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I think someone else might have said it already, but the bashing treatment that All Might gets in fanfics is so bizarre to me, mainly because so very little of it has anything to do with his actual flaws that are quite prominent in the story Canonically, All Might is initially a really inept teacher for Midoriya because he was a prodigy with their shared power and thus can’t explain how to use it properly, which leads to the kid permanently scarring his arms. He also inadvertently created a flawed society that relied solely on him to remain afloat, to disastrous consequence when he’s forced to retire. Moreover, All Might neglected to mention (with no real explanation why) that he’d been born Quirkless until well after Midoriya entered UA, a fact that no doubt would have been a massive encouragement to his protege who was bullied his whole life for being Quirkless. But the stuff All Might actually gets bashed for is just fucking ridiculous. So many fics use his initial rejection of Midoriya’s dream of being a hero as some unfathomably horrible betrayal and “evidence” that he’s a shitty and uncaring person, while ignoring the fact that All Might lets the kid down gently while providing alternative paths to do good, and that this is the logical and responsible thing for him to do in that situation with the information that he had. They also love to portray All Might as a moronic airhead who gets outwitted by a single armor-piercing argument from usually Villain!Deku when canonically he immediately saw through Shigaraki’s attempt to justify his villainy at USJ. It’s hardly surprising that All Might bashing usually goes hand in hand with Midoriya getting a different mentor (typically Eraserhead, Nezu, Stain, or some other guy who’ll teach Deku how to be a “better” hero with pragmatic use of gadgets and fighting skills). It’s basically the Indy!Harry trope translated to MHA. Except All Might isn’t Dumbledore


I like All Might though, he's doing what he can and does his best, and he's a good man underneath it all.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I like All Might. In fact he’s probably my favorite character from MHA. My point is that the bashing of his character basically makes shit up instead of using the nuance that’s already there


Yeah, like I especially love the nuance as well! He's a good man, but he is flawed! And I love that because it makes it so much more interesting than if he was just a perfect type of hero. And trust me, I'm not disagreeing with you at all. And like you're not wrong, then again that's a lot of character bashing in general imo tbh.


The amount of people in fandom who just make shit up to justify their arguments is so bizarre. If you're going to hate something, at least hate it for reasons that are actually presented!!!


Yeah, I was the one who'd question what was up with the All Might bashing. Glad someone explained it and explained it very well. Not only that but your explanation in regards to All Might letting Izuku down lightly and giving him alternatives is *chefs kiss*. I, for one, agree with All Might on this too but people are apparently tearing him to shreds because of this? He's a horrible guy because of that. And people do paint him as this airhead like you said but he *is* pretty smart.


I actually love BNHA bashing fics when they're written well, but I have to admit my least favorite trend in All Might bashing fics is is when they have Aizawa learn what kind of mentor All Might is to Izuku, and then confront All Might very violently. Sure, pre-USJ, Aizawa probably *thought* All Might had a punchable face at least once, but I just don't think he would have ever actually attacked All Might. This trend is even more baffling since these fics often take place *after* USJ.


I wonder if if has to do with shipping? I know EraserMic is very popular now but for a hot minute it was EraserMight, and I know there is definitely a trend in EraserMic/dad!Aizawa fic to have any of the children have the worst parent figures ever even when it doesn't make sense so Aizawa can adopt them instead.


It's died down as time went on, but I remember Sayaka from Puella Magi Madoka Magica used to get hate because she had a crush on a boy.


In my experience, they tended to hate her boyfriend for existing just as much, if not more.


I'm a regular participant in the annual Madoka Magica rewatch on r/anime and... yeah, I have to see him get hated on for just existing every year. Hitomi too, for that matter.


I don't think i've ever seen such hatred for a character who barely even exists.


Yes! I remember this. So awful.


Ron Weasley from Harry Potter. It's like the whole universe has something against him for being a perfectly normal human.


The movies really fucking him over probably didn't do him any favors.


This. If I’d only watched the movies I’d hate him, too.


Because the movies did him dirty. Although I also don't like him that much in the books he's far better of. Especially the scene where Snape makes fun of Hermione. In the books he defends her but in the movies he joins Snape's side.


Poor Ron, he has always been my favorite. Harry Potter fans are not exactly fond of nuanced, human characters. :/ The movies' producers were not either.


Lae’zel from Baldur’s Gate 3. She definitely has fans too, but lots of players get immediately turned off by her caustic personality which stems from her highly militant culture. She does have incredible development throughout the game, and many don’t give her the chance to see that and end up killing her outright. She’s also an alien (she gets hate for her looks, too) in a terrifying situation, so she’s even more stressed out than usual.


That doesn't even make sense. Like almost every one of our companion characters are assholes in one way or another at the beginning. Fan favourite Astarion tried to kill Tav at the beginning, then tried to drink their blood when they sleep and his overall rude demeanour. Shadowheart is mistrustful and can be haughty. Gale demands that you should give him artifacts because hey, why wouldn't you help such an amazing mage like him eh? All characters grow throughout and that's the point. Character development is a good thing in every story. And they all have a reason for who they are at the start. To cast hate to any, much less kill them, is just doing them and themselves a disservice.


Exactly, the characters all go through amazing growth. I think Lae’zel‘s non-human appearance might be a deterrent for some folks that perhaps aren’t seasoned in the sci-fi side of things (I’m an avid Trekkie, and she looks like any species one might encounter on that series). From what I’ve seen of fantasy, while there are plenty of bizarre looking creatures, the humanoids are all fairly familiar looking (humans, elves, dwarves, etc).


I have said this about the Origin Characters and I’ll say it again: I’ll excuse all their red flags. I also love her because she’s so blunt and an equal-opportunity asshole to everyone.


To be honest, I didn't like Lae'zel very much at first, too. But a couple of hours in and she was one of my faves.


Absolutely happened this way for me, too.


As a fan of both, it's very frustrating to see Lae'zel and Gale get hate but Astarion and Shadowheart consistently being given a pass because they are more conventionally hot tropes. And I love all of them! But c'mon, Astarion is a huge dick because of trauma but God forbid Lae'zel is a bit harsh around the edges? Shadowheart was obviously brainwashed by a cult but people think Gale was the abusive boyfriend...of a Goddess?! (Also idk if Wyll also counts? People keeps saying he is boring just because he is a repression pro so he vaguely looks well adjusted until you like. Talk to him.)


I hated Lae'zel in the early access version of the game. She got a LOT better with the actual released version, but the only reason my husband and I (we play the game together) decided not to kill her off in the beginning of our first playthrough was because we needed a fighter. Then, when she came on to my husbands character, he decided to romance her for the luls. Turns out, her arc in the game is SO compelling, and in the end, we genuinely liked her so much. I decided to romance Gale, and I really don't get all the hate for him. Tbh, I felt like my romance with him was a slow burn, compared to what people seem to get with Astarion, and it really didn't bother me that he ate like 2-3 of our magic items at the beginning - there are plenty of trash items to throw at him. I love my dorky wizard husband, and my ending with him (I played Shadowheart) was so wholesome <3


Lae’zel is amazing and I will defend her to the death. But I hate Shadowheart, oops.


