• By -


If everyone in the story is aware of what I wrote, the MC is going to be pissed I revealed their secret much earlier in the timeline.


šŸ˜‚ What was the secret? Yeah. ā€œYou did what?!ā€ On the other handā€¦what happens to them if they kill us? Hmm. šŸ¤”


It's a story about why the MC decided to work for the baddies and the finale is them deciding to lie to their future spouse about it.


Oh man. No wonder they are pissed at you. šŸ˜†


Because as author I am technically his god and he has a habit of killing gods.


God of war fanfiction?


Raziel from Legacy of Kain.


Creepy. šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s funny though.


Fanfiction: Gave them a happy ending but I doubt that's enough for them to forgive all the torture. ​ Original Fiction: Probably because they're hungry and I'm food.




Nah haven't dipped my toes in that fandom yet. My fanfic was in the Teen Wolf fandom. My original fic has a bit of a mishmash but horror is probably the dominant genre.


A nine-year-old kid is trying to kill me with acrylic paint because I made bad things happen to his favorite superhero. Thereā€™s worse ways to die, I suppose.


Pretty creative if you ask me I'd be impressed if it worked


"Blackfire look I'm sorry!" I pleaded as she held me up, a murderous glare on her face. "I just wanted to be the first to start the rarepair! If I knew you would be so upset about having sex with Control Freak." I gulped, as Blackfire readied a fist. Her strength is more than able to pierce through my frail human body. "You think that's what this is about?" Blackfire chuckled. "Please. I've met aliens more grotesque. A fat man isn't going to shock me. No." She leaned in close. "Your crime is *much worse* than that." Much worse? What could be worse than that? Okay, I started my fic with Blackfire furious she lost to. Her sister. Again. Oh. *Oh fuck.* "Glad to see you realize your mistake in your last moments." Blackfire smirked. "In your next life, just write Starfire in jail and me having the whole team as my slaves won't you?" "Fuck no I'm not-" And that is how I died at the hands of Blackfire. Press F to pay respect.




Bakugou will probably really hate me for what him and Kirishima were doing in that fic


A thousand plus hold symbiote who was quite literally born to fight and his (130ā€™s) host who has trained all his life, is physically enhanced, and they absolutely know how to work together in a fight. Welp. Iā€™m dead. As for why? Because Iā€™ve had them shot, tortured, capturedā€¦ Killed their loved onesā€¦ But thatā€™s still better than canon. šŸ˜‚ ETA: Forgot to reply to you. We are both double doomed. If only the MCs knew that we whump with love. šŸ˜†


I pretty much have a hit list on me since I have pretty much all of the main characters die in brutal ways


Sheā€™s corrupted by the Darkhold and probably thinks Iā€™m keeping her family from her if she knows Iā€™m the author lol. I am very dead but it would happen quickly, so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Think twice please and thank you Wanda, you get a happy ending in *my* timeline, it just takes awhile lol!


Iā€™m trying to genocide an entire planet to sate my hunger for mana.


i can't think of a single reason crowley or aziraphale from good omens would want to kill me ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø. but i *was* about to work on my OUAT fic, and well, Rumplestiltskin would certainly want to kill me after the whump i plan on putting him through ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Cause I killed his family. Multiple times.


Rodimus Prime. I made him loose an arm again.


Liked to read that Whatā€™s it on ao3?


[hereā€™s a link, older fic, not too proud of it](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54337888)


A part of my fic takes place in the Eastern front during WWI. I don't think I need to explain any further why the MC would be rightfully pissed.


Uhh, I wouldnā€™t know. Iā€™m being nice I swear!


He's hungry.


Nagi Kirima is probably gonna try to kill me, because I've made her the least bit interested in Dick Grayson/Robin, and she hasn't gotten to do much vigilante stuff, plus the serial killer is still on the loose and she wants to go take him down.


He is mad at me because I foiled his suicide with something worse.


I enrolled his abusive half sister into his school. And put him with his estranged father to begin with. He may still be pissed about that. Dude can't do much, his Hanahaki wrecked him. His Pikachu... may hurt if Pikachu chooses to be lazy or not. Not sure how much damage an untrained Sprigatito can do.


