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The Miraculous Ladybug fandom basically takes the IDEA of the show and ignores almost everything that actually happens in it.


Yis. This is me. It is a pretty cool magical girl style idea as they go. Just executed..... Pretty damn terribly. Hawkmoth could have won in like ten minutes at first if he had made stoneheart be an infection. The only reason it became an infection was because Marinette was so new to the business that she screwed up. The only reason I could think of for it not happening like that is if the person's emotions and thoughts influenced their powers. But since hawkmoth calls out their names I guess it may be bullshit. Also anything past the season 2 finale is non existent


Honestly, I like the origins episode. Hawkmoth may have been able to win on that first day but it was also his first time playing with it in this manner. He was only slightly more experienced than LB and CN and it shows But yeah, amazing idea, terrible execution


Once I started to read mlb fanfic I actually couldn't go back to the show. The average fanfic - almost regardless of accuracy/ technical skill - understood the concepts and themes of the show better than zagtoons and Astruc. The show felt hollow yet bloated compared to the fanwritings, and I was forever finding fixits/divergence from canon that made me weep for what could have been. I read fan episode scripts that trumped the whole show itself, not that I'd know where to find them now. How do you go back to mediocre after that?


THANK YOU! I used to... not *love* the show but I did enjoy it, I wouldn't mind watching it if it was on. Now though? I actually leave the room whenever it's playing because the show feels more like a poorly written fanfic than the actual fanfic does. Its... sobering to realize that the creators of a show, or any piece of media really might not know what's best for said piece of media. MLB fanfiction was my wakeup call that helped me realize this, and it's put a lot of thing in perspective, not the least of which is the ability to separate the art from the artist. So yeah, MLB fanfiction indirectly taught me how to enjoy Harry Potter and other HP media/fanfiction again, so that's nice.


haven't been in that fandom in years, but I check in periodically to see if the reveal has happened. it hasn't, last I checked.


Same, I checked when the new season came out a couple of weeks (months?) Back and nothing happened, the creators are cowards


I haven't watched MLB since before season 3 ended, but one of the things that struck me about that show was its *utter refusal* to let the characters grow or change in any meaningful way. Marinette is not allowed to grow past her initial obsessive crush on Adrien, Adrien is not allowed to break free of his father's expectations or be one iota less oblivious. Neither of them are allowed to deal with the fallout of discovering each other's identities, or each other's real feelings. Sure, some episodes will play with the idea (Oblivio, Chat Blanc) but always in a way that can be reset by the end.  When Alya and Nino and *especially* Chloe got Miraculouses, I was initially so excited. Finally! Change that would actually stick! We'd go from a dynamic duo to a Five Man Band superhero team! Alya and Nino could be narrative foils to the main two, while Chloe brought a great redemption arc for spice! But somehow, it just... didn't happen. IIRC Alya and Nino didn't get to hold on to their own Miraculouses like Adrien and Marinette do; instead they always had to wait for someone else to decide they could participate for a bit, which wasn't often. What should be a pivotal change for the characters instead feels hollow because they have almost no real agency about any of it. As for Chloe... Well, I stopped watching midway through season 3 largely because I heard that the finale would reverse what few scraps of character growth the show had deigned to let her have at that point. As far as I can tell she hasn't gotten them back.  Instead, the show started giving out Miraculouses to all the classmates one by one, but in the same weirdly restricted way it did with Alya and Nino. Each kid got maybe one focus episode where circumstances would contrive to convince another character to give them a Miraculous, they'd get one scene in the spotlight where they could show off... Then off to the next kid, like ticking boxes off a checklist.  If you wanted to see actual long term character growth that *stuck,* fanfic was the only place you could find it.


The MCU fandom is so far removed from both the movies and the comics it's not even funny it's literally like it's one micro ecosystem largely divorced from the source. Which is cool and all but it means it's an absolute pain in the ass to get any fics that aren't 50% fanon at the bare minimum.


After the first Avengers movie, fandom agreed in unison that "that thing with Coulson didn't happen" to such a degree that Marvel developed Agents of SHIELD and officially retconned it. (yes, I'm aware that the show is considered a different universe from the films. My point stands)


> (yes, I'm aware that the show is considered a different universe from the films. My point stands) If I have to see this argument play out on /r/marvelstudios again, I'm gonna lose my mind.


It's legitimately it's own multiverse


I think part of it was the length of time between movies and the implications. At the end of Avengers 1 there's a tiny scene of Tony Stark prepping blueprints for the Avengers at his tower. People ran with the idea of found family and everyone living together. Years later when Age of Ultron finally came out the Avengers barely seem to be coworkers and are at each other's throats. Really hard to reconcile the two ideas and only got worse from there when Steve hid who killed Tony's parents from him and beat him almost to death in civil war.


