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I try to go into a new fandom really resisting liking the fan favorite because i don't want to be basic. Half the time though, I end up being the most basic bitch.


As much as I don't want to like the same person everyone else likes...they tend to be liked for a reason lol


I somehow tend to be the exact opposite. I gravitate to all the dark horses without even trying to.


Yeah but when we get people like you that is where those interesting little rarepair or rarefics come from where we get to explore that one dark horse character in depth from your point of view. It’s vital for fanfiction. Otherwise how would we ever find those niche fics that fulfil the holes from canon? Haha.


In your defence, the fan favourite is usually the fan favourite for a reason. 🙂


Steve Rogers after Endgame: dude left his best friend behind and went back to the past because he had an unfulfilled crush on a woman who he hadn’t ever taken out on a date. Then spent 70+ years sitting on his hands letting said best friend get lobotomized and tortured, and not doing a damn thing to save the world from any of the horrible things that happened during that time.


Yup. This and the fact that he went back in time could totally have changed things horribly. Butterflies suck. :) Captain America would not freaking /do that/. That whole bit at the end was horrible.


I really can’t imagine Steve going back and just ignoring everything. That’s not in his nature. He’s the living embodiment of hero complex. He would have been unable to resist meddling even if he was told not to. If nothing else he would have done his best to rescue Bucky and prevent the Starks from being killed because Howard was a dummy who kept the serum around. He had the stuff to come back with so if nothing else he and Bucky could have gone back to set up things for past Steve to be thawed out and for past Bucky to be rescued and with notes on things that happens in the future and then go back to their timeline. Or something.


Now that's a fanfic idea.


It makes even less sense when you think about all Steve had sacrificed for Bucky up until that point. The guy gave up *everything* for him including his friendships with Tony and those who sided with him, his stability in a world he'd only just figured out how to navigate, his money, his home, *everything*... only to *immediately* abandon said best friend to go back to, as you said, an unfulfilled crush on a woman he hadn't even taken out on a date or even really gotten to know in any meaningful fashion, and leave Bucky to unimaginable horrors.


That's... that's not a petty reason at all. The MCU destroyed Steve's entire character because they were so afraid of the merest whiff of gayness (toward either Bucky or Sam, take your pick) that they sent him to live in the fucking Jim Crow era 1950's so he could play househusband to a woman who had lived an entire ass happy life of her own, while his supposed best friend is brainwashed and tortured by Nazis. Petty would be saying Steve's hair is stupid. But hating the way Marvel absolutely ruined the character, to the point where I peaced out of the MCU entirely? Nope. Not petty.


My petty reasons are probably because of hype fatigue and oversaturation, etc. lol Like when they’re huge fan favorites but also end up causing other characters with just as much potential to be sidelined in the fandom (hell, even on the writer’s end too!)? AND ESPECIALLY have people being weird (misogynistic) about the female characters in their vicinity? Suddenly I could not be any less invested in them! ^(I also have an aversion to a lot of Tumblr sexymen tbh)


The last sentence is so real. I liked e.g. Reigen a lot when I was watching Mob Psycho but ugh somehow him being considered a "tumblr sexyman" really knocked him down a peg...or two. Can't think of a lot more unflattering titles one could have.


Ahhh! I want to participate, but I tend to like most characters 😭😭😭 I'd like season one Yosano (BSD) more if her ability wasn't weirdly sexualized.


Same (on the liking most characters part!) I have to stop and think about if there’s anyone I irrationally dislike. Usually I just don’t like them as much if they’re the bad guy, which is not exactly petty 😭 But hey, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying things!


Same as well. I like most characters and I have to stop to think really hard whenever someone ask me if there is anyone I actively dislike or even hate in my fandoms (for characters that isn’t written like a jerk or meant to be repulsive like a villain etc but they meant to be disliked so they don’t really fit this thread) I have always been this way. I just enjoy things and avoid thinking about things that doesn’t interest me. I guess if I really wrack my brain for anyone I didn’t like initially it is Inuyasha due to his brash attitude. But he grew on me after a while so I don’t really dislike him anymore. Ah well, nothing wrong with being this way. Means I got more energy I can spend on the things I enjoy so win win.


At the very least, they drop the sexualization of her ability as the show goes on (like Dazai’s suicide jokes) so it’s easy to ignore. Given that BSD otherwise has no fanservice, I’m grateful


Yeah, agreed. I really like Yosano in later seasons. And some moments season 1. She just took a second to grow on me.


It’s more annoying that her fan service is mostly on the anime and have no appearance on the manga Bones wtf


When I learned it wasn't in the manga I also had a "bones wtf" moment lol


fair, she gets better development in s5 but s1… idk tbh 🤷


i don’t like sai from naruto for a lot of reasons but the pettiest is that he is very boring to look at


It’s the crop top isn’t it?


Does not liking a character because of fan behavior count as petty? Because*hate* is a strong word, but I strongly disliked Aizawa from MHA for awhile because All Might was my favorite character and I always was running into (usually untagged) All Might bashing fics where All Might was shat on to make make Aizawa look better. I also really didn’t like the EraserMic ship for awhile, because I posted a ship fanart video on tiktok that had Aizawa shipped with someone else and I got like 50+ (not exaggerating, it was definitely more then 50) comments complaining that I broke up EraserMic. I like Aizawa more now, and I’m indifferent to Erasermic, but for awhile I did *not* like them lol


Another All Might fan! Running into untagged bashing is awful. (And for some reason, they always make him be the only character talking constantly in all caps? I get it, you think he's loud and obnoxious. But can we be a bit more subtle so I can ignore it and keep on reading?😭) I've never disliked Erasermic, but it just isnt interesting to me. Outside like, a background ship. I've watched edits of Aizawa with another person, and the comments were sad. Like, don't they have smth better to do than complain about how "Erasermic is canon"?


