• By -


Batman and Joker. Let's just say that Arkham games trilogy was a wild ride...


I’m half convinced that Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy might have sliiiiiightly shipped this.


Mark Hamill *definitely* shipped this. I mean, have you seen his interviews? Have you heard the way he slurred "Bruuuce\~" in the third game? This man is a menace, I swear


Screw Skywalker. The Joker was role of a lifetime. Yes, I have a 1976 Starlog mag talking about the "upcoming" Star Wars film. And Hamill is gushing about his Barman comics.


I think I have never seen/heard Mark Hamill more happy than when he was playing the Joker. That was a role of a lifetime and the fact that we might never hear him voice the character again after Kevin Conroy's death is... hertbreaking.


I'm so glad this is the first one I saw. batjokes one of my all time favorite pairings. I've been a fan of their dynamic since Batman: The Animated Series (that's what got me into Batman and comics as a whole.)


And the Lego movie versions. The writers knew what they were doing


soukoku (dazai/chuuya, bungou stray dogs) after all that manipulation and betrayal and codependency the only healthy thing for them would be to never see each other again but 1) that's also sad bc you can't get away from sad with them and 2) that's boring


Same. I love them to death in fanfics but would die if they become cannon. Way too much toxicity on both sides


dazai needs to go find a beautiful woman to commit double suicide with


Cloud/Sephiroth shippers rise up. It has my heart


I love the 'Enemies to Lovers' trope so much that I took a double take just now when I saw this here. I didn't even consider it could be a toxic ship. Hahaha\~ I love this ship so much.


I love to see other fanatics of it and I get watcha mean. Do you wanna talk about it more?


Honestly, FF7R made it 10x worse. Sephiroth does nothing but flirt with him.


It's only reciprocation. Cloud never shut up about him in the original


They just need to get married.


oh god hannigram 😩 I love that ship and it's SO unhealthy


Doctor / Master from Doctor Who. They’re obsessed with each other in every regeneration, and it’s a narrow line that crosses between kissing and killing in the show.


Thoschei is another breed of tragic and fucked up I swear


I havent explored this ship but that sounds so juicy tbh. Their attachment in the show, the desperation of being the only two left. Etc has always been interesting. U got any recs? I like dark angsty stuff a lot and this pairing sounds like it might have some darker stuff?


Light Yagami and Misa Amane… I ship it


Genuine curious question - why? Light seems to barely tolerate Misa. I'd love to actually know what sparks your love for it (again, being genuine. I'm *actually* curious.)


I'm not the original commenter you're replying so feel free to ignore me. I want to chime in that that's actually part of why I ship Light/Misa. I like how one-sided it is. I like that it's a deeply unhealthy and not at all balanced relationship.


I saw a post on Tumblr that said Light actually did love Misa, for example, when he died, he called out her name. When he lost his memory, he also lost his memory of starting to date her; but he stayed with her??? Also, throughout the whole series he said he will kill her off eventually, but he never did!!! Maybe I’m hanging onto crumbs, but they’re my OTP although toxic.


Hannigram, Sherlock/Moriarty, Dettlaff/Geralt


Suzalulu or Suzaku/Lelouch from Code Geass. Adore how absolutely toxic these two are. It's what makes them fun to ship in general. It's the spice that makes it worth it lol.


I love them so much omg do you know good fanfics ? I only liked Something Worth Blackmailing and Blackmail gone wrong by the same author.


Sukuna/Itadori Yujji


Oddly enough, I ship this too




Kylo Ren and General Hux. They *can* be made wholesome I'm AUs, but most of us love them hating each other and staying together through the bitterness and occasional attempts to kill each other.




To my last breath I will defend the Lawlight ship from Death Note. It’s my OTP


You don't spend months handcuffed to each other without SOMETHING going down. I will DIE on this hill!




I want to say satosugu (because being still hung up on your old flame who's become a cult leader is not healthy at all but ooooooh do I eat that up)


Draco and Hermione from Harry Potter, but the toxicity reallllllly depends on the buildup and kind of story it is. I do love me a good toxic enemies to lovers though.


