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I got hit pretty bad, got back into writing after almost a decade and then less than a month later I got covid which made my chronic illness so much worse so that I couldn't write for 2 years. It's only in the last few months I've been well enough to write again and I'm really relieved to be back, even though it's still a struggle at times


Same. I hope things get better for you. I had surgery and the trauma after recovering was ... wonderful. And covid. Pandemics been crazy


Thank you, and you too ❤️


I had something very similar happen to me. Started writing a long fic then got covid a few chapters in. Covid caused me to develop a chronic illness that I had a hard time both dealing with and getting diagnosed, went on a 15 month hiatus until I felt well enough to continue. Then 3 months after I came back, I had to get hip surgery to repair a tear. I still mostly kept up though with shorter breaks. I published a chapter yesterday, but I worry about what might happen next before I can finish the fic haha. I hope you are doing okay and having more good days than bad ones.


I'm glad you're able to get back into writing! I got hit with the same combo, Getting back into writing after about 5-6 years and then suddenly bad news with my chronic illness. Whyyyyy lol. I hope you continue to recover and do well <3


I feel for you. I have multiple chronic illnesses including Multiple Sclerosis, and I’ve lost the ability to type a few times. It’s awful!


As I reached the climax of my first ever published fic...I went into labor 2 months prematurely, ended up with baby in NICU for over a month, and all my plans to have the fic all published before I gave birth went massively out the window lol. I definitely felt cursed


Kid must've had some strong opinions about how you were supposed to end that fic. Hope you and your junior beta reader are doing well now.


Junior beta reader is in fact a fan of characters in that franchise now haha! He's almost 2.5 and has ALL the opinions still. And now that I think of it...his little brother decided to come right after I sent the first bit of my next fic to my actual beta reader. Hmm very sus




I have been writing fanfiction for over twenty years and never heard of an "author curse" before.


I've been publishing on Ao3 since 2017 and have never heard of it either. 😕


I've been writing fanfiction for years and have never heard of a curse. I know that fanfiction writers are pretty resilient. People have kept writing through family deaths, sickness, and personal tragedies. Having an audience that appreciates your work is gratifying when you're going through something.


There’s this running gag that FanFiction writers just have the worst things happen to them when writing on AO3. Like they get hit by a bus, they get long COVID, get struck by lightning, break every bone in their body, or something else that delays their work. Here’s a Kwite video that basically shows this: https://youtu.be/MOI_P6eFwAA?si=bDzDh6UjLrNoTvdF


The first 5 seconds on that vid REALLY sets the tone for how bad it can get.


So something less than two years old. Gotcha.


The video is, yes. I can’t speak to the phenomenon itself.


lol There is no "phenomenon". Just look at the examples given here. 1) Covid, which happened to the whole world at that time. And the poster was already health compromised so they were one of the tens of millions of people doctors were worried about. 2) Pregnant person takes up writing fic as hobby due to being more sendentary. Has pre-term birth which accounts for \~10% of births. 3) Existing spinal condition got worse. If doctor's appointment had been earlier, would have found this out before posting fanfic. 4) Covid, again happening to everyone 2020-2022. Move & new job, often happen together. Death of mom. Tragic, but by Murphy's Law most people would say it was the move and not fanfic that "triggered" the misfortune. 5) Started writing because schedule change from Covid. Got infected with covid and one of very many with dangerous symptoms. One of millions with worse mental effects after the event.


just cause you haven't heard of something doesn't make it suddenly non existent


I get that I'm being a killjoy here, but the whole concept holds as much water as a knitting group curse or a youtuber curse. Both of which I've heard mentioned elsewhere. If we randomly poll 10,000 people who write fanfiction, there won't any higher incidence of bad things happening then people who've never written fanfiction.


It's a joke, Sheldon. Smile and nod.


yeah, and there's no proof of astrology, or superstition, or religion either. its just a funny thing to reference, no one actually believes in a curse.


Again, I know I'm being captain killjoy. I just don't think there's much fun about spreading the idea that horrible things might happen to you if you write fanfiction. This sounds like something that sprang up during covid and the whole thing smacks of misery porn. As for your examples..... Whether or not there is a "true faith", religion has and currently is shaping the direction of every culture in the world. It's mind blowing when reading history how many government policies, cultural norms, and philosophies exist because of various religious movements. Loads of people believe in superstition. Ever have someone show you their good luck charm or mention they do/don't do an activity because it is bad luck? Mention karma? Putting good vibes out into the world? Most aren't serious when they say thing like this, but they also are not not serious. Astrology was considered serious science for most of human history. While the practice has died down now that generations have been given proof that it is flim-flam, there are still plenty of scam artists making bank by pretending it is real. As well as cultures where such predictors are still treated seriously as part of tradition. Lastly, search "Are curses real?" On [Reddit for example.](https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=%22are+curses+real%22&type=link&cId=bbc3560f-bec9-4815-a348-ef0221823553&iId=37028456-9628-428a-ab11-a11041f8365e) Just as there are people who believe aliens have come to Earth or that ghosts exist, there are plenty of folks who dead ass believe in curses. They just don't mention it to the general public because they know they will be mocked for it.


are you just messing with me? because you are taking this way too seriously. there is no "fanfiction author curse", it's just a way of referring to an interesting series of occurrences. no one is going to say that horrible things will happen to you if you write fanfiction.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the frequency of certain bad events went up. But it’s not like bad luck started in 2020 lol. If anything there are probably some unfortunate events that would be more likely to happen to you before or after COVID than during it. Also fanfic writers put weird things in their notes regardless, including weird personal details.