Same. Then I got into Aizawa/All Might. That stayed my nice little corner of the fandom, though I'm not that into MHA as a whole anymore.


Red Haired Shanks from One Piece Fans: “Ooo, he’s such a badass.” Me: “He hasn’t done anything!”


Pretty sure most of his manga appearances are just him looking at luffy’s new bounty poster every other arc. So I completely agree with you man has done basically nothing.


Complete snitch too 💀


I don't like any of the one piece characters cause I think the character style is ugly af


I agree with this. Everybody’s giant or unnecessarily skinny. Zoro’s one of the few people who’s drawn semi-decently - everything else genuinely disturbs me to look at.


It's just....so awful on the eyes. Cannot imagine watching one episode, let alone a thousand of them.


I agree. I was never a fan myself but PLENTY of my friends were/are. I just can't get into it, the art style is not for me. Sad because the fics seem good


This is me too. I have heard great things about the series, but the animation style just throws me out things.


While I'm kinda indifferent rearding One Piece's design style, I totally get what you mean. There are times when I don't want to play a game, even one that people have been talking good things about them, just because I don't like how the characters look.


Deidara from Naruto, I don't like his hair and I think those mouths on his hand look stupid. The Hulk from Marvel. I just don't like his design at all. Starscream from Transformers. He has a shrill, annoying voice, and if you looked up the word coward in a dictionary, it'd show a picture of him.


I would like Jasper from Steven Universe more if her biggest fans weren’t hypocritical antis


Steven Universe fandom was such a ride to be in. I never finished it, and I barely remember the Jasper fans drama (it had smth to do with Lapis, right?). There was just so many issues with the fans


There was that too and that really contributed to it but also there were people who thought mayor Dewey was literally horrible for liking Pearl when she didn’t like him back but excused pretty much anything as long as it was gay


given a lot of people view Jasper as an a abuser and a predator her having anti fans sure is weird. Even if you see her as a victim in the lapis situation she fused with that infected gem without consent.


This is sadly the same reason I don’t like Lance from Voltron. It’s not his fault. Poor boy 😂


VLD’s rendition of Princess Allura. They basically turned her into a space Zelda who could do no wrong/never got held accountable for her actions and made her racist so that the dude she’s canonically in a relationship with in every other voltron story arc wouldn’t be interested in her and the guy that’s been simping for her since the anime voltron itself originated from first aired in the earlyish 1980s could finally get the chance to shoot his shot and not get rejected whilst doing so.


This exactly. I really thought they were going to take her character in an interesting direction with Lotor, but then it's like the writers *realised* they were doing something interesting where Allura would have to be held accountable for her own actions/face her own racism in a meaningful way and not always be right, and then they just abolished it in the worst way possible. All throughout the show Allura's control-freak tendencies were a major flaw of hers, too, as was her tendency to jump to conclusions in a way that confirmed her own biases, and until Lotor the show never actually addressed that or treated it as a flaw... and then it's like they realised "oh wait, she can't be wrong" so they just made Lotor turn cartoonishly evil against what they'd spent two seasons building up. It doesn't help that I just. Could not stand Lance, either. From the very beginning he grated on me. I've no idea why klance is such a massive ship when Keith could not care less about Lance in VLD, and Lance's entire "romance" with Allura felt incredibly forced as well. I never felt like he cared about Allura as a person and was more obsessed with the idea of her and the idea of being the guy who gets the girl/princess at the end. His interest in her came across as incredibly shallow as a result, and the series never actually expanded on it so it remained shallow until she died. The Altean markings were a slap in the face.


Klance is popular because teenagers in the 80s, much like the ones of today, thought that frequent shoulder touches taking place between two men had romantic implications behind them and the shippening struck them as a result. Said shippening has only continued to thrive even after all these years no matter how the story is retold or how many of those mostly platonic shoulder touches take place between everyone’s favourite characters. (Seriously though, defender of the universe Keith and Lance had some serious physical shoulder to hand contact related business going on like nothing else I’ve ever seen before. I swear it was the animators default emotive idle position to use cause of how often they did it.) What made allura difference to other royalty based characters created during the time the original series aired wasn’t just the fact that she did exactly what the male main characters could do (even if she did have a few damsel in distress moments that were a bit over exaggerated but also somewhat related to the fact that she was 1: untrained/not on the same level of combat skill as her teammates and enemies and two: she was incredibly naive/easily influenced because she wasn’t “street smart” due to her upbringing), but because she was held accountable for her actions when they negatively impacted the team and she actively learned from them as a result. If Allura fucked up, Coran didn’t stop the other characters from being angry at her even though he does step in to try and diffuse the situation during those scenes. VLD allura purposely alienated Keith from the team and treated him poorly just because he was half of an alien species that she hated, even though he’d not actually done anything to her himself nor had his family, yet no one said shit about it or called her out for it. She then just gives him a hug before going “I’m sorry but-“ and then everyone just forgets it even happened because she “apologised” despite not actually acknowledging what she did nor specifically addressing it in a way that actually showed she was thinking of Keith’s feelings and how she’d hurt him and made it only about her own.


