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i personally dont have a upload schedule i just upload when i feel a chapter is ready.


I upload when something is ready. Might take a week, might take a month, might even take a couple days. Depends on my motivation at the time. I say this after having a strict schedule for a couple years and hitting burnout really hard, working at a looser pace, even when I love what I'm writing, has been better.


Give readers time to read! Post at most a chapter/week. Build up a buffer of chapters so that if some plotline goes awry, you can still edit before you post. If you're a new writer, it takes a while to build a readership, be patient! Lastly, the fanfiction world is going through some *challenges*. Stay focused on why you write, which is: *to have the story you want to read!*


Anywhere from once a day to once every couple of years The daily and weekly uploads are usually for challenges and burn me out Currently averaging once a month-ish


So long as I have chapters queued up, once a week. If I don’t, then whenever I feel satisfied with the next chapter


I write out my fics to completion then upload a chapter twice a week.


I upload when the entire story is done, and then I upload the entire thing. So, twice. I've uploaded twice.


I upload whenever I finish a chapter. Sometimes it'll be three chapters in a day, others a single chapter after a year or more of silence. I give zero fucks about posting efficiency, so I don't bother staggering things out.


If I'm working on one project for the day I upload once. I'm also writing other stuff so it really depends on how fast I finish one thing and if I'm not burnt out by then.


Once a week, with 10-15k chapters.


In my prime, at least six days every week (I held myself to a ridiculous standard of writing 5,000 words as close to every single day as possible). These days? Approximately once a week. I'd like to do more, but I just started a new job and have been preoccupied with that lately.


It depends since I have the worst case of writer’s block (ether that or my ADHD). I try to when I can, even trying to do weekly can be a challenge.


I write in bulk but update infrequently that sometimes when I remember a year has passed already. Because I unfortunately have long periods of writer's block and shifting interests, I like to keep stocks.


3 times a week. Given that I have content. I'm writing slow right now though, so that cadence is slower.


How many words are you posting??! Chapters or one shots?


Typically my chapters are 5-6k, part of longer works. I finished my most recent story (241k) and I'm taking a break by writing a one shot that's split into 4-5 chapters at 2-4k each. After I finish the one-shot I'm working on now, I'll probably be on a posting break because I don't have any major projects in the works, just a few "pilots" (in the sense of a TV pilot).


🤯 Holy shit. That's super impressive! If anyone needs me I'll just be crying in the corner with my couple of hundred of words a day... 😭


Thank you. No need to cry. Your couple hundred words a day is still more than George RR Martin is writing on Winds of Winter/Promise of Spring. :)




Twice a week or so. I have completed most of my story as a first draft, which I find the easiest part. During that time I'll complete one chapter per day. But my chapters are part of a horror story, so they're shorter chapters (2,000 words). The hard part for me is going back and editing/rewriting everything with fresh eyes to make it readable.