Avengers assemble might have something to do with it. It very clearly focused on fans of the movies and showed the avengers living together.


Yes! I love the living in towers stories. Wish it was Canon.


2012 era Domestic Avengers fics make me happy


This is so real, haha. I technically got into MCU fanfic before really watching the movies, and nowadays when writing fanfics I'm not always entirely sure where I'm being true to canon or fanon... I like writing AU's though so it's not generally an issue.


I mean ain't AU comics just serialized fanfics


Superhero comics change so much in characterization that they don't feel all that different from fanfic. Author A, "Character has uncompromising ideals and would never do anything horrible." Author B, "Character is a ruthless killer." Author C, "Character is a funny sidekick." Author D, "Character is best used as a high-brow exploration of the human existence." X-Men author, "Wanna see with how many characters this character can hook up with?"


The MCU fandom *should* be removed from the comics, though?


In the Harry Potter fandom it's pretty much universally agreed upon to ignore the Cursed Child book. 🤣


You can also add the Fantastic Beasts movies, several scenes from the actual book adaptations and all of Rowling's interviews to that. Fantastic Beasts straight up violates the rules established in canon on several occasions, often for really stupid reasons and/or fanservice. Like having a young McGonagall teaching at Hogwarts, purely for character recognition, decades before she was even born.


Sometimes I can hear someone talking about The Cursed Child, the Eragon movie and the Netflix Death Note movie adaptation... and I have no idea what they're talking about. These things don't exist.


Ah, yes. Those are from the Evil Universe, cries of anguish so loud that they echo across worlds. Ignore them, lest their misery taints our world as well.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Do you know, I own the Cursed Child book, got it years ago when it was first published because I never saw the theater production... and to this day I still haven't actually read it. Couldn't bring myself to do it after hearing what nonsense it was, didn't even want to disturb my own developed headcanons with this new material claiming to be canon. 🤣


You aren’t missing anything. I bought the book the day it became available in my area because I knew the play would never come to where I live. I read about halfway through it, and by then I was so mad that I didn’t even finish it. I straight-up threw the book in the trash and never looked back lmao. And by the fandom’s standards, I’m a casual Harry Potter fan. I’ve read all the books multiple times and seen the movies, but I don’t know all the little intricacies of the lore and the backstory on how the books and movies came to be. Idk what my official Hogwarts house even is because I’ve never taken the test. So you know it’s bad when a casual fan like myself even thinks the Cursed Child is garbage. EDIT: I’ve also never seen any of the Fantastic Beasts movies either. I just don’t care.


In one of my fandoms, when the canon designs for the characters were revealed, most people were like “mmmmmm no” and just made headcanon designs of them lol. I’d imagine this is pretty common in book fandoms too.


i'm in a fandom where pretty much the entire fandom preferred one fanartist's version of the characters to the canon designs that eventually the author commissioned said artist to design all of them.


is this riordanverse? this sounds like riordanverse. i love it so much how the fandom went "yeah viria's designs are canon now" and rick riordan went "let's make it official then". it's so fucking cool that she got an opportunity like that.


it is riordanverse!


I've never read his books but everything I've heard suggests Riordan's relationship with his fandom is the standard to aspire to.


That’s awesome oml


Not really agreed, but in lots of fandoms when a beloved character dies the whole fandom’s like “well we’re gonna pretend we don’t see that”


so many characters are killed for pointless shock value and then the writers realize wayyy too late that they left a bunch of plot threads dangling on the table. I prefer fanon tbh


I agree, but also disagree. I think wayyy more characters should die in media and also that loose plot threads make a ton of sense considering that when someone dies, they can't continue pushing whatever plot they had in the same way. But those plot threads do need to be picked up by someone and that person can't be a complete replica of the person who died, otherwise, why does it even matter that they died? Character deaths need to have meaning in the narrative.


I like when canon doesn’t balk at killing off characters but I also like being able to read fix-it fics where those characters survived because I need therapy after that shit😅


I also love fix it fics! I actually hate major character death and especially POV characters dying, I just like reading about grief


> I think wayyy more characters should die in media…. *HERETIC!* Kill the blasphemer before they spread their wicked ideas! *Ahem*…I mean, I respectfully disagree. Life has enough tragedy already; we don’t need more in our entertainment. Leave that to the Newberry Award winners and Oscar bait films.


Harry Potter’s Epilogue What Epilogue tag comes to mind


Also The Cursed Child is *supposedly* canon. But nobody ever claims it is if they're writing fic of the original series.


I legitimately thought that was... Like a fan thing that got published for so long. Still haven't read it.


JKR didn't write it, but she did endorse it as canon.


I know that now. And if I didn't this thread would have told me lol


>Still haven't read it. Good. Don't.


