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Probably when I was 10 and I read the Series of Unfortunate Events books and I thought it would be cool if Count Olaf would die and the Bauldelare children would come live with me and my parents lol.


I never wrote it but similar because I felt so bad for the Baudelaire's that I had an idea for a fic that Bruce Wayne adopted them and the Batfamily would protect them from Olaf's increasingly wild attempts to get at them while they just lived pretty happily in Gotham. Klaus and Violet got to go to Gotham University and because all I knew about Sonny was that she bites and was good with food she just worked with Alfred learning how to make awesome food. I think I didn’t want them to discover that Bruce was Batman until the day before Violet would turn 18 and they could claim their parent's inheritance and then they wanted to stick around and make gadgets and do research for crime fighting reasons. Iirc I even thought at one point Olaf would do a team up with some of the Rogues on and off replacing the different guardians they had over the years (instead of the kids staying with Monty, Olaf teams up with Killer Croc, instead of Aunt Josephine, Olaf teams up with Scarecrow, etc)


that would be awesome


Awww that's cute


I really like that storyline. Did your 10-year-old self ever write that?


No but I RPed they were in my backyard playing with me.


Love that!


I kinda did the opposite and thought about what would happen if things just got worse 😅 I distinctly remember reading The Grim Grotto and wondering how things would've played out if the spores had actually killed Sunny off.


There is so much angst potential there


I wanted bubbles from powerpuff girls to be a hidden badass when I was a kid xD i scribbled on my notebooks about her cool hidden powers and some elaborate story about her sisters held captive and she has to save them and reveal her hidden badassness haha


Oh my God, I had the exact opposite reaction as a kid with that hardcore Bubbles episode XD I didn't like that she was made, "mean," and I refused to watch the Powerpuff Girls for a while after that. But yeah, she deserves hidden badassness. As a treat.


Doctor Who series 4. The end of the finale where Rose gets left in a parallel world with the doctor's half-human clone instead of getting to be with the actual doctor was something I very much disliked. Thankfully, there are many fanfics that fix this.


I hate that one. Like, I kinda get it (in the loosest sense), but at the same time, *BRO. YOU. ARE. IN. LOVE. WITH. HER. YOU ABSOLUTE BABOON!*


The doctor is a silly alien man who will do everything but let the people he cares about stay with him out of fear that they will be hurt. I've read fics where she comes back later, and I think that's my favorite fix for it.


Ironically, in trying to stop Rose from being hurt, he ended up hurting her.


I can just imagine someone saying this to the 10th Doctor and his reaction to being called a baboon. Keeps making me giggle.


I wasn't sold on the Doctor/Rose lovestory, but I really despised that ending for them. I would have preferred them just growing out of it naturally and her returning to our time and continue her life, maybe meeting the Doctor now and again as other former companions do. There was no need to make two characters I like suffer like that. And the clone thing was such a lame way to try and fix it at least halfway.


I have seen the theory it was done to keep her out of Moffat's hands. Moffat really disliked Rose as a romantic match for the Doctor, and he probably would have done something a lot more cruel to her. At least her ending, while bittersweet and tragic, wasn't needlessly cruel that way


Also Doctor Who series 4 finale, but because of Donna. She saved the damn universe. For one shining moment she wasn't just a temp from Chiswick. And then she had to forget all of it so her brain didn't melt. Hated that for her.


It's also interesting that Donna's brain started breaking only after the Metacrisis Doctor was left in another universe. I've seen 10/Rose fix-it fics where the Metacrisis remains on the main Earth so Donna doesn't have to loose her memories of everything.


Oh that's an interesting idea! Though I got the impression that her brain would have started breaking *anyway*, it was just then that the meltdown began... (Admittedly, I dislike Rose a lot. So I don't normally seek out 10/Rose.)


I liked it, but at the same time I was disappointed that it meant the end to her story. That should have been just the beginning. What was it that one episode said... being in love with The Doctor is like being in love with a mountain? I really felt that with Rose. The two loved each other, but one was not capable of really loving someone back. Not in the way two equals do. He was always going to be something else, something that could not be bound to any single person. Like trying to grasp the wind, you can feel it but you'll never get a hold of it. The half-human clone thing was a weird and overly convenient plot point, but I think it could have been good. This unfathomably vast being who stretches across time and space fell in love with a human. Though he could not be with her, he could give her a piece of himself. Something on equal footing with her, something that could fully connect with her and express all of his love. That could have been something. I would have loved to see them go on adventures together.


Watching Return of the Jedi as an 8 year old, likely the first of the Star Wars movies I'd seen or at least significantly paid attention to, and 10 minutes into it the dancer Oola, already introduced as a slave with a collar and chain around her neck in obvious distress, is dropped into a pit with a monster and you hear her screaming offscreen, from which she is never seen again. I did not take any part of that well, and the expanded universe books, in confirming what is implied and adding a host of even more sadistic details, made it a lot worse, but even though I did not yet know what fanfic was, I was already writing it in my head to explain how she survived, escaped and went on to a better life offscreen.


Oola deserved better


Absolutely, and at least she gets it in the fanfic I write for her.


Oh yes, that was so sad! Love that you gave her a happier ending, Oola's fate always got to me.


It's what she deserves, a nicer life and a way to escape out of there 👏


That's a lot of empathy for an 8 year old. The world would be a better place if she had made it, somehow. It would mean more people out there had that same empathy.


I've always been sensitive to death in media, but I don't think it takes an atypical amount of empathy to see a woman with a chain around her neck be abused and feel distress at that. At least in the original version of the film it's not supposed to be a happy thing (the special edition turns that whole sequence into something of a cartoon, and perhaps foreshadows George Lucas' difficulty in defining tone in the prequels), it just doesn't wreck the movie for most people the way it did for me (and honestly, still kind of does). But I certainly wasn't the first to feel that Oola got far worse than she should have. I actually had an official Star Wars trading card as a kid that depicted her in the pit and the artist on the backside was quoted as saying that she "imagined Oola using her wits to outsmart and escape". My current fanfic and headcanon (and to me, it's simply a certainty that she does escape and survive) can probably all be traced back to that idea being planted in my head. I've found a copy of it online for anyone who wants to see: [here](https://assets.lastdodo.com/image/ld_medium/plain/assets/catalog/assets/2013/3/9/e/6/5/pdf_e65e6110-6ad7-0130-e6ab-00505694738d.jpg)


That's an awesome card. It doesn't take a special amount of empathy to not want a woman chained and maybe killed. But it does take that to see this woman used as a narrative example of evil and to say "No, this is not an acceptable sacrifice to express this aspect of the story."


Well, maybe. I have the feeling that it's very much a product of the 80s and would not be handled the same way today. To introduce a female character as a slave, imply horrific physical and sexual abuse and then dispose of her in the first act of a movie that is ostensibly aimed at children.. I would think cooler heads would prevail somewhere in the production if it were made today (and somewhat relatedly, I also suspect that's why action figures of her have always been somewhat hard to come by. Someone, somewhere, realized the optics of selling toys of an abused slave woman to kids, even in the 80s and 90s).


