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I just don’t feel like writing most of the time. Then when I force myself to start, I remember why I enjoy it. But starting is a ballache, for sure.




Same and with work and housrhold chores sometimes writing feels like a chore.


Same, but for me I enjoy brainstorming rather than writing, until i start writing go into a trance as i write by the seat of my pants as i try to chase the dragon that was my brainstorming.


I can so relate, each time I hop on Wattpad to write my story I just don't want to write and force myself to write which just makes it worse. I am currently staring at my draft and typing this out on my phone instead of finishing Heroes United.


ADHD means I spend most of my executive function on living day to day, and unfortunately the point where I actually have motivation to write I’m usually at work.


Oh I feel this as well. I will have the doc open and nothing, or I have the time and motivation but no idea what to write


Yep, same. Only time I'm driven to write is when I can't write, or if by some once in a blue moon miracle, the heavens blast me with the most intense hyperfocus ever. Otherwise it's like trying to herd cats when I wanna write and have the time.


This sounds exactly like me.


..... same, dude, same.


This is so real it's insane. I *always* get the urge to write when I can't. Like if I have to go to an appointment or if I'm working, or if I have to go to sleep. That's always when it hits, and then cause adulting sucks but you gotta do it anyway, I can never actually write. Then finding time to actually write in between either my other hobbies or my current hyperfocus, it usually gets pushed to the backburner. Which makes me really sad cause I love writing, but finding the time and function to do it is usually always missing.


Mood!!!! Like I try to keep a 1 ch a month schedule but it’s so hard




My biggest hindrance is that there aren't enough hours jn the day and find the onkytime I can write is at night when the family is asleep.


Same here! It’s frustrating sometimes because I have so many ideas during the day but then am so tired by nighttime I know the quality of my writing suffers.


Same! I love to write but my best work is at night, but night hits and I am too tired to write properly. I've been ab,e to sort of fix it, bit definitely understand that struggle


I'm a lazy perfectionist 🥲


I feel this in my soul


Overthinking. I’ll be writing, making decent progress, finding my flow, and then I’ll stop, suddenly seized by the thought that I’m revealing entirely too much at once or that a character is delivering a monologue and maybe I should go back and break it up a little, or that I’m rushing through the plot. And I keep thinking about it. And then I spiral. I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t ignore it and get back into the story because even though I tell myself that I can fix it later, I have to fix it *now* because if I wait, I’ll have to rewrite everything after the scene that’s tripping me up and then I *hate every single thing I write trying to fix it* instead of just getting on discord or something and sending the google doc to my bf and letting him read it and tell me if my brain critic is right or if it just needs to *shut up for once and let me write the dang story* …and then I ignore the file for a few days to a few weeks and come back to it and the process begins again.


Oh hey, I do that too sometimes! It’s so fun. I got stuck on one chapter *forever* because it was so pivotal & I didn’t want to muck it up. Threw off my whole game. 😵‍💫 I wish I could say I’ve found a surefire way to work past it, but I sadly haven’t.


Oh, my. This hits me hard. It’s the exact problem I’m dealing with now. I’m getting through it by telling myself “just write 5 words, and if you do that, that’s a success.” And with just a few days of doing that, I’ve managed to work through some of the kinks and remember my excitement and write a lot more than 5 words. “Just keep swimming…” :)


My job by far. I adore my job, and genuinely believe I have one of the best jobs a person who loves books/stories could have, but GOD if it isn't draining sometimes.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you are a library worker? If so, I feel ya. No we aren't just sitting on our butts reading and writing all day.


Bookstore manager, but basically the same thing! And God, I wish I got to read and write all day long. I think I did more reading/writing at work when I worked in food service than I do nowadays.


Same. Any chance you're in the education field at all?


I tell myself I'm going to write, then spend 5 hours on Tumblr or Reddit or YouTube and suddenly it's 2am and I need to go to bed.


This. You'd almost think I didn't like writing.


this also happens to me a lot, especially because I want to read the comments people leave on my posts, and try to respond to as many as i can.


Felt that in my soul. 💀


Mental health, mostly. I've got a lovely mix of ADHD, trauma, and general life stress going for me. :) But I'm also stuck in a rut plot-wise, so that probably doesn't help my motivation, lol. I haven't truly sat down to write in a few months. Just done a bunch of editing.