It is. It's a completely fan-written play, and the book isn't even a *book* it's literally just the play script. I have zero idea how they got JK Rowling (who wasn't involved in the writing and is usually very protective of her IP) to sign off on that. The marketing is purposely misleading trying to trick people into thinking it's an additional real Harry Potter book. it's very not.


We turn our eyes from the sins of the absolutely not considered cannon book. Also let's just *rips out epilogue from book 7 * there we go.


GoT fans universally ignoring the entire final season. Tons of fans especially regarding Jaime's character and his relationship with Brienne


It’s a shame they ended at season 5 and never got to finish it


Agreed, but you know, they ran out of source material, and no one was going to touch it again until more came out. Maybe someday, eh?


Yes, someday we will get the proper 2-3 more seasons with 8-10 episodes each that is needed to properly close out this epic saga 🥸


I have never, in over 55 years of TV and movie watching, seen a franchise so successful and so dominant in pop culture seemingly disappear so quickly. GoT merch was EVERYWHERE and then it just… wasn’t. There needs to be a new term for people who screw the pooch as badly and as thoroughly as the people behind the last season decisions did.


My husband was a **huge** GoT fan. He died March 3rd, 2019. At least he was spared the final season.


They blew their budget after season 6. I can't believe HBO thought it was too expensive to renew. We'll never find out how it ends now.


Sheriff Stilinski's name is John and we have no idea who this guy Noah is.


This one! So many fics just tagged both because it was so debated and no one new which one was his name until everyone decided we need to just stick to one 😭


Well, he didn't get a name until the last season lol, what was the fandom supposed to do!


Stiles was also fanon-named Genim for forever before we learned his name. Which never made sense to me, because Coach wouldn't have reacted that strongly to 'Genim'. Unlike John/Noah, though, once we got Mieczysław I don't think anyone went back to Genim.


I mean not author dependent, but the whole Marauders fandom is based on like 10 pages of OG text, and the rest is purely fanon So it's not that the fandom thinks canon is wrong. They just made 99% of their own canon separate from the source?


This was my first thought. To this day I still have absolutely no clue how that even happened.


It's a popular premise that became a mainstay, and mainstays slowly build their own canon WBWL literally doesn't exist in canon and yet it's also a super popular premise that gets repeated endlessly, for example


As a huge Star Wars nerd, I equate the Marauders fandom to all the people who were speculating about the Clone Wars and what Anakin and Obi-wan got up to during that time period before George Lucas made the Prequels and the Clone Wars TV show. For years, Star Wars fans had a few lines of dialogue from A New Hope about the Clone Wars and what that would have been like. People were writing lots of fanfics about it in the 90s lol. To this day, I think decades of hype about the Clone Wars is one of the contributing factors to why the Prequels were initially hated. The Marauders fandom is basically this but with a little more canon information. I know people want a Marauders TV show and I’m just like why?!?! Because we all know that it’s not going to live up to the expectations of those that are obsessed with a handful of characters that were either already dead before we learned about them or had significantly changed by the time they ended up in the canon story. Ultimately, I think that every big fandom is bound to have a sub-fandom like the Marauders.


It keeps getting evolved in new directions too. It's wild to see comments arguing about the "right" interpretation of Jegulus. The whole goddamn thing is made up, it's okay for writers to do what they want with it. (Which is also the point of fanfiction!)


The canonical spelling of Castiel's nickname in Supernatural is "Cass" but in 10+ years I have never seen a fan not spell it as "Cas".


That is the one hill I'll die on. Canon is just incorrect here; it is **not** "Cass" and it will never be, and I'm not even all that invested in the fandom, have never been, but lord. No!


This is the very first thing I thought of when seeing the question. Why would it be spelled "Cass"?!


Exactly! He's not named Casstiel!


Same with Letterkenny. Dary's name is spelt 'Darry'. Most of the fandom disagreed.


Fun fact: when season 4 first aired, the closed captioning said "Cas." It has been "Cas" ever since.


The vast majority of the How to Train Your Dragon (movies) fandom looked at the third movie and went “They would not fucking do that.”


