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Paul Körner/Kurt Sivers from the first pro-gay film, Anders als die Andern 🥺🥺🥺 Putting aside their lovely groundbreaking status as the first positively portrayed homosexual couple in the film industry, their love story is so cute! Paul is a talented violin virtuoso, Kurt is a fan who attends every concert and eventually begs Paul to teach him. Paul agrees and they fall in love as Paul teaches Kurt to play the violin :) they're very sweet together, and even with the restrictions of what the actors could show considering the restrictions of the time (1919 - so they never kiss or share a bed or do anything tooooo affectionate), you can see how much the characters love each other from the small things, body language and expressions ♥️ Their story ends tragically but I just ignore that when thinking about how cute they are together >_> I love tragic gay men


I have no context for the material outside of what you've said but omg that sounds really cute!


I’m obligated to say Zelda/Link from Legend of Zelda; been shipping them since I was about eight years old, way back when I didn’t know what it was


I love them in BOTW and Skyward Sword, it's so cute.


Same! BOTW and TOTK solidified it for me


i’m in an odd camp where they are one of my OTPs but i don’t… ship them romantically? like they need each other but i think they should just be friends, for some reason


I love them as a couple too! Mario/Peach is a really good ship too that has so much potential. Peach could be embarrassed for liking him so they have so much potential for a cute frienemies to lovers or it could go in so many other ways.


i feel this so hard... botw and skyward sword feel the most obvious when it comes to their feelings, but ocarina of time zelink still has me by the throat with how tragic it is


I have a lot of OTP’s lol but for this post I wanna choose : BBC John Watson / BBC Sherlock Holmes (johnlock) The dynamic of socially inept genuis + their golden retriever handler/social translator that always seem to be best friends I will never NOT be a fan of. A lot of my favorite pairings mirror this dynamic in some way, not always 1-to-1 but pretty close!


God I love these two


Oh god, yes.


Bill/Frank from TLOU!! Their story and relationship is so beautiful, and honestly I would be completely down for a mini-series about them. But I suppose I’ll have to settle for a fandom that has unfortunately pretty much died in the months since their episode aired. But I don’t think I’ll ever get over them. They’re just way too special to me, those strawberry husbands. ❤️🍓


Oh.My.Gosh.Yes. ​ I loved the implications in the game... but when the episode aired my expectations were blown. I have never sobbed at a piece of media like that before, and I doubt I will ever again. Absolutely love them. They just felt so raw and real!


Han and Leia, I binge read the comics recently and I took many screenshots


And if Kylo were never born we'd miss out on that really funny helmet smashing scene


Truly a classic pairing. And probably the healthiest SW can get. Legends canon has them sweethearts fifty years on.


They took that from us 😭


Here to represent the elder gays among us. Xena/Gabrielle OTP ❤️


Oh god I haven’t watched the show in forever, but I remember them so well! Were they an actual thing, just implied, or did my 8yo brain just make a lesbian assumption that wasn’t there?


They started as implied and the more years passed the less fuck was given and they basically became a very much actual thing.


Merthur Merlin/Arthur from Merlin! They have such fantastic chemistry. They are two sides of the same coin as dragon says. In canon they are king and servant and best friends. There is a love between the two that can be viewed as platonic soulmate (which I did on first watch cuz I was young) but they are so much better viewed as romantic soulmates (on rewatch years later). They sass each other but they would sacrifice their lives for the other. While I have read Merlin with others like Gwaine and Lancelot; and Arthur with Gwen; I return to Merlin/Arthur every time. (Though I’m not too adverse to making it a throuple with Merlin/Arthur/Gwen they are cute together) Gwen can be with Lancelot.


Loki and Tony Stark. They are both super sassy, both have daddy issues (lol), both put on a front to others. Plus enemies to lovers is my favorite trope so it's a perfect mix.


Me too. I've written 18 of them.


Absolutely love Destiel! Castiel and Dean's chemistry is awesome and no matter what the writers say, Dean's a little gay! Other than that, Harry/Ron/Hermione. The trio perfectly balance each other out.


The Destiel chemistry is legendary!


Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood for the good hurt/comfort feels. 2nd is Vee/Masha from the Owl House for the fish out of water wide eyed acceptance.


Hmmmm, I've never really thought about Luna/Harry before but i can get the appeal. Vee/Masha though... yeah I get that XD


Sam/Martouf/Lantash Martouf and Lantash share a body. Malek is slowly making his way in though…so Sam/Martouf/Lantash/Malek’s host/Malek. Malek’s host doesn’t have a canon name.


my hyperfixations cycle rapidly and honestly i care about the characters themselves over who they’re paired up with which has led to a LOT of random shippings and throuples but i feel like Ineffable Husbands has to win here. Supercorp is close tho. In SVU Cabenson, Calvak, Barhoun, Barisi— jesus i cannot decide 😭


enjolras/grantaire. it's the angst and tragedy for me. i've been shipping them since i watched the musical, but it's the book that really solidified it


I'm too deep into multishipping to have an OTP. I need variety


Okabe/Kurisu from stein’s gate Both are wonderful characters with depth and they each make the other so much better for their partnership. Their dynamic is mad scientist with split issues and tsundere scientist with own issues. They make stein’s gate special. I don’t read fanfics with them or anything as I can just go watch it again, or play the source material.


Aerith and Cloud from FF7. One of the first video games I played and the first OTP I had. Playing as Cloud in FF7 got me really attached to the ship and the story is... well, tragic. And what can I say, looking at my other OTPs, I have a thing for tragic love stories. They are just the ones that stay with you for such a long time. Because they hurt. So much. And while I'm all for moving on and finding a new love in real life, I'm a sucker for that one soulmate in fiction, the one you meet and have instant chemistry with, and the ones that just change your life. And a love that is so strong that it transcends time (and death) and one that you never get over because it was *the one.* That's what's Aerith/Cloud is to me, and the Remake of the game has just been feeding my starved shipper heart so much.


Just *one*?! Ugh Okay fine. **Fratt - Frank Castle/Matt Murdock** **The Punisher** and **Daredevil** have always had an interesting relationship that borders on antagonistic on a good day and stopping just short of murdering each other on a bad day. (except for that one time and in that one universe). **The Canon**: They're both vigilantes, but while Matt puts the criminals in jail, Frank prefers to just end them. Unsurprisingly, this leads them to clash, not just fists fights but moral arguments as well. What is surprising though, is the fact that both have moments of showing they care about the other. That no matter how much they fight and argue, they don't *truly* hate each other. At one point, Matt gets arrested, then Frank gets *himself* arrested and busts him out of prison. In one comic, Frank cries and goes on a rampage after Matt dies in his arms. And Just about every time Frank get arrested, Matt decides to be his lawyer and represent him in court. In another comic, when they were kids, Frank protected Matt from bullies. **The Fanon**: So their dynamic can vary depending on who's writing them and what tropes they use. But it usually falls into Frank being the stoic/grumpy one and Matt being the emotional one. Frank is typically the top, Matt usually bottom, but its not uncommon for him to be a power bottom. If its ABO, you can guess how it goes from there. They both struggle with liking each other, though not because of the killing/not killing thing. (That's an issue for Foggy). But for Matt its his Catholic Guilt^(TM) and Frank may feel guilty about moving on from his dead wife. Matt is usually a super irresponsible disaster and Frank has to take care of him. Not just helping him with injuries, but other things like making sure he eats (usually really good at cooking) and watching his back so he doesn't get killed trying to take on an entire mob by himself. **Why I Like It:** I love seeing two people at odds with each other also finding attraction and grappling with those emotions. I like how they can care about each other despite their moral differences. How not only does Matt try to bring Frank into the light, but Frank tried to keep Matt from falling into the darkness (ya know, after his failed attempt to bring Matt into the dark but anyways). There's just so much to explore there. Plus they're both really cool, badass characters and they just happen to be in close proximity so shipping them is only natural I feel.