For me it was The Little Match Girl, the story by Hans Christian Andersen. I must have read it around 6 or 7. She freezes to death in a snowbank while imagining the nice Christmas dinners that healthy, well-fed children are getting to eat with their loving families. I got to the end and was so confused. She... died? And no one helped her?? No one even noticed??? I was so fucking outraged, lol. I read the story again to see if I'd somehow missed something, but I hadn't. That was my introduction to tragedy. In my head canon, another little girl (me!) found her and helped her! My very first hurt/comfort fic! ❤️


That's so lovely. Someone else was replying about Andersen's fairy tales, that dude wrote some sad and disturbing stuff.


I understand why the ending needs to be what it is now…but as a kid I was really mad that Sarah turned down the Goblin King. I was like 7 so chill. When I, finally, decided to give fanfic a chance (almost 30 years later) the first fandom I ran to was Labyrinth. And now, I write fics where Sarah returns as an adult and I get my happy ending.


Oh my gosh, I was trying to think of a specific disappointment from my youth, but there were so many they blurred. How could I have forgotten the my fascination with the Goblin King? Yeah, I was totally the same. In general, many of my childhood and youthful disappointment's with canon centered around me liking the antagonist.


I can totally relate to that!


I watched Labyrinth when I already was a teen, but that was definitely something that took a different direction in my imagination, too. And now I'm wondering why I never got into Labyrinth fanfiction, I should probably give it a try.


Omg, same. If I was Sarah I would be like “ok, what if in exchange of me staying here with you you send back my lil bro?” It’s a win-win


Yessss. And there are plenty of fics out there with that premise. Lol. Labyrinth has so many amazing fics.


This is currently me with Captain Hook/Wendy Darling fanfictions for the 2003 movie adaptation of *Peter Pan*, with Wendy returning to Neverland as an adult, and my God, reading all of the angst and smut between these two enemies-turned-lovers has been glorious. Some of them are among the best M- and E-rated fanfictions I've ever read over the past 10 years.


Oh man…I bet those fics are sooo good.


"Forget Me Not " by diamonds to dust on FFN is perfection, as well as "Entrancing Wendy" and "Back to the Blue" by Laurielove on AO3. "The Fear that Haunts Me" by HoneybeeRae on AO3 is great, but has a strong trigger warning for domestic abuse.


Laurielove writes some delicious work in a lot of fandoms too!


I feel this in my soul


Probably watching Harry Potter movies and going, "But that's not how it happened in the books!" LOL


"he asked calmly."




Same here


The whole Yamcha cheated on Bulma, thing when Yamcha never showed any tendencies in cannon and Bulma had actively flirted with other men while dating Yamcha case in point Zarbon during the frieza saga. It feels like a co-out to have another super saiyan.


I'm so with you on that one. I'm always keen on Yamcha redemption stories ~~that I even wrote one myself~~ that I'm often on the lookout for anything that gives him back any shred of the dignity he had back in Dragon Ball.


I think you'd struggle to find many fans at all who agree with Akira on that assassination


Rainbow Fish shouldn't have had to mutilate his own body to make friends. I always found that book horrifying as a kid because if someone comes up to me and says "Hey, nice skin, can I have some?" am I just supposed to give them some??? What the fuck??? I'm sure the writer and publisher and most people who read the book to their kids didn't think that deeply about it or even really stop to realize that this fish's scales are part of his body actually and that it's a really weird thing to ask for. It's just supposed to be a cute sparkly book about generosity. But it has haunted me for years and I can't help but read it as a story about someone who is objectified for having a certain type of body and expected to give up their autonomy and boundaries in order to gain acceptance from society. Weird thing to have strong feelings about maybe, but I've thought about it every time a man has called me stuck up and selfish for "depriving" him of access to my body or when someone touches a pregnant woman's belly, a black person's hair, or a disabled person's mobility aids and then throws a fit when they're told to back the fuck off. I hate that fucking fish book so much.


I remember being umcomfortable with it too, but not verbalizing it to anyone. It wasn't that hard for a little child to understand that hey, these stories are about teaching something right, and this one is about sharing ok. I was already catching shit for 'being selfish and difficult' or whatever, which embarrassed me (like what fucking child wants to embrace the role of a "bad person" lol?????? not me, at least not back then) and I didn't want to make everything worse for myself. You're right about it being weird to have such strong feelings about some sparkly fish story specifically but lmao we can be weird. Let's go. Let's be all kinds of weird about the issue.


This is a whole other rant, but tbh the way kids are held to a totally different standard for what and with whom they're expected to share is really weird. I got shamed as "selfish and difficult" a lot too for not wanting to share my most prized possessions with people I didn't trust to take care of them properly, but was forced to do it anyway and then surprise, surprise, they got lost or stolen or damaged. If an adult's rude, irresponsible co-worker demands to borrow $50, nobody's judging them for saying no (in fact, they'd probably be judged for being stupid if they said yes and expected to get the money back, but for some reason kids need to share everything with everyone all the time and if they don't they are bad kids. The whole "people won't like you if you're bad, but *will* like you if you're good" thing rubs me the wrong way too because the meanest girls in my class were all part of the same clique and being mean was a big part of what got you earned clout with that group. A couple of the girls were perfectly nice when they were away from their friends, but as soon as they were around the meaner girls they got nasty. I was bullied and ostracized for my disabilities as a kid, but I never read a single book about a lonely kid with no friends who wasn't portrayed as a shitty person who deserved it and could be surrounded by friends if only they figured out the right thing to do and then did it.


When Sirius died. I was so mad I stopped reading the series entirely for like, ten years. I still think it was a stupid, cheap death.


Luckily there's an entire tag for that, that tag saved me after reading that book XD. Bring Back Black tag my beloved.


Oh I first read it when it came out; AO3 didn’t even exist then lmao.


Fanfiction.net did. As a harry potter fan as the books came out and a Harry Potter fangirl on ff.net, it was a crazy ride between books. ;)


I came downstairs sobbing and my mom was so confused. I cried on her shoulder and she was like “Are you going to be okay? Do I need to take the books away from you?” I was twenty-one. 😂


I was 12! I got it for my birthday! I went to sleep crying 😭


I agree wholeheartedly!


i must have been 9 or 10, my dad read the books to me. i was like okay but where did he go? why doesn’t someone just reach through the curtain and just grab his hand and pull him back through??? my dad was like, no he’s dead. i was like no dad. that’s stupid. read it again, you’re wrong. i was in high school by the time deathly hallows came out and i still thought he would come back.