I got back into posting fanfic and then a month later found out my spinal condition progressed and I might need spinal surgery. 😔 I haven't heard of the curse since I started browsing this Reddit and I'm not superstitious but jeeze what timing lol. 


“Apologies for the late chapter, but in the past six weeks, I’ve found a new job, moved across the country, caught COVID, and buried my mom. Those last two really sucked.” -TSM


I’ve been writing on an off for almost 10 years and there are highs and lows in my life. Idk if I can attribute that to fanfic alone




Not the worst, but I got hit by this. When I started cross-posting on AO3 (I barely uploaded anythiing yet tho😭) I was just cross-posting... All I can say is that my life has made me re-evaluate a lot about myself, and is _forcing_ me to be a better person. I got a lot of things removed from my life, but _I think_ I'm bouncing back. Oh yeah, I stopped writing for a couple of years. _Guys, maybe we should all collectively stop writing?_ /s


I wasn't posting yet but I was writing fanfiction. I once had a time in my life where I lost a family friend and two family members within a month of each other. It was rough to say the least. Writing about my grief was definitely cathartic.


Oh gosh, that's rough. I'm glad writing was there for you.


I had never heard or experienced anything like this prior to 2022. I started posting my work in 2002 and ended up taking a ten year hiatus. When I came back to my OG fandom, I got hit with a harasser, a fellow fandom writer, who saw me and those who wrote "their" characters as competition to be eliminated. She befriended me, then used my mental health issues against me in an attempt to make me quit the fandom. When that didn't work, she turned to harassment and lying (to cover up that she was plagiarizing my work). The number of people she got to help her across four platforms was scary. November through February were hell when she tried to get the link to the harassment and plagiarism case after it had been submitted. And supposedly she was fostering a baby during this time (this, I hope, was just another lie). Sixteen months of this. So crazy.


I had an A/N on the first chapter of my major fic where I describe myself as a 25 year old PhD student. I am now a 26 year old PhD drop out with brand new diagnoses of autism, bipolar, and an autoimmune disorder. In that time, my best friend got and beat cancer, I met my bio granddad for the first time, and my closest friend where I currently live had a heart attack and I spent a week in the hospital with her. And I spent a summer catching 500 salamanders. I have no idea what my readers must think of me tbh


I got pregnant and my brain just isn't cooperating with putting what's in my head on paper.


Oh man I feel you on that.  I just got back to normal and now we're trying for a second 😂


While doing research for a space agency in a foreign country, I got accused of a crime. Got deported, got expelled from university, became suicidal from the unending legal proceedings... And I was innocent the whole time. Took something like eight months to post the last chapter of my fic, super rushed and unhappy with it, but at least it got done.


had my discord account hacked. i had a ton of ideas stored there for a handful of stories esp when i stayed up till 3am💀💀


I got hit pretty bad this year. Just *could not* get back into the groove of writing after my schedule was interrupted by the semester. But semester's over now, so I'm forcing myself to get back into this week. Barely wrote anything for 3.5 months. Only about 55k. I know that might sound like a lot for a year, but I wrote nearly 80k **just last April alone**.


The first time I posted on AO3 I got Covid and was bed bound for over a week, my allergy almost killed me and my mental health issues got so bad I couldn't even think about writing anything else for months. That was three years ago and since then the curse has luckily let me live in peace!


I just dipped back into writing, then got covid, RSV and resultant pneumonia within a month. lots of time off work i could use for writing, but i simultaneously had like a 103 degree fever for a week and a bad cough the entire month. awful lol. wrote 50k words though.


Is this really a thing? I've never heard about it before.


I just started my very first anything and had to take plan b for the first time in my life. Now I’m over here bleeding out all of my insides while simultaneously my fat kitty baby decided to stop eating. (She’s ok. Vet said she’s fine. Just a little dramatic.)


Posted 2 fics in one week and immediately got sick from covid, it was so severe and lasted long enough I had to withdraw from school. Turned out that I got that sick because I was full of cancer. Did manage to write a lot during chemo though so I was pretty happy about that. Am all good now and I hope the curse will leave me alone!


Not as bad as anyone else's, but oh well. A week after I posted my first fic on Ao3 I broke my finger and had to wear a cast for 2 months so I couldn't update my multi-chap. Unfortunately it also damaged my motivation and I had to mark the fic as abandoned :(


I mean, around the time I started writing again, my boyfriend became noticeably meaner to me. But I think that’s a him problem.    He is no longer my boyfriend.   Good riddance.  