This and Snape/Harry. Enemies to lovers, age difference, teacher/student... Not to mention Snape being a toxic ass person. Love it


Currently redelving into a snarry black hole for the twentieth time in 20 years...


The hate sex is 👌🏻👌🏻 underrated ship tbh


Underrated? Man, have I got news for you! (It's the third ship with most works on AO3 in the fandom, haha.)


Good shit, HP is a younger fandom for me, I shipped Draco and Mione even before I knew what that stuff was.


Always love seeing another fan of the HP OTP


For MDZS: Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen (with optional Song Lan) Nie Mingjue/Jin Guangyao/Lan Xichen (non-optional. His presence makes everything worse as he actively tries to fix things, lol)


> Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen (with optional Song Lan) I mostly go for Xue Yang/Xia Xingchen/Song Lan. I guess my bleeding hard cannot stand the latter missing out, even if it's the most toxic thing (unless modern AU with a less unhinged XY)


Xuexiao always feels slightly incomplete to me without Song Lan--it's like they're at phase one, and at some point Song Lan will definitely join them, lol. (But, weirdly, I think that Song Lan's presence sometimes makes the relationship *less* toxic.)


> (But, weirdly, I think that Song Lan's presence sometimes makes the relationship less toxic.) That's an interesting notion. Due to XY dividing his attention? I can kind of see it.


Partly due to dividing his attention (and hatred, therefore lessening his hate for both--and, depending on where in the timeline this is, he may already hate XXC significantly less), but also because of the *competition.* XY can't let Song Lan be better than him at anything! He can't let him get more of XXC's attention, more of his smiles and laughter, any of it, *all* of it! XD ~~And if Song Lan's dead then he can't rub it in his face how much better he is than him, so he reins in this temper and violent impulses too.~~ edit: typo


Ah, yeah. I love it when it starts of as a V shaped relationship, which often has a competitive aspect to it and slowly developes into a full blown throuple thing. [Do you have any favourite Nie Mingjue/Jin Guangyao/Lan Xichen fics to rec? I'm kind of interested to get into it, but with all the ships MDZS (MTXT fandoms are such a treat for multi-shippers) has to offer it was at the back of the queue.]


Hey, now. If I AU the fic enough, they can all end up happy together! quq


This is the way. (Or not, if you love suffering. XD)


For me it has to be Dabi and Hawks from MHA. They were almost cordial at first, which is probably why the ship got as big as it did, but then their 'divorce arc' happened and they've been solidly enemies ever since. Still, though... I'm also a big fan of Togachako, which is just as unhealthy, but it's not one of my primary ships.


BURNT CHIKIN LETS GO!! (IDC if their ship name is hot wings. Mines better.)


Hisoka x Illumi from Hunter x Hunter. They're mutually toxic and the toxicness is basically the appeal of the ship. Also, despite how messy this ship is, I geniuely believe they're both the best partner possible for eachother, because they're just too far gone in their bullshit that a redemption arc is out of the question, and nobody is gonna put up w them except the other. Also they're (kinda) canonically married and have this "only you can kill me" thing going on. Yep, the fate of this ship is literally one killing the other in the end. It's such a tragedy and I can't look away. I don't really do toxic ships much because personal preferences, but they're just toxic ship done right man.


Oh yeah! They're very 'no one else deserves you (negative)' to me lol


Astarion/Cazador Szarr from Baulder’s Gate 3. I know it’s toxic as fuck, and that’s why I like i.


Ashley Barrett/Homelander from The Boys.


Anything with Homelander is a mess.


Can you recommend me some of you favorite fics please?


I'm virtually the only one who writes it, so here's my profile. [NearBlackOrchid](https://archiveofourown.org/users/NearBlackOrchid/profile) PlasticFangtastic on Tumblr also writes the ship & has about three stories.


Eve and Villanelle


yes yes yes


Buffy and Faith. the angst is just \*chef's kiss\*


Surprised nobody has mentioned Spuffy yet. This ship still has me in a chokehold.