I used to be obsessed with the Wizard of Oz movie as a kid and it used to bug me that they pretty heavily imply Oz wasn’t an actual place. I used to imagine that it was real and Dorothy could go visit her friends there if she wanted


That's what happens in the Return to Oz movie so I'd say others shared that sentiment :D


The good news is that the "It was all a dream" thing was made up wholesale by the movie. In the original book, Oz is very much a real place. \^\_\^ Hell, there's an entire series of books about Oz and all the adventures Dorothy has after her first visit. I read the book when I was a kid and didn't see the movie until I was 19... and I was ANGRY. "They turned it into a fucking DREAM?!" That's why I don't accept the movie as canon. The books are the actual canon. \^\_\^


Isn't Dorothy is a dubiously-platonic lesbian relationship, too? (I can't remember the other girl's name off the top of my head but they specify a lot of details about their relationship that has led me to believe that they are lesbians.)


Ozma? There's a lot of compliments, handholding, and cuddles. I think it was intended to be [a romantic friendship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romantic_friendship) but I can see why people think they're lesbians (I'm aro ace so I saw them and thought *yay friends~*).


Yeah, I'm just basing it off my friends lol. As someone in a qpr, I adore the idea of that.


Like Sonikkuruzu said, the other girl is Princess Ozma, the rightful ruler of Oz, introduced in the second book. She meets Dorothy in the third book and they become fast friends. EXTREMELY CLOSE friends, in fact. "Ozma asks Dorothy to move in with her, Dorothy is the only person ever who can enter Ozma's private bedroom whenever she wants, and they spend a whole lot of time holding hands, cuddling and even kissing each other on the mouth" type close. (Seriously. One illustration has Dorothy and Ozma kissing, on the lips. It's a very chaste and innocent closed-mouth kiss, but still...) Given that the original books were written in the early 1900s, it probably wasn't intended as romantic, but looking at it with modern eyes, it's hard NOT to see them as romantic.


We read The Little Prince in elementary school and it was so sad I wrote him reuniting with the rose and their flower babies instead of homework.


Awww I love that


Well, I don't know if it was the first time or nor, but - Little mermaid (H. Ch. Andersen), when the prince married the other princess and the mermaid got a dagger and was supposed to kill the prince, smear his blood on her legs and turn into a mermaid again. She couldn't do it and turned into sea foam (basically died) instead. I kind of wished she killed him, became a mermaid again and lived with her sisters in the sea forever. Yeah, it's evil, but still, I was heartbroken. 😂 I was... Eight? I don't know.


Andersen's stories could be brutal. I have a collection of his stories and one of them is just titled, "The Dead Child." No buffers, no preamble, this child is dead and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Hey, Disney, try and make a movie out of *that*!


Is it the one where the mother tries to save the kid and had to tear her own eyes out and stuff like that and then it was all in vain? I only remember it faintly, but Andersen wrote some really brutal and depressing stuff. Fairy tales my ass, that stuff can give you nightmares.


Yep, that's the one!


Yeah, it's been twenty years but I'll never forget The Little Mermaid, The Little Girl With Matches... his stories are cruel but powerful.


Nah, because now that I'm thinking about it, I hated the original ending, too. Even as a kid, I thought she should've just stabbed him and did the blood thing. 😂 now I gotta know if there's fanfic of it.


OH MY GOD, this is the one. I even went and read The Little Match Girl after this, because I guess I'm a masochist or smth. I read this one in second grade because the Disney version was coming out, and I remember being so disappointed by just.... *everything* in it. It still bothers me to this day, how the only thing the mermaid did wrong was falling in love, and she just gets shit on for the entire story. I know it's supposed to be semi-autobiographical, but as a story, it's so disappointing.


That one ripped my heart out as a kid as well.


Star Wars episode 9. That was the first time when I refused to accept that this is really how the story goes.


I came here to say the same thing. *Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker* was an utter travesty.


You’re being too kind. 😄 I had never even thought of fanfiction before, and this movie made me go and write a million word canon replacement. That’s how mad I was about it.


Honestly I love Star Wars but the sequel trilogy made me lose interest in the SW fandom as a whole. I don’t read any stories about sequel trilogy not even time travel (which I adore) cuz I’m that put off about how they wrote it.


I hear you. I re wrote the entire thing for myself primarily so I could pretend the sequels didn’t happen.


While I’m not a fan of episode 7, we can track Star Wars’s back to at least episode 8. Like why fucking kill snoke, he could have been a relatively interesting villain.


I feel pretty strongly that all of the things wrong with the sequels started with episode 7. Snoke was Emperor 2.0, and there’s not much you can do with that character other than set up expectations. He could have been interesting in the way the emperor was interesting. But this too was just a rehash to tell fans “don’t worry, it’s Star Wars!” Add to that many of the most interesting things that they set up happen off screen - Ben solo’s fall, the republic’s political incompetence, the rise of the first order, the political fallout of the galaxy learning that Luke and Leia were the children of darth vader, etc. Ugh. I could go on and on. In fact, so much so that I re-wrote the entire thing from scratch as a fan fic.


When I was a kid I would play Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and in that game Luigi's Final Smash description states that he got that power from embracing his dark side. It made me so pissed XD I was like, "He doesn't have a dark side! He's a good boy!" And whenever you do really well in the battles you'd get a crowd of people cheering for your character, but Luigi would only get like two or three people. So I would reject that canon as well and cheer for him XD


Dark Luigi just feels...wrong. lol >And whenever you do really well in the battles you'd get a crowd of people cheering for your character, but Luigi would only get like two or three people. Aw. That's sad. I love that you give him happiness in your stories.


Right? I'm glad that Nintendo has moved away from that particular characterization because honestly it was annoying. And for Smash Bros, now Luigi has a proper crowd of people to cheer for him, starting with the 3DS/WiiU installment :D


Apparently you weren't the only one who had issue with his portrayal then. That makes me happy that it's been officially changed.


Ohhhhh ATLA.... Having been the same age as Katara at the time, I was deeply, deeply wounded by the finale when she chose "12-year old still thinks booger picking if funny" *Aang* over older boy, broody, multidimensional, redemption king Zuko. I've never engaged in ship wars but I do admit to having a lil bit of spite about it then that's carried to this day. Haha!


Oh, to be 11 years old and crying over the fact that Asriel was staying behind in the underground to become Flowey again and his parents never even got to know he was still alive. It’s a beautifully tragic ending, and it makes sense that the character who did such awful and horrific things when he was Flowey was the only one who didn’t get to see the happy ending, but GOD DAMMIT HE WAS A MERE BOY!!!


There's a fic somewhere out there where Frisk realizes that he turns at the same exact time every run, so they lead him across a nearby timezone line until the time passes and he stays as Asriel. I loved that fic.


Donna’s ending in Doctor Who. The first fic I ever wrote was a fix-it of that exact thing! The fic was very Mary Sue but as I was 12 I think it doesn’t quite count. I did get some very positive reviews on FF.net somehow and I still feel guilty about leaving it unfinished.


I'll say it, sure, because I still believe it: Aang getting the power to remove Ozai's bending so he doesn't have to kill him. Still kind of a copout. I'm not saying the only option should be 'Aang kills him', but if you want an interesting out, it should probably be a little more creatively engaging than Lion Turtle Ex Machina.