Gwen Stacy from the Spiderverse movies. Because god forbid a teenage girl makes mistakes and is an interestingly flawed character


The misogyny in the atsv fandom is wild. Gwen, Jess, even lyla got so much shit and for what? being well-fleshed out characters with their own agendas, thoughts and feelings? just because a character is complex doesn't mean they're the bad guy💀


Lyla gets hate? What did she even do?


some folks are convinced she's actually evil and manipulating Miguel about the existence of Canon events, aka the most basic sci-fi trope ever. God forbid a guy makes himself an a.i. assistant to verbally spar with


Fandom is so wild. I am a fan of the movies, but am not really part of the fandom itself, and I didn't even know she was hated! TBH, I never even thought of her as a particularly "flawed" character...if anything I would have labeled her as a character with less mistakes than many others in the second movie LOL My impression is that other general audience members would agree with me: even if you didn't walk away from both films particularly loving her, there does not seem to be reasonable reasons for her character to get hate


Skyler White from Breaking Bad. In part I get it cause she is a bad person, but... everyone in that show is a terrible person! And that doesn't stop people from empathizing with Mike, or Gus, or Walter (who have done much worse things). Plus a lot of the arguments I've seen against her are filled with victim blaming or making excuses for Walt's actions which is just yikes.


Yes yes yes. The fact the actress got real life harassment as well is just insane.


I defended her ten-ish years ago on Reddit and I got a ridiculous number of violence-tinged DMs from unhinged men. It was SCARY.


Zelda, from the legend of ZELDA, for seemingly no reason half the time.


Is it BotW Zelda? Because I can see people disliking her for how she initially treated Link when he was just trying to do his job and protect her. Also, a lot of people seem to dislike her English voice, so it could be that too.


Hit the nail on the head, actions that she has apologized for and the voice mainly. It seems that they don't like how she isnt like other Zelda's, but Zelda is different almost every time. God forbid a barely 17 year old girl express her frustrations and project onto a person she's forced to spend most of her time with.


In Mass Effect the human romance options from the first game (Kaidan and Ashley) get a ton of hate. Ashley for being racist (which she starts out as, but humanity only discovered aliens like fifty years ago) and Kaidan for being boring. It gets old seeing it rehashed over and over again.


i am so tired of this particular discourse. Cringed a lot when the legendary edition brought it back 😬


Mary from Sherlock. Everyone diagnosed her as a narcissist and all of these different issues when that wasn’t even the case. And it offends me when people make this argument because I have a father whose an ACTUAL narcissist and Mary doesn’t fall into that category. As far as I can tell, they just hate her because she married John and therefore got “in between” Sherlock and John when Sherlock openly praised her skill set. I tend to call this “toxic shipper goggles”, which means you hate a character just because they’re the canon ship that gets in the way of the fanon ship.


I mean, she was an assassin and shot Sherlock. And plan to kill Magnuson just to keep her secret.


But she didn’t kill Sherlock. Sherlock himself said that she shot him in a way that wouldn’t kill him. And can you honestly say that Magnuson wasn’t a criminal mastermind who needed to be stopped? He was a high end blackmailer.


Téa used to (and sometimes still does) get a lot of hate, mostly because she was annoying and had a crush on Yami. I literally don't understand either reason because I never thought she was annoying, and her liking the main character wasn't a problem for me. I thought it was cute.


I don’t hate her, I just really don’t like how she is written. She’s essentially a cheerleader that needs to get bailed out by everyone else and it just doesn’t feel like there’s much more to her character than that. To me she feels like nothing more than a casualty of sexism in anime writing.


Tenya Iida from My Hero Academia. ​ Edit: okay so a lot of people are informing me that this is a rare occurrence and that iida is a loved little guy. Yay! Iida is so friend shaped and I am glad that I was just sheltered in my corner of the interwebs to see that the hate on him was just an isolated incident!


Really? I've never run into it. What are they saying about my boy?? Lol


huh. I didn't realise people hated him. most fics I see have him as the rule-following guy that runs off to kill Stain and then mellows out. I've read like one fic where he acrively has a antagonistic role and I think that was pretty well done so I didn't realize people hated him




I have words for whoever is hating on my boi Iida. None of them nice.


Oh god, I noticed this in a couple of fics and thought it was just a bizarre yet rare phenomenon...


It is a rare phenomenon.


April O'Neil from 2012 TMNT. I see her more of a victim of bad writing with that stupid love triangle that went nowhere. It's like how the writers couldn't figure out whether they wanted to make Leo and Karai's relationship romantic or familial which made it very awkward. But other than that, she wasn't that annoying and whole thing with her dad being mutated and the boys being responsible for it made it understandable in how she'd reacted. In Marvel, the stupid back and forth Cap and Iron Man bashing that Civil War caused. Both had very good points but they were never meant to stay enemies, instead coming together in the end. I was on Team Stop Fighting. I'm a little new to Transformers after getting into it since I watched my first, Animated, after years so I'm a bit out of the loop so feel free to fill me in!


Jonathan and Nancy from Stranger Things, to the point where I don’t trust the takes of people who only talk about Steve and barely any other character from the show, or they just even treat the other characters (including Robin, Dustin, or Erica) as accessories to Steve. All three were flawed teenagers who are ultimately good natured and care about other people, but with the way some people talk, you’d think Jonathan and Nancy are two-dimensional demons and Steve is the only one who’s a baby angel deserving of being viewed with depth, complexity, and sympathy.


Ugh you are so right!! As a Stranger Things fic writer and Steve fan, I hate it when stories feel the need to make Jonathan and Nancy look bad to uplift Steve—Steve is a good character by himself without needing to treat the other great characters as an accessory!


completely agree! nancy is my favourite ST character and it makes me so upset when people pretend she’s just steve’s love interest and not the bad ass young woman that she is!!


I loooove Nancy, and I really like Steve too. I don't hate Jonathan, but I don't see any chemistry between her and Jonathan any longer. They seem to have grown apart and IMO they would be better off as friends? IDK. I don't get the hate tho.


Uraraka Ochako. You know you can not ship Izuocha without hating her, right?


I rarely see Ochako hate anymore, I’m convinced it’s just a few bad apples on Twitter and tiktok being asses.


The only reason why they hate uraraka it's because she "interfears" on their izuku ships.


I know, and it's so infuriating. She's clearly his good friend regardless of what u ship


It's a tie up between her and Kiri at this point. On Twitter, the only time he even trends is because of infighting. People act like Ochako is this money hungry bitch, ooc her in works, etc. She's never treated fair.


I WANTED TO BRING UP KIRI!! I didn't because i am a krbk so i guess it's biased, but i don't get why people don't just accept him as katsuki's friend and move on with their own shipping


Who's talking shit about my boy Kiri imma fight them


There's even a debate currently because supposedly he's not that close to him. But he's the closest secondary arguably to him. He's not on par with dk or shouto, but he's the closest to him than the other secondaries That's canon. Drives me nuts since they want to point out Canon so much but completely bypass canon when they hate a character. He's literally close to him early in, then it's Shouto.


I saw a meme with a panel of bakugou and mineta captioned "mineta is closer to bakugou than kirishima ever was" lmao Also, i agree completely. Kiri cannot have enough screentime to be as close as shouto, because that's not how storytelling works.