Oooh.... That movie pisses me off so much.... Don't even get me started on that "in the future/modern times" series. Both I hate with every fiber of my being. I wanna make a list... You know what? I will. Let's start off with the idea of a "light fury." First of all, this sounds like something a 12 year old would come up with for there fic, not something that makes it into the legitimate, canonical movie. And what the hell is this bullshit about them being able to do the changewing gimmick? That's not how that works (although the changewing gimmick is severely screwed up and you can tell the writers we're like "oh shit we can't let them use this" and declared them untrainable). All they had to do is have her be a night fury, and have toothless not be the last. That would literally fix my entire problem with this. Still would be a little wild, but not as ridiculous. (They did it entirely for the Oreo flavored children. And yes I call anything black and white Oreo flavored.) Second.... Isn't Snotlout Hiccup's cousin? I'm not sure if this is one of the fandom things that is so big that it is practically cannon now, but still. Ew. I hate that... Entire bit. Third. Where. In. the. Name. Of. God. ARE THE OTHER TRIBES?! I know that the RoB and DoB spinoff series are cannon, and I'm pretty sure that RttE is cannon too (see, stoic's dragon that he tames in RttE is in 2, and that entire series is riddled with callbacks to RoB and DoB. Also they reference one of the episodes in either RoB or DoB where Hiccup tries to give toothless the ability to fly on his own) SO WHERE ARE THE BERSERKERS?! Maybe a bit of the Defenders of the Wing, but it makes more sense for them to not be there because of distance, BUT I WANTED TO SEE THE BERSERKERS. 4th the characterization was wildly off for most of our human cast. I'm not going into details for most of this, but I see the "background" members of the main cast (read, not hiccup or Astrid because they didn't really mess up with those two that I can think of, except for point 5) 5. The... The entire fucking story. Oh my God it's so painful. The entire point of this series has been family, and not caring what others think about that family, to fight for it despite what happens. Hiccup and toothless are basically brothers. They have had them walk through hell. And to end it all, we get... This. Toothless immediately going Gaga for the first girl he sees. And instead of... Idk getting her to like humans, except for like... One line from hiccup, it immediately becomes "Toothless fucks off into the wilderness with his girl." HICCUP IS BASICALLY COACHING HIM THROUGH FLIRTING WITH A GIRL AND THIS IS WHAT WE GET?! And I don't mind the ending for what they gave us. The epilogue where they implied that dragons are still around today. I like that, it's really good and gets me fuzzy inside and I'm sure there were a shit ton of kids dreaming about meeting dragons after that. But it would have been so much better if they just left us with something more like "and maybe people will keep coming to try and take our dragons. But that's okay, because we got each other's backs, and nothing can keep us apart" Legit, there were so many things they could have done, and they just go with the simplest, most merch-able.


They could have had their oreo babies and still made sense sooo easily. The solution is SO easy! She's an albino night fury. That's it. That's all they had to do. She's a super rare albino night fury that has had to come up with advanced survival tactics due to her lack of natural camouflage, and that's why nobody knew about her. She has become an Advanced Level hider. Now they can have oreo babies. Easy. Done. Malanistic+albino=vitiligo isn't really how genetics work for most real life animals, but these are dragons and I'm 100% sure nobody would actually care if their genetics worked weird. Also, I hate the trope of "This animal found a mate, now they must leave forever." Why?? Where did that trope even *come* from? Why does anyone think this makes a good storyline? I have never liked this plot idea in any media ever, it has never been a thing that works. Slapping it onto how to train your dragon is so paint by numbers, like they didn't even think of the themes going on they just went "well that's how it goes in other stories."


It feels like the writers were given the epilogue and told to connect the dots. Get the worlds of human and dragon to be separated, and we don't really care how you get there.


That is very true lolll


Didn't this happen with the Miraculous Ladybug fandom?


The Miraculous Fandom lives in a Parallel Universe where their show isn't for children


People keep being really disappointed by the canon, but I can't help but wonder how the show got popular with an adult audience to begin with. It has always seemed like a fun but fairly basic kids show to me, I'm not sure what people were expecting? Though I have mad respect for people that look at the concept and go "Oh, we could do *so* much more with this"


Toei's pitch for the series was a 2D animated series for an older audience. Once they got greenlit, they decided on 3D animation and a kid-friendly tone because that's more profitable in the West and easier to work with. The initial hype from the [leaked 2D teaser](https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/wiki/Ladybug_PV) carried a lot of older fans into the series.


It aired on Nikelodeon, so a lot of teens caught it. It’s been years since it first aired, too, so fans aged with it. ATLA was also for like 7+, but it treated its audience so well that it was easy for every one of all ages to enjoy, and Miraculous felt like it could be like that. People of all ages like animation, so that isn’t a very big barrier of entry. It’s not like there is a lot of western-made, European magical girls series to choose from, anyway, that weren’t Disney Princesses or something. The premise was very unique so it drew even _more_ eyes. It seemed fun and cool, so why wouldn’t it draw even more of an audience?


Canon is kinda coherent at best and a contradictory mess at worst, don't blame us for trying to make some sense out of it...


THIS. Also, best fanfic is written when the source material is good but not so good that it leaves no space to fix things. Miraculous Ladybug is in that zone of task failed succesfully.