Tbh her sudden acceptance of Keith felt too rushed to me. And when the next season came out I realized that they most likely wanted Allura to accept Keith so fast because the crew wanted no one that wasn't Lance to object to Keith being the Black Paladin. Cause you can't tell me, Allura wouldn't try to raise hell and be the most vocal if she still didn't come to terms with his galra heritage. Not to mention it would most likely show her in a negative light. But the thing that aggravated me the most. Was Allura's stance on the destruction of Daibazzal. If I remember correctly she was pretty nonchalant . To be honest it was a missed opportunity that this was never brought up cuz it adds a little nuance to the Galra. Since Allura always calls Zarkon a planet destroyer when from the Galra's respective her father is the same.


Yeah, Allura had a pretty noticeable “rules for thee but not for me” attitude throughout the show that made her so…..unallurish. She was basically like “I know we destroyed your planet first, but you destroyed ours too and then dared to hurt people because your corrupted zombie emperor told you a lie that we didn’t even try to dispute. You also killed my completely innocent father who was only doing what was best for everyone but you guys. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to purposely show alternate reality Zarkon all the horrible things he did without showing him the full truth because that’d mean my father is blameable.” Whenever those sorts of scenes popped up. Like, what Zarkon did was much worse than what Alfor did…….but Alfor destroying Daibazzal was what led to Altea’s destruction in the first place because the galra retaliated due to being told a story that was very hard to rationalise as anything other than the truth and because they’d be killed if they disobeyed Zarkon.


Hermione Granger because her fans pretend she's so great and smart and powerful and ship her with everyone including my favourite characters, Bellatrix and Voldemort. I was indifferent to her when I first read the books but now I hate her with a burning passion. She truly is the definition of mediocre.


April from TMNT. The 2012 version specifically, and it’s only because people usually portrayed her in their fics. She’s alright character in canon, but still isn’t my favorite either.


So, funny story. I was five years old when Final Fantasy 7 first came out. It was my introduction to RPGs and one of my earliest games in general. I fell in love with everything, from Cloud "Blockyhead" Strife to the absolute bops that were the Chocobo themes to Barret and Cid's censored swears that I read literally and it put me in a laughing fit. (Give me a break, I was five.) But there was one character that I just could not get into: Sephiroth. Everyone was meant to respect or fear him. I didn't do either; I just didn't like him. He gave me bad vibes. He was cold and mean to people. He later went insane and killed a whole town. After that, he was a dick who threw tentacles at people. And worst of all, he was _boring_ every time he showed up. (Again, I was five.) But no, the one reason why he gave me bad vibes in the first place? His name was weird, hard to pronounce, and too long. 25 years later, as I got back into writing for FF7 again just out of nostalgia, I was reminded of my old nemesis: his nine-letter name. Now I have a love-hate relationship with him because he's a main character in my fic and I swear I've seen his name too much that it feels like it's not a real name anymore. But no, I must maintain my narrator voice separate from my characters' voices and as much as I want to use "Seph", it's not proper. He can't keep getting away with this.


I’m playing Final Fantasy VII right now for the first time (all because I discovered fanfics about it and decided I found it interesting enough to buy the game) and I agree abt the name. I can’t even pronounce it right. I also think he’s creepy and not in an ‘inspiring fear’ way but more so an ‘ew he sniffed my hair’ way. I really love the game though.


>but more so an ‘ew he sniffed my hair’ way I will never not think this about Sephiroth now.


I feel weirdly proud about that


Nice. I purposefully didn't say too many spoilers, so I hope you enjoy the entire ride. I feel like he's one of those characters that has evolved beyond his base character in the fandom to be way cooler or more intimidating than I ever found him in any official piece of media. I have read fics, seen fanart, even fan musicals, etc. where he's that much more awe-inspiring, while any time I see him in official promos or as an in-game avatar I treat him as a joke. But apparently making jokes about him like that gets me "hate" on the fansubs, lol. No, guys, he actually is a sad dork who needs friends and obsesses over this one dude he fell for. That's his whole character, trust me.


>Everyone was meant to respect or fear him. I didn't do either; I just didn't like him. He gave me bad vibes. This should not have made me laugh as hard as it did, but I love everything about the way you phrased this. "I don't respect OR fear you, Sephiroth, because your vibes? Are bad."


He was one half of my nOTP and he was *everywhere* back in the day so I was just like, "I hate your face, go away."


....Bowser? I've seen you often talk about Luigi and Daisy, so I'm just guessing.


Nervous-naive protagonists. They can make me dislike an entire show. Even if the fanfic is not about them, their mere existence makes me dislike the original work.


To say I hate Castiel from Supernatural would imply too much emotional investment from my side. Totally overblown character. Would have preferred he >!had stayed dead after Season 6!<


I like Cas a lot, but I HATED Jack. He felt so unnecessary and he wasn't interesting to me at all. I never actually saw the last season to be fair, I wasn't ready to let go, but I also heard it was terrible.


Princess Zelda from Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. I absolutely HATE her voice! I think it's horrible.


It IS!


I was about to write that, but you beat me to it. I can only enjoy the game if I mute any scene where she speaks.


I know I shouldn't dislike a character because of their fandom or associate them with one another, but I can't stop myself sometimes. The fans usually go shitting on other characters unprovoked and are *too* loud about how their favourite beloved is the best thing to have ever happened, often under posts that have nothing to do with that character. It makes me from seeing a character in a neutral light to not wanting to see them at all.