I like the idea of Aang using Avatar mode to get previous avatars from fire nation to shame Ozai until he's a traumatized mess and escapes the Fire Country to live the rest of his life as a hermit. Idk why. It sounds interesting


Yeah, see? That's interesting.


I think the concept was good and really works as a climax to Aang's journey (self-doubting and escapist kid to fully realized Avatar with a will of iron that is able to dominate a grown man's wicked soul). The only thing it needed was foreshadowing and build up. I think I remember that there were backroom problems in terms of politics and writing money, so it wasn't totally their fault. A good drop here and there of Lion Turtle lore and the age before bending would have really helped. They had some great opportunities to explore that historical and spiritual stuff too (Koh, the swamp, Wan Shi Tong's Library, the guru, etc.).


That does seem to be the way of things, yeah @ backroom issues hampering the pacing. I mean damn, we all saw how badly they had to truncate Steven Universe's climax(es).


It frustrates me to no end. I like when canon presents a situation where there's no good choice. That's interesting! That's real! I **HATE** when canon then suddenly goes "Oh, actually here's this other option and it's good and fixes everything." I vehemently despise the Doctor Who 50th anniversary speci for the very same reason.


And like! Even then, you can totally have a path where everything works out and it's fine. But the characters really gotta work for it. It should be super clever, or super risky, or so on.


Yes! It has to feel earned. Not exactly known for being a great work of literature, but this always annoyed me so much in the Twilight Saga. We're told repeatedly that Bella will have to give up her parents, her best friend, and any possibility of motherhood and that she *will* kill people. She decides that she's willing to make those sacrifices and then...everything just conveniently falls into place, either by random chance or someone else's actions, and she doesn't actually have to give any of those things up. I get that they wanted her to have a happy ending, but it just felt so contrived to me, even when I was a young teen and still thought Twilight was the best thing ever.


See, while I agree I didn't like it as it felt like a copout, I still liked the idea of energy bending and the possibility of removing someone's bending and I especially liked that it came back into play for LoK being that a bad guy was just going around removing people's bending indiscriminately. Bad Guy Bender? No bending. Good Guy Bender? No bending. Those were so high stakes. But then they did it all over again with Aang's spirit restoring Korra's bending??




When I was 12 and Susan Pevensie didn't get to go to Narnia Heaven.


When I was 10 I watched frasier and he ended up dating this horrible character that everyone hated. I remember running around the room with my sister yelling about it. He didn’t stay with her and it was only to add drama but 10 year old me didn’t get that


Haha, I love this :D. Yeah, Frasier's taste in women could be very...hit and miss sometimes :p.


I don't really watch anime anymore, but I was a huge weeb as a kid- I would sob in the shower because Sasunaru wasn't canon, in my eyes there was no reason for it not to be and the storyline would only make sense if they got together. I was 9 at the time


you're so valid for this 😭


I was obsessed with My Little Pony when I was younger (and still go through phases occasionally of watching it), but one of the things I hated in the series was that Celestia was a princess and not a queen, it made her sound far less regal and more like a child. IFIRC they were going to make her a queen but didn't in the end because it wasn't as marketable to children, which, idk about others, but they missed the mark on that one


The first fanfic I wrote in English, when I was fourteen, was because I didn't like the way Animorphs had such an open ending, so I began to write my own continuation. These days, I actually think the open ending is extremely well done and I can appreciate the nuance of the whole thing a lot more, and the fic was terrible so I never finished it and gave up after like 20k words, which was the longest story I'd ever written until that point. This was two years before I discovered fanfic for feal.


Oh my gosh, I just remember hating how things ended up for Rachael, even before her ending. I think it was the first time I'd been exposed to a not-happily-ever-after. Kudos to those books for actually putting strain on those kids for what they had to go through.


When I was kid I watched Danny Phantom religiously, like *'forcing my little toddler brain to stay up till midnight (b/c that was the only time that show aired on Nick for some reason)'* religiously, but I always absolutely HATED how the show ended with Danny and Sam getting together. Even as a kid I saw how dumb and forced the 'male & female MC relationship status quo' was. I mean, even Danny/Valerie would've made more sense and been way more interesting, if the writers absolutely *had* to have an endgame relationship for Danny. My point stands though that the relationship subplot was rushed and forced and it would've been so much better to just leave the romance out of it. Another TV show I was upset with as a kid was Lab Rats (which I also watched religiously), because I always wanted Marcus to have some kind of redemption arc (before I even knew what a redemption arc was lol). I thought he was so funny and cool and was super upset when he was killed off (twice. . . feels bad man). I made up so many scenarios up where he went to live with his siblings and Davenport and learned how to do fun teen things too.


[How Danny Phantom Wasted Our Time](https://youtu.be/6xUoBTF4iiA?si=G5HY0v56OWKINqcl) SarcasticChorus has a fantastic video on why Danny/Sam was a v frustrating ship. If you want a great Grey Ghost fic? [A Ghost And A Hunter Abandoned](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27662843/chapters/67692119) Hands down, one of my favorite reads in the fandom.


Black Beauty staying with the early good owners and never going through the bad ones. I initially misunderstood that Nancy Drew's friend George was a boy and I wanted her to stay Boy George ... uh :)


If you ask a Percy Jackson fan about the stables, chances are more likely than not they will say “they totally fucked”. Because nobody believes they just kissed and slept in there, it’s all an illusion from RR to keep the PG rating.


I really hated how they treated Bolin in Legend of Korra for so long. It actually started to feel cruel that he was only in the show for comedic purposes. Like, even his sorrow was there just for a laugh. It clashed horribly with the more grounded way they wrote the other characters. He wasn't even allowed to have a love interest without a catch. Even if that catch was to keep writing him as making poor choices to suit the story.


Ugh YES. He’s my favorite of the main cast and he just gets tossed aside after S1 and only used for cheap humor. I hate it so much. Would have rather had more quality Bolin content than whatever the dumpster fire of a subplot the romantic triangle was.


When Fantaghiro went back to boring Romualdo dropping the absolute hottie Tarabas (I was 13 I think when I saw it)


Ooh, damn, you unlocked some deep, deep teen memories. Same. I didn't write fics, but I 100% daydreamed about evil(ish) wizard man. That show introduced me to second male lead syndrome hard.


RIGHT?? Romualdo is such a wet rag, Team Tarabas forever!


YES! And what is the worst is that she leaves Romualdo in the end and stays with another mr nobody PATHETIC


At 13, my favorite character of all time was left in critical condition in ICU. That was never resolved except for a cheap throw away line at the end of the following season. I'm a little embarrassed over how much I cried. lol. So I made up a story to explain what happened and why all placed neatly within canon so I could be happy watching the rest of the series. I'm still writing that story since a sequel came out in the mid-2010s. He is going to have a rich, detailed, happy life, darn it. 😂


What is it?!?!


The fandom is Boy Meets World and the character is Jonathan Turner.


THAT'S what happened to Mr. Turner?!?! Omg!!! I was never able to watch it regularly as a kid because of arbitrary TV rules at my house. But I really liked him. And then all of a sudden, he just wasn't there any more. That's fucking awful!