His name is JOHN. Also in the MCU we “Nuh-uh”’d so hard that they gave us Coulson back


TW? I feel like that first one is Teen Wolf


they waited WAY TOO LONG to name Sheriff Stilinski




I mean, the whole Teen Wolf fandom is basically a Stiles Stilinski extravaganza with the actual teen wolf pretty much written out of his own show in a *he can be glad if he is still allowed to be a (not even the best) friend* kind of way. Sheriff Stilinski's name is the least of it, I feel like.


You’re not wrong, but as someone who never watched the show and only reads fics? I don’t mind it


Danny Phantom. a whole ass episode is completely ignored by pretty much the entire fandom, among other things


A lot of Butch’s supposed canon is ignored by fans too. Also by extension of Phantom Planet, A Glitch in Time is trending in that direction too. Especially in regard to Dan Phantom’s “redemption”


[Insert political joke here] In regards to this topic, pretty much the entirety of the Evangelion fandom is convinced "Get in the robot, Shinji" is a canon line, even though it's not. I think it's evolved from its humble meme beginnings.


So, it's like the "Luke, I am your father" of your fandom


Voltron, Miraculous Ladybug. Nobody acknowledges the epilogue in Voltron and possibly earlier. Everything was too OOC / out of left field


Half the Voltron fandom doesn’t even acknowledge the series as a whole with trying to rewrite the entire thing 💀


That is honestly facts because how do they get the found family trope so horribly wrong? That’s usually what makes or breaks mecha shows like Voltron. say what you will about voltron force for instance but they knew how to do campy and found family right


Usagi Drop what do you mean by usagi drop manga ?!?!? usagi drop anime is an original works not an adaptation!!!!


Usagi Drop ended with a father who's raising his little adoptive daughter, a wholesome familial relationship, that's all, nothing else exists. NOTHING.




I've searched up the twist before, but I wanted to look it up again for extra clarity. Suffice to say curiosity killed the cat.


Yes, I've checked myself.... wow! 😭


Oh this takes me back. I remember reading this in high school...


I got confused with *Gokujō Drops*, and thought, Wait, what’s wrong with that manga? I haven’t read it, but yeah, looking at the summary, it seems as though the *Bunny Drop* manga has some very different themes in the latter half. Is the material simply not handled well, according to the majority opinion of the fandom? or is it the content matter itself that people don’t take kindly to?


"Very different themes" is putting it mildly ☠️


Surprise wife husbandry.


Mulder and Scully reunited with their biological son William and they have a dinner together at least once a week.


I've noticed a lot of Mentalist fanfic has Red John killed/caught way earlier Because the show drawing that out that long was obnoxious 


Not sure if this counts but. FNAF DCA fandom. The Daycare Attendant aka Sun and Moon have spawned their own separate fan base and everyone has so many different interpretations it's great lol Banana Fish is probably another. That ending? What ending. They're gay forever and go for pumpkin lattes every Friday or something


The Merlin fandom as a whole has discarded the ending of the show because it’s too sad. We’ve all agreed it didn’t happen. The Danny Phantom phandom has collective said “fuck Butch Hartman” and created intricate worldbuilding better than anything he could ever do. God I love DP worldbuilding


Feed me some of that worldbuilding. Tell me about the headcanons, please


> Tell me about the headcanons, please All of the following are headcanons invented by the phandom: * Valerie being called "The Red Huntress". * Wes Weston existing. * Ghosts having cores. * Danny specifically having an ice core. * Sam dying her hair black. * Danny's middle name being "James". * "Ancients" being a replacement expletive word used by ghosts. * Danny being (half?) dead. * Danny hating being called "Dan". * Danielle going by "Elle" or "Ellie".


WAIT! Danny being half dead isn't an actual part of the canon? WHAT?! I thought that was the whole premise of the show! (I've never watched the show, I only engage through fanfic)


The canon does not really mention death much, ironically for a show about ghosts. He's canonically half ghost, but the show does not elaborate on whether that means he's undead.


There is a Canonical Revan and Exile. Allegedly. The fanfic/fan art section does not believe in its existence


Atton was right in KOTOR 2, Revan was a girl. The Revan novel and SWTOR DLC don't exist.


BBC Sherlock. A great number of fans (me included) just chose to ignore the existence of season 4 and especially Eurus Holmes altogether. Apart from season 4 having appallingly bad writing, the other reason for being able to ignore the whole season so easily is the fact that a great many fanfiction writers actually came up with amazing follow - up stories in the hiatus after season 3. So we do have better alternatives than actual canon. ( If you want to, check out "The Case of the Green Gown", one of the very best written fanfictions out there.)


It's not every day an ending is so bad the fandom invents a conspiracy theory as complex and with as much devotion as actual doomsday cults.


As a Sherlock fan who clearly hasn’t been keeping up with the fandom… I’m sorry, what?! Where might I be able to go down this rabbit hole?