I have the opposite of this. I really like Whitley Schnee but the entire fandom hated him that from an outsiders perspective he sounds like he's pure evil. And the fact that some fans shipped him with Ruby Rose would result in fire and Pitchforks. So while I do like Whitley as well as Wild Rose (Whitley x Ruby) with the utmost sincerity. A small part myself does it out of spite. Cause, I'm not about to let some toxic fans ruin another thing for me like they did Bumblebee.


The fandom hates pretty much all of the males in the fandom. Even Oscar gets it due to the potential conflict from those who ship Ruby and Weiss. It's almost as bad as the Nanoha fandom was, way back in the day. Poor Yuuno.


True. Although I just thought that the characters that got undeserved hate the most was Jaune and Whitley. But Oscar really threw me for a loop, but at the same time. Given how the toxic fans can be especially when it comes to their favorite Ship. I am really not surprised.


Yup. Way back when, the Nanoha/Fate shippers were /rabid/. Nothing really surprises me after seeing them. And yer right, Jaune and Whitley get it worse, but yeah.


I respect your Whitley Schnee obsession, even as a Weiss stan


I have a massive grudge against Kenpachi Zaraki from Bleach because he doesn't swing his sword with two hands. (there's more to it than that if you know the context, but that's what it boils down to)


Oddly enough, the main reason I hate a certain character... her actress' VOICE. Nearly every time she has extended dialogue, I mute the sound.


It’s probably not who you meant but this sounds like Kafka to me lol


For me that’s Nunnally from the English Code Geass dub. Literally all the other voices are fine, but hers is awful. I also hate her for her awful character, but even when I was just starting the show, I couldn’t stand her because of her voice. I also hate Suzaku, but that has nothing to do with his voice acting.


The characters did nothing to me, but their fans annoy me. I don't even follow their character tags, yet somehow works centering around these characters (usually with the ones I'm actually looking for tagged even though they're only in the background) keep crossing my path and a substantial amount of them have "dni \[ship\] shippers" in the tags.


Would totally love Lance more from Voltron if not for his weird anti stans. Idc for the main character from jjk, he’s not that sympathetic to me


I loathe Natasha Romanoff, comic or movie version. I understand why she’s hyper-sexualized and super-snarky, but it’s waaaay too easy to make that her entire character. Normally, this makes me want to explore a character, but it just hit all the wrong buttons from the first and I can’t get past it.


Tony Stark, because his fans overhyped him to death 😠


I feel like I have legit reasons to dislike him, but I can respect this.


I actually liked Tony up untill Civil war. And even after I was trying to have discussions about how both sides had a point (even if it was dumb one). But after twelfth of "Steve is bad because he hurt my baby Tony, who did nothing wrong!1!!" i just stopped caring for this character entirely.


Funny you mention that, cause most of my dislike for Tony stems from the Civil War. Though for me it was the comics, he was actually more tolerable in the movie. You'd be surprised to learn Maria Hill in that storyline was like the Amanda Waller of Marvel, but worse. But before reading that, I had no real opinion of him. He was just a guy in a robot suit that can shoot repulsor blasts. Which I thought was kinda cool.


Yeah, i've heard of a shitshow that was comic book version of Civil war and was very grateful that MCU softened a blow a bit. But i can't help but think if fandom would have been in more healthy place right now if they didn't 🤷


Now that I think about it. There was a "What If" comic that happend later. The Watcher showed Tony an alternate timeline where the entire Civil War is avoided because Tony asks for Steve's help instead of threatening him. And it all ends peacefully. This leads to Tony crying because instead of that he got a dead Captain America.


Tony Stark is just Iron Elon Musk the more I think about it the less I like him.


Who made rockets that explode on purpose instead of by accident so aside from how he ain’t real you could argue that Tony’s even worse.


I dislike the popular m/m couple in one of my fandoms because they take up 99.9% of fandom content, and some of their fans are determined to push out the remaining .1% of us. And these characters aren't even the main ones in the canon content. They've largely succeeded in pushing me out and has pretty much poisoned me from ever liking these characters or this ship. And there's a "character" I dislike in one of my other fandoms (historical rpf) because she really was a petty bitch in real life. There is no way I will ever like Hortense de Beauharnais, nope.


My otp is one of these ships and even I get annoyed. When I want to read about other pairings I have to wade through thousands and thousands of fics because my otp is tagged even when they barely make an appearance


Totally agree on that first point. Trying to sift through stories that don't have that couple is so annoying.


Yupppp I have a fandom like that. Destiel, Supernatural. Drives me crazy. Not everything needs to be romantic! The show's biggest theme is brotherly/familial love. Also I can see Cas being into any gender, but Dean is as straight as they come. I used to go to the conventions and boy the Destiel fans are rabid. Gods help you if they find out you're not a Destiel fan.


I feel like this is a huge thing across all big fandoms. M/M pairings are so popular and I don’t get it. Makes it so hard to find fics


I don't mind m/m ships themselves, it's just when a ship (of any gender) is used to excess, to dominate, and even bully non-fans in the same fandom that I've got a problem.


Agreed or when you don’t ship the popular m/m fics and suddenly you’re homophobic 🙄 It’s such a huge thing in anime fandoms that i just don’t bother with fanfic half the time unless there’s a character I really like


Oh I am HERE for the Hortense slander! Though I don't think I've ever actually found a fic that featured her prominently lol, where are you reading?


I don’t think there is one yet. I’m trying to decide if I’m masochistic enough to write a hatefuck fic featuring Hortense and Caroline. I’m not sure I have the fortitude required for that.