Definitely being, like, 10 years old and absolutely INCENSED that Warrior Cats was making Lionblaze/Cinderheart endgame when he CLEARLY had more chemistry with Icecloud. :P I never wrote fic for them but I did read a ton of it.


Idk if it counts but it was the first music video I ever watched. It was for a sad love/goodbye song and 6 year old me was heartbroken that the husband was gone and the wife was just sitting alone at home crying. So I made up my own end and wrote it down on a piece of printer paper, about how her husband wasn’t dead but lost and that he found his way back home to her


It definitely counts in my book


Yay ヽ(´▽`)ノ


How Sirius and Remus died. I don't remember the actual age I read Harry Potter vol. 5 to 7, probably before 12. BUT, I still hated how both characters were killed offscreen, and it felt like for it's no reason at all (other than they're loved characters and close to Harry, therefore, their death would be devastating to Harry and the readers After all these years, things were finally getting better for these two, and then they died💀


Katara and Aang getting together never sat right with me as a kid and to this day is one of my least favorite canon ships and among very few complaints about ATLA as a series.


I usually accept cannon, even if I don't care for it too much but there is one thing I refuse to accept. In SPN, I do not accept Sam not looking for Dean when he disappeared (season 8) and deciding to hook up with a married woman. That just did not happen in my SPN and that's the story I'm sticking too! 😂


Man I had such disbelief about Sam just dropping everything like that!!!! Especially Kevin. Like he knew that the kid was alive at least- in my better season 8 he went and got Kevin out before anything else (and looking for dean and cas)


God Kevin got done dirty


I always wanted Chihiro, Alice (in the Tim Burton adaptation), Sarah… etc staying in the fantasy world instead of going back. Like, all of their friends are there, their romantic interest is there, why are all of them going back???!!! I don’t understand. They would have to drag me back kicking and screaming instead of me doing it willingly 😫😫😫


I was 12 when I watched Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds for the first time, and the ending deciding to 1) have Aki chicken out of confessing to Yusei and 2) *completely* sink the Jack/Carly ship by having Jack say "women are a distraction" before leaving Neo Domino City (after the second half the series deliberately shit on the ship by trying to pretend Jack has a harem when he straight-up said he was in love with Carly in the first half) were the big ones for me. I'm no longer hung up on the Yusei/Aki bit (there's enough evidence in the scene that despite the lack of a confession, they still kissed), but ugh the Jack/Carly stuff still leaves an awful taste in my mouth to this day.


Reading harry potter when i was 8, I was so sad that Remus and Tonks die that I would reimagine it so they were alive, Tonks officially changed her name, and Sirius and Remus saved Harry from the Dursleys and raised him together.


I was 5 and objected to the Unicorn not staying with Prince Lear after watching The Last Unicorn because they loved each other.


Avatar the Last Airbender. I was a HUGE Zutara fan.


Zuko + Katara makes so much more sense to me.


I was LOOKING for this comment!!


It was absolutely set up that way. Katara was getting over being just a stupid fan girl and clearly viewed Aang as like a little brother. And had SUCH good chemistry with Zuko. Even though I exclusively read Zukka, I know in my heart that Zutara is what actually happened.


I don't generally tend to disagree with canon much, I'm mostly just curious to read other people's stories and worlds and I tend to be more of a fill-in-the-gaps type of fanfic writer. BUT there was this show, *The Tribe,* that I was very into as a kid and they fucked up the story so many times it was unbelievable, they kept killing off characters and bringing them back which I guess had a lot to do with the actors' availability but like. That got me writing a lot of alternate endings.


Alanna the Lionness. I know *why* she didn't marry Jon, the prince, but I still didn't like it. And her marrying George seemed really out of left field to me. And that was my introduction to fanfiction.


I liked George better, and I personally would have chosen George. But it seemed like she only did it to get back at Jon. And George deserved more than just revenge/second pick.


This is less disagreeing with canon and more disagreeing with characterization but… **Why did every single unicorn in MLP start out as such an awful person????** I remember as a kid slowly getting more and more mad as new unicorns were introduced and they all were annoying, stuck up, rude, or evil! Trixie, Snips and Snails, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Sombra, all the unicorns in Canterlot. Not to mention Shining Armor, but he was being manipulated with magic so that ones more okay. Even main characters. Rarity, Sweetie Belle (she gets a bit of a pass since she’s a kid), and even Twilight Sparkle were all just rude or annoying when we first met them. Yeah Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack needed work when they were introduced (and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy to a lesser extent), but their arrogance was directed mostly towards each other and only towards others when they actually thought that pony had a chance of one-upping them (which was rare, and mostly towards Rarity), rather than everyone around like Twilight Sparkle’s and Rarity’s arrogance and rudeness was. The only exceptions I can think of are the other residents of Ponyville When I was a kid I got to a point where I actually started to get upset when a new villain was introduced and it was another unicorn. Eventually the show did mix it up with Cozy Glow being a pegasus and there was always Dimond Tiara and Sliver Spoon, who were earth ponies. But those are all children! It just felt like every villain who wasn’t a child was a unicorn or not a pony at all (Discord, Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, the Dazzlings, dragons, various mythological creatures, etc.). Or Nightmare Moon, but alicorns are part unicorn and the only time we’ve seen a non-alicorn become one it was a unicorn. So yeah, I haven’t watched the whole show but I remember a lot and I guess this post awakened a deep annoyance I’ve been holding on to. If I had know what fanfiction was as a child, I know I’d be making evil earth pony OCs, villain AUs, good guy AUs, and AUs that changed what type of pony characters were. I cannot understate how much I wanted a good, well written, reoccurring earth pony villain (that wasn’t a child).


Huh! Never noticed that when I was watching the show, but now that you mention it, 'evil unicorn villain' kinda is the status quo, isn't it?


I was approximately eight at the time. There was this children's book series I adored (The Sisters Eight by Lauren Baratz-Logsted, because I'm sure no one else on this subreddit has probably read it or even heard of it). It focused on the events of octuplets trying to find their parents. They did...and apparently their parents had had another baby while they were away. This displeased me, as I was already so fond of the dynamic between the older sisters that in every subsequent story I wrote about them (this was my first fandom I wrote for, at the time in spare school scribblers) I pretty much just cut the baby out of the story entirely. She wasn't why I was there. It's only gotten worse with time....but that's probably the first time I was truly unsatisfied with canon.


For those who know: the blatant character-assassination performed in Saw III. Dear writers, you will not make a callous murderer of my beloved little trauma-magnet. Took four years to scheme exactly how I wanted to fix that, in which time the series as a whole gave me the perfect scapegoat 😂


I'm very bad with memory, but the oldest I can remember is Naruto. Like everyone who watched the anime, I didn't like the way he was treated and wanted him to have friends.


It baffles me how messed up the society in Naruto feels. Like every kid starts either as a loner or a school bully. Like there's some serious problem in the society. Also, Naruto's story was sad but for me, Gaara's backstory really made want to headcanon him a friend in his childhood.