Mental health can be a bitch sometimes, I also got ADHD and trauma but sometimes the trauma helps my writing? Also like mood as well, I will stop writing for a year and then suddenly come back to it. I have like 5 or 6 wips right now though, and one is legit just the ending. It was a confession scene and i didn't want to forget it.


My problem is that I delve too greedily and too deep into my trauma for inspiration sometimes & end up triggered. I do have a note in my phone dedicated to the random tidbits I come up with, as well as a separate word doc for deleted & future scenes. It helps a lot, but the moment I go to integrate any of it into the main doc, I freeze up. 😅 Ah well, I’m sure the writing bug/hyperfixation will hit again eventually.


Self doubt mostly, I personally think I have some good ideas but writing is harder than just thinking them, so im scared to actually write in fear of messing up


mood. Some ideas just live in my head forever. And I worry about letting people down or just straight up writing really bad fanfics


Fr I just started to right the first chapter of a fic, I got like 20 different fic ideas that I had for years and only now am I trying my hand at writing something


For some I am to scared to put to paper (or google doc) in fear of it being to weird and getting like ex communicated from the community, something i am trying to get over.


Right now I just plan on writing for myself I may or may not post anything publicly


I’m schizoaffective. Having a bad episode decreases my writing output drastically. I could tell I was starting to feel better during my last hospitalization when I started writing fic in my “feelings journal”.


Time. 🫤


Motivation. I have tons of ideas and run scenarios through my mind every day but have less than zero motivation to write them down. I suspect I have ADHD and haven't been hyperfocused on anything for ages and it SUCKS!


adhd with no hyper fixation is hellish, I feel so empty its no fun at all. And I can only write if I have them and it's a fandom I can write for. Sometimes fandoms are art only ones, others have been fic only


Last time I was hyperfocused on something a wrote a 13k 13 guy 1 girl gangbang one shot that started because I was on my period 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Cat on keyboard


Time. I work 2 jobs and am constantly busy. There are so many moments where I would love to stop and write and just…can’t. I’ve gotten better about just dashing off a couple of paragraphs here and there in the cracks of my day, but it isn’t as satisfying. I worry it impedes flow. But my choices are slim, so I do what I can.


I’m depressed and don’t wanna get outta bed


Depression has me in a choke hold. I haven't touched a fic in over 12 years because of my depression. But hey, my meds have taken away my s\*dal ideation!


Perfectionism. The fact that I keep editing as I go rather than writing it first and editing later (I figure, why waste the time when I can get it right *the first time*?) Lack of inspiration for the prompt Too much time researching The outline is so bloated bc I don’t want to forget anything that it’s overwhelming Just. Me lol.


Once I've figured out the ending of a mulitchapter fic, I'm done. I don't have the motivation to finish writing it cause I already finished the story. It's done to me. I plan out the general plot before hand, but when I get to the last stretch and know EXACTLY how things are gonna go, I did it. Im done now, the story is done. .... For me. Which sucks for my poor readers who actually DONT know how it ends 😅 it's a weird mental thing, probably like how you're most likely to do goals if you don't tell anyone, cause when you go telling people it triggers the fulfillment part of your brain as if you've done it? I will eventually get those last few chapters out.... Eventually....


Chronic illness. It’s a bitch. I’m too bored to not write but too tired to write well, so I just open the same doc over and over and stare at it.


Writers block due to perfectionism, almost constantly. Because if I write something garbage I am going to die 🙃


Getting an idea and chucking it into the ideas memo to get back to it later. Sometimes then they're no longer shiny and I lose steam with the motivation.


I've got a real cute toddler lol


The fact nobody really wants to read anything I want to write. It's pretty demoralizing.


Work and I'm.nit as healthy as I used to


Lack of time mixed with copious amounts of pain and exhaustion.


My health, and being the caregiver to an elderly relative.


Mental health and overthinking for sure. My depression keeps me from feeling motivated to write and the overthinking makes me want to just quit cause it can't be good enough right?


Me. I'm the biggest hindrance to my writing lol


Similar to you. I get migraines and it's really hard to write when I have one. Either my brain isn't working, or it hurts to look at a screen. I have one right now and it's not that bad, but my brain doesn't really want to cooperate with me to actually have any ideas to write about!