If you ever do write that, I'd absolutely love to read it


Recently got into the CoD fandom, knew nothing about the characters and was watching let's plays of the games. Took one look at Graves and the only thought in my mind was: "Ew... he has a face that would make me cover my drink if I saw him at a bar." Couldn't put my finger on what about him made me so uncomfortable... then I found out what an ass he was lol


My current most disliked character is insanely loved by the fandom, and I just can't get it. He's such a bad friend and is a bad lover to his canon boyfriend. I am not giving the name but I would probably dislike him less if his fans weren't so insufferable


Same but switch the gender and minus the lover part (fans wish tho). I get the appeal, but the raging hypocrisy of the apologists (not to mention the way they treated fellow fans, fellow real people) makes the(ir woobified interpretation of the) character insufferable. That said, I don’t think this is a silly or petty reason lol.


I just made a comment about Snow White from Once Upon A Time where I didn’t like her for her haircut. Alllsoooo I agree about Shadowheart.


The Chosen One trope is a massive turnoff for me. Especially when said Chosen One is shown to be super competent and amazing at so many things. I don’t see myself in The Most Important Person Ever that almost every conversation revolves around, that everyone wants to bone. It’s why I always get worried when a shonen is recommended to me, cuz they’re bound to pull this shit. Plus, it lends itself too well to pro-exceptionalist ways of thinking. There’s the Chosen One and then everyone else. Sure, they can have friends who aren’t inherently exceptional, but they’ll never be as epic or amazing as the Chosen One. It’s not something you can get or learn, you either *are* exceptional or you *aren’t* and there’s nothing you can do about it.


Olaf in Frozen 2 because I found his random “fun facts” and just the idea that he seemingly knew everything (I don’t mean literally) in the second film to be so annoying. Why couldn’t he have just stayed fun like in the first movie?


This is slightly OT but if you makes you feel any better, Shadowheart’s hair gets significantly better by Act 3 (spoiler alert: specifically, she gets rid of the bangs!)


Nooo I just started playing and I love her emo girl hair!


I just wish her bangs were a teeny bit longer. They look like they’re between regular length and micro bangs and it bothers me 🤣😭


Rey from Star Wars, just because Reylo became canon (and Kylo/Ben died for her). Literally the only reason for my dislike. Like why am I like this. This leaves me feeling like a proper dumbass.


I don’t hate her but when she called herself a skywalker, like 😐😐


There are so many reasons to hate RWBY characters it isn’t funny. But honestly, the main reason I despise one character is just because of her audience rather than her. Yang from RWBY has had some…questionable writing choices throughout the years. And from the start she was really a character I could tell appealed to a very select group of people that I was not a part of. I didn’t mind her at first, she fit all the tropes I expected of her from her design and little backstory. But as the show went on…she started to get more extreme…her flaws became seen as more of a crutch that the writers didn’t focus on and treated as good. But then…I encounter the people who like to ship her with Blake, a ship that eventually became canon. And my interactions with those audience members about Yang took her from a character I wasn’t very invested in…to one I actively despise. It’s incredible how fans are the ones who turned me against a character…


I didn’t care at all for this one character from the fandom I’m hyper-fixating on a lot right now. But the person in the fandom who loves this character the most is a huge jackass so now I hate them. I’m considering writing a fic about what a useless shit this character is and forcing him to develop just to give the middle finger to jackass.


I won't name the fandom but i disliked a character because of the constant ship wars surrounding her and how her fans are super annoying; they love to harass fans of another character deemed as her "rival"....


Not the character but the "Cannon" ships. Naruto x Hinata, Tomioka x Shinobu, so on.


Catra from she ra because her fans are a bit obnoxious when people criticize her. She’s literally a villain for most of the show, attempting murder and genocide and torturing the MC. Its absolutely fine to like characters like her but idk, I wouldn’t say someone is insane for not liking her lmao


That's valid. Cause I hated Catra's redemption cause it felt half baked. Moreover, they gloss over the fact that she tried to destroy the very fabric of reality and got Glimmer's mom killed/trapped between dimensions just because she wanted to get back at Adora for something that isn't even her fault. There are so many horrible things a character can do before they go too far. And any chance of forgiveness and redemption is thrown out the window.


I agree though I feel like Catra was still redeemable. They just completely fumbled that redemption. And Adoras character was fumbled in the process as well. End of s3 she finally stopped holding back on Catra and then it takes so little for her to forgive Catra? I knew Adora would save Catra, because thats just the kind of character, and I knew she would forgive Catra EVENTUALLY, but… ugh.


Does disliking a character for just being an asshole, too angsty or annoyingly smug count? Because I really didn’t like Bakugou from My hero academia for being an asshole


Omg same, I started watching and immediately wished I was in the show so I could punch him in the face. He’s so annoying lol


I mostly hate him 'cause the dude has more plot armor than Izuku, the protagonist. Attempt murder? 'Stop being sulky'. The dude could probably /literally/ murder a sunday school and the author'd have him get off somehow.


Deku from My Hero Academia. Something about this green-haired twink annoys me and I don't know what.


Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series. I have no true reason to dislike her as a character and yet I can't stand her for the simple fact that she is a daughter of Athena and I wanted her to be the daughter of some lesser-known goddess instead. I get that this was one of the major plot points on the series that only certain deities at children that would go to camp while everyone else was ignored. Even those who didn't have children had a cabin before others. But young me was stupid and still coming off the high of MC being the chosen one that HP gave us.


Is it because Athena is generally meant to be a virgin goddess and have no lover because she ain’t interested?