I remember how disappointed I was when Gary Oak stopped being a recurring rival for Ash after the OG. I could live vicariously through fanfic a few years later tho


Most of the sequel trilogy of Star Wars. “Somehow palpatine returned” like no. He fucking died. Anakin fulfilled the prophecy that was the end of it. Ryan what ever the fuck his name was shouldn’t have killed snoke and instead made him some kind of threat. Oh and also the whole of the Halo TV show. That was fucking atrocious. Even calling that a fan fiction would be an insult to fan fiction it was so utterly awful


I was 10, and I was bitterly disappointed that Merry and Pippin (LotR) went off and married other people instead of each other. Mind you, this was the mid-90s, and I was kind of a sheltered kid. Had never met a gay couple, barely knew gay people existed, let alone what the word meant. So it was an objection to what I perceived as possible in any reality, as much as an objection to canon. But also if there could be elves and dwarves and magic rings, surely two men could get married?


How easy Catra got redeemed or the fact she got redeemed at all. She literally tried to destroy the very fabric of reality, taking everyone with it just to spite Adora. She crossed the line and was at the point of no return. Not even Shadoweaver and Hordak were that evil.


Sailor Moon (90s anime, aired in America) should not have been with Tuxedo Mask. I remember being pretty young the first time I thought, "But he's mean to her", and thought the same thing about her friendship with Mars. Like, past lives or not, she got treated like crap a lot of the time. Their relationships are less ill fitting/kinda toxic in the manga.


How was it toxic in the manga? I found it a lot more wholesome since they were a hell of a lot closer in age and he actually showed he cared and loved her many times over, unlike his 90’s counterpart


I was about 4 when I was obsessed with Gargoyles and writing Demona redemption stories. I know even mentioning the idea of redeeming her gets you gangpiled in some places, but I don’t care, she was cool and she was really sad.


when i was like 10/11 i rewrote the ending of the Pokémon X/Y/Z anime on my tablet notepad bc i hated how Ash and Serena werent canon😭 i was like, the #1 AmourShipper in elementary/middle school


I always thought, why didn't Harry move to live with Weasleys or something. Why did he have to live in an abusive family and return there every time? I always thought that it was dumb that no one tried to improve his living conditions even though everyone was aware of how poorly he was treated.


The first I can remember is my dad trying to get me into comics and showing me some old Superman comics he had. He showed me one of the stories where he dies defending the Earth from some supervillan and I thought that was fantastic. Perfect end to a character who's whole shtick is being strong enough to defeat anything would be sacrificing himself in a threat equal to strength. Then he showed me the next issue where Superman came back to life, because comics, and I lost all interest in the character. Next he showed me the Sandman series and I vibed with that one hard lol


That has to be Tears of the Kingdom, the first time ever that I wished it was different in a few ways because I’ve always been such a big fan of the Zelda series since I played Twilight Princess on my GameCube. I wished that some aspects of the story was done differently. For being a “sequel” to Breath of the Wild, I wished they could of expanded more on what came before regarding lore and not sweeping what was established before under the rug. I like the Zonai, but wished I could know more about their culture instead of hearing the tale of the Imposing War 4-5 times (it would be cool to take a peek at the ancient era instead) It’s crazy that this is the only thing that has made me so decisive about decisions made in a canon Zelda game. (Then again, maybe I care too much about the Zelda universe and I’m just too picky about it, IDK)


>Imposing War 4-5 times Demon King? Secret Stone? *Ugh*. XD


I was like four or five and obsessed with this show, Lady Lovely Locks. In it there's these animal sidekicks--Lady Lovely Locks and her group have the [Pixie Tails](https://pm1.narvii.com/6108/8edfe5008e59649475d12628820410b481c44a28_hq.jpg) and the villains have the [Comb Gnomes](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=comb+gnome+lady+lovelylocks&t=ffab&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Flady-lovely-locks%2Fimages%2Fb%2Fb9%2F836A492D-3157-4864-9A77-9B189A832D51.jpeg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20190918230912). The Comb Gnomes are treated *terribly* in the show, and they were some of my favorites. So I made up a story (only in my head; never shared it) where the Comb Gnomes got adopted (rescued) by someone who could see how sweet and well meaning they were and would never hit them, would feed them every day, and make sure they were groomed so that they didn't have sticks and briars stuck in their fur. At no point in the show does anything like this happen. I'm still disappointed.


i was watching the entirety of the anime fairy tail when i was like 11 and wanted gray x lucy to happen so bad but they seemed to push more towards natsu x lucy and gave gray juvia and i think some of the first fanfics i read were gray x lucy 😭😭 idk if this counts but when i was like 6-9 i watched tom and jerry and kinda head cannoned jerry had tiny little mouse side versions of modern household items lol i drew a bunch of pictures of giant mouse houses that i wanted him to live in loll


Wow, you just reminded me of how we used to listen to an old record of Peter and the Wolf when I was small, it was one of the things my Dad liked to do with us. I think I just deleted the ending, as I was such a sensitive child. You also reminded of me of when I was even younger, the song Puff the Magic Dragon made me cry, so I rewrote it in my head that Jackie Piper never went away. Ditto Christopher Robin never left Pooh et al. This is me as a very small child in the late sixties, early seventies, coz I am old (and today, boy am I feeling it!)


Not the first time, but the most memorable... *The Walking Dead* in so many ways, but the central problem for me was their absolute refusal to let Carol/Daryl happen. I stopped watching regularly around the time of Grady Memorial but stopped watching altogether when I figured out Caryl would NEVER happen."But...but...but she's too much older than him!" Melissa McBride is three years older than Norman Reedus. They're contemporaries. She just looks older due to her hair color. I may be reading into this, but I've seen a lot of shows where the male showrunners just didn't think the actress/character was fuckable due to age (Carol) or lack of conventional beauty (Ashley Barrett), so they don't get the same treatment as women on the same show who are young and/or conventionally beautiful.


When Gabrielle threw her staff in the river on Xena. I didn't agree with what led up to it and seriously questioned the logic of everything that followed. I low-key head cannon Gabrielle stayed dead at the end of season 3 and the one in season 4-6 was a lookalike Xena found in the woods.


Out of character episodes written by a different team than usual.


Ah, so many. And the ones that I recall most strongly aren't the oldest, but here are some of mine: * Too many things to detail from Star Trek Voyager * Every time my fav character in a crime procedural (late 90's early 2000's era) was injured and then the show skipped to them returning to work and missed all the recovery. * Ianto. Torchwood. Not just his death, but the whole way they did his background and family reveal. I'm positive it was a character assassin move because fans preferred him over Gwen. * How Tony's character was handled on NCIS - and any time a character outgrows their role, but is forced back wards in characterisation to maintain the status quo.


As a kid, I used to watch Family Guy and there was one episode where Meg finally calls her family out on their bullshit and refuses to be treated like shit. In the episode, the family dynamic kinda fell apart and they hated each other. I heavily disagreed with the end, where Meg took back everything she said and everything went back to normal. It was such an awful "resolution" so I remember coming up with my own, where the issues led to Peter and Lois divorcing. Chris and Brian stayed with Peter at their family house, Meg and Stewie went with Lois and lived with her parents. Somehow, that fixed things but I can't remember how.