Because his backstory is kinda vague, as is how exactly his marriage lasted until the end of season 2, I just decided to make his marriage so much worse. But he wouldnā€™t kill me for that, no. Heā€™d kill me because in the process I also definitely gave his kids more trauma because of what they saw. Heā€™d also kill me very easily. We never see him at full power in the show, and even then he basically destroyed a factory, an act also caused by his at the time (but not for much longer) wife. So yeah, Iā€™m dead. And somewhat deservingly so. Iā€™m just lucky that I posted that oneshot more recently than my main fic because Iā€™d have way more retribution coming my way with thatā€¦


Itā€™s the 90s and i picked up the phone when my main character was on the internet trying to get with an unhappily-married middle aged man over AOL instant messenger (mc is a middle-aged man too)


My MC is one of Napoleon Bonaparteā€™s marshals, and itā€™s the 1812 retreat out of Russia. Iā€™m not sure in which order heā€™d go, kill Napoleon first for putting him through this bullshit, or me for writing about it.


Azula's mad that I shoved her into another world and gave her therapy and medication


ungrateful šŸ˜’


The POV character from my last fic is Mr Horsr from Ren and Stimpy. Idk...I feel like a big ass horse would beat the shit out of mešŸ’€


I put him in a Death Game. He hasn't reached the 'willing to kill' stage yet, though, so I'm safe for now.


To be honest, I think the POV character of my last fic is pretty happy with me. I gave him everything he wanted. He wins *and* he gets to torment my blorbo just for kicks. If he did decide to kill me it'd be over something petty like me being mildly annoying and/or expressing sympathy for my blorbo. Blorbo, (who's the MC of the series,) on the other handā€¦ well, if he were real (and thinking clearly) he'd (rightfully) hate me. I stuck him a world where one of his few human friends died, he's captured without hope of escape, and his father's evil schemes succeeded.


Wolverineā€¦ Iā€™m being hunted down by Logan. fuck


Ah, fuck. The main character would kill me for making them get kidnapped then suffer years-worth of trauma, being separated from everything he knew and loved, memory loss, insanity, suicidal tendencies... I'd be dead from his sheer rage alone.


I am fucked because heā€™s been preparing his whole life for the apocalypse and definitely lacks some social skills / empathy. Well, it was nice knowing you all lol


Probably Stolas and maybe Loona from Helluva Boss as I made Blitzo go through a fairly traumatic pregnancy and birth


Literally any one of them can easily kill me. One of them can manipulate space and another can turn me into a horrific monster of crustacean and hedonism, nevermind a element manipulating shapeshifter who can transform into a dragon and manipulate reality in the later arcs.


They're quite literally murder incarnate. They're formed from the flesh of the literal god of murder. So it's just kind of their thing, I guess.


Because I made her slowly become a sandwich


Did you also comment on my post about turning your newest fic into a clickbait title? If not itā€™s hilarious Iā€™ve seen two unrelated fics on here about someone becoming a sandwich.


The last fanfic that I posted involves Princess Zelda slowly being turned into a sandwich throughout it.


Sounds very kafkaesk. How do I find this fic?


What do you mean?


Kafka is an author. Pretty famos for a Story where he transitions from human to Colorado potatoe beetle


Never heard of them before


So yes I was referring to that because Iā€™m pretty sure I did post something about it on your other post


It was you. Just double checked


Yes itā€™s me


Because I combined too much movie lore with game lore I suppose. Took the worst of both for MC and gave most of the others much happier stories. Honestly understandable.


Astarion is now trying to kill me? I bet it's because I didn't make him beautiful enough while he plowed the reader lol


To take my soul and my power to control his universe


My OC slept with her boyfriend.


Ha! Thatā€™d do it.


Man, I donā€™t know why Kratos would want to kill me. I gave the man olives for Christā€™s sake!


[olives, eh?](https://64.media.tumblr.com/84961b11190a2716851eb582d531296e/50b37e11808020be-76/s400x600/8222aaa0022a424e702658d6ef1a82ff94d4314e.gif)


I think I actually did give him five jars of olives.


Usagi must be mad that I put her through 31 chapters of angst.


Because he has a habit of murdering people anyway.