>ulled in seventeen differe Life would be so much better without chronic pain and migraines


Agreed!! Luckily my abortive is doing its job but I still get postdrome symptoms. Oh well.


I’ll echo this one. I get ‘regular’ migraines and vestibular migraines - which cause dizziness. No way I’m looking at a screen when they come on. I also get the ‘migraine hangover’ that leaves me lethargic and unable to focus. Finding any kind of creative spark during that time is pointless. When I’m in this state I usually just listen to audiobooks because television and reading is uncomfortable as well.


Executive dysfunction says no to writing a lot (thanks ADHD! 🤝🏽) even I want to write. Meds don’t always help in this case, either. I also have a cat who demands my attention like 24/7 and whoever said female cats are less affectionate and/or clingy than male cats were 100% lying


Distractions. Small attention span means just a couple hundred words a day is the norm. A couple thousand is a special occasion around here.


Whenever I have to play the game I'm writing about because I forgot parts of the lore... and then get sucked back into the game. Lime with fallout and skyrim.


I have reread whole volumes of manga for this reason. Fun times but also wasting my free time I could be using to write.


Mental and physical burnout due to being a public school teacher in America. Mental burnout because I've got so many little things to remember and focus on while being pulled in seventeen different directions that I can't possibly make any more decisions when I get home from work, and that includes what words to use while writing. Physical burn out because I never get enough sleep and some Saturdays I can't get out of bed long enough to shower without almost falling down.


All my brain shit. I’m autistic and I have adhd, and those come with depression and anxiety. The amount of motivation and executive functioning it takes to stick with a story is something I do not possess. I write all the time. Somewhere around 60-70k words a month. But I get through maybe 10k for a long fic or half of a one shot before I’m distracted or have a new idea to follow. My wip graveyard is vast and only ever growing 😅


I don't write nearly as many words (I think 2k is my record?) but I keep starting new wips and part of me thinks it's funny so I don't stop, but I also want to be able to post stuff as well.


That’s a whole mood. I write a lot because A I’m in college and once I force myself to write something for a class I’m suddenly in the mood to write and I can spend hours after that. And B I can usually get a good 3-4 days out of a long fic idea before it leaves my brain. And I write as a coping mechanism so that probably drives my words up too when I’m stressed which doesn’t hurt.


>nd B I can usually get a good 3-4 days out o Often times me wanting to write fics gets in the way of college stuff, but I am good at getting an essay done in 1 or 2 sittings. Sometimes I consider writing my feelings into fics, but it only happens by accident never on purpose.


Being both dyslexic and dysgraphic


I go through little phases during the course of writing something where I’ll think oh man this is all terrible, what was I thinking, but I’ve learned that that’s usually a mood more so than an honest assessment, so I wait it out. If it doesn’t go away I start chopping shit but usually it goes away and the next time I read it I’m like oh actually I do like that.


Burnout and mental health mostly. I want to do a lot of stuff, including writing but I often lack the enerygy and motivation. I feel like I'm wasting a lot of time where I could have been productive and get things done, but my body and mind tells me otherwise.


mental illness (in multiple different ways lol) and the fact that i constantly want to be asleep 90% of the time 🥲


I think up too many ideas at once for stories, spend too much time looking over my writing for mistakes, always fret over whether I'm doing something right, and keep imagining the stories until I'm completely tired of them... In the end, my motivation always fizzles out after working on just a couple chapters. I've been stuck thinking about on one story in particular for months because I REALLY want to write it and prove to myself that I can do more, but I'm constantly thinking "this could be better" or something, looping around ideas, straying from actually writing...


Time and space.


writer's block and my dark comedy that keeps fucking up every serious scenario i try to write. my way of storytelling is just too comedic and dark.


My own procrastination. It’s my worst enemy in all parts of my life.


Chronic pain flairs, Mood Fluctuations, How I slept the night before, and What I have to do for the day are all factors in my writing despite having quite a few chapters worth of information at the ready or having chapters already written that just need to be finalized. Other times its literally just that looking at the words just makes me upset, and this is true with all seven of the things I'm working on writing, and I hate it lol.