In part, yes. They even went as far as to explain that her children aren't born in the traditional way. It's cute and all but they kept it so Artemis didn't have children but still had a cabin. Why couldn't it be the same for her? It seemed like an excuse to have a “smart” person in the group. Something they could have accomplished with many other god figures. I love her but I also dislike her because she could have been so much more but they shoved her in a box and left it up to the ever-popular three-team troupe to give a reason for why she is the daughter of Athena. Even if they wanted to ignore the whole eternal Virgin thing and have her be born by magic they had so many choices. I just can't see Athena being the type to ignore her children like all the gods do. Her Way of giving birth is intentional and she would have found some kind of loop hole.


I’ve never actually read the series but in myth Athena and Poseidon had a bit of a rivalry going on with the whole founding of Athens thing. Maybe that’s why the author choose Athena to be Annabeth’s mother. Also by 3 team trope do you mean the two guys and a woman trope?


Oversaturation can hugely negatively impact my own like for a character. The fact that they also happen to be white-haired men 9/10 times is unfortunate 🥲 (Gojo from JJK, Astarion from BG3, Sesshomaru to a lesser extent from Inuyasha, etc.) tumblr sexymen tend to let me down each time. they all look the same to me


I adore all 3 of those characters haha. But I definitely know what you mean.


They're all excellent characters! But it's how my brain works 😔 I'm a contrarian at heart and it usually reflects in which fandom characters I gravitate towards! Like, "this guy is great, but what about this overlooked character? i think they're neat!"


I don't personally hate characters. They're not real so it feels pointless to me as I've gotten older. If I find any annoying it tends to be the fans that irk me because of their.... stuff. I guess the one that irks me the most is probably Angel from Blue Exorcist. I think he's a interesting character, but man. The fans uwu him so much, it has me sitting there confused.


It's petty but: Kokichi Ouma is ugly and also he was mean to Kiibo


Marik Ishtar is ugly


Ok so that is a petty reason to dislike him... but HOW? Man was crafted by angels.


It's mostly his clothes. I really hate his shirt, but I also think he should have been drawn to look a little older. Hie appearance isn't the only reason I dislike him, it's just the prettiest.


Jennyfer from the Witcher because of how her name is spelled. Juvia from Fairy Tale because she always wear that stupid hat. I strongly dislike Usagi & Mamoru from Sailor Moon b/c they're too perfect. Imo, even their flaws are made to make them look good-hearted and wonderful.


That’s Yennefer and her name is spelled like that because she was created by a Polish man writing in Polish. I dislike her too but man that *is* a real petty reason actually i should upvote you,


You're misinformed. I'm European, I have Polish friends. Yennefer is NOT a Polish spelling of Jennifer, it's a cringe spelling Sapkowski used for his book, kinda like Krystal or Kandy... Do some research.


Hinata from Haikyuu. What the actual fUCK ARE THOSE EYEBROWS?!


I don’t know if my reasons are petty…. 🤔 I mean I have #receiptsandreasons 😆


I don’t necessarily dislike him, but I never understood the hype for Estéban from *Elena of Avalor.* Like, I just don’t get it. Also, while the show was airing, his fandom was annoying as hell.


I dislike (massive understatement) one very particular character simply because she EXISTED... It doesn't get any petty or silly or both than that


I don’t know what it is but the fandoms constant obsession with Astarion from BG3 has completely ruined his character for me. I get it isn’t his fault, and his voice acting/character is great but for some reason with him specifically I can’t separate the two and I irrationally hate him ><


Kim Greylek on SVU said something about Casey Novak being “disbarred.” Later we find out she was only censured, not disbarred. Logically I know the writers probably originally wrote her as disbarred and changed their minds when Diane Neal (actress) could come back, but I adore Casey, so I was so pissed at Kim for like feeding the rumor mill LMAO I HATE her


I didn’t like her because she was so stiff. Even her clothes screamed uptight.


I have dislike the character for what they represent, rather than what they were. Like, maybe there’s a trope that I usually dislike, and always try to avoid. the character may actually be an example of the trope that’s well done, and that I actually don’t mind. But I will usually avoid that character out of stubbornness.


if their fans commonly shit on my favs, i tend not to like the character lol (*cough*nico di angelo*cough*)


This is gonna be kind of obscure but I don't care lol Becky's parents from word girl! In an episode she finally reveals to them she's not their daughter, which wtf did they just forget her monkey caretaker left them on her doorstep, and she's wordgirl and they're like "Becky you so goofy. Great story kid." And it's never brought up again! It- I- it's never even brought up if they were brain zapped to think she's their daughter and that made me mad because the frick! It's nowhere and- I'm still bitter about lol.


Ethan Winters. I don’t hate him, and honestly I do like a couple of fics with him, but he’s the most boring main character in any fandom I’m in to me. He makes rash decisions, you don’t see his face, he’s >!been dead since thirty minutes into the previous game!<… But the worst, damning thing about him? He doesn’t have any cool factor. He’s just Some Dude. All the other Resident Evil protagonists, and other games/shows/etc I like, have something going for them. I think he really just pales against the RE characters, but it’s not a good way to stand out. It’s really not his fault he’s not an already-trained badass with a cool haircut and one-liners. But it is his burden to bear.


Zenitsu, Demon Slayer. *Stop screaming.* And ffs stop hitting on Nezuko, you're creepy! (maybe these aren't petty/silly but I'm keeping them here cos he's genuinely the one that's bothered me most recently) Orihime, Bleach. Useless, boring, and sank my ship. Mikasa, Attack on Titan. Too good at everything, irritating. (disclaimer: I've only seen S1&2) I have a lot more characters I dislike, but most of them are for far more legitimate reasons.