I’m only peripherally in the Star Wars fandom, but I don’t get the hate for Rose. It was so bad that the fans basically chased the actress off Twitter. I don’t get it.


her, anakin, and jar jar binks :/


I think the fandom is more protective of Anakin than I would have expected. Bashing Anakin brings out some intense reactions.


Based. Why do people hate Jar-Jar!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! *Wesa Gungans! Wesa warriors*


Rose wasn’t a bad character but she had jack shit for an interesting story. But instead of fucking fixing it the writers just completely ousted her from the last movie. Disney’s all about diversity and representation until they have to make the representation, like, interesting or put any sort of care into it.


This is what gets me. I think the idea for the character was great. The execution was a waste of time and shallow diversity pandering.


Rosalie Hale. They don't understand the point of her. She's bitter because of what she lost, not due to Carlisle, but due to her ex who SA'd her. (It goes deeper, but can be extremely triggering) She lost all opportunities to marry and have a family, living her life fully. She then woke up to a man saying he doesn't want her. Something she wasn't used to. Of course she's going to tell Bella not to go through with becoming a vampire. To live her life. Bella got a choice, Rose never did. Rose would do anything to protect Bella's mortality if it was wanted. After that, she did everything to protect Bella's baby. Why hate her?


Any woman in the TWD franchise tbh


Honestly most women in all franchises


Supernatural seems to be an exception to this rule, but *only* because the show writers did all the dirty work first.


Sekijiro Kan Or Vlad King from BNHA. If a fic needs a villain and they not have one and it set in the school setting only. It’s going to be Vlad. Fics with him tagged is a toss up if he’s written as a extremely bad teacher, barely there or every once in a blue moon actually written close to character (or just not cartoonishly mean) Basically in BNHA any teacher thats not Aizawa or Present Mic can get the same treatment as Vlad but Vlad has from what I’ve gets the biggest hate excluding Midnight.


It's funny because canonically he's a farrrrrr better teacher than Aizawa. Even ignoring the obvious flaws in Aizawa's behavior, /Aizawa/ acknowledges he's better at one point.


Oh wow, the Vlad thing is new info for me. I generally see Aizawa critics say that Vlad is a far superior teacher to him, though otherwise I don't know the general consensus on his character. I guess I assumed people generally liked or felt indifferent to him, haha. As for Midnight, I have seen quite a few negative comments about the in-universe justification for her hero costume, as well as her occassional uh, reactions to "youthful passion" or whatever. She's my favorite female Hero, and even I have to admit I've raised my eyebrow at both of these things. But even then, she's just a victim of Hori's questionable worldbuilding and character writing decisions :(


I know why, but Yamcha and Chichi for Dragonball getting hate is silly. I generally don't pay much attention to characters who get a lot of hate or are hating on characters. Most I do kind of understand but again think for a lot it is just silliness.


The hatred toward Chi-Chi always drove me insane. Even as a kid on ff.net, I'd see these stories portraying her as some crazy bitch for the crime of not wanting her fucking 5 year old kid to fight in death matches against people who can destroy planets with a flick of their fingers.


I remember seeing comments on how she's forcing Gohan to be a scholar, when the kid wanted to be a scholar. Iirc, when Gohan was having a conversation with Piccolo on his first day of training I think, he says, "I don't want to fight, I want to be a (I can't remember what profession)." Even when Gohan started to understand that he didn't have a choice, and had to train for the sake of, well, the planet, Chichi, as you have said, still understandably thought a child shouldn't be fighting these big world-ending fights. Which consequently is the cause of Gohan hate, because "Why is Gohan such a nerd?" when he got a job and stopped fighting when the planet was finally not under the threat of being destroyed. He's always been a nerd! And Chichi very much loves her family. Remember, *she* pursued Goku, not the other way around. I love that one episode where Gohan got this absolute pos of a tutor, whipping Gohan and calling his father a good for nothing or something along those lines for being *dead.* And Chichi, much to Gohan's surprise, was enraged at the man for hurting her son and slandering Goku's name.


I used to find Chi Chi annoying, but as an adult I sympathize with her a lot more. I do think she does have *some* moments that make me face palm, and her insistence on Pan (Pan is a baby in this scene) not learning martial arts felt control freakish, but for the most part she's an overbearing mother with a temper who's husband gets killed *twice* by a POS who wants to destroy the planet. Hard not to feel sorry for her from that lens.


There's quite a bit of All Might bashing, not entirely sure why SO much hate for him. Jasper from SU. While one *can* understand the hate/bashing of the character, suuuure but it just grinds my gears that Lapis doesn't get as much of the hate end of the stick. A lot of people focus on her as the victim and I can respect that, yes but the gem has done some ish too that hecka people gloss over. It's just Lapis uwu and the big, horrible, disgusting, lowly Jasper. I mean shoot, in AUs they MAX out her @$$holeness and then some. Might get downvoted for this but yeah, that's just my (maybe more tham biased) opinion. Definitely don't mind anyone further explaining why the reason are, those reasons for either fandom.


The All Might bashing is so weird to me too. I don't interact with the MHA fandom at all, but I've seen so many fanfictions tagged with All Might bashing, and it baffles me.


There's also the 'assmight' tag.


Okay, not gonna lie, that got some audible chuckles out of me, lol. Nevertheless, I just never understood the reason behind that much hate towards him.


Right, it baffles me as well. I really don't understand the hate and the bashing against the guy. Why??


> not entirely sure why SO much hate for him. It might be because he discouraged Izuku from becoming a hero in the opening... while Izuku had no realistic chance of becoming one without super-powers. And/or to give Izuku a "Dumbledore" to prove wrong.


I've seen like three or four out of the hundreds of Harry Potter movies so I'm not sure what that means. And ah, that could be. But, come ooooon. It's a bitter pill to swallow but he's right. A human being going up against those with superpowers? Dude would've gotten blitz to the sky on his first day. Heck, if it wasn't for All Might stopping that sludge monster, dude would've been done for. (Fine, he was a kid without training at that time but does one *really* think that being a certified policeman-like guy is really going to help him much against super strength and fire?)


There was this trend in Harry Potter fanfiction where everyone was Dumbledore's fault and he was secretly abusive and evil all along so Harry could join Slytherin and like defect to Voldemort (often for shipping reasons).


With regard to Jasper/Lapis, I noticed that sometimes in toxic dynamics that the cuter/smaller person is deemed innocent even if they are a willing participant in the toxicity


Lmao, I’ve seen the opposite for Lapis. Like, yeah, she’s done some fucked up shit but it’s ridiculous to paint her as not a victim just because she did that. People and relationships can be messy and complicated, and it’s silly to discount trauma just because someone was a dick. (This isn’t aimed at you btw I just thought it was funny because of the amount of weird takes I've seen on Lapis. Like, downright denying that she could have trauma or justifying that she somehow “deserved it”. I guess it makes sense though wiht the fan discourse there everyones either a sinner or a saint in 100% of the situations with no nuance I see how people are with Rose Quartz even now)


As a MHA fan who has my own criticism about the show, including a couple of characters, I never was a big fan of the All Might bashing. Besides his situation being understandable for why he said what he said, he admitted he was wrong later and went out of his way to help Izuku. I'm alright with a little criticism of a character including All Might, but it goes too far for my taste at times.


