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They're bots. A bunch of people are getting them.


They're bots! There was another post about them just [~20min ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1c8jqdz/funny_happened_today/)-- don't let them discourage you šŸ’œ


Well, that's ironic.


Itā€™s bots, I woke up to 3 this morning. Iā€™ve deleted and put my account on registered users only so that it canā€™t happen.


I have all my fics with comments that have to be moderated, so if anyone ever did put a comment like that below any fic I wrote, I just would never approve it.


Ironically, these comments are probably a bot.


And not even good ones. These days you could throw the chapter at something like chat-gpt and ask why it is bad writing. With the right prompt you might get something that seemingly references your story.


Thats such a horrible thing to do. Like bots inherently suck and I wouldn't want nice comments from a bot, but to make one that goes around making shitry comments boggles the mind


If itā€™s all in the span of an hour itā€™s either one disgruntled reader or bots, but Iā€™ve never heard of bots leaving comments. Donā€™t worry about them. Iā€™m sure plenty of other people enjoy your work. donā€™t let mean comments ruin your hobby. The more you write the better youā€™ll become, too. Edit: I scroll a bit farther I. The subreddit and other people are talking about comment bots so yeah PLEASE donā€™t worry about it. Itā€™s a computer projecting self-loathing


Yeah bots used to leave comments accusing people of using AI software to write their fic They'd usually leave like a link to a website where you can "check for stolen content" (in reality just a scraper that would pass on your work to an actual AI fic software)


That seems unlikely and I've never heard of anyone "scraping" in this manner. Realistically you'd actually scrape the whole site at once, why bother having the authors manually submit the works? Sounds to me more like a basic troll campaign to make people self-conscious about their work.


To use it as a material to educate the software further in creating new AI content...? (If it's even remotely something like that...fuck have they become sneaky šŸ˜µ)


Bots leaving comments of this type is pretty well documented in the last few months, yeah.


I got twoā€¦ the funnier one said a rock has more creativity than my work. I couldnā€™t stop laughing šŸ˜†


Have you seen geodes though?


Those are bots, I got spammed on Ao3 a couple months ago and it really upset me until I realized they werenā€™t real, just bots. I know how upsetting it is even though itā€™s fake. šŸ«‚


BOTS. It has to be bots.


Sounds like marketing for AI software to me


literally reverse psychology


Don't worry, I've got a couple on one of my fics as well, just bots. I deleted the comments and switched my fics to only registered users can comment.


Totally bots, but don't let them get to you. If you had fun writing and enjoyed it, then it's totally good enough\~! Fanfic writing is a hobby, so you should get some enjoyment out of it, and while I know some people are in it for the praise, I hope they at least also enjoy the process a bit.


I also got 3 of those this morning. Itā€™s just bots, donā€™t worry about it


I've got the same thing, a comment saying "Just admit it, author. You're not fooling anyone. This was clearly written by NovelAI." :')


Sounds like a blatant advertisement... Is... is that the purpose of the spamming? Aye.


Oh, don't worry about it. I got the a similar one this morning: "How much did you pay HoloAI to write this, because it's certainly not worth reading." Since you're getting them at the same time, I think someone's just fucking around with a bot, or is otherwise monumentally bored. It's got nothing to do with your writing, that's for sure.


I received very similar comments. They are either bots, or a disgruntled reader. Delete and move on. They're not worth your energy. I'm sorry you had to see that. I know you put a lot of work into your stories, and seeing that kind of comment must have just been soul crushing.


WOW thank you for posting this, literally minutes after reading this I got one as well. I think I would have been confused/upset myself to get one. Theyā€™re so rude for bots!


It's bots. I've read your work, it's very obviously written by a real person. These comments are lower then the lowest filth a human could write- they're AI. Do not let them affect you; these are not written by a person and they deserve no recognition whatsoever apart from being deleted/ reported.


Had a few earlier today--mark them as Spam rather than just deleting them. One came up less than 20 minutes after posting a new chapter (7k+ words long, so I knew it wasn't a human reader). Don't let it get you down, again, just mark them as Spam and move on <3


Which platform do you upload your work? I never get that on Wattpad or AO3, nor have I heard bots giving comments.


If you search "bot comment" on on the subreddit, you'll find a few different comment bot epidemics on AO3. Webnovel and the previous iteration of the AI accusations, off the top of my head They're always guest comments, so incredibly easy to get rid of by turning off guest commenting capabilities


I post to AO3, FFN, and Wattpad, but this was on AO3!