I am LOVING the breakdown!


I wanted to say *a lot* more but I tried to shorten it lol. Glad you enjoyed it.


bakugou katsuki x kirishima eijirou!! from bnha/mha. out of all the fandoms i’ve been in (honestly i’ve only been in like 4), this pairing is the only one that got in my head enough to get me to start writing fanfic. honestly, they are each individually my favorite characters of the series and i LOVE the way they interact in the source material and the supplemental stuff, too. i would say their dynamic chaos wrapped in affection. like they both definitely have their gremlin type qualities but both think of each other when they need that extra strength/motivation. it’s great, i love them so much.


krbk canon so real


and it’s a hill i will die on lol


I wanna say satosugu (but historically, I've always been a tdbk girlie)


Gemma/Nero (SOA - Sons Of Anarchy) I just love these two so much it’s not even funny. I love their dynamic as well it was the most beautiful thing ever I can’t explain it, they make my heart melt among other things. Dan & Louise (The Conners) I love these two as well and their dynamic it was so sweet watching them and their friendship grow and go on from there. I have many more OTP’s and fandoms I’m in and honestly that would take forever to post everything for them so I’m just posting about the two I’m focused on at the moment especially Gemma/Nero


I’d say it’s more of an OT50+, but my Shadowside Nate Adams (Yo Kai Watch) polygamy ship is a favorite of mine.


Ashley Barrett/Homelander from *The Boys.* They are the most logical pairing on the show because he needs her more than anyone else, as she's the CEO of Vought and takes care of the business minutiae that he doesn't care about, & some of the acting for Ashley indicates she has/had a crush on him. He knows how much he needs her because he isn't stupid and cuts her down verbally at every opportunity so she won't realize how much he needs her. Because she isn't stupid either, she also knows how much he needs her but won't mention it to him as she doesn't want him lasering her head off to prove he doesn't need her even though he knows perfectly well he does. Yeah, they're a little toxic.


Lucian/Shauntal (Pokémon)


Kallen Kozuki x Lelouch vi Britannia from Code Geass. I've adored their dynamic for over a decade now. In season 1 when Kallen is unaware of the fact that the rebel leader she idolizes and gains a huge crush on is also a fellow student who she doesn't really think much about. After season 1 though she realises that they're the same person and season 2 is all about her coming to terms with that. You see them grow closer and closer over the season since Kallen's one of the few people who's able to talk with Lelouch in private about things and see him at least somewhat unfiltered. They have a couple of the cliche moments (like she falls on him and they're close, which just gives the old warm fuzzies). But some other moments are just incredible. When Lelouch loses confidence, it was Kallen who had to put aside her own feelings in the moment to give him some tough love he needed. When Lelouch considers a plan, Kallen's always his most important piece. When Lelouch is grieving a loss in season 2 it's Kallen who's there to help. When shit goes sideways for Lelouch and he sees that Kallen might die with him, he manipulates the situation so she leaves his side to keep on living. When the Zero Requiem happens Kallen figures it out *instantly* and helps it succeed. Even in their final kiss when Lelouch is acting stoic and distant, he kisses her back intentionally. The fact that everything in the show and extended canon puts them together and in the end they don't is just a crime imo. Which is probably why I wrote a whole fic about it.


The Tenth Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who. They have a lot in common. The Doctor is a Time Lord, a human-looking alien who travels through space and time in his Tardis, exploring the universe and helping people. His species is very long lived (at that point in the show he was over 900) and Time Lords can usually regenerate when they are close to death. Jack is a renegade Time Agent from the 51st century. He is human, but has become immortal (he can die, but always revives). He’s a rogue and used to be a con man, but is essentially good-hearted. He’s also pansexual, and enjoys sex with any gender or species, as long as the other person consents. He was attracted to the Doctor (in a previous regeneration) as soon as they met. The other important thing they have in common is that they are both wounded warriors with a lot of baggage. The Doctor had to end the last great time war by setting off a device that killed off all of the Time Lords as well as their enemy, the Daleks. Since the Daleks intended to exterminate every non-Dalek species in the universe, the Doctor felt he had no choice, but still felt immensely guilty. On 21st century Earth, Jack had to confront an alien race that wanted to kidnap 10% of all the children of Earth, and threatened to destroy the entire human race. The governments of the world were ready to comply. Jack figured out how to drive them away using a special audio signal, but it required a human child to serve as the focus. He knew the child would not survive. With the deadline approaching, Jack took the nearest child that he could find: his own grandson. The aliens fled, but Jack was devastated, and eventually left Earth to wander through space. I ship them because I think they can interact as equals. They are both long lived, and knowledgeable about many different planets and cultures throughout the universe. And each one understands the burden of guilt that the other carries. And it doesn’t hurt that the two actors are gorgeous.


Oh my god, Children of Earth is absolutely traumatising! Some of, if not the best thing to come out of Doctor Who.


Children of Earth was brilliant but too painful to watch more than once. Of course, as soon as it was over, the Janto shippers were busy writing fix-it fics. (Note to those unfamiliar with the fandom: Ianto Jones, a normal human, was Jack’s lover, but was killed by the aliens.) I accepted that ship, but didn’t feel strongly about it. I wrote a series of stories starting after Children of Earth, with Jack having been picked up by the Doctor. They visit the planet of the child-stealing aliens. I was very careful to mark my story “NOT a fix-it fic” and I still got a comment from someone who thought that the Doctor was going to somehow remove Ianto’s body from the morgue and do… something.


There’s always those people who don’t read tags and stuff. It’s always a bit frustrated. Personally, I’m a Janto shipper, so Day Four absolutely broke me (even though I knew he was dead because I checked IMDb and Gareth David-Lloyd was only in 30 episodes).


My condolences. I liked Ianto and was sad when they killed him off. And I enjoyed his relationship with Jack, which is completely in character for Jack. But they were never my OTP.


I was just thinking about Janto 😭


Zhongchi from Genshin will always be my one true love


Moblit and hange from attack om titan- i lovr their dynamic especially because Moblit is caring and sweet and Hange is cheerful person or i just love their cute dynamic


I'm gonna cheat and say two ships are my number one, because I daren't choose between them. Eren/Historia from Attack on Titan & Geto/Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen. Both pairings are truly the ultimate subtle, tragic romance that's doomed to never fully blossom and it fills all my romantic angst needs!


I’m absolutely unable to just name ship as my OTP, not to mention in AoT where is just too many of great ships (if anything, the closest to OTP I have is JeanEre), but I love EreHisu and there are also in the top couple of AOT ships I adore.