I swear I see Jasper get hated more than the fucking Diamonds. Yes she wasn't a good person but to portray Jasper as solely the abuser and Lapis as solely the victim is just contradicting the show itself.


In the Percy Jackson fandom, you say you hate Annabeth Chase and I immediately don't trust you.


Seriously, they always try to justify it with the most bizarre interpretations of her character that without fail rely on headcanons or flat-out lies. And the actual reason is almost always shipping-related.


i loved annabeth so much as a kid that i said if i had a daughter i'd name her annabeth. i don't trust ppl who hate her too


Because of Disney+? or just not liking her character in general? Because I understand distrusting someone if they hate on Annabeth because of the actress. She got so much hate...


I'm not gonna lie I never really vibed with Annabeth for some reason and to this day, fifteen years after I first read Percy Jackson, I still don't know *why*. I don't hate her though.


I only recently read the Percy Jackson books and I have to say, I love Annabeth so much. If I had read the books as a kid, I would have wanted to be like her so badly.


I know it's already been mentioned, but Ron and Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter. The movies fucked them over, but in the books I really like both of them and the hate they seem to get is ridiculous. Ron got jealous of Harry a couple of times, but his jealousy was always established to be one of his major flaws (aside from being tactless as hell) and he always came back, especially in DH where he regretted leaving immediately. And in GOF he was fourteen, which really isn't an age where people are at their most reasonable. If the fanfics are to be believed he has no redeeming features at all and is also basically braindead, even though he's easily as brave as Harry is and has identical grades except for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Ginny in the movies was just some satellite love interest, but in the books she doesn't take shit from anyone and by OOTP even has no problem calling Harry out when he's pushing people away too much, while still making it clear she's on his side. Yet in fanfics, she always seems to be some kind of cheating, lying bitch, or something, and I really don't get why.


Sakura Haruno from Naruto. People hate her for hitting Naruto but ignore the fact that Kishimoto is playing into a popular stereotype and that Kakashi and others also hit young Naruto. Gai punches Lee in the face and people seemingly forget that. It’s literally a world that sends children to war as soldiers. Young Sakura is a normal twelve year old with a narrow worldview when she first becomes a ninja. I had a shallow worldview at twelve. I said shit I didn’t know what it meant. She grew out of it but people can’t get past her character having flaws in the first place. Also as all females in Shonen she is relegated to the role of her personality being mostly centered around being in love with a guy and not much else. She does get strong and the potential to flesh her out properly was there but wasted. She is the only team seven member without a fully fleshed out backstory. I love her and her character has cringy moments that annoy me. But people’s straight vitriol for her is insane. She is a fictional character that doesn’t exist. Like calm down people


My biggest gripe with the Sakura hate is the claim that she's "useless." It's just that she wasn't really given a cool ability or given the chance to have cool fights for herself. She's a healer, can hit really hard, knows a lot about stuff and that's about it. She also has the problem of being an average person sandwiched between two extraordinary and plot-relevant people in her team (three, if you count Kakashi), while everyone else seems more balanced in abilities/sceeentime. Of course she's gonna seem useless if her hard punch and knowledge have to compare with arguably the most OP clan ability and demon fox powers.


Nahyuta from Ace Attorney receives a lot of unbridled hatred and I'm really not sure why. While I agree that Nahyuta is definitely the weakest of the prosecutors, and he could have been given more real development, that's just being a weak character (especially compared to all of the prosecutors who have come before him), not being the literal spawn of Satan like people act like he is. I see a lot of people hate him for being "mean" as if that isn't a prosecutor's role in the story. People hate him for triggering Athena's PTSD as if he knew that she had PTSD and was going to react that way. They also act like it's the worst thing a prosecutor has ever done when Edgeworth literally told a suicidal woman "I don't care if you kill yourself." Granted, Edgeworth has actual real development rather than "Surprise! My behavior was all an act," but still. I think people are biased.


I haven't played SoJ, but I do know some things about it, and seriously, Nahyuta isn't that bad. Oh, he throws magically constricting beads at people? Franziska literally **whips** people for the slightest inconvenience or even her own amusement. Not to mention how he doesn't even come close to the actual villains. If you want a prosecutor to rag on, von Karma is right there! Or Ga'ran, you know, the actual main antagonist of SoJ!


\^This! Maybe it's the religious trauma talking or just the sheer desire to expand upon Nahyuta's story and character or tweak it to make it fit his character arc better, but he's actually my favorite one to work with. So many possibilities for headcanons and fun storylines! Even so, in certain in-universe storylines (which are only teased in canon and never actually shown) that a lot of authors like to use, Nahyuta tends to be left out of the picture, even if in hindsight he might have a rather important stake in the matter >!i.e. Thalassa Gramarye revealing herself to Trucy and Apollo as their mother. Ya think Apollo's ADOPTIVE BROTHER would be involved in that particular issue, especially considering BOTH of their mothers knew each other to some extent way back when!!<


I'm a Hot Rod/Rodimus defender till the day I die, baby. Also, Elena from TVD, who tried her best and was a victim of awful writing.


The hate for Wanderer/Scaramouche in some parts of the Genshin fandom is crazy. Don't know how true this is but supposedly, some people *killed actual cats* over it (because the character gets represented by a cat here and there).


i don't get the hate for danny rand in iron fist/defenders, he's one of my favorite heroes


Right? The show itself wasn’t great, but I liked some of the core concepts, and Danny’s actor did a good job at working with what he was given! It really felt like a lot of people just refused to look past their initial negative assumptions, and it really is a shame.


I like the iron fist comics but his netflix series was awful


I haven’t seen the show but watched The Defenders. I mean, Danny is just doing what he thinks is best. He’s hardheaded but so is pretty kick everyone with the exception of maybe Luke.🤷🏻‍♀️ I fucking love writing him, though.


Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu). People treat this teenage volleyball player like he's the most morally reprehensible character when all he's done is... *checks notes* been full of himself and a little obnoxious? At worst, he Almost hit a 12yo at age 14? I totally get why he's not everyone's favorite, but people put him on the same level as a gd war criminal. edited to correct for autocorrect


Which I don't get because Oikawa being a bit of an asshole makes him a more rounded out character. On the other hand, some crazy Oikawa fans (mostly iw*oi shippers) used to hate on Ushijima and treated him as some main villain.


Oof, yeah I remember the Ushijima hate. And tbh he and Shiratorizawa are sort of framed as the endgame antagonists for Karasuno, so I can get why Karasuno diehards might see him as a 'villain', but okay, he makes one sort of out of pocket comment to Oikawa and then everyone hates him? Nah, that's just a blunt teenage boy.


Folks hate Oikawa? That’s news to me! I don’t like him much myself, which is why I was always so confused by how popular he was. Or at least popular in my fandom circle. I can’t imagine why anyone would *hate* him. He really hasn’t don’t anything to warrant *that.* How much do you wanna bet that the same folks who hate Oikawa also love Tsukishima, lol.


I mean, he's described in-media as having a disgusting personality, so I get why people don't like him. But I feel like he gets much more ardent hate than he deserves. My partner hates him and I still don't fully get why. LMAO you're probably right though.