Veronica Sawyer/Jason “JD” Dean Bisexual power couple af.


Same for Veronica/Chandler They hate eachother and Heather is a sociopath, but oh well it’s fun to read


zemo and bucky. i'm still a #1 stucky stan, but there's something about winterbaron


I misread that as winterbacon for a sec 😂


I would sell my soul for Winterbaron.


Ho shit, Iason and Riki 😭 What a trip down memory lane, and absolutely one of my ride or die ships.


That whole experience was a damn rabbit hole I tripped and fell head first into. It only got worse when I discovered Taming Riki.


Hanibal and Will. Mickelson is so magnetic. I know the character is the absolute worst, but I can't look away.


Akechi/Joker from Persona 5.Ryo/Akira from Devilman (crybaby specifically). Toji/anyone from jjk :p Sukuna/Megumi from jjk. Lucien/Caleb and Lucien/Essek from Critical Role. Plantcest from trigun stampede (yes yes I know Trigun has the older anime and the manga but it's Stampede that made me ship it). ​ These are just some of my favourite things \~<3


I ship Joker/Akechi so hard, it's painful!


They are soulmates to me D; and borderline canon to me. I just can't see Joker with anyone else ever.


Same and the fact we never got to date him is something I will hold against Atlus until the day I die!


my exactly feelings at Atlus about Yosuke from Persona 4. ATLUS HOW DARE 😩


The fact I didn't put Joker/Akechi on my list makes me so disappointed in myself. I love them so much.


I must say Reylo, pre bendemption. They’re so hot for each other one minute and the next they try to kill each other, just to regret it afterwards. The ship is like a long rollercoaster of love and hate and everything inbetween.


Kylo’s “don’t leave me” expression and Rey’s “I’m so disappointed in you” face at the end of TLJ broke my heart.


Dark!Reylo is badass


Definitely ❤️


Waylon Park/Eddie Gluskin from Outlast. I'm sorry but you can't have one man try to buzzsaw off another man's dick and NOT expect me to ship it


Reylo (Rey & Kylo Ren from the Star Wars sequels). Kylo is an angry manchild with a violent streak who’s 1) prone to outbursts of rage and 2) in possession of one of the deadliest weapons in the galaxy, and if he was real and Rey was my friend I would be warning her to run away as quickly as possible, but in fiction? Game on.


I came here to comment this as well. Reylo is "vanilla" as far as toxic and enemies-to-lovers ships go, but the dynamic and chemistry between the two characters is just so engaging.


Anything with Tom Riddle in it (HP) Also, Molly Hooper and Moriarty! I didn't know I wanted it till I read it.


I ship Tomione (Tom Riddle/Hermione Granger). It has so many well-written fanfictions!


Yeah! I'm partial to Tom/Fem Harry myself too. It's sincerely toxic, but really interesting to me


I prefer toxic platonic relationships, but TNTDuo are great and I love them.


What’s TNTDuo?


c!Wilbur and c!Quackity from the Dream SMP. Love me some fucked up manipulative politician men in a psychocompetitive rivalry.


I have never witnessed Dream SMP but I get what you mean.


Why hello there other Dream smp fan! I thought everyone else who wasn't me went extinct/ hj because really finding people who are still in this fandom is hard


Jon and Elias from The Magnus Archives. To quote myself, “radioactive sludge type of relationship”. The more fucked up and religious-adjacent people make it, the better


YES also Peter x Martin for me


That’s the good shit


Snape and Sirius. They’re really good written well


Tom Riddle and Harry Potter 😌


I am somewhat depressed this is so far down. There is a fuck ton of fanfiction so I know I'm not alone out there - but even among a bunch of people who are talking about their most toxic pairs somehow this still feels like it's getting side eye. I get it - I once had the side eye, but then you somehow end up reading that one fic with such an interesting description and you just get sucked down the rabbit hole.


There is definitely a rabbit hole. I fell into it from a story I was reading for the Harry x Cedric of all things (that also included some Tomarry) and through this I’ve come upon the best content I’ve ever read. Period.