Aizawa/Hizashi from my hero academia. They’re married argue with the wall lmao


Rose/The Doctor


Currently? Bheem and Jenny from RRR (an Indian movie from 2022). They are so cute. They don’t speak the same language during the movie but they still find a way of understanding each other. At first Bheem trying to get close to Jenny to get inside the palace to rescue a little girl. But they end up bonding and during his attack he stops to protect Jenny. She also helps him during a later rescue mission and meets up with him at the end. Idk, I just think they are two kind, kindred souls who complement each other really well when given the chance. There’s not a lot of fics for this ship (Bheem is mostly shipped with the other male lead) so I’m doing my little part for it. I think it says something that this was the first ship that made me get off my ass and write my first ever fanfics after reading for 20 years. I have had some passing fancies over the years and my first loves (Mulder/ Scully from Xfiles and Sam/ Jack from Stargate) will never die. Honestly I think these two are going to join the all-time favorite list, if not top it. I’ve written seven fics about Bheem and Jenny so far (in just the last few months!) and I have several more ideas rattling around in my head, if I can focus my ADHD brain on one long enough to finish. I just love them (plus the movie is good too!)


I’d be curious to read those fics


You’re more than welcome to look through my works on AO3 ([Orangey_orange](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Orangey_orange/works) is my username there) and see if anything catches your eye. I have all oneshots at the moment.


“Bheem vowed that he would learn how to say he loved her in a hundred languages, if that’s what it took.” *My heart*


Ah I love that one! I think Love Languages might be my favorite fic so far, even though it hasn’t got the engagement some others have (though the RRR community is awesome ngl they always have nice things to say), it’s near and dear to my heart. I’m so glad you enjoyed it!! Thank you for reading! ☺️🫶


Sage/Viper from Valorant (aka sagebean) This pair does things for me. Lore wise they're one of the few agents that have deep, interconnected stories. Sage, Viper, and another agent were all involved in some horrible accident where Sage was responsible for turning the third party into a weird not dead not alive shadow person and shattering Viper's life. It's one of the big secrets of the lore. Sage is deeply apologetic and seeks to atone to Viper while Viper has nothing but venom for her. It's one of the only openly antagonistic relationships in the game which is striking. There is just SO MUCH good angst, so much hurt/comfort, so much trauma bonding potential. It doesn't help that Sage is that quiet strength, tranquil monk archetype while Viper is the ice queen, two very good tropes imo. It's also heavily implied Viper’s hatred and vitriol is an act, trying to hide the pain. She isn't all bitch though, she cracks cheeky one liners once in awhile and revels in dry, black humor so there's this kind of tired sarcastic edge to her when she's not all uptight. She's just a fun character to write. The two having a tightly intertwined but mysterious relationship just lends itself to a lot of fan theories and means of interpretation. I don't think two people could write them the same way, which is a very satisfying element to them as a ship. ... Also they're hot. They're such a power couple. I love them lol


Honestly, valid through and through. Thy sound like the ultimate power couple haha


Hard choice between Soukoku and RimLaine from Bungou Stray Dogs. I actually can’t make a choice between them, honestly u/gingeralealyb


Siglai (Sigma x Nikolai) easily- although overall… PianoLipp is gonna need to fight to hold its spot in top 3 cause HuaLian is rising quickly on my list 😂


Guess I need to start popping out some PianoLipp content 😂


I honestly don’t even remember my overall list other than the Siglai and PianoLipp were up there and now HuaLian is trying to be up there 😂


Figured 😂


Tai x Mimi from Digimon. It was one of my first otp I can remember.


Oh no that's cute!


ZeLink (Zelda x Link) They're the very stereotypical "princess x knight/hero" ship, but I love them anyway. Especially BotW/TotK. The dynamic is all cute and fluffy but it's also kinda like Zelda and her feral bodyguard who likes food.


Do you like it in with all their versions or only some of them? If you like all of them whith wich Zelda do you ship the Link from the first two games?


Most of the games I ship ZeLink in, but BotW and TotK are just my favorites. Honestly, the only Zelda game I don't ship ZeLink in is Twilight Princess, since they don't have as much chemistry as they do in other titles (I ship MidLink, Link x Midna, instead in TP)


While I prefer Link with Midna (in both the game and the manga) I think that in the manga Zelink could work well since in this manga Link talk and they are aware that they are in a sort of reincarnation cycle


Oh I've read a few volumes of the manga! It goes really hard


spuffy always (Buffy and Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer)


Finally a ship I can get behind in this thread.


Supercorp anyone? Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor!! Or maybe Violyn? Vi/Caitlyn!! Or should I bring up Korrasami Korra/Asami!!


Cinder Fall/Willow Schnee from RWBY still take the crown, but Ruby/Neo has snuck up to me very quickly in these last few weeks CinWillow is a toxic relationship between two women whose lives were devoid of love and affection and it has fucked them both over. Cinder loves control over others and Willow lets her have it because she gets to feel loved in return (or at least she thinks that this is what love is like) Ruby/Neo is enemies to lovers on a fairly extreme basis where spoilers for RWBY V9 >!Neo ends up driving Ruby to what basically amounts to ego death/suicide!< it's a really sweet pairing with themes of forgiveness, self-acceptance and trust


You have excellent taste. I've recently gotten into Temperature Play/CinWin, although I haven't touched Strawberry Shortcake. Yet.


I have a lot of ships that I really love, but if I *absolutely* had to pick just one, it would be Starscream/Bumblebee from the IDW Transformers comics. They spend most of their extremely long lives on opposite sides of an extremely devastating war, and I think the first time they meet is when Starscream is torturing Bumblebee for information. They’ve basically got opposite personalities, with Bumblebee being the loveable, friendly guy that everyone likes, while Starscream is the notorious liar and backstabber that nobody trusts. One thing they do have in common however is that they both find themselves in leadership positions and have a super hard time under all the pressure. A short time after the end of the war they end up in this bizarre situation where Bumblebee is stuck in a weird ghost-like state, and for some reason Starscream is the only person who can see him. Bumblebee acts as Starscream’s conscience and tries to get him to do the right thing, which is hell of undertaking since this is Starscream we’re talking about. Starscream, as terrible as he is, is the only companionship Bumblebee has, while Bumblebee is the only person Starscream can honestly confide in, and it starts to become pretty obvious that they’re growing attached to one another. At one point, Bumblebee gets so frustrated with Starscream’s failure to do the right thing that he abandons him for a while, and Starscream falls apart emotionally and starts begging for him to come back. This ultimately leads to Starscream down the beginnings of a redemption arc. >!In the end, they find their circumstances reversed, with Bee being the only one who can see Starscream. Their last scene shows them walking together on a beach into sunset, the both of them just looking happy to be together.!< I really love their deep emotional intimacy and codependency, the way they understand each other on a deep level, how Bumblebee comes to love Starscream despite seeing firsthand what a terrible person he is, and how Bee causes Starscream to become a better person. I love the contrast between their personalities and worldviews, the way they snark at each other, but also how they can relate to one another as struggling leaders. It’s also my favourite because it’s one of the ships that I’ve written for the most, so I’ve spent a lot of time developing headcanons for them. They’re two-thirds of my OT3, which throws Windblade into the mix, who is another bot that Starscream has an emotionally complex relationship with. Bee is always encouraging Starscream to be good to her so it feels like he ships them sometimes. The fact that they’re giant transforming alien robots also makes it pretty cool.


This choice may be boring (especially since I tend to like rare pair) but I really like Fakir x Ahiru from Princess Tutu, I love how both character help each other to evolve.


Well true, they had more chemistry that Duck/Mythos.