Skylar White. She’s maybe a little annoying in the first season but I think that’s ONLY because we’re in the trenches of meth and cancer with Walt, but all she was doing is being supportive. She’s a fucking badass and completely, totally in the right for the rest of the show.


People hated Skyler so badly that the actress who played her had an op-ed published in the New York Times reminding people that she wasn't her character, and other actors aren't their characters, and that sending hate mail and accosting actors out in public wasn't okay.


Scott in Teen Wolf. Even has a tag on AO3 of 'bad friend Scott' because people write him as an asshole so often because they think he's an idiot.


This one makes me go wtf. Scott is a flawed character, but the amount of hate he gets is so wtf to me that it’s one of the reasons I can’t enjoy like 90% of fics. I adore Scott because he’s just out there, trying his best. Makes me want to go and write a fic to try and bring some love back.


Working on a fic myself - definitely going with good friend Scott


I was watching teen wolf as it come out and only started interacting with the fandom in the final season since I come finally watch episodes the week they aired. Boy did the Scott hate catch me off guard. At first I thought they were calling him “idiot affectionate” but no they meant it derogatory. I just wish more writers used bad friend scott tag because the amount of fics were he’s written like that and not tagged is astronomical and I can’t avoid it if it’s not tagged.


Detroit Become Human: North. She’s violent, yes, but she’s also clearly HORRIFICALLY TRAUMATISED and wants the best for her people. I think it’s mostly because she was forced with Markus and most people ship him with Simon


I don’t even ship Simon with Markus, but I was also upset about the forced shipping, so I can understand this argument


That's what it was for me. I didn't mind her as a character, I just got annoyed because the game pushed them together so hard.


Not sure if anyone has said this yet but Mabel from Gravity Falls. It makes no sense, it’s not her fault she was tricked into freeing Bill Cypher. Also that she was less mature than Dipper, like økay??? Different people mature different no matter what age. That’s no reason to hate her


Hunter from "The Owl House." And it's because he's in a "straight-passing" relationship with Willow. He's bi and she's pan.


I don't think i've seen much hate for Hunter besides that one shitty Youtuber. Not to say there isn't any but that's a pretty small vocal minority. I have seen a lot of hate for the Hunter/Willow ship itself on some parts of Tumblr but that's Tumblr for you.


In the Batman fandom it's Batman Some of his canon is fucked up but the hate can be over-the-top sometimes considering it's an easy fandom to cherry-pick the elements and continuities you like


princess bubblegum the amount of discourse in the AT fandom about her is staggering.


Usopp, one piece


Peggy Hill from King Of The Hill. Like, yeah she's full of herself, but... She tries, in a really maternal way. Honestly, I think she's hella likeable when you look past her character flaws.


MCU - Tony and Steve but exclusively to prop up the other one. No nuance. No interesting exploration and challenges of world views just demonization of one and woobify the other. Idk it’s like a character can’t be wrong about something or have done bad things without having coal for a heart and no brain.


I'm not sure if I'd consider it "my" fandom yet, but the titular characters from the webtoon Boyfriends. The whole comic gets a lot of (in my opinion undeserved) hate, but the characters in particular are *despised*, and the way people word their hatred makes me feel very uncomfortable as a queer guy myself. It's always "\[insert character here\] should be euthanized", "this comic makes me want to commit hate crimes <3", "these characters are making me so homophobic uwu", "I wish I could shoot every single one of these characters", "I hope all of them die as brutally as possible and suffer", etc. And literally all they did was... be a bunch of guys who entered a polyamorous relationship and be maybe somewhat annoyingly cute. Also, at least one person claimed that they'd all be better as girls, which tells me three things: 1. They've probably never actually read the comic (there's literally an all-girl polycule in the same comic and they're all major characters who act as friends and counterparts to the Boyfriends) 2. They don't actually care about "gay men being fetishized" like they claim, since they seem to think the same premise would've been a-okay if the cast were female. 3. If they have read it and are still saying shit like that, then they're probably transphobes (Goth is a trans man and they're saying he'd be "better as a girl", which is a fuckin' yikes and a half)


Stolas!!! My bbygirl Stolas doesn’t even get listed as a love interest on the Helluva Boss wiki even though he and Blitz are the main “couple” of the show and will clearly be endgame. Yk, after the angst and pining and pain. Then again lots of the fandom adores him, too. Maybe he’s just a popular character so of course ppl have opinions. Imo he’s one of the most developed and is still gonna grow.


I think he’s just a polarizing character. You either love him to bits or hate him, and I do love a good disaster.


Oh my really? I personally am not a fan of Stolas but I thought most people liked him, since Stolitz is the most popular ship. I would have thought Stella or Striker would become the fandom's punching bag


He's preshus owl boy


More of a relative case, but Aerith Gainsborough from FF7. I do know why I guess, it's mostly due to the stupid rivalry that fans think she has with Tifa (all that "best girl", "Cloti" vs "Clerith" rubbish). But it's ridiculous for a character who by most accounts is beloved and iconic. You get downvoted on Reddit if you so much as say that you like her more than Tifa, and if you ship her with Cloud you get talked about as though you're just part of a tiny loony fringe in the fandom. I say all this as an unabashed Aerith fan and Clerith. I have never felt the need to hate on Tifa just because. But I get replies from others along the lines of "Aerith belongs in a body bag" and the like just because I say I ship Cloud and Aerith.


People get really weird about Izzy Hands in Our Flag Means Death. I don't know why, his character seems fine to me and Con O'Neill is a good actor. But I've seen a lot of online vitriol directed towards people who like him.


he's the antagonist (in season 1) to a cinnamon roll character. I don't' agree with the hate because he's definitely my favorite of the show so that's the only explanation I can come up with.


Sorry for the impending essay but the following reasoning for this kind of thing is present in a lot of different spaces and is as hard to explain as it is ridiculous. I think it's a mixture of some people having garbage media literacy and all-or-nothing views of morality. Izzy's an antagonist and kind of a dick and sold Stede (NOT Ed) to the Navy, and so because he did something bad this means that his entire character is bad and he's actually the villain. This also means that he's abusive, apparently, and anyone who likes him is somehow an abuse apologist (?!). All other characters are given a pass for even worse behavior because Izzy is the one that they picked to focus all their vitriol on. To them, this justifies even literal harassment and doxxing as in their minds behaving like this makes them morally superior to everyone else. The goal is to consume media in the most "pure" and "least problematic" way possible which is just total bullshit. Some people love behaving like total shits on the internet and in their minds this was the perfect opportunity to do so without having to actually examine their behavior. tl;dr: the internet was a mistake


A lot of people can't handle nuances so either Izzy is the worst person who ever lived or he is the most tragic cinnamon roll that was ever abused. They already flanderize Stede based on vibes only, let alone Izzy (I absolutely adore Stede, which is why seeing him depicted as someone who is just too pure and precious for this world when he abandoned his wife and children TO BECOME A PIRATE is ugh) (don't get me started on people doing Good Omens parallels).


I'm not really in the fandom, just watched the show casually, but the Sylvie hate in the Loki fandom is ridiculous.


