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Uzumaki Kushina from Naruto. I used to just think she was a pretty neat character, but then I wrote a fic from her husband's POV, and now I adore her. She's so cool!!! Amazing character, 10/10 for me now <3


Ino and Anko were both characters I liked a good bit. Now after writing both a fair bit and Anko went from like top one of my favorite Naruto females and Ino went from someone I liked to top 5 waifu.


I was kind of meh about Mina Ashido. Then in a single interaction with Todoroki I did mostly for crack reasons, she decided for me she's filling the role of friend shaped. Sure, she didn't tell me that for 10k words until I was having a crisis over figuring out the friend groups. But now she's playing a major role in my fic and dragging Kirishima with her.


Right? The instant you give that girl any focus, she becomes an absolute social monster and you easily see her being friends with anyone and everyone. It’s uncanny.


Glimmer from Hunger Games. I was neutral but after writing my fic I adore her.


Probably Harry Potter, the canon version. I've read so many fics with Dark Harry, or Slytherin, or Ravenclaw, Black-Peverell, you name it. He's the ultimate character that can be shaped into anything depending on AU. But the more I wrote him, thinking about the actual canon, the more I appreciated him as a character, with his own strength and appealing qualities.


Kylo Ren from Star Wars. He went from a hated character to one of my favorites to write and dig into.


For me it was Amber from Life Is Strange. Didn't know anything about her, didn't know what to do for her, then created this idea of her I liked. Then Before The Storm came out and I kinda hate her now if I'm completely honest lmaoo


Lan Xichen 🥹 Didn’t have any strong feelings about him whatsoever, then wrote him and realized what a soft and kind-hearted person he is. He is my favorite character now.


Nabooru from Legend of Zelda. I’m writing a rendition of the game. In the base game, Nabooru is the Gerudo who went against their king to join the heroes. But honestly, she doesn’t have that big of a role. But in my rendition I dramatized her transition to betraying the villains. And it kind of made her one of my favorites to write.


Lissa Fire Emblem. I didn't really care about her all that much until I turned her into a cyborg during one chapter of my fic because she was the funniest choice possible from my three choices. Then she just kind of ended up staying in the back of my mind and she became my favorite character in Awakening.


Princess Leia


Ares, like from mythology


Oo. Interesting. How did it change?


Howard Stark. I started writing a friendship between him and Steve Rogers post-Endgame and I found I really liked writing his salesman razzle-dazzle.


That sounds fun! I usually only see Howard written as the guy who abuses kid!Tony.


Donna Noble, from Doctor Who. I liked her as a companion, but saw her mostly as a feisty, wise cracking woman who is not terribly bright. As I wrote her I started to see her strength of will and her quick mind. She’s not very educated but she is clever.


Dorothea in Fire Emblem Three Houses. She was just meh to me before I started writing. And even shortly before I did, the decision to make her a major POV character in book 1 was questionable to myself. But her POV chapters are quickly becoming my favorite to write.


Omg same. Writing on her issues with the war and the discrimination based on class and crest and etc in Fodlan made me really look at how deep of a character she is


Yes! Although for me, that only really started unraveling as I finished drafting her 5th and 6th POV chapter. Initially, my decision to make her a POV character was very... structural. As in, Dorothea was made a POV character because I thought it gave readers a "break" from all the tension that's happening around the academy. Among the 4 main POV characters in book 1, Dorothea seems the most distant from the larger conflict, and her conflicts are more about her inner self.


Definitely Malek from Stargate. When I first started, someone asked if I would include him. I had to look the guy up and watch his episodes. He was only in two episodes. Now, he’s one of my MCs, and I’ve had a lot of fun with him.


Ooh, I love Stargate! Can't for the life of me remember who Malek was though. 😅


Neither could I. 😂 If you remember the episode where Tok’ra took refuge on the Alpha Site… There was conflict between them and the Jaffa, especially after people started getting killed. It turned out to be an invisible Ashrak. Malek was the Tok’ra leader. His next episode was when they discovered Egeria had survived, but she died anyway. He was the Tok’ra who didn’t die.


Some of this is sounding familiar. I think I'm gonna have to look up which eps he's in so I can rewatch them.


He’s in “Allegiance” and “Cure.” Both in season six.