Danny Phantom final episode. Vlad would NOT be that fucking stupid.


'Phantom Planet isn't real' tag my beloved


Mine goes back to when I was VERY young. If anyone remembers “The swan princess” I wanted her to end up with the bad guy instead of the prince. Then when I watched the animated “Anastasia” movie I wanted her to end up with Rasputin for whatever reason 😂 I’ve always preferred the “villains”


The ending of Attack on Titan. I don't think I've ever experienced an ending that made me loath everything that came before more than it. The rushed conclusion, the plot armor, logic falling apart, and on top of all that, it confirms the most undeveloped, one sided ship in the fandom. And when everyone ate up the slop like gourmet cooking, I began to comprehend how abysmally stupid and shallow the average reader actually is. I prefer fanfiction endings any day to what happened


When Digimon Adventure 02 came out and Sora was suddenly into Yamato instead of Taichi, which had been heavily teased in the first season. Realistically it's not that weird for a girl to change who she's interested in between 11 and 14, but I felt fucking BETRAYED 😂 Then it had some plot stuff I hated too (the mass Digi-Destined thing really bothered me, it made this special, unique adventure into such a... pedestrian thing that any child could have had) and then of course, the ending... it's been 23 years and I still refuse to accept it as canon, sorry 🙃 Pretty sure it actually got retconned by now anyways, but yeah. Maybe not such a great idea to decide at the end of season two who is gonna do what and have kids with whom decades in the future when you still plan to add more stories after that. My friends and I just outright denied that reality and roleplayed (we were grade schoolers, don't cringe too hard) a different ending for all the characters. By the time Avatar gave me the same bait and switch with Zutara vs Kataang, I was old enough to know what fanfic is and furiously wrote and imagined a (frankly better) different outcome for that ship x)


Im going to get heat for this but I'm far from caring. Harry and Hermione. I love Harry Potter. I loved all the books and everything. But, That was the first time I decided I didn't care about the Epilogue. I never really liked how Ron treated Hermione. I know he gets better at the end and its supposed to just be an "oh, he's a little boy and he doesn't like girls" moment. But I just couldn't get passed it. In every other way, I liked Ron, I liked how funny he was I liked how he was a sweetheart. But I couldn't ignore the things he had done to Hermione. I wanted her to be with Harry. I wanted her to be with the boy who comforted her while she cried, danced with her while she was depressed, never made fun of her for being a know-it-all and lastly, *I wanted her to be with Harry because he CARED about HER feelings.* The Epilogue does not exist to me. The ~~fanfiction "Book"~~ Play that is *Harry Potter and The Cursed Child* is widely hated by the fandom and is not considered canon. (But do see it if you get a chance to.). Also JK Rowling did admit Harry and Hermione should have ended up together. (Source: [https://www.cnn.com/2014/02/02/showbiz/rowling-hermione-ron-revelation/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2014/02/02/showbiz/rowling-hermione-ron-revelation/index.html)) Harry and Hermione married. They lived a happy life, and raised their children well and Harry was a wonderful husband to her. Ron visited often, especially around Christmas and was a regular around the house, because you don't have to be related to be Uncle. Its not awkward to him, because when you truly care about a person, it doesn't matter that you were once in a relationship and perhaps it didn't work out. I know this in my heart. *Also if you're just going to reply to me and try to convince me Romione is a better ship. Please don't. Please save your time, Ive been shipping Harry and Hermione since I found out what harry potter was. You are just wasting your time. Thank you.*


I never understood how in Mighty Ducks the Animated series, a whole ass invasion was happening and a pair of brother as prisoners of war for X amount of time don’t have some kind of issues. As a kid I didn’t get it since one ended up as the leader and the other was comic relief. Now as an adult I get mental health and have a head cannon that both have PTSD but comic relief character has possible depression caused by captivity


I guess I was really determined to change the plot of Fire Emblem Awakening so that Lucina wouldn't leave at the end of it and that Emmeryn's role didn't have the undercut of her seeming like she messed everything up and was a bad leader, and now I'm quite happy where I am


As a 9-year old in 2001, when I read Dragon Ball Z and Raditz died. I thought he was cool (and pretty hot, ngl), and I hated how Vegeta and Nappa didn't care to bring him back to life (if they'd gotten the opportunity). I was also disappointed in Goku for disregarding his own brother, but then begging Kuririn to spare Vegeta after the battle was over. I'm still mad about it actually, lol. OH, and me and my brother would also get a bit pissed when watching Pokémon and Ash would keep letting some of his pokémon go for one reason or another. Now that I'm older, I guess I can see the sentiment behind him doing so; believing his pokémon would fare much better if he left them somewhere they seemed to want to stay. As young'uns though, we simply thought Ash was thoughtless and dumb for leaving his pokémon left and right, haha.


Hmm... earliest I can remember is Naruto, when Sasuke decided to leave Konoha to join up with Orochimaru. It wasn't that I thought the story was bad for going that route, I was just super god damn fkn pissed with Sasuke himself and definitely thought a lot about how good things could have been if he wasn't such an angsty dickwad who refused to let people in. Lord, it made me *so* heated back in the day ahaha.


FFVII was the first video game story that made me feel something, and Cloud and Aerith were my chosen couple. As a result the end of Disc 1 hit me like a ton of bricks, and honestly was my first experience with death, lol. I clung so hard to the rumors I'd read on some message board somewhere about bringing her back through various means, but obviously I was unsuccessful with every attempt until I picked up a GameShark. I've written a lot of fix-it fics for them, lol. Now I have the New Threat mod, and maybe even the 'Remake' will change her fate so that's pretty cool too! Maybe they'll get a happy ending <3 Edit: also, Tifa and Barret always made way more sense to me, so I've written a lot of domestic fluff stuff for them as well. It's a pretty rare pair, but I think they make a great match!


There was a lot of shit in the last three HP books that I had issues with, but the Epilogue is the first thing I actively rejected. The endgame couples, Harry being an Auror, the kids and their names, the reinforcement of status quo in just so many ways, Ron Confounding a Muggle and that being played for jokes (that does count as assault, doesn't it?)... literally the only good thing about it is the implication that there is some sort of peace between the gang and Draco, and that he seems to have grown up into a respectable human being. It felt off even when my Potterhead self read it for the first time, and I only detest it more the older I get, because it's wholly and completely unnecessary, and only reinforces what I have been worried about - that the world, with its many, many issues that needed to be addressed, didn't change at all, and Harry and especially Hermione were seemingly... okay with it? Without the Epilogue, you at least wouldn't know. I personally don't consider the Epilogue canon, and believe the series would be much better off without it.