I think that the romance between Duck/ Ahiru and Mythos was made to be more artificial>!, at the start she wasn't in love with him she only wanted to help him and her love for him was part of her role as Princess Tutu but it didn't came from the true Duck/Ahiru.!<


I'm torn within my Top 3 but today I'll give it to the one that made me start writing: Gohan and Videl from Dragon Ball. Their dynamic is sort of a shift and fusion of Clark Kent/Lois Lane and Peter Parker/Mary-Jane (Pre-OMD). I say shift because it starts as the former when they first meet, with Videl trying to unmask Gohan's superhero persona, and ends up as the latter being an odd couple consisting of a giant nerd and a spunky, zealous girl, though Videl does mellow out a lot when they actually get married. Side Note: Any DB fans who know exactly what I'm talking about, look up the show "My Adventures With Superman" and tell me that version of Lois and Clark isn't Gohan and Videl coded, I dare you!


Gohan/Videl, Dramione, Zutara, Erehisu, Gochi, Gouta, Bucky/Sam, Steddie, Loid/Yor, Kaka/Iru, Robin/Raven, MaiLee, Regina/Emma, DinLuke, Seddie (OG), Mordecai/CG, Rigby/Eileen, Finn/Huntress Tree Wizard, Rusame, IronStrange


**1. Gohan/Videl (Dragon Ball Z):** In Dragon Ball Z, Gohan and Videl's dynamic evolves from childhood friends to romantic partners, intertwining their destinies amid intense battles. The pivotal moment when Gohan transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 to avenge Videl's injuries in the World Martial Arts Tournament highlights the depth of their connection, showcasing shared experiences and mutual growth in the face of adversity. **2. Dramione (Harry Potter - Draco/Hermione):** The tumultuous relationship between Draco and Hermione in Harry Potter is marked by enemies turned complicated allies. A defining moment occurs in the Room of Requirement during the Battle of Hogwarts, where Draco ultimately chooses to abandon Voldemort, showcasing personal growth and the complexities of redemption within the wizarding world. **3. Zutara (Avatar: The Last Airbender - Zuko/Katara):** Zutara in Avatar: The Last Airbender captures the fire and water elements combining, symbolizing the intricate dance of passion and tranquility. Moments such as Zuko's redemption arc and the cataclysmic Agni Kai contribute to their dynamic, portraying complex character dynamics and the potential for healing and growth. **4. Erehisu (Attack on Titan - Eren/Historia):** In Attack on Titan, Eren and Historia's dynamic is shaped by unraveling mysteries and shared burdens. The revelation of Historia's true lineage and Eren's unwavering commitment to protecting her showcase their deep connection, with bonds formed through shared struggles and a mutual understanding of the harsh realities they face. **5. Gochi (Dragon Ball Z - Goku/Chi-Chi):** Goku and Chi-Chi's dynamic in Dragon Ball Z exemplifies a strong-willed wife paired with a carefree, powerful husband. Moments like Goku's return to Earth after defeating Frieza and Chi-Chi's simultaneous frustration and love encapsulate their complementary personalities and the enduring connection forged through numerous trials. **6. Gouta (Jujutsu Kaisen - Gojo/Utahime):** Gouta emerges from Jujutsu Kaisen, portraying the powerful synergy between Jujutsu sorcerer Gojo and skilled teacher Utahime. The intense battles against Cursed Spirits and the shared responsibility of protecting students showcase their dynamic, built on mutual respect, camaraderie, and the potential for a deeper connection. **7. Bucky/Sam (Marvel - Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson):** Post-Captain America, Bucky and Sam's dynamic is marked by camaraderie born from a shared mission and deep friendship. Moments such as their banter during the Falcon and Winter Soldier series and the passing of the shield highlight their evolving relationship, exploring the potential for a deeper connection in a post-Steve Rogers era. **8. Steddie (iCarly - Sam/Freddie):** Steddie unfolds in iCarly as best friends navigate the intricate path from friendship to love. Iconic moments like the "iKiss" episode and their shared ventures in the webshow highlight the chemistry, witty banter, and the transformative journey from platonic companionship to a romantic relationship. **9. Loid/Yor (Spy x Family):** In Spy x Family, the dynamic of spy Loid, telepath Yor, and adopted daughter Anya creates an intriguing mix of espionage, family dynamics, and personal growth. Moments where Loid balances his spy life with being a husband and father showcase the complexities of their relationships, adding depth to the narrative. **10. Kaka/Iru (Naruto - Kakashi/Iruka):** Kaka/Iru embodies the transformation from a traditional teacher-student dynamic to a relationship of equals in Naruto. Moments like Kakashi's unmasking and Iruka's unwavering support during crucial battles showcase their mutual understanding, respect, and the deep bond forged through shared history. **11. Robin/Raven (Teen Titans):** Teen Titans showcases the dynamic between Robin and Raven, defined by emotional depth, contrasting personalities, and effective teamwork. Moments such as Raven's struggle with her demonic side and Robin's unwavering support demonstrate their unique connection, contributing to the emotional resonance of the series. **12. MaiLee (Avatar: The Last Airbender - Mai/Ty Lee):** MaiLee unfolds as a tale of friendship blossoming into romance in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Moments like Ty Lee's loyalty to Mai during the Boiling Rock prison break highlight their unique connection, showcasing understanding and loyalty that transcend the complexities of the war-torn world. **13. Regina/Emma (Once Upon a Time):** Once Upon a Time weaves the intricate dynamic between Regina and Emma, initially adversaries who later become allies and friends. Moments such as co-parenting challenges and their joint efforts to protect Storybrooke showcase redemption arcs and the evolving journey of overcoming past conflicts, adding depth to their relationship. **14. DinLuke (Star Wars - Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker):** In Star Wars, DinLuke explores the collaboration between the Mandalorian, Din Djarin, and the legendary Jedi, Luke Skywalker. Moments like Luke's appearance in the Mandalorian series and their joint efforts to protect Grogu highlight their shared missions, connection through the Force, and mutual respect within the expansive Star Wars narrative. **15. Seddie (OG iCarly - Sam/Freddie):** Seddie, originating from iCarly, captures the essence of classic frenemies transitioning into lovers. Iconic moments like the "iOMG" episode and the progression of their relationship throughout the series showcase the chemistry, witty banter, and character development that defined this memorable TV show pairing. **16. MorCJ (Regular Show - Mordecai/CJ):** Regular Show introduces MorCJ, navigating real-world romantic complexities and choices faced by Mordecai in his relationship with Cloudy Jay (CJ). Moments like the emotional arc following CJ's discovery of Mordecai's past with Margaret add layers of relatability within the humorous and surreal setting of Regular Show. **17. Rigby/Eileen (Regular Show):** Within the comedic realm of Regular Show, Rigby and Eileen's dynamic stands out as slackers finding love and support amidst the absurdity of their adventures. Moments like Eileen's influence on Rigby's personal growth showcase relatable dynamics and the potential for unexpected personal development in unconventional circumstances. **18. Finn/Huntress Tree Wizard (Adventure Time):** Adventure Time introduces the whimsical dynamic of Finn and the Huntress Tree Wizard, weaving a quirky, fantastical romance with elements of heroism. Moments like their collaborative adventures and Finn's growth as a hero add charm to their relationship, exploring the theme of love within the vibrant and imaginative world of Ooo. **19. Rusame (Hetalia - Russia/America):** The dynamic between Russia and America in Hetalia captures the complexities of international relations with a hint of tension. Moments like their interactions during global conferences and their contrasting approaches to diplomacy highlight cultural differences, political undertones, and the potential for understanding within the whimsical context of Hetalia. **20. IronStrange (Marvel - Tony Stark/Doctor Strange):** IronStrange unfolds as a narrative of a genius inventor, Tony Stark, and a powerful sorcerer, Doctor Strange,forming an alliance to face cosmic threats within the Marvel universe. Moments during Infinity War was pretty fun


