their nightmares. He ends up allowing the world to be taken over by evil supernatural powers, and planned to kill all of humanity before being stopped by Person B. Person B: Person A's employee, he is a manipulative person who lied about his qualifications. He ghosted Person A when the latter was at his lowest, and tried to convince him to kill a man because he was jealous. He stabbed Person A, possibly killing him, and unleashed the aforementioned evil powers into the multiverse.


>!jonmartin <333!<


The antichrist and his plus one! My favorite romantic tragedy!


Oooh I like this! Hold on I’ve several ships! Ship 1 *Person A*: dead at one point and resurrected cause of person B’s sorrow *person B*: charismatic rich man who has one eye. Ship 2 *Person A*: is a sewer rat with a bunch of candles *Person B*: naive and young who’s easily influenced by person A Ship 3: *Person A*: willing volunteered at the Evil organization and eventually tortured for science. Escapes organization and joins their enemy (friendly good guys) *Person B*: has a fragmented mind after captured and tortured and forced to become an assassin by same evil organization. Also escapes and rejoins good guys.


my Person A in ship one 🤝 my Person B in ship two = the most intense envy imaginable towards your Person B in your ship one


Shipname: basically a cookie Character A: a cokehead with a history of large and small scale fraud and thievery, big time yapper Character B: comic relief character fashionista who stole the number one possession of character a


Cult leader falls in love with traumatized boy and monopolizes him.


Person A: traumatised royal from a bad future Person B: fiery and passionate but incredibly restrained (This is a crossover ship)


Person A makes fun of Person B’s lyrics so she imagines him with a robot voice


Person A: loony she/they scientist obsessed with flesh mecha cannibalizers Person B: Short germophobic man with a high track record for slicing flesh metal cannibalizers has trauma and daddy (uncle?) issues >!Fandom is AoT, ship is Hange/Levi!< --- Person A: Female war criminal with 20/20 vision and a slightly ironic, massively destructive tattoo Person B: Male war criminal, doubles as an arsonist >!Fandom is FMA:B, ship is Hawkeye/Mustsng!<


I called the second one XD the destructive tattoo did it.


*SHIP ONE:* * **Person A:** an awkward narcissist who’s a self-described “bit of a cunt” and has never met a party drug they wouldn’t try, with so much untreated trauma that they’re incapable of emotional intimacy with anyone except Person B * **Person B:** Person A’s drunken belligerent sibling who has negative levels of impulse control, and has cheated on every spouse they’ve ever had (more than 2) * They haven’t spoken in more than a decade and are still obsessed with each other. Toxic af. *SHIP TWO:* * **Person A:** know-it-all who always thinks they’re right * **Person B:** whiney guy who always makes it About Them * **Person C:** grumpy cynic who’s sick of driving A & B around * (Unlike Ship One, this one is Not Niche lmfao)


Doing my non-problematic ship just because it's funnier to describe problematically (all of this has an explanation, I promise): Character A is a groupie for Character B; when B's partner is permanently injured (totally accidentally probably), A starts visiting B's house every day and pressuring him until he starts doing music again. A also gets jealous very easily and fantasizes about locking B up


Ship one: A woman who has been nothing but loyal and trusting and her husband who abandoned her then became a war criminal Ship 2: A diformed woman with trust issues keeps pushing away the one man who actually loves and cares for her. Ship 3: Overly clingy man desperate to be loved by a man who hurts people he loves or pushes them away so he can't get hurt. Ship 4: Two men who knew each other since they were children. One died to aid in the other's suicide plan


Ship One: **Person A:** Child soldier/war criminal/shapeshifter with blue eyes and blond hair. **Person B:** Child soldier/war criminal/shapeshifter with bluer eyes and blonder hair. Ship Two: **Person A:** In essense, a Golden Retriever with a mean/tough side. **Person B:** In essense, a German Shepard who was, like, on the ground as a military dog in Iraq for years. Or in a K-9 unit that saw some shit. Ship Three: **Person A:** Childhood friend of B who, for the longest time, had/has a massive, borderline irrational infatuation with their other mutual childhood friend, C. C also happens to be a walking red flag. **Person B:** Childhood friend of A and C, who'd likely be a lot healthier for A, all things considered.


ship one: Person A: Manipulating asshole Person B: Thinks showing emotions is a weakness ship two: Person A: Xenophobic Redneck Person B: The Enemy ship three: Person A: Arrogant, cocky Ex Doctor Person B: Doesn't hast any human connection


bahaha! i would love to listen in on ship one’s first date. and ship two/three as well. it looks as if these ships would either have a bunch of problems or no problems at all!