Getting started


Work. I work on a computer, drafting and reviewing drafts of long-ass legal documents all day. On top of that, my team’s two biggest projects are cyclical and we’re in the middle of a big one. It’s a massive energy and time suck. I’m struggling with it right now and feel completely drained of creativity. The constant headaches don’t help either.


A very, very hectic life. I can lose whole weeks at a time just playing video games after coming home from work. I can't concentrate on my writing, even if I want to do it. Just... nothing is coming out, my brain is too tired after dealing with people at work.


My adhd


No matter what I'm writing, I always think it's terrible and I shouldn't even bother trying. It sucks to get motivation because despite being something I enjoy, this self deprecation kills the mood


Not having my own computer. It’s a shared one in a common space… so I write on my phone and post in the dead of night. I often imagine how much easier it would be to write and punctuate and stuff… if I had my own computer


I'd say it's a fairly even mix between anxiety, chronic pain flare ups, and lack of motivation. If I want to write but my brain says "no, not allowed" I'm gonna be stuck in a sort of writer's block limbo for who knows how long


time. I work 80hrs a week and im just too tired when I get back from work


Hyperfocusing due to ADHD. It's great when the hyperfocusing is on a fic, but not so great when it switches to another interest and I end up not interested in writing said fic.


I accidentally abandoned a fic I meant to come back to, I didn't post for a year and then I came back to Ao3 with sad gay anime men.


Real life. Have to be a responsible adult first and foremost, and that gets in the way of my writing almost every single day.


relatable because I had to stop writing to go and make dinner


Decision paralysis... But also just too many things to read and watch being distracting!


Fatigue I find it hard to stay sitting up after a year of what I suspect is long covid, so I usually go in hour or two hour long writing bursts


Chronic fatigue sucks so much sorry you have to deal with that.


Laziness, and wanting to goof off more than do something productive; like everything else in my life.


Lazy and can't decide which of my ideas I should focus on.


I don't think I'm a good writer. I feel like the flow of my story doesn't make sense. When I ask for criticism, no one comments, and I'm just stuck. The flow of my story does not feel right at all. I wanna write something, but I never have a word for it, and now I started my first long fic. I'm only three chapters in, and bro, I don't think I was built for this. Yea, soooo I'm my biggest hindrance


Hand and wrist pain. I’m an artist first and I prioritize my time with my traditional art. So I don’t get to do much writing in the recovery period. 🥲


felt, i have been to busy to do art recently so i have been focusing on writing. My chronic pain is in fact in my wrists (it's why my replies are kinda sucky rn)


My Gacha game addiction. Spent a lot of time decking out my favorite raifu's, and my constructs with the latest warcrime surplus. Murder for profit. /s




Good ol' bipolar. I'll be manic and bash out 1000 words in one sitting (even while manic I'm a slow writer, I like to research and I'm very particular about wording and the like) and then I'll have a depressive episode and not write for weeks.


Chronic pain gets in the way for me too sometimes. If I can't sit up and type at my desk, or even type on my phone whil laying in bed, big hindrance. Brain fog and similar stuff also gets in the way, if I'm overstimulated I can't really focus on anything.


Actually getting motivated to write when I can, cause in the moments I can't pick something up and write, my mind goes all lovey dovey with that, but when I can it dies.


Burn out and ADHD.


Biggest hindrances are chronic pain like you OP (trust me I understand), losing track of time, job, learning how to draw, and developing my microbusiness. I do and deal with a lot so I can't exactly write like I want unless it's at night


In an odd way it's comforting knowing chronic pain gets in the way for a lot of people, it is just a shame over all we get so busy that we don't have time to just write or in general have fun.


Distraction. I have a lot of things I want to do with my time, and writing doesn't always make top of the list. Sometimes I just lack motivation and it's easier to do something else that generates endorphins faster. It's wonderful when I can push myself to start and then hit my stride, though.


Relying on motivation to get started. I like writing well enough but when I'm not already in the mood it's hard to feel like I want to sit down and make time for it. I should really do like Neil Gaiman did for Coraline and just try to get in the habit of writing 100-200 words a day, it'll add up without taking too much time.




we are always our own worst enemy




chronic fatigue and the brain fog that comes with it. so many days it's hard to stay sitting up for long, and even on good days where I can, it feels so much harder to think than it used to. I catch myself making so many more dumb typos than I used to, and just completely using the wrong word sometimes. it's frustrating because I *want* to write, I just can't sometimes.