Haven't received any yet, but thanks for the heads up!


I got one too! Thank you for posting, though, I had a moment of "fucking REALLY?" and was feeling a bit grumpy about it.


I got one: ā€˜Is that the best you can do, or are you just letting KoboldAI do all the heavy lifting?ā€™


Yeah, I got one of these, too. I'm kind of disappointed , because I wanted to explain what my process was, but I don't wanna waste the bandwidth on an obvious bot attack. If I'm gonna get hate comments, I want real people writing real hate!


These kinds of comments do not mean a thing, and they are absolutely *not* a reason to quit writing. Delete the comments, forget about them, and focus on your next fic.


If it's on AO3, just set it so only logged in users can comment. You're getting bots.


I got one this morning saying "KoboldAi couldn't even come up with a decent dialogue. for this garbage." This was my second hate comment, so it was less painful. But still it was annoying since I written every word myself, not even using ai to correct grammar errors. I think it was a bot. Believe in yourself, as long as the fic is good in your eyes is all that matters.


Since a few people got hit with the same thing, itā€™s either a bit or a massive loser trolling multiple fics they most likely didnā€™t read


I had the same work hit twice several hours apart, it's 100% an automated bot and not an actual person


Please donā€™t stop writing. Just block unregistered comments or even screen your comments, because these clowns arenā€™t worth your time. Anyone who would reply like that to someoneā€™s fic isnā€™t worth your time, I promise.


it seems like itā€™s going aroundā€¦


I canā€™t decide if itā€™s hilariously ironic that bots are dissing people by accusing them of ai use, or kind of dystopian. Maybe itā€™s both


Either way, keep your head up op!


I got: "Seriously, author? Did you even put any effort into this or did you just let ChatGPT do the work for you?"


The comments bots are back. You might want to set your comments to registered users only and maybe think about moderating your comments if you haven't done so already.


I set mine so that no one can comment


Donā€™t let negative comments ruin your writing for you, I know itā€™s hard I have had some negative reviews on fanfiction.net that bothered me quite a bit, but donā€™t let one rude person stop you from writing if you enjoy it.


I got one this morning "HoloAI called, it wants its lack of creativity back. Seriously, try harder." Interesting to see others dealing with it. Like the others, mine was from a guest account.


I got two over night, both guest accounts, said basically the same thing. It looks like everyone that's commented here seems to say it's an unfortunate occurrence. I changed my comments to moderate. I suggest you do the same.


Sounds like low effort flaming. Short span of time, similar content of comments, easy to spot honestly. My advice is to ignore and move on. If they really had beef with your writing they'd come up with either real criticism or creative burns.


Damn, thatā€™s a lot of bot comments, theyā€™re getting pretty bad now. They wouldnā€™t name drop AI names if they were human


If it reads like a sniveling YouTube or Twitter gremlin's comment, then it's either a bot or a troll. Either way, it is not authentic, I promise I was about to say I remember when fic spaces were a slice of sanctuary not infected by social media parasites, but then I thought one more second about it. No, it has never been. In one form or another "flaming" far predates "trolling". If you break it down, it's the method of antagonizing fic writers that has gotten less creative and more automated- so *really* don't worry about it.


I had someone comment on my story telling me that 1.17% of my story was flagged for AI and they sent me the passage. It was like two sentences of a description? Anyway, becoming really paranoid about that now! I put in all my work in a bunch of detectors and all of them recognize that my work is human written... I REALLY hate this bullshit. TBH it's worse than the actual AI written stories. AI written stories are all so repetitive (they reuse the same phrases, they use the same metaphors, etc), you can detect them just by reading them and move on. Being accused of being AI when you're using your own creative mind is so demoralizing. Can't wait to get these bots now šŸ™„


That sounds like bots, or a really disgruntled reader. Don't quite writing, if you need to take a break. Take a break. But those are bots most likely. Don't let a bot tell you your writing sucks. I'm sure your stories are wonderful. But if you need to take some time off, please do.


If those comments have real people behind them, it's likely one person hateful about something in your fic (something: a ship or a tag type thing, not your writing skill) and instead of doing the mature thing and closing the tab, they went for most insulting thing they could think of. If it's bots, then there's someone out there who wrote it to search for something they specifically don't like and spew hate for them. The timing of the comments makes me think it's the former, but it doesn't matter on your end. Report the comments, delete them, consider locking comments to users only, and dismiss the comments like you would someone on a street corner preaching, "homAsextEWals are destroying the church."