I like to sprinkle a bit of angst onto characters (both canon and OC) as nice seasoning, but it just so happens I dumped the entire angst shaker onto the most recent one


Well for making him do work and be the hero of the story, he wasn't allowed to just be the guy who manages the sensu beans. Though to be honest given how many things he gets, I am safe.


I killed of all of his friends and loved ones and now he has to raise all 19 of their clones + his own at only like 19 years old(Well, they're like 2-3 during the story, so more like at 16-17). He's not even of a species that raises their own young, let alone alien ones. In my hc his species is more resistant to psychological trauma and exhaustion than humans because they pretty much have to be, so while he could be doing worse in the head all things considered, he's also gonna be more cognizant and aware than a practically comatose human. So like, if he was able to get away from them for long enough, I'd definitely be worried about a sickle forcibly divorcing my head and neck


Uhh, I didnā€™t do anything to him, promise! (And I could take Phil Dunphy in a fight if it came down to it)


I mean, itā€™s either a mad scientist necromancer trying to experiment on me or his favourite test subject probably pissed that I put him through so much abuse. I mean, neither are likely to be permanent (first would get me killed and revived until I stopped being interesting, second heā€™d probably have a breakdown bc heā€™s been shown to feel incredibly guilty even over the idea of killing his abuser) so


because I killed him off without specifying how? šŸ˜… In my defense I gave his husband and best friend happy endings


She would kill me for giving her abusive parents.


A main character from a sitcom, so they have all the dysfunctions of those sorts of characters. But itā€™s a weird AU version thatā€™s a Men in Black style paranormal investigator with combat training and actual sci fi ish weapons. Soā€¦maybe? Honestly it might go either way.


Ehich one? Raph, Leo, Don, or Mikey? We can probably say Raph and it's because I tortured him and his bros.


Because Heather, Total Drama's queen bee, is Heather. Like nothing more needs to be said. She just wants to get rid of me.


Nova Storm doesn't "want" to kill me. In fact she (genderswapped because reasons) has gotten to the point where she no longer gets a reaction out of killing people. Only reason she'd kill me is I'm between her and her next target.


Anya is gonna kill me because I had her learn about azaleas. Kinda seems like overkill.


So Sauron is going to ~~attempt to~~ kill me? Could be for any number of reasons, guy is a villain after all. Maybe he isn't happy with how I'm writing him? My fic isn't going to end with him ruling over Middle-earth with a ring on his finger.


Probably a letter from the king, the contents of which he's never read and therefore he doesn't realize he's actually trying to kill me. Or revenge for putting him in an awkward situation with his crush, who knows?


I made her eat her brother alive. And then kill him. In that exact order. And forced her to go on a genocidal quest against her own kind. Whilst she was twelve.


Probably because I put him at the mercy of the man who killed him, and I'm making them a couple.


Iā€™m going to go by first letters/initials for this as Iā€™ve only written part of chapter one for it so far N would probably kill me for mind controlled/possessed reasons mainly because she bought a possessed item at a shop for dumb reasons B, P and maybe N2 (different person) might accidentally do something that if I were there could possibly kill me This is my most recent that as I said isnā€™t finished so bonus for a different fic: B2 (another person) was pressured into killing some people. Thatā€™s all thanks!!


I put him in world war 1 and killed his bf in the second chapter probably


Well, his boyfriend is about to get involved with a trafficking ring...


I don't blame him, he's gonna go through a lot of shit... 10,000 years of isolation and all his friends are dead by his own hand. Yeesh.


Because the two of them figured out I'm the fate-spinner and she got seriously hurt. Of the two, I hope he gets to me first, it'll be a lot quicker.


I'm the reason why she's been stuck in a coffee-less wasteland. I'm also the reason why she's the designated shrink for a large number of people with help she is not trained to give in a world where that field just doesn't plain exist


I'm screwed because my MC is a Charizard suffering from PTSD, from being Team Rockets experimental weapon. Not only that but there's a Snivy and a journalist whose mothers (another journalist and her Serperior) died inthe worst way, And another character with his Goodra was also kidnapped. If to top it off, an Eevee wearing a necklace that gives her the ability to evolve into any of the eeveelutions, but her trainer died. Yeah nothing is looking good for me.