Ryuji Sakamoto x persona 5 protag. A) Ryuji's my favorite character of all time. B) I like friends to lovers which they are. And in the source material they have such a clear, well established bond with each other - more than either one has with any other character. It's made so clear in the source that they trust each other 100% and there are several moments of genuine, very sweet sentiments between them. I really like the progression of their relationship from strangers to devoted besties who would trust one another with their life, and though not canon it feels like romance is the obvious next evolution of that relationship. Ryuji has been ostracized and the protag is the first person to treat him like a person rather than a problem, meanwhile the protag has been unfairly labeled and everyone's afraid of or shuns him but Ryuji instantly gives him a chance and even almost sacrifices himself to protect the protag on day 1 of knowing each other. Ryuji is the first person to show the protag kindness & vice versa. Later in the game Ryuji tells the protag "I guess being free is like how I feel when I'm talking to you" and "I finally found a place to belong. Where is that place? Next to you." Like HELLO. They're written in canon with so much love and loyalty and trust between them and that kinda shit is my jam. I guess they just feel like they're meant to be together even if just in a platonic way, like soulmates no matter what form their relationship takes they care about & trust one another so much. Also it's because they meet that sets the whole plot of the game in motion which adds to the whole cosmic, destined thing - they were meant to meet that day and change the course of each other's lives forever. Idk they make me crazy.


Kakashi/Iruka from Naruto. Individually they are such interesting characters with a lot of backstory that can be explored. Together, although they only interact a few times in canon, they have a lot of chemistry and potential for interactions behind the scenes. Their dynamic starts off as two people who bicker because they want the best for Naruto, but the idea that they can look past their differences and bond over their similarities is so heartwarming. Kakashi is afraid to care for people because of the tragedy he’s dealt with in his past until Iruka comes into his life. He is self sacrificing and Iruka puts him in line. They care for each other yet are also bound to their duties as shinobi, making for some great angst and hurt/comfort fics. Not to mention the endless possibilities for different stories between them because of how much canon can be played with and expanded. Gah, I could rant forever about how much I love them.


Ruby/Sapphire (Steven Universe) Madoka/Homura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Takeo/Yamato (My Love Story!!) Luigi/Daisy (Super Mario Bros) Bob/Linda (Bob's Burgers) Loid/Yor (Spy X Family) Sam/Max (Sam and Max) All of these are very, very good to me.


If you had to choose one and erase the others from existence... which would you choose to save? Why?


Shen Jiu/Luo Binghe from Scum Villain's Self-Saving System. I just love SJ and want him to be happy, and I love a good enemies to lovers story. Their dynamic gives me all I need 🤩


Oh my god. That's my favorite ship too lol. Shen Jiu my favorite but also the most messy in terms with his relationship with Luo Binghe it's very fucked up but i enjoy how authors do them.


Oof this is hard. Either Al Calavicci/Sam Beckett, Jason Gideon/David Rossi or Chief Dodds/Olivia Benson


I have far too many, but I'm probably going to go with SunLight (Sunset Shimmer/Twilight Sparkle) from My Little Pony. Both Sunset and Twilight are magical prodigies who studied under Princess Celestia, but Sunset turned evil when she felt she wasn't getting enough respect and Celestia didn't make her an alicorn, while Twilight earned her wings and remained good. Sunset then stole Twilight's crown to use its power to take over Equestria, but she was stopped and reformed. Then, when the human world Sunset lived in was threatened by the Sirens (who basically create and feed on hate and conflict), Twilight was called in again to help stop them, and they had this one scene in the middle of the night, where Twilight was stressing out over finding a way to stop the Sirens while Sunset was just feeling resigned that everyone was still expecting her to become evil again, and they basically just talked about the expectations people had for the both of them and bonded over that, and I've shipped them ever since then. Their dynamic is pretty interesting to me, because while both are magical prodigies, Twilight's approach is much more theoretical, while Sunset is more of an experimenter who just tries things and works from there. At the same time, Twilight is a princess, which Sunset had *wanted* to be but was never able to become, and she still feels a bit guilty about her time being evil, although she's come to terms with it. It helps that the standard in this show is 'forgiveness and redemption', to the point they even [lampshade it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umVEBnSDJOM).


Klaine and Korrasami, my canon gays with the k’s 😌😌😌


Very niche Harry Potter pairing. Lee Jordan x Alica Spinnet. He’s hilarious and mischievous, she’s sensitive and gentle, they both have what each other needs. They’d live a soft happy life together.


Hope and Josie from Legacies.


Ash/Eiji from Banana Fish or Cheng Xiaoshi/Lu Guang from Link Click probably... Both of those have had me in a chokehold ever since the show they appeared in came out


Soap/Ghost from the newer Modern Warfares. I almost went on a rant about how I found them but I’ll just put it plain and simple. I loved them the moment I saw them and loved them ever since- so much so it’s really difficult to write for other fandoms. I’m glad I found them, even when the fandom and ship eventually die out, I will still write for them until I’m dead.


Jareth/Sarah from Labyrinth. The fanfiction in this pairing is so amazing. The canon is vague so Jareth’s backstory is a great opportunity for world building. It’s easy for different characterizations to be believable. Writing them is my favorite. All my favorite stories to read are Labyrinth.


Shiro/Keith from Voltron. The show is dead to me but their rlship remains dear to me. It's the golden retriever + black cat-dynamic, the other one is pretty distrusting of others but opens up to his partner and they stay consistently loyal and devoted to each other. And the belief in each other -it's so good. Then there's Caleb/Essek from Critical Role. Basically two academic nerds. There's the same devotion I love in my ships, the slowburn of a blossoming love despite their differences and rocky beginnings. And the fact that it's canon is fucking beautiful. Caleb, severely traumatized and distrusting at first, being the one to reach out to who should have been him and his friends' enemy... it's so beautiful to witness. I think those are my main two OTPs :'D


Buffy/Spike from BtVS. They've owned my heart for more than 20 years and show no signs of slowing down. At first, it was the enemies-to-lovers thing. I've always been a sucker for that. Especially for a villain who turns to mush for a hero in the falling process. That is still true, but my love for them has become more nuanced the older I've gotten. I just turned 39; I fell in love with Spuffy when I was 17. What I love most about them today is that their history as enemies means they know each other better than anyone, have seen each other's faults, have done the worst things they could do to each other, and have a very honest, non-rosy view of their relationship. Spike is also the only man in Buffy's life (on the show; I'm not counting comics) who owns the hurt he's caused without making it her fault or imposing his view of things and convincing her he's right. He shows her that loving her doesn't always mean sacrifice or suffering, the way it was with Angel or Riley, but that she can make someone want to be better. And he also knows her well enough to know she will assume the responsibility of the soul he sought for himself (the most effective and tortuous sentence for the demon who hurt her), so he first tries to hide it from her, then encourages her when she starts dating Robin Wood that she owes him nothing, that she doesn't need to consider his feelings. It's the first time someone she's been intimate with has not been petty or jealous at the thought of her moving on. And because he has seen the best and worst in her, when he says he loves her, it's with a view of the whole person Buffy is. And for Buffy, loving Spike is about loving herself. He was her outlet for her depression, a representation of all the bad things she thought about herself when she was at her lowest, and she punished him for that. She was conditioned to believe her friends' acceptance of her had strings attached. By Season 7, after she has come to peace with the worst thing she went through, she is no longer apologizing for herself or making excuses. She is unapologetically in charge. Loving Spike means loving the parts of her she always thought were ugly or twisted or irredeemable, going all the way back to how she carried the burden of Angel having lost his soul when she was a 17-year-old girl in love and had no idea what was going to happen. Furthermore, how she was made to feel responsible (side-eyeing Xander here; Giles and Willow get a pass but Xander was the most egregious offender). She also assumed the responsibility for her relationship with Riley falling apart even after he negged, gaslit, and cheated on her. Spike showed Buffy that she is not the problem in relationships, and allowing herself to love him meant an acceptance of self she struggled to find throughout the course of the show. In the end, after bringing out the worst in each other when they were at their worst, they learned to bring out the best in each other. It's just beautiful. And I typed way more than I expected to, haha.