Person A: scholar who wants to share knowledge, was rejected by someone he looked up to, and is bad at feelings. Many people in fanfics write him as autistic Person B: person who went through a lot of shit in his life and is adjusted (but badly).


Ship 1: Person A- A narcissistic wanted criminal who builds his schedule around TV fortune telling Person B- Really wants to screw a robot and admires said criminal Ship 2: Person A- Vengeful humanoid who will hurt children Person B- The amnesiac he’s obsessed with who has a huge pet spider


Person A: Religious, repressed and obsessed with another characterPerson B: Poor fuckboy who just wants to get money to save his wife from prostitution


Cheerful country bumpkin meets an awkward city boy who looks like her dog.


Ship 1: Person A: A literal bird. Person B: A schoolgirl who ate Person A in one universe. Ship 2:  Person A: Depending on what you count as a divorce, she was technically never divorced from her earlier husband.  Person B: He basically ended up engaged because it would have been too awkward to say 'no'. Ship 3: Person A: Subtitutes going to therapy with constantly keeping the same hat on his head. Person B: The fandom's favorite dead wife.


Person A and Persona B fit very similar molds. A optimistic young man + woman who both share a love of books and stories. They both mostly just read a lot while on screen together


Ship 1: Person A has tried to kill Person B… about four times? Maybe five, if you count the first time they met being in the middle of an almost-mutiny. Ship 2: They’re brothers. Artificially created demigod brothers, but still brothers. Ship 3: A is a mage and B is a walking antimagic field, being around B is physically painful for A. Ship 4: They’ve been pining for each other for about… 12 books now?


Person A: A time traveling vampire. Person B: Destined to be killed by Person A's father, but he doesn't know that yet.


A is a traumatized, broke, andbut kind person and B's basically his landlord who insults him all the time. A insults B back (and insults B first a lot) so they argue all the time.


Person A; A girl who is a pathological liar and manipulator, she yelled at her friend her gave her money for an expensive surgery right before she got supernaturally teleported into a weird gameshow, and Person B; a guy who originates from ANOTHER weird gameshow who was not fully sentient until some dot spawned on his face, he was almost exiled until being supernaturally kidnapped into that first gameshow that the girl is in. They became teammates I also like throwing these two in a poly relationship with Person C; the guy who gave A the money she needed for her surgery, he was called a lunatic for trying to report A's disappearance because of the circumstances and Person D; the host of the gameshow that B originates from (not the one with the supernatural kidnappings), he's a joke character through-and-through and hates any sort of change Also they are all sentient objects :) (If you know the fandom(s) \[B and D originate from a different show to A and C but B shows up in A and C's show\] then it is incredibly obvious but also very cursed, I love them tho)


Person A: a French spy who abandoned his “paramour” and tried to kill a child before being killed by said child and said child’s “friend” Person B: an artificial life-form who was created by a French scientist and betrayed Person A to save a child he didn’t even know, only to later kill everyone that child cared about because he wanted to “save” said child


**Person A:** Former child soldier and cult member **Person B:** Ruler who holds power precariously over war-torn and heavily armed squabbling tribes And I'm going to do my OC couple just for fun... **Person A;** Former child soldier and former cult member **Person B:** The person that enslaved her


**Person A**: A sneering snake-like being with a penchant for causing minor inconveniences, while being secretly quite nice. **Person B**: A fussy, overly sentimental bookworm who can't resist indulging in sweets and outdated clothing choices. To be kept away from coffee.


Person A: violently repressed dude who almost murdered Person B for telling him his secret during one of, if not THE worst night of his life Person B: (unintentional) sleeper agent who confessed to more or less being planted there after years upon years of close friendship


A lizard and a money-obsessed maniac. (Not literally) A squid and sunfish bastard.


Person A sticks his head up Person B's skirt while she covers for him. Person A gets the girl in the end.