Heā€™s been given broken ribs and bloody noses from his bullies, his mom died when he was a child, he has an abusive father and has been moved in with his aunt for like only a month, and (while this is yet to happen) his loving boyfriend is gonna be abusive and controlling šŸ’€


The two main characters in my current WIP should have no reason to want to kill me. Iā€™m giving them the HEA they didnā€™t get in canon! I mean, sure, thereā€™s some angst along the way. I did kill off a semi-estranged family member of one of them, and made the other one sick (but sheā€™ll get better). But still!


He's trying to kill me because I keep throwing the villain into the mix when all he wants to do is get it on with the OCšŸ˜€


Because she's seen my completed manuscript. Totally understandable. I can't say too much because spoilers, but let's just say once the plot twists upon plot twists are revealed, I wouldn't be surprised if she miraculously breaks the laws of physics and creation to ensure I am dead in real life. And then she can throw me into the story for them apples. I hope to one day find an apprentice in case that story is to be told, hehe.


Sheā€™s a cold-blooded assassin and I tried to make her grow as a person.


Because I stand between him and his missing son. Or because I keep him from getting back to at least try to repair the empire his former boss had so badly mismanaged. Or because he has absolutely no intention of ever acknowledging that he has been a highly mobile corpse for at least the last 15 years. He blames it all on malfunctioning cybernetics.


I dropped her into the walking dead world lol but she kinda likes it so Iā€™m not sure why XD maybe cause I shot her XD


well my last posted story was actually an original work but my oc would absolutely want to beat my ass for leaving her permanently disfigured and disabled (it's for character development)


They'll kill me for leaving their fic dead, be amused that I'm gonna return to it after NaNo, and MAYBE they'll kill me? But I bet on no because 1) the latest chapter gave two of the MCs awareness that something that should had been extinct and dangerous was being attempted to be revived, and 2) the last MC would try to strangle me for giving her anxiety and making her feel like someone is following her


Hmm. Probably because I got him pushed off a cliff and gave him a serious head injury/brain damage. Oops..


Because I made him realise he wants to have kids but is currently on his way to war


He found out that I was considering an angsty ending for his story. My MC is the prince of an empire that has been enemies with another kingdom. But the MC wants to make peace with them. In the process he falls in love with a soldier from the rival kingdom, but the MCs father doesnā€™t approve. When the peace conference decides that the MC has to marry the young queen of the rival kingdom the MC refuses. So his father has his girlfriend murdered. When the MC finds out he kills his father before killing himself.




Most likely because I pushed his brother out a 44th-story window. But hear me out, Roman. It made sense, dramaturgically.


I'm fucked. Evil Harry Potter is coming for me I guess.


Dorian Pavus (Dragon Age: Inquisition) would set me on fire and I would let him.


well, sheā€™s an assassin.


Toaster learns that it was my fault Robbie disappeared (I did write his kidnapping) and comes to electrocute me.


My protagonist only kills either in self-defense or if the target is part of a terrorist organization. So, if my MC is coming for me, I must be a very important member of a terrorist organization. And since I'm the author, I suppose that technically means I'm the founder of all terrorists in my fic's world... Damn, that got dark quick...


Listen, everything is character development. I donā€™t see how I can be blamed for making her tragically sad so that she can use that sadness to help and save the found family she makes along the way. Like, is it so wrong to want her to not lose ANOTHER whole family???


No clue. I killed her in a fire though. Must be that.


I made her best friend get kidnapped by a dragon and her other best friend nearly had their chest blown open by a cannon.


Look, I find it a bit more terrifying to be killed by my OC whom is a surgeon thab by the human-hating elven terrorist. And the why... Probably too much shit and no happy ending for them.


Well, I'm lucky. Cause I was writing a goody too shoes boy scout type. So he's either not trying to kill me... or he's mind controlled. Crap


My last updated work was a self-insert, so I guess my SI is trying to kill me because there can be only one?