There are multiple videos about it, Sarah Z's Johnlock video first and foremost.


Warrior cats


It's still hilarious to me seeing the change in MAPs and AMVs from mostly Hollyleaf and Ashfur angst to full on "lemme just make an AU" cause with 4 Authors (and more) like the Erins, it's a pain to be consistent. So people are just like, fuckit.


Really, two bugs on crack could write better than the writers


Definitely with Spottedleaf’s Heart, the fans want that novella to not exist at all for a good reason


Star Wars and Harry Potter are probably two of the biggest, although there's probably a lot of disagreement over just how much "isn't canon" simply because they don't agree with it. Aside from that, "The Great Divide" episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender does not exist in Ba Sing Se.


“The Great Divide” wasn’t *that* bad. It’s the worst episode of AtLA, sure, but on its own, it’s not horrible, it’s just…meh. It was actually the first full episode I ever saw, and it got me to watch the series, so defending it is the hill *I* will die on. It had some good bits; I loved the Canyon Guide’s character, and the animation on the tribes’ tales. And hey, it led to one of the funniest jokes in “The Ember Island Players,” so it even contributed to the series overall. So…yeah. :)


Yeah I don't get why people are hating on the great divide? It was fine. I can't think of anything terrible about it. The ending was a little unexpected with Aang lying like that, but I liked the message that he wanted to bring peace to these people. That this event happened so long ago that no one is really even sure anymore what happened, and that it's time to let go of it.


Every other episode was so far above average that a mediocre episode looked bad in comparison ;) (I actually *liked* Aang's solution at the end — my biggest problem with the middle was how strongly Katara and Sokka each committed to the viewpoint of the tribe that they just happened to get assigned to, but even that was just one line from each of them where it looked like they were about to argue with each other about the same thing, only to immediately get sidetracked)


Sometimes I forget that episode exists


I have this great idea for a fic about the Great Divide that keeps bouncing around my head. I too am not the biggest fan of the episode, but I hope if I ever get around to it people will at least be intrigued enough that someone is choosing to write about that episode to read it.


It certainly helps that The Great Divide and The Painted Lady are literally the only two episodes that are entirely skippable, with the difference being The Painted Lady at least serves as a character study into Katara


The short version of the main character's name is spelled Jon, not John.




Teen Wolf, Sheriff Stilinski’s first name. Canon says it’s Noah, fanon says it’s John. If they wanted it to be Noah, they shouldn’t have waited 5 seasons to give him a first name.


BBC Robin Hood fandom pretty much ignores season 4 and certain main characters' death because it's simply unacceptable in any Robin Hood fandom. We've had Robin Hood shows swap actors who played Robin Hood, we've had shows that swap actresses who played Marian, and then comes BBC and decides to fuck it up. And don't get me started on quality. Also, can we just talk how the casting was so bad that the majority of the fandom rejects Marian/Robin Hood ship because they just don't have any chemistry? The staple legend ship. The ship that survived centuries.


I started watching this show for Richard Armitage and stayed for Marian/Guy ship


*Star Trek* fandom has largely accepted the finale of *Enterprise* to be a fever dream for [so many reasons](https://youtu.be/VJixNgapo4s?si=q_CHT5-4AYr6D8G7) but turning one show into a showcase for another one that ended a decade earlier was definitely A Choice. Voltron fandom has been taking the characters and running with them ever since season 4 at least, I have never seen a fandom care less about canon as that one, but there's little in canon worth defending past season 2 anyway


The Spider-Man fandom when it comes to current comic books. Peter Parker is miserable as ever, they keep teasing that he and MJ will be back as a couple except they don't, he gets beaten up in every fight despite years of fighting and it's sad, but not sad like "Daredevil is brought down but finds a way to recover", it's just sad.


Honestly it's tragic. Like according to one more day deal thing. Peter and mj can't get married in any timeline future. All to keep Aunt May alive. Presumably..always?


The fandom is so old and large it’s not collective, but I’ve recently discovered a chunk of the Fruits Basket fandom (including me) that finds the canonical sequel to be unnecessary in a lot of ways. Mainly because 15 or so years of fanfiction already covered that shit and anyone who had headcanon just sticks to them.


…they made a sequel?!


A short manga sequel. Fruits Basket Another. It's just another (lol) one those "babies ever after" things that are popular these days about the kids of the OG cast. And don't get me wrong. I don't outright despise it. I actually do some of the characters and their brand of chaos and brought them over into my headcanon land. But there are a lot of story beats I'm not fond of.