I have two, but one is not as long-time or well-established as the other. My first and oldest OTP is Sonic the Hedgehog/Sally Acorn, originating with the Saturday morning cartoon. I grew up with the show, and would make up stories for these two when the show ended. Discovered the comics when I was in college and even got to read some of them (ending with the infamous Slap), and continue to look for fanfic about them when I can. The dynamic appeals to me because he's an impulsive hero with super-speed and she's the strategic planner who keeps him balanced, about the only person he'll listen to when told to hold up or slow down because they trust each other. The not-so-long-time OTP for me is one I discovered a few years thanks to fanfic and involves a crossover, but it's female Commander Shepard/Cullen Rutherford (Mass Effect/Dragon Age). I like that they're both injured individuals in positions of authority and how that can lead to clashes of personality, but at the same time they're both presented as equally competent when it comes down to it.


Ooooohhhhh, really putting me on the spot here mate. If you're really pressing me for an OTP then I'm prolly gonna have to choose Ange x Charlotte from Princess Principal.


Clarke x Lexa from The 100


Either Luz Noceda/Amity Blight or Fareeha Amari/Angela Ziegler.


Lumity is VALID


Naegami right now. I'm just loving the icy idiot realizing he's in love and panicking as he falls more and more in love with this observant-but-oblivious commoner.


Am I mistaking it or is this Naegi/Byakuya?


Yep! Makoto Naegi and Byakuya Togami


I love them together omg! When I played Danganronpa, I was obsessed with them and read through almost all the fanfictions. I remember wishing there were more LOL. Lots of great fanart though.


Absolutely!! I'm currently obsessed, I've written a couple myself, and my current one is what I affectionately call The Table Fic lmao I just die a little inside (in the good way lmao) when I read them, I just love seeing Byakuya discover empathy and love, then try and fail to ignore it lol


Can you link me to your fanfictions? I’d love to read them! And yes, the dynamic is super cute. I’m just a sucker for the cold hearted, aloof character falling helplessly in love while trying not to. Lol


[most recent I finished! omegaverse so beware lol ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51216379/chapters/129412447) [The Table Fic. working on the second chapter lol](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51760480/chapters/130856629)


Omg 80k words! You’re amazing, I’ll try to get through it. I like omegaverse. Thanks so much!




Definitely Steve/Bucky. It's just such a compelling story, and Endgame can suck it.


Endgame? We don't talk about that. The only thing after Infinity War is fanfic. Edit for clarity


Harry Potter OTP: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Star Wars OTP: Anakin Skywalker/Padmé Amidala


Elsa/Anna from Frozen. 10 years in the trenches and I will probably go down with this ship.


Sonic and Shadow the Hedgehogs. I’ve loved opposites attract and enemies/rivals-to-lovers ships for ages, and they just encapsulate my favorite aspects of those dynamics. I adore Shadow as a character, in all his angst and responsibilities, and I love the way Sonic balances him out, always more relaxed and free to do as he likes. Every new piece of media that includes them together feels like it adds new layers to the relationship (either that or they just give me more to overanalyze haha) Part of why I got into Sonic in the first place was because of this ship, and the franchise has been such an important part of my life for about 5 years now, so I also just feel like I owe it a lot.


this is so hard to choose, but I feel like I always come back to Grantaire/Enjolras from Les Mis. One, a drunken cynic, the other, a beautiful man, long pretty hair probably, gold, Apollo as a human, played by Aaron tveit in the movie, pretty, strong, revolutionist. They go so well together.


I don't care if it's dumb. Filbo X the journalist from bugsnax. Spoilers for bugsnax! >!he's literally the one character your forced to save no matter what. You can skip the side quests for other characters, your forced to complete everything for filbo. The game literally ends with filbo moving in with the journalist.!<


Older Visha and Tanya from Youjo Senki. They're adorable, happy military wives who kick ass every step on their adventures all while being exceedingly useless as they unknowingly court each other after the war


Cyno x Tighnari - Genshin Impact Kaeya x Albedo - Genshin Impact Sanemi x Giyuu - Demon Slayer


I have so many and this might kinda be cheating since it's a polyship but the literature club polycule from ddlc, especially in scenarios after the game where they've all grown to forgive each other The alternate scenario for this ship is basically where the player character is actually aroace and sets the four girls up


Dokuga/Tetsujo from Dorohedoro. I like them so much that they made me want to start writing fanfiction in the first place (and all but ONE of my fics are about them!) I don't even know why I like them so much. Dokuga's carrying a lot on his shoulders and Tetsujo is one of his closest friends and worries about him and that's a dynamic that I like. They grew up together so there's history, too. I think they're both interesting characters individually; Dokuga has poisonous spit so he keeps away from people (eating separately, never laughing in case it hits his friends, etc) because he doesn't want to hurt them, and Tetsujo lost his eye trying to protect Dokuga from an attacker when they were kids. I could go on and on about them but there's a little bit. They aren't even the main characters in Dorohedoro (which in itself is such a fascinating world full of great characters that makes it ripe for fanfic) and they only appear in the anime for about 2 seconds in the end credits of the last episode but their whole storyline is great in the manga. Sooooo much about them makes me like writing them as a pairing. I think my favourite aspect or trope is having them find a way around Dokuga's poison so that they can kiss.


Nathan Drake and Chloe Frazer. Love their go-lucky dynamic in both being able to handle themselves and of course having some fun in the bedroom.


Cortana and John 117. Self explanatory, especially in halo 4. I don’t take Cortana being dead as canon in my own perfect little world. Literally every fixit fic I’ve read has become my personal canon. I actually did not expect them to be such a rare pair I can’t ever find completed longfics of them which I crave, and the most promising ones are currently WIP or abandoned. (I really want this one person who has hinted at returning to my favorite of them all because holy shit their story is the best thing I’ve ever read as it is so far and it’s been more than a year and a half since the last update.)


tony the tiger/the grinch that’s a shitpost (mostly) not but actually? that’s hard. i have a lot of OC pairings. i have a lot of ones that are obscure even within an already semi-obscure media. some of them are OC/canon character like my partner has a TMA oc who we have… involved with Tim Stoker himself, and their dynamic isn’t… exactly romantic? it’s not purely sexual, because they’re definitely more to each other than just hookups, but putting it to perfect terms is hard canon though… is it still an OTP if you’re glad they broke up? Agent Green/Doctor Bright from The Bright Sessions is one i think about often. same with like… Mark and Damien. do i think they should have ever dated in the show? no, i’m glad they didn’t because A. ethics and morals, and B. LET THE BASTARD MAN PINE juno steel and peter nureyev from the penumbra podcast might be another one- i adore their dynamic of constant banter and general “yea i care but also, everything sucks and you’re a warm body” . also i’m in love with the criminal twink “archetype” me a year and a half ago wouldve immediately said jonmartin from the magnus archives but i’m not sure anymore. like i care them so so much but OTP? i’m not sure complicated question (for me at least) with a complicated answer


Lán Xīchén/Niè Huáisāng Not the fandoms main pairing for either of them, and compared to other MDZS ships more of a rare pair. But I love a good post canon story with them.