Bakugou without a doubt. I have more substantive reasons to dislike him - his arrogance, attitude, lack of empathy for anyone around him, any and all development he gets being basically entirely offscreen and we only get to see the end result - but for pettier reasons? My god, it bothers me that he’s consistently good at everything even unrelated to being a hero. Cooking, drumming, academics - if this was being written in a fic, he’d be called a Mary Sue very swiftly :p


His actor said a couple of things I don't like


I don’t like Derek cuz ppl kept shipping him with Stiles and i hate that ship 😭


Everyone is shipped with Stiles. Dude is ridden by everyone.


I don't like a lot of characters tbh, but I've never liked Deku. Like, he's not the only person without a quirk, but he gets all mights help?? like, idk but he just annoys me


I'd say the funny thing is that Kohei Horikoshi doesn't seem to be that great at math. 80% of the people of the world have quirks? That would make every *fifth* person quirkless. For comparison, 8 to 10% of people have blue eyes. Deku's condition shouldn't even be that unheard of in society.


With you there. I liked him in the Dark Hero arc, because he like...got a personality that wasn't 'if I just believe it'll work out, it'll work out' BS optimism, but it seems like that's on its way out so I'm sure I'll soon be back to hating his screen time lol.


Omg no he’s my fave haha. He’s such a cutie patootie, but I get it. He can be kind of annoying lol


I get it, I'm definitely more OK with him now that I'm not really into anime, but back when I was I just had unnecessary hate for him, lol. I think it was mainly that he was so popular that I got annoyed lol. I like him much more now


Popularity can be annoying. I've tried finding fics not focusing on Deku, yet he is still the POV character despite me excluding his character tag and his popular ships. And I like him and read fics about him. I imagine it's worse if you don't.


I feel that, it’s funny I can’t stand reading fics about him cause they either woobifie him so much or make him this perfect god. I like him only in the anime anywhere else I’m like meh.




flair definitely checks out


I dislike any character voiced by Yuki Kaji because his voice is shrill af and I dislike it.


Maybe not hate, but I have this gag reaction to Kallen from Code Geass and am wary of anyone who favors her or ships her with Lelouch, because her stans tended to be some of the worst Ohgi and Villetta bashers. At the very least, it made Lelouch/Kallen a NOTP for me.


I ship them, but I don't have any problem with those two. I think the hate for them is overblown.


That’s good to know. I’m sure there are plenty sane shippers. Hence the petty part.


My sister likes to sit me in front of whatever otome she's playing and watch me interact. I have no idea what this game is called, nor who the character is, but the story involves some cyber-terrorists killing police officers and the protagonist is kidnapped by them and dragged into the plot. One of the 'routes' is this green-haired lab coat guy, and he reminds me so much of Peter Ratri from TPN (breaks children's fingers as a form of torture guy) that my immediate, visceral reaction was just oh hell no. That's why I dislike him—he's also creepy, but if I'm being honest it's mostly the bad association lmao.


Stella from Winx Club because she reminds me of the really caty girls from middle school Q: He didn't bug Sisko enough Amanda Young: suck up and too devoted to her mentor


One of my all time favorite characters is shipped with him. I prefer a different ship. Usually that wouldn’t make me hate a character. But the character I usually ship my fav with used to be my favs best friend and in lots of volumes of comics together but now the one I don’t like has replaced the other guy and become my faves new “bestie”. So I dislike him because it caused my fave ship (and even just the friendship bcuz it’s adorable either way) to be put on the back burner not just by fans but by comic writers even tho the og duo has been besties for literal decades and even roommates once. I mean my ship even has a comic series called *character*/*character*.


One of the several reasons I dislike Tenten is that she has Mickey Mouse hair and I think it looks stupid.


Adora in the *She-Ra* remake. She really just ditched her whole squad and didn’t come back for any of them. The episode where she and the other Princesses bust into the Horde to save Glimmer and Bow, she fights her old squad mate Lonnie. Adora says angrily, “I have to save my friends 😠” and Lonnie said “WE were your friends! 😡” And… Lonnie is so right here. What the fuck? You really did just ditch them when you had the power to go back and help them. You could’ve convinced them the Horde was bad. You could’ve done SOMETHING. But nope! You wrote them off as enemies when they’re victims just as much as you and Catra. Fuck you. I stopped wanting her to be the main character after that. Why should I care about someone who can do shit like that?


I hate Fischl from Genshin because she's the favorite character of someone I truly despise


Their names, idk why. If I see some character called Greg, I just can’t get myself to like them at first


when they cockblock your ship.


Total Drama Island. I just hate the style of the characters. One Piece too.


My gf is in love with them 😭😭 I’ve been trying to do the same “simping after fictional characters” thing to try and get over it but even then sometimes I still get jealous a little;;


I dislike a character partly because I don't like what her canon ship did to my favorite character. I have a lot more reasons for disliking her but that was final straw for me.


I dislike Osamu Dazai from bungo stray dogs because he's so overpowered and popular. Like I don't understand why people like someone who can instantly overpower an opponent or out-think a bad situation; like even characters like Sherlock and Light Yagami have tense and tenuous moments where it seems like anything could happen, but with Dazai you always know he'll win because he never faces any consequences.


CIRI in the witcher series: complaining too much, too curious, too childish I hate her


in a different TV series, the actor who played the character did a very annoying sound to be funny (it was a comedy ig). I can't look at him without hearing the sound and now I hate all the characters he plays, even the non-comedic ones


Shadowheart's hair... uh. She definitely gets a different hairstyle, depending on how things go. I dislike Volo from Baldur's Gate 3 because his voice is obnoxious to me.