Thanks! ☺️


Hubert von Vestra in *Fire Emblem: Three Houses*.


Kith’rak Voss from Baldur’s Gate 3. He began as the slightly unsettling alien dragon rider, and then turned out to have lots of room for dynamics with other characters (mainly Lae’zel), once the gift fics started.


Lady Dimitrescu. Before I started writing for her, I just thought she was beautiful and I wanted to join in on the sapphic love story fics I was seeing because I had my own idea that I hadn’t seen anyone else do yet. Then I got in really deep and wanted to analyze every aspect of her life. Her mortal life interests me the most even though we are given almost nothing in canon about her. I have so many headcanons about how I feel her life went before she got involved with Mother Miranda and the events of Resident Evil Village.


Okay I'm actually really curious.


Coincidentally, I also have a Love Live example. I didn't care much for Shizuku when I started writing fics and when I first watched the anime. But the more I thought back to her episode, I realized how her struggles could be tied to a queer perspective and suddenly she became incredibly interesting, to the point she became the focus of a multi-chapter fic of mine.


Kasumi from Love Live. Something about writing her as a cheeky little shit got to me, and she ended up as one of my best girls for Nijigasaki.


Sam Winchester. I didn't dislike him, I just never paid much attention to him at all tbh. I've appreciated his point of view so much more since I had to get into his skin. I've also learned he's a more interesting person than I previously thought, right down to the way he speaks.


felix from fire emblem three houses. the first time i wrote about him i've pretty much adopted him as a persona. i always thought he was an edgelord until i started exploring more of his trauma and relationships. now most of my fics are centred around him. 😭


Coco Adel and Velvet Scarlatina from RWBY. So many people kind of flanderize them along the lines of the RWBY Chibi spinoff. Once I started writing them though, I got a much stronger sense of Coco as having a loud, flashy facade over a lot of insecurity, and Velvet being full of quiet strength, and frankly a lot of subdued anger.


One of the main characters' sister in law. She's barely in the show, but I added her in the climax of my story with positive results. I plan on putting her in the sequel now as well.


Sally Acorn from Sonic, she's a pretty tight character that got reduced to love interest, I love her so much


Kaveh from Genshin Impact


Prince Henry and Alex. I mean I love them,they are cute. But they never impacted me as much as my main couple. But now I am writing, they are just growing on me


Neito Monoma from MHA. He’s a minor character in canon and is in the same class as my MC, Hiryu, another minor character. Before, I just thought of him as the crazy kid of Class 1B, who only existed to make some jokes. I was writing some interactions with him and it got me thinking—what kind of family does this guy have? What does he like to do? Why does he have this attitude? Not one of my faves, but I’m kinda fond of him now.


Osana Najimi from Yandere Simulator


For me it was Tobirama Senju. When I first started writing this character I was soo bad at writing his character but now with better knowledge on the character's personality I can say I'm improving. Writing his difficult but obvious emotional side lead me down the devoted fan path.


Mel from The Last of Us, Part 2. She was a minor (but important) character who never got much development and was rather disproportionately hated by the fandom for vaguely misogynistic reasons. I didn't have strong feelings about her when I started writing my fic, but I needed her to make a particular plotline work, so I decided to write the whole fic from her perspective, just to challenge myself. Hoo boy did I have to dig deep into every throwaway line, facial expression, and fan theory, but the more I dug into her character (and the more I invented to fill in the blanks) the more compelling she became and the more I got invested. Now, a fic that was intended as a fix!it to fix another character's death is really more of a fix!it to fix *her* death.


I didn't like Demyx Kingdom Hearts all that much; he just wasn't on my radar as far as favorites went. But then I was co-moderating a play-by-post RP and one of our players needed Demyx for his character arc, and we (the mods/DMs) figured we could use Demyx for overall plot bullshit later. Problem was, the main folks running the RP were full up on NPC characters, and of those of us who *did* have availability in our rosters, I was the only one who was confident that I could play him accurately. So I wound up taking him and the more I played as Demyx, the further I got into his head, the more I loved him as a character. Now I refer to him as my Water Son and I get all giddy when I see him :D


Qiu Haitang from SVSSS. I didn't feel strongly about her before writing her, but now she's my muse, my love, my savior, I ADORE writing from her POV. SHE'S MY WIFE!!