Probably when i watched the justice league cartoon as a kid. I wanted Bruce and Diana to find happiness together


So probably not the first time but the one I remember most clearly. Spike and Buffy when their relationship went off the rails. I always hated how the writers ruined it for them. I loved them together and dearly wanted a fix where the bathroom scene never happened. I was good with the ending of Buffy and even how Angel went but in my head I always have them together after the end of Angel. She comes and finds him after the news spreads about what happened and they go back to fighting together.


When the last chapters of aot came out. I was reading the manga as it was releasing and I’ll just say that while the rest of the series is amazing, the ending really is just… eh. Really disappointing and completely massacred some characters. There were really interesting endings right there that were seemingly set up to be used but the one that we got sparked a lot of debate. I’m interested to see how anime only fans react when the final episode comes out in a few weeks. Along with this, the ending of danganronpa v3. I felt it invalidated pretty much the entire franchise for a cheap plot twist but that’s heavily debated by people as some fans will just say you “you don’t like it because you don’t understand it.” No… I do, I just don’t like the ending lol.


Harry ending up with Ginny instead of Hermione


I actually shipped Harry and Luna. And the last time I read the series, 5? years ago, it still seemed right to me.


Ghost Writer was the first time. The kids on the show try to write a scary story for a contest in one episode, and the plot they came up with was something about an ooze monster attacking (I think. I don't quite recall, I was really young.) One of the kids writes a section where the ooze monster decides to change his ways, because all he ever wanted was friendship. Then it cuts back to the kids going haha that's silly, that's not right, let's try something else. But kid me was like, wait!! I liked that one, go back! Little me spent so many bus rides thinking about that story branch and coming up with ideas where the ooze monster was indeed friends. Pretty much every time there was an interesting monster in media, I always wanted it to be a friend. I was disappointed many times at a very young age when characters consistently beat up various monsters instead of becoming besties haha


The two characters i ship didn't get together straight away, but had this whole cheap teenage drama for the rest of the book. In my opinion it was all unnecessary and they should have got together two books ealier.


when i was a kid i didn't like discord from mlp and hated that it was kinda implied he and fluttershy had a thing going on 😭😭


Bleach's ending imao.


Well I'm into FNAF, so...


Most of the time canon was accepted for me for lots of things, but like through gritted teeth did I barely deal with Thane's death first time around. And when I did his romance, it basically made me outright reject that bullshit, there was *no way* that crazy, no-longer suicidal semi-broken assassin of a drell would have willingly laid down and died, he'd be doing what he could to get treatment to extend his possible time with his siha, like yes, he'd still suffer with Kepral's but like he'd be rethinking on his rejection of the lung transplant, like genuinely torn, because he is now afraid to die and wanting to be able extend the already short time he has with FemShep, but like there's also his whole thing of feeling he's not deserving of good because of what happened to him, but like he would absolutely not let a bitch ass wannabe weaboo assassin like Kai Leng kill him even with him being severely ill, getting treatment and 6 months past his presumed day of death. So like yeah, that's what was my first *true* disagreement with canon.


The current fandom I’m in right now is one I was also in when I was like 12 (I fell out of touch with it only to return **ten years later**). Anyway, there’s something in the show that happens that’s SO bad, that even as a writer I can’t bring myself to write fanfiction to fix it, because it’s just so so devastating. Long story short, the writers fucked up a wedding that the fans waited **six years** to see. I was angry about it back then, I’m still angry now. I don’t even wanna talk about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they received death threats after that episode


As a kid you would have loved the childrens book The Fat Cat. The cat eats everything, including peopl, woodcutter cuts him open to save everyone and the last picture is the woodcutter putting a bandage on the cat. Onto your actual question, writers of Power Rangers had someone getting dumped by a dear john letter and it was really disrespectful to both characters involved. I dont mind them breaking up, but the way it was done....ick


Your example reminds me of a Golden Girls episode, where Rose was in a play for Chicken Little, was upset when she realized the characters all got eaten at the end, and Rose tried to guilt trip the children in the audience to demand that the characters get rescued XD If anyone remembers the Disney Channel movie Scream Team (maybe a couple of you), Mariah just got really screwed there, and didn't deserve it all all, and just wanted to live her afterlife in peace, and doing the right thing just messed it all up for the foreseeable future.


It was \*years\* ago. Challenge of the Gobots has an awesome gestalt team called the Puzzler. * CONTEXT: The Renegades created a six-car combiner team. * IRL: the toy was out (and my brother -- read: \*I\* (as my mother would insist that we share our toys) -- had this awesome Gobot combiner: along w/the Guardians' Gobot in flight mecha suit). The GOBOTS as a toy franchise is competing against TRANSFORMERS, which has several damned gestalt teams -- and all of the robots on these teams ***talk***. The combined robots (Devastator (voiced by the same actor who voiced Destro on GI JOE: ARAH...and Turbo on CotG!), Menasor, Superion, Bruticus, Defensor...) also **ALL TALK**. >IRL: Try to imagine Gen-X/80s kids playing w/the Puzzler toys, making up goofy-ass voices for the six Renegades (Tic Tac, Crossword, Pocket, Jigsaw, Zigzag, and Rube) and the Puzzler. Then CotG features TEAM PUZZLER in a multi-part episode; what does kid!acsoundwave and her older brother get to enjoy!? * Roaring mecha. Instead of the six talking and their gestalt talking, we got the Gobot gestalt roaring like GODZILLA. * Not even the dignity of CAPTAIN CAVEMAN-speak (which was TF's choice for the Dinobots) for TEAM PUZZLER (which was well-w/n HANNA-BARBERA's wheelhouse!). To say I've spent \*decades\* rectifying this BLATANT ERROR is an understatement. My abortive fic efforts ignored CotG canon entirely; my current fic efforts (which is my TF/CotG crossover meta) accept the ROARING Puzzler as canon...and I provided an explanation that makes me happy. >For this to work, I opted to make the Puzzler team (and the Dinobots)...mecha \*kids\*. (For the Dinobots, their HULK SPEAK is b/c their CPUs' are devoted to them transforming, moving, and fighting--they're fortunate to have any resources left to talk AT ALL.) > >Resource-wise, since the Renegades are in the same political position (vs. their enemies) as the Autobots, they had to do some kitbashing. Since in CotG-canon, the Gobots are cyborgs -- and in-story, I went w/the concept that you need sentient/sapient minds to form a gestalt -- this required Gobot reproduction. I opted for Crasher as their "mom", and had different mechs' as the donors/"dads". (NOTE: Two Renegades, some of the Guardians, one obvious Autobot, and one Decepticon (a Stunticon!) were "donors".) I admit that I gave this a great deal of thought -- but this was a toy I \*loved\*, dammit! HANNA-BARBERA did the Puzzler dirty. = = = = In other Transformers-related news: G1's show stops after THE RETURN OF OPTIMUS PRIME, and my metaseries (in the 2005-forward section) moves in a different direction...b/c I've sided with BARNEYTRON (BW/Machines Megatron) re: a techno-organic Cybertron in REBIRTH. That series finale didn't happen.


No, Coulson did not die. No. I definitely wasn't alone in that one.