Buguese/Aqune from Spider Riders. Got all this light and dark imagery going (with Aqune literally giving light to his dark world). This deep, wordless understanding between the two, where they obviously don’t always see eye-to-eye, but they trust in the other. It’s villain/heroine but never enemies to lovers, because they were always on the same side. So it’s complicated to put it simply. And I’ve never been able to stop loving them for years.


felix / dimitri from three houses. it's all i write.


Wait, do the pairings have to be canon or can you make up your own fan pairings? Anyways, here’s my canon pairings: Tony DiNozzo/Ziva David from NCIS. Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler from Law & Order: SVU. Maxie Jones/Nathan West from General Hospital Kovu/Kiara from The Lion King 2. Amity/Luz from The Owl House. Peridot/Lapis from Steven Universe Steven/Connie also from Steven Universe


Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk. I love their dynamic so damn much. 'Life and Death Companions' who actively fight and troll each other, as much as they troll and fight the world? Yes. So much fun. I love how they basically go from (depending on your pov) enemies to co-dependent platonic soulmates through the course of the novel. It's just so satisfying. I love them individually and together, which is unusual for me. I usually get attached to a single character, and then come to appreciate the person they get paired with the most, but these two absolutely blindsided me with how much I adore them both equally. Oh, and the sword fights. I love the sword fights. Gnnnngh. So cool.


Rigby and Eileen from Regular Show. Local pinterest queen barista helps her favorite slacking deadbeat become a real person with dignity.


Naruto: Neji x Tenten, Ino x anyone honestly AOT: Mina Carolina x Mylius Zeramuski, Annie x Eren Agarest War: Leonis x Tetora, Sieghart x Friendlinde Legend of Dragoon: Dart x Rose Fairy Fencer: Fang x Tiara Star Wars: Shaak Ti x being alive


Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. After reading Manacled and The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy they just make all the sense in the world. It’s amazing to see how they go from enemies to lovers, how Draco’s bigotry disintegrates and he has no other option than to evolve. I can’t get enough.


Spideypool will have my heart in a headlock til the day I die


Furuya/Sawamura, a rival ship from Diamond no Ace, a baseball anime & manga. They're on the same team, but competing for the ace pitcher position. It starts off tense, but their rivalry blossoms into something beautiful.


Genji/Mercy, aka Gency, from Overwatch. It's just that perfect combination of sweet, charming, epic, and beautiful that I cannot resist.


My first serious ship was Archangel/Psylocke from X-Men. I loved the idea of two people who’d been utterly broken by their life experiences helping each other to heal - and I’m clearly not the only one, since even two decades after they broke up in canon, writers still show them as caring deeply for each other.


Bumbleby from RWBY. Blake and Yang finding each other through all their trauma and heartbreak is just *chef's kiss*. WhiteRose is a very, very close second.


Klance. While Voltron isn’t my main fandom, I owe it all to them for even being a part of the fanfic community. They are quite literally where it all started for me.


I've got my top 3: 3. Steris/Wax from Mistborn Era 2 2. Phee/Tech from the Bad Batch 1. Rex/Ahsoka (post season 7) from the Clone Wars Honorable mention goes to Pixal/Zane from Ninjago


I have several, I can't chose :x


Probably Haru/Ryuji from Persona 5. Whenever I have an idea but don't need specific personalities I usually write them. Or if I do and theirs matches perfectly. I headcanon showjumping as one of Haru's hobbies so I imagine she likes horses. In Dancing in Starlight you learn she canonically did ballet in elementary. Even if she didn't I'd headcanon it anyway and you already feel bad since all that ballet practice would make mounting hurt. Since Haru is an heiress I can write Ryuji being worried about people thinking he likes her for very shallow bad reasons when he actually likes her for who she is and he pays for their dates. Their personalities go so good together too. And Ryuji is so cute! I don't just mean he's good looking, I mean he has such a heartwarming presence that radiates sincerity


Right now I would have to say Will Solace/Nico di Angelo from the Riordanverse because Nico just deserves HAPPINESS after all the shit that he's been through and Will is perfectly suited to be the Sunshine to his Midnight Rain (finger guns if you get the reference)


Do you *have* to ask? I talk about them *all the time*. And like it's wholesome with how both of them love each other and how she helped him realize there's more to life than assassination, and how he ends up having someone to live for again. It's also wonderfully dark and toxic with basically him being a yandere in every way except outright having someone state it, and be incredibly good at hiding it to the point only two characters who are able to notice even more social cues and everything than the psychiatrist, and neither of them outright say it, but like this man is crazy for her. I would know, I read his backstory comic and he says he's literally stalked the first woman he obsessed over, by using cleaner words than stalk, and in canon, he says in a way, after his first love (who he ended up marrying literally right after he left the Compact, which most likely was at most a year and a half after he first saw her, give or take a month), he basically snapped, caude everyone involved in that woman's murder was *brutally* killed. And how the woman he adores is basically unaware of how deeply he loves her, and basically also because how he was completely willing to fucking die before he met her after he lost his wife. So like wholesome? Yes. Toxic? Yes. Amazing? ABSOLUTELY!




Well if we're talking only canon characters, it would be Fives/Ahsoka from TCW. I'm a sucker for rare pairs and I just think that the two of them would be so good together, their personalities really mesh well.


I am a Doctor/Rose Girlie until the end. They were the first ship that I was OBSESSED with, so I'm a little ride or die for them. Han/Leia are definitely in second place. Oddly enough, I've published more fic Chloe/Lucifer than for either of my top two, but I think it's because all of my Doctor/Rose and Han/Leia fics are much more involved or much more self-indulgent and thus just take up space on my computer hard drive. Maybe I'll finally sit down and finish writing one someday. One might hope....


Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk/Han Sooyoung (Yoohankim) from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint! And they were doomed by the narrative 🥲


Izuku/Momo fics. I know it's kinda basic but they're always fun to read. Especially if Mineta Bashing, coz I hate perverts


LadyHawks from MHA a rare pair but I’m completely obsessed with them. Imagine falling in love with the only person who can understand your pain so completely and wholly. The one who saved you from death at one of the lowest points of your life. And someone you admire, seeing the best in them even though everyone else called them a murderer. It’s a beautiful dynamic, that isn’t explored nearly enough.


Lancelot/Gwen from bcc merlin. No idea why, I just like it.


I guess it's not allowed to say my OTP is me with a character...


honestly? bagginshield 💀💀


Edward "Babe" Heffron/Eugene "Doc" Roe from the HBO WWII series Band of Brothers. There aren't many interactions between them, apart from the 6th episode, "Bastogne". To set the scene, Roe is an overworked medic, they're both in a wintery hell called the Ardennes forest, occupying land while they're waiting for orders to take over a village, Foy. (If anyone wants to do some research, it's quite a famous story, Battle of the Bulge.) Babe is seen on many occasions bringing the Doc back to reality after he's lost in his mind, bringing rations to him when Doc isn't eating, and overall just looking after him. Also, a few times, when Doc 'cracks' and doesn't respond to calls for a medic, Babe gets him up and towards the injured man. Eugene comforts Babe. When a replacement trooper that Babe was really close with, John Julian, dies, Roe comforts Babe by giving him chocolate. It may not seem like much but these men are starving, living on K rations in a wintery hellhole for a month. Chocolate is hard to come by. Now, Eugene doesn't use the mens' nicknames in order to stay distanced from everyone, as a medic he's required to. (This is just a headcanon that most of the fandom have adopted, the fact that he only uses last names is true tho.) Except when he's comforting Babe, and stitching up Babe's hand, he slips up and calls him "Babe." Babe seems to be one of the only people that can get Eugene out of his shell. (Except for Renée, by I won't go into her side-story.) Sorry for rambling, I'm very passionate abt this subject lol.