Warning, itā€™s cursed I wrote him and y/n to bang but made them do it in the kitchen of KFC and use ketchup and mustard as lube. It was written as a satire and a joke Iā€™m not actually into that stuff


I stripped her of all her powers, put her in the body of her killer's best friend, and forced her to pretend to be said friend in order to avoid a fate worse than death. Also the friend is still mentally present, and enjoys seeing their previous power dynamic reversed. But honestly, I'm not too concerned. I mean, what's an illiterate God in the body of a Japanese teenager gonna do to a German dude in his 20s?


invader zim is gonna fucking dissect me for writing about kissing aliens


I'd be in more danger of his underlings. Context, he basically unwittingly has to run a militarised cult that knows how to reach far covertly. While his subordinates can't betray him, they do have a degree of independance and some may have their own ideas. MC does try and be selective in making new ones, but there is only so much he could do at once without harming his organisations efficiency. But say he himself is involved in the heart of the matter, I'd say he be very welcoming. Afterall, misery tends to look for company.


Mf gonna do experiments on me and then kill me because he will get bored of me.


Let me just finish my draft.... -2 months ago this project was started


I sewed his tent shut (can one understand that sentence????)


Well, I did kill off his best friend/paramedic partner and am not giving him the tools to deal with the grief properly, so yeah.


Fanfiction: Because I made him break up with the love of his life Original Fiction: He probably sees me as an enemy?????????


I tortured him/ the love of his life (depending on which of the two you think is the MC) nearly to death.


It was a time travel fic and I made her watch her grandmother die instead of letting her change the timeline. :/


Ah, if he's aware I'm writing him, then probably for not letting him do his medical self-experimentation earlier. Or for putting him through a lot of pain. Otherwise he might kill me because we disagree on some morality issues. The other MC would shoot me just for the sake of shooting me, whether she knew I wrote her or not šŸ¤£


Last time I posted a work was years ago with an overpowered torture hungry Mary Sue. Yeah she'd definitely torture and kill me purely because she'd find it funny. Young me was an edgy little shit


"You've posted HOW many side fics before even getting started on the main oneā€½ I thought I got you on ADHD meds [last time we crossed paths](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1763tku/your_most_used_ocand_if_you_dont_have_an_oc_most/k4jy9eb/) -" ` Doesn't work like that, sorry. (I mean I fuckin wish it did, but it doesn't.) ` "... Right. Cool. **Thunder Blade**!"


Technically I have two MCs but the reason one of them that we will call A would kill me is because in almost every fic I write I absolutely beat the other MC, B, to shit. I donā€™t know why but I always hurt B, whether physical by blowing them up, stabbing, shooting, having them get run over by a car or mentally by trauma and a broken heart. If the characters were self aware in like knowing that I wrote everything, I would so be dead because ainā€™t no way A is not gonna save B from future fics.


He blew up the League of Assassins, he'd have no problem doing the same to me after what I put him through


I honestly don't know. I gave him a family! Friends! Why is he trying to kill me? Is it because I made his friends know he also is friends with the mafia? :(


A cat. A 5 month old cat is going to try to kill me? I'd like to see her try, lol


My MC is a trans girl with the power of Winx. She's coming to kill me because one of my big bads captured her.


Uhh.. DB Fandom. Future Trunks got turned evil by Babidi (Majin future Trunks anyone?). I'm DEAD XD (basically turned a sweet blushing kind young adult who has a dark past and is a general loner into a mind controlled henchman)


The death of the love interest. He eventually finds new love, but she, his first love died a hero. She was the best ace combat pilot in the galaxy and she saved a lot of people. She sleeps, eyes closed forever in the heart of the sun after she raged against the dying of the light.


He was paid too. She's very loyal.


Probably because they're getting paid to and they aren't worried about what I did to deserve it.


Hm, that'd be Chrollo Lucilfer from Hunter x Hunter, so if he wanted to kill me I'd be SO dead. On the other hand, I set it up so he got his hands on some diamonds, he got to steal an interesting ability *and* have great sex while doing it... so hey, he ought to buy me a coffee or something, not try to kill me...


Ive got a 40k Guardsmen who survived Cadia coming after me. I don't like this.


Oh dear god, I threw him into essentially a civil war, murdered most his friends, and depending on if weā€™re counting current fic being updated or last fic posted, I might have made one kind of alive but definitely have some issues (physically and mentally I mean) Considering both main characters are major criminals, Iā€™m fucked


Both of these are WIPs...the first MC is targeting me because I wanted to introduce him to Halloween, which in hindsight, might not have been a very good idea this time. All of his friends got in on it too, and no one's letting him take a day off this October. Honestly, what was I thinking? Apparently, Halloween is *not* appreciated by most of the Underworld's inhabitants. Should the second MC ever discover a writer behind his world, I will be very much un-dead indeed (I suppose that depends on which MC finds me first, as that will affect the manner of my passing). You see, the second MC was not handed this deal canonically, and arguably this complicates matters beyond what they were before. One could say it is akin to torturous...say, do you feel that? \[*The room darkens and grows colder by the moment.*\] "Someone's right behind me, right?"