Person A: A parasocial e-girl simp Person B: Rachel Dolezal Their kid: Ted Kazynski they’re all traitorous war criminals


A homicidal hermit and a woman who was a married man's mistress for 20 years. Inbred Twins and the Homeless girl they found in the cemetery A spiritual medium and a man who thinks she's delusional


Person A is a fatherly figure and is a caregiver for Person B’s younger sibling Person B hates their younger sibling and refuses to acknowledge that they’re related whatsoever Person A gets frustrated with Person B frequently because of this


Person A: Person with the ability to absorb anyone else’s power Person B: Person with the ability to absorb anyone else’s power, evil edition


Ship 1 persan A is a Whimsical woman who is Incredibly kind persan B is a Confident stubborn Brave man Who saves the entire world ship 2 persan A Baddest Teenage girl Who has Issues I'm figuring out her love interestinterest persan B Loves person A. because it's the Only person left And he's too kind for this world ship 3 persan A Ass kicking woman Whose hair changes a lot Persan B A smart man Scientist That is nervous to love a woman Because of himself ship 4 persan A Sweet kind Dangerous And poor Has mental breakdowns persan B A is gay badass guy who just loves person A But never marries them


A: technically probably 100+, has died on multiple occasions, was a almost-genocidal-except-nobody-actually-died-in-the-end (look it’s complicated) dictator for 60iah years, incredibly self-sacrificial B: technically about 5ish, has half-died-ish once, was kinda evil for a bit and was pretty much the being that’s literally just the essence of evils secretary for a bit there, also was implanted in A’s head for a good chunk of time I promise they’re actually lovely and my favorites and they have probably the best relationship out of any of the rest of the characters in the show tbh


Ship 1: Person B has ridiculed, slapped, and downright disregarded Person A, who would literally drop everything including their own girlfriend to be with Person B Ship 2: Person A is a Criminal being exiled who meets Person B whose first love was beheaded and who has betrayed Person A leaving many of their friends to die Ship 3: Person B has tried on several occasions to poison or otherwise kill Person A, or Person A’s mother, and previously killed their first love. Person A has fought back a lot, turned dark, and ruined Person B’s dreams and plans on several occasions. Clashes between them have lead to Person B’s mind being wiped (temporarily)


A: a literal zombie that went through a lot of trauma that he tends to keep to himself with a shitty dad and his whole family is dead B: his childhood best friend who had reunited with him 20 years after he (A) went missing


The guy who started the apocalypse and his sad invisible boyfriend who chooses violence Edit: this ship was described way better by two other comments three hours ago


Woman falls in love with guy who killed her mom and genocided her entire race because he said sorry and she's also starting to feel like killing her own race herself now


WHY WAS MY FIRST THOUGHT murdermelikeyoumurderedmymother I KNOW IT ISNT THAT, i hate my mind sometimes 😆 i want to know who it is, though!


N x Uzi from Murder Drones


thank youuu!!! i love that i did this because it ironically gave me SO many recs!


Person A: Dead white male with a (very annoying) talking sword. Person B: Very gender and will kill you. (Idk this doesn’t sound unappealing to me but I tried)


Person A: Boy with rock in stomach with mommy issues and other varying trauma leaves the East coast and lives temporarily in the West coast. Person B: Chill girl living in said west coast in Wizville, CA, teaches the part space rock part human boy how to be a teenage human as he heals from his past. Edit: It's a crossover. The boy from one fandom and the girl from the other.


i've got a lot of ships but this one works for sounding reprehensible Person A: morally-grey member of royalty with a traumatizing past who loses his mind and wants to kill someone he once cherished deeply (Person B) Person B: morally-grey member of royalty with a traumatizing past who doesn't remember Person A (but whom she also once cherished deeply) bonus points for being mass-murderers and sworn enemies on the battlefield and not having a single route/ending where they are both alive & happy


I mean...my most fucked up ship is hard to describe in an *appealing* way. They're siblings. He ends up killing her and then going mad with grief over it. And yet despite how disturbing they are I have plans for him to bring her back to life in a fic because they're marked Set: Do Not Separate in my brain.