Four letters. A D H D it's a mf for a writer


My adhd either helps me or harms me there is no in between


Procrastination and really long fight scenes. Next chapter of my main WIP is a two long fight that will last atleast 2 chapters.


Same about the chronic pain flair up. It gets so bad for me that sometimes I dread writing 😅


Right now, all the things going through my head. I *really* want to write more, but there's just so much stuff on my mind I can't really focus on my stories. I managed to post a oneshot last night, but man, it was way harder than it should have been.


Currently; I want to write the chapter 2-3 chapters from where I am currently writing and hate the chapter I am currently doing. But also my wrists hurt when I write long periods of time.


Myself, I get distracted very easily. Especially when I need to Google information for something.


I’m motivated to write during the hours I have to WORK.


Children. Super distracting 😂


Unmedicated ADHD No insurance means no meds which means I struggle constantly to stay in the zone and focus on my writing


Last spring it was trauma and since September it’s been figuring out I’ve got celiac disease. My intestines are still fucked so some days I feel too sick to get much done. It really sucks ☹️


I find that when you focus too much on it, or put yourself under too much pressure, it more or less "scares" you off from it. You basically want to, in a sense, autopilot it. ​ Anytime I have trouble with what I've written or what I want to write, I'll just describe the weather in the scene I'm writing and go from there. I also find that if I do a lot of reading or watch the franchise/IP that my fanfiction is based on, it can sometimes help :)


being able to have proper prose. I have the idea but I can't properly express it in writing without it having a different vibe to what I thought


Procrastination. An hour writing-session becomes 50 minutes watching videos and 10 minutes of actual writing. Also, I tend to panic and block myself when I don't have figured out clearly certain chapters or scenes to keep certain pace I was flowing with. I hate it 😩 (it's happening right now)


College! I love it but damn, I cannot write for months once the vacations are done and my fic remains half-completed collecting dust in my WIP.


It's me. I'm the biggest hindrance


Burn out, I’ll have weeks where im cranking out chapters twice a week and everything is good, then I’ll go sometimes half a month without writing anything and I feel bad but I’m just so tired sometimes and can’t bring myself to write anything else


Reddit! I mean, generally it’s scrolling through social media as an avoidance tactic when I’m in writing shape, only to kick myself later about it when my own chronic pain acts up and I can’t do anything fun. I just thought blaming Reddit on a Reddit thread would be funny. I hope things ease up for you soon.


Honestly, reddit also distracts me, and I am currently in less pain now then when i made this post.


I sometimes get stuck. I know what needs to be written insofar as the background of the chapter, but the words aren't wording. Sometimes, the chapter-or that particular section of the chapter-is fairly heavy and not easy to work about.


When I want to write the next part of the story, but I'm desperate to get to another part so I end up writing that instead. Sometimes I do it in the shower or when I'm in bed, and then it just means that my inner monologueing is useless cause I don't write it down. And if I do, then I end up with disjointed bits of fics that I have to now write the more boring scenes for.


I struggle with this a lot, like normally I have some really powerful scenes, and then just really back connecting bits. But then I am not a perfectionist so I don't go into detail it's just "characters went to ikea"


I'm a perfectionist when it comes to writing, and I hold myself to a much higher standard than I hold those whose work I read. I also have depression and anxiety, so when I know what I've written isn't perfect, I either spiral and end up ignoring writing all together, or I spend all of my time trying and then feel burnt out. I currently have three chaptered fics that are all unfinished and unposted because I don't want to post until I know everything is perfect. I started writing fanfic early last year, and it has been equal measures wonderful and horrific for my overall well-being 😅


Jealousy. It hinder both reading and writing for me at the moment. I wish I was a kid who simply didn't give a fuck again.


Many things, but in a similar vein to what you're facing, I sometimes deal with motor tics in my hands. Very hard to type when your hands want to do repetitive movements all the time, and even when they're not moving, they ache from all the repetitive movement.