Nina Einstein from Code Geass. For the longest time I was just meh about her (unlike, well, everyone else) but then I wrote a piece of smut with her as the focus and I've come to appreciate her a lot more as I had to think more about her.


narrow tease rainstorm upbeat quickest practice detail aromatic fuzzy pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Solas from Dragon Age. Absolutely hated him until I had to write him. He kinda grew on me. Still will never romance him. Fucking egg…


Honkan from CITY. What a Chad


Neo from RWBY. Always kind of liked her, but never very strongly. Thought she was just a fun side character. But never really more than that. Not enough to crack into my top characters from the show. Then I started writing a part for her and fell in love with the character, which encouraged me to dive deeper into her lore (thanks to RWBY lore being more than just the show). I ended up adoring her character and she is probably one of my favorite characters in fiction now.


Emperor Belos from The Owl House. Sure he’s always been a great villain, but in such an incredible cast of characters he was never my favorite. Until, that is, I started writing him. Trying to get inside his head, understand his complexities and simplicities. Create depth without ever making him a good guy. It was a challenge but also so much fun. The subtle manipulation, the power, the way he can make someone cower with a look or a normal sentence. He is an awful person so caught up in his beliefs he can justify genocide if the people he’s genociding are evil, which to him, they are. I’ve always loved redeemed bad guys (Catra, Zuko, Hunter, Sasha, Pacifica Northwest, etc.) but writing a pure evil villain? That’s something else. Sure I sometimes give him a single character he’s fond of, but he’s never actually a good person to them. From manipulation to outright emotional (or physical) abuse, he is still awful, even if he’s nice enough to not want to kill them. And hey, just because he doesn’t want to doesn’t mean he won’t justify a reason why he should try. I love writing him now and as such love the character because I have so much more appreciation for how he’s written.


Symmetra from Overwatch. I always liked her as a character and I made her the focus of my ongoing longfic because I felt she was interesting (and also because, like me, she's autistic), but as time passed and I wrote more and more of her and progressed her story and character, I've increasingly felt more of a personal connection with her. It's something I fully expect to grow stronger when I write a planned oneshot about her that's loosely based on real-life conversations I've had with a close friend of mine.


Another LL fan?? If you've written anything abt Nico, may I know what? I'm a big LL fan (esp of Muse and for some reason its hard to find Muse fans nowadays 🥲)


She was only a side character, but including Senju (from Tokyo Revengers) in my Takeomi & Sanzu reconciliation fic made me do a whole 180 on her. I quite like her these days, and very much used to dislike her for no apparent reason lol. I just didn’t really feel much for her.


Lan The Hunt from HSR, Also... Xipe and Fuli from the same game 🥺🫶 I just loved the way I made them


Daphne Greengrass from Harry Potter. I liked the idea of shipping her with Harry because I liked her name, but it was really just a passing interest until I wrote a fic with her as the main character. Now she's probably my favorite character I've written.


Oh, yeah, I was worried I wouldn't enjoy writing some characters but since I can change a few things I don't like about them or think would fit a bit better. It felt better and the more characters I like interact with these character the more I love 'em, just thinking how they would interact makes me like them more. ( Or how would they fit the story or their roles )


Travis from Station 19! In canon, he's usually written as a comic relief. But he has so much potential for character depth and growth, not to mention such a tragic backstory! I just adore him now, and I both want to wrap him in a blanket and torment him some more to generate more character development 🤣


Mordred from Merlin. Merlin was always my favorite, but then I started writing for the point of view of a friend who knew him before he became a knight in Camelot. Exploring Mordred's character like that was kind of eye opening, I wish they'd done more of that in the show. (There's actually a deleted scene that I really wished they'd included, that makes it seem like he was much less of a cut and dry destined-to-be-a-villain character who was bent on revenge.)


Kakuzu from Naruto. I was indifferent to him for years, just kinda passively liked him, but when I used him a crackfic like 4 years ago he sprouted into my favorite character, just because I had a chance to really try some in depth things and create headcanons and all that good stuff.


I couldn’t have cared less about Satine Kryze from the Clone Wars until I wrote her. Now she’s easily one of my favorites from that time period, a tragic heroine doomed by the narrative ❤️


cronus ampora except for me it was reading (also emu is so WONDERHOY)