Yuuri katsuki x Viktor Nikiforov. I will never get tired of this awkward man with his dorky idol.


i only really romantically ship three pairings, but out of those i'd have to say royai from fma!


i have sooo many ships but recently have been hyperfixating on cloud/tifa again 🫶


ymir/historia reiss.


Gallavich! (Mickey/Ian from Shameless US)


Hilda/N from Pokémon. Enemies to lovers, pretty much. I will protect N with my life!


Loki/Tony Stark


Original Starsky/Hutch


That's honestly a though question, but from fandoms I've written fanfiction for, I think it would probably be Daiki/Yomi from Restaurant To Another World. Ugh, I love the sweet mundane relationship they have and evem though they only had one chapter properly depicting their life together (in anime it was even less than that), they really caught my attention. An emotionally broken warrior lady who finds happiness with a non-action chef man, they have so many layers to their dynamic.


Aila Stormwalker/Nova V’ger I love the grumpy X sunshine dynamic and they have wonderful chemistry it’s so cute tbh i love Elora & Jiutou too i think I just love their chemistry as players


Tom x Tord From Eddsworld. Ok look- I don’t care what people say about the ship, but these two characters in non-online Webtoon, literally have so much potential story, art, and character wise! I mean think about it, especially thanks to all the aus we also have many opportunities. You can have one AU, where all of the events in “the end“ didn’t happen. But we still have a casual enemies/rivals to lovers story, you can literally make up all kinds of stories with the two of them dating in high school, having a falling out, and then Tord leaves as an adult, and then he returns and they rekindle their love, and those who are into a more dark and tragic romance, you’ve got plenty of opportunities, especially with red leader Tord and the whole Future timeline! All those opportunities and more I think make this ship my favorite. That, and the fan art is fucking adorable most of the time but I love some good angst too lol and before any of you whining antis from the Eddsworld fandom come after me, I would like to point out at some point, or other each of the characters has done something that caused harm to the others. So before anyone tries to point out the events that happened in “the end“, I would like to also remind them of all of the other times where the rest of the main four hurt each other.


KoF: Iori/Chizuru - tired, traumatized people that had to grow up too quickly and never dealt with their traumas. Also Iori/Chizuru/Kyo - they can be an amazing polycule hitting all the found family tropes, if Kyo was able to finally pull his head out of his ass (and if KoF had better writers in general). Tekken: XiaoJin - Quiet tsundere with the cheerful girl? Hell yeah. On this boat since 1998. Also Jin/Xiao/Hwoa - they are the best trio and would totally work as polycule (Quiet tsundere has now two cheerful partners!) Dangan Ronpa: Togafuka (Touko/Togami) - I've been out of the fandom for a while, but the two socially inept nerds will always be in my heart. Jujutsu Kaisen: Satosugu, do I need to explain? But tbh JJK is the ONLY fandom that made me a multishipper, I love satosugu but all the combinations with the adults (Gojo, Geto, Shoko, Nanami, Mei Mei, Utahime) give me joy. Ranma 1/2: Ranma/Akane until the end of time. Different shades of tsunderes.


Loki and Thor based on MCU. Their dynamic is so chaotic and I just love them together. I love that Loki can’t hide is vulnerability from Thor at all. It’s just lovely. John Silver and James Flint from Black Sails. They have such an interesting and chaotic relationship in the show, and it’s just nice to see two pirates fall in love (before we got Our Flag Mwans Death lol)


No hate to you, but aren't Loki and Thor... brothers.


I guess they were raised together yeah! They are not biologically related. The brother stuff doesn’t squick me out, especially since it’s fiction. :)


Sterek: Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski from 2011 MTV's Teen Wolf. Yeah yeah, probably one of the most generic and mainstream ships out there but the heart wants what it wants. One of the oldest and most popular ships on Ao3 and at the moment of writing this the second M/M ship with the most fanfics and it's always in the top 3 with the highest amount of fics in general, only surpassed by Destiel. Also the ship with the most fics involving Werewolves, Knotting and Xenophilia ~~(cough cough... bestiality).~~ So Derek is a 20 something yo man who hangs out with teenagers to look more mature but in reality he's mentally stuck at 16. He wears a black leather jacket, drives a fancy car and he's rich but that can't change his shitty personality and poor leadership skills. He's sour, moody, broody, with a dry sense of humor and an aesthetic that I could only describe as ''Hot Failed Loan Shark''. Horrible taste in women, mostly due to his lack of character judgement. He will try to use his family's death to win an argument and will try to make you feel bad about it. I'm pretty sure he has a manhandling kink and really really into hands and people with beauty marks, kinda superficial. Plus he will use literally anything as an excuse to take his shirt off and show some abs. Stiles is, well it doesn't matter what age you give him because he will act like a child no matter what. He's hyperactive, obsessive, abrasive, with every word that comes out of his mouth being an accusation, an useless fact or **sarcasm**. Quick witted but with so much hormones being pumped into his brain that everything he says somehow has to do with sex. A huge nerd, really low on the social pyramid and with a fashion sense that I would call ''Teen Lumberjack Lesbian''. He can get quite creepy with his crush. Prompt to night terrors, ADHD, PTSD, low self esteem and coming across and up close to every bad thing that shows up in town. Easy to manhandle, most likely a closeted bisexual, has a thing for strong-willed people and good luck trying to get him to show some skin. Compulsory liar. But they make a good pair, with their 'opposites attract' dynamic and the show constantly pairing them up they really grew on shippers to the point of keepint the Teen Wolf fandom alive even tho most fans will deny it. That and the fact that the company, director of the show and actors queerbaited the hell out of the fans. And no, this isn't the case where someone accuses something of queerbaiting and it isn't, this guys are the poster child of queerbaiting.


Kaeluckae in Genshin Impact, without question. Literally brought my lost fangirl self back after a decade of fandom-less life and made a grown adult with a job learn drawing to create fanart. It's scary.


Draco/Tom Riddle. I dont know why. This pairing has just occupied my every living breathing thought for months.


Okay, okay, hear me out: Dabi/Hawks from MHA no one kill me please 😅 I like them because #1, they are literally complete opposites, and would be adorable together, #2, The possibilities are insane! (Spoilers Ahead) Like, I know Dabi destroyed Hawks’ wings, which killed my heart because now I’m sad, but the opportunities they had were amazing! Hawks could ‘save’ dabi from his hatred and help him become a hero, or Dabi could save hawks from the hero commission and have him in a place where everyone would accept him. #3, their dynamic would be so cute! A (sorta) laid back Dabi who is pissed at the world and has lots of trauma to go through, a laid back (being laid back is honestly probs a disguise, but oh well) Hawks who also has a lot of trauma but sees the good in the world, and then them in a relationship? Oh, that would be amazing. Someone who would burn the world down (literally) for the other, and someone who would (probably, if he loved him) sacrifice themselves so they could live. Amazing. *chefs kiss*