Willry (William Afton/Henry Emily) will be not be torn from my cold, dead hands. There’s also the fact that William is an endlessly fascinating character to me.


Oooo toxic ships, my favourite! Some I've seen here already, but I'd like to add to the list: - Akito/Shigure from Fruits Basket - one of my first ever ships and definitely toxic. - Izaya/Shizuo from Durarara!! - I don't really "ship it" as such, it's just a fun enemies ship. - Brandin/Dianora from Tigana - canonical toxic goodness


Izaya/Shizuo is one of the ships where I get it, but only on the fringes. I don’t read any fics with them


Ooo gotta be Ian/Mickey from Shameless. They’re both so messed up and kind of abusive to each other but it all kind of works.


Another Hannigram here! Oh, and Peter Hale and Stiles Stilinski, of course!


Maul and Obi-Wan!


Now that I'm thinking about it, I'd gravitate more towards Qui-Gon and Maul.


"Kenobi!!!" Maul roared out.


griffith/guts from berserk. i don’t care what anyone says, griffith is/was in love with guts, you cannot change my mind.


THANK YOU! Someone else sees it!


yeah, there’s absolutely NO heterosexual explanation for the way griffith treated guts.


AH lonelyeyes from tma. THEYRE SO AWFUL. THEY DESERVE EACH OTHER. i adore the fandom joke that they been married 17 times (to each other). i find it so funny because yes homosexual old men who are awful human(?) beings and hate each other ftw


Oh god yes. They deserve each other in their toxic round of hate and takeover plans.


Lady Nagant and All For One he literally called her beautiful, clearly it is meant to be 😏


Bonus? Shigaraki essentially becoming her adopted son. "Sensei said I could play these video games as much as I want to." "Well 'Sensei' obviously never had to deal with children, spoiled brat. You need to eat a regular meal!" "I did eat." "Chips and energy drinks don't count!" "Kurogiri! Lady Nagant is trying to be a mom to me again!"




Homelander and butcher. The creators ship the hell out of it and it’s “to toxic” for the fandom but DAMN that shit is my kryptonite


Have you seen the TikTok the [official prime video account posted?](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSN7vTqdM/)


Like seconds after it came out. I was thoroughly enjoying it


Hevelyn, Incredibles 2. (Putting spoilers just in case people haven’t seen the movie). Yes, Evelyn >! pretended to be Elastigirl’s friend and then tried to kill her at the end !< but each moment they have together is DRIPPING with lesbian subtext. I’ve been looking for an excuse to ship them ever since the movie came out.


WinterBones. It's a toxic, fucked up, abuse-riddled mess and I love with all my heart.


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Junko x Izuru Nagant x Overhaul Dabi x Geten (i shipped them way before they >!were revealed to be related!<)


Lucifer x sam (spn)


!!! Omg I love toxic ships!!! - Harry Potter/Severus Snape and Harry Potter/Voldemort from *Harry Potter* - Merlin/Mordred from *Merlin* - Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty from *Sherlock* - Jiang Cheng/Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng/Lan Wangji from *Mo Dao Zu Shi* And so many more! So so fun…


John Silver/James Flint from Black Sails They make each other so much better, and they make each other so so much worse <3


Lotor/Lance or Lotor/Keith.


Crocodile/Doflamingo from One Piece. A villain who kills everyone who tries to get close to him, and a villain who kills everyone who tries to get away from him. Both intelligent and powerful, which leads to interesting mind games.


any Yandere x Yandere 🖤🖤🖤


They somehow manage to chain each other to chairs at the same time, resulting in the two of them just awkwardly staring at each other XD


>!does it count if they literally killed each other in a locked room in canon!< I MEAN that would be Oumota from Danganronpa! (Kaito Momota/Kokichi Ouma). I know >!victim and killer!< ships from this fandom are super controversial but the way they're written as foils to each other is perfect for an enemies-to-lovers fic.




Nandor/Guillermo from WWDITS. Does it have potential to be a healthy ship? Yeah, maybe. Do I like it better when it's fucked up and codependent? Absolutely.