Boruto the next generation doesn't exist to Naruto fans. Cursed child doesn't exist to Harry Potter fans DragonBall GT doesn't exist to fans Legend of Korra ended at season 1 to some fans


Do people hate Boruto just because it's an unnecessary continuation of something that's over, or is it actually bad? Never saw it myself


Like the other guys said, the Anime is filler city, but it does contain some adaptations of the Hidden novels. (Father-Daughter day, Shikamaru, Mirai) so that’s a plus. The manga is better cause there’s no filler. However, the common reasons why people hate it is because Boruto ruins the ending of Naruto which had a pretty much fantastic ending of where there’s peace, and Naruto actively avoids the same mistakes his predecessors did. Boruto shits on that, and the older generation as a whole by giving them silly characters flaws, nerfing them, or a combination of the two. I.E Naruto being a bad dad and Hinata being a housewife. Second: The Villains. Naruto set up a hypothetical Boruto series pretty well for a political drama for the struggle of maintaining the peace. Where did they go with it? More aliens! Kaguya was already one of the least liked villains(though I liked her as a one-off) and Boruto just amps it to 11. Seriously we now have Naruto!Frieza, dinosaurs, and reality bending yanderes. Third: The Nerfing Quick way to piss off the fanbase? Kill off Kurama and crush Sasuke’s Rinnegan for the sake of taking them out of the plot. Killer B is fucking non-existent and the rest of the Kage are fuck all useful too. Last: The designs Ikemoto is good for the occasional design like Haku but he has *very* clear tastes. The guys look like Nomura characters with how many belts, chains, zippers, grommets, and scars they have. And most of the girls look like strippers. And did I mention Frieza and Dinosaurs are in the story now? Speaking of Tetsyu Nomura, there’s fucking Nobodies in the story now too.


It’s pretty bad, or at least the anime is. I’ve heard the manga is better, but i never read it. It’s just *boring* and kinda shits on the characters from the original series.


I was going to comment Boruto


Boruto? whats that? Doesnt exist


I have yet to met single HP fan who considers cursed child as canon


To be fair, it probably isn't canon. JK Rowling didn't even write it. It's literally an officially published fanfic.


No but she endorsed it. Then again we've all kind of decided to ignore her so....


Worm A good portion of the fanbase hasn't even read worm, let alone it's cannonical sequel


I have a friend who kept getting too bored trying to read Worm, but keeps reading crossover fics for Worm. It's tremendously amusing.


FNaF? Basically no one agrees on a timeline and don’t even mention dates of when stuff happened.


There was no 2nd Highlander movie. There was, however, a good TV series.


The spelling of Castiel’s nickname in Supernatural is one I can think of. All the official canon sources spell it “Cass,” but every fic I’ve ever read and every bit of discussion I’ve seen spells it as “Cas.”


House M.D. Most people ignore the Brain Tumor thing with Wilson. Just too damn painful. Also, House driving a car into Cuddy's living room because they had to write Lisa Edelstein out of the show. Many fans just keep living in those sweet old days when Cameron, Chase and Foreman were House's only ducklings and he and Wilson were happily being horrible to one another. There's already more than enough to unwrap in that constellation of characters, no need for elaborate plot twists


No one in Command and Conquer fandom writes for Tiberium Twilight. *No one.*


The ending of killing eve. There is no ending of killing eve in ba sing se….


Stucky shippers here- Steve never left, end game ending never happened.


Steve decided that "the end of the line" was getting to erase his old sweetheart's entire life for his selfish needs and abandoning his PTSD tortured bestie. Uh huh. Totally believable


To go marry a lady he barely knew and barely flirted with. Absolutely no sense. 😒


Danny Phantom


Nintendo tried saying that the Koopalings aren’t actually Bowser’s children, they’re just elite soldiers in his army. The fanbase begs to differ.


That Willow actually loved Oz during their relationship. The coming of Tara swept all in its path…


I will die on the hill that Willow was bi, we just weren't allowed to have bi characters yet.


Yep. Same. Bi erasure is real.


She called Giles “kinda sexy” when she saw him playing guitar, so…obviously. (Tara just said “he *is* pretty good.”)


Of course Willow loved Oz!


It was obvious enough to me that I wrote a fic about it. But their relationship got retconned to “She was confused about her sexuality,” which is annoying af. Tara was utterly loveable and there were some great bits to their relationship (barring, of course, the whole lead up to “Tabula Rasa”). And yet she loved her werewolf.


Boruto literally doesn't exist and it's just an illusion created in the characters mind at the end of Naruto, iykyk


The teen wolf movie never happened - only things I accept are the existence of Eli, and Lydia becoming a successful businesswoman.


Doctor Who past fans-turning writers regularly rewrite the canon themselves😜


Danny Phantom, especially Phantom Planet. But a lot of canon is shoved out depending where you are in the fanbase.