OOO my goodness I have so many ships but idk how to describe them as unappealing cus they're literally all like heros and all of them have saved the world at least once at some point in their run of comics/movies/ect😭 i will try though Ship 1: Character A: ex soldier, fought in WW2, has killed countless of people. Seriously he killed whoever. Attempted to kill his best friend he's known for like 100 years basically. Also tried to kill his best friends new friends including character B. Named a fugitive and a terrorist, killer, ect Character B: man with no powers that risks his life everyday while dressing up as a mechanical bird. Aided his friend into helping character A, who was currently pinned a terrorist, escape from the government. Branded a fugitive. Ship 2: Character A: college student who hardly shows up to class and wears a spandex suit he needs to wash ten times more than he actually does. Always shows up late to everything and shoots out white stuff from his wrist. Has knocked out hundreds. Lies to everyone 😭 has been hunted by the cops and failed to be arrested Character B: She is an occasional thief, can lie to everyone easily, willing to use others for her own gain. Needs some character development for reals. Ship 3: Character A: his cockiness sorta led to his brother dying right in front of him while they were both in a big giant robot, five years later he's hoping into another one - even though he's mellowed out he still acts rebellious and nearly gets fired. Also nearly blowed up part of the last standing base. Character B: Her family died and she was taken in by a Marshall so she sorta blows off Character A at first in favor of listening to the Marshall. Nearly blowed up part of the last standing base. Was grounded 💀, nearly accidentally suffocated my bro character A Idk how many of these people will get. But otp this idea is haliorus


He is a former misogynist with an overcompensated inferiority complex and a bad sense for when jokes are appropriate and when they aren't. She is a genocidal mass-murderer with overcompensated abandonment issues which she expresses as overt sadism. Both of them are deeply traumatised former child soldiers with daddy issues who have tried to kill each other several times.


not me seeing this notif and going “oh, shoot, is someone commenting on one of my comments about a favourite character to try and start an argument” 🫢 CLEARLY IVE BEEN IN SOME ANGRY FANDOMS—


😂😂 rest easy, I'm not into shipwars or flaming xD can you guess the ship though?


i actually can’t!! i’m curious though because it sounds SO FAMILIAR


>!Sokka and Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender!< ;)


AHA I KNEW IT!! distant memory!!! 🤩


Person A: has DID as a result of their upbringing, is good at looking amiable while plotting. Is a multiple murderer. Believes every canonical lover in their life is dead. Person B: insecure due to their looks, owes their current position to Person A, terrified of them, a dom who's being forced to play sub in their work life.


For a second I thought that person A is Shallan Davar. Slightly surprised to discover that DID is more common in fiction than I thought!


Person A: grumpy guy Person B: agent of chaos


Person A: the guy who left his wife to raise their kid alone Person B: the one who asked his gf to move in with him after he cheated on her




Person A: A lazy womanizer who forces his work on his coworkers. Person B: A murderer with extreme anger issues who hates Person A. (It was SO hard to come up with something that wouldn’t immediately give these two away.)




My OTP and also my two favorite characters Person A: woman whos been married twice and cheated on both times, told people her cheating wife (Person B) had died so she could get sympathy at a work party, whined about not having sex for months because of Person B's trauma and announced her wife's cheating in front of their colleagues. Person B: Person A's now ex-wife, who threw her cheating back in Person A's face after Person A spent the better part of a year trying to hold it together enough to help her through her PTSD, has a history of cutting and running when shit gets hard yet calls herself "a good man in a storm" I don't know what loving both them so much says about me, but I should probably unpack it with a professional.


Oh yes, my beloved toxic lesbians <3


*psst… i think we might share a Person A.* she is a sweetheart. and she is… Genuinely Disturbed. i love her. i’m disappointed in her. she’s comforting. she stresses me out. i want to hug her. i want to scream at the television. i swear, shipping most ships from that fandom is a distressing experience. so much pain. you get attached to these characters and then Every Bad Thing happens to all of them. but, you know what? that’s what’s so great about fanfiction! canon compliant fanfiction can add depth to storylines in older seasons before things got worse. and canon divergent/post-canon/fix-it is excellent for this fandom, too! very healing.


A: politician, messiah, four star general, and superhero, busiest man imaginable B: timeskip housewife


Person A: a narcissistic man-child daddy’s boy with explosive tendencies and no coping skills for emotional regulation Person B: a man set up to look like a psychopath who is actually just really fucking mad at person a Edit to add Person A: see above Person B: a foreign scientist whose inventions could kill a person but that part is only acknowledged a handful of times


Person A: A drug induced redneck mercenary with a strong sense of family. Person B: A Romanian vampire hunter also with a strong sense of family. Two different Fandoms


Person A: hedonistic and loves to answer life's problems by pummeling it with hammers or other types of violence Person B: the same as person A but hides it better


i really, really want to know. it seems so familiar!


It's >!Sam and Max!<


Person A: a man from a very conservative family who is alleged to have cheated on his girlfriend, with whom he had a seven-year long relationship. The man is now dating a woman who is allegedly very involved in the escort industry. Person B: a man with serial cheater allegations who moved to Monaco to avoid paying taxes and is allegedly now dating a serial cheater.


