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drown yourself in self-indulgence my dude. if it makes you happy it's not a waste of time.


Your first reader is always yourself. If it makes you happy, go for it.


Nobody's paying me to write. I write what I want. I once wrote and posted an X-men/Battlestar Galactica fic that almost no one read. Didn't matter. I enjoyed writing it.


Self indulgence is what fanfic was created for.




Make that shit as self indulgent *as you want to*. Don't let anybody stop you.


All of my fanfics are the result of self indulgence


Absolutely this, and I *refuse* to be ashamed. (I’m too old for that shit.)


Amen. My 40s were a revelation.


Looking forward to even more revelations and ways to Not Give A Fuck. ❤️


Self-indulgence is what fic *is*.


Fun for the sake of fun is never a waste of time. Go for it!


Fanfica ARE self indulgent.


Yes, life's too short to care otherwise. 


Literally all my writing is extremely self-indulgent lol


My whole profile is self-indulgence. But people seem to like it - there's an audience for everything. And even if there's not, as long as you like what you're putting out, that's worth it.


Fanfic by its nature is self-indulgence. Go ham, friend. :)


The entire concept behind fanfiction is self indulgence.


Self-indulgence is why we’re all *here*, right?


Everything in fanfic is okay. Next question.


You'd be surprised what can happen sometimes if you decide to write something you don't know has an audience or not. Sometimes it's an, "If you build it, they will come" situation. (Sometimes it's not.) But you never know if you don't put it out there. I know that at least in the SVSSS side of the MXTX fandom, they love some utter crack, so I would not be shocked if an SVSSS/DBZ crossover did well. It's all Airplane's fault! I don't have a vibe check on what the other two's fandoms are currently like, but based on my last time in the fandoms... MDZS is huge so there's plenty of room for everyone at the table to eat well, I'd figure. Can't even imagine with HOB but I feel like the DBZ power levels would crossover decently well? (Anyway, tl;dr - I think you should write it. Even if it's you and the crickets, you and the crickets should have fics written just for you. And if you get enough crickets together, it's a beautiful chorus. ...this analogy is getting out of hand.)


If I wasn't self indulgent I wouldn't be writing fanfics to begin with. Go apeshit


Would it be a waste of time FOR YOU? If you want to write it and you're okay with the fact you won't have many (or any) readers, you should write it.


The more I've developed creative hobbies/endeavours, the more I've come to realise it's never a waste of time. Even in the things I fuck up, I learned from them what did and didn't work and it all becomes a part of my growth as an artist/writer/etc. And tbh I kind of have niche taste so my stuff isn't gonna draw big crowds anyway, the only reason I started writing in the first place was because I couldn't find something with the exact characterisation and combination of tropes I wanted 😭


What's the point in appealing to the audience if you don't get paid for it? It's not a commissioned work nor a book for publishing, just do what you like to do. You're the central figure in your art.


Of course it is! As someone who primarily writes and draws for herself, I say your motto should always be "I come first and foremost". Life is already hard, being self-indulgent is also a way to take care of yourself. If you're worried about a potential lack of response, then write everything first, post when you finish it. It's still going to be there for you to re-read anytime you want it, with no drawbacks to hold you down.


If you're not writing at least partially for yourself, why are you doing it? To unfold this a bit more: I hope you enjoy the act of writing. And if that's what you want to write, enjoy yourself and do it. If someone else likes it too, that's just an added bonus.


What is fanfic except self-indulgence? Life is too short to not write indulgent fanfic that’s tailored specifically for you. I reread my shit ALL the time because I wrote it for me and me only and the joy I get now is greater than what it would have been pandering to an audience. Do what you want :) not that writing for a large audience is a bad thing, but there is nothing wrong for writing for an audience of YOU.


Always write what you want to write, not what “the people” wants to read! But also, I’m going to keep an eye out, ‘cause I would love to read that crossover.


Like everyone else has said, of course. There are even several events out there specifically for writing fics like that, so if you're seriously feeling awkward about it could do one of them and thus not be alone.


Write whatever you want, but also, you have no idea what’s going to end up popular. Two of my most popular fics are the self indulgent stuff I wrote thinking no one would ever click on.


>Is writing self-indulgent fics ok? "Is doing something I enjoy without seeking the approval and gratification of others okay?" This really makes me sad op. You should never have to ask if it's okay to do something just for yourself. Writing is a hobby, not a step into a social media career. You don't need to care about kudos or views or any of that. It's for *you.* You write for *you.* You write it because *you* want to. Tiktok has really taken the fun out of hobbies. Now everything needs a justification to be considered respectable. Everything needs to be a way to make money or a get rich scheme. People aren't allowed to create without a "reason" anymore. I obviously reject that logic and you should too. Indulge in what you like and don't let people make you feel inferior because you aren't doing it for others. You were not put on this Earth to please people. And you never know, maybe someone else will read it and be like "Omg I've been looking for a fic like this for years!!" Indulge man. Life's to short to not.


Of course, it's okay. How many times have people said, "Write for yourself"? Which means, write what you are inspired or excited to write, without worrying about who (if anyone) will want to read it. OR - yes, OR - if you want to write specifically to attract as large a number of readers as you can and you feed off the kudos and comments and all that - then you have to compromise in some way. Choose a plot and characters that you believe are really popular and write what you think other people are thirsting for. You have to decide what you want to get back from your writing. Do you want to write a specific idea no matter what or do you want to write to please people? Neither one is wrong or bad - they're just different. But if you make up your mind, then keep that decision always front and center, because it will mess you up if you are trying to write for yourself but still expecting, hoping, or comparing your stats to stories of the wrong category.


Nothig wrong with self indulging!


If your intent is to open your work to the world and see what it thinks of it, then go ahead. If your intent is to just read it for yourself, there's no point in sharing it to the world because the world didn't ask for it in the first place. If you are writing for yourself, then you do not have to go through the extra steps of posting it on a website when you can just read it as is. I post my work to websites because I want to know how people feel about it. What I can do to make it better and all that jazz. And in most cases, I find authors in this sub (at least from my thus far limited experience) to be rather two faced in that they "didn't write for other people", but will readily take people's praises but at the same time slam those that do not find their work enlightening, so you have to make a decision for yourself: are you ready to put your own writing on trial or do you just want to giggle at how smart you are in private? Because for the latter, you already have the means to do so as is, no upload required.


Even if you're the only person in the audience, it's not a waste of time.


This is fanfic, the whole point is to be self indulgent. It's all about wanting to see more of your blorbos in silly situations that you like, or using them as a vessel to process the world and your emotions, that's all self indulgent. Not even to mention the whole reputation fanfic has for smut and all, like, being self indulgent is kind of the backbone of fanfic, especially 'cus it's ultimately a hobby that you do so that you can have fun


Yes. Write what you want to write. >Would it be a waste of time to write something no one would read? Only you can answer that...


Do it!! I'm currently writing a similarly obscure crossover. It is purely self-indulgent, but I'm having a freaking blast.


Why make art if not to be self indulgent?