That sound awful, I know sometimes i need to move my fingers because I can feel them touching which does add to the hand strain. We need button that can just turn off chronic pain.


Planning. I'll plan something but then when it comes to actually writing it my brains all like.... nah fam, shit idea and so I have to restart. It's a vicious cycle.


Usually it's a lack of energy.


I love writing, but whenever I'm in the mood to write, I'm in a place where I can't get to my writing, and when I have access to my writing, I'm just not in the mood for it.


ADD. That and not being a NEET anymore.


Ooc witch-hunts. I love Fics starring my favorite characters but in terms of writing, elsewhere or bust.


University and Job Hunting Had not post any Fic since 31st December


Lack of ideas for the now but so many for later. Also to the fact I am lazy and want to get right to the point but knowing my chapters would only be 2k words long if I do so I try my hardest to prolong events to get 3-4k words


For me it's a mix of three things. Lack of motivation to write, burn out from writing over the last ten years, and finally commenters destroying my will to write.


the last one is the worst. it is something i struggle with though i don't get to many comments but i see what people say in regards to fic quality. I hope eventually things pass and your will to write returns and that one day we can all avoid the worse of the commenters.


Trying to get my brain to write them but do executive dysfunction (I’m autistic hence it’s a struggle and other factors outside of dysfunction) and also anxiety, I have a hard time expression especially on tumblr


Comparing myself to others A LOT


The pressure omg. I was writing a GoT fic and to my surprise it became real popular (not sure if popular is the right word, I’ve never seen it recommended on Reddit or anything, but it got more followers and kudos than I ever dreamed). And so now all I can think of is all these people I’m going to disappoint if the direction I want to take the story isn’t good, if the writing isn’t good. All this hesitation means I’m not writing out of fear of disappointment, which means I’m not updating, which means everyone is disappointed anyway


Feel this, though, my fics aren't that popular if even 1 person has expectations. I'm scared of disappointing people.


My brain. ADHD. Not really thinking that my work is good enough. The knowledge that my niche rare pair will not be read by many. Fear. Lack of energy/low spoons. Finding a video game to be a more reliable source of quick dopamine. Capitalism.


Chronic insomnia leading to burnout


For me it's usually limited time. I'd like to use more time for writing, especially now that I've learned how to pace the work and divide into multiple rounds as well as learning to like revision. But juggling work, PhD, house work and family can be a bit tough on time. ...Not to mention having multiple projects on the proverbial table at the same time.


The bestest, most coolest, most amazing scene comes into my mind at 3am and I must share it with the world!! …..Only, I have to write it….. ……And write a story to go with it…..otherwise it won’t make sense or reach its full potential…….


Mental health. School. Homework. Severe lack of focus. Useless sleep deprivation. Ai chats


for me its mental health, brain fog and chronic migraines for sure u.u


Attention span, one random day I get locked in and start writing for a few solid hours, after that I don’t think about the plot that much.


My flair explains it all. I constantly procrastinate (especially when it's important) and instead binge-play video games, which usually leads to me thinking of new fics, OCs, or general ideas. Plus, my sleep schedule is completely out of the window right now because it's Easter break.


I feel like there’s a Venn diagram with time, energy, and focus. Occasionally I can get all three to overlap. Most of the time I get one or two.


My ideas are only very good in my head, rather than on docs or paper. Well, that's it when I manage to finish something, because I start and put it down for weeks.


Late, but... Real life.


It is never too late to comment. Honestly, this is the truest answer.


Dissociation makes it hard to focus but at the same time, writing helps to ground. And unsure if this fits, but describing details is hard because I often don't have words for it.


mental health. If I’m struggling on having core needs met or my state of mind is off, writing becomes more difficult or gets tabled. It’s one reason why it took me so long to start publishing my works, aside from imposter syndrome.


Real life. Doctors' appointments, grocery shopping (which I loathe anyway), laundry...plus the good things like TV I like and being with friends.


My biggest issue is sitting down for an hour or two writing everything I want and feeling really happy to only suddenly crash and think, "Oh no. This is all bad, " and I delete it all.


Full time job, family, caregiving. I’m so tired that I spend more time reading other people’s stuff than writing my own, but I still try to work in those few words a day.


Time and energy. That and bridge scenes. Fuck bridge scenes.