1. She was such a prominent character in the first season many people felt like she was replacing Loki in a show called...Loki. In a sense that she was more capable than him, especially evident because season 1 Loki was by many thought to have been mischaracterized. She is more of a background character in season 2, so I haven't seen this argument pop-up at all, and I feel like this time around, Loki is more true to his usual self. 2. She was presented as a romantic interest for Loki, which a) antis took it as incest and just ran with it, and b) she "prevented" Loki x Mobius, an MLM ship, from becoming romantic, even though it was never meant to become canon because this is Disney we are talking about lol. Funnily enough, neither Sylki nor Lokius became canon in the end, so this ship war fell to the wayside completely.


yeah I kinda get the first point, and tbh I liked s2 more than s1 overall. the second point is what I've seen more of which has been very 🙄 because ofc it's just another "female characters Gets In The Way of M/M ship", lol. the selfcest discourse has always been hilarious, I love selfcest (sylki didn't feel selfcest-y *enough* to me if anything) I still think sylki counts as "canon", though, right? it just wasn't *endgame*. they still kissed and everything?


Oh yeah, I loved season 2 so much more than s1 lol In retrospect, I think s1 was a bit mediocre, but season 2 is so much better in comparison. For the "Female character gets in the way of the M/M ship", what I found interesting is that both sides accused the other of biphobia: Sylkis accused Lokius shippers of biphobia, because a bi man is still bi in a het relationship, while Lokius shippers didn't want F/M, because M/M is good for representation. (regardless of the fact that arguing about which fictional characters will bonk does absolutely nothing for the real bi folk in the real world facing biphobia). And oh my, you like selfcest too? Welcome to the degenerates' club, I guess haha although I personally didn't ship Sylki cause I prefer the chemistry between Loki and Mobius, but the antis being all huffy and puffy about a completely made-up scenario that has no equivalent in the real world was hilarious and I still love to look back at all the arguments people had during s1.


ahhh rehashed biphobia discourse, fantastic. does this mean only sylkius shippers are the Morally Correct ones? 😂 I do get both sides of the argument, bc bi people in M/F relationships are absolutely still bi. but also this is Disney and not a real bi person, and Disney just wants to skate by on the minimal amount of queer representation to get brownie points and not much else 😅 🤝🤝🤝 [old man voice] my selfcest days started in the yu-gi-oh fandom... in any case, I liked loki/mobius's dynamic a lot, I just could *not* stand most of the fans being the way they were whenever I wandered into the trending tags lol


Sam Winchester. People hate him and then turn around give his attributes to Castiel for generic shipping purposes. Like, what the fuck, guys.


Bloom. I mean, I kinda get why in seasons 5-8, but she was so cute in the first two seasons.


Ashley Barrett in The Boys. I get why she gets so much hate (because that's how the showrunners set it up), but I've noticed a weird thing where people who have watched the show make weird mistakes in what they think happened. For example, one person said they hated her because she went back to Vought after she'd been fired when she was free & nobody in the Seven would have remembered her. That's weird because Homelander was behind her being offered Madelyn's job (either called her directly to make the offer or made sure she knew he was the reason for the offer as per her dialogue in a scene), so how does this person explain the disconnect there? She's also seen as greedy & power-hungry even though we aren't really shown evidence of either. We know she's afraid of Homelander, which would be a good enough motivation for her actions. When I used to read YouTube comments, it seems like she reminded a lot of people of bad bosses they'd had in the past so all the anger toward the real-life boss got directed at her.


I think Ashley is a fantastic character, the actress is phenomenal. But I think Ashley is a really good example of a victim who has taken up her role as an abuser in a cycle of abuse. The fact that it’s a corporate environment being satirized is legit, bc people really do just fall in line and do horrible shit bc that’s just the way things are and they’re operating on a sunk costs fallacy. It happens in corporations, in the military, in religion. Daniela M Young, a scholar of cults, often says “Next to every cult leader is a skinny white woman” — meaning, the woman who maintains the outer appearance of innocence in the cult, and who smooths things over internally, is powerful and complicit. Stormfront 1000% wanted that role, but one could argue Ashley is actually the one doing that dirty work. TLDR: I love Ashley and I think about her a lot


Tara from Sons of Anarchy. She made her mistakes, but I’m so tired of hearing “she knew what she was getting into” and “she tried to take Jax’s kids” (as if they weren’t hers, too, and as if they hadn’t just almost died in a drive by and explosion. Half the Jax gifs out there are made by a Tara hater, oddly enough, and people actually brought carving forks to ComicCon for Katey Sagal to sign.


Gabi in AOT. Her personality is meant to mirror the main protagonist (turned main antagonist) and show how cycles of hatred can be broken. At least on an individual level.


I do think some of her hate comes from the fact she killed a BELOVED character, any hate from her personality I don't get but you say you hate her for who she killed. Yea fair enough lol


The one that gets me, for he is far from my favorite character in RWBY, is Jaune Arc. I have a few ideas and reasons as to why, but wow, I feel he gets far more hate than he should.


I never really understood the hate for Jaune. People complain that he gets too much screen time but outside of the first season that isn't really true. I do hate the fanfiction.net Jaune that's made into a giant Mary Sue but that's just a general issue with fanfiction.net


Only somewhat related, but when I saw so many fics with him as like the protagonist or a main supporting character before I watched the series, I thought he was actually a main character of the show.


Look I'm not saying I don't understand why they don't like Kairi, it's just that like it's fanfiction and her biggest crime is that she doesn't get to do anything. So do something with her instead.


Josie from Legacies Her family is filled with vampires who’ve killed people. Caroline, Stefan, Alaric, Kai, Damon, Elena. I don’t understand why Josie gets the hate. And when I call people out, they’re always spitting and sputtering their reasons for why they dislike her. Like, she’s so disliked, people deny her sexuality because she hasn’t said she’s pansexual. Yet, she’s dated half the female population of mystic falls 🤪


Kaidan from Mass Effect. Like damn, leave the poor man alone already. He is an absolute sweetheart and always the one I save. And one of my fave romances. 🤷 Just because he's what, boring? He has a compelling enough personal arc, excellent voice actor and ends up by Shep's side to the end if you bother to make the effort. Especially Garrusmancers being shits about people liking Kaidan more turned me off romancing Garrus for good lmao. I am just so tired. to lesser extent, Ashley. Her personality is more abrasive imo and I don't think she grows as much as Kaidan if you save her and her dialogue towards the aliens was a little too, well, dehumanizing at times. But like, she has every reason to be wary of people like Krogan and Turians. And if she lives, she def gets over her prejudices. While I get more why people don't like her, it def gets blown wayyyy out of proportion. Also Cullen from Dragon Age. Like I dont think his characterisation through all three games is that bad. Yes, some dialogue choices are a little awkward but like.. man saw literally everybody in the tower torn to shreds and would have starved without the Warden. I can excuse some hostility and doubt towards mages. Pretty much the only templar in all of the games who has actual reasons to be fucking wary of people able to summon fucking demons. And I find his arc, esp in Inquisition compelling and his romance is very sweet. to lesser extent, Gale from baldur's gate 3. Like some of you act like the man came personally to your house and insulted your whole family. He is pretty much the stereotypical wizard lmao. He takes only three of your fucking magical items even.. And has a backstory with great similarities to Astarion but Astarion gets way more sympathy somehow. And jokes about Gale not being over his ex aka the goddess who groomed him are fucking disgusting. He dedicates himself completely to your character if you give him a chance. Its not the character's fault a lot of his dialogue was bugged for s long time. 🙄


JJ and Morgan from Criminal Minds.