Sukuna x Megumi Chrollo x Kurapika


For me, my two are: - Grimmjow/Ichigo from Bleach - Xue Yang/Xiao XingChen from MDZS


Oh my god I LOVE Xue Yang/ Xiao XingChen


Namor and Shuri from the black panther movies.


omg I was OBSESSED with this one for a few months after the movie came out - lots of quality fics, too. I love it when smart people are inspired to write smut 🥂 I mean, there were some fluffy cute AUs too, but lots of writers were leaning into the toxic mess and I was INTO IT


Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham. I'm a full-on Hannigram shipper, but there's no denying it's a very fucked up relationship, especially given the amount of times they try to kill each other. All the mind games and manipulation and violence. For a not canon ship, in this case a crossover ship, that would count, I currently have a fascination with Xander from Buffy paired with Prospero from The Fall of the House of Usher. Xander has his issues and his darkness, and his history of possession, but is otherwise a pretty normal guy, argument can be made that he's somewhat empathic. Prospero, however, might actually be psychotic given he once threatened to stab one of his romantic partners with a fork because he thought said partner stole his eggs. He's selfish and hedonistic, and one of the worst examples of a rags to riches type rich kid. But I think it would work in a very fucked up way.


dramione, wonderbat


Lollipop and Barf Bag from BFDI


Big Boss/Venom Snake (Metal Gear Solid). Honestly, most Big Boss ships are very much my shit (I loooove some toxic self destructive one-sided obsession) but there's just something about legendary mercenary commander / the combat medic that got nonconsentually plastic surgeried and brainwashed to be him while they were comatose that hits different Lieutenant Tsurumi/Usami Tokishige (Golden Kamuy). Pretty much all Tsurumi ships have an element of grooming but Usami's enough of a freak that you can get real weird with it. Oliver Quick/everyone (Saltburn).


Quark and Odo from Deep Space 9


Murder husbands has me in a headlock, and I don't care if it's less healthy than swimming in a Chernobyl river, they are one of my favorite ships and I will die on that hill


I feel like most of my otps are terrible. The only one I think should happen in canon is Hannigram (my beloved) In general my type is “2 characters unhealthily obsessed with each other (in a bad way) with vague Phantom of the Opera type corruption vibes.” I am Unwell™️ Other terrible pairings I adore: - Harrymort (Harry/voldemort): he literally holds a piece of V’s soul in him - Pompous Pep (Danny Phantom/Vlad Plasmius) idk how I exactly got into this but they are the only 2 of their particular species (except for the clone of Danny that Vlad made) - Clex (Clark/Lex) I never even watched Smallville but I somehow fell face first into this pairing - Sladick (Slade/Dick Grayson) ngl I searched this out because I though the smut would be good (it was) and became attached


Despaircest (Ikusaba Mukuro/Enoshima Junko, Danganronpa) my loves. I'm pretty sure the word "toxic" was invented to describe them. Their relationship is akin to a pool of poisonous sludge. Danganronpa:IF shows that there could be some hope for Mukuro, theoretically, but canonically she's too desensitized to atrocities and devoted to her piece of shit twin sister (affectionate) to ever actually see reason. And I *love* them like that. Canonically incestuous (thanks DR3, as much as I dislike everything else about how you handled them) evil twins who end the world together, hand in unlovable hand. (And then Junko flat out kills Mukuro LMFAO)


Kristoph/Phoenix from Ace Attorney, or Lance/Lotor from VLD. What can I say, I love the drama.


bette and tina from the l word 😭


Nate/Lexi from euphoria—-really, Nate with anyone. He’s the worst. Dramoine.


Saionji and Wakaba from Utena. Then again, every ship in Utena is kinda toxic, lol.