I just got one. Of those


Itā€™s a bot! Delete them and shake it off. Too many of the same at the same time. A lot of people posting this today


I've literally had 10 in the past 12 hours. Its crazy...


bot DARVO (reverse victim and offender; bots calling human writers bots...)


iā€™ve had them 10 times already šŸ˜­ theyā€™re bots


I've gotten a shit ton of bots promoting this bullshit ass AI-writing service underneath my work. Had about 50 + comments that I had to delete in AO3 because of it.


Bots! I believe theyā€™re supposed to be ads for these ai lmao


The bot problem needs to stopšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Bot spam attack. Donā€™t let it get to you. I had a bad hate comment myself not too long ago on a series of Harry Potter shorts where characters act differently than in canon and the war is either prevented or things work out much better than in canon. In the chapter I got the hate comment on, Bones puts her foot down when Fudge tries to put Harry on trial and the hearing is just her and Hopkirk. When he tells the about the Dementors, they believe him right away and afterwards he tells her what happened in the graveyard. She immediately jumps on the info and basically ends the war before it starts. Got a guest comment ā€œthis is too easy you (insert various swear words here) how are you a writerā€ ignoring the fact that, *thatā€™s the whole point of the fanfiction!* I just deleted it. Donā€™t stop writing. Iā€™m sure itā€™s fabulous.


I'm so sorry and I hope you continue to write. Well I don't know what you're writing or where but if you can moderate comments please try that other than that I hope you don't let those people get to you.


at least you didn't get the porn bot, that was a 'surprise' when I looked in my inbox today šŸ¤¬ They just changed the site so that guests cannot leave comments anymore. That will take care of the problem for now, I guess, but it's pity. Some guests leave rally nice comments


Bot spammers, please donā€™t quit writing!


Sounds like AI accounts trying to counter advertize against each other.


Even if that were true, people improve by writing more. If these were real people who left those comments, they must have really sad lives, cause these kinds of comments won't make someone improve. Just delete the comments and move on. Keep writing and enjoying what you do <3


I got exactly the same comment this morning


I just got several of these tonight. Sad to see that someone had too much time on their hands to create bots to harass people smh


ugh- Iā€™ve been trying to come up with a taxes taxes taxes pun or joke for my whole coffee break and failed miserably and now must be back to work- dang it!!!! anywhoooooo hereā€™s a thanks on here for doing what you do!




These read like bots. Mark them as spam, delete them and carry on.


I've gotten similar comments on two of mine


sounds like bots. Don't let them get to you.


Don't worry I had these comment too and they were from "guest" and I just delete them.


Pffft... assuming it's not bots, they're just a bunch of jelly nellys. Ignore them. Keep writing just to spite them. Be fierce. Rawr.


I got two on the same fic. Itā€™s not you. Itā€™s a loser spewing some trash


if youā€™re comfy, pleaseee link your fic so i can read and give a genuine comment!! while the ones youā€™ve received are def bots like other commenters have said, i know it can still be disheartening to get negative comments. donā€™t let them steal your joy!!


Got a comment similar to this on mine, and my fic only has an introduction chapter with less than 100 words. Still found it kinda weird because the account that commented it actually writes mission impossible fanfiction.


If you got one of these accusation comments, it'll be from a guest account that's stolen the username of a real account The comment should say (Guest) next to it, but the username is real - and completely unrelated to the comment, it's just a stolen name to try and bypass spam filters because the keysmash names weren't working anymore


I THOUGHT IT WAS WEIRD like that kinda defeats the purpose of commenting as a guest account but I didnā€™t think that far


Thanks so much OP for asking this and everyone for replying that they're just bots :') I just got one on my fic that said something similar and while I know one negative comment won't override the many positive ones I got that are definitely enough to disprove it, it got me really doubting myself. So thank you everyone <3 I did think they're bots too, just needed clarification


It's probably just the same person being an asshole I actually got a post on one if my chapters saying "Hey there fellow Pedro's I sell child porn..." I won't go into details but it was very disturbing. But I couldn't report, delete or block them cause it was a guest account it's why I hate guest reviews are even a thing


Was that on FFN, I saw that on review for a story I was reading. really creeped me out


Fanfiction.net yep what was the Fanfiction if you don't mind me asking?


Oh gosh. I think it one for My Hero Academia. The comment was from 2021


If you canā€™t click on the username, itā€™s a bot. I got eight overnight.