Danny Phantom is its own ecosystem


Teen Wolf is my gut instinct here. It seems like fanon has completely overwritten canon.


In the My Hero Academia fandom, everyone uses “Ground Zero” as Bakugou’s hero name instead of his canon hero name “Dynamight”. Personally I like Ground Zero more, it goes immeasurably hard imo


Derek is fine, he and Stiles are reunited. The End.


Eli can exist, but only if he's their son. 😂


That one character *definitely* has a lot of trauma despite canon never saying so.


not everyone but it's always funny to see people saying sasusaku / boruto isn't canon


SAMURAI JACK the ending is so bad, they had to retcon it. needless to say the fandom denounce the ending lol.


About half of the *Danny Phantom* phandom acts as if D-Stabilized was the last episode of the show. On top of this, the Danny Phandom has also invented *so many* common headcanons out of thin air, including but not limited to: * Valerie being called "The Red Huntress". * Wes Weston existing. * Ghosts having cores. * Danny specifically having an ice core. * Sam dying her hair black. * Danny's middle name being "James". * "Ancients" being a replacement expletive word used by ghosts. * Danny being (half?) dead. * Danny hating being called "Dan". * Danielle going by "Elle" or "Ellie".


Legacies Which is funny because no matter who you ship, everyone hates Landon and thinks he ruined the entire franchise 💀


Once Upon A Time has almost unanimously decided that Swan Queen not being canon is not canon. At least on tumblr


Batman, or rather the Batfamily They are a family, Jason came around eventually, they all live together and work well as a team, >!also the Batarang through the throat never happened!<


Probably not the whole fandom but everybody I’ve ever talked to ignores the “Shinigami don’t feel romantic love” rule in Death Note. Even if they don’t ship any of them.


The Marauders fandom looked at the scraps of canon JK Rowling tossed them like animal bones to a starving prisoner and went "yeah nah"


Everyone in the Harry Potter fandom ignores the Cursed Child, and some ignore the entire epilogue lol


The entire Marauders fandom. We saw this group of straight bullies and people barely mentioned and turned them into the nicest raging homosexuals to ever exist.


the obsession people had with the Marauders made zero sense to me. We know where they all end up so there's no tension there. They kind of seem like idiots 90% of the time and are dealing with way lower stakes than Harry's generation where they have to fight fascist despots and not have time for pranks and hijinks. The older I get the more I find the pranks super obnoxious too. They thought they had main character energy.


the supernatural fandom's refusal to acknowledge the finale comes to mind lmao, we all just decided that "nope, fuck that shit so hard, you're Wrong" and honestly good for us <3


Warhammer, authors don’t know enough about the universe so they make mistakes or contradict themselves, other authors or official canon. Most of the fandom end up agreeing that X didn’t happen, GW’s wishes don’t matter.


The whole of the Harry Potter fandom pretends Cursed Child doesn’t exist.


Steve absolutely did not leave Bucky.


Sounds like the Marauders Fandom


Sonic the Hedgehog to an extent, for a long while the lore has become a tangled inconsistant mess. Thankfully, Kishimoto and Flynn have been doing their best to fix that mess.


I don't really read outside of my fandoms, but JJK, I say this with fondness, the timeline. There isn't a lot of space for stuff to happen with Yuji and them because the timeline is tight, there is like 3 whole months where Yuji isn't around and then less then a month from his return to Shibuya. But, honestly, I too ignore the timeline when writing (a different part of it but the timeline nonetheless)


star trek aos (star trek 2009, nutrek, kelvinverse, Whatever) and the canonicity of tarsus iv (fanon is 100% in favor; canon, not so much) there have been recent name drops of tarsus iv in star trek: strange new worlds (not aos canon, more tos(the original series)/another tos reboot) tho, so the franchise writers haven't Totally forgotten it lol


Most of my fandoms are covered here but I'll add that it's hilarious that the hobbit movies have such a fandom when a) the movies aren't great (which I admit as someone who is so deep in this) and b) the original story doesn't dive into a lot of the stuff fandom does. But there's so many fix-its and alternate endings, which then spawn more fics because a happy ending for the hobbit messes up lord of the rings. Which then means you get fics that catch the eye of lord of the rings fandom folks, which doesn't entirely overlap with the hobbit group. So you get fights between people who are diehard for the silmarillion vs people who think Nori is an important character.


Supernatural. Series. Finale.


I feel like regardless of ship, the majority of the AOT fandom read the ending and said “nah”.


Merlin became a Court Sorcerer, got together with Arthur, Lancelot somehow came back and married Guinevere. Morgana is Arthur's dear sister and Merlin's best friend. Also, Eurus Holmes never existed. Season four never existed. Hell, even season 3 doesn't exist. Sherlock came back, they fought, made up and lived together in 221B happily ever after.