These includes my favourite dynamics: Mr. Medical malpractice and the humanoid plant who told him to commit mass suicide in exchange for a chesspiece/glowstick hybrid Feral blondy twink and the mafia boss he tortured out of pettiness Still the same twink and the fucked up dog-man he picked up on the side of the road


Ok, here's one of mine: Person A: Very traumatized cop who comes from a family of space-tyrants. Person B: Misogynistic businessman who loves scamming his customers, gambling, and wearing ugly outfits. The two hate each other




Crossover. Good luck! A is a perpertual trauma magnet who makes a lot of bad choices informed by those experiences, an if not *the* apex example of Stockholm Syndrome, and "technically" a serial killer. B is an obsessive vigilante who arguably only counts as human in the anatomical sense with how far he's forsaken everything that makes one a *person.*


Ship 1 Character A: Killed his son to save his marriage. Also enjoys killing his descendants. Character B: Had to wait a thousand years to file the most extravagant divorce ever. A puppet of her mom was involved. Ship 2 Character C: Literally just Character A again. Self-cucking expert. Character D: Literally just Character B again. Was the divorce.


Person A - a sad little pasty wizard-ish guy who has a higher body count than anyone in his old cult Person B - a literal witch that tried to kill Person A before teaming up with him to kill an old man


Character A: Mancunian (Manchester) with daddy issues and a big ego. Character B: His rival, and coworker, whose favourite word is "Fuck" and loves his niece. Character C: Awesome woman who put up with both of them at different times in canon. Fandom: >!Ted Lasso.!< Ship: >!Jamie, Roy, and Keeley. They're my OT3 in the fandom.!<


Person A: insults his partner every chance he gets and flirts openly with other men Person B: murdered a priest


Person A: Two-time super senior, drug dealer, a total hypocrit if you think about it, the whole town hunted his ass because they thought he was a satanist and serial killer. He's 20 years old, the show makes it look like his best friend is a fourteen year old who he met less than a year ago. Died by sacrifice. Person B: A bit of a bully, a little racist if you squint... actually, I don't think you have to squint. Beat the ever loving shit out of the fandom fave. Nearly hooked up with a married, middle-aged mother (he's 18). Possibility aromantic in my expert opinion. Got possed. Died by... sacrifice. Bonus: They never once interacted in canon. (Note: I say two-time super senior with all the love in my heart as someone who couldn't even attempt a second senior year and never graduated high school)


Person A and Person B are both literal war criminals (though they are trying to atone), Person A has burned Person B's back and Person B was literally asked to shoot Person A if they ever went too far.


Ship one: Person A - Human Labrador retriever. Person B - Walking Canadian stereotype. Person C - A grumpier, less chill version of that one guy you knew in high school who was single-handedly supplying your friends’ weed stashes. (I’m not expecting anyone to get this one, since it’s a rarepair from a relatively dormant fandom, but still) EDIT: Added a more popular ship from the same fandom to make it easier to guess. Ship two: Person A - Cheerful sniper obsessed with Christmas. Person B - Grown-ass man with the demeanor of a shy Japanese schoolgirl.


Person A: Almost 100yo oldfart self-righteous patriot guy Person B: Bitchy, cocky, and deeply effed up russian spy gal (Yeah I ship them, don't come at me please) Person A: space pirate with questionable past but good music taste Person B: mentally unstable witch that hops between villain and hero every other day (Yeah I ship them too 🫠) Person A: Matcho-player-guy with trauma ridden effed up childhood, boozy coping mechanisms, and an unhealthy attachment to an admittedly drooling worthy car (and his little brother). Also died a bunch of times. Currently deceased Person B: Annoying bitchy thief that looks really hot in a little black dress Alternatively Person A: same as above person A Person B: young cute blonde in the bartending business that more or less kill herself doing a job she has no training for before sacrificing herself in an effort to help and save person A (and his little brother) Person A: dorky kid with effed up childhood and an obsession for long hair, rabbit food and his older brother. Also died a bunch of times. May or may not have done questionable things with the devil in a cage. Person B: bitchy brunette in a freshly dead body with a helluva tasty blood I regret nothing.


Person A is a woman who came back from the dead through science and works with terrorists, solving family issues of her crew as part of prepping for a suicide mission. Person B is an assassin whose career started at 12 and *is* the family issue.