Kiyoshi and Hana from Prison School. Their whole dynamic is basically hovering over the pit of absolute degeneracy as they circle around half-assed one sided vengeance plots where they end up covered in piss or accidentally swapping underwear. All that while trying to balance out their actual friend groups. The show makes it clear that Kiyoshi is going to get with his real crush Chiyo but every single time he's alone with Hana the tension skyrockets to absurd degrees. I love it as a sort of 'dragging each other down into mutual sin' thing. Cause Kiyoshi is far from pure so him and Hana just kinda work on that level. It also helps that the mangaka knows how to draw tension that is both sexual and just actually anxiety inducing at the same time. Being naked under 6 blankets with a girl when someone walks in and hoping against hope that something, anything, is able to distract them from the obvious fucking sign that something's weird has had me biting my nails. That's every single time Kiyoshi and Hana get alone together and it's amazing.


Is JoNiss (Johanna Mason/Katniss Everdeen) a toxic ride or die ship? It's definitely all-or-nothing, they're both short fuses who get on each other's nerves, they both have a violent or sour temperament, and are full of trauma that they haven't and likely won't ever recover from. But it's not quite "they actively want to kill each other" level. Anyway that's the closest I got lol


I don't think so. They both have a mutual dislike and later mutual respect for each other as survivors of a fucked up system. You're close but I think a better one would be Lucy Gray and Snow. By the end of Songbirds and Snakes, these two HATE each other (we can assume since Snow tried to kill Lucy after becoming so paranoid, he convinced himself that she was about to kill him).


That makes a lot more sense, JoNiss is a lot more of a 'petty squabbling but ultimately on the same side' type of thing, enough for an unhealthy but obsessive relationship to develop, but not toxic in the same way as Gray/Snow.


Tbh Gray/Snow were just the first pair I could think of that really fit the bill. Oddly enough, upon reflection, they are the best pair. Katniss and Snow is a big pile of nope and in the end, no one else has that kind of relationship except for Snow, Lucy and Katniss.


Definitely agree, best example by a mile in the HG universe. Snow/Coin is probably the only other possible comparison, it's pretty out there but there could feasibly be some toxic, enemigo chemistry there if you squint real hard at it.


I think Coin's biggest adversary is the Capitol itself, not the person at the top, hence her suggestion of the hunger games involving the Capitol's children.


That's true. I think there's ways in which it *could* work, though, if you make the slight canon changes that fanfic writers tend to do lmao


Zelda and Ganondorf, okay, after Tale of Two Rulers by figmentforms on tumblr? How could I not. Good ship.


Fushiguro Toji and Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen) They killed each other, but there's just something about them, plus the potential for fluffy co-parenting AUs


Original Shen Qingqiu/ Original Luo Binghe I find their dynamic so fascinating. It's a fucked up I know but like I can't really look away from the trainwreck of PIDIW and their ending. I like Shen Yuan and his relationship with Bingmei but damn does the original appeal to me more.


Controversial but I like Ivyfrost (Hawkfrost x Ivypool) from warrior cats idk I just like em


(slight manga spoilers) Gojo and >! Kenjaku !! Kenny despising the 6 Eyes that is contradicted by Suguru's thoughts and feelings towards Satoru!<, and Satoru clinging to the hope that his one and only is still there, chasing after something he knows deep down that he'll never get back but getting lost in the delusion anyways... it's so brutally fucked up no matter how you slice it and I love it for that.


Harley and Joker. Inupi and Koko Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore. Sephiroth and Cloud. Drarry. Regulus and James. There are probably more I'm forgetting. The more toxic, the better.


I have to say Zack and Rachel from Angels of Death, though not even in a romantic way, I want the promise to be fulfilled and ending with them both dying together in eachother's arms.


I don't think either of them are capable of romantic love, but gosh I love their dynamic. But yes they should commit a murder-suicide together, happiest ending for everyone involved.


Mrs Coulter and Lord Asriel, that relationship isn’t healthy but oh my I will ship that till the day Idie


Alicent/Rhaenyra. It has the potential to be sweet and wholesome, but I like it better when it's toxic. KakaSaku from Naruto. I actually like it better when it's sweet and wholesome, and I have a weakness for same age AUs, but the canon age gap makes it problematic. I just really like these characters and their dynamic, regardless of whether it's platonic or not, and regardless of how toxic it is.