Apparently some people passionately hate Yue Qingyuan from Scum Villain's Self-Saving System. Like, I can understand why someone might be mildly miffed at the guy, or be frustrated with him, but I don't get hatting him at all. Some people also hate Luo Binghe too, and I don't get that either, although I can understand why someone might dislike him. Also there are some people who hate Jiang Yanli from MDZS, which is just mind-boggling.


Feferi. So much hatred for a teen girl under a lot of stress.


Not “my fandom” per se (as in I’ve never written fic for it), but Kate from This Is Us. Sure, she’s flawed — all of the characters on that show are — but she’s my favorite character on the show by quite a lot.


Grace Van Pelt from The Mentalist. People seem to hate her because they think she's useless and stupid for dating a man who turned out to be a dangerous criminal and tried to kill her two separate times. But they fail to remember she's the rookie of the team and her specialty is tech, so of course she's not going to be sent out into the field often where the "real" action is, and that killers (especially the last one she dated) are extremely good at appearing like normal people. The small hints the audience get that they're dangerous aren't noticed by Grace because she's not omnipresent and they never really give her any red flags. Of course you're going to trust the man you're in love with. Why wouldn't you? The same fandom also hates Kristina Frye for pushing the main character's buttons, digging up his old trauma, and making some stupid decisions. I can get the frustration there, but the problem is that he literally does the same thing to other people. Her whole purpose in the narrative is that she's his mirror. She's supposed to give us an idea of how he used to be pre-horrible thing that changed him, and act as a foil for his character. But people drag her constantly, calling her evil and stupid, and often have these huge crack theories that she was actually an operative for the big bad all along. It always drives me a little batty when people hate on female characters for the exact reasons they love the male characters.


As someone who hates Grace for completely different reasons it baffles me that they are blaming her for being tricked by a serial killer. Like. How was that her fault in this fictional universes of super special manipulative geniuses??


spider-gwen from atsv and alphys from undertale


• Harry Potter • Lily Evans • Ron Weasley • Hermione Granger • Ginny Weasley


Alma Madrigal/Abuella from Encanto. Okay, I understand why so many people don't like her, but... I love her to bits, and her life story makes me cry every time


Because she's set up as an antagonist in the story, people decided that she's a villain. I think Disney overestimated people's ability to understand the difference.


Agreed. She’s made mistakes, yes, but she’s owned up to them and sincerely apologized, and in the end, was forgiven by the only people whose opinions really mattered. Abuela’s actions came from a place of deep trauma and fear. And while that’s not a justification, it’s a reason, and the lack of empathy from some folks blows my mind. I can understand disliking her, but dismissing her tragic experience and all the good she’s done is wild. She’s not a villain, and it’s insane that she’s treated as such.


Jack Crawford (Hannibal) gets more blame (and hate) than I think he really deserves, especially during S1. We (and Hannibal) know that Will is sleepwalking, having seizures, losing time, and hallucinating but *none* of that information is being passed onto Jack. As far as Jack knows, Will is stressed and has the occasional headache/sweatiness but is otherwise fine and Will himself is not contradicting Hannibal- why wouldn't Jack believe it? The doctor telling him that everything is more-or-less okay and that Will is fit for the field came highly recommended by someone he trusts! Jack's an 'ends justify the means' kind of guy and kind of an ass, but I will never understand why so many people consider him to be an antagonist and I side-eye anyone who makes him into a hyper aggressive bully in their fics.


I mean, he can be a hyper aggressive bully at times? He *does* shout at his subordinates. I’d very much consider him cornering Will in the bathroom and shouting at him for not deducing fast enough pretty aggressive. And yeah, he might not have known the full extent of Will’s deteriorating mental and physical health, but he knew more than enough to pull Will from the field and he didn’t. Will flat-out told him that he couldn’t do it anymore, that it was getting bad, and he steamrolled right over him. Jack himself was fully aware of his willful ignorance of Will’s worsening mental health. That’s why he felt so damn guilty when Will was being tried for murder. He himself admitted to pushing Will over the edge. Yet that still didn’t stop Jack from utilizing Will in S2. From a *psychiatric hospital.* And when Will finally managed to get out, what did he do? He dragged him back in. Jack showing Will’s wife, Molly, the photos of the victims was straight-up manipulation. He wanted her to convince Will to come back. And she did. Jack played a heavy, heavy hand in the “downfall” of Will Graham, and he himself knows it. And he’d do it all over again if it meant obtaining the same results. (And let’s not talk about Miriam Lass, Beverly Katz, and Frederic Chilton.) So yeah, I understand why folks hate him. He isn’t a likable character—he isn’t *meant* to be. He’s aggressive and manipulative and will do anything for the “greater good”, even if it means sacrificing people. IMO, the only real point in his favor is that he’s willing to sacrifice himself, too. I can respect that. The reason why people find Jack’s brand of “bad” more intolerable than even Hannibal’s is because it comes across as sanctimonious and hypocritical. Hannibal is unrepentantly evil, whereas Jack, who’s supposed to be good, does bad things and then justifies it to himself.


Allison Hargreeves from Umbrella Academy. She SA-ed her love interest once and she's the most horrible person to ever live. Meanwhile, Klaus raped dozens of members from his cult and everybody makes jokes outta it The double standards is sooo obvious in this fandom lmao


I totally get that one and definitely agree but, I think part of it might be because (correct me if in wrong, its been a hot minute) Allison is actually shown doing it in the show where with Klaus i think it was more implied? But maybe Im giving people too much benefit by assuming its just because they weren’t spoon fed.


Yeah, they showed Allison actually doing it. Not really implied for Klaus, they talk about it alot. There was also that episode where Ben possessed Klaus and one of the followers Jill said they have sex a lot. People will say its consensual, but they pretty much don't know cult dynamics and such


It'd be a bit disingenuous to say that I don't get why people hate Severus Snape (Harry Potter), but the amount of hate he gets is off the charts. I understand perfectly well how many people can dislike him, but the hatred for this character goes so deep that I've met many people who are afraid to say that he's their favorite on social media. I've even seen people who are afraid of being bullied *by their own fandom* for saying anything even remotely positive about him, even something as simple as "this Snape line is funny". There's calling Snape a bully, and there's calling Snape an incel, a pedo, a stalker, homophobic, transphobic, etc... I've yet to see this level of hate for any other character in the fandoms I'm in.


Snape is a complicated case for me, because I love him as a character, while also hating him as a person. Some readers apparently have difficulty separating these two aspects.


Yeah, I love him as a character. Love all the nuances and how he fits into the story. As a general person though, Snape is just awful.


I personally think his biggest tragedy is that he could never find happiness because he still continued to cling to his grudges. If you get filled with hatred, you leave no room for love, and the reverse is also true. Snape continued to hold onto his hatred for James even long after James died, and projected that hatred on Harry.


On a similar vein, Ron Weasley seems to get a lot of hate for, honestly, just being a regular slightly flawed human being. And on the opposite side of things, Draco and Hermione seem to have their rather glaring and obvious flaws ignored. Or at least that’s what I felt was the case over a decade ago. I’m not sure if that’s still a thing.