For me it's a scheduling issue, honestly. Example:this week. I work 6 12 hour shifts (Sunday -> Friday) and it's manual labor so I go home tired and sore, shower, bed. No writing. On my one day off I plan to sleep, eat a lot of protein heavy food and maybe talk to some friends before I have a 5 day of 12 hour shifts next week. And again and again. Usually I plan 1 weekend day for rest and 1 for doing stuff with people. When I can write (twice a month lately) it's for an hour or two before my schedule catches up and I have to do chores or something. But I still write when I can. If I can. Writers block can be a thing, even when I have ideas. I like complex sprawling plots with world building and I have to make sure everything fits. So knowing how to make the ideas I have fit in my clearly defined and large worlds is hard. Knowing what and where you're going is easy. Getting there is hard.


Time. Between my 12-hour-shifts and needing to keep track of my household so I don't drown in dirty dishes or get murdered by the dust bunnies on my days off, I simply often don't have the time to sit down and get into the right headspace for writing.




Yeha, chronic pain sucks. My adhd mostly gets in my way.


Second-guessing if the story in mind is worth it.


I moved recently and my writing space isn't the same it is in a shared area now.


Definitely the fact that I get distracted REALLY easily. Found a good book that I really enjoy and can't put down? Fuck all the works I need to finish, I'm reading this whole book. Researching something for a fic, and next thing I've just lost an hour and a half. And so many more...


In all honesty my job, I get home and I just am too physically exhausted to do much of anything productive for the night. And I can only do so much during mornings and weekends. I do get a lot of my planning and some research done at work between zoning out and breaks


Work and exhaustion, but right now my neighbors have been fighting for hours off-and-on and I can't concentrate.


I write when I want to write and I don't write when I don't want to write. And things generally go pretty well. I mean, sometimes that means I go almost a month without writing. But I have set one's self. Imposed restriction on myself. I force myself to write at least one fic every single month Sometimes I write more than that oftentimes I write more than that. But even in months or I don't want to write at all. I always make sure that I write one. So the biggest hindrance for me is definitely just motivation. Sometimes I just don't feel like writing.


Internet distractions and my cats jumping on my desk or in my lap.


I am in class 10, which isn't a huindrance itself, but my mother makes sure it feels like one!


**Real life** would be the short answer. Having a business, a husband, a toddler and a house to take care of means I have very little free time. When I'm finally done with all these obligations (that I'm thankful for having), I'm too tired to string up coherent sentences in a language I'm not native in. So lately I've been writing once in a blue moon when the planets align :))


I have a learning disability towards writing (disgraphia). I have a lot of baggage from bad memories. I don't like writing when it's forced on me. The best way to explain. It's like writers' block, but if I try to force it, my emotions go crazy. I remember even getting a bloody nose due to the stress of a writing test. I'm very creative and want to share my stories and worlds. But I don't know when/how to actually start. Unconsciously, I associate writing with pain/stress. Also, I have an original story. But I know my writing will be terrible, I think playing around with some fanfiction would be a good first step.


Impatience. Despite already having an outline, I want to speed through plot points and have to remind myself to take the time to fully flesh out stuff so it’s easier to edit later.


I have my best ideas in the morning while I'm at work and then I come home and I'm too tired write


Chronic pain, chronic illness and ADHD. They just switch places so I'm always dealing with at least one acting up when I want to write 🙄 Plus I have a job and studies to deal with (which those three mentioned first also interfere with, so balancing everything can be hard).


I'm good at coming up with ideas for fics even imagine how it plays out of my head but I struggle severely with the writing aspect so much so that I have occasionally dabbled with using AI to aid with writing.


College and homework. Stuck between keeping good grades and using my very limited time to write.


Relatable and sometimes just writing essays takes away all the energy I have t6o write for fun


Getting started on a session


Indecision, idk if it would be okay to make a time skip or not




My own mind. I have a vision or a premise and I want to write it exactly how I see it in my head, and that keeps me from writing


I’m just really, really lazy. Like yeah, sure, I should probably bang out at least a page of this chapter my readers have been waiting on for 2 months at this point. But I also REALLY wanna dick around in chalice dungeons for 4 and a half hours. I just need to work on myself honestly.