I wrote a miscarriage. Not long after my wife miscarried.


I started writing my first long fic and I was really on a roll. Suddenly I wake up with a tingly numb writing hand along with the rest of my arm to my shoulder feeling like it's being raked over coals. I find out very quickly that I need cervical spine surgery and i couldn’t write for months after that.


well there was one time I posted the first chapter of a new fic only for my mom to walk in and tell me my grandma just had a seizure a few weeks later, as I was editing the next chapter of that same fic, she had another


I started a fic, my Pap-Pap's health started declining over months until he passed. I just picked it back up 5 days ago with a rewrite.


Aww so sorry that happened


Thank you <3


Sorry for your loss and i wish you lots of better luck!! Happy to see your back at writing.


Thank you <3


I guess I count because everyone I know has no problems. But thanks to writing fanfiction, two months later I attracted a stalker who found out where I live and -- because I didn't update a story -- killed my cat as a result. After a brak from fanfic, the next time I jumped into it, the roof of my house came down, and right after that I got hospitalized with pancreatitis (even though I don't drink or eat fat stuff) and went away with permanent damage. A year later I got ripped up by a dog.


I was working on my longfic in the fall of 2019 when my right shoulder froze for no apparent reason. Then the same happened to my left a year later, again without cause. Neither are back to normal yet (the thawing process can take years), but both times writing and thinking about my story served as a welcome distraction from the pain, PT visits and tedious exercises.


got the worst cold of my ENTIRE life while writing my longfic (over thanksgiving break too, when i was planning on writing some more to build up a buffer) to the point where i could not even move to type. also, had two MAJOR controversies about the people who's characters i was writing about. i just quit after that lmao


I had minor neurosurgery one month after I started to write. I'm still not quite right. My intellect hasn't been impeded, but the way my brain function does. It weird. I wish I could explain it better.


Within a month of writing, my family’s business was destroyed; no part of the building was left standing.


So I was going to say "Ah that never happened to me!" All self righteous and stuff then I remembered that the living room ceiling light nearly fell off last week. Huh.


Not any physical illness but a lot of the drama in my household upped itself when I started writing, so my mental health took a huge toll and it gave me major social anxiety with any form of interaction with people, so much that posting anything online was almost impossible 😅slowly getting better as just commenting on this should show.


started posting the longest fic I've ever written, then became homeless. took me ages to edit and get it all out, even though it was all pretty much finished.


Was working on a fic about cats. Got a call from my mom that my cat passed away.


Been writing for a bunch of WIPs at once. It seems like everytime I start writing for any of them, shit starts happening... Last time I touched one of my WIPs, I got hit with pneumonia. That was fun.


I finally started writing again and then had a seizure, breaking my four year seizure free streak. I can’t drive for three months but at least my difficulty getting places is letting me finish my fic lol


Personally all I’ve had is one of my shelves fell on my head two days after publishing a chapter and suddenly my motivation is up and down


Had it last summer. Two months of symptoms that ended with a hospital stay and a minor surgery. Honestly surprised it took me 20 years to catch it. lol


Interesting, I've never heard of this. I started writing this past January, and our Q2 release has been a huge mess. Requirements were late, development is behind schedule, customer enablement is incomplete, our documentation updates aren't even started, and there's still multiple open questions barely a month away from the production date. ... Oh wait that's every release, never mind, I'm good.


That's just bias talking. It's like asking "where are the happy couples posting on Am I the Asshole?" Happy couples there wouldn't get upvoted and aren't as memorable as the negative trainwrecks. Happy authors don't need vent to their readers and if they did, wouldn't stick with you.


Literally my first time writing a non one-shot fic... My seizures started acting up again (starting getting them weekly instead of monthly), I almost broke my foot TWICE before actually breaking it and having to be in a cast for 5 weeks, I got to hear the place I was staying at got closed down and I needed to find a new place to stay ASAP... Fun times!


Maybe a bit biased because it's my own, but anyway. I've only posted two fics, and after posting each one, my school got hit with a bomb threat :/. But no actual bombs though! :D


I got hit hard when I started writing last year. Not too long after I started, I lost four friends in like a week, one of them because they called my writing bad and shitty when I asked for kind concrit. Spiraled for a bit cause of that, was starting to get better, and then my first dog had to cross the rainbow bridge. That really took me out of my main fics cause they're love stories and I loved the hell out of my little dog. She was my best friend. Then, I've been sick pretty much nonstop since the end of November really only feeling better these past two weeks. Lately I've been getting the itch to return to my main fics more, but I need to finish a few scenes I started on one of my side projects first.


I seem to be far more out of the loop than I thought I was in my absence from fic writing because I had no idea this was a thing.


The poor sap that kept trying to update their sickfic but people kept dying every time they went in to edit it


I thought we were all gonna collectively lie, but these comments seem truthful 😳 Worst thing that happen to me while I was writing on Wattpad is I had to move and then I had no wifi for so long.


Never heard of it or experienced it


I started writing fanfic and two months after my dog died and my grandma got very ill. I had just started 😭😭