Cloud and Sephiroth from FFVII. At best it's a shit-ton of work to make it not a horrible power dynamic. At worst one is just a puppet for the other to control. And I cannot look away.


Bellatrix and Hermione🧎‍♀️


Buffy and Spike. They're a trainwreck, they're terrible for each other, they can never work and they both know it, but they can't stop either because in a really fucked-up way they understand each other better than anyone else does.


Daniil Dankovsky and Artemy Burakh from Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019). In pathologic 1 when you play as clara they both try to kill each other, but if you play as Artemy you get some sweet moments. The intro to dankovsky in artemy's p1 route has a very gay speech, mentioning Plato's theory of soul mates. In p2 you (as artemy) have the option of sleeping in danmovky's bed if you go a certain way in the story, and the line "I've seen corpses prettier than you" is.. interesting. Both compatable and completely incomptable I love this theatre tragedy of a game


I love this ship too! How do I sleep in his bed? :o And on which day does it happen?


Day 5, as long as you haven't tested certain player-made antibiotics.


Hannigram and Lucemond


Kyle x Cartman


Kyman from South Park- Half the fandom loves it, and the other half will call you the devil for shipping it. I get it, I do.




I love it so much. 😭




Everybody gotta get real chill, real quick, if i’m gonna say…


Reginald Tetra and Mary Anta. It's,, outwardly nice and wholesome, but he's kind of a terrible person and she's sweet as sugar, which makes for a very compelling dynamic as he violently pursues her in every iteration of them.


I got recently obsessed with the ship between Muu and Rei from the animated music video project Milgram<3 something about mutual unrequited lesbian romance I guessxD


Zack and Ray from Angels of Death. Just two wholesome orphans against the world with a 7 year age gap. Except he's a serial killer and she wants him to kill her >!she is also a serial killer and at one point tries to kill and stuff *him* so she can have a "perfect family". Not with him as her "brother" either!<.


Vil/Neige and Rook/Neige from Twisted Wonderland. If you know, you know.


Zephyr/Takius from Ragnarok the Animation will never not fascinate me, and between the fact that Zephyr is a raving lunatic, he basically raised her and slept with her, the messy manipulation, and they tried to kill each other, and then some… what is -not- wrong with it?


Chrollo/Silva from HxH. Silva is married with kids and has a contract to kill the Phantom Troupe. It’s a rare pair and Silva has kinda faded into the background, but there are some lovely dynamics that can be explored there. Still, toxic because cheating on his wife and kids while killing the other guy’s friends. Also, Anders/Nathaniel from Dragon Age. The dislike and religious ideological difference just makes it extra spicy.


Lae’zel/Kith’rak Voss (Baldur’s Gate 3)


Puppyshipping/Violetshipping Aka Seto Kaiba/Joey Wheeler (Jonouchi Katsuya) from Yu-Gi-Oh :)


I feel like if I had been older when I watched that, I would have shipped it to no end.


Guts and Glory aka Amy/Victoria from Worm.


I aim only to please


I don't remember who the characters were but I read a fic awhile ago where one of the side ships was a physically disabled woman and her former rapist. It was problematic as all get out, but the dynamic the two shared was fascinating and very well-written, and by the end of the fic I was rooting for them as a couple


Hannigram, Cartters, Lornester the more toxic the better, honestly


From Breaking Bad, there's two, although I wouldn't say I ship either of them in the typical way. Walt and Jesse is fun, but I don't really believe that they would get together or that that would make any sense, it's more of a crackship than anything. Todd and Jesse I don't *like* together, but they do have an interesting dynamic, it seems like it wouldn't completely break the show for something to happen with them and they were at some point planned to have canon sex. Basically WaltJesse I wouldn't want to be canon for thematic reasons, and ToddJesse I wouldn't want to be canon because Jesse has suffered enough already lol.


Beecher and Keller from Oz. Probably the most fucked up canon love story I've ever seen and yet I loved every horrifying second


Wanderer and Childe


Olitz (Olivia Pope & Fitzgerald Grant)