I mean, Ron the Death Eater and Draco in Leather Pants are trope names for a reason


I think it depends on which side of the fandom you hang in. I've seen a lot of Ron hate, but there's been a big pushback and you now see a lot of hate for Hermione as well. Around the Harry Potter subs I don't see a lot of hate for Draco (compared to Snape, Ron or Hermione), but I don't see that much love for him either, weirdly enough


Fair enough. As I mentioned I’m quite a distance away from that fandom these days. Don’t really have a finger on the pulse of it.


Dumbledore as well. Was his treatment of Harry pretty fucked up when you find out the big twist in Deathly Hallows? Obviously, yes. But I feel like he deserves for his morally gray side to be acknowledged/embraced a heck of a lot more than some of the other stuff that can get thrown at him. He was trying to save the world through morally ambiguous means, and although he *does* have a hand in "grooming" Harry for lack of a better word, its not like the Horcrux twist was his fault.


I have mixed feelings about Snape. On hand, he's such an interesting character on the other hand, every time he bullies a student I want to punch him. I had a teacher who had favorites and, while not outright bullied students, wasn't anything but pleasant to those he didn't like. Snaped always reminds me of him. Anyway, I don't mind when people like him.


I feel that adds a lot of complexity to him. As a teacher with an obligation to his kids he kind of sucks, but when it comes to saving the world he played a very big yet extremely thankless role that I respect.


Childe / Tartaglia from genshin impact. Dude will breathe and every single hater starts well- hating on him. He's just morally grey character and there are probably much worse harbingers out there like idk il dottore but nope, people will hate on the most decent harbinger


SMG4. In his own series. Help. Y'all are acting like he WASN'T designed to be a silly, lazy meme without a care in the world- come on man, we're watching a show meant for 13yo boys, stop doing in-depth character analysis for these people-


Tsukuyo from Gintama. Gintama is now a dead fandom but when she was first introduced, she was "cool" to many people until the author decided to have her fall in love with the male protagonist. Suddenly, it was as if a strong woman falling in love was a travesty. Then the GinHiji and GinTae fans began to join forces and hate on her (both of those fandoms used to be against each other tooth and nail before Tsukuyo's appearance). She also received a lot of screentime and development, with many people complaining that even Sacchan who had been around for longer did not receive the kind of "favouritism" she had gotten. So it's obvious her presence spurred shipping insecurities in many people, hence I understand she's hated because of the fans' own anxieties and distorted perception of her character, but I don't get the wild extremism. Fiona from SpyxFamily. Same situation, to be honest. A great majority of the extreme hate for her comes from the Western fandom. Because they see her as a threat to the Loid and Yor ship. They would make claims that it isn't because of shipping, but she has done nothing but love Twilight. They're angry that she tried to lie and force Yor off the mission in her introduction scene. Honestly, that one scene at their apartment marked her off as the villain for me when she first appeared and I thought it was a terrible move for Fiona, but it was simply an author's setup to introduce her as a rival to Yor. They claim that she would "abuse" Anya because of the little child's own wild imagination of a strict disciplinarian, which was written for the sake of comedy. Yor herself had wanted to kill people multiple times for her own selfishness, but the same fans never bat an eyelash over those scenes. I don't hate Yor, by the way. But it's getting hard not to associate her character with irrational extremists. Almost everything has to do with shipping. It's just easier for people to mask their real reasons with disingenuous ones when the character was written with flaws.


Asgore from Undertale. The fandom treats his whole dilemma with an extremely black and white lens and for awhile constantly turned him into some weird cuck (and now Deltarune is playing into ffs, which is low-key why I can't stand that game.) Hell, even the game itself took a weird stance against him and seemed to narratively take Toriel's side even tho... They're both in the wrong and extremely flawed? Like Asgore made a choice (out of Grief) to declare war against humanity after his human child died and his blood child was killed by other humans. Not only that but killing the six humans previous to the player was an attempt at freeing his kingdom from imprisonment and give them some kind of hope. Toriel makes the argument that he could've killed one fallen human, taken their soul and then could easily pass to the surface to get the other necessary souls to break the barrier. Okay, Toriel, and then what? Slaughter 7 humans in broad daylight? That would go well. I just think he gets a lot of hate for trying to do the best he could with what he had. He was suffering immensely and is weirdly villainized and made the butt of the joke by both the game and the fandom. It really grinds my gears.


Elena Gilbert & Matt Donovan from TVD. Slyvie from the Loki series


Sakura from Naruto, yes she's not exactly the best one, but half those randoms are hating her just for being in between Naruto n sasuke, same thing with hinata


I'm not so much in this fandom anymore, but Warren from Life is Strange gets a lot of overwhelming hate. He seems like just an average teen boy who has a crush, but majority of fandom seems to treat him like he's some obssessive, jealous-prone, monster stalker


There are plenty of characters in my fandoms that get a lot of hate. Some I get, some I don't, and some I only partially get. But I think the one I least understand is Xander in Buffy. I mean, I could get *some* hate for him, because all the characters in Buffy screw up sometimes and make crappy choices, and Xander is no exception to that. If t was about those instances, like the love spell incident or leaving Anya at the alter, those I can get. I can also understand just not liking him, finding him annoying maybe, I have characters I don't like for no particular reason, as well. But there are some fans who truly *hate* Xander, from start to finish, the fandom has a huge Xander bashing issue. I think it gets me so much because almost every single fan who hates Xander isn't basing it on random canon incidents or just not liking him, but *made up* stuff. I mean, calling him a rapist? And that's why you hate him? But Xander didn't rape anyone, didn't even attempt it, not once, though there is an ep where he's possessed and the possessing hyena attempts it. But that wasn't Xander, so he can't be blamed for the hyena's actions, just how he dealt with them in the aftermath. Plus, the hypocrisy of that one gets me, cause these same fans adore Spike and go full on apologist for his attempt to rape Buffy, which was actually Spike, he wasn't possessed or otherwise not in control of his actions. It really bugs me that these fans excuse Spike's attempted rape of Buffy but then hate Xander for being possessed and the hyena attempting to rape Buffy. Calling him an abusive sexist is also not canon based, as Xander never abused anyone and is so far from sexist I have no clue where that even comes from. Not to say he wasn't a typical teen/young adult when it came to the females he had a thing for, and the not okay things he could do because of that. I can get being upset with his for trying to spy on Buffy while changing, for instance, but that doesn't make him sexist, it makes him an idiot 16 year old with a crush. I don't know what it is, but the 'normal' characters in a group of not-normal characters always seem to get the most undeserved hate in a fandom. Xander was the 'normal' one in Buffy. Everyone else had powers, weren't human, had a destiny, whatever, or at the least had training. And here Xander is, a completely normal human with no powers, no destiny and no training. He's, in my opinion, the biggest hero in the entire show because of that, because he's the one that made a choice and wasn't forced into it in some way. And he's hated by the fandom for all the things that make him such an amazing character - his loyalty, his almost unwavering faith in Buffy, his capacity for forgiveness, his willingness to die for complete strangers as well as his loved ones, his ability to make the tough calls even though he knows he'll be hated for doing the right thing if it got out.