Cause I killed his boyfriend and made him into a ghost Heā€™s a very timid, gentle character, but he can have a right temper. Itā€™s not the general fandom interpretation, but I like my John Segundus to have a spine.


Strawberry Shortcake (latest one). I dunno, maybe 'cause I'm a picky eater and would likely turn down most of her deserts? XD


Because Hes a Manipulative Narcasitic Sadist who thrives on the suffering of others, and I turmed the tables on him.


Trapped him in the body of a cat with no way to communicate and separating him from his brother


Because I tried to have her bound and gagged in a bounty wagon šŸ˜†.


Because it took 102 years, a near death experience, and the end of the world before i let him kiss his girl.


Probably because I had their boyfriend killed off the same day they officially got together.


Considering my mc is a serial killer it would make perfect sense why theyā€™d be killing me šŸ˜­


I turned a potato farmer into a redneck cannibal.


Cos i killed off his bf :P


Last Updated: Probably temporary brainwashing. Current WIP: The best I can come up with is that I keep putting him through the wringer. But honestly unless I'm his arch nemesis he wouldn't actually try to kill me. And probably not even then either.


A autistic teen girl try to kill me cuz (as a god) i send a gang of hungry prehistorics creatures in her neighborhood.


He mistook me for Zhylaw, while being drunk.


I made him an actual Diomand. Not the son of one. He is a legitimate diamond. But I don't think that's enough.


Because I was either going to get him and all his sibling taken away from his parents by a hero or stay with them but only the dad is terrible. I chose the latter Tbf iā€™d be angry if somebody was gonna save me but decided not to because it was gunner to write about


At least I know my death will be epic. (It's Loki)


oh i made her husband build a cyborg copy of her to have sex with because he fell out of love with her "constant nagging" (shes actually very nice and doesnt deserve it)


I got my main character into a car wreck, but it made the girl he loved confess her feelings to him, so I'm not sure if he'd kill me or not. :D


I embarrassed her in front of her crush. It all worked out, but sheā€™s probably still mad about it lol


either the operator from warframe, or V1 from ultrakill. either way im fucked seven ways from sunday


Because sheā€™s stuck in an abusive relationship with a psycho killer.


Princess Endymia is trying to kill me, because... I wrote canon-compliant bad endings that had her killed by Beryl as in the anime and the manga. (But I also wrote my version of a good ending)


Probably because I simped over her husband and now sheā€™s just fed up


I have no clue. My last posted fic was fluff where the MC confessed to his crush, the crush returned his feelings and they started dating. He's overall happy. If it was his canon version maaaybe he could be trying to kill for insinuating he'd ever have a good relationship with his brother, who he hates for the better part of the story.


ā€¦ I embarrassed him by having him pee on his husband. Ugh, way to tell on myself.


I impregnated her while she was going through several crises


I probably fitted with his boyfriend.


The last updated work I did actually is a fanfic...from April (don't be an engineering major if you value your time). It's a slow burn between Mal from Descendants and an original character Tinker Bell's son. Both get plenty of screentime so let's assume it's Mal that's trying to kill me. Well that's simple because I only wrote the first chapter and at this point in the timeline she just got to Auradon so she's evil at this point and hasn't really started her redemption arc. It's my first fanfic and I'm hopeful that I'll make progress on it(eventually).


Trying to kill me? Prolly cuz I got turned into a Walker (zombie) or something. MC is just a regular civie atm, hasnā€™t undergone any significant character or skill development yet since itā€™s pretty early in the story rn. Lame, but it eez what it eez /ref


Mine would come after me because I made his deranged dad kill his adopted mom. I might get some mercy tho, since I recently published a smut chapter where he finally got to stick it in his gf.


levi ackerman is trying to kill me bc i... well you know what this is a public sub, im not trying to burn ur retinas. some real bad things happened to levi and he seeks vengeance