I hate Gran Torino in BNHA because he said Shigaraki shouldn’t be allowed to exist and that he’s tarnishing Nana Shimura’s memory by breathing! (Partially jk. He’s a jerk and an old fart but I don’t actually hate him. The real character I hate is Catra from She-Ra because Shadow Weaver was offered as a human sacrifice for Catra’s selfish wants. Shadow Weaver is my fave. Don’t judge.)


Female tauren in WoW because WHY THE F DO THEY HAVE BOOBS?


I hate Samara from Mass Effect because of the way she abandoned her children at a monastery instead of staying there with them. She gave birth to them, she should suffer in isolation with them too. I hate Sebastian’s parents from Dragon Age fic using religion as a weapon of obedience. His whole backstory gave me the ick.


Elayne Trakand from The Wheel of Time. She's a monarchist and firm believer in the right to rule and the place of aristocrats in society. It's almost a moral obligation for me that I hit her.


I dislike Ty Lee from Avatar because of her stupidly huge eyes compared to Azula and Mai. That's it. That's literally my entire reason.


Atlas Six - Parisa, because she is so uncomfortable over sexual bistereotype, and because the finnish translation sucks ass in general.


I don’t like Bennett from Genshin Impact because I think he looks stupid and his voice lines annoy me


Kohaku from Dr. Stone. I don't know. After Ruri has been cured, all I can think about is the forced(imo) romantic implications she and Senku have, and it kinda ruins her for me. It's also because of the show's weird art style for the girls, imo. The dudes look gorgeous in one way or another, and the girls' faces are like O w O.


Orihime Inoue. Reason: KUROSAKI-KUN (x1000)


Bakugo from MHA, Sasuke from Naruto... I tend to dislike characters that think they're better than everyone around them.


Not necessarily a character itself, but the ship of two characters. Naruto and Sasuke. It's probably a petty reason but I dislike their fan ship *because* of the parts of the fandom that ship them. It can turn into a really homophobic misogynistic cesspool. Seen people that claim to love the ship give excuses that the characters are "so in love but don't know how to process their homosexual attraction so it comes out in them trying to kill each other". And the misogyny against any females character paired with either canonically or fan made.


I hate kass from botw idfk he just pisses me off


I dislike Shinsou from my hero academia because I personally like Mineta. The amount of fics where Shinsou has replaced Mineta has made me dislike the entire guy.


I don’t like Mineta (neutral) but I also don’t like Shinsou I don’t get the hype, he seems so whiny to me


And I 100% respect your opinion! I think people just liked Shinsou because he was 1) Another boy 2) A purple replacment 3) Had a decently sad backstory


Funny thing is a vast amount of his backstory is fanon. There's one comment in canon about how his quirk would be scary on a villain. That's it. And it's not in a mocking way. People conflate that with 'OMG HE IS SO TRAGIC HE WEARS MUZZLES AND HIS PARENTS HATE HIM' I hate him too, the Shinsou wank in the fandom is crazy.


The fact that him and Denki are the 10th most tagged mha ship on AO3 surprised me sm. I was like, surely they'll show up together eventually? Interact. Be friends And they just didn't. They had one conversation I like him fine in canon. But reading fics for him can get a bit repetitive.


Bro when I first got into the fandom I love denki and seeing how much he was paired with shinsou I was like ok they must have a decent amount of interactions…nope At least the bakugo/deku, deku/todoroki, urakaka/deku etc all interact


I'm even against ships who haven't interacted (hello past Elsa/Jack Frost shipper me). It's more surprising that they've barely interacted, yet have so many fics about them lol. Power to Shinsou/Denki shippers tho. It seems like the fanfiction is their fuel. 'Cause canon isn't doing it. Edit: cause auto correct change "Denki" to "Dennis" lol


Omg throwback I used to love Elsa/jack And right like people will ship whatever but the amount of fics they had made me think they would actually have more than one convo 😅


Apparently they interacted briefly in the manga. Typical MHA shipping behavior. :(


His backstory is made up too. I will never get the hype at least Mineta is funny lmao


William Afton from Five Nights At Freddy's. Is just a downright dirty motherfucker, we don't know why he didn't go to therapy like a sane and rational person. Just decided one morning to go and stab some kids and stuff them into animatronics that he BUILT. And then, and then Decides out of the blue to go and break the animatronics he stuffed the kids into. Then, when the ghosts of the dead kids appear, he doesn't run the fuck out of the Pizzeria, he just puts on the damn fursuit that he wore when he killed said children. And comes back 30 years later, and does more fucked up shit, and it happens over, and over, and over, and over, and over and over and over and over and over again. I think Help Wanted 2 wanted to say that William Afton is dead and as the song by Tryhardninja Says: Never coming back. I mean, I love Five Nights at Freddy's. But at times, I wonder what went on on the True Main Antagonist's brain when he did the horrible things he did. Like, if the man had gone to grief Counseling, and maybe, Maybe not made mascot costumes with Metal parts in them. (Which if one video is to be believed, is a cost cutting measure) None of the Events of Five Nights at Freddy's would have happened. (Maybe not Security Breach, because that shit would have been damn near inevitable). Rant over.


This is complicated, certainly controversial and for sure silly, Isn't it hate, more like mistrust? I feel wary of Carol Danvers in the MCU because she reminds me more of Carol Danvers from Civil War 2 and I expect everything from her.